Important Disease Problems of Kabuli Chickpea!

Important Disease Problems of Kabuli Chickpea!

Important Disease Problems of Kabuli Chickpea!


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Seed-borne inoculum can hc eradicated through dry-sccd drcssing with vinclozolin<br />

(Ronilan), a combination <strong>of</strong> mcthyl bcn~cmccl;~rc~l carhamale (MRC) t thiram, or MBC<br />

alone (Grcwal and Laha 1983). In pot studies, foliar sprays <strong>of</strong> thcsc fungicide.\ wcrc<br />

round cffcctivc in contr~~lling acri;tl infcction. ICRlSAT pathnlogists havc not hccn ;rhlc<br />

to idcntifv high lcvels <strong>of</strong> rcsis~ancc. The kabuli typc is gcncrally less susccptiblc than the<br />

dcsi types. Three acccssions <strong>of</strong> C. hijtrfirrn~ cvaluatcd undcr gccnhousc conditions havc<br />

rcsistancc lo gray mould (ICKISAT lO%'l).<br />

Fusnrium and Vcrticilliuni Wilts<br />

Fusarium wilt ca~rsccl Ily firsurirr~~~ o.t?.vponrvl Schlcrht. cmcnd. Snyd. lians. f.sp. rircri<br />

(Padwick) Snyd. k Hans. is ;I serious tlisc;tsc <strong>of</strong> chickpea in Rurnla. Indi;~. Iran. Nepal.<br />

Pakistan. Spain and Tunisi;~. 11 also h;~s hccn rcporlctl from I%;rngl;~desh. C'hile, I'tlriol~i;~.<br />

M;iI:twi. Mexico. Pcrir, S~lcl;~n. Svri;t :rntl thr llSA (Nenc rr 01. 1084). No prccisc<br />

~II~IIIIII;II~~II ornc inoc~rllrn~ can I>c cr;~tlic;~~ctl l>y scccl tlrcsing with Rcnl;~tc T (30%<br />

Iwnornyl + RO'X, thiram) :II lhc ralc <strong>of</strong> 0.15'% ((tl;rwarc cr ul. 107X). Since the I'ungus can<br />

survivc in thc soil for up to (I yc;~rs and also in symptomless carricrs. it is not possihlc<br />

to control the tlisc;~sc through norn~al crop rot;rtions.<br />

The usc <strong>of</strong> rcsisl;~nt c~~lti\,i~rs is ~ h ohvio~rs c ilnswcr. Efforts hitvc 1)ccn m;ltlc at<br />

various institutes to identify and dcvclop lines resistant to the pathogen. A massive<br />

scrccning program for wilt rcsistancc is undcnv;cy at ICRISAT. Bo~h laboratory and ficld<br />

scrccning proccclurcs havc hccn dcvclopcd ant1 stantlardi~cd (Ncnc er (11. 1081). So far,<br />

1Ci ccrmpl;~sm acccssions h;~vc hccn itlcntificd ;I% rcsist;tnl to wilt; somc <strong>of</strong> then1 havc<br />

adclitional rcsistancc to dry root rot. hl;trk root rot, hotrytis gray mould. ascochyta I~light<br />

and/or sclcrotinia blight. Ten <strong>of</strong> Ihc wilt-rcsist;tnt lines arc krahuli type%. l'hrcc acccs..ions<br />

olC. hij~rbqttrr have rcsisl:rnce to holh will and root rots (ICRISAT ll)!L"). The first kahuli<br />

linc that carried wilt rcsistancc was ICC 32, dcvcloprd at ICRISAT. Two k:~l)uli wiltrcsist~nt<br />

varictics. UC 15 and UC 27, h;tvc I~ccn rclc;rscd in the USA (Buddcnhagcn rr<br />

01. 19W),

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