Statement of Benefits 05-06 - ABAG PLAN Risk Management ...

Statement of Benefits 05-06 - ABAG PLAN Risk Management ...

Statement of Benefits 05-06 - ABAG PLAN Risk Management ...


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Association <strong>of</strong> Bay Area GovernmentsPooled Liability Assurance NetworkSTATEMENT OFBENEFITSANDPROGRAMHIGHLIGHTS20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong>

Chairman’s MessageDear Membersand Friends:I am very pleased toserve as 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong>Chairman <strong>of</strong> theAssociation <strong>of</strong> BayArea Governments(<strong>ABAG</strong>) PooledLiability Assurance Network(<strong>PLAN</strong>). We provide cities, towns,and other municipal organizationswith cost-effective pooled insuranceservices. As with any dynamicorganization, <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong>continues to evolve and adapt tochanging conditions both in terms <strong>of</strong>the insurance market and in claimtrends among our members.<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> provides shared riskprograms, including pooled property,and purchasing pools as well as claimsadministration, recovery services andrisk management services. Detailsabout activities and future plans aredetailed in this report.During the Program Year 2004-20<strong>05</strong>,<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> both paid outsubstantial funds for the Shared <strong>Risk</strong>Programs and found success withstrategic planning activities in allareas. A significant change in our<strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Program is thenew <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Policy,adopted after four years <strong>of</strong> strategicplanning activities.The new <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Policyencourages members to provide astrong risk management frameworkfor city/town operations by effectivelyidentifying and analyzing risks,establishing recommended strategies(best practices), monitoringeffectiveness, and providing incentivesto maintain and improve results. ThePolicy criteria govern all aspects <strong>of</strong>our pooled insurance program, fromnew members to performancestandards. The new policy isCelebrating20 Yearsin 20<strong>06</strong>designed to reduce member claims inthe liability and property poolprograms. Members who meet theestablished standards are allowed topick and choose from availablefinancial resources to support theirindividual activities.<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> has settled all <strong>of</strong> oursignificant outstanding claims, andthe last two Program Years have s<strong>of</strong>ar seen a return to relatively stableresults. These successes come afterpayments totaling over twice ouraverage during 2004-20<strong>05</strong>, due tosignificant loss development in the2002 Program Year. In addition tothe high level <strong>of</strong> 2002 sewer claims, wealso settled our largest single claim <strong>of</strong>$3.5 million, water damage claims over$2 million, and sidewalk claims over $1million.The good news is we’ve weatheredthe storm. As a result <strong>of</strong> our strategicplanning activities and associatedpractices, <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> has beenable to absorb these payments andstill maintain the SIR Fund at almost$20 million. In addition, we have seena reduction in a number <strong>of</strong> keyexposures, including sidewalk andsewer claims.<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> provides defensivedriving and sidewalk liability trainingsessions, planning for storm events,contract management ideas, and otherrisk management assistance. The “BeSewer Smart” public awarenesscampaign continued with the first“Sewer Summit” with participantsfrom the regulatory, plumbing, andsystem operation fields sharing ideasfor working together to prevent andreduce the impact <strong>of</strong> backflows.The campaign and <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong>received national recognition in 20<strong>05</strong>by receiving the top AchievementAward in the Pool category from thePublic <strong>Risk</strong> and Insurance<strong>Management</strong> Association (PRIMA).We will continue our efforts in thisimportant area to assist our membersto reduce backflows.<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> provides shared riskprograms, including pooled property,and purchasing pools as well as claimsadministration, recovery services andrisk management services. Detailsabout activities and future plans aredetailed in this report.I look forward to this year and knowthat <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> will be able to“weather” the challenges <strong>of</strong> the futureas adeptly as our history reflects.Jim Steele, <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> Chairman,Finance Director, City <strong>of</strong> South SanFranciscoAssociation <strong>of</strong> Bay Area Governments-<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Benefits</strong> and Program Highlights 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong>1<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> Corporation

