1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1964–65 Volume 89 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

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PHIS OF ACHIEVEMENTIn Winning Distinguished Honors for Themselves, OurBrothers Bring Glory and Credit to the Fraternity<strong>No</strong>rth Carolina <strong>Phi</strong> Is NamedManaging Editor of "Times"Clifton Daniel (<strong>No</strong>rth Carolina '33), formerlyassistant managing editor was promotedto the position of managing editor of the NewYork Times in a series of major editorialchanges announced by the newspaper in earlySeptember.Born in Zebulon, N.C, Sept. 19, 1912,Brother Daniel was graduated from the Universityof <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina and immediately enteredthe newspaper field by helping establishthe Dunn (N.C.) Daily Bulletin. He later servedthe News and Observer in Raleigh as a reporterand political columnist.Joining the Associated Press in New York in1937, he worked later in Washington, Bern,and London. During World War II he coveredSupreme Headquarters in Britain and Franceand was then named news editor of the Londonbureau.Since coming with the Times in 1943, BrotherDaniel has served that famous newspaper inLondon, Paris, the Middle East, West Germany,and the Soviet Union. Since 1955 he has beenin New York City.His marriage to the former Margaret Truman,daughter of ex^President Harry Truman,April 21, 1956, attracted wide attention.Linton M. Collins Named Judgeof U. S. Court of ClaimsLate in September Pres. Lyndon Johnsonappointed Linton McGee Collins (Mercer '21)to the post of Judge of the United States Courtof Claims. He took the oath of office on October1. His appointment caps a distinguishedcareer of 40 years in the practice of law, duringwhich tirne he has served the Governmentin other important positions: Personnel Directorand Division Administrator, NRA, 1933-35;Prison Industries Reorgariization Board, towhich he was appointed by President Roosevelt,1935-38; and Special Assistant to the AttorneyGeneral, 1935-44. He has been in privatepractice in Washington, D.C, since 1944, ciu:-rently heading his own firm of Collins, Robb,Porter & Kistler.Brother Collins comes from a strong <strong>Phi</strong>family. His father is Ernest Clyde Collins (Mercer'98),and both of his brothers followed himinto Georgia Gamma, Earl R. Collins 26, andErnest C. Collins, Jr. '27. His mother's brotherwas former Congressman Dwight L. RogersCLIFTON DANIEL, <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina '33 LINTON M. COLLINS, Mercer '21[99]

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