2003-2004 - Marian Catholic High School

2003-2004 - Marian Catholic High School

2003-2004 - Marian Catholic High School

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MARIANCATHOLICHIGH SCHOOLANNUAL REPORT<strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong>

CONTENTS1 President’s Letter2 Vice-President for Institutional Advancement Letter/Veritas Society3 Advisory Board Chair Letter/Advisory Board Members/Club Officers4-5 <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong> <strong>High</strong>lights6-12 Alumni Giving13-15 Current Parent Giving16 Friends/Corporate Matching Gifts17 Financial Report18-19 Endowment Classic Golf Outing20 AIM (Athletic Initiative <strong>Marian</strong>)21 “Dominican Way” Annual Fund Campaign22-23 Scholarship Fund Sources: Sr. Simeon Fund/Endowed Scholarships24-25 Long–Range Plan Summary: The Courage to Lead26 Gifts in Kind/Faculty Giving27-30 Alumni Parent Giving30 Parent Pledge Program31 Buy-A-Brick Program32 Honorariums33-41 Memorials (dates: July 1, <strong>2003</strong> through July 20, <strong>2004</strong>)42-49 Academic Honors and ScholarshipsClass of <strong>2004</strong>OUR MISSION<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>, under the sponsorship of the SpringfieldDominicans, is a coeducational, college preparatory high schoolwhere students seek truth, exhibit personal responsibility, cultivatetheir talents, and demonstrate Christian service and leadership.Teaching Scholars with a SoulStudent Council Executive Board MembersCharlie Wright ’05, Kevin Marvinac ’05 andJean-Phillip Brignol ’06 enjoy a courtyardmoment.Pictured on front cover: Top: Megan Cleary ’04Bottom: Ryan Cull ’05, Zachary Denny ’05 and Amy Dettmann ’05Pictured on back cover: Student Council Executive BoardMembers Kevin Marvinac ’05, Ashley Reed ’07, Lauren Misch ’05,Mike Mesterharm ’05, Valerie Ruiz ’05, Elizabeth Berger ’05,Jean-Phillip Brignol ’06 and Charlie Wright ’05

PRESIDENT’S LETTERWhen the <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong> fiscal year began, the Sisters’ home (attached to <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> since 1960) was a mass ofwire and pipe, a fog of dust and plaster. Abandoned by the Dominican ladies who called it home and by the Guidance andCollege Counseling Department who shared the convent first floor space, the convent had been emptied with the help of thefootball team and summer athletes. “Exploding” HVAC pipes had plagued the building for several years—one of the counselorsopened her door to discover a steamy jungle effect, with fallen ceiling and hot water on her computer. Moving the Sisters outmade summer a bit off kilter, but the August <strong>2003</strong> move in—with thanks to the contractors and the Dominican CorporateCouncil—was done with an easy grace that was to match the remainder of the school year.The other end of the fiscal year, June 30, <strong>2004</strong>, marked the end of the “Dominican Way” campaign. A check to the Dominican Sistersof Springfield repaid the loan which had speeded the construction of eight new classrooms and a Teacher Resource Center. Since theDominican Sisters completely underwrote the major “pipedream” (convent repair) and played such a significant role in Dominican Way,it seems appropriate that the <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong> Annual Report use Dominican terms for the summary of the year.Vice-Presidentfor Institutional AdvancementDirector of DevelopmentDonorRelationsPublicRelationsSue Procanyn Perram ’89 and Sr. Mary PaulMcCaughey, O.P. ’67, share memories atThistledown Race Track in Cleveland, Ohio.AlumniRelationsMARIAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLORGANIZATIONAL CHARTSpringfield DominicanCorporate CouncilPresidentVice-President forInstructional andStudent Activities(Principal)Chief Financial OfficerAccounts ReceivableInvestmentsSalary & BenefitsUsing the “four pillars” of the Dominican Order—prayer, preaching, study, community life—to evaluate our MCHS Missionallows us to place <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> within the larger context of our Church and world. In the pages that follow, the “mirror” ofthe four pillars helps to measure our fidelity to our mission of veritas, influencing the lives of young people and through them toour world. (cf. pages 4,5 and 42-49).The Dominican Sisters continue to be blessed with an amazing faculty and staff, professionals whose expertise and involvementserve to prepare our “Scholars with a Soul.” Parents—both individually and through fine parent organizations—continue to becritically involved. Faculty and families, then, form a major piece of the success reflected in this Annual Report.The future of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> holds even more promise because of the collaboration of faculty, staff, parents, alumnand students in the first stages of our Long-Range Plan, “The Courage to Lead.” The centerfold of this report (pages 24-25) is but ahint of the hours of discussion and creative ideas to be worked into action plans during this school year. Our thanks to thehundreds involved—and those who follow!Action steps are the next stage in this planning process. With the appointment in the spring of Sr. Kathleen Anne Tait, O.P., asVice President of Instructional and Student Services/Principal (see adjacent chart), the President’s Office can focus on the planningrequired for a vibrant and effective future for <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>. Using the expertise of the <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> AdvisoryBoard—and with the help of all constituents—we will indeed find “The Courage to Lead.”Asst Principalof OperationsAsst PrincipalOof AcademicsAsst Principalof Student ActivitiesIn the meantime, as we look back from pipes to planning, the <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong> school year unfolded with surprising power and peace.May the “pillars” continue to keep us rooted and strong—solid in the earth, but pointed toward heaven.In St. Dominic,Sr. M. Paul McCaughey, O.P.PresidentPRAYER PREACHING STUDY COMMUNITY LIFEMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 1

MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 2ADVANCEMENTINCOMEHIGHLIGHTSAnnual Fund Revenue$868,033Capital ProgramsRevenue$167,371Endowment FundsRevenue$200,416Stock Transfers(Unrestricted)$56,227Total Revenue(includes all stocktransfers & employeepayroll deductions)$1,292,047LETTER FROM VICE-PRESIDENTFOR INSTITUTIONALADVANCEMENTThis year saw the 43 rd graduation of a <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> senior class. Morethan 13,000 young men and women have been “Prepared for college…prepared forlife,” since <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> opened its doors in 1958. Although newchallenges face us today, the soul of our mission remains instilling truth, personalresponsibility and Christian service and leadership.<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>’s mission has stood the test of time and MCHS remainsa premier college preparatory school. Today’s demands and challenges are met by thegoodness of the MCHS community: alumni, alumni parents, current parents, faculty,staff, students and friends.This steadfast support is reflected in this <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong> Annual Report. Enjoy reviewingthese pages — your investment is here. Thank you for all you do. You are always inour prayers.Peter A. RuhlVice-PresidentInstitutional AdvancementVERITAS SOCIETYThe Veritas Society for planned givingrecognizes benefactors who haveremembered <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong><strong>School</strong> in their wills and estate plansduring their lives. The Veritas Societywas established to provide continuingsupport to the Mission of <strong>Marian</strong><strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> and invites theparticipation of alumni, alumni parents,current parents, students, faculty, staffand friends.The Dominican Sisters and the entire<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> communitygratefully acknowledge thegenerosity of vision to provide aninvestment for the <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>education legacy through a gift to theVeritas Society.Benefactors may consider an investmentin the Veritas Society to indicateto their families their deep feelingsfor <strong>Marian</strong> and the hope thatthey would continue to support<strong>Marian</strong> as a matter of tradition. Thisdecision is usually because of a profoundsense of the values <strong>Marian</strong>represented to them personally orthrough a loved one. This profoundsense of what <strong>Marian</strong>has meant to them is reflected bytheir investment in the VeritasSociety in order to allow for a continuationof the <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> values for the studentsto come.AnonymousMr. Joseph ChristofanelliMr. Mark EricksonMr. William FogartyMr. Robert Peele ’65Mrs. Roberta Rolwing-McQuade ’76Mr. Thomas Sadler ’65Ms. Catherine Schulze-Coll ’68Mr. & Mrs. Richard ThiernauMr. & Mrs. Greg Underwood

ADVISORYBOARD <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong>Joann Lindholm, ChairRobert Jones, III ’79, Vice ChairWilliam Noone, Past ChairSr. Katherine O’Connor, O.P., Ex-OfficioDEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE:Kevin Larson, ChairGenevieve BoesenMichael CarusoJoann LindholmMichael Murphy ’70Philip PascarellaLETTER FROM ADVISORYBOARD CHAIRIt is with my sincere gratitude that I express my thanks to the DominicanSisters and Sister Paul for the opportunity to serve on the Advisory Board.It has truly been another year of wonder for me. The love, leadership andfaith of the Dominican Sisters is contagious. They continue to be thereat every turn to strengthen the <strong>Marian</strong> community with their leadershipand contributions.FACILITIES COMMITTEE:Robert Jones, III ’79, ChairCharles Gallagher ’77Audrey Hudson-NeelyWilliam NooneFINANCE COMMITTEE:Nicholas Zagotta, ChairRamzi BahuPatrick Dolan ’72Sr. M. Janice Greenwood, O.P.Peter KronerPUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE:Sharon Pope, ChairChristopher Cummings ’76Jeanne DeRaimoJoseph Hamann ’79MOTHERS CLUB <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong>Roseann Corpolongo, PresidentCherie Rippey, First Vice-PresidentMary Kay Entsminger, Second Vice-PresidentSandra Lomonaco, SecretaryHolly Griffin, Co-treasurerSandra Sweeney, Co-treasurerATHLETIC BOOSTERS <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong>Vernon Fischer ’75, PresidentMark Terrazas, First Vice-PresidentJohn Pizzato, Second Vice-PresidentSandra Isaac, SecretaryMarguerite Frigo, TreasurerValerie Middleton, MembershipBAND PARENTS <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong>Gregg Spathis, PresidentCathryn Popelka, Vice-PresidentPamela Lau, SecretarySandra Sweeney, TreasurerALUMNI ASSOCIATION <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong>Christopher Cummings ’76, ChairColleen (O’Neill) Ranieri ’83, Vice-ChairFor the past five years on the Advisory Board, I have been privileged toserve with some of the most talented, diversified and dedicated individuals.I have seen how such an unselfish and dedicated group workingtogether can exceed all expectations! With Sister Paul at the helm forover a decade, the strides that have been made continue to create thefinest <strong>Marian</strong> community possible. The faith, community service, leadershipand outstanding education provided to each and every student whoattends <strong>Marian</strong> attest to the exceptional leaders, staff and supportive communitywhose lives have been shaped. I feel a wonderful gift is given toeach and every student that they will carry with them always.I am excited to continue with the long-range planning which reflects thecontribution of such a broad range of participants, including faculty, staff,parents and alumni who spent endless hours identifying goals, setting prioritiesand then moving forward with appropriate implementation. TheAdvisory Board and faculty played leadership roles in engaging the communityby refining and synthesizing ideas. The Advisory Board approvedthe six goals that emerged from the many ideas of 18 focus groups. In thisyear’s Annual Report, you will see the culmination of all the effort for continuedgrowth and excellence for <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>. We will have ourwork cut out for us next year as we develop action plans for each goal.<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> touched my life as an alumni parent as well as a communitybusiness owner. Having such an outstanding premier high school inthe South Suburbs strengthens the entire community and enriches thelives of everyone who lives here.Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, the <strong>Marian</strong> family.Joann LindholmJoann Lindholm“Teaching Scholars with a Soul”MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 3

MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 4HIGHLIGHTS OF <strong>2003</strong>–<strong>2004</strong>Steve Tortorello ’04,Alaina Lynch ’04,Samantha Gulick ’04,Rockey Linder ’04,Victoria Nieken’04 andMelissa Uhl ’04 combinefun and buildingduring one of two fix-uptrips to Appalachia.EXCELLENCE INTHE CLASSROOM<strong>Marian</strong> remained among the elite highschools in the Chicagoland area,increasing its number of nationally recognizedAdvanced Placement Scholarsto over 60. A total of 305 studentstook 630 tests in 18 AP courses to earnscores to qualify for college credit.More than $6 million in scholarshipswere earned by the 98 percent of <strong>2004</strong>graduates attending 103 colleges in 24states and the District of Columbia.<strong>Marian</strong> Scholars with a Soul numberedtwo National Merit Scholar finalists,18 National Merit RecognitionStudents, 71 equivalent to Illinois StateScholars and six semi-finalists in theNational Merit Achievement AwardProgram.Forensics Team went undefeated in the <strong>Catholic</strong> League. Names starting in back row from left to right:Matt Nix ’07, Amy Dettmann ’05, Sean Becker ’04, Joe Kasper ’04, Jean-Phillip Brignol ’06, Jon Mercado ’04,Middle Row: Jaime Smith ’04, Larry Hickey ’04, James McGuire ’06, Nick Wilson ’06, Alex Kuehr ’05,Front Row: Nicole Padula ’06, Samantha Padula ’06, Elaine Wilson ’05 and Catherine Mitros ’06.College-bound students scored 24.6 onthe ACT compared to the state averageof 20.0. <strong>Marian</strong> students scored morethan 100 points higher than the nationalaverage for the SAT.Academic Letters were awarded to 77students for achievement of a 4.0grade-point average for two consecutivesemesters, as the number ofAcademic Letters awarded grew tomore than 625.A record 112 students were inductedinto the National Honor Society, 99of whom were from the Class of 2005.PROGRESSING TO STAYAHEAD OF SOCIETYA prelude to the school year includedthe addition of 90 new computers, aswell as upgrades for all others in thebuilding to Windows XP andWindows Server <strong>2003</strong>, bringing thetotal units on campus to 600.Displaying continued commitment toa strong Dominican influence in educationalexcellence, the DominicanSisters funded HVAC renovation inthe school convent.In addition to 75 traveling wirelesslaptop computers, virtually every classroom/workarea in <strong>Marian</strong>’s building hasPC availability and wireless access tothe Internet and the <strong>Marian</strong> network.<strong>Marian</strong> continued its commitment toAIM (Athletic Initiative <strong>Marian</strong>), aSalutatorian Paul Pelock ’04 and Valedictorian EmilyVerkruyse ’04 walk the aisle on the way to graduation.sponsorship-driven initiative intendedto renovate the existing stadium and tocontinue to develop land on the westportion of campus with new softballfield fencing, bleachers, track and fieldjumping and throwing areas, and awell for advanced irrigation.SERVING GOD ANDCOMMUNITY<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> continues to offerchallenging opportunities to tomorrow’sleaders. More than 580 familiesattended the school’s Open House andnearly 650 students took the eighthgradeentrance exam.Nearly 90 percent of <strong>Marian</strong> studentsvolunteer for service work. TheService Club reached out to help thosein need by participating in tag daysand hunger walks, visiting nursinghomes, and taking inner city childrenon field trips. In excess of 800 servicepositions were filled in more than 25Service Club activities.

Virtually all of <strong>Marian</strong>’s enrollmentparticipates in the annual StudentCouncil Christmas Food Drive to benefitmore than 50 families, as well as inthe Campus Ministry Mission Drive inFebruary.Each academic class attends retreats,including the three-day Kairos retreatsfor the junior and senior classes.The popular Appalachia trip hasgrown to two visits, as more than 40students and chaperones traveled toKentucky over the summer to dolandscaping and home repairs forthose in need.ATHLETIC ACCOLADESBecoming the first repeat championand the third individual state championoverall at <strong>Marian</strong>, Casey Taylor ’05again captured the Class AA TripleJump title at the IHSA Track and Fieldfinals. <strong>High</strong>lighted by a fourth placefrom Brad Wisowaty ’04 in wrestlingand seventh by Taylor in the longjump, the Spartans had 18 individualstate qualifiers in various sports.<strong>Marian</strong>’s women’s basketball broughthome its second state trophy in threeyears, as a third consecutive Class AAElite Eight visit saw the Spartans bringhome fourth place in Illinois.The women’s softball squad posted a34-6 mark to set the school record forvictories, while extending its ESCCwinning streak to 40 games with aNearly all of <strong>Marian</strong>’s student body participatesin the annual Christmas Food Drive.fourth straight title, as well as advancingto the Class AA Sweet 16.The Spartan boy’s basketball teamcaptured the <strong>Marian</strong> ThanksgivingTournament, football advanced to theClass 6A playoffs, women’s volleyballcaptured a 14 th consecutive IHSARegional crown and cheerleadingqualified for state competition.Spartan seniors earned Player of theYear honors from local newspapers forwomen’s basketball (Lauren Lacey ‘04)and women’s volleyball (BrittanyStewart ‘04).THE FINEST INPERFORMANCE ARTS<strong>Marian</strong> orators capped off an undefeatedseason in the Chicago <strong>Catholic</strong>Forensics League by qualifying 15students for the Grand NationalTournament in Boston. Meanwhile,Larry Hickey ’04 advanced to theIHSA state finals in OratoricalDeclamation.The <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Marching Bandwon its 24th consecutive state championshipin its Class, while finishing inthe top 12 at the Bands of AmericaGrand Nationals.The Symphonic Bandmaintained a string of perfection byplacing first in the “State of the Art”competition, which features all of thetop <strong>Catholic</strong> bands in the Chicagoarea. Meanwhile, four <strong>Marian</strong>students received all-state band honors.Standing room only crowds attendedthe school play The Lark, musicalGuys and Dolls and choral concerts,while capacity attendanceenjoyed <strong>Marian</strong>’s firstChristmas MadrigalDinner.Students preparedportfolios for admission toart schools at the Prairie StateArt Exhibit. Annette Ruth ’07won the CongressionalDistrict Art Contest and received heraward in Washington, D.C. Seniorsdevised and directed annualExperimentals in the MCHS theater.Casey Taylor ’05 won hersecond straight IHSA statetriple jump title.The Marching Band earned another top12 finish at BOA Grand Nationals.HIGHLIGHTS OF <strong>2003</strong>–<strong>2004</strong>MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 5

ALUMNI GIVINGThe future of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> depends on its past, including the generosity of 13,000 alumni.Alumni benefactors may also appear in other listings in this report reflecting restricted gifts or gifts-in-kind.MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 6Class of 1962Board SocietyMichael ManciniSpartan SocietyCarlotta Archibald BradySr. Santina DeLuca, O.P.Jane Dooley GuagliardoFrank & Therese(Trotier ‘70) NapoliFan ClubKaren Barus BaileyCamille ZarantonelloBlachowiczLorron Grady FaraniJoyce Zeller GlandonJohn GriffinMichael NeylonCeleste Klein PhillipsKathryn SheilFrank J. Vesci, Jr.Thomas VitelliWilliam WilletTotal Giving for Class of 1962:$1,410.00Class of 1963Dominican SocietyJohn FerrariTimothy & Mary Ann(Ormsby ’62) O'HeaPresident SocietyRoger KingPrincipal SocietyAnne Keenan CrookBarry GrenierPatricia Pignotti KneplerEdward RossSpartan SocietyJames & Scherrie(Hawkins ’62) AddymanJoseph BijakHarold DausmanRaymond DeabelPeter KornCarol Kirsch MiddendorfKathleen McElroy RussFan ClubAngela Faso CarlmanBeverlee Klein Mc ClungMary Henning O'SullivanElizabeth Cahill QunellJohn SchreiberPaul SweeneyCaryn Christopher SweetWilliam TietzTotal Giving Class of 1963:$36,575.00Class of 1964Board SocietyPatricia Wujcik McHenrySpartan SocietyJ. Peter BittnerDiana Doerr CruzKathleen O'Keefe CusickMary Kathryn KuzmaAnthony & Angela(Prendergast ’71) PraxmarerFred RosenbergerJames SinglerJudith Kolnik StarzykJohn WolkenFan ClubBonita BohlsenDavid & Kathi (Essig) BruniDianne Svancerek GrossiPatricia M. HagemannChristine Coons IngleDiana King McGowanCharlotte SholeenTotal Giving for Class of 1964:$1,730.00Class of 1965President SocietyBarbara Ferrari ZarlengoBoard SocietyJames& Marijo(Doheny) HudzikJoseph Lex, Jr.Principal SocietyJeanne Bartusiewicz LaheySpartan SocietyThomas EngstrandEdward M. KabalaDonna LamoureuxJoanne Remkus LembaresDavid McIntireMichael PetrouskiLeon RedmanSteven RichterMary Ann Heidenrich RygielThomas SadlerJames SissonFan ClubAnthea Rosati BojarStephen& Maria(Bianconi ’67) DesmondDaniel DwornikLynda Vieha GrantEugene HildemanCatherine Kenzie LaPlantePatricia Kennedy MenoniJames MurrayWilliam NiekenMarion Webber PodgorskeMargaret McElroy PowellCurtis RibandoCharles SholeenKaren Delude VirkkalaThomas WillettRoberta Filippi WilsonTotal Giving for Class of 1965:$4,160.00Class of 1966President SocietyGil & Paulette(Ranieri ’69) DiGiannantonioBoard SocietyWilliam & Donna(Westenberg) HungelingPrincipal SocietyDave MattioSpartan SocietySue Hensley CarmanJohn & Janice (Rosati) MenoMatthew T. NeuKenneth PetersCraig SnyderJohn TharFan ClubKaren Hannigan BradyJohn DifferdingMary Sheridan DohmeMichael & Jean(McDonald ’74) EinhornMichael FanningJoann Ferko GorrellMardelle Meehan GundlachRosemary Fritz HorgeshimerSue Wright KellyKevin KennedyMark KwasnyKathryn Copp LabriolaJean McDonald MariettaLawrence & Kay(Neyenhouse ’67) MoravekSharon Janusek PaciorekAnita Butkus PhilippTherese Klawitter SafaviPhillip & Kathy(Wysock) SgarigliaLinda Peppers SpoletiMary K. StarkBarbara DeMaat StromingMarilyn Blakely VorsangerMichael WelshM. Kevin WoodsTotal Giving for Class of 1966:$4,255.00Class of 1967Dominican SocietyJeffrey BlakemorePresident SocietyJoseph D'AmicoGregory LeeBoard SocietyJoseph & Susan(Hamilton) BeaudryRobert & Teresa(Griffin) HudzikPrincipal SocietyJames BaileyRobert Bramlette, Jr.Michael McGonigalCarl PiperSpartan SocietyGeorge Archibald

Mary Osmolski BiscanCarla Cifelli CarterTimothy GaffneyLouis GergelRita Potocny KriderMary Krumb LipariMichael MoormannFan ClubAlan & Carol (Liesenfelt) BartelsMargaret Gergel BartelsNicholas DeutschSharon Perozzi DoughneyPatricia Durkin FerryClifford & Edith(Pierandozzi) HanrahanDiane O'Keefe KaschakRichard & Karen(Pierandozzi ‘68) MantoanSr. Paul (Mina) McCaugheyKaren Pagoria SchultzKaren Scott LeonardDonna Walsh-TaffeRobert TomlinDulcenee Doheny WalshTotal Giving for Class of 1967:$45,855.00Class of 1968Dominican SocietyJohn DeRaimoPresident SocietyLawrence EaganCatherine Schulze-CollBoard SocietyJames & Renee (Hagen ’70) MatlockJudith WelshPrincipal SocietyWilliam KlingerTimothy McAvoySpartan SocietyWilliam BetourneDennis DuBoisRobert RosenbergerDonald TuttleFan ClubGail Calderone AmosArla Day BlockerDebra BroxtermanMichael BuccinoKaren Watson BussoneJames P. Connors, Jr.James DehavenLinda Bojanowski HillPamela Helsel HoffmanLawrence Jagmin, DDSRita Benson KeepersSheila Barry MarinangeliMichelle Quigley MartinezMichael MytychRobert PasqualoniJeanette RoachKevin SavageLynn Videka-ShermanDavid ZajacTotal Giving for Class of 1968:$15,748.00Class of 1969Board SocietyGael McCaughey O’BrienSpartan SocietyThomas DerrigPauline Strzelec HilliardJill JulianSusan McCollam YantFan ClubMartha DeHavenEdward DeMaatMary Ann HelselRichard & Rosane(Spotora ’71) KrumbLinda Distler MortonDonald PotempaMary Alice Ephgrave ShiremanTotal Giving Class of 1969:$1,485.00Class of 1970President SocietyMichael FaganBoard SocietyJ. Craig GiesVincent ZerantePrincipal SocietyBro. Michael QuirkSpartan SocietyMary Ann BrownMary Jane DoerrPatrick HogensenGregory LindemanMary LlorcaJulie MolanderFan ClubDouglas & Mary Helen(Bijak) BlankenbergerClara Bullaro BradleyMargaret O'Grady BrennanGeorgene Stvrtecky CroteauTheresa Lane Del PrincipeGeorge DuchossoisSusan Mayer FaucettGeorge FilippelloGary JagminGloria Potempa LytalDoug MathieuGerard & Deborah(D’Apice ’71) SchrementiTeresa A. ShineLawrence & Theresa(Kardas ’72) Stapleton, Jr.Alan SzymanskiSam YaconoMary Pat Paradiso ZagoneTotal Giving for Class of 1970:$4,513.50David Middendorf, Pat (Pignotti) Knepler ’63, Jim Knepler and Carol (Kirsch) Middendorf’63 take a moment for a picture at the Class of 1963 40th Reunion at Mr. Benny’sSteak House.Class of 1971President SocietyTimothy & Karen(Greco) CunninghamPrincipal SocietyThomas KuzmaSpartan SocietyWalter BarryMaryanne Fiacco ChengelisWilliam SnowJerome P. WegnerFan ClubPaul & Dona(Broxterman ’75) AmadioDale BartusiewiczRita Hoedl BeverlinMichael & Elizabeth(Linder) BrennanVictoria Patterson DieskaLouis GazThomas GebkaColleen Mooney HallChristine Henry HornbackJoseph & Deborah(Masterson ’72) MarconiSusan MarconiMark MayronneJohn NylenMary Bock PorentoDouglas PriceM. Kathleen QuinnFrank SantilliElizabeth Woods SimnickThomas & Cindy(Flamini ’73) SomerLa Verne Butkus ThompsonDeborah Snow WalshMichael WrightKerry & Debbie (Boyle) YatesTotal Giving for Class of 1971:$2,530.00Class of 1972Dominican SocietyPatrick DolanPresident SocietyRobert NovelliBoard SocietyRobert BeckmanDominican Society $5,000 and up – President Society $4,999-1000 – Board Society $999-500 – Principal Society $499-250 – Spartan Society $249-100 – Fan Club $99 and belowALUMNI GIVINGMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 7

MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 8ALUMNI GIVINGPrincipal SocietyJeannine ClearyNancy Napoli GallagherSpartan SocietyMarrie Bulczak FrankeKurt & Mary Beth(Leis ’71) HipkeThomas & Patricia(McDonough) HoessFrancis J. MateseCatherine Delahunt McGrawAnn RolwingDavid ZeranteFan ClubRuth Pagorski BloomMarc BruniMary Lu GebkaEdward HaggertyGary HambelJames LeaderMary Pat Velo MarquetteJames & Ann(Gallagher) McLaughlinAndrew MonteleoneArmand NapoleonJames & Pat(Lustig ’77) PiacentiniBernadette Gavenda SartoriusRoxanne Jacobucci ZoladzTotal Giving for Class of 1972:$9,540.00Class of 1973Principal SocietyDaniel F. Dugan, Jr.Spartan SocietyWilfred ChapleauJohn & Sylvia(Sarmiento ’77) CifelliTerrence EaganMichelle HartnettPatrick & Connie(Sinopoli ’72) MorleyKathleen McDonnell NielsenFan ClubEugene BacklinSally J. CalhounNancy Bovara CarmodyDaniel & Jeanne (Fares) DominyJames FryerThomas HuidobroColleen Klein McGrainMargaret Keilty OttMary Ellen Doyle PifkoEdward SharkeyTotal Giving for Class of 1973:$875.00Class of 1974President SocietyMary Ann Klupchak GanzerMark TalamontiBoard SocietyJoseph Zagone, Jr.Principal SocietySherry NewquistSpartan SocietyBruce & Kiki(McDonnell) CifelliThomas & Karen(Stachowich ’75) EisenbartGlenn GaffneyEric PrommerJoseph ShipleyFan ClubLinda Lustig BertschKimberly Swedberg BudnikDawn Kirby BuikaJanet Schell CahillDeborah Trzupek CamilliJoann Piattoni CormicanDonna Knoll CoughlinLinda Lee DearingJean Donald-EinhornKenneth M. GiovannettiCharles & Jeanine(Jordan ’75) GromalaVincent & Patricia(Mascitti) KeenanDaniel KrauseJill KubancekJeri Love MlakarThomas A. O'GradyTotal Giving for Class of 1974:$5,945.00Class of 1975President SocietyLorraine Letsos HollandBoard SocietyJames CalhounWilliam & June(Ranieri) Cleary,IIIFrank Voltattorni, Jr.Principal SocietyLinda TemplinSpartan SocietyMark FeldnerArthur FerrariMark FitzgeraldJames & Marjorie(Marvin ’74) GodowicRobert KlimasStephanie NejmanFan ClubTimothy BlueNancy BushmaJoseph & Angelinn (Marconi ’74)Patricia LaFond DeGarmoNina Argetto EnglemanAndrew GoodrichRosemary Stabile IzzoNicolette Zaranti-JacobsmaCarol KlimkowskiMary Burke MillsJohn MolanderLuke & Mary Kay (Tintari)PignottiMichael RzabMaureen SchifferdeckerRobert SlobigKathleen Gebka SmithClass of 1968 members celebrated their 35thYear Reunion at Idlewild Country Club,including Paulette (Hrovat) Ciaccio, Marsha (Knoch) Lemere and (Rita Banis) Starkey.Jim Greer ’77, Jeff LaPorte ’76 and Mickey Erickson ’77 enjoy the racingduring a MCHS visit to Thistledown Race Track in Ohio.Kenneth & Kathleen(Fay) WegrzynThomas & Pamela (Reichel) WestTotal Giving for Class of 1975:$4,369.75Class of 1976Dominican SocietyMichael McCaughey McQuadePresident SocietyJeffrey LaPorteRoberta Rolwing McQuadePrincipal SocietyChris CummingsAlicia Borst DerrahTerence & Julie(Grupp ’77) KenneyRonald Snow

Spartan SocietyGary BlueMark BodaneHeidi Hoogeweg-MiruskyKathleen Nardoni HorvathDavid KlimasTherese Longo KloppJon MajorRichard & Cheryl(Neroni) MannoMary McTigueThomas MillerLori OchmanMark WeishaarFan ClubSheila Boehm AndrascoMargaret Arr BiltgenMary Ellen Lupien CarltonRose M. Larsen ChicoineMrs. Janet Lesak FiorenzoElisa Miller HuntKatherine Linder JohnsonBarbara KlupchakGail Motola MackMartin MonganAnne Marie Knox PolitoDeborah Lubash PullenNancy Gebka RocheJohn & Toni(Corradetti ’77) SchavockyJohn T. SullivanRev. Frederick Zagone, S.J.Total Giving Class of 1976:$14,981.67Class of 1977Dominican SocietyKevin DaneyPrincipal SocietyTimothy BusseyThomas ChisholmThomas FooteSpartan SocietyKimberly Bruni BorawskiNick CalviMargaret ConniffColleen Slavin CoxeTerri Jo Pulcini EverageCharles GallagherSusan KozlowskiMichael LafondDennis & Maureen(Conlan) McGushinTerrence ShelleyKevin & Mary (Krause ’80)WelshFan ClubJohn BroderickAnn Marie Brotherly-LambGina CaffariniKaren Capecci-DavisLuann Orlando DiMonteDavid GossMark KeeferLaura Creswell KellyJohn LenzDaniel & Mary Lou(Manzardo ’76) RocheMichael WilczynskiJanice McMinn YoungTotal Giving for Class of 1977:$12,443.00Class of 1978President SocietyJohn FinninPrincipal SocietyDavid WatsonSpartan SocietyKathryn CallMark ChapleauTimothy & Eileen (Gallagher) DawJoan Prisco GiannettiDorothy GrzadzinskiPhillip PanozzoSamuel SestoGerald & Diane(Bytner) VellenderChristopher & Denise(Zych) VieauxFan ClubLaura Rugis DownsCharles & Natalie(Starzyk) FunkJames GrucaSusan Wagner HodgesPhylis MarconiDenise Glomb MarshallStephen O'TooleMaria Christofanelli SimoneJohn StabileEdward SzymanskiJames ThompsonJames WoodTotal Giving for Class of 1978:$2,545.00Class of 1979President SocietyRobert Jones, IIIBoard SocietyBarbara BremiganPrincipal SocietyJohn & Cathy (Cook) BadeuszSpartan SocietyJohn A. BrachaElizabeth Manley MangersonThomas MastandreaSally Brody MonninFan ClubVictoria Vieaux ElliottLaurence FallonPatrick HealyElizabeth Blair HerbertEileen Atwater JasicaKaren Hoogeweg KrauseRita Land McCleanCynthia Sink JedloeSheila Stocks-SmithPaul VanLysebettensBernadette WisconsTotal Giving for Class of 1979:$6,040.00Class of 1980Dominican SocietyMichael KennedyPresident SocietyThomas WaszEdward ZiltzBoard SocietyKevin KellySuzanne Serne KleinPrincipal SocietyRalph BremiganSuzanne McGarryMargaret Benish O'SullivanSpartan SocietyRenee Starzyk ArmentroutCynthia Misovye BogsEllen CookJames DeeJean Gallagher DiLuiaAlicia TrujilloFan ClubRobert CliffordMary Ann CoxKathleen CianchettiFollenweiderBrian FryDaniel GallagherMary Bridget GradyNatalie Sesto LambJames ManzardoKaren OosterbaanSusan Van Etten PikalMary Hallissey PlepelJacqueline Borak PutzAnthony Rosati, IIIJay & Kathleen(Murphy) SchweikartMargaret Lesak SmolinskiTotal Giving Class of 1980:$20,650.00Class of 1981Board SocietyMichael J. McCaughey, IIIMichael & Diane (Brown) PriorPrincipal SocietyJames BeeseThe Class of 1973 Reunion at Scrementi’s Restaurant featured good times forJohn Zarlengo, James Buishas and Pat Chisholm.Dominican Society $5,000 and up – President Society $4,999-1000 – Board Society $999-500 – Principal Society $499-250 – Spartan Society $249-100 – Fan Club $99 and belowALUMNI GIVINGMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 9

MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 10ALUMNI GIVINGHall of Fame Alumnus of the Year, JudgeDerek Mosley ’88 addressed a socialstudies class at <strong>Marian</strong>.Rosanne CiambroneVincent KrydynskiWilliam LafondCarol Burke SwansonSpartan SocietyVirginia Hofer CampbellThomas DeeThomas HealeyKatherine Nelson KelleherDaniel & Cynthia (Vera) LagoneJoan RolwingNancy Lynch VireneFan ClubLinda Panozzo BillieJill Hoffman BirringerMartha Waller BowenRoberta Auron HalversonThomas KlupchakJulie Faron KrollBrian McDonoughJohn & Cheryl (Kimble) MinorMark PeiferIda Halm ReidJames SchreiberJames WisnaskyTotal Giving for Class of 1981:$3,313.70Class of 1982President SocietyRobert ZiltzBoard SocietyTherese BogsPrincipal SocietyJohn & Elizabeth( Bonanno)HausoulSpartan SocietyChristopher DomkePeter DuszynskiThomas FaganAnne Marie JacksonJoseph SullivanBrian & Nancy (Schwab ’83) WernerFan ClubMichael AtwaterDonald BergerAmy Saliger BorrelliDennis & Kristin (Depeder) CortesGerard FlynnSusan Murphy JohnsBrenda Ritzenthaler KetterKevin McCannMary Cannek SiegelAlice McGann StarkeyMelissa Gonzalez StrickBarbara Lane WillisTotal Giving for Class of 1982:$4,010.00Class of 1983Board SocietyMark KomorowskiPrincipal SocietyCaroline ColeMichael P. HudsonSpartan SocietyKevin CarberryKimberly Quandt FathVincent I. HolzhallKenneth KoehnDavid ShelleyRev. William J. VollmerJohn StockerAmy Zajakowski-UhllFan ClubPatricia Minor CameliJohn DriscollJohn FeminisMary Ellen KutsendaFitzsimondsPatricia Thomas GallinaroNancy Jaworski GlennonDenise Wolny GressKimberly GressArthur HolecekJack JanusekKathleen Healy KingAngela Harkenrider KvasnicaWilliam MaloneyBrian & Mary (Gallagher) McCannMary Pat Quaid MeehanRobert MizeMichael O'BrienJames O'KeefeRichard OstrowskiBeth Royals RandolphColleen O'Neill RanieriJill Martin RaymondMary Cizek RuminskiMaribeth O'Hara SharkeyBenny & Nancy(LaBelle ’84) StabileTotal Giving for Class of 1983:$2,660.00Class of 1984President SocietyDaniel MulhearnBoard SocietyMichael MohanPrincipal SocietyKimberly Janusz MitchellSpartan SocietyMary Cortes BenjaminMary BremiganDavid FaganTimothy FallonCatherine GratkowskiJames HughesKeith & Mary(Malvestuto) JanusJanet JaworskiEileen Murray MayloneTimothy SablichJason VelasquezStacy Marconi WodetzkiEdward & Sherri(Redmond) ZimmerFan ClubJohn BenishMary DurkinDavid HolecekGina Ross HorneBrian LelekJohn LustigMary E. Lange McQuilkinRimantas MeckauskasPatricia Fajman PolzinKatherine Lenz RyanMaureen Wessel SaundersMary Jo SmithGeorge SpenglerThomas SwanbornKelly O'Hea TaylorKathleen Wirtz TruckenbrodTotal Giving for Class of 1984:$2,700.00Class of 1985President SocietyCatherine Welsh ShawPrincipal SocietyRobert ManzardoSpartan SocietyEnrico & Jenifer(Trenshaw) AttanasioKatherine KeithSean KellyLaura LadewskiLisamarie Tantillo McClainPeter MoutvicChristopher & Coleen(Gallagher) O'HeaThomas O'RourkeEdward & Michelle(Rinella) SavantJennifer Cosenza SpinozziPatrick SweeneyLaronna Leveillee WoolfFan ClubMark BogsRobert & Coleen(O’Meara ’86) FritzscheKimberly Nair GibbonsGlen HaeflingerCheryl HardickPaul HenryMary KellyJohn KlawitterSuzanne Waterous PashaLaurie Kosmala PizzoCarmen Cortes QuinnDawn Winter StippichBernie Swiatkowski-SmietanaBernard Van EttenTotal Giving for Class of 1985:$5,488.00Class of 1986President SocietyMichael BruniPrincipal SocietySusan HughesSpartan SocietyHeather McCann Akiyoshi

John & Deborah(Okon) EberhardtMichael FeminisCynthia Carlsson LucasRobert MartinoJulie OlsonJulie Holzhall RomeneskoNancy <strong>Marian</strong>owski SeifritzFan ClubKaren Jurgovan BrinkmannHannah Vorwerk CassidyDawn Baumgartner ClarkAnne Owens Del GhingaroMichael DillonMichael DouglasLaura Masotti FredrickThomas GroganCynthia Harvey-BrownBrian HennessyChristina Carlsson LeCocqCarl Loesch & Marie HarrerDaniel MadiganAnthony SchlueterGinger Kostick ToddPatrick VellenderTotal Giving for Class of 1986:$3,399.08Class of 1987Board SocietyKelly Morrison ChambersPrincipal SocietyMaureen Burke AndrewsBrian HrynJohnny Gianetti RhodeDaniel RiordanWalter RuaneSpartan SocietyDavid KumskisDaniel & Karen (Kelm ’88)MillerJames MohanDaniel SchullerMichael SedorAlexandria Zazzetti SzafranskiFan ClubJanet Dowling BartholomewNancy Skertich BodnarKaren Hall CarpenterAnn DudekShelly Daiker GrecoKaren Sullivan HoffLisa KowyniaCarl KwasigrochJoseph Mantoan, Jr.Laura Dempsey McErleanMary Ruane PalmJames G. QuaidLinda StabileTotal Giving for Class of 1987:$2,905.00Class of 1988Board SocietyTimothy O'HeaSpartan SocietyPatrick Fanning &Michelle PaetowDiane DalDegan GoedersKevin KavanaughMaureen LaschoberKelly A. Toepfer ThompsonFan ClubJennifer Zajac CarlsenJ. Matthew & Jennifer(Harold) ChambersTracy Meade ChiappettiJohn DeeThomas & Jane(Carlson) DempseyAmy Linder FraleSusan GasperDebra Zagotta GumAndrew LongStacy Becker McGivernSteve PlatekTotal Giving for Class of 1988:$1,585.00Class of 1989President SocietyEdward KmakSpartan SocietyLaura Miller BrunoPatrick BurkeAnthony CzupekJames Flamini, Jr.Christopher HausoulSusanne Procanyn PerramAmy RasmussenRichard RiemanFan ClubJennifer Brower DesblesDenise DowlingBrian HealyPamela Lees LaceyAndrea LindleyColin NooneJoel PlysJennifer Hudson PowellJack RebolledoDesma Ciaglia RozovicsLisa Ross SextonGia Stracci ShannonJohn St. ClairJoseph ZampilloStacy Staniszewski ZampilloTotal Giving Class of 1989:$3,295.00Class of 1990Dominican SocietyJohn HolecekPrincipal SocietyCharles & Stephanie(Linder) MurachColleen (O’Neill) Ranieri ’83, Kevin Welsh ’77 and Sherry (Hays) Clarke ’79 gatherat the Alumni Association Women’s Basketball Pre-Game partyLRP Committee Members Jennifer Powell ’89 and Kelly (O’Hea) Taylor ’84 shareideas at a Long-Range Plan meeting.Spartan SocietyCatherine BednarekTina Milazzo HufnaglTimothy O'HaraJill Chartraw ParkerShannon ReidyAimee VessellFan ClubLisa Pantarotto CurranLaura Devaney FooteKerianne Detloff HearnsJames & Elisa (Brown ’91) MattioKimberly Marshall MikitkaTotal Giving for Class of 1990:$9,468.34Class of 1991Board SocietyTricia BoguslawskiDominican Society $5,000 and up – President Society $4,999-1000 – Board Society $999-500 – Principal Society $499-250 – Spartan Society $249-100 – Fan Club $99 and belowALUMNI GIVINGMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 11

ALUMNI GIVINGErin DeBruin ’99 gives Peggy (Walsh)Dull ’81 a door prize during thehalf-time of a women’s basketballgame.Spartan SocietyJoy J. Olszewski KucharskiTeresa A. RileyKenneth SwiatkowskiPatricia E. Berger WagnerJoy Finnegan WaltonFan ClubKerry CahillMary Ann Cruz DichosoMichelle KlawitterNicholas SlaterTimothy TiltonCarin WolfsmithTotal Giving for Class of 1991:$1,240.00Class of 1992Spartan SocietyKurt McLaughlinKenneth SebaharFan ClubTricia Kersten AllenMichelle BlakelyEric BroxtermanAmy MeniasJennifer PasykKristan Juraska SpencerDaniel WojcikiewiczTotal Giving for Class of 1992:$395.00Class of 1993Spartan SocietyBridgett Brennan SessaStephan & Lisa (Ramirez ’91)GasperecFan ClubTaylor GriffinBecky A. Paprzyca PetersAnne St. Aubin ThiesDeborah Klein VanEsShana Harry WangTotal Giving for Class of 1993:$295.00Class of 1994Spartan SocietyJames LaniganKevin WaleryFan ClubMichael BartoliniMichaelene BrownEllen RuhlSirStuart ThompsonBrian & Tracey (Patrizi)VanderLuitgarenCatherine Moore ZaccariTotal Giving for Class of 1994:$345.00Class of 1995Fan ClubMichael CavalieriKelly CooperMichael HayesJennifer KowalewskiEdward LechnerMichael MassucciKatherine Crevier MendozaErika Fuehrmeyer MyetteKathryn PuchTotal Giving for Class of 1995:$290.00Class of 1996Spartan SocietyShahara Nixon ByfordGina CannataKevin ClinninMichele Reynolds DillonColette EdmistenNick JarmuzAlexander OkleshenFan ClubMichelle GlackinBrian SkibinskiTotal Giving for Class of 1996:$800.00Class of 1997Spartan SocietyPaul MoffattMelissa ThompsonFan ClubDonald & Erica (Boreczky)BarracaMelissa BinottiRoberto CocotDawn FarrellJustin GulerMatthew HayesMargaret HeneghanJohn KoubaTiffany OsiolAlison Brncick RiegelBrian WagnerKevin WilsonTotal Giving for Class of 1997:$620.00Class of 1998 through2005Spartan SocietyLuis Barraza '04John Devins '00Michael Duffy '02Cassandra Gray '00Shaun Healy '98Fan ClubNancy Bugajski '03Rebecca Bugajski '05Anthony Chavez '98Erin DeBruin '99Brian Dolan '03Felecia Dupczak '04Lauren Leamanczyk '98Taleia Monty '01Martha Ruhl '98Mavourneen Ryan '98Jessica Walsh '05Harold Weise, III '99Colleen Savage Whittingham '99Total Giving for Classes 1999through 2005: $860.00Total Giving for All Classes:$240,030.04TOP CLASSES BY DOLLAR:1967 $45,855.001963 $36,575.001980 $20,650.001976 $14,981.671977 $12,443.00MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 12In truth, however, Dominican Way,like all of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>,is girded by the four pillarsof St. Dominic— prayer, study,preaching, and community life.–Dominican Way, Annual FundStudents listen during aPrayer Service in the Chapel.

CURRENT PARENT GIVINGRealizing the value of a <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> education and the needs well beyond basic tuition, parents share in the investment of excellence in education. This reflects a lovefor their own children and a pride in <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>. Parent investors may also appear in other listings in this report reflecting restricted gifts or gifts-in-kind.Dominican SocietyMr. & Mrs. Michael CarusoMr. & Mrs. Patrick Dolan '72Mr. & Mrs. Robert McQuadePresident SocietyMr. & Mrs. Patrick BlackburnMr. & Mrs. Dan GriffinMr. & Mrs. Joseph HartlMr. & Mrs. Robert Jones, III '79Dr.& Mrs. Terrance PeabodyMr. & Mrs. Michael PopelkaDr. & Mrs. E. SandovalMr. & Mrs. Patrick M. SullivanMr. & Mrs. Joseph TapajnaMr. & Mrs. Nick ZagottaBoard SocietyDr. & Mrs. Ramzi BahuMr. & Mrs. Mark BeamonMr. & Mrs. Alois BellMr. & Mrs. Michael BotelhoMr. & Mrs. Daniel P. BroadhurstMr. & Mrs. William Cleary,III'75, '75Mr. & Mrs. Thomas ConnellyMr. & Mrs. Michael CourtMr. & Mrs. Ralph DeJongMr. & Mrs. Brian DoyleMr. & Mrs. Steven W.Dudley, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Gerard DupczakMr. & Mrs. Reginald EvansMr. & Mrs. Frank Fry, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Craig HarmonDr. & Mrs. Warren HastingsMr. & Mrs. Gregory HeimDr. & Mrs. DonaldHollandsworthMs. Audrey Hudson-NeelyMr. & Mrs. James Hudzik'65, '65Mr. & Mrs. Stanley JablonskiMr. & Mrs. Stephen JarzombekMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey V. JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Alan KaimMr. & Mrs. T.E. KapshandyMr. & Mrs. Bennie Keith, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. James KowalkowskiDr. & Mrs. Roy LaceyMr. & Mrs. Richard LukacekMr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. LynchMr. & Mrs. David MarthalerMr. & Mrs. Alan MaziurMr. & Mrs. William McClainMrs. Susan MichaelsMr. & Mrs. LeRoy Mitchell, IIIMr. & Mrs. Jim MitrosMr. & Mrs. William MoffattDr. & Mrs. Jerold MorantzMr. & Mrs. Brian MorrisonMr. Len Mysiewicz &Ms. Deb CliffordDr. & Mrs Michael NicholasMr. & Mrs. Gerry O'BrienMr. & Mrs. Thomas R. O'Brien, Sr.Dr. & Mrs. Bill O'Brien-PenneyMr. & Mrs. Bernard O'ReillyMr. & Mrs. Joseph OrtigaraMr. & Mrs. John PelkeyMr. & Mrs. Richard PintoMr. & Mrs. Michael PlattMr. & Mrs. Ron RagoMr. & Mrs. Bob RossMr. & Mrs. John RussoMr. & Mrs. Clayton RuthMr. & Mrs. Leslie SeagrenDr. & Mrs. Jethroe SmithMr. & Mrs. Louis SpoonhourMr. & Mrs. Vincent SpretnjakMr. & Mrs. Raymond SzotekMr. & Mrs. Arturo TorresMr. & Mrs. Charles Tuskan, Jr.Mr. Frank Voltattorni, Jr. '75Mr. & Mrs. Garry YatskoMr. & Mrs. Joseph Zagone, Jr. '74Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Zerante '70Principal SocietyMr. & Mrs. James AdducciMr. & Mrs. John Badeusz '79, '79Mr. & Mrs. John BergerDr. & Mrs. Dominick CannataMr. & Mrs. Anthony CatulloMr. & Mrs. Thomas CosgroveMr. & Mrs. Edward DiLuiaMr. & Mrs. Dave DubeMr. & Mrs. Gordon GustafsonDr. Aaron HambMs. Marilyn HambMs. Aaronetta HumblesMr. & Mrs. Michael JordanMr. Robert Kasper &Ms. Polly WeissMr. & Mrs. Peter Kroner, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Dave Mattio '66Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McAvoy '68Mr. & Mrs. John J. McDonnellMr. & Mrs. Joseph McDonnellMr. & Mrs. Raymond Peterlin, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Rene SintesMr. & Mrs. William StuberMr. L. Susberry & Ms. J. SmithMr. & Mrs. Anthony VerkruyseMr. & Mrs. James VilutisMr. & Mrs. Michael WasikMr. & Mrs. David Watson '78Mr. & Mrs. Kevin WoodsSpartan SocietyMr. & Mrs. Ronald AdamsMr. & Mrs. Peter AldezaMr. & Mrs. Wayne BabiakMr. & Mrs. Gerardo BaltazarMr. & Mrs. Duan BanksMr. & Mrs. Joseph Bijak '63Mr. & Mrs. Derald BogsMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey BohlenMr. & Mrs. Patrick BovenizerDr. Karen BriggsMr. & Mrs. Thomas BrooksMr. & Mrs. Michael CaffariniMr. & Mrs. Conrad CalaraMr. & Mrs. Gregory CarolloMr. & Mrs. Ronald ClarkMr. & Mrs. Steven ClarkMr. & Mrs. Timothy ColemanMr. & Mrs. Kevin CollinsMr. & Mrs. James Dee '80Mr. & Mrs. Adolph DeGrauweMr. & Mrs. Jim DjuricMr. & Mrs. Thomas Eisenbart'74 '75Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth ElamMr. & Mrs. Dwayne EvansMr. & Mrs. Richard J. FeuersteinMr. & Mrs. Charles FosterMr. & Mrs. Larry FrankMr. & Mrs. Charles Gallagher '77Mr. & Mrs. Luis GalvanMr. Charles GordonMr. & Mrs. Matthew GornickMr. & Mrs. Anthony GrisafiMr. & Mrs. Timothy HathhornMs. Pauline Strzelec Hilliard '69Mrs. Rebecca HluskaMr. & Mrs. Mark HoltzMr. & Mrs. Raymond HorathMr. & Mrs. Paul HuizengaMr. & Mrs. Kenneth HutterMr. & Mrs. David JagodaMr. & Mrs. John JelinekMr. & Mrs. John JensenMr. & Mrs.Brad JohnsonMr. & Mrs.Daniel JohnsonMrs. MoniqueJohnson-BibbsMr. & Mrs.Peter JonikaitisMr. & Mrs.Mike JordanMrs. Susan JordanMr. & Mrs.Michael KamradtMs. Susan KaszubaMr. & Mrs.Tim KavanaughMr. & Mrs.Michael KotoraMr. & Mrs. Ray KowalczykMr. & Mrs. Kenneth KozlowskiMrs. Margaret KozlowskiMr. & Mrs. Timothy KrouseMr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Kyner, IIMr. & Mrs. Steve LalichMr. & Mrs. Timothy LawlerMrs. <strong>Marian</strong> LeatzowMr. & Mrs. Joseph LesczynskiMr. & Mrs. David LiesenMr. & Mrs. Paul LilekMr. & Mrs. Russell LinnMr. & Mrs. Charles LofranoMr. & Mrs. Carlos MalabananMr. & Mrs. Richard Manno '76, '76Mr. & Mrs. Michael MazzaMr. & Mrs. Don McClainMr. & Mrs. Julio MezzichMr. & Mrs. Gary MillerDr. & Mrs. Jon MischMr. & Mrs. John MulryMr. & Mrs. Frank Napoli '62 '70Dominican Society $5,000 and up – President Society $4,999-1000 – Board Society $999-500 – Principal Society $499-250 – Spartan Society $249-100 – Fan Club $99 and below<strong>Marian</strong> ParentDon Johnsonmodels aleather coat atthe AnnualMothers ClubFashion Show.MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 13

MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 14CURRENT PARENT GIVINGBand Parents Pegge O’Donnell and SueFelke offer treats at Oktoberfest.Booster Club Officers Sandy Isaac andMarguerite Frigo prepare the concessionstand for an event.Mr. & Mrs. Robert NecastroMr. & Mrs. Kenneth NixDr. & Mrs. Okechi NwabaraMr. John O'Malley &Ms. Ellen SkerrettDr. Kevin & Dr. Brenda O'SheaMr. & Mrs. John OpilkaDr. & Mrs. Nicholas PallottoMr. & Mrs. Robert PalmerMr. & Mrs. Juan PenaMr. & Mrs. Robert Pillon, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Charles PlonczynskiMr. & Mrs. James PlonseyMr. & Mrs. Scott PowellMr. & Mrs. AnthonyPraxmarer '64, '71Mr. & Mrs. Stephen PrusaDr. & Mrs. Daniel RakMr. & Mrs. Richard RampageMr. & Mrs. Anthony RecupitoMr. & Mrs. Peter ReedMr. & Mrs. Mark ReinerMr. & Mrs. Michael RippeyMr. & Mrs. Russell RiversMr. & Mrs. Patrick RoeMr. & Mrs. Anthony RoqueMrs. Phyllis RuethMr. & Mrs. Gary RuthenbeckMr. & Mrs. Phillip RymusMr. & Mrs. Gabriel SanchezMr. & Mrs. John SandrickMr. & Mrs. George T. SmithMr. & Mrs. Richard SmithMr. & Mrs. Edward SmosnaMr. & Mrs. Kevin SpellmanMr. & Mrs. Steve StanicekMr. & Mrs. William StankusMr. & Mrs. Carl SterzelMs. Becky L. SuttonMr. & Mrs. Joseph SwirczMr. & Mrs. Michael SypoleMr. & Mrs. Eric TomassonMr. & Mrs. Ken ToosevichMr. & Mrs. Michael UdchitzMr. & Mrs. Thomas UhllMr. & Mrs. Robert ValentineMr. & Mrs. Gerald Vellender'78'78Mr. & Mrs. Russell ViaterMr. and Mrs. ChristopherVieaux '78, '78Mr. William VlasekMr. & Mrs. Jesse WardMr. & Mrs. James WareMr. & Mrs. Kirk WeidenaarMr.& Mrs. Kevin Welsh '77 '80Ms. Laura Williams-PayneMrs. Bertha L. WinstonMr. & Mrs. Robert WinterMr. & Mrs. Stanley WohadloMr. & Mrs. Robert WojnovichMr. & Mrs. Frederick ZajeskiMr. & Mrs. David Zerante '72Ms. Vicki L. ZnavorMr. & Mrs. Greg ZuidemaFan ClubMs. Lauren AbatzisMr. & Mrs. Antonio AcevesMr. & Mrs. Joseph AjdinovichMr. & Mrs. Jimmy AlexanderDr. & Mrs. Emmanuel AlozieMr. & Mrs. Paul Amadio '71 '75Mr. & Mrs. Allen AmendolaMr. & Mrs. Bernard AndersonMr. & Mrs. Edward AndersonMr. & Mrs. Leslie AndersonMr. & Mrs. Steven AndersonMr. & Mrs Alfredo Arceo, Jr.Ms. Pamela AvolaMr. & Mrs. Eugene Backlin '73Mr. & Mrs. David BaczewskiMr. & Mrs. Vincent BafundoMr. & Mrs. Donald BalashMs. Monica BanMr. & Mrs Andrew BanickiMr. & Mrs. Bill BarkerMr. & Mrs. John BarryMr. & Mrs. Michael BartelsMr & Mrs. Greg BartlettMr. & Mrs. Dale Bartusiewicz '71Mr. & Mrs. Benedicto BautistaMr. & Mrs. Edward BeecherMr. & Mrs. Paul BellinoMr. & Mrs. Ricky BenderMr. & Mrs. Martin BenninghoffMr. & Mrs. Patrick BensonMrs. Patricia BernardiMr & Mrs. Charles Biank, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey BiltgenMs. Bonnie BockMr & Mrs. Craig BoltonMr. & Mrs. Stanley BonaMr. & Mrs. Ronald BonatoMr. & Mrs. Steven BowerMr. & Mrs. Joseph BowersMr & Mrs. George BozzettiDr. & Mrs Frantz BrignolMr & Mrs. John BroadwellMr. & Mrs. Thomas BrodzikMr. & Mrs. Joseph BrooksMr. & Mrs. Gregg BrownMr. & Mrs. Marc Bruni '72Ms. Nancy BuchlerMr. & Mrs. William BugajskiMr. & Mrs. Terrence BurkeMr. & Mrs. Donald Busse, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Glenn BylinaMr. & Mrs. William ByrnesMr. & Mrs. John CarlsonMs. Dana CarrilloMr. & Mrs. Joseph CasellaMr. & Mrs. Dominick CatinellaMr. & Mrs. Daniel ChambersMr. & Mrs. Mark ChiaramonteMr. & Mrs. Mark ClarkMr. & Mrs. Craig CloughMr. & Mrs. Robert ColemanMr. & Mrs. John Collinsgrove, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Torger CornellMs. Rosann CorpolongoMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey CosmanMrs. Lynn Sheehan D'CruzMr. & Mrs. Lawrence DeBoerMr. & Mrs. Edward DeffleyMr. & Mrs. Michael DejanovichMr. & Mrs. Russel DeLucaMr. & Mrs. Kenneth DennyMr. & Mrs. Joe DiMaggioMr. & Mrs. Michael DiMaggioMr. & Mrs. Bernard DrososMr. & Mrs. Michel DunmoreMrs. Natividad DupayaMr. & Mrs. Jose DuranMr. & Mrs. Stephen EckelMr & Mrs. Charles EggebrechtMr. & Mrs. George Elrod, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. John EntsmingerMr. & Mrs. Hector EspinosaMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey FairbanksMr. & Mrs. William F. FelkeMr. & Mrs. John FinlaysonMr. & Mrs. William A. Finlon, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Alfred FiorenzoMr. & Mrs. David FlemingMr. & Mrs. Terrence FlemingMr. & Mrs. Anthony ForestaMr. & Mrs. Michael FosterMr. & Mrs. Ignacio FrancoMr. & Mrs. Vito Franzese, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Tyler FuentesMr. & Mrs. John FuerstMr. & Mrs. Thomas GalloyMr. & Mrs. Leonel GalvanMr. & Mrs. Michael GarneyMr. & Mrs. Louis Gaz '71Mr. & Mrs. Daniel GenisioMr. & Mrs. Daniel GeorgevichMr. & Mrs. Peter GergelMr. & Mrs. Salvatore GiovaneMs. Terri GleasonDr. & Mrs. Thomas GolubskiMr. & Mrs. Joseph GomeztagleMr. & Mrs. Rey GonzalezMs. Rosalba GonzalezMs. Debra A. GordonMr. & Mrs. Emmett GordonMr. & Mrs. Keith GorneyMr. & Mrs. James GornickMr. & Mrs. Stephen GrasserMs. Margaret GrayMr. & Mrs. Gerald GriffithMr. & Mrs. Robert GunvilleMr. & Mrs. Mark HainesMr. & Mrs. Jeff HajkowiczMr. & Mrs. TheodoreW. HammonsMr. & Mrs. Lawrence HansenMr. & Mrs. Stephen HarmatysMr. & Mrs. Kevin HarrellMr. & Mrs. Donald HarrisMr. and Mrs. Patrick Healy '79Mr. & Mrs. John HeaneyMr. & Mrs. Edward T. Hickey, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Michael HickeyMr. & Mrs. Donald HintonMr. & Mrs. Gerald HofbauerMr. & Mrs. Michael HoffMr. & Mrs. Kevin HoffmanMr. & Mrs. Ronald HofkampMrs. Muriel McClam-HollimonMr. & Mrs. Martin HollingsheadMr. & Mrs. Wiley HouchinsMs. Christine HrabanMr. & Mrs. William HurleyMr & Mrs. Carl IacopelliMr. & Mrs. Chuck JacobsmaMr. & Mrs. Daniel JacobyMr. & Mrs. Thomas JansenMs. Ann M. JenningsMr. & Mrs. Philip JohnMr. & Mrs. Bruce JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Robert JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Ronald JorgensenMr. & Mrs. Alexander KaragiasMr. & Mrs. Robert KatelloMs. Kathy KeeneMr. & Mrs. Charles KepplerMs. Rukhsana KhanMr. & Mrs. Paul Kint

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Knowski, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. William C. KochMr. & Mrs. Kevin KolczynskiMrs. Alice KornblumMr. & Mrs. Arthur KorzeniewskiMr. & Mrs. Richard KovacsMr. & Mrs. Mark KrasonMr. & Mrs. Charles KreislMr. & Mrs. Richard Krumb '69 '71Mrs. Karen KuehrMrs. Pamela LachMr. & Mrs. Thomas LachcikMr. & Dr. Hilary LancasterMr. & Mrs. John P. Lau, IIIMr. & Mrs. William LauMr. & Mrs. Gerald LauerMs. Carla LazzaraMr. & Mrs. Daniel LemonMr. & Mrs. Joseph LeRoseMr. & Mrs. Michael LessardMs. Frieda LillyMr. & Mrs. Ian LillyMr. & Mrs. Lane LinderMr. & Mrs. Robert LisackMr. & Mrs. Sammy ListroMr. & Mrs. Bradley LiversMr. & Mrs. Sam LoMonacoMs. Laurene LePore& Mr. Bradley LongMr. & Mrs. Armando LopezMr. & Mrs. Michael LopezMr. & Mrs. Richard LorenzMr. & Mrs. Gerald LuehrsMr. & Mrs. Scott LynchMr. & Mrs. Thomas LynchMs. Valerie LynchJulian Nicholas ’06 dancing with herfather Michael Nicholas at the firstFather Daughter/Mother Son Dance.Mr. & Mrs. Patrick MaddenMr. & Mrs. Leo MakiejusMr. & Mrs. Mark MantelMr. & Mrs. Joseph Mantoan, Jr. '87Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Marconi '71, '72Mr. & Mrs. Scott MarseeMr. & Mrs Thomas MarvinacMr. & Mrs. Brian MarzMrs. Linda MayerMr. & Mrs. Bill MazurMr. & Mrs. Andrew McDonoughMr. & Mrs. Joseph McElligottMr. & Mrs. Michael McGuireMs. Paulette McKissicMr. & Mrs. Daniel McMahonMr. & Mrs. Felix MesterharmMr. & Mrs. Randy MeyersDr. & Mrs. Louis MiceliMr. & Mrs. George MikolajczykMr. & Mrs. John MiszkiewiczMr. & Mrs. Raymond MizwickiMr. & Mrs. Brian MolloyMr. & Mrs. Daniel MooreMr. & Mrs. Ronald MooreMs. Kathleen M. MoorhouseMr. & Mrs. John MoormanMr. & Mrs. Norberto MoragaMr. & Mrs. Patrick MoranMrs. Catherine MorrinMr. & Mrs. Edward MorrisonMrs. Jeanne MurphyMs. Carolyn MylesMr. & Mrs. Ronald NagelMr. & Mrs. Armand Napoleon '72Mr. & Mrs. Gary NesselMr. & Mrs. Michael NewtonMr. & Mrs. Douglas NicheleMr. & Mrs. Michael NicksMr. & Mrs. Robert NixMr. & Mrs. Thomas J. NolanMr. & Mrs. John NoonanMr. & Mrs. O. Kenneth Noth, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth NovakMr. & Mrs Robert NovakMr. & Mrs. Tony NovakMr. & Mrs. Ben NovelliMr. & Mrs.Christopher NowaczykMr. & Mrs. Roy NowakowskiMr. & Mrs. Salvatore NuzzoMr & Mrs. John O'BrienMr. & Mrs. Daniel O'ConnorDr. & Mrs. James O'DonnellMs. Danielle E. O'NealMr. Patrick O'RourkeMr. & Mrs. Sean OliverMs. Deborah OrrMr. & Mrs. Miguel OrtegaMr. & Mrs. Matt OsterholtMr. & Mrs. Theodore OstrowskiMr. & Mrs. Michael PackardMr. & Mrs. Bruce PalmerMr. & Mrs. Steve PalmisanoMr. & Mrs. Charles PaniciMr. & Mrs. Joseph Panici, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Morris PearsonMr. & Mrs. Bruce PetersonMr. & Mrs. David PinedoMr. & Mrs. John PizzatoMr. & Mrs. Leo PochinskasMr. & Mrs. Fred PowersMr. & Mrs. Andre Prophet, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Theodore PukMr. & Mrs. Brian QuirkeMr. & Mrs. Richard RadaMrs. Marcia C. RamseyMr. & Mrs. Rene RaudryMr. & Mrs. Patrick RichelMr. & Mrs. James RiddickMr. & Mrs. Rudolph RinasMr & Mrs. Paul RitchieMr. & Mrs. Mark RosandichMr. & Mrs. Anthony Rosati, III '80Mr. & Mrs. Bob RossMr. & Mrs. James RossbachMr. & Mrs. Arthur RossiMr. & Mrs. Mark RuskeMr. & Mrs. Martin RynneMr. & Mrs. Ralph RzeszutkoMr. & Mrs. John J. SabadosMr. & Mrs. Mark SalaskyMs. Pastora SanchezMr. & Mrs. Thomas SandrickMr. & Mrs. Frank SchabergerMr. & Mrs. David SchmidtMr. & Mrs. Mark SchrammMr. & Mrs. Dan SchroederMr. & Mrs. David SchultzJack Jensen and Pam Roe work the phones at theannual Phonathon.Mr. & Mrs. Michael ScianniMr. & Mrs. Adrian ScudellaMs. Lisa ShapiroMr. & Mrs. Alan SiskMs. Kathryn SkaroMr. & Mrs. Richard SkarvanMr. & Mrs. David SkauMs. Pauline SlagerMr. & Mrs. John SmithMr. & Mrs. Christopher SneedMr. & Mrs. Ronald SorsbyMr. & Mrs. Timothy SpearMr. & Mrs. G. Ronald SpenglerMr. & Mrs. David SpinozziMr. & Mrs. John St. AubinMr. & Mrs. Norman StanleyMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey StillmanMr. & Mrs. William StokesMr. & Mrs. Thomas StoterauMr. & Mrs. Ronald StroudMr. & Mrs. Michael StumpfMr. & Mrs. Robert SullivanMr. & Mrs. Michael SulskiMr. & Mrs. Paul Sweeney '63Mr. & Mrs. John SzczepanskiMr. & Mrs. Edward Szymanski '78Mr. & Mrs. Harold ThinglumMr. & Mrs. Martin E.Thompson, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Andy ThomsonMr. & Mrs. Kevin TorresMr. & Mrs. Michael TortorelloMr. & Mrs. Joseph TrotierMr. & Mrs. Paul TyszkaMr. & Mrs. Russell UdowitzMr. & Mrs. Christopher UhlMs. Anice WagnerMr. & Mrs. Daniel WalshMr. & Mrs. Patrick WalterMr. & Mrs. Terry WardMr. & Mrs. Lawrence WasilMs. Sheila WatsonMr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wegrzyn'75, '75Mr. & Mrs. William WellsMrs. Brenda WesleyMs. Lori WhitedMr. & Mrs. Gregory WhittamDr. & Dr. David WilkMr. & Mrs. Phillip WilliamsMr. & Mrs. Paul WindishMr. & Mrs. Philip WiseMr. & Mrs. Randolph WisowatyMr. & Mrs. Dennis WrightMr. & Mrs. Kerry Yates '71 '71Mr. & Mrs. Larry ZackMr. & Mrs. Juan ZambranoTotal Giving for CurrentParents: $120,535.97Dominican Society $5,000 and up – President Society $4,999-1000 – Board Society $999-500 – Principal Society $499-250 – Spartan Society $249-100 – Fan Club $99 and belowCURRENT PARENT GIVINGMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 15

FRIENDS/CORPORATE MATCHING GIFTSInvestors from the extended community share the Dominican Mission to provide outstanding education by making a commitmentin support of the total quality of life experienced in the Southland at <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>.MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 16Annette Ruth ’07 showing off her award-winningpicture of Pope John Paul II.Sr.Teresa Marron, O.P., addressesstudents during a Prayer Service.Prayerheart of <strong>Marian</strong>’s mission.FriendsDominican SocietyAnonymousDominican Sisters of SpringfieldGallagher Asphalt CorporationGreat Lakes Financial Resources, Inc.<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Athletic Booster Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers ClubPepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc.Reedy Industries, Inc.Ms. Barbara A. ZellerPresident SocietyDaughters of Charity FoundationMr. Paul M. DaveyMrs. Harvey N. DeanDominican Sisters of SpringfieldH.H.H., Inc.Irish Fellowship Educational& Cultural FoundationMr. George KlineOnce Upon A Time...Mr. & Mrs. Anthony PasquinelliDr. & Mrs. John SillikerA loving response to the awareness ofGod’s presence in our lives is at the–Dominican Way, Annual FundBoard SocietyDr. Kamalesh & Dr. Lekha BabuMrs. Lloyd CieplakEugene Matthews, IncKnights of Columbus AscensionCouncil #10318Marketing Concepts Group, Inc.Mary Wolf Rolfing Bogue Foundation Inc.Raymond James & Associates, Inc.Principal Society<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Student CouncilMETT Therapy Services, Inc.Spartan SocietyMr. & Mrs. William L. DundonMrs. Elsie NecastroMr. & Mrs. William J. TonerFan ClubMrs. Cathleen BoldaMs. Debra DzialoMs. Elizabeth EhlmanMrs. Celia FasoMr. Edward FischerMr. William FogartyFresh Starts Restaurant & BakeryMrs. Theresa M. GiannettiGlenwood Oaks RestaurantMr. Darryl L HendersonMrs. F. J. HeneghanMr. Herbert HuhnMrs. Raymond JenkinsMr. Craig MazurMcGrane, Perozzi, Stelter, et al.Mr. Peter MitkusMr. & Mrs. John MohanMr. Sam MolloMrs. Vera Newman & Mrs. Mary CzajkaMrs. Virginia PaulMs. Beth PinkneySanfratello's Pizza, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ShoneMr. & Mrs. Edward SurjanThe LOMA CompaniesTotal Giving for Friends: $193,721.21Corporate Matching GiftsAbbott Laboratories FundAileen S. AndrewAmerican InternationalBP Foundation, Inc.Computer Associates International, Inc.Fannie Mae FoundationGeneral RECorporationIllinois Tool WorksIntel Foundation FoundationJohn Hancock Financial Services, IncNew York Life FoundationNorthwestern Mutual FoundationPeoples Energy CorporationPharmacia FoundationR.R. Donnelley & Sons CompanyState Street CorporationTCF National Bank IllinoisThe J.P. Morgan Chase FoundationThe Phoenix FoundationUnilever United States Foundation, Inc.Union Tank Car CompanyUnited TechnologiesW.W. Grainger, Inc.Total Giving for Corporate MatchingGifts: $13,219.00Dominican Society $5,000 and up – President Society $4,999-1000 – Board Society $999-500– Principal Society $499-250 – Spartan Society $249-100 – Fan Club $99 and below

FINANCIAL & FISCAL YEAR SUMMARYJuly 1, <strong>2003</strong> through June 30, <strong>2004</strong>REVENUE & SUPPORTAll Tuition and Fees $9,920, 012Cafeteria, Bookstore, Bus $840,008Athletic and Extracurricular $110,495Advancement $1,198,918(plus stock)Other Income/ Investments $757,101Dominican Tuition Aid $262,500Contributed Services* $160,752Total: $13,249,786Tuition and Fees75%Cafeteria, Bookstore, Bus6%Athletic & Extracurricular1%Advancement9%Other Income6%Dominican Tuition Aid2%Contributed Services1%EXPENSESalaries & Benefits $7,791,705Contributed Services* $160,752Cafeteria, Bookstore, Bus $915,114Plant Maintenance,New Equipment, Depreciation $1,118,622Athletic & Extracurricular $534,833Administrative $302,801Advancement $299,468Department Budgets $456,215Deposit to Investments& Endowment $1,670,276Total: $13,249,786*Contributed Services represents the difference between the professional salary and the actual salarythe Dominican Sisters of Springfield receive for their services.Saleries & Benefits59%Contributed Services1%Cafeteria, Bookstore, Bus7%Plant Maintenance, New EquipmentDepreciation8.5%Athletic & Extracurricular4%Administrative2%Advancement2%Department Budgets3.5%Deposit to Investments& Endowment13%MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 17

ENDOWMENT CLASSIC <strong>2003</strong>Richard Crain admires his drive atthe <strong>2003</strong> Endowment Classic.COURSE SPONSORSLiberty Graphics, Inc.William J. KiehlQLT Graphics, LLCAngela Kiehl Hipelius ’86A Friend of <strong>Marian</strong> ScholarsGOLFER APPRECIATIONGIFT SPONSORFirst National BankChicago Heights/Frankfort/Olympia FieldsGOLF BALL SPONSORSAnonymous AlumnusPeter & Darlene Ruhland FamilyEVENING BUFFETSPONSORLansing Sport Shop& The Rosati FamilyLUNCH SPONSORSNewcomb PrintCommunications, Inc.Joy Olszewski Kucharski ’91Kenwood Painted Metals, Inc.– The Family ofGreg & Mary UnderwoodBonell Manufacturing– The Family ofTom & Barb OkleshenThe Northern Trust CompanyCADDY SPONSORFriends of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>COURSE REFRESHMENTSPONSORSAdvance Glass & Paint – TheSpotora & Krumb FamiliesAnonymousJones & Cleary Roofing& Sheetmetal CompanySCRAMBLE SPONSORTech – Tronics Construction, Inc.– Tom Kubisak ’69PRACTICE GREEN SPONSOR,BOTH COURSESTech-Tronics Construction, Inc.– Tom Kubisak ’69HOLE IN ONE SPONSORArnie Bauer Cadillac – GMC– Darrin Bauer ’83HOLE SPONSORS, BOTHCOURSESKenwood Painted Metals, Inc.– The Family ofGreg & Mary UnderwoodMichael & Jacqueline Kennedy ’80St. James Hospital& Health CentersThe Zagotta Family – Nicko ’02,Peter ’06, Mary Kate ’10HOLE SPONSORS,ONE COURSEAmerican SaleBanc Group MortgageCorporationDave Polarek & Mary KarabatakBeautyguard Building Products,Inc. – ScherervilleBonell Manufacturing– The Family ofTom & Barb OkleshenMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 18COCKTAIL HOURSPONSORSThe Fuehrmeyer Family – Jim,Jean, Erika ’95 & Katie ’99Tim & Mary Ann O’Hea ’63 ’62& FamilyGerald & Judy Mohan & FamilyPresident Sr. M. Paul ’67 encourages the Endowment Classic foursome of BenNikolin, Shahara Nixon ’96, Kevin O’Malley and Pat Rioux.

Dave Trump eyes up his shot at theEndowment Classic.Mary Kay (Hogan) King ’78approaches a putt duringEndowment Classic action.The King Family – Dick,Mary Kay ’78, Brittany ’00,Teddy ’03, and Billy ’06The Lydon Family– Tom & Elaine, John ’92,Christopher ’94Prestige Portraits by LifetouchTEE SPONSORSA.G. Edwards & Sons– Paul BurrellBASF Corporation– Greg StanekBG Products of IllinoisBimba Manufacturing Company– Pat OrmsbyMr. & Mrs. Michael Botelho& Jennifer ’05Geraldine Burke & FamilyCentria Coating ServicesDenny & Cathy(Schulze ’68) CollCopier DynamicsMichael B. Fagan, DDS., Ltd. ’70Faso ExcavatingFirst National Bank of IllinoisGallagher Asphalt– Charlie Gallagher ’77Great Lakes Bank, N.A.Heritage Bank– Chicago Heights/FrankfortH.H.H., Inc.Curt Hill– BG Products of IllinoisMichael & Jacqueline Kennedy ’80The Larson Family – Kevin,Diane, Jill ’98 & Dawn ’01LaSalle Bank N.A., MetropolitanBanking GroupLatzBruni Partners– Michael Bruni ’86Midco, Inc. – Systems Integratorfor Telephone SecuritySystemsBrian Morrison– Olympia Fields Country ClubPepsi AmericasPepper ConstructionGeorge Perry & AssociatesPositive ConnectionsProm CateringRanieri & Goodman, D.D.S.S & S Automotive Groupof CompaniesSodexho <strong>School</strong> ServicesWalt’s Food CentersGREEN SPONSORSMarc Alan Salon & Day SpaMaureen Burke Andrews ’87Armida FloristCity of Country Club Hills– Mayor Swight WelchThe Egg & I Restaurant– Chicago Heights/Tinley ParkIdeations – Jeffrey & ShariceJohnson – Brittny ’06 & Janelle ’09International Metals Processing– Vince DesmondJeffrey LaMorte Salon & Day Spa– Frankfort/Orland ParkMrs. Elecia Krumb& The Lipari FamilyRichard Mantoan, D.D.S.& Family<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> AlumniAssociation<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> SpartanAthletic Booster ClubLes Murschell – Morgan StanleyNBF – Home of Carquotes.comOlympic PrintingThe Reidy Sisters – Shannon’90, Kerry ’91, Meghan ’94,Bridget ’97RSM McGladrey, Inc.Ruhl Family Alumni- Sarah ‘87,Dave ‘93, Ellen ‘94, Matt ‘96,Martha ‘98David J. Santori, BloomTownship Trustee,Attorney at LawScott’s U-Save Tires and GasSkyline Disposal CompanySteger Flower Shop –The Zagone FamilyCarol Burke Swanson ’81Bob & Nancy (Lynch ’81) VireneLeon J. Witkowski, Jr. D.D.S.SILENT AUCTIONDONORSMarc Adduci – Sandy Pines GolfCourse – DeMotte, IndianaArnie Bauer Cadillac – GMCDarrin Bauer ’83Cole & Young Jewelers– Larry & Barb MolloBarb GorbitzNeil HarringtonJames & Sons Jewelers– Olympia FieldsMarc Alan Salon & Day SpaTony Makarek ’64Brian Morrison– Olympia Fields Country ClubRodozio’s Steakhouseat Meyer’s CastleGreg UnderwoodNick ZagottaGENERAL SPONSORTim & Mary DanaherRichard Skurka<strong>2003</strong> ENDOWMENTCLASSIC COMMITTEECo-chairs:Mark Peifer ’81Greg UnderwoodCommittee:Marc AdduciDarrin Bauer ’83Joe Faso ’69Mike Kennedy ’80Mary Kay (Hogan) King ’78Rich Krumb ’69Karen (Scott) Leonard ’67Mary (Krumb) Lipari ’67Tony Makarek ’64Mike Murphy ’70Janet NothTony Rosati ’80Peter RuhlCarol (Burke) Swanson ’81Nancy (Lynch) Virene ’81<strong>Marian</strong> challenged me academically, while providing opportunites to grow extracurricularly through band, service and student council.My years at <strong>Marian</strong> helped me learn how to balance and prioritize my time, while encouraging me to have a vision for my future.Through the support of the faculty and staff, <strong>Marian</strong> helped me lay a strong foundation which is where I continue to build today.Ms. Melanie Credo '99ENDOWMENT CLASSICMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 19

MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 20AIM– The Athletic Initiative at <strong>Marian</strong> Moves ForwardA check from the Tail Power Classic is presented to PeteRuhl (second from right) for the Athletic Initiative at<strong>Marian</strong> by Jack Dvorak, Brian Fordon ’80, Ed Ziltz ’80and Rich Fordon ’80.When the west campus acreage was purchased by theDominican Sisters of Springfield and gifted to <strong>Marian</strong><strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>, the potential for the schoolprogram was evident. Now, after a huge investment by theschool community, <strong>Marian</strong> is taking “AIM” to finish theproject and build or improve west campus athleticfacilities.AIM is a specific target-time and fund-sensitive effortthat will truly make a good facility an outstanding one.Those taking “AIM” are those in the <strong>Marian</strong> communitywho have discovered the role that athletics plays in thedevelopment of young people and the spirit of acommunity. AIM is not a general school initiative. Ledby former student athletes, their parents and fans, AIMwill not be a piece of our Phonathon nor <strong>Marian</strong> generalprograms. <strong>Marian</strong> at large will continue to focus on otherkey elements of the school programs: academics, faithand service, arts and activities, through our Annual Fund.AIM was “kicked off” in June of 2002. At that timeMCHS received a challenge grant from a <strong>Marian</strong>graduate offering to fund $1 for every $2 raised forAIM. Our anonymous benefactor offered to match up to$200,000. By raising $400,000, our anonymous alumnusdonor would give us $200,000 for a total of $600,000.AIM pledges currently total $155,700. Of those pledges,$123,350 has been received. MCHS thanks AIMCo-chairs, John Holecek ‘90 and Mike Prior ‘81, fortheir leadership and support of AIM. Thanks also to EdKmak ‘89, Dan Miller ‘87 and Dwight Snow ‘87 fortheir efforts to tell the story and secure AIM donationsfrom former teammates. The first two Tail Power Classicgolf outings have earned a total of $14,500 for AIM.These two events have provided a day of golf, fun andcamaraderie for many. Sincere thanks go to Jim Dee ‘80,Tim Swanson ‘86 and Ed Ziltz ‘80 for their effortstoward the success and growth of the Tail Power Classic.The <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Alumni Association hosted the“<strong>Marian</strong> Madness” event (men’s NCAA final game) for thelast two years and raised $7,200 for AIM.At AIM’s conception, it was decided that improvementsto the west campus would occur as funds were received;safety concerns would be addressed first.Through AIM the following has been accomplished:• Softball fencing purchased and installed• Baseball field fencing repaired• Twelve sets of bleachers have been purchased andinstalled for the tennis courts, freshman baseball fieldand the soccer fields• Planning is underway to coordinate lighting needs forSpartan Stadium• An irrigation well has been installed with a pump andelectric connections and bids are being sought for theirrigation system to serve the well. Major funding for thewell is courtesy of a donor directing their gift to the well• State of the art facilities for our long jump and triplejump pits, including fencing, retaining walls and therunway approach have been installed• A new digital scoreboard for Spartan Stadium was erectedContributions for AIM are still being accepted. Asindicated above, your gift can be enhanced by ourchallenge grant with $1 matched for every $2 raised.If you have any questions about AIM, please call PeteRuhl or Athletic Director Dave Mattio ’66.AIM Contributors to dateAnonymous AlumnusMrs. Meghan Reidy Arnold ‘94Mr. & Mrs. Mark BajenskiMr. & Mrs. Andrew BanickiMr. & Mrs. James Beese ‘81Mr. & Mrs. Douglas BenkerMr. & Mrs. Kenneth BlueMr. Mark BoyleMr. & Mrs. Michael CarusoMr. & Mrs. William Cleary,III ‘75, ‘75Mr. & Mrs. Timothy DanaherMr. & Mrs. John Dee ‘88Ms. Phyllis DePaoloMr. James Donahue ‘81Mr. Nick Dragisic, Jr.Mrs. Celia FasoMr. James Flamini, Jr. ‘89Mr. Thomas Foote ‘77Dr. & Mrs. Armand GasbarroMr. Jerry GleasonMr. John Holecek ‘90Mr. Robert E. Hord, Jr.Mr. Brian Hryn ‘87Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jones, III ‘79Mr. Kevin Kelly ‘80Mr. Edward Kmak ‘89Mr. Jerome B. KomarMs. Lynne KurtyakMs. Susan Lach ‘81Mr. Jeff LaMorteDr. Jeffrey LaPorte ‘76Lincoln MallMrs. Josephine LoBue<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> – Athletic BoostersMr. & Mrs. Paul MassucciMr. & Mrs. Dave Mattio ‘66Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Miller ‘87, ‘88Mr. & Mrs. William MoffattMr. & Mrs. Lawrence MolloMr. & Mrs. Gregory MurrayMr. & Mrs. Frank A. NardoniMr. & Mrs. William NooneMr. & Mrs. Thomas OkleshenMs. Sharon Janusek Paciorek ‘66Mrs. Kerry Reidy Paris ‘91Mrs. Aldona PetrarcaMr. Thomas Poynton ‘88Mr. & Mrs. Michael Prior ‘81, ‘81Mr. & Mrs. James PruittMrs. Colleen O’Neill Ranieri ‘83Mrs. Bridget O’Neill Reed ‘82Ms. Bridget Reidy ‘97Ms. Shannon Reidy ‘90Mr. & Mrs. Philip RiceMr. & Mrs. Daniel Riordan ‘87Mr. & Mrs. Peter RuhlMrs. Joanne O’Neill Sicher ‘81Mr. & Mrs. Leonard D. SmithMr. Dwight Snow ‘87Mr. & Mrs. Joseph SpotoraMr. & Mrs. Thomas StallingsMs. Mary StevensDr. & Mrs. John F. SullivanMr. Thomas Swanborn ‘84Mrs. Carol Burke Swanson ‘81Mr. Timothy Swanson ‘86Ms. Marcia SpiresTail Power Golf Classic GolfersMr. & Mrs. Gregory UnderwoodMrs. Nancy Lynch Virene ‘81Rev. William J. Vollmer ‘83Ms. Dana L. WadeMr. & Mrs. Lyndon WallerMr. & Mrs. Arthur WelshMr. Edward Ziltz ‘80Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ziltz ‘82

<strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong> DOMINICAN WAYThe Dominican Way Initiative had a goal of $1.8 million and it was successfully completed, raising a total of $1,847,709.33. There is a pledge balance of $182,969which is consistently being paid according to individual commitments. Our goal was achieved through the generosity and strength of parental, alumni andcommunity investment. A sincere Thank You to Campaign Chair, Patrick Dolan ‘72 and to all who made Dominican Way a reality.Valerie Ruiz ’05 and ElizabethBerger ’05 admire the beauty ofDominican Way.Students Lauren Misch ’05, CharlieWright ’05, Mike Mesterharm ’05 andAshley Reed ’07 gather in theDominican Way courtyard.Dominican Way Three-Year InitiativeSuccessfully CompletedThrough the vision of the <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Advisory Board,the generosity of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, and creativityfrom students and faculty, the miracle of Dominican Way enhanced the<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> campus with the addition of eight air-conditionedclassrooms and a teacher resource area. Dedicated in April 2002,the addition relieved hall crowding, provided space for more lockers,included computer access to the students and administrative networkingfor teachers and a comfortable learning environment for religion classes.Classroom Sponsors:In Appreciation of the Sisters and Teachersof <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> – A FriendThe Dolan FamilyPatrick ’72 & NancyKevin ’00Brian ’03Erin ’06William & Helen DolanHarvey & Betty DeanGreat Lakes BankThe Kroner FamilyPeter ’05Melanie ’06In Loving Memory of Helen L. Miniat& George E. BotelhoPhyllis and Anthony Rosati & Family –Lansing Sport ShopThe Ruhl Family AlumniSarah’87David ’93Ellen ’94Matthew ’96Martha ’98In Loving Memory of Chester W. WrubelNoelle Warren ’07 smiles during a study session.Courtyard Sponsors:Stained glass in courtyard designed and giftedby Dr. Donald Hollandsworth, D.OThe Dominican Sisters funded it. The Staff movedthe St. Dominic statue to its wall. A teacher planneda courtyard with landscaping to bloom around thedominican shield of veritas (truth). The students call itDominican Way and benefit most from the long-neededeight classroom addition.–Dominican Way, Annual FundMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 21

SCHOLARSHIP FUND SOURCESWith <strong>Marian</strong> tuition ($5,900 for the oldest student in <strong>2003</strong>-04) causing great sacrifice for some families, <strong>Marian</strong> scholarship funds assist those whocould not otherwise afford a solid college preparatory education. Sources of funding for tuition aid include a Ministry Subsidy Grant from theDominican Sisters, the Sister Simeon Fund for Tuition Assistance, and Endowed Scholarships.Ministry Subsidy GrantsTuition aid is never funded from the tuition of other current students.Aid is made possible only through the goodness of the DominicanSisters who have established grants to subsidize the ministry of theirSisters. The administration of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> has traditionallyrestricted this total amount to tuition aid, asking families to apply foraid from an outside agency which determines need.Dominican Sisters of Springfield:Subsidy Grant totaling $262,500 in <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong>given to 191 studentsSts. Catherine and Dominic Scholarships totaled$20,600 in <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong>Sr. Simeon, O.P. Fundfor Tuition AssistanceStudents received tuition relief in amounts appropriate to the situationand the need, realizing a dream of Sr. M. SimeonMcCoppin, O.P., the school Treasurer who worked with manyfamilies to find emergency or supplemental aid to the funds giftedannually by the Dominican Sisters. A brochure explaining thisprogram, which is often used for memorials, is available by contactingthe Advancement Office.ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPSAll endowed scholarships are invested with professionalmanagers and are restricted for use for annual tuition aid in keepingwith the wishes of the donors.Sr. Dorothy Marie, O.P., chats with students BrianIacopelli ’ 07, Josh Howe ’07, Ariel Mantoan ’07,Christine Marcuson ’07and Melissa Kirk ’07MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 22Sr. M. Gloria, O.P., has a laugh with studentsSarah Griffin ’04 and Tabitha Hurley ’04.Sr. Agnes Ann, O.P., explains a religion assignment toAllison Purdy ’07 and Donny Settle ’07.

SISTER SIMEON, O.P. FUND FOR TUITION ASSISTANCEAnonymous AlumnusAnonymous ParentMr. & Mrs. Chris AbramMr. & Mrs. Michael AkeyMrs. Stefany BabinMr. & Mrs. Frank J. BakonMrs. Frances BazanMr. & Mrs. John BiedaBig Shoulders FundMr. & Mrs. Patrick BlackburnMr. Jeffrey Blakemore '67Mr. & Mrs. David BlanfordMrs. Gertie BochenekMr. Scott BodnarMs. Joan BoskovichMrs. Marilyn BricksMr. & Mrs. Scott BrownEndowed ScholarshipsMr. & Mrs. James BuckleyMr. & Mrs. Joseph CapMs. Kimberly A. CaruthersMrs. Lloyd CieplakMr. & Mrs. John Cifelli '73, '77Mr. & Mrs. Charles CusickMr. & Mrs. Dennis CzuryloMs. Mary S. WildemanMr. Paul M. DaveyMrs. Harvey N. DeanMrs. Louise DechmanSr. Santina DeLuca, O.P. '62Mrs. Arlene & Mr. Joe DobrowskiDominican Sisters of Springfield,General CouncilDominican Sisters of Springfield,<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Bernard DrososMr. Frank DubczakMr. Joseph DubczakMr. Stanley DubczakMrs. Milton DubczakMs. Sue DubczakMr. & Mrs. Gerard DupczakMs. Felecia Dupczak '04Mrs. Wanda ElkourieMs. Irene EllstromMs. Mary L. EmigThe Morrison Family ScholarshipThe Erman C. Savant& Lawrence J. Cassidy Memorial ScholarshipThe Richard & Anne Potts Academic ScholarshipThe Margaret S. Wrubel Memorial ScholarshipThe Flanagan Family ScholarshipThe Michael J. McCaughey, Jr.& Dorothy M. McCaughey Academic ScholarshipThe Kevin F. Maher Memorial ScholarshipThe Pascale Family ScholarshipMr. George FabianMrs. Lorron Grady Farani '62Mr. & Mrs. John FeketeMr. William FogartyMr. James F. GallagherMr. John GallagherMr. & Mrs. Daniel Gallagher '80Mr. Ace GargasMrs. Ceil GrossMrs. Linda HansenMrs. Rolanda HarrisonMr. & Mrs. Martin HollingsheadMr. & Mrs. Harry HowisenMs. Kathleen A. HudaIrish Fellowship Educational& Cultural FoundationIRS – Coworkersof Gerard DupczakMr. & Mrs. James JacksonMs. Loretta JamroseMs. Gloria K. JenkinsMr. & Mrs. Alan JuraskaMrs. Loretta KatauskasMr. & Mrs. Richard L. KelleyMichael & Jacqueline Kennedy '80Knights of Columbus AscensionCouncil #10318Mr. & Mrs. Jim KorbaThe J. D. Hilliard Memorial ScholarshipThe Nicola & Maria M. Pascarella Memorial ScholarshipThe O’Hea Family ScholarshipThe Mothers Club ScholarshipThe Diane Fushi DeFries ‘64 Memorial ScholarshipThe Elizabeth & John Bitunjac Memorial ScholarshipThe Amadio (Stu) & JoAnne Bruni ScholarshipThe George Klupchak Family Memorial ScholarshipThe Bert W. & Rita B. Means ScholarshipThe LT. Commander Patrick J. Murphy ‘81Memorial ScholarshipMr. Robert KuschelMr. & Mrs. Frank LabedzMr. & Mrs. Kevin LarsonMCHS-Student ActivitiesMr. & Mrs. Paul MassucciMr. & Mrs. James Matlock '68, '70Dr. & Mrs. Michael J.McCaughey, III ‘81Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McDonnellMr. & Mrs. James McGrathMr. & Mrs. Robert McQuadeMr. Michael Neylon '62Ms. Anita NovakMr. & Mrs. Alfred OsinskiMr. & Mrs. Ben OsinskiMr. & Mrs. Anthony PasquinelliMr. & Mrs. John PerkovichMr. & Mrs. Bill PostleMr. & Mrs Dan PrytherchMs. Emily PrytherchMr. & Mrs. Michael RemecMr. & Mrs. Robert RodeyMrs. Roberta Rolwing McQuade '76Mr. & Mrs. Peter RuhlMr. Carl RuzyckiMr. & Mrs. Patrick SacorMs. Terry SchultzMr. & Mrs. Thomas SedorMrs. Thelma SkrzypekMr. & Mrs. Christopher SneedSt. George ChurchMr. & Mrs. Reginor StopoiMrs. Carol Burke Swanson '81Ms. Jana SweeneyMr. & Mrs. Terry SzanyMrs. Kelly A. ToepferThompson '88Mr. Gerald ToepferMr. & Mrs. Richard VisinMr. & Mrs. Sam WaiteMr. & Mrs. Harold R. Weise, Jr.Dr. Michael Wilczynski '77Mrs. Michele WitkusMr. & Mrs. Roman WojcekMr. & Mrs. Paul WojdylaMr. Louis WolskiMrs. Mary WolskiMr. & Mrs. Greg WorkmanMs. Barbara A. ZellerTotal Giving for Simeon’s Fund:$109,086.61The Arthur & LaVerne Welsh ScholarshipThe <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> GolfEndowment Classic ScholarshipThe Dean Perozzi ‘94 Memorial ScholarshipThe Kevin Beukema ‘97 Memorial ScholarshipFor information about opening an endowedscholarship ($25,000 minimum commitment),please call the Office for InstitutionalAdvancement at 708.755.6579.SCHOLARSHIP FUND SOURCESMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 23

The Courage to LeadLONG-RANGE PLANDrawing on the expertise and experience of over 300 parents, alums, students, staff, faculty and community members, the <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong> Advisory Board embarkedon the ambitious process of planning for the future of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>. The broad recommendations below are the result of focus groups, advisoryphone contacts, and intense committee work.In the <strong>2004</strong>-2005 school year, these planning recommendations will become a strategic action plan called The Courage To Lead. The reaction of the entire MCHSCommunity is sought and welcomed with the publication of these recommendations.ACADEMICSStrengthen the curriculum to ensure <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>’sposition as a premier college preparatory institution.• Broaden each curriculum area to further include components thatchallenge students to think critically and creatively.• Provide further resources, including strong technologies, to enhanceintegrated student learning at all levels.• Further engage faculty in ongoing best practices to assure excellencein teaching.• Research distance learning and increase university credit programsto determine the benefit to our students.• Continue to encourage year-round learning for current studentsthrough strong summer academic programs.COLLEGE COUNSELINGExamine the college counseling program to determine new waysto maximize student acceptance and scholarship awards.• Engage parents more deeply in the college counseling process.• Increase interaction with highly selective institutions to further highlightand distinguish the benefits of the MCHS program.• Evaluate the processes of the counseling program to ensure that the bestinterest of each individual student is served.• Continue the dialogues with informed parties to ensure that MCHS ismaintaining a leadership position among area college preparatory schools.MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 24Kevin Kelly ’80 leads a Public Relations LRPgroup, including Joe and Sue Beaudry ’67’67,Sam and Sandy LoMonaco, alumni parents.

PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIESStrengthen key elements of current programs in order to forwardthe Mission of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>.• Deepen the religious environment of MCHS (including programenhancements across the curriculum) to help students experience faithas a more integral part of their lives.• More strongly encourage sacramental formation and active engagement inthe ministry of the Church, especially at the students’ local parishes.• Implement a four-year peer leadership program, which will include trainingand recognition, designed to further emphasize the importance ofdeveloping leadership qualities.• Build self-sustaining extracurricular, athletic, and fine arts programs thatinvolve the maximum number of students and that demonstrate and supportthe values and Mission of MCHS.• Strengthen personal relationships with alumni, who are an invaluableresource in planning and building new programs, through two-waycommunication and involvement.FACILITIESEnsure that current facilities are safe and well maintained to support current<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> programs; and continue annual planningfor future facilities.• Consider a variety of capital projects that would have a positive impact onstudents, faculty, staff and programs, including:a. Exploring various long-term options for kitchen/cafeteriadepending on student program needb. Completing the Athletics Initiative at <strong>Marian</strong> (AIM) projectc. Examining the expansion of the theatre, band practice area, choraland art rooms, and the need for a broadcasting/media center• Continue to develop and implement a comprehensive security plan,modeling the plan proposed by the Focus Group, to include appropriateequipment, technology, personnel and training.A discussion group gathers ideas for Long-Range Planning.MARKETING/RECRUITMENTAssure that we successfully recruit those students and families who arein concert with the Mission and values of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>.• Expand current public relations efforts to enhance the perception of <strong>Marian</strong>as an overall best school choice for college-bound students.• Make better use of Internet marketing and the <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> web site toaugment recruitment efforts.• Focus recruitment efforts in enrollment growth areas, making better use ofpartnerships with local parish schools and religious education programs.FINANCESecure the resources to assure both outstanding school programs and theopportunity for qualified students to attend <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>.• Establish additional resources for funding financial aid to augment EndowedScholarships, Sr. Simeon’s Fund for emergency tuition aid, and the annualcontribution by the Dominican Sisters of Springfield.• Establish a Foundation under the direction of the MCHS Advisory Boardthat reflects and serves the Mission of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>.• Examine financial aid policies (including a recipient response to the spiritof generosity experienced) to ensure policies meet current financial realitiesand future needs.LONG-RANGE PLANSMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 25

GIFTS-IN-KIND/FACULTY GIVINGWhile <strong>Marian</strong> friends and faculty often share their gifts of knowledge or expertise, they also take pride in the fact <strong>Marian</strong> offers the finest education in the Chicago Southland.Consequently, they offer additional assistance for directed projects or general use. In an attempt to acknowledge these donors, the following listing is offered, knowing that somegift-in-kind donors may continue to be silent partners and are not listed in this printing.GIFTS-IN-KINDAnonymous AlumnusAurelio’s PizzaMr. & Mrs. Marc AdduciMr & Mrs. Greg BartlettMr. & Mrs. Joseph Beaudry '67, '67Mr. & Mrs. Ricky BenderMs. Mary M. CarberryMr. & Mrs. Michael CarusoDeNormandie Linens- Mr. & Mrs. Edward DeNormandieMr. & Mrs. John DeRaimo '68Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dolan '72AnonymousMr. & Mrs. John EntsmingerMr. & Mrs. William FeimerFresh Starts Restaurant - Ms. Joann LindholmMs. Phyllis LeRoseMrs. Debra Zagotta Gum '88Mr. & Mrs. Gregory HeimMrs. Delores HelselMr. & Mrs. James Hudzik '65, '65Mr. Herbert HuhnJames & Sons Jewelers -Mr. James Sunderland, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. John JensenMs. Barbara Kelly-GorbitzMichael & Jacqueline Kennedy '80Mr. & Mrs. George KrupaMr. & Mrs. William LauMr. John Lustig '84Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Maielli<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Mothers ClubMCHS-Student CouncilMr. & Mrs. Paul MassucciDr. & Mrs. Michael J. McCaughey, III ‘81Mr. & Mrs. Felix MesterharmDr. & Mrs. Jon MischMr. & Mrs. Jim MitrosMr. & Mrs. William MoffattMr. & Mrs. Lawrence MolloMr. & Mrs. Brian MorrisonMr. & Mrs. Timothy O'Hea '63, '62Olympic Printing - Mr. Bob CarstensenMr. & Mrs. Stanley PagorekPepsi Cola, Inc - Mr. Tim CrnkovichMrs. Ginny RafteryMr. & Mrs. Patrick RichelMr. & Mrs. Michael RippeyMr. & Mrs. Robert RolwingMr. & Mrs. Peter RuhlMr. & Mrs. George Sanderson, Sr.Sanfratello’s Pizza - Mr. Tibor ZsupponMr. & Mrs. Harry SchoutenMr. James Schreiber '81Skyline Disposal - Mr. Clem DeLucaMr. & Mrs. Thomas SweeneyThe LOMA Companies -Mr. James P. LoughreyMr. & Mrs. Michael TortorelloMr. & Mrs. George TothMr. & Mrs. Lyndon WallerMr. & Mrs. David Watson '78Maryelen ZagottaMr. & Mrs. Vincent Zerante '70Mr. Edward Ziltz '80Mr. & Mrs. David ZurawskiMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 26Top: Student favorite and award winner Bob Rodeyinstructs a class. Middle: Sr.Teresa Marron, O.P. watchesintently at graduation. Bottom: Library Staff EileenEdmisten, Sue Silander and Joyce Horath share a laugh.FACULTY& STAFF GIVINGShannon AllenBob BergstromMarilyn AkeyGreg BimmScott BodnarMarilyn BricksJoelyn CarlasareLeo ClearyJim CullotonErin DeBruin '99Domincan Sisters of<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>:Sr. Agnes AnnSr. M. AlanSr. M. BlaiseSr. Catherine AnneSr. Dorothy MarieSr. M. GloriaSr. Jean PatriceSr. LumaSr. MariaSr. <strong>Marian</strong> JosephSr. M. Paul ‘67Sr. TeresaNick Dragisic, Jr.Cindy DupczakMary Agnes DwyerEileen EdmistenAnonymousGeorge FabianLorron Grady Farani '62Bill & Joan FeimerMary MargaretFlanaganMary Ann &Tom GoldenRon GuagentiJody HaakerLinda HansenNancy HolmesPeg HolzhauserBobby LambertLoretta KatauskasKevin Kelly '80Jenny KloppGary KopycinskiJohn KozojedBernie JablonskiEllen LongawaPeg MassucciHarvey MazurMike McCaughey '81Diana McDonnellMike McQuade ‘76Kim MillerBarb MurzynJanet NothShannon Reidy ‘90Char ReimerSandy RileyRyan RockaitisBob RodeyPete RuhlBrian Skibinski '96Marcheta SmithCarol Swanson ‘81Tom SweeneyCaitlin TonerAnn WallerBecky & Jon WooddellVince Zerante ‘70Laurie Zube

ALUMNI PARENT GIVINGAlumni parents represent the foundation of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>, many from very important, formative years. Through a legacy of family commitment, alumniparents continue to support the school through the years, maintaining the importance of a Dominican presence and a value on college prep education.Alumni parents remain <strong>Marian</strong>’s strongest base of support.Dominican SocietyMr. & Mrs. Michael AkeyMr. & Mrs. Frank J. BakonMr. & Mrs. Kenneth BeukemaMr. & Mrs. John DeRaimo ‘68Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jones, Jr.AnonymousMr. & Mrs. William NooneMr. & Mrs. Peter RuhlPresident SocietyMr. Frank BrachaMr. & Mrs. William J. Cleary, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Martin ConroyDr. & Mrs. Michael Fagan '70Mr. & Mrs. James Fuehrmeyer, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Louis Gergel, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Joseph HiemenzMr. & Mrs. Harry HowisenMr. & Mrs. Kevin LarsonMr. & Mrs. Joseph LewandowskiMr. & Mrs. Frank J. Maher, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Joseph MaielliMr. & Mrs. Paul MassucciMr. & Mrs. Lawrence MolloMrs. Margaret C. ParedesDr. & Mrs. Luke PascaleMr. & Mrs. Robert PeiferMr. & Mrs. Otis PopeMr. James ReindlMr. & Mrs. Joe SanfratelloMr. & Mrs. Philip SchmitzDr. & Mrs. John F. SullivanMr. Gerald ToepferMr. & Mrs. ThomasVanderLuitgarenMr. & Mrs. James Watson, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Arthur WelshMs. Barbara Ferrari Zarlengo '65Board SocietyMr. & Mrs. Joseph Beaudry '67, '67Mr. & Mrs. Terry ChaissonMr. & Mrs. James DanielwiczMr. & Mrs. Donald GallagherMr. & Mrs. Raymond GrothausMr. & Mrs. Thomas HauMr. & Mrs. James JacksonMr. & Mrs. Alan JuraskaMr. & Mrs. Wayne KubekMrs. Michael J. McCaughey, Jr.Mr. Allen C. Pierson, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Nick RizzoMr. & Mrs. Robert RolwingMr. & Mrs. Chris ValaverisMr. & Mrs. Richard VisinMrs. Paula H. WixPrincipal SocietyMrs. Geraldine BurkeMr. & Mrs. Lawrence Czaszwicz, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DevinsMrs. Kathleen DuchossoisMr. & Mrs. Frank GrobnerMr. John JaworskiMr. William Klinger '68Mr. & Mrs. William LaschoberMr. Patrick O'ConnorMr. & Mrs. Thaddeus OpiolaMr. & Mrs. Orie PerryMr. & Mrs. William RanieriMr. & Dr. Aswathan SastryMr. & Mrs. Harry SchoutenMr. & Mrs. Timothy SpringerMr. & Mrs. George TothMr. & Mrs. David Van CampMr. & Mrs. Harold R. Weise, Jr.Spartan SocietyMr. & Mrs. Marc AdduciMrs. Dorothy ArmbrusterMr. & Mrs. Bob BanovicMr. & Mrs. Albert BarcikowskiMr. & Mrs. Daniel Barrett, IIIMr. & Mrs. Richard BeddigsMr. & Mrs. Theodore BednarekMr. & Mrs. Douglas BenkerMr. & Mrs.Thomas BishopMr. & Mrs. Robert BlumMr. Anthony BoggianoMr. & Mrs. Erwin BogsMr. and Mrs. George BoniniMr. & Mrs. Harold BosMr. Michael J. BoskeyMr. & Mrs. John BrennanMr. & Mrs. Gerald BroadhurstMr. & Mrs. Robert BrownMr. & Mrs. Theodore BrownMr. & Mrs. Samuel BrucatoMrs. JoAnne BruniMrs. Betty CalacciMr. & Mrs. Valentino CaprettiMr. & Mrs. Carl CarlssonMr. & Mrs. Robert CarstensenMr. & Mrs. Emmet CassidyMr. & Mrs. Bruce Cifelli '74 '74Mr. & Mrs. Raymond ClarkMr. & Mrs. Robert ClaybrookMrs. Sharon CooperMr. & Mrs. Dean DannelsMr. & Mrs. Vincent DeLaurentisMr. & Mrs. Edward DempseyMrs. Pamela DirksenMr. Dennis DuBois '68Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DuffyMr. & Mrs. Walter EdmistenMr. & Mrs. Paul EgbersMs. Mary L. EmigMr. & Mrs. Glenn EvansMr. & Mrs. Peter FeeMr. & Mrs. Arthur FerrariMr. & Mrs. Frank FornekMr. John GallagherMr. & Mrs. Mark GinerisMr. & Mrs. Michael J. GleasonMr. & Mrs. James Godowic '75, '74Mr. & Mrs. Robert GulerMr. & Mrs. James HammersMrs. James HanniganMr. & Mrs. Marvin HaysMr. & Mrs. John HeneghanMrs. Leo HoganDr. & Mrs. John HohnerMr. & Mrs. Vincent HolzhallMr. & Mrs. Larry HoustonMr. & Mrs. Richard JacobucciMr. & Mrs. Robert JinesMr. & Mrs. Ronnie JohnsonMr. Eric JorgensenMr. & Mrs. Robert JoyceMr. & Mrs. William KelleyMr. & Mrs. Thomas KellyMr. & Mrs. Gerald KowalewskiMr. & Mrs. Robert KrawczykMr. & Mrs. Thomas LipinskiMr. & Mrs. Edward MackeyCol. William F. MaharMr. & Mrs. Terence ManningMr. & Mrs. Almo ManzardoMr. Emil MastandreaMr. & Mrs. Alex McArthurMr. & Mrs. Michael McCannMr. & Mrs. Harry McKeeMr. & Mrs. David McNeilMrs. Joan MillerMr. & Mrs. Roger MolskiDr. & Mrs. Richard MoutvicMs. Louise MuszynskiMr. & Mrs. John NagleMr. & Mrs. Frank A. NardoniMrs. Arline NelsonMr. & Mrs. William NovakMs. Julie M. NowakMr. & Mrs. Patrick O'KeefeMr. & Mrs. Charles OfenlochMr. & Mrs. Louis PalancaMr. & Mrs. Daniel PalkaMr. & Mrs. Peter PantarottoMr. & Mrs. John PerkovichMr. & Mrs. Kenneth Peters '66Mrs. Aldona PetrarcaMr. & Mrs. Roger PfielMr. & Mrs. Sam PiuntiMr. & Mrs. Joseph PosewickMr. & Mrs. Richard PozdolMr. & Mrs. Pablo QuintanaMr. & Mrs. Dennis ReidyMr. & Mrs. Russell RenaldyDr. & Mrs. James RiordanMr. & Mrs. Simeon RogersMr. & Mrs. Edward RutkowskiMr. & Mrs. David SantoriDr. & Mrs. William ScaringMrs. John SchreiberMr. & Mrs. Daniel SchuhMr. & Mrs. Theodore SeabloomMr. & Mrs. Daniel SegebarthMrs. M. A. ShaughnessyMrs. Lorraine SheehanMr. & Mrs. Gerald ShineMr. James Singler '64Mr. & Mrs. Angelo SpecaMr. Karcher StocktonMr. & Mrs. John SzymanskiDominican Society $5,000 and up – President Society $4,999-1000 – Board Society $999-500 – Principal Society $499-250 – Spartan Society $249-100 – Fan Club $99 and belowMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 27

MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 28ALUMNI PARENT GIVINGDr. & Mrs. Ronald TestaMr. & Mrs. Charles TindallMr. & Mrs. Bernard Van Etten, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Lyndon WallerDr. & Mrs. James WalterMr. & Mrs. Bill WashingtonMrs. Rita WaszDr. & Mrs. Leon WitkowskiMr. & Mrs. James WojcikiewiczMr. & Mrs. Joseph WrightMs. Susan McCollam Yant '69Mr. & Mrs. Raymond ZenckaMr. & Mrs. Joseph ZielinskiFan ClubMr. & Mrs. Robert AdamsMr. & Mrs. James AkridgeMr. & Mrs. Louis AlbMr. & Mrs. Don AmbuehlMr. James AngioMr. & Mrs. Edward AntoniettiMr. & Mrs. Merle ArrMr. & Mrs. Julian AtwaterMrs. Mary F. AuBuchonMs. Rose AveryMr. & Mrs. James BaileyMrs. Madelyn BamontiMrs. Susan BanachMr. & Mrs. Ivaldo BassoMr. & Mrs. Joseph BattagliaMrs. Mary Ann BaxterMr. & Mrs. Joseph BeckMr. & Mrs. Raymond BeckerMr. Donald BergMr. & Mrs. Donald BergerMr. & Mrs. Michael BerryMrs. JoAnn BinottiMr. & Mrs. Herbert BishopMr. and Mrs. Robert BlackMr. & Mrs. David BlanfordMr. & Mrs. Douglas Blankenberger'70, '70Mr. & Mrs. Charles BlasgenMs. Dolores BobinMr. & Mrs. Rodger BohnenstiehlMr. & Mrs. Mario BonanotteMr. & Mrs. Robert BorstMr. & Mrs. Ronald BoudreauMrs. Robert BramletteMr. Lawrence BrewerMrs. Marilyn BricksMr. & Mrs. William BrooksMrs. Thelma BrookshawMr. & Mrs. J. Bardon BrownMr. & Mrs. Leighton BroxtermanMrs. Mary BruniMr. & Mrs. Dennis BulvanMr. & Mrs. Frank BurrowsMrs. Anne ButkusMr. & Mrs. Thomas ByrneMr. & Mrs. Robert CahillMr. & Mrs. William CalhounMr. & Mrs. William CallaghanMr. & Mrs. Adriano CanaliMr. & Mrs. Philip CapodagliMs. Mary M. CarberryMr. & Mrs. George Carroll, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Raymond CavalieriMr. & Mrs. Wilfred Chapleau '73Ms. Flora CiarloMr. George CizekMr. & Mrs. Joe ClearyMr. & Mrs. Robert CliffordMr. & Mrs. Phillip ClinninMr. & Mrs. David ColbyMr. & Mrs. Anthony CollinsMr. & Mrs. Michael CommetMr. & Mrs. Joseph CompagnoniMr. & Mrs. William CondonMs. Patricia ConnerMr. & Mrs. Saul ContrerasMr. & Mrs. Robert CookMr. & Mrs. Phillip CostelloMr. & Mrs. Robert CouchMs. Gailene CowgerMrs. Catherine CoxMr. & Mrs. George CumminsMr. & Mrs. Charles CusickMr. & Mrs. John DanalewichMr. & Mrs. James DavisMr. & Mrs. Joseph DeeMr. & Mrs. John DelehantyMrs. Florence DeLucaMr. & Mrs. Edward DeNormandieMr. & Mrs. Ronald DentonMrs. Sally DesMaraisMr. & Mrs. Brian DeSousaMr. & Mrs. Van DiCarloMrs. Mary E. DiemerMr. & Mrs. Ralph DitchieMr. & Mrs. William DobrovitsMrs. Christine DolatowskiMr. & Mrs. Robert DonaghueMr. & Mrs. Chris DouglassMr. Patrick DoyleMr. & Mrs. Walter DrungilMr. & Mrs. Walter DynowskiMrs. Adeline EaganMr. & Mrs. James EatonMr. Elmer EisenbergMs. Terri EnayatiMr. & Mrs. David EstepMr. & Mrs. Daniel EverettMrs. Angie FalvoMr. & Mrs. Edward FarmerMrs. Carol FaronMrs. Phillip Faso, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. John FasoMr. & Mrs. Joseph FasoDr. & Mrs. Ronald FeldnerMrs. Rita FinkMr. & Mrs. Eugene FinneganMr. & Mrs. Thomas FitzgeraldMr. & Mrs. Eugene FitzpatrickMs. Alice FlanaganMr. & Mrs. Patrick D. FlanaganMr. & Mrs. Terence FlynnMr. & Mrs. Robert FormellaMr. & Mrs. Serafino FormentiniMr. & Mrs. Fred FregoMr. & Mrs. Thomas FunkeMr. & Mrs. Michael FurmanekMr. & Mrs. George GarrettDr. & Mrs. Armand GasbarroMr. & Mrs. Michael GaughanMrs. Dolores GiobbiMr. & Mrs. Alfred GirolamiMr. & Mrs. Michael GlackinMr. & Mrs. Patrick GraberMrs. Linda GraczMr. & Mrs. John Grady, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Bob GreaneyMr. & Mrs. James GreenMs. Kathleen GreenockMs. Mary Ann GreenwoodMr. & Mrs. Robert GromalaMr. & Mrs. Salvador GulottaMr. & Mrs. Joseph GurgoneMr. & Mrs. Michael HamannMr. & Mrs. George HamiltonMr. & Mrs. Emmett HandMrs. Barbara HanifinMr. & Mrs. Leonard HarsyMr. & Mrs. Howard HayesMr. & Mrs. Patrick HealyMr. & Mrs. Norman HechtMr. & Mrs. Konrad HedrichMrs. Welda McGushin HedrickHelsel-Jepperson Electrical, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Jerald HendersonMr. & Mrs. Archie HenleyMrs. Mary HerronMr. & Mrs. Eugene Hildeman '65Mr. & Mrs. Ronald HockMr. & Mrs. Robert HoeflerMr. & Mrs. Raymond HofmanMr. & Mrs. James HookerMr. & Mrs. Charles HornMs. Kathleen A. HudaMr. & Mrs. William HurleyMr. Igantius JanusekMr. & Mrs. Gregg JarretteMr. & Mrs. Richard JensenMrs. Joanne JermolowiczMr. & Mrs. Gary JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Richard JohnsonMr. Joseph W. JordanMr. & Mrs. Paul JoschkoMr. & Mrs. Walter JoslynMr. & Mrs. Lawrence JuginMr. William Julian, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Melvin JuricMr. & Mrs. William KahleMr. David KaletMr. & Mrs. Thomas KatulaMr. & Mrs. Richard KavanaughMr. & Mrs. Clark KelleyMr. & Mrs. Kenneth KellyMrs. Sue Wright Kelly '66Hall of Famer Lyndon “Stretch”Wallerand Tom Stallings ’89 talk at the HOFdinner.Ms. Barbara Kelly-GorbitzMr. & Mrs. Frank KeskeMr. & Mrs. John KingMr. & Mrs. William KissMr. & Mrs. Thomas KlawitterDr. & Mrs. A.F. KleszynskiMr. & Mrs. Stanley KlimasMr. & Mrs. Tony KnezevichMrs. Minnie KnoerzerMr. & Mrs. Steven KnottMr. & Mrs. Robert KocurMr. Robert KoenigMr. & Mrs. Robert KoloshMr. & Mrs. Thomas KonopasekMr. & Mrs. Henry KoperskiMrs.Peggy KordasMs. Anita KostMr. & Mrs. Ken KoubaMr. & Mrs. Thaddeus KowyniaMr. & Mrs. Brian KozlowskiMr. & Mrs. Kenneth KrajciMr. & Mrs. Eugene KremerMr. & Mrs. George KristinaMrs. Robert KropMrs. Elecia KrumbMr. & Mrs. George KrupaMr. Vincent P. Kuceski

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene LaBelleMr. & Mrs. Philip LambertMr. Donald H. LandMr. & Mrs. John LaniganMr. & Mrs. Charles LantryMrs. Mary Ann LarsenMr. & Mrs. Richard LebeterMr. & Mrs. Russell LeehaugMr. & Mrs. Gerald LeickMrs. Velia LeliMr. & Mrs. Robert LenhardtMr. & Mrs. August LentzMrs. Denise LernerMr. & Mrs. John LesinskiMr. & Mrs. Phillip LiManniMrs. Dorothy LinderMr. & Mrs. Thomas LocktonMr. & Mrs. Raymond LoffrediMr. & Mrs. Robert LoftusMrs. Laura Archibald LudwaMr. Paul LukiwMr. & Mrs. Robert LyonsMr. & Mrs. Thomas P. LyonsMr. & Mrs. Samuel MacalusoMr. & Mrs. Rajan MadasseryMrs. Marco V. MaggioMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey MaliziaMr. & Mrs. Bill MalmloffMr. & Mrs. Stephen MalteseDr. & Mrs. Richard Mantoan '67, '68Mr. & Mrs. Timothy MarableMr. & Mrs. Allen Marazas '64Mr. & Mrs. Louis MarconiMr. & Mrs. William <strong>Marian</strong>iMr. & Mrs. Robert MarshallMr. & Mrs. John MartschinkeMs. Connie MascittiMr. & Mrs. Donald MatthewsMr. & Mrs. Americo MattioMr. & Mrs. John MatusMr. & Mrs. Samuel MatzMs. Debra Maxwell-TomasevichMr. & Mrs. Salvatore MazzoccaMr. & Mrs. James McCann, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. McCarthyMr. & Mrs. Joel McCarthyMr. Lucius McGillMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey McGrainMr. & Mrs. George McJimpseyDr. & Mrs. John McKeownMr. & Mrs. Robert McKinleyMr. James McLaughlinMr. & Mrs. Patrick McLaughlinMrs. James McMasterMr. & Mrs. John MeadeMr. & Mrs. Terrence R. MeadeMr. & Mrs. James MendenhallMr. & Mrs. Michael MickiewiczMrs. Anna MiliantaMr. & Mrs. Kenneth MillerMr. & Mrs. Donald MitidieroMr. & Mrs. Ted MizeMr. & Mrs. Martin MonahanMrs. Marisa MontyMr. & Mrs. Noel MorgridgeMr. & Mrs. Salvadore MoriMr. & Mrs. Thomas MorrisonMr. & Mrs. James F. MullaneyMr.& Mrs. Jerome MurphyMr. & Mrs. Roger MurphyMr. & Mrs. Terrence MurphyMr. & Mrs. Thomas MurphyMr. & Mrs. Thomas MurphyMr. & Mrs. David NagelMr. & Mrs. Raymond NapoleonMr. & Mrs. Joseph NapoliMr. & Mrs. Charles NardoniMr. Frank A. NewtonMr. & Mrs. Robert NiersbachMr. & Mrs. Paul NiksichMr. & Mrs. Ronald NolanMr. & Mrs. James NowickiMr. & Mrs. John O'ConnorMr. & Mrs. John O'DonnellMr. & Mrs. John O'GormanMr. & Mrs. Robert O'MearaMr. & Mrs. Daniel O'RourkeMrs. Loretta M. OchmanMr. & Mrs. Frank OlbrotMr. & Mrs. Richard OlsonMrs. Mary OrmsbyMr. & Mrs. Paul OryhonMr. & Mrs. Andrew OsiolMrs. Lauren OsmanMr. & Mrs. Alan OsowskiMs. M. Lisa OsterbergMr. & Mrs. Edward OwenMr. & Mrs. Taylan OzaksutMr. & Mrs. Stanley PagorekMrs. Beverley PaonessaMr. & Mrs. Dennis ParadisoMr. & Mrs. Paul PariseMr. & Mrs. Nicanor ParodiMr. & Mrs. Dave ParroMr. & Mrs. John PascarellaMrs. Eva PavilanisMr. & Mrs. Jeffery PavlovichMs. Karen PerozziMr. & Mrs. Steven PersianiMr. & Mrs. Donald PetersMr. & Mrs. Fiore PetrassiMrs. Soodchit PhophairatMr. & Mrs. Jean ClaudePierre-JeromeMs. Suzanne PlattMr. & Mrs. William PlovanicMr. & Mrs. Joseph PluthDr. & Mrs. Andrew PotempaMr. & Mrs. Robert PrednyMr. Douglas Price '71Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. PriorMr. & Mrs. James PruittMr. & Mrs. Leonard PrystalskiMr. & Mrs. Walter PrzespolewskiMr. & Mrs. James PurpuraMr. & Mrs. Emil PykMr. Gerald QuaidMrs. Monica QuattrockiMr. & Mrs. Ronald RasmussenMr. & Mrs. Michael RayMr. & Mrs. Robert ReimerMr. & Mrs. Daniel ReynoldsMr. & Mrs. Raymond RhodeMr. & Mrs. James RiddleMr. & Mrs. Robert RodarteMr. & Mrs. David RohnMr. & Mrs. Michael RootMr. & Mrs. Phillip RoweMr. & Mrs. Peter RubinasMr. & Mrs. Mark RudolphMr. & Mrs. Kurt RugeMr. & Mrs. Glenn RuklicMr. & Mrs. William RyanMr. & Mrs. John SabotnikMr. & Mrs. George Sanderson, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Allen SanduskyMr. & Mrs. Leo SansoneMr. & Mrs. Dino SartoriMr. & Mrs. John Schavocky '76, '77Mr. & Mrs. Robert SchlueterMr. & Mrs. Peter SchmukerMr. Raymond SchreiberMr. & Mrs. Thomas SchroederMr. & Mrs. Alan SchwaighartMr. & Mrs. Joseph SebastianMr. & Mrs. Raymond SebbenMr. & Mrs. Thomas SedorMr. & Mrs. Paul SengstockMr. & Mrs. Dominic SestoMr. & Mrs. Joseph SettaMr. & Mrs. Kenneth ShrieyMr. & Mrs. Scott SimonMr. & Mrs. JackSitterdingMr. & Mrs. ArnoldSkibinskiMr. & Mrs. PaulSkoppMr. & Mrs. JosephSlaytonMr. & Mrs. FrankSlyderMr. & Mrs. JamesSmartMr. & Mrs. DavidSmithMr. & Mrs. LeonardD. SmithMr. & Mrs. GeorgeSpanierMr. & Mrs. Gregg SpathisMr. & Mrs. Thomas SpeakerMr. & Mrs. Michael SpisakMrs. Doris StabileMrs. Belinda StanfordMr. Laurence A. Stapleton, Sr.Mrs. Rebecca StrupeckMr. & Mrs. Dennis SullivanMr. & Mrs. Robert SwansonMr. & Mrs. Paul SweeneyMr. & Mrs. Ken SwiatekMr. & Mrs. Richard SwitalskiMr. & Mrs. Alan Szymanski '70Mr. & Mrs. Ted SzymborskiDrs. Ernesto TanMr. & Mrs. Richard ThiernauMrs. Darlene ThompsonMr. & Mrs. Thomas TiltonMrs. Mary TintariMr. & Mrs. Dominic TocciMr. & Mrs. Richard TonMr. & Mrs. Frank TosiMr. & Mrs. Bernard TravagliniMr. & Mrs. Roderick TruszkowskiMr. & Mrs. Peter UpjohnDr. & Mrs. Godwin UwidiaMr. & Mrs. Anthony Van BuskirkVeteran Phonathon caller and alumni parent, Tim Springermakes phone calls during the Annual Phonathon.Dominican Society $5,000 and up – President Society $4,999-1000 – Board Society $999-500 – Principal Society $499-250 – Spartan Society $249-100 – Fan Club $99 and belowALUMNI PARENT GIVINGMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 29

MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 30Mr. & Mrs. Daniel VandercarMr. & Mrs. Louis VanderMeerMr. & Mrs. Anthony VeenemanMrs. Audrey VeloMrs. Maria VelozMr. & Mrs. David VittoriMr. & Mrs. Francis VoliniMr. Gregory WailMrs. Elizabeth WakelyMr. Mark A. Waldron, Jr.Dr. & Mrs. Fred WaldschmidtMr. & Mrs. Dennis WaleryMrs. Virginia WalzMr. & Mrs. Larry WarnerHonorable & Mrs. Cyril WatsonMr. & Mrs. Percy WeathingtonMr. & Mrs. Walter WeedenMrs. Celia WegrzynMrs. Dawn WelchMr. & Mrs. Scott WesleyMr. & Mrs. Joseph WhiteMrs. Peggy WhitmanMr. & Mrs. Michael WierzbickiMrs. Teri L. WilcoxMrs. Pearl WilliamsMr. & Mrs. Jack WilsonMrs. & Mrs. Edward WioraMr. & Mrs. William WisnaskyMr. & Mrs. Martin WittMr. & Mrs. William WolffMrs. Florence WolfsmithMr. & Mrs. Michael WolgamottMrs. Jennifer WoodMrs. Janis WoodburnMr. & Mrs. Huey WootenMr. & Mrs. Vincent WrightMr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Zagone, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Charles ZubeMr. & Mrs. Dennis ZumbahlenMr. & Mrs. Marty ZupanMr. & Mrs. David ZurawskiTotal Giving for Alumni Parents:$206,681.74PARENT PLEDGEThe annual expenses at <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> clearly exceed tuition and fees collected. Through the voluntaryParent Pledge Program, parents display their emphasis on improvements for facilities, maintenance andquality education. The Parent Pledge Program flows directly into areas of school life experienced bystudents and allows administration to address planned and unexpected operating needs throughout theyear, while maintaining fiscally sound capital savings.The following parents have contributed to this increase by making a significant investment duringthe <strong>2003</strong>-<strong>2004</strong> school year:Mr. & Mrs. James AdducciMr. & Mrs. Mark BeamonMr. & Mrs. Alois BellMr. & Mrs. Patrick BlackburnMr. & Mrs. Michael BotelhoMr. & Mrs. Daniel P. BroadhurstMr. & Mrs. Michael CarusoMr. & Mrs. Anthony CatulloMr. & Mrs. Terry ChaissonMr. & Mrs. William Cleary,III'75, '75Ms. Bonnie BurkeMr. & Mrs. Thomas ConnellyMr. & Mrs. Michael CourtMr. & Mrs. Ralph DeJongMr. & Mrs. Patrick Dolan '72Mr. & Mrs. Brian DoyleMr. & Mrs. Steven W. Dudley, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Reginald EvansMr. & Mrs. Frank Fry, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Dan GriffinMs. Marilyn HambMr. & Mrs. Craig HarmonMr. & Mrs. Joseph HartlDr. & Mrs. Warren HastingsMr. & Mrs. Gregory HeimDr. & Mrs. Donald HollandsworthMs. Audrey Hudson-NeelyMr. & Mrs. James Hudzik '65, '65Ms. Aaronetta HumblesMr. & Mrs. Stanley JablonskiMr. & Mrs. Stephen JarzombekMr. & Mrs. Robert Jones, III '79Mr. & Mrs. Alan KaimMr. & Mrs. T.E. KapshandyMr. Robert Kasper & Ms. PollyWeissMr. & Mrs. Bennie Keith, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. James KowalkowskiMr. & Mrs. Richard LukacekMr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. LynchMr. & Mrs. David MarthalerMr. & Mrs. Alan MaziurMr. & Mrs. William McClainMr. & Mrs. John J. McDonnellMr. & Mrs. Robert McQuadeMrs. Susan MichaelsMr. & Mrs. LeRoy Mitchell, IIIMr. & Mrs. Jim MitrosMr. & Mrs. William MoffattDr. & Mrs. Jerold MorantzMr. & Mrs. Brian MorrisonMr. Len Mysiewicz & Ms. DebCliffordDr. & Mrs Michael NicholasMr. & Mrs. Gerry O'BrienMr. & Mrs. Thomas R. O'Brien, Sr.Dr. & Mrs. Bill O'Brien-PenneyMr. & Mrs. Bernard O'ReillyMr. & Mrs. Joseph OrtigaraDr.& Mrs. Terrance PeabodyMr. & Mrs. John PelkeyMr. Allen C. Pierson, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Richard PintoMr. & Mrs. Michael PlattMr. & Mrs. Michael PopelkaMr. & Mrs. Ron RagoMr. & Mrs. John RussoMr. & Mrs. Clayton RuthDr. & Mrs. E. SandovalMr. & Mrs. Leslie SeagrenDr. & Mrs. Jethroe SmithMr. & Mrs. Louis SpoonhourMr. & Mrs. Vincent SpretnjakMr. & Mrs. Patrick M. SullivanMr. & Mrs. Raymond SzotekMr. & Mrs. Arturo TorresMr. & Mrs. Charles Tuskan, Jr.Mr. Frank Voltattorni, Jr. '75Mr. & Mrs. Michael WasikMr. & Mrs. Garry YatskoMr. & Mrs. Joseph Zagone, Jr. '74Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Zerante '70Total Giving for Parent PledgeProgram: $55,275.15

BUY-A-BRICK PROGRAMEngraved paving bricks outside the West Gym entrance allow a long-term legacy for graduates, educators and friends, representing their role in the“building blocks” of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>. Bricks may celebrate a graduation, commemorate a loved one, or honor an alum, teacher or parent. Informationis available through the Office for Institutional Advancement or online at www.marianchs.com.Andres Baltazar Class of <strong>2004</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo BaltazarLuis D. Barraza Class of <strong>2004</strong>Mr. Luis Barraza '04Ist MC Class Pres Joseph M. Ignelzi '62Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Barrett, IIIKathleen McPeek BijakMr. & Mrs. Joseph Bijak '63Daniel Broadhurst <strong>2004</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. BroadhurstMatt Brooks Class of <strong>2004</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Thomas BrooksIn Memory of Rosemarie LoffrediMr. & Mrs. Theodore BrownIn memory of JoAnn Dobbin Cannata '68Ms. Gina Cannata '96The Clarks In Honor of Keith - <strong>2004</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Ronald ClarkMegan Cleary Class of <strong>2004</strong>Mr. & Mrs. William Cleary,III '75, '75In honor of Jaime Djuric Class of <strong>2004</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Jim DjuricKim Dupczak '01 Good LuckFelecia Dupzak '04 Good LuckMr. & Mrs. Gerard DupczakRichie Feuerstein Class of <strong>2004</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. FeuersteinJonathan Gallagher Class of <strong>2004</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gallagher '77Dan '00 and Andrew '04 JagodaMr. & Mrs. David JagodaErica Jones Class of <strong>2004</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jones, III '79To honor an Angel 65-69 Helen JulianMs. Jill Julian '69David Lawrence Kyner <strong>2004</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Kyner, IIDerek Leatzow Class of <strong>2004</strong>Mrs. <strong>Marian</strong> LeatzowChris Lilek Class of <strong>2004</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Paul LilekIn memory of John DeBerghMrs. Mary Krumb Lipari '67Art & Lucille in love 60 years '04<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Felecia Dupczak '04 With Gratitude<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>In Memory of Lt. CommanderPatrick Jude Murphy '81 USNRMrs. Joan MillerLonnie Mollo Class of <strong>2003</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence MolloHappy 95th Birthday Mary CzajkaIn memory of Don R. Nelson Mrs. Arline NelsonIn memory of Mr. & Mrs. Robert EvansMr. & Mrs. Thaddeus OpiolaNicholas Recupito <strong>2004</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Anthony RecupitoJohnny Rhode Gianetti #12 Class of 1987Mr. Johnny Gianetti Rhode '87Rivers Jackie '02 Russell '04Mr. & Mrs. Russell RiversIn memory of Andy GliottoniMr. & Mrs. Joe SanfratelloRichard E. Smith Class of <strong>2004</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Richard SmithKevin Sean Smosna Class of 2002Mr. & Mrs. Edward SmosnaFrancois J. Saculla M.D. 9/30 to 11/03Mr. & Mrs. Angelo SpecaHappiness to Casey Swircz Class of <strong>2004</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Joseph SwirczBilly Valentine Class of <strong>2004</strong> XXMr. & Mrs. Robert ValentineIn Memory of Richard Polka 1931 - <strong>2004</strong>Mr. & Mrs. Peter VidimosKevin Vlasek Class of 04 MCHSMr. William Vlasek"My father was a beautiful person and such an inspiration for me. He taught me somuch about life and how important it was to cherish those people who touch you on yourjourney through life. That's why we both loved <strong>Marian</strong> so much and why amemorial gift to <strong>Marian</strong> is so sincerely appreciated."Dr. Mark Talamonti '74MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 31

HONORARIUMSAcknowlegement of achievements or get well wishes are two common tributes for Honorariumsas gifts in the name of others enhance the service and scholarship of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> students.The Dominican Sisters will pray for you and your intentions as expressed in an honorarium. The followingindividuals were honored during the year with a gift in their name.Bertha Apperson – Honor GiftSr. <strong>Marian</strong> JosephGeraldine Becker – Honor GiftMary Wolf Rolfing BogueFoundation Inc.Ms. Mary BogueHelen Calhoun – Get WellMrs. Michael J. McCaughey, Jr.Amelia Carlomango - BirthdayMr. & Mrs. Louis SpoonhourMary Ellen Cheveraud– Get WellMrs. Michael J. McCaughey, Jr.Betty Dean – Get WellMr. & Mrs. Robert McQuadeJohn & Jeanne DeRaimo– Honor GiftMrs. Lloyd CieplakMr. & Mrs. Jim Dolin– Honor GiftMrs. Michael J. McCaughey, Jr.William Fay – Get WellMrs. Michael J. McCaughey, Jr.Mary Margaret Flanagan– Honor GiftMr. & Mrs. Robert McQuadeSr. Judith Anne Haase, O.P.– Honor GiftMs. Mary McTigue '76Michael Hickey – Get Well<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Clifton January – Honor GiftMr. & Mrs. Kevin Welsh '77 '80Maynard Joerger – Honor GiftSr. <strong>Marian</strong> JosephJoe & Margie Kanizsai– Honor GiftSr. <strong>Marian</strong> JosephMary Kennedy – Get WellMrs. Michael J. McCaughey, Jr.Elecia Krumb - BirthdaySr. Mary Paul McCaughey,O.P.'67Ms. Karen Scott Leonard '67Cathy Leitelt – Get WellMrs. Michael J. McCaughey, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Edward Leitelt– Get WellMrs. Michael J. McCaughey, Jr.Fr. Sammie Maletta – Get Well<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Dorothy McCaughey– Honor GiftMs. Karen Scott Leonard '67Justin McLaughlin '05– Honor GiftMr. & Mrs. Valentino CaprettiBob Rolwing – Get WellMrs. Michael J. McCaughey, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Robert McQuadeDave & Joyce Tulless– Honor GiftSr. <strong>Marian</strong> JosephMary Lou, Joanne & Don Wasz– Honor GiftMr. Thomas Wasz '80Arthur Welsh – Birthday& Father’s DayMs. Judith Welsh '68LaVerne Welsh – Birthday& Mother’s DayMs. Judith Welsh '68Mary Wright – Get WellMrs. Michael J. McCaughey, Jr.Tom & Mary Lou Zarlengo– Honor GiftMrs. Michael J. McCaughey, Jr.Honorarium greeting cards may berequested from the school office or theOffice for Institutional Advancement.MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 32The continued need for interdisciplinary courses,reasonable classStudysizes, curricular integration, proactivecollege counseling services, and professional staff andfaculty development is compelling.– The Courage to Lead (Long-Range-Plan)James Gillespie ’07completes a task.