<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> Grant Programs 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong>The following grant programs and services are available to <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> members in 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong>.<strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Framework &Best PracticesGrants up to $10,000 are available forany purpose related to riskmanagement, for completing the riskmanagement framework items($5,000) and at least 50 percent <strong>of</strong> thebest practices related to riskexposures ($5,000).<strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Services CreditTo make it easier for members tocomplete the framework and bestpractices, we have established creditsranging from $3,600 (members withpopulations less than 20,000) to$9,600 (members with populationsmore than 34,000 to 54,000) andabove. This will provide theresources needed to address therecommendations in each member’srisk assessment and to assist inmeeting the framework and bestpractices standards.Defensive Driver Training<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> pays for defensivedriver classroom instruction andbehind-the-wheel training formembers. We use the State SafetyCenter for our training, and arewilling to try other vendors, includingon-line training, as recommended bymembers.<strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong> TrainingUp to $1,000 each year is available formembers to attend training or can beused for conferences, or to providetraining in-house via personal or onlinedelivery. Conferences andtraining include PARMA(www.parma.com), CAJPA(www.cajpa.org), PRIMA(www.primacentral.org), or other riskmanagement related organizations,such as (www.ieatraining.com).<strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Fund – Sidewalkor Pilot Program<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> provides a maximum<strong>of</strong> $5,000 a match for sidewalk repair<strong>of</strong>fsets that may be trip hazards. Thegoal is to repair at least 200 <strong>of</strong>fsetsand the match applies to contractedor in-house work. Members can alsomake funds available to homeownersthrough 50 percent grant matchingprograms.For members who do not needsidewalk repair, the fund is availablefor other projects related to riskmanagement programs. New ideasfor a pilot program that may behelpful for other members arewelcomed.Police <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong>General orders are grants to assistmember departments in meeting ourbest practices recommendations,including subscribing to a service forregular updates (at least annually) <strong>of</strong> adepartment’s general orders. Once amember meets this requirement thefollowing grants are available:Equipment grantsEquipment grants provide up to$10,000 per year as a matching grantfor in-car video cameras, tasers, digitalrecorders, or other risk managementrelated equipment.Training grantsTraining grants can pay for reserve<strong>of</strong>ficer perishable skills training notcovered by POST and other trainingprograms as suggested by members toaddress their risk managementconcerns.Sewer <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong><strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong>’s on-going SewerSmart Program(www.sewersmart.org), will includenew public education materials, backflow devices, and assistance formembers in a variety <strong>of</strong> operationalareas, including system maintenance,overflow response, and ordinancerevision.Please contact Marcus Beverly at (510) 464-7969 or marcusb@abag.ca.gov to apply,make recommendations for training or grant programs, or with any questions.<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Benefits</strong> and Program Highlights 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong>2<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> Corporation

Pooled Liability ProgramThe 32 members <strong>of</strong> <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong>self-insure their general and autoliability claims by contributing to ashared risk pool. Each memberchooses a self-insured retention (SIR)from $25,000 to $250,000. The poolpays claims up to $5,000,000, and anexcess insurance policy provides$5,000,000 <strong>of</strong> additional coverage, fora $10,000,000 per occurrence limit.Coverage provides protection forBodily Injury, Property Damage,Personal Injury, and Public OfficialsErrors and Omissions (E&O) claims.As <strong>of</strong> July 1, 2004, <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> alsoprovides coverage for EmployeeBenefit Plan Administration Liability,with a limit <strong>of</strong> $250,000, to coverdamages related to acts, errors oromissions in the administration <strong>of</strong> aqualified plan.Shared <strong>Risk</strong> ProgramsClaim trends during 2004-20<strong>05</strong> weremostly unfavorable, due to significantloss development in the 2002 ProgramYear. This year saw highest level <strong>of</strong>sewer claims, settlement <strong>of</strong> a $3.5million claim, water damage claimsover $2 million, and sidewalk claimsover $1 million. In total, paymentswere twice the average in Fiscal Year2004. 2002 became our worst year byover $4 million.<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> has now settled thesesignificant outstanding claims. Thelast two Program Years have so farseen a return to relatively stableresults as seen prior to 2002. Pastfunding practices proved to beeffective, as we absorbed thesepayments and still maintained the SIRFund at almost $20 million. Inaddition, we have seen a reduction ina number <strong>of</strong> our key exposures,including sidewalk and sewer claims.While sewer backflows continue to bea challenge, both the total incurredand average paid have decreased byover 70 percent in the last two years totheir lowest levels in over five years.Our comprehensive sewer lossprevention program, including aproperty claims specialist, membertraining, and our “Be Sewer Smart”public awareness campaign is largelyresponsible for this favorable trend.The “Be Sewer Smart” programreceived national recognition in 20<strong>05</strong>from the Public <strong>Risk</strong> and Insurance<strong>Management</strong> Association (PRIMA)as the top Achievement Award in thePool category. We also hosted ourfirst “Sewer Summit” in June <strong>of</strong> 20<strong>05</strong>.Participants from the regulatory,plumbing, and system operation fieldscame together to share ideas forworking together to prevent andreduce the impact <strong>of</strong> backflows.IncurredNumber <strong>of</strong> ClaimsTotal Incurred and Number <strong>of</strong> Claims<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Benefits</strong> and Program Highlights 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong> 5 <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> Corporation

