1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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WITH PHIS IN THE WORLD OF SPORTSBy Dr. John Davis, Jr., Washburn '38With Contributors; Ken Hansen, New Mexico '55; Lofhar A. Vasholz, Coloracfo '52;Clarence W. Walls, Oregon '12Jack Ankerson, Ripon, Named Outstanding Athletefor 7963-64; Edges Wilkinson, Duke, by One PointTom Harmon (Michigan '41) took tiine out fromhis busy schedule to appear in person and announceto the 55th Biennial Convention in Pasadenathe winner of the Rice Memorial TrophyAward for 1963-64. For the second consecutive year asplendid athlete from a small college won thecoveted trophy, the Fraternity's outstanding athleticaward which is based not only on athletic achievementbut chapter participation and scholarship aswell.Again the balloting was extremely close andonly three points separated the top three candidates.The winner with 21 points was Jack Ankerson,Ripon's tremendous athlete who won nineletters to rank as the greatest athlete in the school'shistory and one of the all-time greats in the MidwestConference. Scoring 20 ballot points wasJay Wilkinson, Duke's All-American halfback. KeithWeber, Missouri's All-American baseball pitcher,was third with 18 points. Completing the top fivewere Tom <strong>No</strong>watzke, Indiana fullback, and KnoxNunnally, defensive end from Texas University.Ankerson served his chapter as vice-presidentand each year had been chairman of many committees.Scholastically, he had a "B" minus average.In the area of activities, he served on the interfratemitycouncil; held the highest student positionin the ROTC program, being voted the outstandingcadet in his company at summer camp.His athletic prowess is the greatest in LittleAll-<strong>Phi</strong> history. Ankerson is the first so-called smallcollege gridiron performer to be selected on theThe Rice Memorial Trophy was presentedto Brother Ankerson on October 17 betweenhalves of the Ripon-Carleton homecomingfootball game at Ripon before alarge homecoming crowd. The presentationwas made by Hayward S. Biggers (Lawrence'31) of the General Council and amember of the Award Committee. Participatingin the ceremony were Dr. fred Finkham(Ripon-Fac), president of the college, andSamuel N. Pickard (Lawrence '20), memberof the Ripon Board of Trustees and of the# A 9 Educational Foundation.Ankerson was able to be on hand for thepresentation because he is on leave fromthe St. Louis football Cardinals awaiting inductioninto Uncle Sam's forces.[102]JACK ANKERSON, holding his repUca of the GrantlandRice trophy; Hayward Biggers, who made thepresentation; and Dr. Fred Pinkham, Ripon president,holding the trophy which will be in possession of thecollege during this year.All-<strong>Phi</strong> football team in competition with majoruniversities and he was a unanimous selection. Onthe gridiron last fall he scored 145 points and hada total offense of 1,490 yards. The previous year hescored 95 points and rang up 1,480 yards. In basketballlast year Ankerson carried a 19.1 averagethrough 23 contests. The previous year he carrieda 17.5 average. Both years he was a unanimouschoice for the All-Midwest Conference cage teamsand the Little All-<strong>Phi</strong> basketball team. In tenniseach year he scored in the conference singles anddoubles play, and as a senior held down the <strong>No</strong>. 1position on the tennis team.In addition to the top five contestants, the following<strong>Phi</strong>s were nominated and received considerationfor the Rice Trophy: Howard M. Ankey,Bowling Green, football; Bill Bond, Southern Cal-

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