1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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UNDERGRADUATE REPORTSALABAMA BETA, Auburn University.—Followinga successful springrush and a hard but highly gratifyingfall rush, Alabama Beta hasstarted the year with an outstandingpledge class numbering thirtyone.We are proud to welcome new<strong>Phi</strong>keias: Ronnie Davis, Bill Downing,Randy Johnson, Joe Mongold,Atlanta, Ga.; Burt Hollingsworth,Arcadia, Florida; Mike Stewart, Auburn;Wade Bush, Tommy McCulley,Birminghanl; Jerry Palmer,Camillia, Ga.; Wick Taylor, Decatur;Dow Huskey, Bill Liddon,Dothan; Mac Rodgers, Eutaw; ArthurCorte, Fairhope; Ricky Brockman,Pat Sefton, Huntsville; GaryDomissee, La Grange, Ga.; ArthurBowman, Pat Collins, Steve Deichelman,Ronnie Eubanks, Larry Elliot,Billy Hamilton, Jack Rainer, FrankSaunders, Montgomery; Bud Beatty,Sam Freeman, Moultrie, Ga.; SamWoods, Murfreesboro, Tenn.; LarryBouer, Somerdale; Frazier Christy,Jex Luce, Mobile. <strong>Phi</strong>keia WadeBush was one of the eleven menselected to -^HS. Skip Christy waselected president of the School ofArchitecture. We are looking forwardto a successful intramural sportsseason, having lost but two menfrom last year's football team andno one from the basketball and swimmingteams. AcademicaUy, we werethird on campus winter quarter andsecond on campus spring quarter outof 25 fraternities. We are aiming forfirst place this fall. Our social calendaris filled with parties on footballweekends and our annual Christplannedbefore the picnic and wasnot an effort to recover from itl—Ed White, Jr., Secretary.Rancho Sanfa Fe (Calif.)THE Rancho Santa Fe Alumni Chapterof * A 9 was installed at a "CharterDinner" at the Rancho Santa FeInn on July 10. There were morethan fifty present to hear the charterpresentation by Brother StanleyBrown, then reporter of the Genera]Council. Officers were elected as follows:president, Frank O. Maxwell;vice-pres., Robert L. Smith; secytreas.,Edward J. Harloff; reporter,Robert Cantwell III.We hope to have meetings or activitiesabout four times a year, andyou will be notified by mail orphone.-Frank O. MaxweU, President.ALABAMA BETA <strong>Phi</strong>s and their dates enjoy popular Auburn past-timeof "Creekbanking." (Well, that's what the chapter reporter calls it.—Ed.)mas Party.—Richard Rosenkoetter,V.-P.ALBERTA ALPHA, University ofAlberta.—This academic year beganwith the initiation of four men:Duncan Cameron, Roger Clute, JimFoy, and Donald Anderson, bringingthe number in the active chapterto forty. There will definitely beat least fifteen of the remainingmembers of that pledge class goingactive at Christmas. Rushing, thisyear a three week program, is nowfairly keen and it appears that wewill get another excellent pledgeclass. The intramural football teamhas a good chance to recapturethe trophy which we held tor theeight years preceding last year. TheBowery, our annual alumni-activeparty, has been postponed until <strong>No</strong>vember,at which time we expectan unusually large turnout fromCalgary. Many additional activitiesare planned for this year. We arelooking for some original and excellentfunctions from Social CochairmenBill Campbell and DuneCameron.—Dick Hyndman, V.-P.ARIZONA ALPHA, University ofArizona.—Arizona Alpha started theyear by initiating five new members.They are: George Tart, JohnAdams, Jim Graves, Bruce Bowe,and Fred Leenerts. We did very wellin rush. The new <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Dave[117]Belding, Boulder City, Nev.; SteveBradly, Marblehead, Mass.; SkipCashin, Atherton, Calif.; ThomasCurran, Boone, Iowa; Chuck David,Newport Beach, Calif.; Mike Davis,Wayne Fedden, Santa Ana, Calif.;Dick Franklin, Scottsdale; FredGagel, Dayton, Ohio; Kirk Heiden,Peoria, 111.; Clair Lane, John Osbom,Denny Naughton, Fred Udall,John Pellegrini, Mike Talla, Phoenix;George Liles, John Valentine, BillWanago, Bob Weed, Tucson; KimMcCusker, Westport, Conn.; FredMitchell, Pacific Palisades, Calif.;John Ronis, San Diego, Calif.; AllenStoeffel, Santa Monica, Calif.; TerryTerral, Portland, Ore.; Rick Woodford,Newport Beach, Calif.; RonYoung, Redding, Calif.; Lee Jackson,Baltimore, Md.; Jim Mansene,Coral Gables, Fla.; Dave Wagner,Costa Mesa, Calif.; James Demetrops,Katonah, N.Y.; Pete Desnoes, RockvUleCenter, N.Y.; Milo Meachan, VanNuys, Calif. Intramurals startedstrongly with a second place inswimming, and a strong start inbasketball. Several community projectsare planned for the first semester.—JohnH. Adams, V.-P.ARIZONA BETA, Arizona StateUniversity.—Arizona Beta started thefall semester by taking 26 men. Thenew <strong>Phi</strong>keias are: Lewis Winter, SteveUhlmann, Louis Spelts, RandallShuck, Eric Petersen, Paul Long-

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