1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 115logistics management, and is remaining at Wright-Patterson for assignment to Headquarters, AirForce Logistics Command.Lt. William Gormly (Dickinson '63) is currentlywinding up a thirteen-month tour of,duty withthe Army in Korea. He has served as a forwardobserver with the 9th Cavalry on the DemilitarizedZone and as the Executive Officer of "C" Battery,1st Battalion, 21st Artillery. He will return to theStates in January. . . Maj. Foster C. McCaleb Jr.(Tulane '47) was awarded the Army CommendationMedal for the past four years service as Surgeon,101st Airborne Division, Ft. Campbell, Ky., wherehe also commanded the Division's 326th MedicalBattalion. Brother McCaleb has been reassigned toFort Bragg, N.C, as the Surgeon, XVIII AirborneCorps. , 1st Lt. Robert Ryan (Oklahoma) participatedin the recent USAF World-Wide ChampionshipGolf Tournament at Vandenberg AFB,Calif. He is assigned as an administrative officerat Seymour Johnson AFB, N.C. . Al/C PerryR. Cleveland (Oklahoma State) has arrived forduty at Goodfellow AFB, Tex., after a tour ofservice in Formosa.<strong>Phi</strong> doctors, who recently came on duty withthe USAF, have completed the orientation coursefor officers of the Air Force Medical Service atGunter AFB, Ala., and have been reassigned asfollows: Capts. Frank O. Batson Jr. (Mississippi),D.D.S., Offutt AFB, Neb.; Hamilton S. Dixon(Syracuse), M.D., Evreux AB, France; Thomas C.Kingsley (Williams),, M.D., Chateauroux Air Station,France; Harry E. Krussman Jr. (Idaho), D.D.S.,Nellis AFB, Nev.; Lee R. Lohnes (Ohio Wesleyan),D.D.S., Sheppard AFB, Tex.; Robert P. Wright Jr.(Emory), MJD., Ramstein AB, Germany; 1st Lt.Nedrick L. Johnston (Florida), D.V.M., SeymourJohnson AFB, N.C.Other recent graduates of various Air ForceSchools and their assignments are Capt. Robert Q.Head (Emory), Air University, Maxwell AFB, Ala.,to McChord AFB, Wash.; 1st Lt. James R. BeU(Emory), Squadron Officer School, Air University,Maxwell AFB, to Charleston AFB, S.C; 1st Lt.Herman L. George Jr. (Gettysburg), Squadron OfficerSchool, Air University, Maxwell AFB, to Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio; 1st Lt. Warren R. McDonald(Duke), Squadron Officer School, Air University,MaxweU AFB, to L. G. Hanscom Field, Mass.; 1stLt. Kent M. May (Washburn), Squadron OfficerSchool, Air University, MaxweU AFB, to McClellanAFB, Calif.; 1st Lt. John W. G. Smith (L.S.U.),Squadron Officer School, Air University, MaxwellAFB, to Sewart AFB, Tenn. Awarded silverwings upon graduation from navigator training,James Connally AFB, Tex., and assigned: 2d Lts.Ned Nelson Jr. (Washington), Mather AFB, Calif.;Thomas R. Pitts (Oklahoma), Mather AFB, Calif.;John E. Schmidt (West Virginia), Charleston AFBS.C. Completed the Survival and Special TrainingSchool at Stead AFB, Neb.: Capt. BiU R. Keeler(Kansas State), Hurlburt Field, Fla.; 1st Lt. PaidE. Loubris II (Penn State), Mather AFB, Calif.;1st Lt. James A. Rorabeck (Miami), Sewart AFB,Tenn.; 2d Lt. Ferdinand E. Fletcher (Oregon),Bergstrom AFB, 2d Lt. WiUiam E. McGourin(Washington State), George AFB, Cahf.MC CALEB and RYAN1st Lt. WUliam M. Cooke (Wyoming) has graduatedfrom the pilot instructor course at RandolphAFB, Tex., and has been assigned to Moody AFB,Ga. . . Douglas C. Bishop (U.C.L.A.) has beencommissioned a second lieutenant upon graduationfrom Officer Training School at Lackland AFB,Tex., and has been assigned to an ATC unit atAmarillo AFB, Tex., for training as a personnelofficer. Thomas B. Bodkin (Miami-Florida) hasbeen commissioned a second lieutenant upon graduationfrom OTS, Lackland AFB. Joseph L.Nameth (Michigan) has been commissioned a secondlieutenant following graduation from OTS,Lackland AFB, and has been assigned to GrandForks AFB, N.D., for duty. . . 2d Lt. WiUiamE. McGourin (Washington State) has been awardedhis sUver pilot wings upon graduation at WilliamsAFB, Ariz., and has been assigned to George AFB,Calif. . . 2d Lt. Thomas R. Perkins (Colgate) hasgraduated from the course for special communicationsofficers, Goodfellow AFB, Tex. . A3/CWUliam C. Biel (S.M.U.) has graduated with honorsfrom the technical training course for USAF administrativespecialists, AmariUo AFB, Tex., andhas been assigned to Carswell AFB, Tex. . A3/CDennis E. Craig (New Mexico) has graduated fromthe technical training course for USAF fuel specialistsat AmarUlo AFB and has returned to hisNew Mexico Air National Guard Unit, KirklandAFB, N.M. . . . A3/C John R. Nelson (WashingtonState) has graduated with honors from the technicaltraining course for new members of the USAFMedical Service at GreenvUle AFB, Miss., and wasselected for further training in the me

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