MEMORIALSJuly 1, <strong>2003</strong> through July 20, <strong>2004</strong>Memorials for loved ones, many who represented the spirit of <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>, serve as long-term memories of friends and family.Through memorial gifts, hundreds are remembered in the prayers and Masses of the Dominican Sisters and <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Students.Please feel free to request a card package; a replacement card is sent when word of a memorial is received.In addition to remembering loved ones at the Sisters’ Eucharist in their Chapel, those who have offered a memorial during the previous school yearare invited to a Memorial Mass held in the MCHS student chapel on a Saturday evening in late October or early November.Shirley AccadiaMary GasbarroMary TintariEmanuel John AcetoJohn & Diana KozojedEleanor Agins<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Margaret AhernLeonard D. SmithKevin Aleck<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Alvaro AlvarezMildred & Laurence A. Stapleton Sr.Anthony AmadioBruce & Kiki Cifelli<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Aldona PetrarcaGail Calderone Amos '68Mr. & Mrs. Ted BrownMr. & Mrs. Phil CostelloLaura Archibald Ludwa<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>John J. MarksJamie & Elisa MattioMr. & Mrs. Sam L. PiuntiBob & Shirley SchlueterMr. & Mrs. Arthur M. WelshJudy WelshMary AmundsonMr. & Mrs. Frank NardoniAl Anderson<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Marilyn AndersonKathleen KowalewskiJim AndrelichChuck BlasgenNicholas AndrewsMr. & Mrs. Thomas BishopJames R. AngioNick & Rose ZagottaAnthony A. AnzelmoFrank & Ann NardoniMary TintariJennie AnzelmoMr. & Mrs. Louis Gergel, Sr.Mago Arellano<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Domenica ArgentoFlorence DeLucaWilliam ArmstrongMr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Welsh'77 '80Donald AuelPat & Jack HeneghanEmmy & Bob SwansonGregory BabiarzRosalie & George BoniniWilbur BackusFrank & Ann NardoniGeneral Frank Bacon<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Mary BadenFlorence DeLucaTony "Ante" BalichMary Ann Perkovich & FamilyJohn BaltzJohn F. HeneghanJean BarachmanPat & Jack HeneghanRobert BarlageDorothy R. LinderStephanie & Chuck MurachRay BaroneMr. & Mrs. David ColbyRobert W. Bartlett<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Natalie Dolly BartusiewiczAngie Falvo & FamilyMrs. Mary TosiEleanor BarzPatricia Minor CameliAnne BasileSr. Santina DeLuca, O.P.James BasileWalter & Bridget DrungilNick & Rose ZagottaJeanne BaskinDonald H. LandGilbert Britt BatesMary PorentoBart Battaglia '76Joseph & Tamara BattagliaJohn BaumannPeter & Patricia KronerEarnestine Beanon<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Lillian BeckerPatrick & Nancy DolanJames BeinarRyan RockaitisTimothy Benker '90Pat & Jack HeneghanJohn BergeraAl & Betty DiLuiaNick & Rose ZagottaJohn BergeronJoanne CliffordKevin Beukema '97William & Shirley AardsmaAnonymousPaul & Jane AbramchikAPICS-CHICAGOJacqueline & Robert AssiseBill & Wanda BainD.J. '97 & Erica(Boreczky '97) BarracaMr. & Mrs. Ben BautistaPeoples Energy Co-workersof Ken BeukemaKen, Rita & Kerry '00 BeukemaMelissa Binotti '97Frank & Judith BlackmoreThe David Blanford Family,Jillian '97, Scott '00Gail BohnenstiehlThe John Brennan Family,John '97, Jacqueline '02Marilyn BricksJennifer BroznyMarc & Mary BruniMichael '86 & Maria BruniThe William Calhoun FamilyChicago White SoxMartin & Mary Ann ChristensenRobert & Valerie ChudyThomas & Barbara ColeMrs. Jean CunninghamLawrence & Noreen CzaszwiczMrs. Nancy Dannels & FamilyThe John DeRaimo FamilyMichele Reynolds Dillon '96Kelly DoanePat, Nancy & Kevin '00 DolanJohn & Kathy DonofrioDave, Betty, Jackie& James EbbenWalt & Eileen EdmistenLiz & Mike FaganPat & Denise FantettiDonald & Diane FieldLottie FikGina FilippelliMargaret FinneganFirst Midwest BankMary Margaret FlanaganTheresa FlanneryDorothy & Fred FregoPatricia FrejlichThe John Fuerst FamilyAlan & Janice GavendaAnn & Mark GavendaMr. & Mrs. Alfred GirolamiMary Ann & Thomas GoldenSusanne '69& Cassandra '00 GrayGeorge & Marie GrenchikMary Ann GriffinRobert & Barbara GromalaCharles & Jeanine GromalaDennis & Mary GrucaMike & Caryn GuintaRobert & Vicki GulerJustin Guler '97Mardelle & Bill GundlachBarbara HanifinJohn & Susan HeemstraRichard & Tracy HeemstraRobin HeemstraPat & Jack HeneghanMargaret Heneghan '97Pam '68 &Samantha '00 HoffmanPatricia HofkampJoseph JordanCarol & Walter JoslynMary JuraskaBeth & Wayne KendallEileen & John KingJennifer KloppMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 33

MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 34MEMORIALSThe Bob Kocur Family,Lisa '99, Bobby '02Paula & Robert KolbergGary & Jim '03 KopycinskiKen & Beth KoubaJohn Kouba '97John & Diana KozojedArlene & Fred KunstMary LaBotzJohn & Leigh LazzarottoLincoln-WayCommunity <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Tracy & Tanny Marczak<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>Operation Snowball<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>- Varsity Cheerleaders<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>- Student Council<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Paul & Jean Marietta& Tom McDonaldThe Paul Massucci FamilyAlex & Barbara McArthurMarlee & Patrick McCulloughThe Joseph McDonnell FamilyDr. James & Diane McGarryRosemary McManamonNicole MladicBill & Mary MoffattJames & Elizabeth MorganDebbie MuchaRachel & Kim MuchaJoseph & Margaret MucharskiJanet & Ken NothDouglas OmachelDonna OsiolTiffany Osiol '97Richard K. OzingaLeonard & Carole PrystalskiMary & Terrence QuandtDr. Dennis Rademaker & StaffTherese RemaleyDaniel & Marlene ReynoldsRyan RockaitisDavid & Rita RohnBrady & Patricia RoscoePeter & Margaret RubinasPete & Darlene RuhlBernadette (Gavenda '72)& Michael SartoriusMaribeth SchollMichelle SchwellenbachCynthia SedorFrancesco & Bridgett(Brennan '93) SessaWarren & Donna ShulzArnie & JoAnne SkibinskiBrian Skibinski '96Charlotte Skocz & Melanie,Sean & Andrew SchmittWalt SkoczPat & Jackie SkowronekMichael SmithSt. Lawrence O'Toole <strong>School</strong>Robert & Mary ThonMary Lou & Bernard TravagliniNancy & Donald TurneyAlice & Edward VockellBrian '97 & Erika WagnerDennis & Colleen WaleryKevin Walery '94Mike & Lisa WellsRick WickbergKevin Wilson '97Mr. & Mrs. John P. Wirick, Jr.Bill & Elizabeth WisnaskyJim Wisnasky '81Mary Ann F. WolnyJohn & Pat ZourasRaymond BiegelVirgina PaulMr. & Mrs. Thomas SedorTheresa BielsNick & Rose ZagottaCatherine Bijak<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Tom & Pam WestTheresa BilloMary TintariMariellen BlidyPatricia LoftusIrene BlockJean FatibenoStella BluntThe Paul Lilek FamilyIrene BogustNick & Rose ZagottaEstelle BojanowskiMr. & Mrs. R. FuehrmeyerHelen Bracha<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Peg & Paul MassucciMary & Bill MoffattPet & Darlene RuhlFred & Helen BraunMr. & Mrs. Charles McCarthyHoward T. BrennanDorothy LinderPatricia BrennanFran & Dick FuehrmeyerJohn BricksNancy Bugajski '03Rebecca Bugajski '05Bruce & Kiki CifelliThe Dobrovits FamilyBrian Dolan '03Cindy DupczakEileen, Walt& Colette EdmistenMary Margaret FlanaganMr. & Mrs. Terrence FlemingMary Ann & Thomas GoldenBob & Vicki GulerLinda HansenSherry HasslerPat & Jack HeneghanNancy HolmesPeggy HolzhauserMary JuraskaLoretta KatauskasGary & Jim KopycinskiJohn & Diana KozojedAllen & Cindy Marazas<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>- Student CouncilPaul & Peg MassucciDiana McDonnellMichael McQuadeJanet NothMr. & Mrs. Donald PetersChar ReimerPete & Darlene RuhlMartha RuhlBarbara SabotnikKaren Scott LeonardEllen Ruhl SirCarol SwansonAnastasia WallerJon & Becky WooddellBetty Brooks<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Ryan Brothers '98Louise BostaMrs. Jean CunninghamPat, Nancy & Kevin DolanEdward & Sr. Mary AnneFischer, O.P.Mary Margaret FlanaganMary Ann & Thomas GoldenPat & Jack HeneghanMargaret Heneghan '97John & Rosemary Izzo & FamilyGary & Jim Kopycinski '03John & Diana Kozojed<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - OperationSnowball<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - StudentCouncil<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Kathy MickiewiczPete & Darlene RuhlDoris StabileJohn & Denise Stabile & FamilyBenny & Nancy Stabile & FamilyLinda StabileJim & Sandy Wood & FamilyBeatrice Brown<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Florence BrunetteDonald H. LandAnn Brunetti<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Anthony BruniMary T. Bruni<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Pat BryantAdeline O. RayRobert A. BryzagalskiEdward SurjanMichael BuccinnaLoretta KatauskasHarlan BurgessLeonard D. SmithAnthony BuricaNancy Rita KazM. Dolores ButzTom & Gael O'BrienElizabeth ByrnePeggy KordasWilliam Donald Byrnes, Sr.Dr. & Mrs. A. KleszynskiBrian Cahill '94Kerry Cahill '91Frank CairoMr. & Mrs. Louis Gergel, Sr.Mary CalderoneMr. & Mrs. Theodore BrownLaura A. LudwaJamie & Elisa MattioAldona PetrarcaPaul & Sandy SweeneyMr. & Mrs. Arthur M. WelshAngelo B. CandrevaKevin & Diane LarsonDonna CarlomangoLou & Georgene SpoonhourPatricia CarnesSharon & James McCannGeorge Carter<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers ClubJohn Brennan ’97, says a reading atthe Young Alum Memorial Mass.

<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Helen CarusoLoretta KatauskasLivio CarusoAldona PetrarcaJohn CaseyMaureen LaschoberKanehra CastonAnita JacksonPaul CentanniMarilyn BricksMary EmigMary Margaret FlanaganPat & Jack HeneghanJohn & Diana Kozojed<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>- Student CouncilMCHS Kairos Family<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>- Guidance Department<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Dave & Debbie WatsonGeorge Chamber<strong>Marian</strong> Cathlolic - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>William ChapmanBette Keres & Sue BiemeretJoseph ChisholmVince & Patty KeenanCarmella CiccatoHoly Hour Choir MembersCarmel CiscatoMary Tintari & Mary KayPignottiMarion Ruhl ClearyPete & Darlene RuhlCharles W. ComptonMrs. Mary GasbarroJoseph CondronFran & Dick FuehrmeyerEvelyn ConstantMadeline SprouseRobert CookLeonard SmithEmily CoreyAmy & John FraleDoug & Kathy JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Larry Stapleton, Jr.Mary CorriganNoreen & Larry CzaszwiczAmelia C. CorteSusan & Joseph Beaudry<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>John Cosgrove<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Rose CostaMrs. Fred J. HeneghanJack CosteloRose MacalusoTerry CrawfordVince & Patty KeenanGuido D'AmicoMr. & Mrs. Phil CostelloMary GasbarroFlorence D'AndreaTheresa GiannettiAudrey KennedyLuvurne KlosAldona PetrarcaShirley SchlueterCarol JacksonAndy D'ApiceMichael & Sharon PaciorekVal DaldeganIgnatius JanusekDale Daley<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Dr. Wesley DaleyMary Margaret FlanaganSandra Daley<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Dorothy DamianickThe Golden FamilyLisa Dangoia '94George, Rosalie & David BoniniPamela DirksenMr. & Mrs. Louis Gergel, Sr.<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>David & Karen ZeranteEdward DankoMary Ann & Tom GoldenLois DavenportGerald KowalewskiHoward DavianSue & Rich BiemeretAldo DeAngelisMadelyn BamontiJoanne C. BruniMrs. Robert KropFrank A. NewtonMr. & Mrs. Louis PalancaMr. & Mrs. Sam PiuntiPhilip & Kathleen Sgariglia'66 '66David & Lucy VittoriJohn DeBerghMr. & Mrs. Gordon LipariJamie & Elisa MattioMary & Kevin WelshEmily DedersonDonald H. LandMadeline DeFabisTheresa Giannetti & SonConstance "Sandy" DeFrankMagdalen DeFrankMr. & Mrs. Robert Gromala<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Advancement Staff - Carol,Cindy, Janet & MichaelGuy DelcorioBob & Linda HansenAngelo DeLucaMr. & Mrs. Frank NardoniJames DeLuciaCarol SwansonRuby Denty<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Joseph DeProsperisAndretta MarconiJohn DerhakeDavid & Rita RohnDorothy L. DesmondRobert & Patricia LoftusJosephine DiMaggioJosephine BaikauskasNicolette Zaranti Jacobsma '75The David Vittori FamilyPhilip DistlerFrank & Frances Bakon<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Melissa MortonMr. & Mrs. Lance A. MuenchFred & Nancy OsborneAtoinette M. Divicino<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>- Athletic Booster ClubRichard DixonFran & Dick FuehrmeyerRussell DobbinsJen KowalewskiMarie DoffingMr. & Mrs. Douglas BenkerBill DonovanMaureen LaschoberPatrick DoyleKathleen KowalewskiJohn M. Drankiewicz<strong>Marian</strong> Cathlic <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Ann DroegeElizabeth EhlmanMilton DubczakMichael McQuadeWalter DupczakChris & Michele AbramStefany BabinFrances BazanJohn & MaryEllen BiedaGertie BochenekJoan BoskovichScott & Elaine BrownJim & Jackie BuckleyMr. & Mrs. Joseph CapChuck & Sharon CusickMr. & Mrs. Dennis CzuryloErin DeBruin '99Louise DechmanArlene & Joe DobrowskiBernie & Mary Ann DrososFrank DubczakJoe DubczakStanley DubczakMrs. Stella DubczakSue DubczakWanda ElkourieIrene EllstromAce GargasCeil GrossJoe & Kathy SchaulElectronic Crimes Technology& Support CenterLoretta JamroseMr. & Mrs. Jim Korba & SonRobert KuschelFrank & Jo Labedz<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Paul & Peg MassucciDiana & Joe McDonnellThe McQuadesAnita NovakMr. & mrs. Alfred OsinskiBen & Dorothy OsinskiBill & Bernadette PostleDan & Shelly PrytherchEmily PrytherchPete & Darlene RuhlCarl RuzyckiTerry SchultzThelma SkrzypekMr. & Mrs. Reginor StopoiMark & Carol SwansonTerry & Celeste SzanyMr. & Mrs. Sam WaiteMichele WitkusMr. & Mrs. Roman WojcekMr. & Mrs. Paul WojdylaLouis WolskiMary WolskiGreg & Ellie WorkmanDoug DusekThe Raymond Horath FamilyStella DyrekVal & Dolores CaprettiElaine EberhardtKevin Kelly<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Robert EdwardsLaurie ZubeKay EhrmantrautBill & Mary MoffattJoseph Elam<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Forrest Etheredge<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Dorothy McCaugheyTony FalvoAngie Falvo & FamilyAngie Falvo & ChildrenThe Schultz FamilyMr. & Mrs. Patrick DolanJerry FaresAngie FalvoMEMORIALSMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 35

MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 36MEMORIALSAlbert "Dan" FaronGina & Angie FalvoSharon & James P. McCann, Sr.Sam YaconoSusan Scott Ferrari '69Karen Scott-LeonardBobbie FewkesLaura Archibald LudwaViola FickMarilyn BricksAngie FilterThe Udchitz FamilyDolores FioccaMary TintariJohn Fleming<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Michael FlynnJack HeneghanMary Forman<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Richard FoxDorothy McCaugheyIan FrankL.G. Kyner, IIWilliam FranklinRose M. AveryElizabeth FregoCathleen J. BoldaOrletta FuehrmeyerSharon TonGeri FuggerMike Duffy '02Dan FussFrank A. NewtonPhilip GaddiniThe Dupczak FamilyWilliam GalatiJill JulianNicholas GarofaloFran & Dick FuehrmeyerDonald GausselinMrs. Florence DeLucaAlexander GeorgeNick & Rose ZagottaBetty GeorgeAnita JacksonCarrie GerardiTheresa GiannettiMr. & Mrs. Edward SurjanMary TintariThomas Gordon Germany, Jr.Dorothy McCaugheyThe Robert McQuade FamilyJohn GiallombardoSharon & James McCannViolet GianettiMadelyn Mel BamontiSharon GianottiJanet McMahonThelma Gibson<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Peg MassucciAntoinette GiordanoMr. & Mrs. Arnold SkibinskiAndy GliottoniSharon & Ted BrownLaura Archibald LudwaSam L. PiuntiMr. & Mrs. Edward SurjanGeorge GlucRon & Phyllis GlucAgnes GoldenMarilyn BricksWalt & Eileen EdmistenLorron FaraniLinda HansenPat & Jack HeneghanNancy HolmesPeggy & Bob HolzhauserRaymond & Joyce HorathLisa M. KowyniaJohn & Diana Kozojed<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> -Student CouncilPeg MassucciJohn & Barb SabotnikCynthia SedorJon & Becky WooddellClare Eileen GoldenTom & Mary Ann GoldenSandee Gomez<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Marjorie GoreAllen & Cindy MarazasWilliam Grace<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Dr. James Graham<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Florence GrakowskiSr. Santina DeLuca, O.P.Mr. & Mrs. Vincent KeenanEleanor Gray<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Mary & Jim WalterPhilip GrazianoMonica QuattrockiLeonard D. SmithRobert Michael GriffinLeonard D. SmithBarbara Ann GruppThe Kroner FamilyMildred & Laurence A.Stapleton, Sr.Catherine Mary GulchSt. Mary ReligiousEducation ProgramsRobert HaakerMarilyn & Mike AkeyMatt BachmanFred & Loretta AntonJim BaranskiJeff BlanchardScott Bodnar & FamilyGail & Rodger BohnenstiehlSusan BonnerNancy Bugajski '03Elyse CantorKiki & Bruce CifelliSondra De JongBianca DellariaCindy DupczakWalt & Eileen EdmistenCheryl FeltHector, Marta, Angelica& Estebon EspinosaMelissa GershNancy GicewiczMary Ann & Tom GoldenDiane GoodBob & Vicki GulerMr. & Mrs. Robert G. HaakerLinda HansenDori HerskovitzPat & Jack HeneghanNancy HolmesBob & Peggy HolzhauserRaul & Lisa JuarezJudi JudyRadha Kanakamedala*Thomas & Mary Jo KellySusan & Brandon Kelly*Kevin Kelly '80Gary & Jim KopycinskiBarb KotchesPat KowlessarJohn & Diana KozojedFelecia JamisonThe Laschober FamilyKathy Major<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>- Student CouncilThe Faculty & Staffof <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>Peg & Paul MassucciBeccy MayerHarvey & Connie MazurGeri & Kevin McCauleyDiana McDonnellMichael McQuade '76Jim & Marcia MendenhallSheila MeteisisDiane Meyer*Jeffrey MisonMary & Bill MoffattMr. & Mrs. John M. MohanBrooke MolnarTaleia Monty '01Anita MooreElizabeth A. NagrodskiPam & Ken NelsonJanet NothMaureen Pannaralla & FamilyBill & Sandy PieperRamona RahkolaCheryl & Jason RasmussenCarol ReynosoColleen & Denis ReidyElisbeth Ritz*Shannon Reidy '91The Rohn FamilyTony & Sandy RosatiRich & Barbara RowleyPete & Darlene RuhlBrian Skibinski '96Jo Anne SingerDoug SnyderCarol SwansonDario & Francee Tacciai*Mr. & Mrs. Bill TonerEva Torres*Cait TonerBob & Sylvia TriumphDoria VathDavid VitbergJessica Walsh '05Karen WaltonWillmington<strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Teachers*Nick & Kathy Wilkens<strong>Marian</strong> Coach/Teacher Jody Haaker and her family look on during the Memorial Dayceremony that dedicated the softball complex flag pole to her late husband andformer <strong>Marian</strong> Coach Bob Haaker. *indicates Haaker flagpole donors at softball complex

Jeanne WilliamsKim Wylie, Hanni& Katie ReutterCarol ZelekMary ZieglerThomas Hahn '68<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Gerald QuaidMargaret HamannWalter & Bridget DrungilChristopher HardyAnn MiliantaThelma HarrisFlorence DeLucaJames HartLeonard D. SmithFred HartmanGerry & Richard KavanaughVincent Hattimer<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Amy HealyGary & Jim Kopycinski<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Selkie WhitebearElmertta HeckenastDavid & Debbie WatsonFrank HefeliMr. & Mrs. Richard FuehrmeyerEileen HeinzMonica QuattrockiLorraine W. HeinzPat & Jack Heneghan<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>- Student CouncilThe Faculty & Staff of <strong>Marian</strong><strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Stephen W. Helsel '66<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Eileen C. Heniff<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Pete & Darlene RuhlLeonard SmithCarol Burke SwansonFrank Henry<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Frances Herrera<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>John HerzogRichard & Gerry KavanaughJack HesterFran & Dick FuehrmeyerMichael S. Hickey<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Bruce Hildebrand<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Rita HoerntleinFlorence DeLucaMr. & Mrs. Louis Gergel, Sr.John E. Hoerster<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Lillian Hoffarth<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Ann HoffmanVince & Patty KeenanRichard HofkampNoreen & Lawrence Czaszwicz<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Senior Emmaus Period 4Leo T. HoganThe Horath Family<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>AnonymousThe McQuade FamilyPhillip & Kim PanozzoGina PersianiAldona PetrarcaNick & Rose ZagottaWilliam Hogan, Sr.Pat & Jack HeneghanLoretta KatauskasThe Faculty & Staffof <strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Peg & Paul MassucciHarvey & Connie MazurMichael McQuadePete & Darlene RuhlLaurie ZubeWilliam HollandTeammates of Carolin Liesen -IJP Basketball<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Robert HoppenjansPete & Darlene RuhlJosephine HuetsonGail MatthewsEloise Hughes<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>James R. Huyler, Sr.Kathy L. BlackChris HyBertSharon & Ted BrownJoe SanfratelloDuke IafalloNancy KazOrlando 'Duke' IafolloDon & Jill RaymondAlba IannucciJoAnne BruniMrs. Mary GasbarroTheresa M. GiannettiCharlotte HouranMary Kay PignottiMary TintariEthyl IronsidesGail MatthewsBarbara JacksonMr. & Mrs. J.C. O'NeillMichelle Jackson<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Harry JacobsNick & Rose ZagottaJimmie JacobsCraig MazurMichael JacobucciRichard & JennieJacobucci & FamilyNancy JadenSue BiemeretCarl JaegerPaul & Sandy SweeneyJerome JanowickJoseph & Susan Beaudry<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Tom & Marcia MorrisonVitaut JanulisMr. & Mrs. John M. MohanRosemary "Roe" JaworskiMichael & Maria BruniMr. & Mrs. Louis Gergel, Sr.Pat & Jack Heneghan<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Leonard D. SmithDoris StabileBernard Jazdzewski<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Raymond L. JenkinsPete & Darlene RuhlWaldemar JohansenSue BiemeretHarold G. JohnsonJoseph & Susan BeaudryLorraine JohnsonSue BiemeretTeresa JohnsonLeonard SmithMinnie Jones<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>George JostesNick & Rose ZagottaEdna JurewicRich BiemeretJoanne JurichMr. & Mrs. Ronald J. WisowatyFrank A. KamanJohn F. HeneghanGreta Kamenjarin<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Stefania Kaminska<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Elizabeth F. KaminskiMr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Welsh '77 '80Rebecca KaminskiDon & Jill RaymondLeatrice KaneVelia R. LeliRobert Kane '75Margaret BiltgenMary Ellen Lupien Carlton '76Velia R. LeliNancy Kavanaugh<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Charles Keating<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Sr. Joann Flannigan, O.P.Sr. Jean Patrice Schingel, O.P.Daniel Kelly, IIICarin WolfsmithFrank KeresPat & Jack HeneghanMary & Al JuraskaAllen & Cindy Marazas<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Ann & Stretch WallerDr. Joseph KetaySr. Jean Patrice Schingel, O.P.Rita KibbyMr. & Mrs. David WatsonHarriett Kiehn<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Shirley KlineGeorge Kline<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Bill & Mary MoffattAngel Megan Klitz<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Grace Anne KlitzJoe & Pat Faso<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>George KlupchakMary Ann Klupchak GanzerDonna KlyczekConnie FasoJohn & Michele FasoIn memoriam…Shirley Kline, friend of<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> with her husband George.MEMORIALSMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 37

MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 38MEMORIALSGene KnoerzerMinnie KnoerzerDaniel Koehler<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> FamilyDorothy Kolczynski<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Mary KonickiSt. Mary Mokena Religious EdEdward M. Kozlowski, Jr.<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Mrs. Holzhauser's 7th PeriodBiology ClassRobert KrauseMr. & Mrs. John M. MohanGenevieve KristovicMary Margaret Flanagan<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Mary Krygier<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Casimer A. KudraGeorge & Rosalie BoniniArmand & Mary NapoleonEd KurzejaPeg WioraChester KusmirekKathleen & Gerald KowalewskiDale LachCarol JorgensenHelen LaCieaNick & Rose ZagottaEdith LaCorteConnie FasoMary GasbarroAndretta Marconi<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Armand & Mary Napoleon& FamilyPaul & Sandy SweeneySally LaggerJosephine LeDucJoseph LaGrecoCathy LilekThomas LaheyMary O'Sullivan '63Andrew T. LanePat & Jack HeneghanJoy LangMargaret ParedesGeorge LaPorteMargaret ParedesLinda LarsonNicolette Zaranti-JacobsmaRose Lau<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Mary Ann LaurencellMary O'SullivanKenneth LawsonAdeline RayAnthony LazzardCarol BlasgenJames LeeMr. & Mrs. Phil CostelloJohn L. LeliVelia Leli & FamilyDorothy Eileen LerchenKathleen KowalewskiJacqueline Lester<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Fred LindquistLeonard D. SmithStephen Ray LintonHarvey & Connie Mazur &FamilyMary LispisaJanet McMahonRoy E. LittnerJoseph & Susan BeaudryRosemarie LoffrediJamie & Elisa MattioMichaelene BrownSharon & Ted BrownMr. & Mrs. Stanley J. KlimasMr. & Mrs. John C. MeadeMr. & Mrs. Paul Sweeney& TorrieVerbal "Pete" LogrisWalter & Bridget DrungilRaymond LongTheresa M. GiannettiRichard W. Lorenz, Sr.<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Tomas LozanoKathleen A. KowalewskiLucy LucianoDick & Fran FuehrmeyerMary LuiseNick & Rose ZagottaWilliam LustigThe Rohn FamilyKathy LutherThe Douglass Family<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>John LuziJason & Dana AmosFrank & Carol CalderoneFlorence DeLucaNicolette Z. JacobsmaMr. & Mrs. Scott KuerstenJohn PiacentiJeanne ZomparelliMary MacalusoPauline & Mike WelshMildred MackowiakMark & Ali RiegelHelen MaguranyAgnes and Tom GoldenMary Ann & Thomas GoldenThe Kostelich & Kyner FamiliesKevin MaherMr. & Mrs. Dennis DwyerFrank & Elizabeth MaherMr. Patrick MaherAnna MaliskasMr. & Mrs. Raymond HorathAnn MaliziaAngie FalvoWesley ManleyThe Matthews FamilyAnthony MarazasAllen & Cindy MarazasGrace Marco<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Donna MarinovicAldona PetrarcaDon MarschnerBeth WakelyMildred MarshallHarvey & Connie MazurIda MartinAnita JacksonKaren MartinDick & Fran FuehrmeyerSalvador MartinezMary TintariOtho MastersonDr. & Mrs. Joe CaffariniDonald H. Land<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Dan Mazar, Sr.Spoonhour FamilyJames McCammackNick & Rose ZagottaJoyce McCarron<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Janet & Ken NothMichael J. McCaughey, Jr.Dorothy McCaugheyKaren Scott-LeonardMari-Lou Rea-McDannelFriends & Co-workersof Ramona McDannelEdward R. McDillonPaul & Maureen HuizengaGeorge McDonoughMr. & Mrs. Arthur M. WelshMargaret McDowell<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Leonard McGeeJanet & Ken NothArthur McGonigalLeonard D. SmithKelly McGrathFelecia DupczakJohn McNicholasPaul & Maureen HuizengaKatherine McNicholsRoberta McQuadeAndrew MedanskyAmerico & Leonara MattioVeronica Mezzich<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Virginia MianiTheresa M. GiannettiFrank & Ann NardoniGina RistenpartMary TintariLeonard MillerTom CameliTim MillerJanet McMahonViola MillerThe MassuccisFrank MinellaJoan C. MillerStell MisniakiewiczMr. & Mrs. Sam MatzMary Dolle MolleNick & Rose ZagottaMarie MolloMr. & Mrs. JosephAjdinovich & SonsJohn BacavisMr. & Mrs. William BigottErin DeBruinDr. & Mrs. Armand R. GasbarroGFOA - Research& Consulting CenterSusan, Alex & David GregoryJohn, Sharon, & Nicole JurkashL.A. Montell & CompanyAgnes MallekCarl SciackitanoJerry & Roma StasekRich & Linda MatokarJohn Fata<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Chuck & Bonnie MurachPaul & Peg MassucciJoe & Diana McDonnellPeggy McMasterMegan McMaster Andersen '93Rose MecchiaKay MercadoChuck & Stephanie Murach '90 '90Mrs. Vera NewmanMrs. Mary CzajkaJerry & Rosemary O'MaraAndy OrsiniLinda OstoichCecilia PalaszRichard PalaszShirl & Don PawlowskiChris & Jan PlatisJames & Marlene RomeliMr. & Mrs. Robert M. RoquePete & Darlene Ruhl

Margaret SciackitanoMrs. Florence G. SmithCarol SwansonRon Swick & FamilySue TaylorGeorge, Jerry & Jonathan TothMr. & Mrs. Randolph Wisowaty& FamilyLorraine WojnarJeanette ZimaKatherine L. MonteleoneDennis & Kristin CortesThe Family & Friends ofKatherine Monteleone<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Michael WilczynskiLaura MooreJoe & Diane Maielli<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Michael MooreSt. Mary ReligiousEducation ProgramsJohn MoriarityJoan Bramlette<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>James MosherMr. & Mrs. Thomas SedorChuck MullinsArmand Napoleon, Jr. '72Catherine M. MulvihillRoger, Gayle & Melissa PfielJoseph L. MulvilleMr. & Mrs. George HamiltonCarin WolfsmithJanet MurphyJoseph & Mabel ShonePatrick Murphy '81Michael Douglas '86Susan Murphy Johns '82Sean Murray '88Will Cnty Comm Unit 200-UElementary Activity FundKelly Nagle '03John & Kathy NagleMichael NaranticDonna WesleyPatricia NardiDorothy McCaugheyBrian NasyMr. & Mrs. John C. MeadeJohn Nesci '63<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Fred Newell, Sr.<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Pete RuhlLawrence NewlingCelia FasoMr. & Mrs. Charles NardoniPhyllis P. NewrenLarry, Barb & Lonnie MolloMaria NicholsMr. & Mrs. Louis Gergel, Sr.Mary Ann NolanMr. & Mrs. John M. MohanEdmund NowakEloise SingletonJoanne NowakElaine KrajciElizabeth 'Betty' NoworytaCathleen BoldaMary Ann & Tom GoldenRobert F. O'BrienGary KopycinskiCatherine O'ConnorNancy Rita KazPatricia J. O'ConnorPatrick C. O'ConnorRev. William O'ConnorAmerico & Leonora MattioGeraldine O'DonnellBarbara KlupchakPatrick O'DonnellMary Margaret FlanaganJennifer Klopp<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club3rd Period HonorsAnatomy ClassMrs. Holzhauser's 7th PeriodBiology Class<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> APCalculus ClassRyan RockaitisMrs. Cynthia SedorMrs. Beth SpisakDolores O'DonovanNancy GorneyBob & Pat Loftus<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Christine O'HareLeonard D. SmithGeorge O'HeaMichael & Maria Bruni<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Mary E. OrmsbyRita O'HenleyLeonard D. SmithJohn O'Neill<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Charles G. O'SheaThe Bishop Family<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Robert C. OlsenRay & Nancy HofmanLydia OnofrioGeorge ArchibaldCarlotta Archibald BradyMary OpiolaWilliam Bugajski FamilySr. Rosetta OvermanMs. Beth WakelyFrank Overtur<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Raymond PalerinoMr. & Mrs. Frank NardoniMario PaniciMary TintariRichard Pansa<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Ron Papp<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Mark Paredes '74Peggy ParedesMr. PartipilloKathleen KowalewskiRichard PaulMarilyn BricksJeannette PaulsenMr. & Mrs. Tom LocktonJames PavelkaAdeline RayEileen PennickTom & Nancy BishopDean Perozzi, Jr. '94Karen PerozziAlbert PetrarcaMary GasbarroDonna PetrovichAllen & Cindy MarazasElizabeth PfeifferDominic & Holly TocciTheodore 'Ted' PiaskowyGerard & Cindy DupczakEleanor G. PiazzaVal & Dolores CaprettiLottie PiazzaMrs. Mary GasbarroJerome PiechockiJerome PiechockiEmma PigatoDr. & Mrs. Armand GasbarroJudy PiuntiTed & Sharon BrownMichaelene BrownJamie & Elisa MattioMary PlacekTony & Harriet KeatingFather of Casey PlackettVince & Patty KeenanMary Ann PlaneraMary TintariRaymond PlaneraMary Tintari & Livia& John NatalieDavid & Lucy VittoriMeg PlattaSue Biemeret & Melanie CoffmenConnie PoerioJoanne CliffordVeregene PokornyMr. & Mrs. John DelehantyJennie L. PolcariDr. & Mrs. Armand R. GasbarroMary Ann PolleyNick & Rose ZagottaLew PorrecaJean CunninghamMargaret PotocnyAmerico & Leonara MattioPauline C. PotocnyMichael & Elizabeth BrennanMichael EinhornJohn & Amy (Linder '88) FraleClaudia GabelJerry NovorytaTom NovorytaKathy & Doug JohnsonRita Potocny KriderDorothy R. LinderMcGrane, Perozzi, Stelter,Gerardi, Brauer & Ross, Ltd.Ted & Gertrude MizeRobert MizeMildred & LaurenceStapleton, Sr.Mary Ann F. Wolny"Jo" PowersVal & Dolores CaprettiArlene PrekwasLouise BostaJean H. Prete<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Nancy Molander Price '71Gary & Jim Kopycinski<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Julie A. Molander '70Giaconda PrincipeLeonard SmithMarie PrinzhornMinnie KnoerzerJulia ProsserKathleen KowalewskiHelen J. PrzybylinskiElizabeth EhlmanVirginia PaulWilma QuigleyAl & Betty DiLuiaMarvin QunellDon & Jill RaymondJoe & Marielle ZagoneConnie D. RabyakAngie Falvo & FamilyRev. Thomas RafteryThe Dupczak Family<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>- English Department<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>The McQuade FamilyFilomena RanieriMrs. Mary GasbarroFlorence Helen RanieriMary TintariZorka RapauchMary Ann & John PerkovichMEMORIALSMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 39

MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 40MEMORIALSFrank Rauch Jr.Jerome & Mary MitchellWilliam J. "Billy" RedicanKevin Kelly<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Eileen ReidyLeonard D. SmithEvelyn ReilfussLeonard D. SmithStanley Reindl '82Jack HeneghanJim ReindlPeg ReindlJim ReindlJohn ReithKathleen KowalewskiJen Kowalewski '95Father-in-law of Candace RiceVince & Patty KeenanRobert RichardLeonard D. SmithMarie Tomassi RichardsonTheresa M. GiannettiArlene S. RiechelRobert & Kathleen Jones<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Mary OrmsbyThe David Watson FamilyJoe & Marielle ZagoneAl Ritchie<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>William "Wally" RolniakDonnan & Scott WesleyRichard RomeroPete & Trisha KronerJoe Roque<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Francesca RosalesJoanne SebbenLaura RosolowskiBob & Pat LoftusCelia RozekJen Kowalewski"Vinnie" RubarthMr. & Mrs. Arthur M. WelshVincent RubinoMr. & Mrs. John Mohan`Louis RuggeriFlorence DeLuca& Sister Santina DeLuca, O.P.Marge SaakDonald H. LandMartina SaindonLou & Georgene SpoonhourMichelle Salin '01Mrs. Jean CunninghamThomas & Mary Ann GoldenPat & Jack HeneghanKevin KellyGary & Jim Kopycinski '03<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>- Student Council<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Pete & Darlene RuhlMary Sampo<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Mary SampselMary JuraskaTheresa M. SantilliMr. William Julian, Sr.Nancy Rita KazFrank & Ann NardoniEdward SarnaArnie & JoAnne SkibinskiJean SaukupThe Kordas FamilyMarcella J. SavantJennifer M. WoodDr. Frank ScacullaTheresa M. GiannettiEileen ScanlanLeonard SmithAnthony ScarianoThe Falvo FamilyDomincan Sisters of<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>Sheila Petrarca Schau '69The Lipari FamilyAldona PetrarcaCorinne SchillingsGeorgene & Lou SpoonhourFlorence SchlueterIgnatius JanusekGina PersianiFrancis "Smitty" SchmittPeggy & Bob HolzhauserPhilip Schmitz '99Cummings & Duda, Ltd.Mary Margaret Flanagan<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Jen PasykPhil, Maureen & Breanne SchmitzRichard SchoutenNick & Rose ZagottaAnn J. SchreiberKen & Linda MortonJohn M. SchreiberMary Rose SchreiberHenry SchumacherRoberta McQuadeKaren SchuppCindy DupczakTom & Monica LocktonJack & Lois MassucciMassucci FamilySharon & James McCannDiana McDonnellMichael McQuadePete & Darlene RuhlMark & Carol SwansonLena Schwab<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Ryan RockaitisRichard Schwartz<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Daniel ScimoDeborah JarretteEdward A. Scott, Jr.Karen Scott-LeonardJoan C. ScottKaren Scott-LeonardLaura SegalaAndretta MarconiTom & Marcia MorrisonAldona PetrarcaMary TintariPearl SeidaHarvey & Connie Mazur& FamilyRobert SendeckeKathleen KowalewskiJerry SheehanMarilyn BricksMr. & Mrs. Stanley KlimasRobert & Shirley SchlueterDorothy ShineGerald & Eleanor ShineHelen Shivers<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Larry Shoven<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>James ShutowskiLoretta KatauskasMelissa SiegertMr. & Mrs. Laurence A.Stapleton, Sr.Robert D. SieronMrs. Josephine LeDucDeborah SimecekSusan MarconiAnthony SimonettiJosephine CostelloMary GasbarroAndretta MarconiBaby Edward Thomas SimutisMargaret ParedesEsther SiubaCindy DupczakJoseph Skarvan<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Jean SkorzynskiSusan VandercarGerie SkowronskiVal & Dolores CaprettiSr. Santina DeLuca, O.P.Mr. & Mrs. Frank NardoniMarie SkummerPaul & Sandy SweeneyRichard SlatteryDorothy McCaughey & FamilyThomas R. SmallNancy DannelsMary EmigDuncan SmithJoanne & Joanna FeeWilliam H. Smith, Jr.Helen Jean Smith,Peter & Joanne FeeLoretta SmithJoanne & Peter FeeRobert & Dolores JonesRobert & Kathleen JonesWilliam H. Smith, Sr.Helen Jean Smith,Joanne & Peter FeeShirley SocciLarry & Barb MolloSam MolloNancy SoltisDolores BobinMinnie Knoerzer<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Michael & Violet SominLou & Georgene SpoonhourRichard SpeakerWilliam & Patricia LaschoberDenise Spellman '83Class of 1983Roy & Alice SpoonhourLou & Georgene SpoonhourJennie StanfaCindy DupczakEileen EdmistenMary Ann & Thomas GoldenLinda HansenPat & Jack HeneghanLoretta Katauskas<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>John & Diana Kozojed<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong>- Student CouncilMichael McQuadeMr. & Mrs. William J. MoffattKen & Linda MortonJanet NothPete & Darlene RuhlAnastasia WallerLucy StefaniAl & Betty DiLuiaBob Stefans<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Philomena StellaPat & Jack HeneghanKaren MantoanFrank & Ann NardoniLarry NecastroMrs. Mary TosiJohn W. StephensCindy DupczakThe McQuade FamilyRoberta Rolwing McQuade

Pete & Darlene RuhlKaren Scott LeonardCarol & Mark SwansonElizabeth J. StephensonSue & Joe Ajdinovich & SonsBruce & KiKi CifelliLorron FaraniMary Margaret FlanaganMary Ann & Tom GoldenLinda HansenPat & Jack HeneghanNancy HolmesGary & Jim KopycinskiJohn & Diana Kozojed<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> -Student Council<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>The Massucci FamilyDiana McDonnellRobert & Faye PrednyPete & Darlene RuhlBarbara SabotnikTom & Cindy SedorCarol & Mark SwansonAnn WallerJon & Becky WooddellJean StewartRosalie & George BoniniGina RistenpartHelen StiegelmanRich & Sue BiemeretMrs. Robert StrahlmanGail MatthewsRaymond StrauchMr. & Mrs. Anton J. KostelichDonna Kyner & FamilyWilliam Strauch<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Helen SturKevin & Diane LarsonNeelamegam SubramanianRoberta McQuadeChristine SudeticSpoonhour FamilyJoanne SupilowskiJanet McMahonJim SutaraMary Ann Perkovich & FamilyJoseph SzawarsRosalie & George Bonini andJim & Beth SchaeferEsther SzlainsAllen & Cindy MarazasPaul SzyarkowskiSt. Mary Mokena Religious EdPete TalaricoMrs. Mary TosiEd TaylorBarbara Klupchak '76Marie TaylorMrs. Raymond JenkinsMr. & Mrs. Arthur M. WelshHarry TenfeldeElizabeth EhlmanRose TerracinaFlorence DeLuca & Sister SantinaDeLuca, O.P.Grace Terriquez<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Mrs. TeskaKathleen KowalewskiMary ThomasMarilyn BricksShirley Thomas<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Dr. Ed TilkaKen & Janet NothAnna TislerKathy Quatrocki &Carol DelladisIrene ToddSusan MarconiAndretta MarconiAngie & Joe CaffariniLois ToepferMarjorie M. BalazKimberly CaruthersJohn & Gloria FeketeJames F. GallagherJohn GallagherDaniel & Sarah GallagherGallagher AsphaltGloria JenkinsRichard & Melanie Kelley<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Sr. Gloria Hanley, O.P.James & Jennifer McGrathMichael & Denise RemecAmy & Patrick SacorJana SweeneyJoe & Edna ThompsonKelly Toepfer Thompson '88Gerald ToepferPeggy TomsThe Lilek FamilyEugene Tourville<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Marion TripenyMrs. Raymond JenkinsKevin TroyJohn & Jeanne DeRaimoRichard TuckerLeonard D. SmithFrank VaccoKeith & Nancy Gorney<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Addison Grace VazquezMr. & Mrs. Arthur M. WelshCarmen VazquezBarbara MolloBill VenlosGail MatthewsJohn VillellaPaul & Maureen Huizenga &FamilyWalter VockAnna Mae MiliantaKaren Lyman WagnerRyan RockaitisLynn WailThe Paul Lilek FamilyAileen Walczak<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Camille WallaceTheresa GiannettiPatricia WalshSr. Santina DeLuca, O.P.Verlena WashingtonPeter & Joanne FeeJane WassElsie SingletonThomas WelchMary Margaret Flanagan<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Alfred W. Welker<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Aurora (Quarcini) WellsMrs. Mary GasbarroEwalt "Eddie" WelshMr. & Mrs. Arthur M. WelshHelen WelshJohn & Diana KozojedJosephine WesolowskiChris & Jennifer Hudson Powell'89Paul Wilczynski '80Madelyn Mel BamontiDolores & Val CaprettiDr. & Mrs. Armand GasbarroMrs. Mary GasbarroDave & Kate GossMrs. Gloria HagenMr. & Mrs. Stanley Klimas<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Frank & Ann NardoniDavid & Rita Rohn & FamilyMr. & Mrs. Edward SurjanIda Mae Williams<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Hubert Wilson<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Marguerite WilsonPaul & Peg MassucciSharon & James McCann, Sr.Robert WilsonMary Juraska<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>John & Barb SabotnikMarie WisowatyThe Udchitz FamilyAlfred Witkowski<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Leon Witrowski M.D.Jack & Pat HeneghanMargie WohlerThe Duffy FamilyBarbara WojciakAnna Mae MiliantaOlga Woodford<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Pamela Worley<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> - Mothers Club<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>Ann WydraIrene Capretti & Pat PiuntiAlbert YothmentThe Udchitz'sIrene ZaffinoRich & Sue BiemeretRichard ZagoneSam L. PiuntiAbundio Zaragoza, Sr.Mary Ann & Tom GoldenElsie NecastroIda ZarlengoTheresa GiannettiLorraine ZebrowskiPaul & Sandy SweeneyJim ZeranteMrs. Velia R. LeliRose ZeranteMrs. Velia R. LeliMichael ZientySt. Mary Mokena Religious EdAudrey ZieskeSister JoannEdmund ZumbahlenJean CunninghamJames & Marjorie Godowic& FamilyPat & Jack HeneghanMEMORIALSMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 41

ACADEMIC HONORS AND SCHOLARSHIPS<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> takes great pride in its alumni, including the Class of <strong>2004</strong>, as a brilliant foundation for the future. Recent <strong>Marian</strong> graduating classes have earned more than$6 million in college scholarships, and annually rank among the best in Chicagoland as Advanced Placement Scholars, National Merit honors and Illinois State Scholars.MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 42Abel, Jennifer - Benedictine University<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeAnderson, Matthew - Illinois Institute of TechnologyIllinois State ScholarNational Merit Scholarship Commended StudentIllinois Institute of TechnologyCamras ScholarshipIllinois Institute of Technology Heald ScholarshipBradley University Presidential ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMu Alpha ThetaNational Junior Classical LeagueLatin Honor SocietyBaczkowicz, Mary Claire - American Academy of ArtNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterBarry, Kristin - Northern Illinois UniversityNational Honor SocietyBartels, Nicolle - St. Xavier UniversitySt. Xavier University Athletic Scholarship<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeBecker, Mathew - South Suburban CollegeKairos Retreat LeaderBecker, Sean –- Purdue University-Calumet<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeKairos Retreat LeaderDominican PreacherCook County Sheriff Michael SheehanYouth Service AwardBenson, Maggie - Illinois State UniversityLocal One Iron Workers ScholarshipBijak, Kathleen - DePaul UniversityIllinois State ScholarLoyola University Academic ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderBlewitt, Joseph - DePaul University<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeMCHS Academic Excellence in DramaBock, Emily - Eastern Illinois UniversityIllinois State ScholarAHEPA 13th District ScholarshipPhi Delta Kappa ScholarshipSt. Ambrose University Presidential ScholarshipEastern Illinois UniversityPresidential Scholars ScholarshipESCC Scholar AthleteNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterBond, Matthew - North Park University<strong>2004</strong> Chicago Fire All-State Academic Team -Honorable MentionBrzeszkiewicz, Joshua - Illinois State UniversityIllinois State ScholarNational Merit Scholarship Commended StudentBuonadonna, Kimberly - Carthage CollegeCrete Area Chamber of CommerceHarry Braun Memorial ScholarshipBall State University Presidential ScholarshipBradley University Academic ScholarshipButler University Irving ScholarshipCarthage College Presidential ScholarshipCarthage College Lincoln Scholarship FinalistDePaul University Presidential ScholarshipIowa State University Awardfor Competitive Excellence ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterBuxbaum, Scott - Western Illinois UniversityKevin F. Maher Memorial Wrestling ScholarshipBylina, Erin - Bradley UniversityBradley University Dean’s ScholarshipDrake University Presidential ScholarshipIllinois State ScholarAP Scholar with HonorByrnes, Katherine - Illinois Wesleyan UniversityIllinois State ScholarCreighton University Academic Merit ScholarshipIllinois Wesleyan University Alumni ScholarshipLoyola University Damen ScholarshipMarquette University Ignatius AcademicExcellence ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionCafferata, Paul - University of IllinoisIllinois State ScholarMCHS Academic LetterSpanish National Honor SocietyCalvin, Charlie - University of MissouriNational Achievement Scholarship SemifinalistUniversity of St. Thomas Dease ScholarshipValparaiso University Academic ScholarshipValparaiso University Business AwardCarlasare, Joseph - Loyola UniversityLoyola University Trustee ScholarshipLoyola University Damen ScholarshipLoyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage AwardNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderDominican PreacherCarlson, Rachel - Indiana UniversityIndiana University Athletic ScholarshipCarollo, Brett - Moraine Valley Community CollegeIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterFrench National Honor SocietyCaruso, Michael - Marquette UniversityMarquette University Ignatius ScholarshipIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterChismar, Dana - Grand Valley State UniversityNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderClark, Keith - Quincy UniversityQuincy University Challenge GrantCleary, Megan - Miami UniversityWendy’s <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Heisman Award NomineeNational Honor SocietyColangelo, Jenna - University of IllinoisNational Honor SocietyComiskey, Jamie - University of IowaNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterConley, Kaitlyn - DePaul UniversityDePaul University Merit ScholarshipSt. Xavier University AwardLoyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage AwardBest Buy ScholarshipCosgrove, Beth - Culinary Institute of AmericaKendall College Kendall ScholarshipCourt, Alyssa - St. Mary’s CollegeSt. Mary’s College Bertrand ScholarshipDominican University Achievement ScholarshipBenedictine University <strong>Catholic</strong>Recognition AwardBenedictine University ScholarshipLoyola University Trustee ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyDannowitz, Bryan - New Mexico Instituteof TechnologyIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyIllinois Association of Chemistry TeachersOutstanding Achievement in ChemistryKairos Retreat LeaderMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionMu Alpha ThetaFour Years Perfect AttendanceDeBonfioli, Danielle - University of IowaMCHS Academic LetterNational Honor SocietySpanish National Honor SocietyDenny, Stephanie - Benedictine UniversityIllinois State ScholarBenedictine University Scholars Program

