1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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118 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 19641964 FALL PLEDGE CLASS OF CALIFORNIA ALPHA-front row: RussellHaU, David Rowlett, Crane McClennon, Carter Bagg; second row: MarkHennessey, Bobby Robertson, William Beckett, Bob Cross; third row: AndrewWatson, Charles Grant, Robert Wilder, Alan Reinke, John Lovewell; fourthrow: Daryl Dorcy, Kevin Smith, Richard Buckley, George Paul, Alex Newton,Ronald Chase; missing when picture was taken: John Upshur.streth, Thomas Elmore, Dave Dreblow.Phoenix; Stephen Riddle, BarryPaulk, FuUerton, Calif.; Skip Wild,Newport Beach, Calif.; MichaelMerme, Laguna Beach, Calif.; AveryEppler, Woodside, Calif.; John Clutter,San Marino, Calif.; Gerald Bergen,Sacramento, Calif.; DouglasFogel, Shawnee Mission, Kan.; JamesRogers, Clarkston, Wash.; Guy Corrado,Richland, Wash.; Mike Tarvar,Spokane, Wash.; Charles Duleh,Mishawaka, Ind.; Richard Hoak,Sioux City, Iowa; Ralph Stoetzel,Barrington, 111.; Robert Grabenkort,Barrington, 111.; James Griffitts,Galesburg, 111.; Tony Loftis, Columbus,Ga. New initiates are: StephenWoodward, Albert Lindstrom, DavidMorrow, Todd Carter, George Pohlmann,Donald Jarnagin, Michal Hillbert,Jerry Klein, Larry Lewis, andPaul Runge. Arizona Beta is proudof the tact that it is starting the semesterwith a full house and a soundfinancial program. The brothersplan to continue their annual fundraising programs which will be supplementedby several new programs.The brothers are most proud of theHerrick Improvement Trophy whichthey received at the General Conventionin Pasadena. It is being displayedin a new trophy case whichwas presented by the new initiates.—John F. Allison. V.-P.ARKANSAS ALPHA, University ofArkansas.—Arkansas Alpha is proudto announce the initiation of sixmen: Tommy Tranthum, Bill Richards,David Jenkins, John Jayne,Pat Mayo, Al Bell. The 33 new<strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Edd McClaran, EdSturdivant, Randy Raney, Dud ShoUmeir.Pine Bluff; Bill Kerby, MikeMetcalf, Crofford Harrison, SteveRogers, Richard Dial, <strong>No</strong>rth LittleRock; Joe Stafford, Randy Robinson,Ben Barry, Steve Plunkett, DavidReding, Leiand Dodd, Fort Smith;Gerald Clark, McGehee; Davie Miles,Warren; Neil West, Magnolia; GusNelson, Gurdon; Rick Crossley, De-Queen; John McDonald, Blytheville;John Turner, Rogers; John Patterson,Clarksville; Scott Thomas, JimHawkins, Springfield, Mo.; JimTom Shoptaw, Dallas, Tex.; AlexMiller, Muskogee, Okla.; Jack Spears,Tulsa, Okla.; Bob Allen, Brookhaven,Miss.; David Dickie, Palestine, Tex.;Smitty Reed, St. Louis, Mo. ArkansasAlpha is continuing to lead the campusin every competitive activity.Having been tops.among the Greeksin intramurals, scholarship and leadershiptor the past two years andwith the strength of our outstanding<strong>Phi</strong>keias, this promises to be themost successful year in the history ofArkansas Alpha.—Roy A. Murtishaw,V.-P.BRITISH COLUMBIA ALPHA,University of British Columbia.^The 1964-65 term has opened at itsusual hectic pace. Rushing of courseis the number one interest and thegeneral feeling is that the rush isgoing very well. Barring any unforeseendelays, the new house shouldstart construction in early January.The plans are currently in Victoriafor approval by the Provincial Governmentas required of all constructionon University lands. The chapteris extremely grateful to the manyalumni who have put so much timeand effort into making the new housea reality. Some outstanding athleticachievements by members of BritishColumbia Alpha have been noted thisyear. Buckland, Bordewick and Wieczorekmade the trip to Tokyo asmembers of the Canadian OlympicTeam and McKenzie, Kincade, Reid,Handley and Savics have taken upkey positions on the U.B.C. Thunderbirdfootball squad. Chapter participationin intramural sports appearsto be shaping up very wellwith excellent turnouts in all sportsbeing reported. After finisbing a closethird last year as a result of a tremendoussecond term effort whichsaw firsts in bowling, golf and lacrosse,it is felt that a good effortthroughout the whole term shouldput 4> A 9 in strong contention torfirst place. A busy social year isplanned tor the chapter with a widevariety of themes lined up for Saturdaynight festivities. A wild gamedinner is planned for the newpledges on pledging day. The menuwill include moose, venison andwhatever else can be bagged for theoccasion. It is hoped the membersof British Columbia Alpha are keepingin mind the ideals and gOalsthat were laid down at last January'sHarrison Conference and that theywill use this year to firmly incorporatethem into the chapter.-^David Bensted, V.-P.CALIFORNIA ALPHA, Universityof Califomia.^SeVen <strong>Phi</strong>keias wereinitiated at the beginning of tallsemester. They are: Steven Cunningham,David Freeman, Roderick Bentley,Warren Fox, Emmanuel Vlazakis,David Hilliker, and Johannes Albeck.Thanks to the fine organization byRush Chairman Steve Colliau, thechapter took the second largestpledge class of the 48 fraternities oncampus. The new <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: CarterBagg, Crane McClennon, Phoenix,Ariz.; William Beckett, Columbia,Miss.; Richard Buckley, Atherton;Ronald Chase, <strong>No</strong>rth Hollywood;Robert Cross, Alan Reinke, Berkeley;Daryl Dorcy, Lafayette; CharlesGrant, Santa Monica; Russell Hall,Vacaville; Mark Hennessey, NewportBeach; John Lovewell, Woodside;Alex Newton, Malibu; George Paul,John Upshur, San Francisco; BobbyRobertson, Salinas; David Rowlett,Seattle, Wash.; Kevin Smith, Lilliqup,Wash.; Andrew Watson, San Marino;Robert Wilder, San Diego. Thechapter grade point average washigher last semester than it has been

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