Waikato regional economic profile - Waikato Regional Council

Waikato regional economic profile - Waikato Regional Council

Waikato regional economic profile - Waikato Regional Council

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Comprehensive information about <strong>economic</strong> development activities undertaken bythese types of organisations was not available at the time of writing.Table 13 summarises the progress of financial/commercial Treaty settlements involvingiwi in the <strong>Waikato</strong> region. Apart from iwi-specific settlements, <strong>Waikato</strong> iwi have alsobeen part of settlements involving broader groups, such as fisheries and commercialaquaculture. In these cases, each iwi’s share of the total settlement is usually on aproportion of population basis. In these cases, the table gives total settlement values(rather than the share of each iwi). Settlement values are expressed in terms of dollarsat the time of settlement.Table 13:Financial/commercial Treaty settlements involving iwi in the <strong>Waikato</strong> regionSettlementprogressTreaty ofWaitangi(FisheriesClaims)Settlement Act1992/ MāoriFisheries Act2004<strong>Waikato</strong> iwiinvolvedHauraki 357Ngāti TuwharetoaRaukawa<strong>Waikato</strong> TainuiTuhourangiNgati Tahu - NgatiWhaoaPlus all other iwioutside <strong>Waikato</strong><strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Council</strong>boundary listed inMāori FisheriesAct 2004 Schedule4SettlementsummaryFull and finalsettlement of Māoricommercial fishingclaims under theTreaty of Waitangi.50 per cent share inSealord Products.Sealord Products tohold 22 per cent ofthe total quotaunder the QuotaManagementSystem (QMS).20 per cent of allnew speciesbrought into theQMS.Total settlementvalueCurrent value ofMāori fishing assetsis approximately$700 millioncomposed of quota,cash and shares inAotearoa FisheriesLtd (each iwi share ofcash and shares inthis company isbased on iwipopulation).Iwi shares in fishingquota are based on amix of iwi populationand coastline lengthin each fisheriesquota managementarea. 358<strong>Waikato</strong> RaupatuClaimsSettlement Act1995<strong>Waikato</strong> TainuiAdministered onbehalf of iwi by TeOhu KaimoanaTrust.Redress for raupatu(confiscation).Combination ofcash and landaccompanied by aformal apology.$170 million 359357A collective consisting of 12 iwi: Ngāi Tai (Hauraki), Ngāti Hako, Ngāti Hei, Ngāti Maru (Hauraki), Ngāti Paoa, NgātiPorou ki Harataunga ki Mataora, Ngāti Pūkenga ki Waiau, Ngāti Rāhiri Tumutumu, Ngāti Tamaterā, Ngāti TaraTokanui, Ngāti Whanaunga, Patukirikiri.358Information supplied by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, now part of the Ministry for Primary Industries.359Deed of settlement (1995, p. 37).Doc # 2069885 Page 111

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