Detailed breakdown of policies, practice and subjects

Detailed breakdown of policies, practice and subjects

Detailed breakdown of policies, practice and subjects


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DEDDF DDIWYGIO ADDYSG 1988:DARPARU GWYBODAETHYSGOL BRO GWAUNHEOL DYFED, ABERGWAUN. SA65 9DTFFÔN: 01348 – 872268FACS: 01348 – 872716E-BOST: gwein_admin@yuabergwaun.co.ukPennaeth Dros Dro: Mr Anthony AndrewsCadeirydd y Llywodraethwyr: Mr R HowellY CORFF LLYWODRAETHOLCynrychiolwyr Cyngor Sir BenfroCyng. Sir G M Lewis; Mrs J George;Cyng. Sir S James; Mr R LlewhelinMr O JohnsCynrychiolwyr Rhieni / GwarcheidwaidMiss P Morris; Mr R Howell (Cadeirydd);Mr P Lambe; Mr L Harries;Rev. D MacGregorCynrychiolwyr AthrawonMr R Woodman; Miss E McManusCynrychiolydd Staff AtegolMrs M MorrisLlywodraethwyr CymunedolMr J Williams; Ms A Jenkins (Is-Gadeirydd);Mr A Thomas; Mr E GriffithsMr D BusbyY Pennaeth_______________________________________________________________Awdurdod Addysg Lleol: Cyngor Sir BenfroCyfarwyddwr Addysg: Mr Graham Longster, Gwasanaethau Addysg,Neuadd y Sir, Hwlffordd, Sir Benfro, SA61 1TPFfôn: Hwlffordd (01437) 764551Swyddog Cefnogi Disgyblion (Gwasanaethau Addysg): Mrs. Maria GriffithsSwyddog Gyrfaoedd (Cwmni Gyrfaoedd Dyfed): Mrs. A. FraserSeicolegydd Addysgol (Gwasanaethau Addysg): Mrs Susan CorralAnelwn at ddatrys unrhyw cwynion trwy drafodaeth â’r Rhieni/Gwarcheidwaid. Os nad ydyhyn yn bosib, mae na broses cwynion, sydd ar gael o’r Ysgol.Cedwir yr hawl gan yr Ysgol i newid y ddarpariaeth os oes rhaid. Byddwn yn hysbysurhieni/gwarcheidiuaid o’r newidiadau, yn ol y galw.1

Ysgol Bro Gwaun is an 11 - 19, predominately English medium, mixed, comprehensivesecondary school, with significant use <strong>of</strong> Welsh, which <strong>of</strong>fers subject through the meduim<strong>of</strong> English <strong>and</strong> Welsh, set on a beautiful site overlooking Fishguard Harbour, against thebackdrop <strong>of</strong> the Preseli Hills. At present there are 620 pupils on roll, which includes 95 inthe Sixth Form.The School's catchment area is extensive, comprising the twin towns <strong>of</strong> Fishguard,Goodwick also the Gwaun Valley <strong>and</strong> a large rural area, mainly concentrated along the A487road from Newport in the North-east to Mathry in the West, <strong>and</strong> South along the A40road to Wolfscastle <strong>and</strong> East to Puncheston; pupils also come to us from outside thecatchment area.Pupils are from a broad social <strong>and</strong> cultural spectrum, which gives the School a vibrantatmosphere. The area has a complex linguistic mix - the Welsh heartl<strong>and</strong> in the PreseliHills, Newport, Strumble <strong>and</strong> especially the Gwaun Valley, has retained much <strong>of</strong> its Welshculture <strong>and</strong> language. Fishguard Bay has for centuries been an entry point to Britain forthe Southern Irish <strong>and</strong> many Irish families have put down firm roots in the locality, givingthe area a unique mixture <strong>of</strong> cultures.POLISI MYNEDIAD : ADMISSIONS POLICYPembrokeshire County Council is the Admissions Authority for the School <strong>and</strong> theAdmission criteria are as follows:-a) Pupils living in the area which School normally services (or catchment area)b) Pupils attending feeder primary schools.c) Pupils with a sibling at the School at the time <strong>of</strong> admission.d) Pupils with specific medical <strong>and</strong> social reasons for admission.GRANTIAU’R AWDURDOD LLEOL :LOCAL AUTHORITY GRANTSPembrokeshire County Council Education Department has schemes for providing financialassistance to families in specific circumstances.(i) Free school meals.(ii) Uniform grants.(iii) Maintenance grants to 16+ students.Details <strong>and</strong> application forms may be obtained from:The Director <strong>of</strong> Education, Education Services, County Hall, Haverfordwest.Telephone: (01437) 764551 (Extension 5085)RHIFAU CYSWLLT CARTREF-YSGOL:HOME-SCHOOL CONTACT NUMBERSIt is very important that the School is able to contact parents / guardians during theSchool day. Please ensure that the School has a contact phone number, either foryour home or work-place. Thank you.3

Y gorau bob amser:I’n hysgol,I eraill,I’n hunainAlways our best:For our School,For others,For ourselves.NODAU’R YSGOL : THE SCHOOL AIMSTrwy osod anghenion y disgyblion ynghanol y broses gynlluniomae’r Ysgol yn anelu at:-• Ddarparu amgylchedd bywiog, ysgogol, hapus a chefnogol lle gall disgyblion gaffael ywybodaeth, y ddealltwriaeth, y sgiliau a’r agweddau sydd yn berthnasol i fywyd oedolynmewn byd sydd yn newid.• Darparu cwricwlwm eang, cytbwys, cydlynol a pherthnasol sydd yn glynu at ganllawiau’rCwricwlwm Cenedlaethol, canllawiau’r Awdurdod Lleol a’r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol.• Adlewyrchu a chyfoethogi natur Gymreig a dwyieithog yr ardal ac annog cyfranogiadgweithredol i’r diwylliant hwn.• Datblygu partneriaeth gref yn ymwneud â disgyblion, athrawon, rhieni a gwarcheidwaid.• Hyrwyddo parch, cwrteisi a g<strong>of</strong>al fel sail perthnasoedd personol.• Annog a chefnogi pob disgybl o ran eu datblygiad cymdeithasol, corfforol, deallusol,emosiynol ac ysbrydol.• Datblygu annibyniaeth o ran arferion astudio a hunanasesu.• Gwella addysg y disgyblion drwy gynnig amrywiaeth o weithgareddau allgyrsiol ar gyferdisgyblion o bob oed a gallu.• Deall a pharchu gwerthoedd crefyddol a dysgu goddefgarwch parthed crefyddau adiwylliannau pobl eraill.• Darparu cyfleoedd cyfartal i bawb a hyrwyddo cyfranogiad cyfartal yn y cyfleoedd hyn.• Integreiddio gyda phobl, diwydiannau a sefydliadau’r gymuned.By placing pupils’ needs at the heart <strong>of</strong> the planning process,the School aims:-• To provide a lively, stimulating, happy <strong>and</strong> supportive environment within which pupilscan acquire the knowledge, underst<strong>and</strong>ing, skills <strong>and</strong> attitudes relevant to adult life in achanging world.• To provide a broad, balanced, coherent & relevant curriculum that adheres to NationalCurriculum, Local Authority <strong>and</strong> Welsh Assembly Guidelines.• To reflect <strong>and</strong> enrich the Welsh <strong>and</strong> bilingual nature <strong>of</strong> the locality <strong>and</strong> encourage activeparticipation in this culture.• To develop a strong partnership involving pupils, teachers <strong>and</strong> parents <strong>and</strong> guardians.• To promote respect, courtesy <strong>and</strong> concern as the basis <strong>of</strong> personal relationships.• To encourage <strong>and</strong> support all pupils in their social, physical, intellectual, emotional <strong>and</strong>spiritual development.• To develop independence in working habits <strong>and</strong> self-assessment.• To enhance the pupils’ education through a variety <strong>of</strong> extra-curricular activities for allages <strong>and</strong> abilities.• To underst<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> respect religious values <strong>and</strong> learn tolerance <strong>of</strong> other people’s religions<strong>and</strong> cultures.• To provide equal opportunities for all <strong>and</strong> promote equal participation in theseopportunities.• To integrate with the people, industry <strong>and</strong> organisations <strong>of</strong> the Community.4

STAFF DYSGU 2010-11 (01.01.11-31.08.11)Mr Tony Andrews Pennaeth Dros DroMiss Sian BowenDirprwy Bennaeth Dros DroMr Darrell Willington Pennaeth Cynorthwyol; Rh.C.B.Miss Alana FinnPennaeth Cynorthwyol Dros Dro; Rh.C.B; CymraegMrs Rachael Bailey GwyddoniaethMrs Teresa Bisset AAAMiss Claire Bassett GwyddoniaethMrs Sue Blaxl<strong>and</strong> Pennaeth HanesMiss Emma Bowen Pennaeth Bioleg; GwyddoniaethMrs Elizabeth Bowyer Cyd-gys. AAA a Chyd.-gys Cefnogi’r AddysguMiss Ros BushellHanes; Rh.C.B.Mrs Elaine BrownIechyd a G<strong>of</strong>al Chymdeithasol, Datblygiad y PlentynMrs Rachel ClarkSaesnegMr Adrian Clifford Pennaeth CerddoriaethMrs Virginia Currie TechnolegMr Craig DaviesTechnoleg Gwybodaeth, Rh.C.B.Mrs Elin DaviesAddysg GorfforolMr Richard Davies Hanes, Addysg CrefyddolMr Antony DunnBusnes/Menter Daearyddiaeth, MenterMrs Delyth Ellerton-Harris Pennaeth Astudiaethau CrefyddolMiss Donna George Ail yn yr Adran GymraegMiss Rachel Harries GwyddoniaethMrs Jill HarrisSaesnegMrs Elizabeth Hooper ITM; Bagloriaeth Cymreig/Fframwaith Sgiliau;TAR/Ymdrwytho StaffMr Emyr HughesAddysg Gorfforol; Rh.C.BMr Ehi IfidonMathemategMr Julian JamesTechnolegMr Nick KinverCelf; Rh.C.B.Miss Rhian LewisPennaeth CymraegMrs Judith Maddison Pennaeth MathemategMiss Eva McManus Pennaeth Ieithoedd DramorMr Mark O’Connor Ail yn yr Adran Saesneg, Cyd gys. C.oG.Mr Philip OwenPennaeth TechnolegMrs Sioned Page-Jones Addysg GorfforolMr Alan ReedDaearyddiaethMrs Heulwen Reynolds TechnolegMr Simon RoachPennaeth Addysg GorfforolMrs Helen Roberts Ail yn yr Adran FathemategMrs May RogersPennaeth SaesnegMrs Rhian Scrimshaw CymraegMiss. Eleanor Taylor SaesnegMrs Mair Thomas CymraegMrs Geraldine Worth Ieithoedd Tramor Modern, Ast. Busnes5

