Important Disease Problems of Kabuli Chickpea!

Important Disease Problems of Kabuli Chickpea!

Important Disease Problems of Kabuli Chickpea!


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from Australia. Ethiopia. India, Iran. Lcbanon, Pakistan. Spain. Syria and thc USA<br />

(Ncnc er 01. 1984). In ccntral and southcrn India. the discasc is morc frcqucnt in dccp<br />

black vcrtisols. It is significantly morc scvcrc in sandy loam soils than in clay loams. Dry<br />

root rotis a minor discasc in West Asia and the Mcditcrrancan basin.<br />

Thc fungus R. bararicola survives as sclcrotia in thc soil and thc primary irrfcction<br />

is by sclcrolia (Ncnc 1980). The bcst control is by thc usc <strong>of</strong> rcsistant cullivars. ICRlSAT<br />

scientists havc idcntificd scvcral chickpca lincs with a high dcgrcc <strong>of</strong> tnlcranrc. sin~ly or<br />

in comhination with rcsisl;rncc 11, other discaxes silch ax fus;rriitni wilt ;~nd l>I.r~k<br />

Fivc k;rhuli lincs havc hccn k)und to hc resistant l~nrlcr I;rhor:~tory ct~n~liti~,n\ Hr\i\tancc<br />

in thc host is govcrncd hy a singlc domin;int gene (ICRISA'r 1087).<br />

~OOI rt~t.<br />

I%l;~ck root rot IFti.~onrrrtt .rolo~~i (M;lrt.) Appcl SI Wr.] inciclcricc urnlcr field<br />

conditions was first rcpt~rtcd in 1074 fr~)ni India ;lntl the USA. It also has lrorn rcl~c~rtcd<br />

from Chilc, Mcxico and Spain (Ncnc r/ 01. 11>8J). The discasc may appcar at any stapc<br />

and affcctcd plants dry prcmaturcly. Thc ft~ngus survivcs as chlamydosporcs in colonized<br />

organic mattcr and thcsc prop:rgt~Ics arc rcsl)~nsiI~Ic for prim:rry infection. The discasc<br />

occurs morc commonly when soil moislurc content is higli and soils arc ligt11. IC'HISAT<br />

pathologists havc identified IX dcsi lincs th:rt arc rcsi\t:rnt to 1,l;rck root rot ;I% well as to<br />

fusarium wilt. Thcsc can IIC usctl in rcsistancc hrcctlin): prograriis.<br />

Wct root rot (Rltizorrortin solcrrti Kiihn) ha\ I>ccti rcportctl from Argcnlina. Chilc.<br />

India. Iran, Mcxico, Morocco. P;rkist;ln, Syria and thc USA (Ncnc cr (11. 1')KJ). Ttic<br />

discasc mostly occurs in the scctlling stage whcn soil moistirrc contcnt is high. In<br />

irrigated chickpca, the discasc can occur at any time. In India. it is morc frcqucnt in<br />

chickpca plantc~l after the rirc h:~n,cst whcn thc soil is wct. In Syria. the disc;rxc occurs<br />

in spring-sown cliickpc:~r 1~1t not in the winter-sown crop hccnrlsc thc tcmpcrattlrc is lcss<br />

than 15°C (Rcddy 1983).<br />

The fungus survives as srlrrt~ti;~ :rntl nlycrli;~ in colr,ni-,cd organic m;rttcr ;ind thc<br />

propagulcs arc rcsponsihlc fibr priniary infection. The discasc occur% within ;I<br />

tcmpcraturc rangc <strong>of</strong> 18 to 3Y

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