1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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122 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964THREE PHIS ON CANADA'S OLYMPIC TEAMBy David Bensted, V-P of British ColumbiaAlphaThree <strong>Phi</strong>s from British Columbia Alpha were on the 106 memberCanadian Olympic Team representing Canada at the TokyoOlympics: Peter Buckland, Dick Bordewick and Max Wieczorek.Brothers Bordewick and Wieczorek are members of the famedUniversity of British Columbia Rowing Crew. They have traveledwith the Crew to many major competitions including the 1962British Empire Games in Australia and the 1963 Pan-AmericanGames, but this was undoubtedly the greatest thrill of all theirrowing experiences—to represent Canada in the eight-man rowingcompetition.LEFT TO RIGHT: Dick Bordewick, Peter Buckland, and Max Wieczorek,B.C. Alpha <strong>Phi</strong>s, at Vancouver International Airport prior to October 1flight to Tokyo.Brother Buckland is the center-forward on the Canadian Men'sField Hockey Team. This team was the sole entry from the wholeof <strong>No</strong>rth and South America in the Field Hockey competition. TheAmerican team was defeated by the Canadian team early in thesummer and thereby lost its opportunity to acquire the one seatingthat was allotted to this continent and South America in the 1964games. Peter is one of the youngest members of the team and standsout as a top scorer and a fast, aggressive playmaker.plans underway to entertain the<strong>Phi</strong>s from Florida Alpha tor theFlorida-F.S.U. game in <strong>No</strong>vember.Finally, the <strong>Phi</strong>s of Florida Gammawould like to welcome back theirhousemother for her fifteenth year.The brothers also welcome HarrySchaefer from Indiana <strong>Theta</strong> at PurdueUniversity.—Sandy England, V.-P.FLORIDA DELTA, University ofMiami.—The brothers began the yearby arriving one week early to makeready our newly acquired house.Forty-five brothers put in over 1200working hours painting and makingthe necessary repairs to get the houseready for the beginning of school. Itis our first house on campus andwe as a chapter feel it is the beston campus. Without the efforts ofChapter Advisor Jeff Hill and otherinterested alumni who contributedtheir time and effort it would nothave been possible. Our social calendarunder the leadership of SocialChairman James M. Echart is in fullswing and we are looking forwardto many exciting social events. Intramuralshave begun under the leadershipof Intramural Chairman BruceR. Keyes. We are looking forward toimproving our seventh place finishin the A division last year and to arepeat of our trophy winning firstplace finish in the B division. Homecomingis approaching and we areworking towards a repeat victory inin the upper division. Rush is underway under the direction of RushChairman Thomas R. Spencer, Jr.,and everything points to an excellenttall pledge class.—Douglas R. Jesanis,V.-P.GEORGIA ALPHA, University ofGeorgia.—Some seventy brothers returnedSeptember 20, enthused overthe coming year's prospects becauseof a fine summer rush. Since this wasthe first year of deferred rush at theUniversity, all fraternities were worriedabout procedures. A small rushwas held September 27-30 for transferstudents and summer schoolfreshmen. The <strong>Phi</strong>s did better thanany fraternity on campus with sevenmen pledging. The <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: BobDellenbach, Wyatt Johnson, PeteKane, Atlanta; Bob McCarley, Columbus;Tom Jones, Alma; Frank Fowler,Lookout Mountain, Tenn.; JonSpence, Camilla. The large rush ofthe year will be in <strong>No</strong>vember, whenall freshman boys with a C-j- averageat the first quarter midterm canpledge. Officers tor the coming yearwere elected the first week of schooland include Jimmy Carr, president;Dave Burch, vice-president; WendellBowden, secretary; and Jimmy Fortune,treasurer. Owen Scott is presidentof the Student Senate, JimmyFortune is secretary of the InterfratemityCouncil, and Hamilton Jordanis president of the freshmanclass. The Georgia <strong>Phi</strong>s plan to makethe 1964-65 school year another oneof service by contributing 100% tothe Salvation Army, CommunityChest, and other local charity projects.The social season reached itsheight in October when the GeorgiaBulldogs played tour home games.—Dave Burch, V.-P.GEORGIA GAMMA, Mercer University.—GeorgiaGamma ended a successfultall rush season by pledging25 men. The <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: JackAmmarell, Miami, Fla.; Tom Armstrong,Monroe; Bill Carswell, Jack- .sonville, Fla.; Grey Conger, Columbus;Charles Cook, Atlanta; HalDiggs, Gainesville, Fla.; RufusDowell, Cordele; Rick Ferlita, Tampa,Fla.; Art Hapner, Jacksonville, Fla.;Johnny Goodin, Emmit Goodman,Ronnie Jackson, Richard Jordan, LeroyLawson, Macon; Bill HutChings,Sid Goss, Johnny Parks, Jacksonville,Fla.; Jimmy Mann, Newman;Clint Reel, Vero Beach, Fla.; TomSimms, LaGrange; Bill Smith, Albany;Pete Wachtel, George White,Eddie Marion, Coral Gables, Fla.;Bill Massee, Milledgeville. There hasbeen a lot of work done on the'chapter lodge by the active brothers.Active <strong>Phi</strong>s on campus this fall areBen Whitley, president of the chapter;Bill Exum, vice-president ofBlue Key; Dick Hyer, treasurer ofthe I.F.C, and Tommy Day Wilcox,president of the student body. BobReeves, John Anderson, T. D. Wilcox,in basketball, and Jimmy Chester,captain of the golf team, will

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