1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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THE SCROLL of <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> for NOVEMBER, 1964 101served primarily in positions dealing with ourrelations with South America. Currently he isthe Latin American Adviser on the WhiteHouse Staff.ROBERT M. SAYRE, Willamette '49 (right) being congratulatedby Thomas C. Mann, Assistant Secretary ofState for Inter-American Affairs, following presentationof Superior Service award to Sayre.Honored for Superior Serviceby U.S. Department of StateRobert M. Sayre (Willamette '49), a UnitedStates Foreign Service ofiScer, was recently presenteda Superior Service Honor Award at ceremoniesheld by the U.S. Department of Stateand presided over by Secretary of State DeanRusk.In this twelfth year of the Department ofState Honor Awards a small group of the Department'semployees in the United States orat our posts in 114 countries around the worldwere honored for contributions "in performancenotably beyond the normal requirements oftheir jobs."According to the citation which accompaniedthe award. Brother Sayre was honored, "Forsuperior service, initiative and enterprise in thedischarge of his duties as Officer in Charge ofMexican Affairs, and Director of Mexican Affairs.His excellent performance as coordinatorof two Presidential meetings and his expertleadership of the Department's role in theChamizal settlement and the Colorado Riversalinity problem reflect great credit on the Departmentof State and the United States Government."While attending Willamette University fromwhich he graduated in 1949, Brother Sayre wasnational collegiate debate champion. In 1956,he obtained a law degree from George WashingtonUniversity and in 1960 a Master's degreefrom Stanford University. During World WarII, he was Captain in the Army vnth service inEurope. Presently he is a Lieutenant Colonelin the Army Reserve.Since entering the Foreign Service, he hasNeu Named Honorary Consul ofBelgium for Iowa, NebraskaAppointment of Kenneth F. Neu (Drake) ofDes Moines, Iowa, as Honorary Consul of Belgiumfor Iowa and Nebraska was announcedSeptember 4 by Honorable Leon Ronse, ConsulGeneral of Belgium at Kansas City. The appointmentapproved by President Johnson andSecretary of State Dean Rusk was originallymade by the King of Belgium and the ForeignMinister of Beligum.Neu, a former Assistant Attorney General ofIowa, is presently the executive vice-presidentand secretary of the Iowa Savings and LoanLeague.In his official capacity as Honorary Consul ofBelgium, Neu will be active in supplying necessaryinformation concerning industrial opportunitiesin Belgium for American firms andwill also seek outlets for Belgian products inhis jurisdiction. He will also promote travel toBelgium and perform other duties usually assignedto a Belgian Consulate office.Brother Neu was initiated as an alumni memberof * A 9 in October, 1961, at time of theinstallation of Iowa <strong>Delta</strong> chapter at DrakeUniversity. He has been active in the DesMoines Alumni Club and is presently servingas first vice-president of the group.KENNETH F. NEU, Drake

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