Mrs Louise WakelyMrs Meinir WalshMiss Bethan WaltersMr Aled WilliamsMrs Rachel WilliamsMr Duncan WilsonMr Robert WoodmanPennaeth Cemeg; GwyddoniaethMathemategCerdd; Celfyddydau Perfformio a Drama; CymraegDaearyddiaethPennaeth Celf, Menter /BusnesPennaeth Technoleg GwybodaethPennaeth Ffiseg; GwyddoniaethCYNORTHYWYR CYFLENWIMrs Susan ColleyMrs Karen MorrisMr Marc EvansUNED IAITHMrs Eiry MilesMrs Hedydd HughesMiss Gwenno ThomasSALON YBGMrs Sally WilliamsADEILADWAITH YBGMr Owain JohnsCYNORTHWYWYR CEFNOGI’R DYSGUMrs Nesta JonesMrs Margaret MorrisMrs Susan RoachMrs Janet RobertsMrs Veronica RobertsMrs Christine WhiteMrs Wendy DaviesMrs Angela HarriesMrs Sally EdwardsMrs C<strong>and</strong>uce BrooksMr Mathew HarriesMiss Ruth TebbuttMr Theodore GrimshawMiss Helen WilliamsCEFNOGI DISGYBLIONAthrawes Gynnal Ymddygiad – Mrs Julie FudgeSwyddog Cefnogi Disgyblion – Mrs Maria GriffithsCynorthwydd Plant mewn Angen – Mrs Sue EvansCynorthwydd Presenoldeb – Mrs Kathryn Antonen6

Mynediad Ieuenctid – Miss Sian FulthorpeCyd-gysylltydd Plant mewn G<strong>of</strong>al - Mrs Wyn HarriesSTAFF GWEINYDDU A THECHNOLEGOLMrs Wendy Rowl<strong>and</strong>sRheolwraig Gyllid a GweinyddiaethMrs Doreen DaviesYsgrifenyddes yr YsgolMrs Lisa JohnClerc yr YsgolMrs Annwen PayneClerc AAAMrs Hayley LawrenceClercMrs Nicola LeahyClercMr Christopher DunnRheolwr Arholiadau, Cyflenwi, DataMr John WhiteTechnegydd LabordaiMrs Derella JonesTechnegydd LabordaiMrs. Victoria PearsonLlyfrgellyddMr Desmond LlewellynPrif OfalwrMr Mike HughesG<strong>of</strong>alwr CynorthwyolMr Eric StreetTechnegydd TechnolegMr Ross HarriesRheolwr T.G.Mr Huw DaviesTechnegydd T.G.Mr Cliff EvansCynhaliaeth GweinyddolPRIF GOGYDDES (CSB)Mrs Shan DaviesNYRS YSGOL (Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Derwen)Mrs Pat TrussGYRFAOEDD : CAREERS (Gyrfa Cymru)Mrs Anne FraserPWLL NOFIO/CANOLFAN HAMDDEN (CSB)Mr Darren Bowen7

TEACHING STAFF 2010-11 (01.01.11-31.08.11)Mr Tony Andrews TA Acting HeadteacherMiss Sian Bowen SBN Acting Deputy HeadteacherMr Darrell Willington DAW Assistant Head, Head <strong>of</strong> 6 th FormMiss Alana Finn AF Acting Assistant Head; Year Progress Manager; CymraegMrs Rachael Bailey RBA ScienceMiss Claire Bassett CB ScienceMrs Teresa Bisset TB SENMrs Sue Blaxl<strong>and</strong> SB Head <strong>of</strong> HistoryMiss Emma Bowen ELB Head <strong>of</strong> Biology, ScienceMrs Elizabeth Bowyer EB SENCO <strong>and</strong> Learning Support Co-ordinatorMiss Ros Bushell RB History; Year Progress ManagerMrs Elaine Brown EBR Health & Social Care, Child DevelopmentMrs Rachel Clark RAC EnglishMr Adrian Clifford AC Head <strong>of</strong> MusicMrs Virginia Currie VC TechnologyMr Craig Davies CDA ICT; Year Progress ManagerMrs Elin Davies ED Physical EducationMr Richard Davies RD History, Religious StudiesMr Antony Dunn AD Head <strong>of</strong> Business Studies, Enterprise, GeographyMrs Delyth Ellerton-Harris DEH Head <strong>of</strong> Religious EducationMiss Donna George DG 2 nd in CymraegMiss Rachel Harries RAH ScienceMiss Jill Harris JH EnglishMrs Elizabeth Hooper EHO MFL, Coordinator <strong>of</strong> Welsh Baccalaureate/The Skills Framework; ITT/Staff InductionMr Emyr Hughes EH Physical Education; Year Progress ManagerMr Ehi Ifidon EI MathematicsMr Julian James JJ TechnologyMr Nick Kinver NK Art; Year Progress ManagerMiss Rhian Lewis RHL Pennaeth CymraegMrs Judith Maddison JM Head <strong>of</strong> MathematicsMiss Eva McMannus EMM Head <strong>of</strong> Modern Foreign LanguagesMr Mark O’Connor MO 2 nd in English Department; Progress FilesMr Philip OwenPOW Head <strong>of</strong> TechnologyMrs Sioned Page-Jones SPJ Physical EducationMr Alan Reed AR GeographyMrs Heulwen Reynolds HRE TechnologyMr Simon Roach SR Head <strong>of</strong> Physical EducationMrs Helen Roberts HR 2 nd in Mathematics DepartmentMrs May Rogers MR Head <strong>of</strong> EnglishMrs Rhian Scrimshaw RhS CymraegMiss Eleanor Taylor ET EnglishMrs Mair Thomas MTH CymraegMrs Geraldine Worth GW MFL, Business Studies8

Mrs Louise Wakely LW Head <strong>of</strong> Chemistry, ScienceMrs Meinir Walsh MW MathematicsMiss Bethan Walters BW Performing Arts & Drama; Music; CymraegMr Aled Williams AW GeographyMrs Rachel Williams RAW Head <strong>of</strong> Art, Business StudiesMr Duncan Wilson DW Head <strong>of</strong> ICTMr Robert Woodman RW Head <strong>of</strong> Physics, ScienceUNED IAITH:LANGUAGE CENTREMrs Eiry Miles EMI - PCCMrs Hedydd Hughes HH - PCCMiss Gwenno Thomas GT - PCCSALON YBGMrs Sally WilliamsCONSTRUCTION YBGMr Owain JohnsSWOJSTAFF CYNNAL ADDYSGU:LEARNING SUPPORT STAFFMrs Nesta Jones NJMrs Margaret Morris MMMrs Sue RoachSURMrs Janet Roberts JRMrs Veronica Roberts VERMrs Christine White CHWMrs Wendy Davies WDMrs Angela Harries AHMrs Sally Edwards SEMrs C<strong>and</strong>uce Brooks CBMr Mathew Harries MHMiss Ruth Tebbutt RTMr Theodore Grimshaw TGMiss Helen Williams HWCYNNAL DISGYBLION: PUPIL SUPPORTBehaviour Support Teacher – Mrs Julie Fudge - PCCPupil Support Officer – Mrs Maria Griffiths - PCCPupil Support LSA – Mrs Kathryn AntonenYouth Access Worker – Miss Sian Fulthorpe - PCCTeams Around Children Coordinator – Mrs Sue Evans - PCCLAC Coordinator – Mrs Wyn Harries – PCC9

GORUWCHWYLWYR CYFLENWI:COVER SUPERVISORSMrs Susan Colley SCMrs Karen Morris KMMr Marc EvansMESTAFF GWEINYDDOL & THECHNOLEGOL: ADMIN & TECHNICAL STAFFMrs Wendy Rowl<strong>and</strong>s School Finance & Admin. Manager EWRMrs Doreen Davies School Secretary DDMrs Lisa John School Clerk LJMrs Annwen Payne SEN Clerk APMr Christopher Dunn Exams/Cover Administrator; Data CDuMrs Hayley Lawrence Reprographics HLMrs Nicola Leahy Reprographics NLMr John White Laboratory Technician JWMrs Derella Jones Laboratory Technician DJMrs Victoria Pearson Library Assistant VPMr Desmond Llewellyn Head Caretaker DLlMr Mike Hughes Assistant Caretaker MHMr Eric Street Technology Technician ESMr Ross Harries I.T. Network Manager RHMr Huw Davies I.T. Technician HDMr Cliff Evans Admin Support CEPress ItemsWould all members <strong>of</strong> staff who have information on pupilsprogress/activities/achievements/ success, please give written details byWednesday <strong>of</strong> each week to the School Office. If you require a photographer,please inform the School Office.PRIF GOGYDDES:HEAD COOKMrs Shan Davies - PCCNYRS YGOL:SCHOOL NURSEMrs Pat Truss- Derwen NHS TrustGYRFAOEDD: CAREERSMrs Anne Fraser- Careers Wales WestPWLL NOFIO/CANOLFAN HAMDDEN:SWIMMING POOL/LEISURE CENTREMr Darren Bowen - PCC10

