1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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120 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964COLORADO BETA men proudly display Esden Trophy, awarded at endof the last college year to the Colorado College fraternity making thebiggest contribution to the college community. Below: A group from thechapter, known as the "<strong>Phi</strong> Rockers," form for a picture in front of thehouse.Mike Stasica, Steve Lindsay, Denver;<strong>Phi</strong>l Yaklich, Pueblo; Milton J.Mastalir Jr., Boulder; Bob Griffith,Durango; John Chandler, Goshen,Ind.; Dick Curtis, Oklahoma City,Okla.; Ward Ashman, Columbus,Ohio; John Kuney, Seattle, Wash.;Tom Hurlburt, San Diego, Calif.;Jim Toomey, San Marino, Calif.;Bob Magladry, San Rafael, Calif.;Jim Hagood, Casper, Wyo.; RussSpeirn, Orchard Lake, Mich.; KentCrawford, Kokomo, , Ind.; TomBatcheller, Sioux Falls, S.D.; BobBauers, Kansas City, Mo.; Gus Fisch,Greeley; Wayne Hutchens, Wilmington,Ohio. Dale Johnson will betheir pledge trainer.—Richard E.Preston, V.-P.COLORADO BETA, Colorado College.—ColoradoBeta added eighteennewly initiated brothers to its membershipafter the school year began:Doug Hearn, Jon Nylund, TerryStipp, Bill Laughlin, Skip Hamilton,John Chalik, Greg Jenkins, Bob Mc-Alister, John Schiffer, Jack Hunter,Dick Coil, Steve Walrath, BobKnight, <strong>Phi</strong>l Ceriani, Bill Campbell,Gus Bonner, Jim Dorrough, andDan Holmes. After the tall rush forupperclass and transfer men, the<strong>Phi</strong>s were happy to welcome as <strong>Phi</strong>keias:Dave Friend, Englewood; ChrisGibbs, Webster Groves, Mo.; GillHooker, Bluefields, Nicaragua; LorenMarkley, Littleton. The <strong>Phi</strong>s endeda successful 1963-64 school year bywinning the Esden Trophy. Thetrophy was awarded to * A 6 for makingthe biggest contribution to thecollege community. Over the summerseveral additions and improvementswere made at the <strong>Phi</strong> house.A new television room was built andnew furnishings were purchased forboth the living room and party room.Another addition to the house, thanksto the work of the pledges, was anew barbecue pit. The <strong>Phi</strong>s haveplanned a seminar series in conjunctionwith the annual Colorado CollegeSymposium. The tour part seminar,open to the college community,will be on the growing significanceof science and its effectson related disciplines. Colorado Betachapter is very proud of the factthat it has been recognized as aSilver Star chapter and is alsohonored by placing second amongthe 125 chapters in the annual CommunityService Day Project. In tallintramurals the <strong>Phi</strong>s of Colorado Betahave placed second in golf and thirdin volleyball.—Stephen Trowbridge,V.-P.COLORADO GAMMA, Coloradt^State University—The <strong>Phi</strong>s of ColoradoGamma are in full swing after asuccessful spring and a relaxing summer.Last spring the brothers participatedin the annual Hesperia Singwith A Z and under the direction ofFelton HoUey we sang our way tothird place. A nucleus of alumni beganto build il stronger alumni organizationfor Colorado Gamma.Our alumni secretary, Frank DeLeo,is compiling a list of interestedalumni to put on bur invitation list.Several get-togethers are planned thisyear. Mrs. Smith, our housemother,is back tor her seventeenth year withthe chapter. A coincidental reunionoccurred when our "new" cookturned out to be the cook when thischapter was locally <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> Gaiuma.The chapter completed rush weekwith the names of nine new <strong>Phi</strong>keiason the pledge roll. They are: BillHeinecke, Kalispell, Mont.; BruceJensen, St. Louis, Mo.; Eric Jones,Coral Gables, Fla.; Ralph Vinci, Chicago,111.; Jim Hutchison, John OIsen.Cliff Swartz, Bob Tipton, andAlan Tuttle, Denver. Our thanks tothe interested alumni who sent recommendations.We are looking torwardto Greek Week and the chanceto prove our theatrical prowess bywinning the skit nite competitionagain. <strong>Phi</strong>s in the campus spotlightthis year are Ed Lee, sports editorof the Silver Spruce, Tom Spencer,lead actor in the all-university play,"Taming Of the Shrew," Frank De-Leo, Greek Week central committee,and Bill Cameron, Battalion ExecutiveOfficer in the ROTC detach"ment. <strong>Phi</strong>keia Bill Heinecke is battlingfor a position on the freshmanfootball team. The big house improvementproject tor this year is anew living room carpet.—Bill Cameron,V.-P.FLORIDA ALPHA, University ofFIorida.^Florida Alpha began theyear the possessor of two covetedUniversity of Florida trophies. ThePresident's Trophy was awarded forthe most points scored in intra-,mural competition. Through collec*tions, Florida Alpha won the HeartFund Trophy for the second consecutiveyear. Two years ago FloridaAlpha collected more money for theHeart Fund Association than any fraternitythroughout the nation. Overthe summer the living room of thebungalow was renovated. Previouslyall plaster, the room was remodeledin old brick and wood panelingwhich added an Early Americanmotif. Florida Alpha is proud tohave as its new Chapter AdvisorJohn Haney (Hanover '50), an instructorin journalism and communications.During rush this Sep-

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