Waikato regional economic profile - Waikato Regional Council

Waikato regional economic profile - Waikato Regional Council

Waikato regional economic profile - Waikato Regional Council

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WRC adopted the concept of green growth in July 2012. Green growth is <strong>economic</strong>development that has positive environmental outcomes (or at least no negativeenvironmental outcomes). Or put in other words, “green growth means a shift to moresustainable, or greener, ways of operating and developing modern economies”. 13New Zealand was one of 52 member and associate member countries of the UnitedNations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific that embraced theapproach of green growth at the 5 th Ministerial Conference on Environment andDevelopment held in Seoul, Republic of Korea in 2005.The Government announced in January 2011 the establishment of an Advisory Groupon Green Growth. 14 The Advisory Group focused on the green growth opportunitiesand threats that arise under three topics defined in its terms of reference:How New Zealand, and in particular government agencies, can help exportersleverage greater value in international markets from our ‘clean green’ brand.Opportunities for smarter use of existing technologies and innovation, as well asgreater development and adoption of new technologies (including cleantechnologies) in our productive sectors.Options for our small and medium sized businesses to move to a lower carboneconomy while sustaining the desired level of productive growth. 15The Advisory Group reported to the government with its considerations in December2011. The report makes 26 recommendations on policy measures and initiatives. Thereport states that New Zealand is well positioned for greener growth given its lowpopulation, plentiful rainfall, a good wind resource, the large conservation estate andthe fact that it has institutions and regulatory frameworks broadly consistent with goodenvironmental stewardship. New Zealand also has good research and monitoringcapacity and its Crown Research Institutes and universities have a strongenvironmental focus. 161.3 Economic wellbeing1.3.1 National performanceThe <strong>Waikato</strong> region is not alone in needing to consider how it enhances <strong>economic</strong>wellbeing. New Zealand's average GDP 17 per capita growth for the last six decadeshas been poorer than all other Organisation for Economic Co-operation andDevelopment (OECD) countries. 18 New Zealand had a relatively high GDP per capitaprior to the early 1970s but the United Kingdom’s entry to the European Union led to arelative decline until around 1990. New Zealand’s GDP per capita is currently lowerthan the OECD average and much lower than Australia’s, as show in figure 2. 1913Green Growth Advisory Group (2011, p. 2).14New Zealand Government (2011c) Green growth initiative announced.15Ministry of Economic Development (2011b, p. 1).16Green Growth Advisory Group (2011).17This report uses GDP as the primary measure of <strong>economic</strong> wellbeing because the genuine progress indicator has notyet been developed for the <strong>Waikato</strong> region.18The Treasury (2011b, p. 13).19Boven et al (2010, p. 2).Page 6 Doc #: 2069885

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