CYMDEITHAS RIENI-ATHRAWON:PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATIONThe Officers for 2010/2011 are:Chairperson - Mr R Kilmister Secretary - Miss Siân BowenTreasurer - Mrs Pat Truss 500 Club - Mr Andrew TrussAll parents / guardians are automatically members <strong>of</strong> the Parent-TeacherAssociation. The enthusiastic, friendly <strong>and</strong> hard-working Committee <strong>of</strong> theAssociation organises various social functions, e.g., a golf tournament, duck race <strong>and</strong>Christmas Fair. The School has benefited time <strong>and</strong> again; PTA gifts include harp, apiano, keyboards <strong>and</strong> drum kit, video making equipment, ICT cabling, data-loggingequipment, benches for the grounds, decks for the Youth Room, Duke <strong>of</strong> Edinburghequipment, weightlifting equipment, digital cameras, maths equipment, buddy clubgames, a food mixer <strong>and</strong> a significant contribution towards a Variety mini-bus forSEN pupils.Please support the PTA in its efforts to support your children – many h<strong>and</strong>s makelight work. Its meetings are friendly <strong>and</strong> are an excellent vehicle for getting toknow other parents <strong>and</strong> School staff.Dyddiadau 2011 – 2012 Dates (Provisional)WINTER TERM2 nd September 2011 – 23 rd December 2011INSET Friday 2 nd September, 2011.PUPILS BEGIN Monday 5 th September, 2011.HALF-TERMMonday 24 th October to Friday 28 th October, 2011, inclusive.END OF TERM Friday 23 rd December, 2011.CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Monday 26 th December, 2011 to Friday 6 th January, 2012,inclusive.SPRING TERM9 th January 2012 – 30 th March 2012PUPILS RETURN Monday 9 th January, 2012.HALF-TERMMonday 13 th to Friday 17 th February, 2012, inclusive.END OF TERM Friday 30 th March, 2012.EASTER HOLIDAYS Monday 2 nd April to Friday 13 th April, 2012, inclusive.SUMMER TERM16 th April 2012 – 20 th July 2012INSET Monday 16 th April, 2012.PUPILS RETURN Tuesday 17 th April, 2012.MAY BANK HOLDIAY Monday 7 th May 2012.HALF-TERMMonday 28 th May to Friday 1 st June, 2012, inclusive.PUPILS’ END OF TERM Friday 20 th July, 2012.SUMMER HOLIDAYS Monday 23 rd July to Thursday 1 st September, 2012, inclusive.Inset details will be provided at a later date11

Stwrythur y Diwrnod Ysgol : Structure <strong>of</strong> the School DayMorning Briefing 8.45 – 8.50Assembly/Registration 8.50 – 9.05Lesson 1 9.05 – 9.55Lesson 2 9.55 – 10.45Break 10.45 – 11.05Lesson 3 11.05 – 11.55Lesson 4 11.55 – 12.45Dinner 12.45 – 1.35Lesson 5 1.35 – 2.25Lesson 6 2.25 – 3.15The timetable is made up <strong>of</strong> 60 lessons over 10 working days. This means thatyour child does not have the same lessons every Monday, for instance. She or heneeds to know whether it is a:Monday in Week 1(A) orMonday in Week 2(B)Salwch : IllnessIf a pupil is ill in School or has an accident, he / she will be made as comfortable aspossible. We will make every effort to contact parents / guardians, if necessary, sothat the pupil can be taken home. In more serious cases, medical staff will be askedto attend. It is essential that the School receives a day time contact number fromthe home.Dalier Sylw : Please NoteIf any pupil needs to take medicine or tablets during school hours, parents /guardians are asked to give written instructions. Pupils are to h<strong>and</strong> the medicines into the School Office during the day. Only those medicines prescribed by a doctorcan be administered by School staff.Early School ClosureSevere weather conditions such as snow <strong>and</strong> ice sometimes require the early closure<strong>of</strong> the School, <strong>and</strong> school transport will be summoned to return pupils home. Inthese circumstances, pupils can contact their parents by telephone before theyleave the School premises. Please note the following:• In the event <strong>of</strong> early closure, it is essential that pupils know the phonenumbers to contact, <strong>and</strong> the arrangements in place. It is recommended thatparents ensure these numbers <strong>and</strong> arrangements are written into their12

child’s contact book, <strong>and</strong> it is stressed that it is the parents’responsibility to ensure that their child(ren) is/are familiar with thesearrangements.• If a bus / taxi is unable to complete the journey, the pupils will be requiredto do so by foot, or parents will need to make arrangements to collect theirchildren.• In the case <strong>of</strong> an emergency following early closure, a senior member <strong>of</strong>staff can be contacted on the following number: 01348 872268.PRESENOLDEB : ATTENDANCEP.S.O: Maria Griffiths; LSA: Kathryn Antonen.High attendance at School is essential if pupils are to gain the most from theopportunities available <strong>and</strong> if they are to achieve the highest possible st<strong>and</strong>ards inall areas <strong>of</strong> achievement.Welsh Assembly Government guidelines.98% or above Excellent95 – 98% Very Good90 – 95% Satisfactory85 – 90% Cause for concernBelow 85% Serious concernWhen your child is unable to attend School, please inform the School before10.00am, giving the reasons for absence on, 01348 872268/871109If a pupil is absent for more than five School days, we would like to have furtherinformation. A medical certificate is required after a fortnight’s absence.The School has a policy <strong>of</strong> first day calling, whereby a member <strong>of</strong> the Pupil SupportTeam will contact the home if we have not received notification <strong>of</strong> a child’s absenceby 10.00am. If notification hasn’t been received by 10am, the absence will bedeemed ‘unauthorised’.It is also essential that pupils are punctual to School <strong>and</strong> to their lessons. If a pupilis late, they will have to sign a late sheet in the main <strong>of</strong>fice. If a pupil is late 3times in a week, they will receive an after School detention. “Late” pupils who arriveafter 10am, will be marked as absent without authorisation. Likewise, pupils who donot register for the afternoon session will be marked as absent withoutauthorisation. Attendance is monitored on an individual basis, <strong>and</strong> letters will besent home when attendance causes concern. In serious cases, the Pupil SupportOfficer will initiate the appropriate action.Information regarding attendance will be noted on pupils’ Reports to Parents.The School rewards good attendance. Pupils achieving 95% or higher attendancewill be awarded an attendance certificate. Certificates for 100% attendance will be13

presented in a full School assembly. In addition attendance forms part <strong>of</strong> the meritsystem. Pupils are awarded termly merit certificates for good behaviour, combinedwith 95% plus attendance.The Headteacher’s permission must be sought, in writing, prior to any absencesdue to special circumstances e.g. a family holiday.The School asks Parents/Guardians to make every effort not to take holidaysduring term-time, because absence hinders pupil progress. It is also PCCPolicy, that no work is set or marked by teachers for pupils withdrawn fromSchool for holidays.TROSGLWYDDO O’R YSGOL GYNRADD:TRANSITION FROM PRIMARY SCHOOLThe Year 6/7 Induction Programme is designed to support your child’s transferfrom Primary to Secondary School. It comprises a wide range <strong>of</strong> activities,including:1 An ‘Open Evening’, held in the Autumn Term, during which parents / guardians<strong>and</strong> pupils can look around the School <strong>and</strong> meet the staff <strong>and</strong> many <strong>of</strong> ourpresent pupils.2 The School <strong>and</strong> its Feeder Primary Schools form a ‘Family <strong>of</strong> Schools’; termlymeetings ensure effective communication regarding the pupils’ progress <strong>and</strong>needs.3 There is an Evening for Year 6 pupils in the Summer term, during whichParents/Guardians will meet their child’s Form Tutor, Year Progress Manager<strong>and</strong> other key members <strong>of</strong> staff.4 Year 6 <strong>and</strong> Year 5 pupils visit the School for subject, Orchestra <strong>and</strong> skillstaster days.Any parents / guardians who wish to make further visits are more thanwelcome. Please contact the appropriate Year Progress Manager. TheHeadteacher, Deputy Headteacher or the Assistant Headteachers.Please contact any <strong>of</strong> the following staff, as appropriate, if you have any concerns,or wish to discuss any aspect <strong>of</strong> your child’s education <strong>and</strong> wellbeing in School.2011-12 – (Provisional)Year 7 Progress Manager – Miss A FinnYear 8 Progress Manager – Mr C DaviesYear 9 Progress Manager – Miss R BushellYear 10 Progress Manager – Mr N KinverYear 11 Progress Manager – Mr E HughesAssistant Headteacher/Years 12/13 Progress Manager – Mr D WillingtonAssistant Headteacher – tbcDeputy Headteacher – tbcHeadteacher – tbc14