Shared <strong>Risk</strong> ProgramsWe will continue our efforts in thisimportant area to assist our membersin reducing backflows.Pooled Liability AccomplishmentsIn 2004-20<strong>05</strong>, <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong>:❖ Maintained FundingStability with:• Loss rate decrease <strong>of</strong> 6.8percent• Total funding increaseconsistent with total payrollincrease• Stable limit and retentionlevels❖ Maintained Financial Security bykeeping SIR Fund at almost 4times our retention. Activitiesincluded:• Funding $350,000 for 2004-<strong>05</strong><strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Programs• Revising Memorandum <strong>of</strong>Coverage and Bylaws• Adding coverage forEmployment BenefitAdministration Errors andOmissions (E&O)• Completing <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong>Assessments for all membersPooled Liability Planned Activities❖ During 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong> <strong>ABAG</strong><strong>PLAN</strong> will:• Implement <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong>Policy• Adopt recommended riskmanagement policies andprocedures• Revise long-term fundingstrategiesCity <strong>of</strong> NewarkCity Administration BuildingSeverityFrequencySewer ClaimsFrequency and Severity<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Benefits</strong> and Program Highlights 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong>6<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> Corporation

Pooled Property ProgramThe <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> Pooled PropertyProgram began in 1992 with theformation <strong>of</strong> a risk-sharing pool tocover losses above the $5,000deductible. The members purchase acomprehensive property insurancepolicy for losses above $100,000. Byself-insuring the pool layer andcombining property values, membersare able to significantly reduce theirinsurance costs. The program alsoprovides physical damage coverage formember autos, with a deductible <strong>of</strong>$10,000.Replacement cost coverage isprovided for all scheduled high-valuevehicles, such as fire trucks, tominimize the impact <strong>of</strong> replacingShared <strong>Risk</strong> Programsspecialized equipment. The pool hasconsistently exceeded expectedresults, allowing the members to fundvarious risk management programsand providing a hedge against futuremarket conditions or catastrophiclosses.Covered losses are valued based onthe repair or replacement cost <strong>of</strong> thedamaged property. Other coveragesprovided, per the member’s propertyschedule and terms <strong>of</strong> the policy,include:• Flood Coverage• Rental Income and TaxInterruption• Landscaping and Athletic Fields• Course <strong>of</strong> Construction• Building Code Upgrade Costs• Boiler and & MachineryPooled Property AccomplishmentsIn 2004-20<strong>05</strong>, <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong>:• Increased insured values toover $1.6 billion• Increased coverage with10 percent rate decrease• Reviewed and updated data foreach member’s insured property• Conducted appraisals for keyfacilities and new propertiesPooled Property PlansDuring 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong>, <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong>will:❖ Complete property appraisalsConduct Boiler and Machineryinspections as scheduledAmount RecoveredNumber <strong>of</strong> ClaimsRecovery Amounts and Number <strong>of</strong> Claims<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Benefits</strong> and Program Highlights 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong>7<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> Corporation

Purchasing Pools<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers a variety <strong>of</strong>group purchasing plans that allowmembers to customize their programsat group rates. These include:❖ Bond ProgramAll members share in the grouppurchase <strong>of</strong> a Public EmployeeCommercial Crime Bond,providing a $1,000,000 limit with a$5,000 deductible. The coverageincludes faithful performance/employee dishonesty, forgery/alteration, theft, disappearance anddestruction, robbery and safeburglary, and computer fraud.Shared <strong>Risk</strong> Programs❖ Earthquake and FloodDifference in Conditions (DIC)Insurance is <strong>of</strong>fered to memberswho choose to protect key facilitiesor who must maintain thiscoverage for publicly financedbuildings.❖ Employment Practices LiabilityMembers can purchase coveragefor claims including wrongfultermination, discrimination, sexualharassment, and other allegations<strong>of</strong> employment-related civil rightsviolations.*Photo bottom left: City <strong>of</strong> NewarkSilliman Activity Center❖ Special Events and ServicesLiabilityThis insurance is <strong>of</strong>fered topersons or organizations that rentor use public facilities for specialevents, including festivals,concerts, carnivals, and weddings.Coverage is also available forcontractors, consultants, vendors,and recreational programinstructors that provide services tothe members and community.❖ Excess Liability OptionsMembers may purchase additionalexcess liability insurance limitsabove the total <strong>of</strong> $10 millionprovided by the pool to allmembers.Largest Causes <strong>of</strong> Losses 1999 - 20<strong>05</strong><strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Benefits</strong> and Program Highlights 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong>8<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> Corporation

