1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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112 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964extensively researched information . . A comprehensiveand excellent textbook for courses inplastics now being offered by a number of schoolsand colleges." Brother Mohr, who holds his B.S.in ceramic engineering from Penn State and hisM.S. in glass technology from Alfred University,has been associated with Fiber Glass companies forsome years and since 1968 has been with Johns-Manville. He makes his home in Maumee, Ohio.BROTHERS BALDWIN and MOHR.John R. Baldwin (Duke '48) has been namedmarketing manager of Corlon and Linoleum ofArmstrong Cook Company's floor division. Withthe company since 1948, he was in the floor divisiondistrict office in Cleveland, assistant district managerin Boston and New York, and district managerin Cincinnati. He returned to the company's homeoffice in Lancaster, Pa., in 1961 as marketing managerp£ Excelon Vinyl-Asbestos and Asphalt Tileand, for the past two years he has been field salesmanager.* * *J. GUbert Mohr (Penn State '37)), of the researchdepartment of Johns-Manville Fiberglass Division,is co-author with Samuel S. Oleesky, Plastics Consultant,Los Angeles, Calif., of a volume entitled"Handbook of Reinforced Plastics." In a review ofthe book, it was said that "the working plasticsengineer, designer and executive has at his disposal,for the first time, information and datanever before available in a single volume . .Dr. Walter R. Sharp (Wabash '17), professor ofPolitical Science and Director of Graduate Studiesin International Relations at Yale University, receivedan honorary Doctor of Letters degree fromWabash College at that School's 126th Commencement.He has taught history, political science andother related subjects at Washington and Lee University,the University of Wisconsin, City Collegeof New York, Columbia University, and Yale Universitywhere he has been since 1951.A scholarship which will aid an outstandingmember of A 0 at Penn State University hasbeen established by Harold E. Hastings (PennState '27), Johannesburg, South Africa.To be awarded to a member of the Fraternitywho has completed his freshman year and has acumulative average of 3.0 or better, the scholarshipwill provide tuition and half of room andboard charges. The recipient will also be judgedon his major campus activities.As an undergraduate. Brother Hastings wascaptain of the freshman boxing and football teamsand was a member of the varsity boxing team inhis sophomore year and of the varsity footballteam his sophomore and junior years. He Wasa member of Parmi <strong>No</strong>us and Druids societies.SHORT SHOTS from the ALUMNI FIRING LINEN. Hall Layman (Illinois '35), vice-president ofthe <strong>No</strong>rthern Trust Co. in Chicago, has beenelected first vice-president of the Public RelationsDivision Officers of the Illinois Bankers AssociationJuly 1, Edward B. Harris (Vanderbilt '38) as.sumed the presidency of the Cleveland (Ohio)Rotary Club. The new head of the third largestRotary Club in the world is president and treasurerof the Safety Clothing and Equipment Co. ofCleveland. . James B. Robey (Butler '58) hasbeen named manager of group reinsurance servicesof the American United Life Insurance Co. of Indianapolisafter five years service with the companyas a group administrator and group administrativesupervisor. . Dr. Peyton C. Teague (Auburn '36)has returned to the University of South Carolinafaculty after a year spent as visiting professor ofchemistry at University College, Dublin, Ireland.Before going overseas, he served as faculty advisorof <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> Beta fraternity which was recentlychartered as South Carolina Beta.Grosvenor S. McKee (Ohio '16), president of* A 0 Education Foundation since its founding,has been named by Gov. William Scranton ofPennsylvania as a member of the board of trusteesfor Edinboro State College. Subject to confirmationby the State Senate, he will serve until January,1969. . . Boyd Thomas (Wabash '64) has beenappointed a Peace Corps physical education teacherin Colombia following twelve weeks intensive trainingat the University of New Mexico. . JohnS. Duss (Florida '64) is one of six men who aresharing $37,920 in John Ben Snow Scholarships forstudy at the New York University School of Law,and is thus participating in the school's Root-Tilden program which trains highly qualified menfor public leadership through law by a specialtutorial program that augments law studies withcourses in the humanities and social sciences. . . .Howard E. Strauch (Ohio Wesleyan '50), successful

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