Waikato regional economic profile - Waikato Regional Council

Waikato regional economic profile - Waikato Regional Council

Waikato regional economic profile - Waikato Regional Council

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qualifications completed were in the society and culture subject area, followed bymanagement and commerce (33 per cent), as shown in figure 123.Figure 123: Te Wānanga o Aotearoa completed courses by area and level11.2.5 Industry Training OrganisationsIndustry training is learning and skill development linked to the needs of workers,workplaces and industry. It provides employees with structured training, both on-joband off-job and is linked to the New Zealand Qualifications Framework. This meansemployees can earn while they learn.Industry training is co-ordinated by the 39 Industry Training Organisations around NewZealand. These are set up by industries and are recognised by the government.Industry Training Organisations receive funding from both the government andindustry.The system covers most of New Zealand’s industries from traditional trades likebuilding and plumbing, the primary industries, and manufacturing and retail, through togovernment and community services.According to the latest available data from the Ministry of Education, there were 10,655industry trainees in the Tertiary Education Commission <strong>Waikato</strong> region at 31 December2010 out of 102,242 nationally, behind Auckland (23,690), Southern (11,308) andCanterbury (11,140). As shown in figure 124, the largest number of trainees (includingModern Apprentices) was in the dairy and meat sector-focused New Zealand IndustryTraining Organisation, but the Southern region had a larger number of industry traineesthan <strong>Waikato</strong> in the Agriculture Industry Training Organisation (1170) and the Bay ofPlenty region had a larger number of industry trainees in the Forestry Industry TrainingOrganisation (3496).Doc # 2069885 Page 131

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