Benedictine University <strong>Catholic</strong><strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> GrantBenedictine University ScholarshipAbbey Foundation ScholarshipKnox College Hermann R. Muelder ScholarshipKnox College Founders ScholarshipKnox College Founders GrantMillikin University Honors ScholarshipCoe College Trustee Academic ScholarshipWartburg Regent ScholarshipCornell Presidential ScholarshipSt. Louis University ScholarshipMCHS Scholar AthleteESCC Scholar Athlete<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Psychology ClubService & Scholarship AwardNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionMu Alpha ThetaSpanish National Honor SocietyDiMaggio, Mia - DePaul UniversityMarchegiana Societyof Chicago Heights ScholarshipDjondo, Teodora - DePaul UniversityDePaul University Centennial ScholarshipDube, Andrew - Marquette UniversityValparaiso University Academic ScholarshipValparaiso University Engineering ScholarshipDuncan, Eric - University of IllinoisNational Achievement Scholarship SemifinalistDupczak, Felicia - Carroll College<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeCarroll College Pioneer ScholarshipEarnest, Sarah - Illinois Wesleyan UniversityTinley Park YouthCommunity Service ScholarshipAugustana College Dean’s ScholarshipIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionSpanish National Honor SocietyEder, Tiffany - George Washington UniversityLynn Thrall Abby Athlete ScholarshipAmerican University Dean’s ScholarshipGeorge Washington UniversityPresidential Academic ScholarshipIndiana University Freese ScholarshipIndiana University Honors CollegeMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionNational Honor SocietyMu Alpha ThetaESCC Scholar AthleteMCHS Academic Excellence in Biological ScienceIllinois Council of Teachers of MathematicsOutstanding Achievement AwardEdwards, Elizabeth - DePaul UniversityDePaul University Presidential ScholarshipLewis University Michael andFrances Fitzpatrick ScholarshipLoyola University Trustee ScholarshipLoyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage AwardMCHS Academic LetterElmore-Perkins, Janelle - Bradley UniversityIllinois State ScholarErickson, Matthew - Southern Illinois UniversityIllinois State ScholarEvans, Tia - University of Wisconsin-/LaCrosseBellarmine University Monsignor Treece AwardUniversity of Evansville Leadership Activity AwardUniversity of Wisconsin/LaCrosse EagleExcellence ScholarshipFairbanks, Scot - University of OklahomaLoyola University Academic ScholarshipFelke, Ryan - Iowa State UniversityIowa State University Awardfor Competitive ExcellenceNational Honor SocietyFerguson, Ryan - University of IllinoisIllinois State ScholarNational Merit Scholarship Commended StudentNational Achievement Scholarship FinalistOmega Psi FraternityC. D. Henry Memorial ScholarshipMu Alpha ThetaFugaj, Stephen - St. Xavier UniversitySt. Xavier University Presidential ScholarshipLoyola University Trustee ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterFurlan, Nicole - Loyola UniversityIllinois State ScholarNational Merit Scholarship Commended StudentLoyola University Honors ProgramLoyola University Damen ScholarshipLoyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage Award<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderMCHS Academic LetterMCHS Academic Excellence in DramaFurman, Katie - St. Louis UniversityEditor’s Choice Award for PoetryMarquette University Ignatius AcademicExcellence ScholarshipSt. Louis University Dean’s ScholarshipBall State University Honors ScholarshipBall State University Presidential ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterSpanish National Honor SocietyGalvin, Adam - University of IowaIllinois State ScholarNational Hispanic ScholarNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterGlispie, Stephen - University of MiamiIllinois State ScholarThe atmosphere around <strong>Marian</strong>, its teachers, students, faculty, facilities, and programs, foster such a greatwell-rounded atmosphere. I truly feel I was given BEYOND what was needed to excel at a college level.Ms. Marie Zidek '02Minnesota-bound Lauren Lacey ’04receives her diploma.National Merit Scholarship FinalistNational Achievement Scholarship FinalistMarquette University Ignatius AcademicExcellence ScholarshipSt. Louis University Dean’s ScholarshipUniversity of MiamiBowman Foster Ashe ScholarshipUniversity of Illinois President’s AwardUniversity of IllinoisCollege of Business ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterSpanish National Honor SocietyGniadecki, Stephen - Tulane UniversityIllinois State ScholarAP Scholar with HonorNational Honor SocietyACADEMIC HONORS AND SCHOLARSHIPSMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 43

MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 44ACADEMIC HONORS AND SCHOLARSHIPSMike Caruso ’04 listens intently duringHonors Night.Gorney, Matthew - University of IllinoisIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterGray, Ryan - Tulane UniversityIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterGrelak, John - Purdue UniversityDr. T. A. Starzynski ScholarshipUniversity of Iowa National Scholars AwardInternational Hockey/Sports Tours NomineeNational Honor SocietyGriffith, Elizabeth - Carthage CollegeCarthage College Presidential ScholarshipCarthage College Endowed ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyGrossi, Alex - University of Wisconsin-/MadisonIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterNational Junior Classical LeagueLatin Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Excellence in LatinGrossnickle, Victoria - Indiana University/PurdueUniversity at Fort WayneIndiana University/Purdue UniversityFW Athletic ScholarshipHagemaster, Karen - University of IowaNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderHalpin, Colleen - Kenyon CollegeIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyHamilton, Eric - Illinois Wesleyan UniversityIllinois State ScholarIllinois Wesleyan University Alumni ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderMCHS Academic LetterThe school-widePreachinggoal of improved oral communication andintegration of technology are truly Dominican.– The Courage to Lead (Long Range Plan)Haskin, Lauren - Hampton UniversityIllinois State ScholarNational Achievement ScholarshipReferred StudentNational Merit Corporation Dr. Forrest C. ShaklieMemorial ScholarshipHampton University Scholars ScholarshipUniversity of Missouri-Columbia Diversity Award<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionSpanish National Honor SocietyHathhorn, Eric - Loyola University<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas AwardKairos Retreat LeaderHeaney, Carolyn - DePaul UniversityNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Excellence in BusinessDePaul Presidential ScholarshipMarquette University ScholarshipBradley University ScholarshipHerman, Courtney - Creighton UniversityCreighton University Academic Merit ScholarshipHilliard, Jeffrey - University of MichiganIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterHofkamp, Amanda - Loyola UniversityKairos Retreat LeaderNational Honor SocietyHope, Jillian - St. Xavier University<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeIllinois State ScholarIllinois Wesleyan UniversityAchievement ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterSpanish National Honor SocietyJagoda, Andrew - Purdue UniversityIllinois State ScholarButler University Irvington ScholarshipKnox College Scripps ScholarshipKnox College Founders ScholarshipMCHS Academic LetterDominican preacherSean Becker ’04 addressesstudents in the Chapel.

Janssen, Daniel - Western Michigan UniversityNational Honor SocietyWestern Michigan Cultural Diversity ScholarshipIllinois Institute of TechnologyHenry T. Heald ScholarshipJedlicka, Michael – University of IllinoisIllinois State ScholarChick Evans ScholarshipCook County Sheriff’s Youth Service MedalIndiana University Faculty AwardMarquette University Ignatius AcademicExcellence ScholarshipIllinois Wesleyan University Alumni ScholarshipNational Honor Society<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeMCHS Academic LetterSpanish National Honor SocietyESCC Scholar AthleteJones, Erica - Marquette UniversityKairos Retreat LeaderKasper, Joseph- University of IowaIllinois State Scholar<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeMCHS Academic Excellence in Social StudiesKelly, Timothy - Eastern Illinois UniversityEastern Illinois University Athletic ScholarshipKairos Retreat LeaderKickert, Melissa - Loyola UniversityIllinois State ScholarLoyola University Academic ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterKiehn, Marisse - University of IowaBradley University Academic ScholarshipIndiana University Faculty AwardUniversity of Iowa National Scholars AwardNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterKleszczynski, Anthony - Southern Illinois UniversityMarchegiana Society ofChicago Heights ScholarshipKnapp, Emily - Lewis UniversityKairos Retreat LeaderKordys, Justin - Tulane UniversityIllinois State ScholarTulane University Founders ScholarshipLoyola University Damen ScholarshipLoyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage AwardSt. Norbert College Presidential ScholarshipSt. Norbert College Thomas DeWane ScholarshipMarquette University Magis ScholarshipMarquette University Ignatius AcademicAchievement ScholarshipCreighton University Academic Merit Scholarship<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderKowalczyk, Rachel - University of IllinoisNational Honor SocietyKrause, Sally - Loras CollegeLoras College Achievement AwardSt. Xavier University ScholarshipKrumrie, Amanda - University of Alabama-BirminghamUniversity of Alabama-BirminghamNon-Resident ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyKulchar, Edward - Purdue UniversityKairos Retreat LeaderKyner, David - Lewis UniversityAir Force ROTCCommander’s Leadership ScholarshipLewis University Fitzpatrick ScholarshipIllinois State ScholarMCHS Academic LetterNational Honor SocietyLacey, Lauren - University of MinnesotaUniversity of Minnesota Athletic ScholarshipLach, Michael - Miami UniversityIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyLachcik, Robert - University of Illinois-/ChicagoFerris State UniversityResidential Life ScholarshipFour Years Outstanding AttendanceLawler, Meghan - University of IllinoisNational Honor SocietyUniversity of Illinois Athlete ScholarshipLeatzow, Derek - University of Hawaii-ManoaValparaiso University Academic ScholarshipValparaiso University Engineering ScholarshipValparaiso University Lutheran Heritage AwardNational Honor SocietyMu Alpha ThetaLemon, Kathryn - Illinois State UniversityGrand Valley State University Award forExcellenceLewis University Michael& Frances Fitzpatrick ScholarshipMarquette University Freshmen AwardNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderLessard, Bret - Illinois Wesleyan UniversityCarthage College Dean’s ScholarshipKairos Retreat LeaderLietz, Andrew - St. Xavier UniversitySt. Xavier University Athletic ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyLilek, Christopher - University of IllinoisUniversity of Dayton President’s ScholarshipBentley College President’s ScholarshipQuincy University Honors ScholarshipSeton Hall University Academic ScholarshipTri-State University Academic ScholarshipIllinois State ScholarNational Honor Society<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeKairos Retreat LeaderMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionMu Alpha ThetaSpanish National Honor SocietyDominican PreacherESCC Scholar AthleteMCHS Scholar AthleteA proud Joe Carlasare ’04 receives his diploma fromhis mother and faculty member, Joelyn.A “softball” quintet gathers at graduation, includingcoach Tony Waznonis ’98 graduates Jill Hope ’04,Nicolle Bartels ’04, Nicole Robinson ’04, and SarahPadove ’05.Lilly, Eleanora - University of IllinoisIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterLinder, Robert - Lake Forest CollegeLake Forest College DeerpathAcademic ScholarshipLake Forest College Forester Writing ScholarshipLake Forest College GrantKnox College Founders ScholarshipKairos Retreat LeaderACADEMIC HONORS AND SCHOLARSHIPSMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 45

MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 46ACADEMIC HONORS AND SCHOLARSHIPSLofrano, Marie - South Suburban CollegeKairos Retreat LeaderLofrano, Mark - Illinois State UniversityMarchegiana Society of Chicago HeightsScholarshipLoMonaco, Zachary - Knox CollegeCarroll College Presidential ScholarshipCarroll College Education ScholarshipKnox College Founders ScholarshipMillikin University ScholarshipLopez, Nicole - Michigan Technological UniversityArmy ROTC scholarshipMichigan Technological UniversityAthletic ScholarshipLoyola University Academic ScholarshipLoyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage AwardMichigan Technological UniversityAcademic Excellence AwardMichigan Technological UniversityMinority GrantUniversity of Iowa Opportunity ScholarshipUniversity of Iowa National Scholars AwardUniversity of MinnesotaGopher National ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMu Alpha ThetaMadon, Carly - Loyola UniversityIllinois State ScholarLoyola University Academic ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterManno, Ashley - Northern Illinois UniversityKairos Retreat LeaderMarassa, Michelle - St. Ambrose UniversitySt. Ambrose University Ambrose GrantSt. Ambrose University GrantSt. Ambrose University Dance ScholarshipMarconi, Mia - Western Illinois UniversityNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterMarshall, Angela - University of Wisconsin-/ParksideUniversity of Wisconsin/ParksideAthletic ScholarshipKairos Retreat LeaderMarshall, Mary - University of IllinoisIllinois State ScholarNational Achievement Scholarship FinalistNational Achievement ScholarshipAP Scholar with HonorUniversity of Illinois President’s AwardNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionSpanish National Honor SocietyMcAvoy, Michael - University of IllinoisNational Honor Society<strong>2004</strong> Chicago Fire All-State Academic Team- Honorable MentionMcKillip, Collin - University of Wisconsin-/LaCrosseIllinois State ScholarWendy’s <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Heisman Award NomineeNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterESCC Scholar AthleteDoug Damon AwardKevin F. Maher Memorial Wrestling ScholarshipMcMahon, Laura - Illinois State UniversityMarquette University Ignatius AcademicAchievement ScholarshipDominican University Honor ScholarshipDominican University Dominican ScholarshipSt. Louis University Michael &Frances Fitzpatrick ScholarshipLoyola University Academic ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterMcNeely, Morgan – Loras UniversityLoras University <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> GrantMercado, Jonathan - Millikin University<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeMeyers, Eric - University of IllinoisIllinois State ScholarIllinois Wesleyan University Alumni ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterMeyers, Krista - University of IllinoisIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderMCHS Academic LetterNational Junior Classical LeagueLatin Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Excellence in LatinMizwicki, Melissa - Purdue University-CalumetKairos Retreat LeaderMorrison, Courtney - Loyola UniversityIllinois State ScholarBradley University Presidential ScholarshipDePaul University Centennial ScholarshipLoyola University Damen Scholarship<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionMu Alpha ThetaSpanish National Honor SocietyIllinois Council of Teachers of MathematicsOutstanding Achievement AwardNecastro, Brian - DePaul UniversityIllinois State ScholarDePaul University Presidential ScholarshipMarquette University Ignatius AcademicExcellence ScholarshipMarquette University MagisLeadership ScholarshipUniversity of Missouri/ColumbiaNon-Resident ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionSpanish National Honor SocietyNelson, Kellee - Florida Institute of TechnologyFlorida Institute of TechnologyAcademic ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyNieken, Victoria - St. Xavier UniversityMCHS Academic LetterNational Honor SocietyFour Years Perfect AttendanceWith Assistant-Principal Jack Heneghan lookingon, Bryan Dannowitz ’04 receives his diplomafrom Sr. M. Paul McCaughey, O.P. ’67.O’Donnell, Kara - Drake UniversityDrake University Presidential ScholarshipSt. Louis University ScholarshipBradley University ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyOjo, Felecia - Wellesley CollegeUniversity of Illinois President’s AwardUniversity of Illinois-/Chicago President’s AwardSt. Xavier University of LouisianaAcademic ScholarshipO’Malley Ellen - Lake Forest CollegeKnox College Ellen Browning Scripps ScholarshipKnox College Founders ScholarshipLake Forest College DeerpathAcademic ScholarshipLake Forest College Forester Science ScholarshipMCHS Academic LetterOrthmeyer, Christine - College of WoosterRhodes College Academic Award

Osterholt, Gina - Northern Illinois UniversityNorthern Illinois UniversityCentennial ScholarshipMCHS Academic LetterPadula, Caitlin - Loyola UniversityNational Merit Scholarship Commended StudentLoyola University Damen ScholarshipDaughters of the American RevolutionGood Citizenship AwardNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterSpanish National Honor SocietyPallay, Holly - Illinois State UniversityIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyParadiso, Samantha - Columbia CollegeMCHS Academic Excellence in Visual ArtsParker, Sarah - DePaul University<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineePascarella, Michael - University of South CarolinaIllinois State ScholarBowling Green State UniversityPresident’s Achievement ScholarshipUniversity of South Carolina McKissickAcademic ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyPelock, Paul - University of IllinoisIllinois State ScholarNational Merit Scholarship Commended StudentDePaul University Presidential ScholarshipIllinois Institute of Technology Herald ScholarshipIowa State University Awardfor Competitive Excellence ScholarshipLoyola University Damen ScholarshipOhio Northern University Dean’s ScholarshipPurdue University Success ScholarshipRensselaer Polytechnic Institute Medal ScholarshipMVP of the MCHS Math TeamNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionMu Alpha ThetaFrench National Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Excellence in Physical ScienceMCHS Academic Excellence in FrenchClass SalutatorianPerez, Valerie - University of Illinois-/ChicagoIllinois Wesleyan UniversityAchievement ScholarshipAmerican Psychological AssociationExcellence in Psychology AwardNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterFour Years Outstanding AttendancePierre, Courtney - University of IllinoisUniversity of Illinois Presidential AwardIllinois State ScholarNational Achievement Scholarship FinalistUPS Foundation Achievement ScholarshipTruman State UniversityPresident’s Honorary ScholarshipTruman State University Competitive ScholarshipMCHS Academic LetterPignotti, Davio - Western Michigan UniversityLoyola University Academic ScholarshipPinkus, Cynthia - Ripon CollegeIllinois State ScholarRipon College Faculty ScholarshipRipon College Presidential ScholarshipMCHS Academic LetterMu Alpha ThetaPlowman, Kathryn - Butler UniversityButler University Academic ScholarshipButler University Academic GrantIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionSpanish National Honor SocietyPraxmarer, Matthew - University of IllinoisIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionFrench National Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Excellence in BandProphet, Andre - Southern Illinois UniversityArchbishop Lyke African AmericanMale Image ScholarshipQuinlivan, Bridget - Quincy UniversityNational Honor SocietyQuincy University Honors ScholarshipUniversity of Iowa National Scholars AwardQuirke, Ashley - DePaul UniversityDePaul University Presidential ScholarshipSt. Xavier University Presidential Scholarship<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeNational Honor SocietyRada, Kathleen - Ball State UniversityKairos Retreat LeaderCook County Sheriff Michael Sheehan YouthService AwardRanos, Ken - Capital UniversityCapital University Collegiate Fellows ScholarshipIllinois State ScholarNational Merit Scholarship Commended StudentIllinois Wesleyan University Alumni Talent AwardNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Excellence in BandRawlings, Andrew - University of IllinoisIllinois State ScholarAP Scholar with HonorRinas, Rachele - Loyola UniversityLoyola University Academic ScholarshipLoyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage AwardNational Honor SocietyRobinson, Nicole - University of Illinois/ChicagoUniversity of Illinois/ChicagoAthletic ScholarshipRodriguez, Andrew - DePaul UniversityDePaul University Centennial ScholarNational Hispanic Honorable MentionSpanish National Honor SocietyRodriguez, Chris - St. Xavier UniversitySt. Xavier University Athletic ScholarshipRoss, Michael - Minneapolis Collegeof Art and DesignMCHS Academic Excellence in Visual ArtsRynne, Meghan - Illinois Wesleyan UniversityMarquette University Ignatius ScholarshipMarquette University MagisLeadership ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterESCC Scholar AthleteSandoval, Emily - Ball State UniversityArcadia UniversityDistinguised Scholar AwardSyracuse University Dean’s ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterSpanish National Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Excellence in Social StudiesFour Years Outstanding AttendanceScampini, Richard - Milwaukee <strong>School</strong>of EngineeringMilwaukee <strong>School</strong> of Engineering ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderMu Alpha ThetaSchaberger, Laura - Iowa State UniversityIowa State University Awardfor Competitive ExcellenceMarquette University Ignatius AcademicAchievement ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterSchlosberg, Christopher - University of IllinoisIllinois State ScholarNational Honor Society<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeIllinois Association of Chemistry TeachersOutstanding Achievement in ChemistryKairos Retreat LeaderMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionMu Alpha ThetaNational Junior Classical LeagueLatin Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Excellence in LatinACADEMIC HONORS AND SCHOLARSHIPSMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 47

MCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 48ACADEMIC HONORS AND SCHOLARSHIPSSchultz, Jonathan - Anderson University<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeKairos Retreat LeaderMCHS Academic LetterScrementi, Steven - Northern Illinois University<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeScrementi, Sammy – John Carroll UniversityJohn Carroll University Athletic ScholarshipShaskevich, Helena - Loyola UniversityLoyola University Trustee ScholarshipSmith, Bryan - Hofstra UniversityHofstra University Athletic ScholarshipSmith, Jaime - Boston UniversityNational Achievement ScholarshipReferred StudentNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Excellence in ChorusThe Rev. Bill Vollmer ’83preaches during anAll-<strong>School</strong> Mass.Smith, Richard J. - University of Illinois/ChicagoBradley University ScholarshipValparaiso University Academic ScholarshipValparaiso University Engineering AwardNational Honor SocietyFour Years Outstanding AttendanceSobus, Carrie - Benedictine UniversityBenedictine University<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Recognition AwardBenedictine University St. Benedict AwardSokol, Cheryl - Aquinas CollegeAquinas College St. Dominic ScholarshipCook County Sheriff Michael SheehanYouth Service Award<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas AwardKairos Retreat LeaderSolorio, Theresa - Loyola UniversityLoyola University <strong>Catholic</strong>Heritage ScholarshipNorthern Michigan UniversityNational Academic AwardNorthern Michigan UniversityRecognition AwardWestern Michigan UniversityCultural Diversity Scholarship<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Psychology ClubService and Scholarship AwardSopron, Karen - Ball State UniversityBall State University Presidential ScholarshipBradley University Academic ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyStallings, Heidi - University of MissouriUniversity of Missouri Diversity Scholarship<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeKairos Retreat LeaderStanicek, Ashley - Carthage CollegeCarthage College ScholarshipStankus, Caitlin - University of IllinoisLoyola University Trustee ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterStewart, Brittany - University of ConnecticutUniversity of Connecticut Athletic ScholarshipStubbs, Janelle - University of IllinoisNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderMCHS Academic LetterStuber, Nick - Beloit CollegeAP Scholar with HonorBeloit College Eaton ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyOak Forest Rotary Club ScholarshipSullivan, Abigail - Illinois Wesleyan UniversityIllinois State ScholarBradley University Presidential ScholarshipIllinois Wesleyan UniversityAlumni ScholarshipLoyola University Damen ScholarshipLoyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage AwardNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionManny Berger Memorial ScholarshipMartin J. Mitchell ScholarshipAthletics,Communityco-curriculars, service opportunities, and fine arts:MCHS is blessed with communities of young people who aregrowing to know and appreciate their gifts.– The Courage to Lead (Long-Range-Plan)

French National Honor SocietyMu Alpha ThetaDominican PreacherSypole, Rachel Lynn – Benedictine UniversityBenedictine University<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> Recognition AwardSt. Benedict AwardSzymanski, Christopher - University of IllinoisIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderMCHS Academic LetterTaffe, Emily - University of Wisconsin-/MadisonIllinois State ScholarAir Force ROTCCommander’s Leadership ScholarshipDrake University Presidential Scholarship<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterESCC Scholar AthleteMCHS Academic Excellence in ReligiousStudiesThinglum, Kate - University of IllinoisSouthern Illinois UniversityProvost’s ScholarshipIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterSpanish National Honor SocietyThomson, James - Western Illinois University<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeFour Years Perfect AttendanceTortorello, Steven - University of Notre DameIllinois State ScholarNational Merit Scholarship FinalistAP Scholar with HonorLoyola University Presidential ScholarshipUniversity of Chicago Merit ScholarshipTinley Park Community Service ScholarshipAmerican Express ScholarshipUniversity of Rochester Humanities & SocialSciences AwardVeterans of Foreign Wars Ladies AuxiliaryVoice of Democracy Certificate of MeritNational Honor Society<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeKairos Retreat LeaderMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionPrincipal’s Leadership AwardFrench National Honor SocietyMu Alpha ThetaDominican PreacherMCHS Academic Excellencein Religious StudiesUdchitz, Sarah - Belmont UniversityNational Merit ScholarshipCommended StudentBelmont University Faculty ScholarshipButler University Trustee ScholarshipPurdue University Academic Success AwardPurdue University<strong>School</strong> of Management AwardValparaiso University Academic ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionSpanish National Honor SocietyUhl, Melissa - Creighton UniversityKairos Retreat LeaderVaughan, Ryan - Illinois Wesleyan UniversityIllinois State ScholarJohn Carroll UniversityAmerican Values ScholarshipJohn Carroll UniversityPresident’s Honor AwardIllinois Wesleyan UniversityAlumni ScholarshipLoras College St. Joseph ScholarshipLoras College <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> GrantMillikin University Honors ScholarshipSt. Xavier University Merit AwardSt. Xavier University Athletic ScholarshipUniversity of St. Francis Athletic ScholarshipNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterVerkruyse, Emily - Georgetown UniversityNational Merit ScholarshipCommended StudentNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionMu Alpha ThetaFrench National Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Excellence in EnglishMCHS Academic Excellence in MathematicsClass ValedictorianVittori, Justin - Purdue UniversityNational Honor SocietyMarchegiana Societyof Chicago Heights ScholarshipVlasek, Kevin - University of IllinoisIllinois State ScholarNational Honor SocietyKairos Retreat LeaderMCHS Academic LetterVolkman, Mary Rose - Illinois State University<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeKairos Retreat LeaderVoltattorni, Anthony - Northern Illinois UniversityNational Honor SocietyWallers, Jason – University of EvansvilleUniversity of Evansville MulticulturalScholars AwardWarren, Diamond - University of MissouriUniversity of Missouri Diversity Scholarship<strong>Marian</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> Dominican Veritas NomineeWilson, Timothy - Illinois State UniversityNational Honor SocietyWisowaty, Bradley - Northern Illinois UniversityKevin F. Maher MemorialWrestling ScholarshipWohadlo, Shelly - University of IllinoisIllinois State ScholarBoston University Academic ScholarshipCreighton UniversityAcademic Merit ScholarshipCreighton University Service and LeadershipAward ScholarshipLoyola University Damen ScholarshipLoyola University <strong>Catholic</strong> Heritage AwardSt. John’s University ScholasticExcellence ScholarshipKairos Retreat LeaderSpanish National Honor SocietyMCHS Academic Letter with DistinctionMCHS Academic Excellence in SpanishMCHS Academic Excellence in ChorusWoods, Lauren - Indiana UniversityIllinois State ScholarProfessional Athletes FoundationStudent ScholarshipIndiana University Faculty AwardUniversity of Iowa National Scholars AwardUniversity of MinnesotaMaroon National ScholarshipUniversity of Minnesota Golden NomineeNational Honor SocietyMCHS Academic LetterESCC Scholar AthleteZnavor, Jennifer - Northern Illinois UniversityNational Hispanic Honorable MentionKairos Retreat LeaderI would not have the opportunities that I have were it not for <strong>Marian</strong>. I continue to hold all of my teachers in high regard.Mr. Afam Onyema '97, Harvard UniversityACADEMIC HONORS AND SCHOLARSHIPSMCHS ANNUAL REPORT — 49

MARIAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL700 Ashland AvenueChicago Heights, Illinois 60411708.755.6579www.marianchs.comNONPROFITSTANDARDU.S. POSTAGEPAIDMICHIGAN CITY, INPERMIT NO. 57ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTEDOFFICE FORINSTITUTIONALADVANCEMENTSr. M. Paul McCaughey, O.P. ’67PresidentPeter A. RuhlVice Presidentfor Institutional AdvancementCarol Burke Swanson ’81Director of DevelopmentMichael McQuade ’76Cindy DupczakDatabase CoordinatorsKevin Kelly ’80Public Relations CoordinatorJanet NothOffice ManagerPeg MassucciAssistant to the PresidentSr. Dorothy Marie Solak, O.P.Diana McDonnellShannon Reidy ’90RecruitmentErin DeBruin ’99Alumni Relations CoordinatorMary MoffattConsultant

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