Other Services<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> provides additionalservices as part <strong>of</strong> our approach toproviding complete insurance servicesto local governments. These servicesare described below.Claims AdministrationWe assign a claims examiner to eachmember to investigate, evaluate,negotiate, and settle both liability andproperty claims. Working closely withthe member allows us to gatherinformation quickly and respondpromptly to reduce the impact <strong>of</strong>claims.Litigation <strong>Management</strong><strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> maintains a list <strong>of</strong>preferred counsel specializing in theunique civil claims our members face.They agree to use our casemanagement guidelines under thesupervision <strong>of</strong> a pr<strong>of</strong>essional whoprovides over twenty years <strong>of</strong>experience in public entity litigation.As a result, our members havesuccessfully defended a large number<strong>of</strong> lawsuits at a reasonable cost.Recovery ServicesProperty pool members receiveassistance in obtaining reimbursementfrom persons who cause damage topublic property, whether due to anauto accident, vandalism, or othercause. Since its inception in 1992,<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> has recovered over$1,700,000 on behalf <strong>of</strong> ourmembers–money that goes back toservicing community members.Recovery Services AccomplishmentsIn 2004-20<strong>05</strong>, <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong>:❖ Conducted member training oneffective claim response❖ Recovered over $135,000 indamage claims for members❖ Implemented electronic auditing<strong>of</strong> litigation expensesRecovery Services PlansDuring 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong>, <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong>will:❖ Meet with members to reviewclaims and response procedures❖ Continue to emphasize riskmanagement approach to claimshandling❖ Provide in-house technicaltraining❖ Evaluate effectiveness <strong>of</strong> legalaudit program<strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong> ServicesIn addition to managing the insuranceand claims programs, <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong>provides a variety <strong>of</strong> risk managementand pool administration servicesdesigned to meet our members’ needs.<strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong> AccomplishmentsIn 2004-20<strong>05</strong>, <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong>:❖ Completed comprehensive riskassessment for each member❖ Passed <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Policyand recommended member bestpractices❖ Conducted training in sewer lossprevention, contract analysis, andrisk management basics❖ Provided grants for customizedmember risk managementtraining, sidewalk repair, policeequipment<strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong> PlansIn 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong> <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> will:❖ Follow up with each member toimplement <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong>Policy❖ Continue sewer loss preventiontraining and public educationprograms❖ Conduct Defensive Drivingtraining❖ Provide risk managementeducation grants❖ Offer sidewalk repair grants❖ Implement other riskmanagement programs as needed<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Benefits</strong> and Program Highlights 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong>9<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> Corporation