CWRICWLWM : CURRICULUMLleoli Disgyblion mewn grwpiau dysgu :Placing Pupils into Teaching GroupsPupils are taught in groups according to their abilities in most <strong>subjects</strong> wheneverthis is possible. In Year 7, decisions about where to place pupils are initially madeaccording to the information Primary Schools forward to us. During the Schoolyear, pupil progress is monitored carefully to ensure that pupils have been placed inthe most suitable group; adjustments are made in the light <strong>of</strong> each <strong>and</strong> every pupil’sprogress in the <strong>subjects</strong> they study.If you have any concerns about your child’s placing ingroups, please do not hesitate to contact the School todiscuss the situation.It is our aim to provide our pupils with a curriculum designed to educate the ‘wholepupil’ as well as in academic <strong>and</strong> practical ways. We make every effort to make ourcurriculum appropriate to pupils’ needs, with teaching styles that develop positiveattitudes to learning, the underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>of</strong> concepts <strong>and</strong> the gaining <strong>of</strong> knowledge<strong>and</strong> skills. Pupils need such an education to be able to succeed in a rapidly changingsociety <strong>and</strong> environment.The content <strong>of</strong> the curriculum is broad, balanced <strong>and</strong> relevant. Pupils study theNational Curriculum <strong>and</strong> Religious Education.Blynyddoedd/Years 7, 8 <strong>and</strong> 9All pupils in mainstream classes follow the National Curriculum. The <strong>subjects</strong>studied by all pupils in Years 7, 8 & 9 are:English, Welsh, French, Mathematics, Science, Drama,Technology, Geography *, History*, Religious Studies *,Art *, Music *, Information Technology <strong>and</strong> PhysicalEducation.All pupils will study:Blwyddyn/Year 10English, Mathematics, Science, Welsh & Religious Studies*Pupils also study 4 other <strong>subjects</strong> from:Art, Child Development, Construction, Design & Technology (ResistantMaterials, Food Technology or Textiles), Engineering, French, Further Science,Geography, Hairdressing, History*, Information Technology, Lifeskills, Music<strong>and</strong> Physical Education.15

All pupils will study:Blwyddyn/Year 11English, Mathematics, Additional Science, Welsh <strong>and</strong> Religious Studies*.Pupils also study 4 other <strong>subjects</strong> from:Art, Child Development, Construction, Design & Technology (ResistantMaterials, Food Technology or Textiles), Engineering, French, Further Science,Geography, Hairdressing, History*, Information Technology, Music <strong>and</strong> PhysicalEducation.At the end <strong>of</strong> Year 10 GCSEs are currently <strong>of</strong>fered in ScienceAt the end <strong>of</strong> Year 11 GCSEs are currently <strong>of</strong>fered in:Art, Biology, Chemistry, Child Development, English, English Literature,Geography, History*, Information Technology, Mathematics, Music, Physics,Physical Education, Religious Studies*, Additional Science, French, Technology,Welsh Language, Welsh Literature, Welsh (Second Language).(* Indicates a subject <strong>of</strong>fered through both the English <strong>and</strong> Welsh languages.)BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Engineering, BTEC Level 2 ExtendedCertificate in Construction <strong>and</strong> the City & Guilds Level 1 Certificate in SalonServices is also <strong>of</strong>fered.Tystysgrif Lefel Mynediad : Entry Level Certificate.Courses are available (as needed) in:Art, Child Care, French, Geography, History,Religious Studies, Science, Technology, Welsh.Post – 16 *A2 (in Year 13) <strong>subjects</strong> <strong>of</strong>fered are:Art, Applied Business, Biology, Chemistry, English, French, Geography, Health<strong>and</strong> Social Care, History, Information Technology, Mathematics, Music,Physics, Physical Education, Religious Studies, Technology <strong>and</strong> Welsh (First <strong>and</strong>Second Language).Further Mathematics is also <strong>of</strong>fered in Year 13 at AS Level.‘AS' level (Year 12) <strong>subjects</strong> <strong>of</strong>fered are:Art, Applied Business, Biology, Chemistry, English, French, Geography, Health<strong>and</strong> Social Care, History, Information Technology, Mathematics, Music,Performing Arts, Photography, Physics, Physical Education, Religious Studies,Technology <strong>and</strong> Welsh (First <strong>and</strong> Second Language).Bridging Course.This is a 1 year course leading to the equivalent <strong>of</strong> 5 GCSEs. The course content isvaried according to student needs, but usually comprises elements <strong>of</strong> ICT, Business,Health & Social Care, Catering <strong>and</strong> either Hairdressing or Engineering16

All students in Year 12 also follow the Welsh Baccalaureate.PartnershipThis is a 1 year course presented by the City <strong>and</strong> Guilds. It can lead to N.V.Q.qualifications in various vocational areas.G.C.S.E. <strong>subjects</strong> where specific classes are arranged for the 6th Form are:English <strong>and</strong> Mathematics.G.C.S.E. resits may be available in other <strong>subjects</strong> by attendance at Year 11 lessons.A separate prospectus is issued to Year 11 pupils interested in entering the SixthForm. This is an 11 - 19 school, <strong>and</strong> the Sixth Form is an important, integral part <strong>of</strong>the School.* North Pembrokeshire Federation 14-19Ysgol Bro Gwaun belongs to the North Pembrokeshire Federation, which includesYsgol Sir Thomas Picton, Ysgol Tasker Milward, Ysgol Preseli, Ysgol Dewi Sant <strong>and</strong>Pembrokeshire College. Further details will be provided to parents/guardians, asthe Federation develops.CYMRAEG YN Y CWRICWLWM:WELSH IN THE CURRICULUMPupils studying Welsh First Language in KS3 can study Art, Music, History,Geography & R.S., through the medium <strong>of</strong> Welsh. Compulsory PE/Games are taughtbilingually throughout the School. R.S. <strong>and</strong> History are currently <strong>of</strong>fered in themedium <strong>of</strong> Welsh, up to GCSE. The range <strong>of</strong> <strong>subjects</strong> <strong>of</strong>fered through the medium<strong>of</strong> Welsh is under review. Pupils are placed in the Welsh medium groups followingdiscussions between the Primary staff, parents, pupils <strong>and</strong> Ysgol Bro Gwaun staff.Please contact the School if you have any queries.All pupils study Welsh up to the end <strong>of</strong> Year 11. Pupils may be entered for G.C.S.E.examinations in Welsh <strong>and</strong> Welsh Literature as the first language, or Welsh as asecond language.TROCHI : IMMERSION COURSEThe Welsh Language Board has funded a 5-week Welsh Language Immersion Coursefor Primary School pupils, who intend to study one or more <strong>of</strong> their subject in Year7 through the medium <strong>of</strong> Welsh. Further details <strong>of</strong> this course can be obtainedfrom Miss Sian Bowen, at the School.17

SUT FYDDAF YN GWYBOD AM GYNNYDD FY MHLENTYN?HOW WILL I KNOW ABOUT MY CHILD’S PROGRESS?There will be a Year 7 Parents’ / Guardians’ meeting during the first year, to discussyour child’s progress. Please make every effort to attend because when the School<strong>and</strong> home work closely together, children attain higher st<strong>and</strong>ards. Such meetingsare held for all Year Groups.Parents / Guardians are welcome to arrange an interview, via the School Office, todiscuss their child’s progress with the Form Tutor or relevant Year ProgressManager, at any time, in addition to the scheduled Parents’ / Guardians’ Evenings.The School Assessment policy is designed to ensure <strong>and</strong> record progress, identifyunderachievement <strong>and</strong> excellence, <strong>and</strong> assist in the evaluation <strong>of</strong> the teaching <strong>and</strong>learning.Each Department monitors <strong>and</strong> records pupils’ progress continuously, in line with theWhole School Assessment Policy. During their time at School, every pupil willreceive both Pupil Progress information <strong>and</strong> Full School Reports. In both types <strong>of</strong>report, the pupil will be assessed in every subject being studied.At KS3, the assessments will use a National Curriculum Level given by a number,<strong>and</strong> an Effort Statement devised by the School <strong>and</strong> shown by a letter.At KS4, the assessments will use a GCSE or equivalent grades, <strong>and</strong> on effort grade.In Years 11 <strong>and</strong> 13 a Progress File will be issued. For pupils in Years 10, 11, 12 <strong>and</strong>13, ‘Reviewing Sessions’ give pupils the opportunity to meet tutors on an individualbasis, to assess progress <strong>and</strong> set targets for the future.CYNLLUNYDD Y DISGYBL : PUPIL PLANNERSAll pupils are given a ‘Pupil Planner' in which to record their homework <strong>and</strong> otherrelevant day-to-day information. Please use the Planner to communicate with theSchool, <strong>and</strong> please check <strong>and</strong> sign it weekly. Your child’s Form Teacher, YearProgress Manager <strong>and</strong> members <strong>of</strong> the Senior Management Team monitor the use <strong>of</strong>the Planners. Replacement Planners currently cost £3.70, <strong>and</strong> can be purchasedfrom the Office. All pupils must bring their planners to School every day.COFNODION DISGYBLION : PUPIL RECORDSEvery pupil in the School has educational <strong>and</strong> personal details entered upon thecomputer administration system used throughout Pembrokeshire EducationAuthority schools. This information, which is registered under the Data ProtectionAct, is available to any entitled person at any reasonable time. It includes routineadministrative information necessary for examination entry, statistical returns,etc., <strong>and</strong> important emergency information about medical contacts, if necessary.The School collects information about pupils <strong>and</strong> their parents/guardians atadmission to School <strong>and</strong> for specific purposes during the school year. Every effortis made to ensure the accuracy <strong>and</strong> security <strong>of</strong> the data collected which is generallystored on the school’s comupterised management information system. Individualshave certain rights <strong>of</strong> access to personal information held on them, these are18

