1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 123figure in varsity sports. In closing:The Georgia Gamma chapter wishesto thank all those alumni who wroterecommendations to the chapter;through your contributions we hadthe best rush season we have enjoyedin some years.—Tommy DayWilcox, V.-P.GEORGIA DELTA, Georgia Instituteof Technology.—Georgia <strong>Delta</strong>opened fall quarter this year with36 fine pledges. A tremendous effortwas made by George Reddien, rushchairman, and Bruce Fitzgerald, rushbooklet editor. The <strong>Phi</strong>keias are:Jack Allen, Thomasville; HowardAtkinson, Jody Cook, George Dounis,Rick Logan, Mike Maloof, Jack Merritt,Frank Nichols, Harold Sheppard,Merrill Waites, Kerry Claton,<strong>Phi</strong>llip Cook, and Ray Smith, Atlanta;Jack Banberry, Garry Butler,Marshall Schreeder, Bo TuUis, Decatur;Bill Bowles, Ft. Myers, Fla.;Jim Breland, Blacksburg, Va.; JimmyBrown, Nich Rifkin, Chattanooga,Tenn.; Greg Dexter, Ormond Beach,Fla.; Bill Eastman, Columbus, Miss.;Ronnie Elston, Athens; Al Gerhardt,Macon; Gerry Hall, Albany; Hal Hill,Roanoke, Va.; Terry Honan, Eufala,Ala.; Chip Mills, Griffin, Bill Smith,Rockingham, NX.; Roy Spradley,Miami, Fla.; <strong>Phi</strong>l Stanley, Gainesville;Fred Stewart, Baltimore, Md.; AndySumner, Sylvester; Robert Sutton, Albany.The brothers would like tothank all the alumni who were kindenough to send in, recommendationstor rush, and we are busy now tryingto answer them to the best of ourability. We are searching for apledge to score 1.25 athletic points,as that is what we lost the athletictrophy by last year. Georgia <strong>Delta</strong>finished first in track, second inpaddleball, and third in golf andSoftball which pushed us close towinning the trophy tor the secondyear. Ted Waters, athletic chairman,leads us in the search for morepoints. Georgia <strong>Delta</strong> also finishedsecond for the I.F.C. trophy. Witha good effort we will take bothtrophies away from brand X fraternity.At the highlight of the socialseason, the spring house party,Ellen Logan, wife of HamptonLogan, was named our sweetheart,Marshall Tanner was awarded theCallaway Cup for the outstandingsenior at the traditional senior party.Georgia <strong>Delta</strong> is again proud to welcomeback Mrs. Mary Jordan, ourhousemother.—Butch Harris, V.-P.IDAHO ALPHA, University ofIdaho.-At the end of rush weekthis fall, the <strong>Phi</strong>s of Idaho Alphapledged eighteen new <strong>Phi</strong>keias: BobPowell, Mike Williams, Rick Stevens,Bruce Sherlock, Boise; Thomas Neary,FLORIDA DELTA, MIAMI HONOR HARVEYBy Doug Jesanis, V-P of Florida <strong>Delta</strong>Florida <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Phi</strong>s are proud of the accomplishments of one oftheir members—Joseph C. Harvey. Brother Harvey was originallyinitiated by Oregon Alpha. After two years of service, he transferredto the University of Miami where he enthusiastically aflBliatedwith Florida <strong>Delta</strong>.He brought with him a new outlook which helped revitalize thechapter in recognition of which the chapter awarded him a certifi-JOSEPH C. HARVEY, Or^on-Miami '64, receiving "outstanding intramuralathlete" award of 1963-64 from Dr. Henry K. Stanford, president ofUniversity of Miami.cate of achievement. But over and beyond this accomplishment, hewas the Intramural representative during his senior year and wasrewarded for his efEorts by a trophy presented by the chapter to its"outstanding athlete of 1963-64."One week after the chapter presentation. Brother Harvey washonored by the University when he was named the most outstandingintramural athlete of 1963-64. He is the first <strong>Phi</strong> to receivethis award, and with the sixth place intramural standing of thechapter, his individual effort stands out even more.Brother Harvey participated in some seventeen sports and servedas captain and coach of all chapter team sports, among them football,volleyball, basketball, softball.Bob Huizinga, Craig McDonald,Richard Milender, Caldwell; TimTyler, Burno, Ore.; Tim Bartlett,Doug O'Connor, John Duthie, Lewiston;Eddie Smith, Bill Haught, TwinFalls; Terry Taylor, Coeur d' Alene;Jon Anderson, Spokane, Wash.; RonCarico, Payette; Steve Kaufman,Idaho Falls. October 2, we initiatedten new <strong>Phi</strong>s: Cortland Jenner<strong>No</strong>rthrop III, Greg McGregor, DaveBacharach, Win West, Steven Badraun,Bob Rarick, Eugene Hite,James Tegan, Larry Woods, BobLindstrom. Along with the new initiatesand <strong>Phi</strong>keias, Idaho Alpha hasa new housemother, Mrs. Schwartz,the widow of our former faculty advisor.In intramurals we tied for fifthplace in golf, and our football team,which has won its last fourteen outingsincluded last season, has notbeen scored on this year in the firstfour games. Socially, the <strong>Phi</strong>s heldtheir pledge dance October 17, andan annual Gamma <strong>Phi</strong>—<strong>Phi</strong> DeltHalloween exchange the end of thismonth. Christmas season begins atIdaho the fifth of December withthe * A 9 Christmas dance, followedby the A F-* A 0 Christmas Exchange.—S. J. Sundberg, V.-P.

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