Waikato regional economic profile - Waikato Regional Council

Waikato regional economic profile - Waikato Regional Council

Waikato regional economic profile - Waikato Regional Council

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SettlementprogressCentral NorthIsland ForestsLand CollectiveSettlement Act2008<strong>Waikato</strong> iwiinvolvedTuhourangi - NgatiWahiaoNgati Tahu - NgatiWhaoaNgati Kearoa -Ngati TuaraTe Arawa affiliategroup includesthese iwi andanother eight.Central NorthIsland IwiCollective includesthe Te Arawaaffiliate group andseven other iwi.SettlementsummaryAll of 176,000 ha ofthe Central NorthIsland licensedCrown forest land,and the associatedaccumulated rentalsand ongoing rentalswill be vested in aTrust HoldingCompany, CNI IwiHoldings Ltd. TheCollective’sproportion of theseassets will be 86.7per cent by value,and the Crown’sproportion will be13.3 per cent byvalue.Total settlementvalueThe Collective’sshare of the Crownforest land is valuedat $196 million. 362Total annual rentalsfrom the Crownlicences are currentlyabout $15 million ayear. 363Affiliate Te ArawaIwi and HapūClaimsSettlement Act2008RaukawaTuhourangi NgatiWahiaoNgati Tahu - NgatiWhaoaNgati Kearoa -Ngati TuaraOther commercialredress (right of firstrefusal etc).Final settlement ofall historical claimsof the Iwi and Hapūrepresented by TePumautanga o TeArawa resultingfrom acts oromissions by theCrown prior to 21September 1992.This settlement wastransferred into ashare of the CentralNorth Island ForestsLand CollectiveSettlement. 364362The eight Collective iwi have agreed to allocate its share of the land amongst themselves on the basis of manawhenua, and in accordance with their agreed process and guided by the principles of tikanga Māori. It is understoodthat the allocation process is in progress.363Office of Treaty Settlements (2011b) Central North Island forests iwi collective deed of settlement.364Office of Treaty Settlements (2011a) Affiliate Te Arawa iwi and hapu deed of settlement – summary.Doc # 2069885 Page 113

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