outlined in our leaflet ‘What the School, Local Education Authority <strong>and</strong> Governmentdoes with information it holds on Pupils’. A copy <strong>of</strong> this leaflet is given to everyparent or pupil on first admission to the School. Additional copies are available onrequest from the School or on our web site at www.yuabergwaun.co.ukUnder Government Regulation (1989), examination results are the property <strong>of</strong> theparent/guardian if the pupil is aged under 16 years, the property <strong>of</strong> eitherparent/guardian or pupil where the pupil is aged 16 or 17 years, <strong>and</strong> the property <strong>of</strong>the pupil where she/he is aged 18 or over.GWAITH CARTREF : HOMEWORKThe regular <strong>and</strong> careful completion <strong>of</strong> homework helps develop a child’s learningskills <strong>and</strong> is a major area in which the parent / guardian can assist the pupil. Yourchild should be following the minimum pattern as outlined below:-Weekday evenings:Years 7, 8 - up to 1 ½ hoursYear 9 - up to 2 hoursYears 10, 11 - up to 2 ½ hoursYears 12, 13 - 2 ½ - 3 hoursHomework details are to be noted in the Planner. Please contact your child’sYear Progress Manager if this is not the case.Darllen : ReadingEncourage your child to read regularly at home. This will boost your child’slearning in every subject, <strong>and</strong> give a great deal <strong>of</strong> enjoyment <strong>and</strong> satisfaction.All pupils should bring a reading book to School every day.TECHNOLEG GWYBODAETH:INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYICT is delivered through discrete lessons in Years 7, 8 <strong>and</strong> 9. All <strong>subjects</strong> includeopportunities for pupils to use IT in their Schemes <strong>of</strong> Work, as part <strong>of</strong> their KeySkills education.The School has four fully equipped modern IT suites. All classrooms haveinteractive whiteboards. The Technology Block has been equipped with CAD/CAM<strong>and</strong> there is a Science computer suite. The Community Education Centre, on theSchool site, is also an invaluable addition to the School facilities.GYRFAOEDD : CAREERSAll pupils in Years 7 to 11 have Work Related Education as part <strong>of</strong> their PSEprogramme. The Careers Wales West careers advisor visits School three days aweek <strong>and</strong> contributes to the PSE programme. All pupils in Years 11 are interviewed<strong>and</strong> parents/guardians may attend these if they so wish. The Careers Advisor is alsopresent at many Parents/Guardians evenings. There is a comprehensive CareersLibrary which is found in the main School Library. In Year 10 pupils there is anopportunity for pupils to take part in work experience providing that Careers WalesWest have vetted the business <strong>and</strong> School has received an up to date RiskAssessment. Work Experience is also integral to Sixth form courses, as is Careers19

advice. There is also an opportunity to take part in Careers visits <strong>and</strong> other eventssuch as an Enterprise Day.ADDYSG IECHYD A RHYW : HEALTH AND SEX EDUCATIONHealth <strong>and</strong> Sex Education are taught to all pupils as part <strong>of</strong> the P.S.H.E. course.The Governing Body has agreed that Sex Education should include lessons dealingwith the ‘Aids’ <strong>and</strong> with contraception; Sex Education is delivered as a discretesubject by a team <strong>of</strong> trained staff.The C-card SchemePupils in Years 9-13 will have access to the C-card (condom-card) system, organisedby Hywel Dda NHS Trust, <strong>and</strong> operated in School by the School Nurse. Pleasecontact the School Nurse for further information.ADDYSG MOESOL : MORAL EDUCATIONThe School promotes a moral way <strong>of</strong> life through all its dealings with people. Moraleducation is also included within a number <strong>of</strong> <strong>subjects</strong>, in particular ReligiousEducation, <strong>and</strong> is an essential element <strong>of</strong> tutor group, year <strong>and</strong> Key Stageassemblies. By focussing on a ‘value’ a month, we hope to promote the importance <strong>of</strong>key human values throughout the School.ADDYSG GREFYDDOL A GWASANAETH:RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND ASSEMBLYIn accordance with the requirements <strong>of</strong> the Education Acts, every pupil receives atleast one Religious Education period per week.All Tutor Groups in turn are responsible for preparing <strong>and</strong> presenting an assembly,either for their Year Group or for a Whole-School assembly, which consolidates the‘value’ for the month.Under Section 25 <strong>of</strong> the 1944 Education Act, parents may withdraw their childrenfrom Religious Education <strong>and</strong> assembly, if they indicate in writing that they wish todo so.ANGHENION ADDYSG ARBENNIG : ADDITIONAL LEARNING NEEDSThere is a “whole school” policy for children who have Additional Needs. Everyteacher is regarded as a teacher <strong>of</strong> Additional Needs, <strong>and</strong> is advised <strong>and</strong> supportedby an experienced team <strong>of</strong> specialist staff. This is to ensure that pupils have accessto all aspects <strong>of</strong> the National Curriculum, through integration into mainstreamclasses, helped by specialist teachers <strong>and</strong> Learning Support Assistants. Pupils whohave additional learning needs may receive help in different ways. They initially maybe placed in a small class in the charge <strong>of</strong> one member <strong>of</strong> staff, in order to benefitfrom a sense <strong>of</strong> security <strong>and</strong> small group teaching for much <strong>of</strong> the week. Otherpupils may receive small group tuition for some lessons each week, to help them copewith language or mathematical difficulties in particular.Pupils with additional needs are identified in several ways, including informationreceived from parents <strong>and</strong> / or primary schools. All pupils in Year 7 sit screening20

tests in the early part <strong>of</strong> their first term with us, the scores being used asindicators for any need for more precise testing. As pupils progress through theSchool, a need may be identified by a teacher, parent, or as sometimes happens, bythe pupils themselves.For many pupils an identified additional need may involve little more than negotiationwith teachers <strong>and</strong> perhaps the provision <strong>of</strong> specific items or extra teaching sessionsfor a short period. This School based assessment may, in time, lead to statutoryassessment if our strategies do not produce the expected improvement. AnIndividual Educational Programme (I.E.P.) is designed, in consultation with subjectteachers, aimed at outlining the steps needed to address any identified difficulties;the I.E.P. is regularly reviewed. At this stage, facilities for specific needs, such asspecialised equipment, or changes from National Curriculum teaching <strong>and</strong> testing,are negotiated.A record <strong>of</strong> pupils having additional needs is kept; the details <strong>of</strong> pupils havingspecific needs are recorded with the agreement <strong>of</strong> the pupil <strong>and</strong> parents <strong>and</strong>reviewed regularly. A Transition Plan is created for statemented pupils at 14+ <strong>and</strong>the specialist careers <strong>of</strong>ficer has an overview <strong>of</strong> career plans until the pupil leavesSchool. The Educational Psychologist is a vital member <strong>of</strong> our team <strong>and</strong> visits on aregular basis. Apart from formal testing as part <strong>of</strong> assessment, the psychologistadvises on the strategies to be used to deal with the learning problems <strong>of</strong> individualpupils. The Pupil Support Officer works closely with the School over attendance <strong>and</strong>home/school problems. At present the L.E.A. supports Additional Needs within theSchool through the addition <strong>of</strong> a specific sum to our budget. The AdditionalLearning Needs Coordinator (ALNCO) is Mrs E Bowyer <strong>and</strong> the Governor designatedfor this area is Mr O Johns.CYFLEUSTERAU’R YSGOL : SCHOOL FACILITIESThe School enjoys an excellent range <strong>of</strong> facilities. These include: an Astroturf, anew Leisure Centre <strong>and</strong> Swimming Pool complex, a Hairdressing Salon – Salon BG - agrassed over play area on the site <strong>of</strong> the old Leisure Centre <strong>and</strong> Swimming Pool, anEngineering block <strong>and</strong> a construction facility. In addition, many areas <strong>of</strong> the Schoolhave been renovated/refurbished: the Chemistry laboratory, the gym windows <strong>and</strong>doors, tennis courts, 6 th form Common Room <strong>and</strong> Study Area, <strong>and</strong> the SchoolLibrary. Classrooms are all equipped with Interactive Whiteboards <strong>and</strong> are wellappointed<strong>and</strong> stimulating learning environments.In all, the School’s facilities enhance pupils’ education <strong>and</strong> the School is grateful toPembrokeshire County Council for its support.IECHYD & DIOGELWCH : HEALTH & SAFETYThe School’s Health <strong>and</strong> Safety Committee meets each term <strong>and</strong> School security, inall <strong>of</strong> its aspects, is a major area <strong>of</strong> consideration. The minutes from the saidCommittee are distributed to each Full Governing Body member, as an Appendix.21

POLISI CYFLE CYFARTAL : EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES POLICYThe School’s Equal Opportunity Policy ensures that all members, both pupils <strong>and</strong>staff treated equally. Copies are available upon request.CYNLLUN CYDRADDOLDEB ANABLEDD :DISABILITY EQUALITY SCHEMEThe Disability Equality Scheme sets out an approach to promoting disability equalityin every aspect <strong>of</strong> our School’s life <strong>and</strong> relates to –1 Pupils2 Parents <strong>and</strong> carers3 Staff4 Members <strong>of</strong> the wider School communityWe are committed to ensuring equal treatment for all members <strong>of</strong> our Community<strong>and</strong> hope to develop a culture where people feel free to disclose their disablilites<strong>and</strong> participate fully in School life.If you are interested in the work <strong>of</strong> our Disability Committee, please contact Mr OJohns, Alternative Learning Needs Governor, at Ysgol Bro Gwaun.For a full copy <strong>of</strong> the scheme, <strong>and</strong> the current Access Plan, please contact theSchool Office, or see the School website.22

