1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 113director of Alumni Affairs for Ohio WesleyanUniversity, has been named assistant to the presidentby Dr. Elden T. Smith (Ohio Wesleyan '32),M.G.C, president. Brother Strauch, who has been anardent worker for Ohio Beta, assumed his newduties September 1.Richard B. Beyer (Akron '56), a teacher ofMediaeval and European History at Lakewood(Ohio) high school, has been awarded a John HayFellowship for graduate study at Harvard duringthe academic year 1964-65. He has a master's degreefrom Ohio State University. DonaldDeForrest (Pennsylvania '50) has been named managerfor the <strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia area of American GirlService, a firm handling placement of temporaryand permanent female office personnel. . JohnT. Traynor (<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota '51), Devils Lake, NJD.,and Mark Foss (<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota '51), Fargo, ND., arecurrent members of the University of <strong>No</strong>rth DakotaAlumni Fund. . Lanny Joe Worley (Washbum'63) has joined Maytag Co. in Newton, la.,as a service trainee in the firm's service department.He was formerly credit sales manager for theGoodyear Tire and Rubber Co. in Topeka, Kan.. . Stanley Hauerwas (Southwestern '62) was a recipientrecently of a Tew Prize of Yale DivinitySchool, consisting of books, for exceptional coursework during the year 1962-63. He is currently inhis second year of studies at Yale Divinity School.. Robert K. Burden Jr. (Knox '55) has beenpromoted to manager of Mutual of New York'sMilwaukee office He has been with Mutual since1960 following Army service and two years in thegroup insurance field. Dr. Gordon WUson(Miami '30), assistant chairman of Miami's EnglishDepartment, has been named to direct graduatestudents in English at Miami. He has recently completeda style guide for thesis writing. He hasserved as vice-president of the College English Associationof Ohio.Joseph T. Bartulis (Illinois'60) has been namedmarketing representativein the distribution industrymarketing groupof United States SteelCorp. He has been withU.S. Steel since his graduation,as a trainee, insidesales representativeand territorial outsidesalesman. . . . ThomasP. Phelan (U.C.LA. '29),president of the PacfficCoast Stock Exchange, BARTULISreceived an Award for Professional Achievementfrom U.C.L.A. . Dr. William Travis Gibb (Columbia'24), consultant in medicine at SuburbanHospital, was installed, July 7, as president of theCivitan Club of Washington, D.C. Two <strong>Phi</strong>sare members of the board of directors of Portland(Ore.) Metropolitan Future Unlimited, Inc.; HowardHobson (Oregon '26), former University of Oregonand Yale basketbaU coach and J. W. Jack) Ed-BROTHERS ROBEY and THOMAS.wards (Whitman '17), former Portland superintendentof schools and chairman, of the Citizensfor <strong>Delta</strong> Dome Committee. The <strong>Delta</strong> Dome wouldbe a covered stadium—a $26 million dollar sportscenter—which would be constructed in Portlandif voters of that city approve a bond issue to financeit. . . One of the last works of the late FrankLloyd Wright (Wisconsin '<strong>89</strong>), the Grady GammageAuditorium on the campus of Arizona State Universityat Tempe, was formally opened in September,with a concert by Eugene Ormandy andthe <strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia Orchestra. The 3000 seat buildingserves the Phoenix area as a cultural center.Ironically, shortly before the auditorium opened,it was announced that within two or three yearsthe Tokyo Imperial Hotel, designed and built byBrother Wright and famous for withstanding thedisastrous 1923 Tokyo earthquake, is to be torndown.H. Grady Barnes (Auburn '52), after ten yearswith Jackson and Memphis (Tenn.) architecturalfirms, has announced the opening of offices for thegeneral practice of architecture in West Tennessee.The firm's name is H. G. Barnes, Architect andAssociate with offices located in the Elks Building,Jackson, Tenn. Roy J. Sund (Lawrence '27),president of American Can Co., is one of twelvenew directors elected at the annual meeting ofthe American Management Association in New Yorkin September Dr. Morris W. Leighton (Illinois'47) has been transferred from the Jersey ProductionResearch Co. in Tulsa, Okla., to Standard OUCo. (N.J.) headquarters groups in New York Citywhere he will have the position of geological advisorwith Jersey's newly formed Esso ExplorationCo. in New York. . Four <strong>Phi</strong>s have earnedmembership in the National Life Insurance Companyof Vermont 1964 President's Club: HarryW. Massey (Florida State '55), West Palm Beach,Fla.; Joe MUler (Texas Tech '61), DaUas, Tex.;Ralph H. Parker (Vermont '51), Manchester, N.H.;and George T. LaBonne Jr. (Brown '47), Manchester,N.H. Brothers Massey and LaBonne, thelatter a charter member of the President's Club,are also members of the MUlion Dollar RoundTable.

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