1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 119as far back as current chapter recordsshow. We are looking forwardto another successful intramural seasonand to seeing the Bay Areaalumni at the chapter house <strong>No</strong>vember19, for the annual Duck Dinner.-John T. Coz, V.-P.CALIFORNIA GAMMA, Universityof California at Los Angeles.—Anunprecedented surge of vitality wasthe hallmark of this fall's rush, asthe brothers went all out, amassinga hearty group of 24 new <strong>Phi</strong>keias.Under the watchful eye and guidingarm of Rush Chairman Ed Rounthwaite,rushing activities were at theirbest. The new <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: LarryArnett, Pasadena; Bill Brainerd,Dave Ralph, San Marino; Walt Cameron,Jerry Roos, West Covina; GaryGranberg, Bob Koehler, WoodlandHills; Bob Collins, Eric Davy, SantaMonica; Chuck Blazek, Sylmar; BillDowney, Modesto; Harry Egger,<strong>No</strong>rth Hollywood; John Erquiaga,San Diego; Grant Geyer, Van Nuys;Loren Graham, Sacramento; LarryMcQuiston, Huntington Beach; RickRuss, Glendale; Wayne Russell,<strong>No</strong>vato; Frank Stirling, Long Beach;Ted and Doug Thompsen, La Canada;Dick Vanis, Studio City; JohnWarner, Santa Ana; Larry Shepard,San Diego. Social activities have alsomoved into high gear with ChairmanTerry Reitz masterminding threehighly successful exchanges. Also ontap socially are the initiation stagupcoming and many impromptugatherings. A host of <strong>Phi</strong>s and <strong>Phi</strong>keiasare participating in Bruinathletics this fall. On the footballteam are starters Larry Zeno, leaderin total offense. Bob and John Richardson,Jim Miller and CharlieDavis. On the Brubabe squad are<strong>Phi</strong>keias John Erquiaga, Larry Shepard,John Warner, Wayne Russelland Dick Vanis. Leading the Bruincross country team this year are GeneComroe, Bob Day and DennisBreckow. <strong>Phi</strong>keia Larry Arnett is alsoparticipating. John Van Scoyk gracesthe Bruin water polo squad, roundingout the <strong>Phi</strong>s in sports this fall.On-campus activities require the talentsof senior class President DickLemon, and assistant to the IFCExecutive Secretary, Tim Gilmer.—Don Caldwell, V.-P.CALIFORNIA EPSILON, Universityof California at Davis.—After ashort, busy and fulfilling summer thebrothers of California Epsilon returnedto school with renewed enthusiasm.This year the freshmanclass has doubled the total enrollmentof our campus. To greet thiscrowd we held an Open-House-Rushduring Orientation Week. This functionwas a terrific success and al-COLORADO ALPHA'S 1964 fall pledge class (above); the chapter's intramuralfootball team.lowed Pete Chase, rush chairman, toget his plans into full swing. BobHoagland, <strong>Phi</strong>keia of the Year ofOmicron <strong>No</strong>rth in 1961, is studentbody president this year. He leadsthe list of brothers active in studentgovernment. Bob Beechinor, chapterpresident, is also president of theGolden Hoof Club; Tony Graves ispresident of the Memorial UnionStudent Council, and Jerry Angelo isjunior class president. Sportswise,freshmen Paul Fiack and Les Konkinare making a good showing witheach holding down a starting positionon the football and water poloteams respectively. Our intramuralseason has begun with a crushingvictory over our arch rivals 2 A E.Newly initiated <strong>Phi</strong>keias are BobEnglish, Rick Cannon, John <strong>Phi</strong>llips,and Jim Santana. We are going totake advantage of Homecoming activitieson campus to meet with ouralumni, and allow them an opportunityto voice an opinion as to thehouse purchase and repairs proceedingswe initiated during the summermonths. The spirit, enthusiasm, andbrotherhood that we experienced atthe General Convention held in ourhome state this summer are infiuencesthat California Epsilon hopesto carry through another successfulyear.—Bob Haydon, V.P.COLORADO ALPHA, Universityof Colorado.—The <strong>Phi</strong>s put an emphasison scholarship last year andbrought up the chapter scholasticstanding from twentieth to fifth oncampus with a grade average rankingfirst in chapters of over 70 members.Congratulations are in orderfor our two scholastic chairmen lastyear. Bill Ferris and Brad Brett, whodid a great job. Mike Frink, whocame to us as a junior from PuebloJunior College, and Lynn Baker,Aurora, Colo., promise to be C.U.'soutstanding basketball players. Frinkwas second highest scorer for theBuffs last year at forward and Bakerdid an exceptional job at guard.Frink and Baker, with CharlieGardner and Bob Bauers, should leadthe team to a successful season. DonSessions, a candidate tor the majorleagues, led the Big Eight in homeruns last year and should prove invaluableat third base for the Buffbaseball team. Byron Graves, a broadjumper and sprinter. Rick Preston, apole vaulter, and Lynn Baker, abroad jumper, will represent the <strong>Phi</strong>sin track under the coaching of FrankPotts. Brother Potts is assistant trackcoach tor the U.S. Olympic Teamthis year. <strong>Phi</strong>keias will be representedin baseball by Jim Toomey,in swimming by Gus Fisch, and inskiing by Bob GrifBth. To keep everyonein the action. Chap Alvordis leading us into a promising seasonin intramural sports. To makethe coming year a success we startedout with an outstanding group of<strong>Phi</strong>keias: Jacob Browne, Greg Lowe,

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