POLISI ATAL BWLIAN : ANTI-BULLYING POLICYA group consisting <strong>of</strong> representatives <strong>of</strong> the parents / guardians, the pupils <strong>and</strong>teaching <strong>and</strong> non-teaching staff has drawn up an anti-bullying policy for the School.This is printed below.Bullying, verbal or physical, is not acceptable. We aim to create an atmospherewhere every pupil’s education <strong>and</strong> social life can proceed without fear or disruption.We encourage the active participation <strong>of</strong> pupils, staff, parents, guardians <strong>and</strong>governors in eliminating all forms <strong>of</strong> bullying <strong>and</strong> have agreed to the followingguidelines.What do we mean by bullying?Bullying is deliberate, persistent unpleasantness, victimisation or aggression whichcauses hurt or unhappiness to another. It can be physical or psychological <strong>and</strong> canbe inflicted by one child or a group.Our School will:-• Encourage pupils <strong>and</strong> parents to report <strong>and</strong> to discuss openly any known bullyingincidents, whether or not they are directly involved;• Adopt a consistent approach to reports <strong>of</strong> bullying by listening, verifying <strong>and</strong>dealing with incidents;• Record any incidents <strong>and</strong> the action taken, on a form to be kept in pupils’ files;• Suggest strategies <strong>and</strong> support;• When <strong>and</strong> where appropriate, bring victims <strong>and</strong> bullies together;• Inform the parents / guardians <strong>of</strong> any child found to have bullied another;• Help bullies to recognise <strong>and</strong> change their behaviour;• Involve outside agencies where necessary;• Monitor <strong>and</strong> review the situation after an agreed period <strong>of</strong> time.CODI YMWYBYDDIAETH : RAISING AWARENESSDISGYBLION : PUPILSOur School will raise the awareness in pupils about what is seen as bullying. Wewill:-• Encourage pupils to contribute <strong>and</strong> actively participate in maintaining a nonbullyingenvironment by airing concerns in Tutor Groups <strong>and</strong> at School Council;• Offer opportunities in the curriculum to devise strategies for dealing withbehaviour before it becomes serious bullying <strong>and</strong> to discuss openly our School’spolicy for dealing with this problem;• Involve pupils in agreed class <strong>and</strong> School rules <strong>and</strong> behaviour, including to <strong>and</strong>from School;• Ensure that all pupils are aware <strong>of</strong> the methods for dealing with a reportedincident;• Ensure that pupils are aware that every incident will be taken seriously, dealtwith immediately <strong>and</strong> monitored over a longer period.23

STAFFOur School will work to see that:-• All members <strong>of</strong> staff know how to respond to bullying incidents;• That any incident that occurs on a journey between home <strong>and</strong> School is dealt within the same way as in School;• That general behaviour <strong>and</strong> movement in <strong>and</strong> around the School or on a Schoolexcursion, especially in breaks <strong>and</strong> at lunchtime, is monitored;• Opportunities are <strong>of</strong>fered, during Inset days, to discuss how to recognise signs<strong>and</strong> effects <strong>of</strong> bullying <strong>and</strong> how to use Anti-Bullying material, in the curriculum –particularly in P.S.E. lessons.RHIENI / GWARCHIEDWAID : PARENTS / GUARDIANSOur School asks you to:-• Watch for signs <strong>of</strong> unhappiness;• Talk to your child about School;• Inform a member <strong>of</strong> staff if you have any concerns.RHAGLEN YMGYNGHORI : COUNSELLING SCHEMEA trained counsellor is available to pupils on Monday, Tuesday <strong>and</strong> Friday each week.New pupils in particular are encouraged to visit at either break or lunchtime for achat <strong>and</strong> to share their concerns. Pupils may also inform their Year ProgressManager if they’d wish to see the counsellor.24

YMDDYGIAD DISGYBLION : PUPIL BEHAVIOURThe Headteacher is responsible for the discipline <strong>of</strong> the School, which may bedelegated to teachers <strong>and</strong> prefects. In order to function properly a School must bean orderly community, with high st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>of</strong> behaviour. To maintain this, it musthave a set <strong>of</strong> rules, based upon self-respect <strong>and</strong> respect for others <strong>and</strong> theenvironment, which encourage pupils to develop self-discipline.Disciplinary action may be taken in any case where the conduct <strong>of</strong> a pupil may bringdiscredit upon the School, even though such conduct may have taken place outsideSchool hours <strong>and</strong> beyond the School premises.SYSTEM YMDDYGIAD : THE BEHAVIOUR SYSTEMThe Behaviour System <strong>of</strong>fers rewards for good behaviour <strong>and</strong> the School isdelighted that local businesses <strong>and</strong> organisations, including our own P.T.A., haveagreed to provide generous sponsorship for the rewards available. There are clearlyexplained consequences which follow any instance when the pupil’s behaviour doesnot reach the required st<strong>and</strong>ard.REWARDS AND SANCTIONSA. In the classroom.1. Each pupil has a termly grid, in the centre <strong>of</strong> the Planner. At the end <strong>of</strong> each lesson,the class teacher fills in the grid according to behaviour /work, <strong>and</strong> also keeps a record inhis/her personal mark book or in the pupil’s record.2. Exceptional work = Merit. Merits should be awarded for an individual’s effort; thisto be at the teacher’s discretion. Merits are not to be awarded if a pupil asks for one, norfor behaviour which is normally expected <strong>of</strong> a pupil e.g. sitting down <strong>and</strong> getting on with thework set. Merits should be awarded for the process rather than the outcome.3. Good/acceptable behaviour = blank4. Unacceptable behaviour = C1/C2/C3/C4/C5W = in first instance <strong>of</strong> failure to provide homework. ‘No homework’ to be noted inplanner.5. One term <strong>of</strong> 95% attendance + all blanks or Merits = Bronze award = Certificate.The names <strong>of</strong> all pupils achieving a Bronze will be placed in a draw for a prize at theend <strong>of</strong> the year.6. A second term <strong>of</strong>:95% attendance + all blanks or Merits = Silver award = Certificate + non- uniformday.7. Over three terms:95% attendance + grid <strong>of</strong> blanks or Merits = Gold award = Certificate, prize +non-uniform day.8. Annually, shields for the highest number <strong>of</strong> merits are awarded, Years 7-11.25

9. Consequences:C1 = Consequences are noted in a pupil’s Planner + teacher’s mark book.C2 = 10 minute detention by subject teacher, at that teacher’s convenience.C3 = 15 min. Department detention <strong>and</strong> YPM to be informed by completing a Pupil BehaviourSheet.C4 = 30 min. detention at lunch-time in a classroom supervised by staff on a rota basis.Pupils complete positive behaviour sheet. They may then work on homework/read or sitsilently.Staff issuing the detentions will complete C4 slip, which will be sent home.C5 = Internal suspension, supervised in Remove Room, issued by YPM, SENCO <strong>and</strong>/or SMT.The pupil's home will be informed.Outside the ClassroomPupils who misbehave outside the classroom will be dealt with by the Year ProgressManager who will inform the appropriate Form Tutor.Any member <strong>of</strong> staff may issue a C1 for corridor behaviour.1. Behaviour CardsThese are issued by:-Year Progress Manager / Heads <strong>of</strong> Department / Behaviour Support Teacher /SENCO / SMT.The card is designed to check on a pupil’s behaviour <strong>and</strong> effort, during everylesson, for a period <strong>of</strong> time.2. School Detentiona) Heads <strong>of</strong> Department, Year Progress Manager, Deputy Headteacher or the Headmay place a pupil in after-school detention.b) Senior Management detention is held, each Tuesday, between 3.15 <strong>and</strong> 4.15 p.m.c) When a pupil is placed in detention:-(i) the pupil will be informed personally.(ii) a st<strong>and</strong>ard letter will be POSTED to the parents at once.26

CYNNAL YMDDYGIAD : BEHAVIOUR SUPPORTMrs E Bowyer : ALNCO & Behaviour SupportMrs J Fudge : Behaviour Support TeacherAs a School, we recognise that unacceptable behaviour is sometimes caused byfactors outside a pupil’s control which impinge on the pupil’s life. Other pupils needextra support to help them through a difficult time. The School’s behaviour supportsystem aims to help such pupils, to enable them to reflect upon their actions <strong>and</strong> tomodify them, in order for their learning to continue <strong>and</strong> improve.Pupils are referred to Mrs Fudge, who works in the Bro Gwaun Family <strong>of</strong> Schools,<strong>and</strong> is based in Bro Gwaun, by Year Progress Managers, ALNCO or members <strong>of</strong> theSenior Management Team, <strong>and</strong> are <strong>of</strong>fered an appropriate Behaviour SupportProgramme, which is tailored to the individual’s needs. Pupil Action Plans <strong>and</strong>Behviour Support Plans are drawn up by the ALNCO, in conjunction with YearProgress Managers, the Behaviour Support Teacher, parents/guardians <strong>and</strong> pupils.It is expected that all pupils conform to the School’s rules <strong>and</strong> accepted modes <strong>of</strong>behaviour. If pupils do not show any inclination to respond positively to the supportthey are <strong>of</strong>fered, then disciplinary steps will be taken. However, the Schoolstresses that we work very hard to manage behaviour in a supportive <strong>and</strong> positiveway.Action PlansA pupil is placed on an Action Plan when her/his behaviour does not improve after staffsupport. Staff, parents <strong>and</strong> pupils agree to the targets set.Pastoral Support PlansPupils who do not respond to the targets set in the Action Plan will be placed on a PastoralSupport Plan <strong>and</strong> may be suspended, or <strong>of</strong>fered a placement at the Pupil Referral Unit, ifbehaviour does not improve.Parents are urged to attend Planning Meetings, as staff will complete the plans if parentsdo not attend.27

