1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 109respect in wfiich Brother Gavit has held in hishome community, stands the Donald E. Gavit Juniorand Senior high school.Subject of a recent feature article in the Milwauke(Wis.) Sentinel is Harold E. Finsness (Manitoba'33) who developed a hobby into a growingbusiness four years ago. Brother Finsness has developedtwo toilet waters made in Bermuda: RoyallLyme, concocted from native Bermuda limes, andBermuda Spyce, made from the leaves of the allspicetree. Brother Finsness formerly owned theBermuda Sports Shop in the Milwaukee area butsold it two years ago as it was too far from hishome base in Bermuda where he and his wife havefour sports shops. They also own three shops inJamaica and he does most of the buying for theseshops himself. Brother Finsness' son Russell is amember of Ohio Beta at Ohio Wesleyan University.James C. Snyder (Purdue '63) has joined Eli Lillyand Co., Indianapolis, Ind., as an associate pharmaceuticalchemist in the firm's product technicalservice department. A registered pharmacist inIndiana, Snyder was employed by the Meyer BrothersDrug Co. in Fort Wayne before joining EliLilly. He is a member of the American and Indianapharmaceutical associations.Edward A. Mainland (USC '56), a career ForeignService officer since 1962, has recently been nominatedby President Johnson for promotion toClass 6 upon recommendation of the 1964 ForeignService Selection Board. For five years followinggraduation. Mainland was a naval officer serving inthe Far East and the Mediterranean. At the Departmentof State, he has been assigned to theBureau of Near East-South Asian affairs and ispresently a Congressional Fellow in the AmericanPolitical Science Association Congressional FellowshipProgram.* * *Carl W. Shere (Ohio '54) has been named statemanager of Ohio for the Miller Brewing Companyof Milwaukee. He was previously in special saleswith P. Ballantine & Sons of Newark, N.J.James H. McCormick (Randolph-Macon '41) hasbeen named manager of publicity and advertisingby the Crucible Steel Company of America withoffices in Pittsburgh. McCormick, a native Virginian,was formerly manager of corporate advertising andpublications for Babcock & Wilcox and for manyyears worked for the DuPont Company in productand recruiting advertising and as editor of theDuPont magazine.Thomas M. Brownless (Nebraska '60) has beenappointed executive vice-president of the GreaterOrlando Chamber of Commerce. Current head ofthe Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce, he hasserved with the Columbia, S.C, Chamber, and theTallahassee, Daytona Beach, and Tampa Chambers.Orlando, called "The City Beautiful," was thefifth fastest growing metropolitan area in the nationduring the last decade.Joe W. Morgan (Knox '34), foreign editor ofUnited Press International, is the author of ahumorous novel, "Amy Go Home," about the "sorrowsof a public relations man dealing with anunsophisticated and trouble-prone lady author."This is his second book; the first was entitled "ExpenseAccount." Brother Morgan writes his novelson the side as his working life has been spent withUnited Press since he started with the firm as acopy boy in Chicago in 1934.Dr. Bernie A. McConneU (Miami '50), well knownpedontist of Canton, Ohio, has completed a twomonths tour of duty With Project Hope, a volunteermedical mission, teaching children's dentistryto the doctors and doctoras (women dentists) ofEcuador. Project Hope operated out of a 250-bedhospital ship, the former U.S. Navy's Consolation,anchored in the Guayas River at Guayaquil, Ecuador'sprincipal port. Mrs. McConnell, who hasbeen her husband's assistant for eleven years madeBROTHERS SNYDER, MAINLAND, SHERE, and MC CORMICK.

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