1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 107lobert J. Webb (Illinois '37) recently returnedm an eight-month assignment with the AgencyInternational Development (AID) in India,ere he helped improve operations on the 10,000-e farm of the Uttar Pradesh Agricultural Unisity,which he helped establish in 1960. Heved with AID from 1959 to 1961 as chief of aiversity of Illinois team to help found the Unisityin the pattern of American land grant coles.Brother Webb, who makes his home inIconda, 111., has been director of the 5000-acreion Springs Experiment Station of the UniversityIllinois for the past 24 years.WUliam K. Stoufer (Iowa State '37), as chairmanthe Executive Committee of the Association ofngregational Churches, was a busy man during: church's recent annual meeting in Wichita, Kan.tribute is paid Brother Stoufer by his pastor. Dr.nes W. Fifield, Jr., in the Meetinghouse, weeklyUetin of the Los Angeles First Congregationalurch. Dr. Fifield wrote: "Mr. William K. Stoufer1 served the Church in many and varied waysi has not only my respect but that of the Parishgeneral." . . .Jeorge H. White, Jr. (UCLA '34) is presentlying in Manila where he is General Manager ofo Standard Oil interests in <strong>Phi</strong>lippines, Hongng, and Taiwan. He is married to the formertherine Barmann, also a graduate of UCLA andaember of Pi Beta <strong>Phi</strong>. They have four daughi,two of whom were born in Manila. In theyears Brother White has been overseas onmpany assignments, he has lived in various partsthe <strong>Phi</strong>lippines, in Singapore, Bombay and Syd-LEASON POMEROY, Arizona State '61, has been awardedthe Welton Becket and Associates Fellowship in architecturefor the current academic year at USC. The fellowshipprovides tuition and educational expenses fora student's fifth year and is awarded annually to an outstandingfourth year architectural student at USC.Pomeroy is shown with Dean Samuel Hurst, of the USCSchool of Architecture, and Los Angeles Architect WeltonBecket.Bankers Conference at the University of SouthCarolina.* « *James H. Gormsen (Michigan '42) has been appointedNational Director of Community Relationsof Rossmoor Leisure World Corporation, followinghis retirement from active duty with the rank ofCommander from the United States Navy after 22years of service. He wiU be in charge of the communityrelations programming of each RossmoorLeisure World "people-over-52" community throughoutthe United States and those proposed for developmentoverseas.>formau J. CoUins (Southwestern '43) was reitlynamed senior vice-president of the Southrolina National Bank at Columbia, S.C, headingthe commercial credit division of the 65 officetewide banking system. He is currently on theulty of the School of Banking of the South atuisiana State University and the South CarolinaA. W. Meyer (<strong>No</strong>rthwestern '45) has been mademanager of the St. Louis sales and service branchof Trailmobile Division, Pullman, Inc. For fourteenyears Brother Meyer was associated with the WhiteMotor Company and for the past four years hehas been with John G. Burton & Associates ofSt. Louis.BROTHERS WHITE, COLLINS, GORMSEN, and MEYER.

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