SCHOOL RULESPupils are expected to:• behave towards all other members <strong>of</strong> the School Community in a friendly,tolerant, responsible, considerate <strong>and</strong> polite manner.• take pride in the appearance <strong>of</strong> the School building <strong>and</strong> grounds <strong>and</strong> to try toavoid damaging either. Any damage or breakages which occur must be reportedat once to the School Office or a Caretaker.• bring the correct equipment <strong>and</strong> games kit to School, as required.• bring a Planner <strong>and</strong> reading book to School, every day* *• walk on the left <strong>of</strong> all corridors <strong>and</strong> stairs. In the interest <strong>of</strong> safety, they areasked not to run in the corridors.• use only the ground floor corridor before School, during break <strong>and</strong> lunch hour,unless accompanied by a member <strong>of</strong> staff.• eat <strong>and</strong> drink in the School Canteen only• enter the Hall or Stage area only when accompanied by a member <strong>of</strong> staff.* *• (Years 7 – 11) arrive at School by 8.45 a.m.• stay on the School bus in the morning until they reach the School grounds <strong>and</strong>,in the evening, until they reach their home destination.• (Years 7 – 11) contract bus pupils enter School in the morning via Fire Exit 11.They are not allowed to enter via the Main Door or cross the Front Car Parkunless accompanied by an adult; town pupils enter via Fire Exit 2• (Years 7 – 11) contract bus pupils exit the School via the Fire Exit 11 or nearestdoor, but not via the Foyer/Main Office; town pupils exit via Fire Exit 2. Pupilswho leave via the Foyer/Office must be accompanied by an adult.• (Years 12 & 13) enter <strong>and</strong> leave the School via Fire Exit 11 or 2 .• ensure bicycles are roadworthy, if they wish to bicycle to School. They are notto ride it on the School grounds, in the interests <strong>of</strong> safety. Bicycles are to beparked at the front <strong>of</strong> the School.• Sixth Formers who have a full driving license may seek permission to bring a caror motorcycle into the School grounds. Forms for completion are available fromMr D Willington or the School Office.• report to the School Office, to sign the LATE BOOK, if they arrive afterRegistration.• be signed out in the ‘Leaving School’ book in the School Office, if theyhave been given permission to leave the premises, <strong>and</strong> be signed in ontheir return.• leave School at 3.15 p.m. unless arrangements have been made to stay behindwith members <strong>of</strong> staff for extra-curricular activities or for any other reason.• inform their parents/guardians if they are staying behind for School extracurricularactivities <strong>and</strong> make arrangements to be picked up from School whennecessary.28

Pupils are asked not to:• bring radios, walkmans, cassette players, MP3s, IPODs <strong>and</strong> other similarpersonal items to School.• bring large amounts <strong>of</strong> money to School, only in special circumstances. Ifpayments are requested by the School, pupils should carry the money on theirperson <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong> it to the relevant member <strong>of</strong> staff as soon as is practicable.• bring valuables to the School only if there are special circumstances. Suchitems should be h<strong>and</strong>ed to a member <strong>of</strong> staff for safekeeping.Pupils must:• STAY ON THE SCHOOL SITE DURING BREAK AND LUNCH HOUR unlessthere is a written request from a parent / guardian, giving appropriate reasons,which must be shown to a Year Progress Manager or member <strong>of</strong> the SeniorManagement Team. Sixth Form students are informed <strong>of</strong> the SpecialArrangements which apply to them.• STAY ON THE SCHOOL SITE DURING SCHOOL HOURS unless there is awritten request for permission to do so from the home, stating appropriatereasons. This request must be shown to a Year Progress Manager or member <strong>of</strong>the Senior Management Team.• (Year 7-11) pupils who leave the School site during the school day withoutthe necessary permission will be deemed to have voluntarily absentedthemselves from the due care <strong>and</strong> attention <strong>of</strong> the School, <strong>and</strong> the Schoolwill not accept responsibility for their health <strong>and</strong> safety whilst <strong>of</strong>f site. Insuch instances, parents/guardians will be informed as soon as possible <strong>of</strong>their children’s actions, <strong>and</strong> it will be deemed the parents’/guardians’responsibility to locate <strong>and</strong> return the pupils to the School. The school willinform the Police, <strong>and</strong> make every reasonable effort to locate the pupils <strong>and</strong>return them to school.All year 7-11 pupils will be informed <strong>and</strong> reminded <strong>of</strong> this rule. It isessential that parents/guardians provide the School with details <strong>of</strong> how theycan be contacted during the School day, from 8.45-3.15pm.PUPILS MAY NOT:• smoke on School premises or buses, nor at any time when in Schooluniform or during any School activity.• bring in/use aerosols at any time.• bring cigarettes, tobacco, matches or lighters into School.• consume intoxicating liquor or visit licensed premises. No form <strong>of</strong>substance abuse is permitted. The possession <strong>of</strong> drugs or alcohol atSchool will be dealt with severely.• behave in a way which endangers the Health & Safety <strong>of</strong> other pupils<strong>and</strong> staff.• behave in a way that disrupts the teaching <strong>and</strong> learning <strong>of</strong> other pupils• bring goods to School for the purpose <strong>of</strong> selling them to other pupils.Pupils who sell drugs in School will be issued with a permanent expulsion.29

MOBILE PHONESBLWYDDYN 7 – 11NID OES HAWL GAN DDISGYBLION 7 – 11 DOD A FFÔNAU SYMUDOL I’R YSGOL.Os oes angen ffôn symudol ar gyfer gweithgareddau ôl-ysgol, rhowch eich ffôn i staff ySwyddfa wrth ichi ddod i’r Ysgol.Sancsiynnau:Ffôn yn yr YsgolAil-dro- i’w gadw am 5 diwrnod Ysgol.- i’w gadw am 10 diwrnod Ysgol.Bydd disgyblion sy’n gwrthod cydymffurfio a’r uchod, am unrhyw reswn, yn cael eugwahardd dros dro.YEAR 7 – 11PUPILS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BRING MOBILE ‘PHONES INTO SCHOOL. Ifmobile ‘phones are required for after-school activities, they can be left in the Office onarrival at School.Sanctions:Mobile ‘phone in School - 5 School days’ confiscation.2 nd occasion - 10 School days’ confiscation.Pupils who do not comply with the above, for whatever reason, will be issued with a shorttermsuspension.___________BLWYDDYN 12 & 13Mae gan ddisgyblion 12 & 13 yr hawl i ddefnyddio ffônau symudol yn yr Ystafell Gyffredinyn unig.YEAR 12 & 13Year 12 & 13 pupils are allowed to use mobile ‘phones only in the Common Room.30

GWEITHGAREDDAU ALL-GYRSIOL:EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITESThrough the staff giving generously <strong>of</strong> their time, pupils are encouraged to becomeinvolved in the wide range <strong>of</strong> school activities at lunch times, after school, atweekends <strong>and</strong> during the vacations. These include House competitions, most sports,the School Eisteddfod, the Urdd Eisteddfod, the School Production, Dramaactivities, the Duke <strong>of</strong> Edinburgh Award, <strong>and</strong> an Eco-Club <strong>and</strong> many DepartmentalClubs.Details <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the activities are given in the Brochure, but this list is notexhaustive as the range <strong>of</strong> activities changes.The School is very proud <strong>of</strong> the large number who have achieved National <strong>and</strong>County Levels in their own fields <strong>and</strong> encourages all pupils to become involved inextra-curricular activities.GWAITH ELUSENOL : CHARITY WORKThe Sixth Form gives generously <strong>of</strong> its time <strong>and</strong> effort to charitable causes. Theyhave raised substantial amounts <strong>of</strong> money for various charities, which include: TheJoshua Foundation; RNLI; Help the Heroes; Withybush Oncology WardHaverfordwest, Rotary’s Focus on the Crocus Polio Appeal. Each year the Schoolsupports the Poppy Appeal <strong>and</strong> this is organised by the Sixth Formers - this yearthe School contributed approximately £100.00. The School also raises funds on St.Davids Day, which are donated to a nominated charity. The Carol Singing in the townenhances the Christmas atmosphere <strong>and</strong> is an opportunity for giving. The SixthForm has raised money to improve their own facilities through business ventures atthe Christmas Fair as part <strong>of</strong> their Welsh Baccalaureate studies. A large number <strong>of</strong>Sixth Form students gain ‘First Aid’ certificates each year <strong>and</strong> opportunities to gainSports Leadership Awards are <strong>of</strong>fered. The pupils also react readily to nationalappeals for funds to help people whose lives have been shattered by natural <strong>and</strong>other disasters. In December 2010, the Sixth Form raised funds to support theprovision <strong>of</strong> a Christmas Party for all members <strong>of</strong> the Gateway Club, a local facilityfor adults with learning difficulties. At Easter, the Sixth Form hold its annualcharity week, when a full range <strong>of</strong> activities take place to raise funds for adifferent nominated charity each year.CYHOEDDUSRWYDD : PUBLICITYFrom time to time photographs <strong>of</strong> your child taking part in School activities may betaken. Some may be published in the press, publicity material or displayed on theSchool website. If you do not wish your child to be included in photographs usedfor this purpose, please inform the School Office.31

