1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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110 THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964recently as production superintendent for color televisionwith the company's Television Products Division.BROTHERS SLOANE and HATTEN.the trip with him and shared her knowledge withthose who wished to learn the assistantship duties.Both of the McConnells are enthusiastic aboutProject Hope and its possibilities as an agency forimproved understanding between peoples.Charles C. Sloane (Michigan '62) has been appointeddirector of marketing of Powell Electronicsof <strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia. Prior to joining Powell, BrotherSloane was associated with Biechler Associates andwas a co-founder and president of Angus-Sloane Associates,Inc., now a subsidiary of Marshall Industries.William S. Hatten (Lawrence '39) has beenelected president and chief executive officer ofClayton Mark &: Company of Evanston. He hasbeen general manager of the company during thepast two years. The company is a diversified manufacturerof well supplies, ball valves, industrialforged steel products, welded steel tubing, andelectrical conduit. It has plants in Evanston, LakeZurich, and Vermont, Illinois.Richard K. Fowler (Purdue '39) has been nansefmanager of the Market-Research Department ofIndiana Lumbermans Mutual Insurance Companyat its home office in Indianapolis. Joining thecompany in 1939 in the Fire Underwriting Department,he has served in the Casualty UnderwriitiligDepartment and manager of the Inland MarineMultiple Peril Department. He was. made an assistantvice-president in 1957 and in 1962 moved tothe Marketing-Research Department, handling publicrelations, publications and education.Dr. Joseph C. Hinsey (Iowa Wesleyan '22), directorof the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Centerin New York City was the subject of a featurearticle, "The Teacher in Medical Education," writtenby Marguerite Clark and appearing in the suamerissue of the Cornell University Medical Colle,g|Alumni Bulletin. (Dr. Hinsey was the subject ofthe leading feature in the <strong>No</strong>vember, 195$ S3ei?6L||)V* * * "'George H. Ginader (Allegheny '55) is the librarianof the New York Chamber of Commerce, NewYork City, the oldest Chamber of Commerce in theUnited States. It was founded in 1768 by a grantfrom George HI and is the regular meeting placeof the downtown A © Club of New York. Previously,Brother Ginader was the Curator of theThomas McKean Automobile Reference Collectionof the Free Library of <strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia, an extensivecollection of automotive literature from the earlydevelopment of the motor car to the present time.He is a former member of the General HeadquartersStaff which he served as field secretary.Rudolph Dallmeyer (Washington-St. Louis '41),management consultant, was elected a director ofConsolidated Chemical, Inc., St. Louis, Mo. BrotherDallmeyer, who makes his home in Winnetka, 111.,is a vice-president and principal of Donald R. Boozand Associates, Inc., management consultants headquarteredin Chicago.Cole and Weber, Inc., Pacific <strong>No</strong>rthwest-basedadvertising and public relations agency, capturedfour major awards in recent competition sponsoredby the National Advertising Agency Network. Presidentof the agency which has offices in Portland,Ore., Tacoma and Seattle, Wash., and New YorkCity, is George Cole (Whitman '12).Maurice G. Locklin (Lawrence '52) has beennamed production superintendent at the new Bluffton(Ind.) plant of the Corning Glass Works' TelevisionDivision. Brother Locklin has been with thefirm since 1956, serving in various capacities, mostProf. Robert J. Havighurst (Ohio Wesleyan '21)of the University of Chicago, director of a committeeappraising the quality of Chicago publicschools, has been appointed to a second post onthe faculty of the University of Missouri in KansasCity, his appointment to become effective January1, 1965. He will head a center to study metropolitanproblems in education which the university is establishingand he will divide his time between theUnversity of Missouri and the University of Chicago.# * *Dr. MUlard E. Gladfelter (Gettysburg '23), presidentof Temple University, was honored on twooccasions this spring for his efforts in promotingeducational and cultural enrichments here andabroad. He received an honorary Doctor of Lettersdegree from Delaware Valley College of Science andAgriculture, following his Commencement addressthere; and from Austrian President Adolf Schaerfhe received the Grand Medal Badge of Honor formerit to the Republic of Austria.

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