Related <strong>ABAG</strong> Resources<strong>ABAG</strong> Hazard MitigationProgramEarthquakes are a fact <strong>of</strong> life inCalifornia. <strong>ABAG</strong> has beenpublishing geologic and hazard mapsfor the Bay Area since the 1960s.However, earthquakes are not theonly natural disasters for whichCalifornia, its residents, andjurisdictions need to be prepared.Natural hazard mitigation planning isbeing done on a regional level tomaintain and enhance a disasterresistant region by reducing thepotential loss <strong>of</strong> life, property damage,and environmental degradation fromnatural disasters, while acceleratingeconomic recovery from thesedisasters.<strong>ABAG</strong> has adopted “Taming NaturalDisasters,” a regional HazardMitigation Plan for the Bay Area.Forty cities, two counties, and tenspecial districts have preparedannexes to this plan to meet therequirements <strong>of</strong> the DisasterMitigation Act <strong>of</strong> 2000 (DMA 2000),which mandates local governments toprepare such plans.Sixteen cities in <strong>ABAG</strong> Plan havecompleted annexes. The overall plan,and each local government annex,includes specific strategies formitigation <strong>of</strong> natural hazards. Thefinal planning tasks, includingestimates <strong>of</strong> loss exposure andassociated risk, will be completed inearly 20<strong>06</strong> in conjunction with the100th anniversary <strong>of</strong> the 19<strong>06</strong> SanFrancisco earthquake. Earthquakeplanning for the San Francisco BayArea is also the subject <strong>of</strong> <strong>ABAG</strong>’sSpring General Assembly. For moreinformation about the Multi-Jurisdictional Local GovernmentHazard Mitigation Plan for the SanFrancisco Bay Area, please contactJeanne Perkins at (510) 464-7934 orjeannep@abag.ca.gov.Online Hazmat SchoolThis program is an effort <strong>of</strong> the<strong>ABAG</strong> Training Center, run by theAssociation <strong>of</strong> Bay Area Governmentsand <strong>ABAG</strong>, Inc. Online HazmatSchool provides online hazardouswaste, hazardous materials, and safetytraining in full compliance withOSHA and DOT requirements,issuing OSHA and DOT certificatesand continuing education units.Classes include hazardous wasteoperations, general hazardousmaterials, and industrial safetytraining for busy, time-constrainedpr<strong>of</strong>essionals. Course information andregistration is available online athttp:/www.hazmatschool.com.Shared Agency <strong>Risk</strong> PoolSince 1986, <strong>ABAG</strong> has managed aWorkers’ Compensation risk-sharingpool, Shared Agency <strong>Risk</strong> Pool(SHARP). It is designed to providesmall to medium-sized municipalitiesand agencies the benefits typically onlyavailable to larger self-insured entities.Pooling gives SHARP members thebenefits <strong>of</strong> primary coverage and theflexibility <strong>of</strong> self-insurance without theadded expense <strong>of</strong> a traditionalinsurance company. The end result isa Workers’ Compensation programthat provides clients with moreflexibility and control <strong>of</strong> the claimsprocess, higher quality claims service,more stable pricing, and thesatisfaction <strong>of</strong> knowing that this is apool, working with similar agencies tomanage claims. For more informationabout SHARP, please contactMarcus Beverly at (510) 464-7969 ormarcusb@abag.ca.gov.<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Benefits</strong> and Program Highlights 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong>10<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> Corporation

Member Cities and Towns 20<strong>05</strong>-20<strong>06</strong>American CanyonAthertonBelvedereBeniciaBurlingameCampbellColmaCupertinoDublinEast Palo AltoFoster CityGilroyHalf Moon BayHillsboroughLos AltosLos Altos HillsLos GatosMillbraeMilpitasMorgan HillNewarkPacificaPortola ValleyRossSan BrunoSan CarlosSan MateoSaratogaSouth San FranciscoSuisun CityTiburonWoodsideHenry Gardner, PresidentJoseph Chan, Finance DirectorKenneth Moy, Corporate CounselJim Steele, ChairmanFinance Director,City <strong>of</strong> South San FranciscoLarry Anderson, Vice ChairmanCity Attorney,City <strong>of</strong> Burlingame<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> StaffMarcus BeverlyDirector <strong>of</strong> <strong>Risk</strong> <strong>Management</strong>(510) 464-7969marcusb@abag.ca.govAngela M. SalsburyClaims Manager(510) 464-7954angelas@abag.ca.govTerry HickmanLitigation Supervisorterryh@abag.ca.govEileen BarrClaims Examinereileenb@abag.ca.govBruce CareyProperty Damage SpecialistBrucec@abag.ca.govChantelle Coleman-DoanClaims Examinerchantelled@abag.ca.govLori HardacreClaims Examinerlorih@abag.ca.govJim S. NagalClaims Examinerjimn@abag.ca.govBrenda BrownSecretarybrendab@abag.ca.govCarol JohnsonSecretarycarolj@abag.ca.govPhotos provided by:cliparttoday.com,pedbike/images.org/DanBurden, and <strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> staff<strong>ABAG</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> CorporationMetroCenter101 Eighth Street, Oakland94607-4756(510) 464-7900www.abag.ca.gov/planAssociation <strong>of</strong> Bay Area GovernmentsMission <strong>Statement</strong>The purpose <strong>of</strong> the <strong>ABAG</strong> Pooled Liability Assurance Network (<strong>PLAN</strong>) Corporation is to benefit the citizens <strong>of</strong> each member community byestablishing stable and cost-effective self-insurance, risk sharing, and risk management programs for each member.

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