CERES Requirements Log - TISA Gridding

CERES Requirements Log - TISA Gridding

CERES Requirements Log - TISA Gridding

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<strong>CERES</strong> <strong>Requirements</strong> <strong>Log</strong> - <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong>Reqm'tsNo.Requirement SCCR ProviderResponsibleSubsystemResponsiblePersonHow was itconveyed?When was itreceived?When was itaccepted?When was itcompleted?Current Status9-3.4Define new types in the binary output record towrite computed TOA fluxes and Angular Modelscenes based on GMT hour for TSI process.739cancelledDave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Emails andmeeting05/05/09 05/05/09 Completed Delivered to CM9-4.46-3.29-2.99-2.109-3.59-4.59-2.119-4.69-2.129-2.139-4.7Sample read Package to support TerraEdition2G and Aqua Edition2D SFC product.Sample read Package to support TerraEdition2G and Aqua Edition2D FSW product.<strong>Gridding</strong> I/O modules in <strong>CERES</strong>LIB aremodified to support Edition3 process on P4.New PGE CER9.2P2 to support Edition3processing on magneto. Code is updated toprocess parameters that are needed forSS7.1.1P1 process.New PGE CER9.3P2 to support Edition3 postprocessing on magneto. Code is updated toprocess parameters that are needed forSS7.1.1P1 process.New PGE 9.4P2 to support Edition3 SFC HDFprocessing on magneto.PGE CER9.2P2 PCF script is updated toinclude X-track files in the PCF for processing.Edition3 SFC HDF product format is same asEdition2 product format.Updated Aqua_xtrkHourly_2002 andAqua_XtrkHourly_2003 ancillary files to preferFM3 data for the processing hour when bothinstruments are in 100% cross-track mode.Terra-xtrkHourly and Aqua_xtrkHourly ancillarytext files for year 2010.Sample read Package to support Terra andAqua Edition3A SFC product.772 Raja Raju <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju N/A 03/29/10 03/29/10 Completed Delivered to CM773 Raja Raju <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju N/A 03/29/10 03/29/10 Completed Delivered to CM788 Raja Raju <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju N/A 05/25/10 05/25/10 Completed Promoted789 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Phone callsand emails789 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Phone callsand emails05/25/10 05/25/10 Completed05/25/10 05/25/10 Completed789 Raja Raju <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Phone calls 05/25/10 05/25/10 Completed Delivered to CMand emails789 Raja Raju <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju N/A N/A N/A Completed789 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Phone calls 06/02/10 06/02/10 Completed816 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju email 11/18/10 11/18/10 Completed813 Raja Raju <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju N/A N/A N/A Completed817 Raja Raju <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju N/A N/A N/A Completed Delivered to CM9-5.2-19-0.5Initial delivery of new PGE CER9.5P1 toprocess and create ISCCP-D2like-FlxDay/Nit,crosstrack only data product based on SSFinputs.Code was modified to write liquid and ice cloudfractions on the HDF products correctly.Previously total cloud fraction was written toLiquid, Ice SDSs.765 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Hazari Syed Emails andmeeting12/01/10 12/01/10837 Moguo Sun <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Phone calls 03/01/11 03/01/11 Completed<strong>TISA</strong>grid_req_log_V17.xls 3 4/26/2012

<strong>CERES</strong> <strong>Requirements</strong> <strong>Log</strong> - <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong>Reqm'tsNo.Requirement SCCR ProviderResponsibleSubsystemResponsiblePersonHow was itconveyed?When was itreceived?When was itaccepted?When was itcompleted?Current Status9-2.149-0.69-0.79-0.89-0.99-0.10Updated Terra-xtrkHourly and Aqua_xtrkHourlyancillary text files for year 2010 to includeSeptember to December x-track instrumentinformation.Initial delivery of new PGEs CER9.0P2 andCER9.0P3 to process and create ISCCP-D2like-Mrg, crosstrack only data product based onSSF and GGEO inputs.Made corrections to cloud optical depthcalculations in CER9.0P2 software.New module was included to perform datarange checks.Updates to the scripts to make it consistent withthe latest <strong>CERES</strong> requirements.Modified PGE CER9.0P2 code to includeoverlap footprints in the current hour process toeliminate half hour issue found when scan end,start time footprints fall within the same region.847 Raja Raju <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju N/A N/A 05/17/11 Completed Delivered to CM on May 17, 2011763 Moguo Sun <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Emails andmeeting03/16/10 03/16/10 Completed Delivered to CM763 Moguo Sun <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Phone callsand meetings09/01/11 09/01/11 Completed763 Moguo Sun <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Phone callsand meetings763 Thomas <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju N/A CompletedGrepiotis763 Dave <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Phone calls 09/14/11 09/17/11 CompletedDoelling/Rajaand meetingRaju9-0.11Modified PGE CER9.0P3 code to limit mergedvalue to be 10% of GGEO value when there isno <strong>CERES</strong> data available for the hour of theregion. This modification is to avoid high cloudtemperature values found in some regions.763 Moguo Sun <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Emails andmeeting10/20/11 10/20/11 CompletedEdition4 changes:Product name is changed from SFC to888 Dave <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Emails and 03/05/12 03/05/2012948 9-4.8 SSF1deg-Hour. Doelling/Jonatphone callshan Gleason9-4.9Data is processed and written in GMT. 888 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Emails and 03/22/12 03/22/12meetingsHDF product is generated as daily files instead 888 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Emails and 03/22/12 03/22/129-4.10 of 5 zonal data /HDF file. Three new vdatagroups are added to the product.phone callsOverlap hours from the last day of the previous 888 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Emails and 03/22/12 03/22/129-3.6month and the first day of the following monthmeetingare added to zonal binary files.9-2.159-2.16Code is modified to compute cloud IWP/LWPand particle sizes weighted by liquid and iceamounts,Code is modified to set Angular model scenetype area coverage to default if albedo is set todefault.888 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Email 08/16/11 08/16/11888 Dave Doelling <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju Email 09/20/11 09/20/11<strong>TISA</strong>grid_req_log_V17.xls 4 4/26/2012

<strong>CERES</strong> <strong>Requirements</strong> <strong>Log</strong> - <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong>Reqm'tsNo.Requirement SCCR ProviderResponsibleSubsystemResponsiblePersonHow was itconveyed?When was itreceived?When was itaccepted?When was itcompleted?Current Status9-4.11PCF and run script changes to meet <strong>CERES</strong>requirements for softwaqre delivery on to AMI.888 ThomasGrepiotis<strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja RajuN/A9-3.79-2.179-3.89-2.18PCF and run script changes to meet <strong>CERES</strong>requirements for software delivery on to AMI.PCF and run script changes to meet <strong>CERES</strong>requirements for software delivery on to AMI.New input_gen_9.3P2_exception.pl and<strong>TISA</strong>grid9.3-env-exception.pl scripts to handlespecial case like Edition3 June 2001 Terraprocess on Magneto (p4)<strong>Gridding</strong> I/O modulestisa_grid_type_def_Ed4.f90,sfc_Ed4.f90,sfc_type_def_Ed4.f90, andsfc_file_Ed4_mult.f90 are modified to supportEdition4 process on ami p6.888 ThomasGrepiotis<strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju N/A888 Thomas <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju N/AGrepiotis896 Raja Raju <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju N/A N/A N/A Completed Delivered toCM on April 25,2012897 Raja Raju <strong>TISA</strong> <strong>Gridding</strong> Raja Raju N/A N/A N/A<strong>TISA</strong>grid_req_log_V17.xls 5 4/26/2012

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