POLISI YSGOL AR GODI TÂL AM WEITHGAREDDAU :SCHOOL POLICY ON CHARGING FOR ACTIVITIESThe School Policy conforms to the requirements <strong>of</strong> the Education Reform Act(1988). The general principle is that education within school hours should be free -no child will be prevented from taking part in a school activity within these hoursbecause <strong>of</strong> parental inability to pay.Books, equipment, materials.These will be supplied by the School.Technology materialsAll equipment will be provided free by the School. When the finished article istaken home, the parents / guardians will be requested to make a voluntarycontribution for the materials used.Peripatetic Musical tuitionTuition will be withdrawn if the pupil does not make sufficient effort; or if the pupilrefuses to attend Orchestra <strong>practice</strong> <strong>and</strong> School functions without good reason.Musical InstrumentsEvery effort will be made to supply these, on loan, free <strong>of</strong> charge. However, thiscannot be guaranteed <strong>and</strong> parents / guardians may be required to pay if instrumentsare taken home.When pupils bring their own instruments to School, it is the parents’ / guardians’responsibility to insure the instrument.Fees for Public ExaminationThese will be paid by the School in respect <strong>of</strong> those examinations for which thepupil has been prepared in school for the first attempt. Parents/guardians areexpected to pay for all re-sits, unless exceptional circumstances. These will bedecided upon individual pupil basis, at the Schools’ discretion. The School reservesthe right to postpone a G.C.S.E. re-sit until the following June.At ‘A2’ or ‘AS’ level, the School will pay for the student to sit any given module orcourse once, in normal circumstances.When a pupil fails to complete the requirements for any course without good reason,the entry fees will be recovered from the parents. This penalty will apply if thepupil fails to meet coursework requirements <strong>and</strong>/or fails to sit all the finalexamination papers.Parents/Guardians who want their child to re-sit an examination against the advice<strong>of</strong> the School will be asked to pay the entry fee.Day VisitsNo charge may be made for such visits (but see Voluntary Parental Contribution).Voluntary Parental ContributionThere will be no obligation on a parent to contribute towards the cost <strong>of</strong> a school32

activity covered by the Education Reform Act (1988). However, the School willusually ask for a voluntary parental contribution. Whether or not such acontribution is forthcoming will not affect the individual pupil, for whom the activityis deemed necessary, taking part. It must also be understood that certain activitieswill not take place at all unless the parents <strong>of</strong> the pupils concerned are willing tomake such contributions.Breakages/damagesThe Governing Body will seek compensation from the parent / guardian when a pupil(a) defaces, damages or loses any property belonging to the School or any part <strong>of</strong>the School building.(b) causes intentional damage to furniture, windows, doors or any other propertybelonging to the School.Residential visitsThe full charge for board <strong>and</strong> lodging will be paid by parents / guardians in thesecases. When a parent / guardian receive Income Support or Family Credit the fullcharge will be paid by the School. Please contact the School, if this applies to you,when visits are being organised.External examination re-sit chargesRe-sit charges will be imposed for all other re-sits, unless exceptionalcircumstances apply, such as a serious illness or bereavement. All cases will beconsidered on an individual basis.All charges will be payable in advance <strong>of</strong> the exams, before exam entries arefinalised. Please contact the School if you wish to discuss this matter or if you haveany queries.33

CYTUNDEB RHWYDWAITH/RHYNGRWYD – DISGYBLIONNETWORK/INTERNET CONTRACT – PUPILSI agree to use the internet material sensibly <strong>and</strong> according to the following conditions:1 I will not seek to access Internet material which is inappropriate for myeducational needs.2 I will access the Internet in a room specified by the teacher <strong>and</strong> only when amember <strong>of</strong> staff is present.3 I will use the network for the sole purpose <strong>of</strong> enhancing my education at YsgolBro Gwaun.4 I have discussed the use <strong>of</strong> the Internet with a parent/guardian.5 Misuse <strong>of</strong> the Internet will result in the removal <strong>of</strong> access rights to the networkaltogether <strong>and</strong> further disciplinary action may be taken.6 I will not send/receive personal e-mails on the School’s system.NAME:………………………… ……………………………………………FORM:………………………DATE:…………………….USER NAME:………………………...…………..SIGNATURE:……………………..……………..* * * * *NETWORK/INTERNET CONTRACT – PARENTSAs the parent/legal guardian <strong>of</strong> the pupil signing above, I grant permission for my child touse the School network to access the Internet. I underst<strong>and</strong> that pupils will be heldaccountable for their own actions. I also underst<strong>and</strong> that some materials on the Internetmay be unsuitable <strong>and</strong> I accept responsibility for setting st<strong>and</strong>ards for my child to followwhen selecting, sharing <strong>and</strong> exploring information.SIGNATURE:……………………………………… DATE:………………..TELEPHONE No.:…………………………………… ………………..34

YSGOL BRO GWAUNMANYLION CYSWLLT Y DISGYBLPUPIL CONTACT DETAILS1) MANYLION Y DISGYBL : PUPIL DETAILSEnw / Name: ____________________________________Dosbarth / Form: ________D.G. / D.O.B.: ______/____/_____Cyfeiriad / Address:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CÔD POST CODE:_______________ *ANGENRHEIDIOL/ESSENTIAL*2) MANYLION Y RHIENI/GWARCHEIDWAID : PARENTAL/GUARDIAN DETAILSEnw / Name: _________________________ (MS/MISS/MRS/MR/OTHER:Perthynas / Relationship: ______________________________Enw /Name:_______________________ (MS/MISS/MRS/MR/OTHER: )Perthynas / Relationship: ______________________________3) *ANGENRHEIDIOL/ESSENTIAL *Rhifau Ffôn : Phone NumbersCartref / Home: _________________________________Gwaith / Work: __________________________________Brys / Emergency: _______________________________4) GWYBODAETH FEDDYGOL/MEDICAL INFORMATION__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________RHIENI/GWARCHEIDWAID PARENT/GUARDIANCytunaf fod y manylion uchod yn gywir.I confirm that the above details are correct.Arwyddwyd/Signed:___________________________Dyddiad/Date:_______________I’w dychwelyd i Diwtor DosbarthTo be returned to Form TutorDiolchThank you35

GWISG YSGOL : SCHOOL UNIFORMEVERY ARTICLE OF CLOTHING OR EQUIPMENT BROUGHT TO SCHOOL MUST BECLEARLY MARKED WITH THE PUPIL’S NAMEMerched : GirlsGreen polo-shirt, with School logo – Yrs. 7 – 11 - compulsory.Marl grey polo shirt, with School logo – Yrs. 12 - 13 – compulsory.Plain, black school skirt or trousers. (Cords, denims or jeans are NOT PERMITTED).Black, round-necked sweatshirt, with School logo- Yrs.7-11Black V-necked sweatshirt, with School logo- Yrs.12-13Black fleece, with School logo.Black shower-pro<strong>of</strong> jacket, with School logoPlain, black, flat School shoes. (Trainers are NOT PERMITTED)Plain black or white socks or plain black tights.Technology apron – may be purchased from the School.P.E. / Games KitTraining shoes.¾ length black socks, with red b<strong>and</strong>s.Red t-shirt, with School logo.Plain black or navy tracksuit bottoms.Plain black or white P.E. shorts.One piece swimming costume <strong>and</strong> towel.Bechgyn : BoysGreen polo-shirt with School logo – Yrs. 7 - 11 – compulsory.Marl grey polo shirt with School logo – Yrs. 12 - 13 – compulsory.Plain, black school trousers (cords, denims or jeans are NOT PERMITTED).Black, round-necked sweatshirt, with School logo- Yrs.7-11Black V-necked sweatshirt, with School logo- Yrs.12-13Black fleece, with School logo.Black shower-pro<strong>of</strong> jacket, with School logo.Plain black or dark socks.Plain black, flat school shoes. (Trainers are NOT PERMITTED)Technology apron – may be purchased from the School.P.E. / Games KitTraining shoes.Rugby / football boots.Red / green or black/red rugby shirt.Black/red rugby socks.Red t-shirt, with School logo.Plain black or white PE shorts.Plain black or navy tracksuit bottoms.Swimming trunks <strong>and</strong> towel.36

ITEMS OF SCHOOL UNIFORM AND PE / GAMES KIT CAN BE BOUGHT FROM:Jack <strong>and</strong> Jill, Fishguard.Sanz, Fishguard.Hylton John, Haverfordwest.AppearanceHair – this must be clean <strong>and</strong> a reasonable cut, colour <strong>and</strong> style. Colours such as pink, blue,green, etc. are not permitted.Jewellery – a pupil may wear ONE plain ring on each h<strong>and</strong>. One small, plain stud or earring isallowed in each ear. No other jewellery (e.g. nose studs, chains, crosses, bracelets, wristb<strong>and</strong>s, etc.) is permitted. Only School badges <strong>of</strong> honour or Office may be worn.The School is the final arbiter on the appropriateness <strong>of</strong> uniform, hairstyle <strong>and</strong>jewellery.Basic Equipment – to be brought every day.Pencil Case – ruler, rubber, pencils, biros, pencil-sharpener <strong>and</strong> crayons.Geometry Set.Calculator – can be purchased from the School.A4 pad <strong>of</strong> paper for drafting/rough workPocket-sized dictionaries – Welsh, English, French.A reading bookPupil’s PlannerLOCERI : LOCKERSSchool lockers are available to all pupils at a cost <strong>of</strong> £5.00 each or £2.50 per year, toshare with another pupil. Year 7 pupils will be told how to apply for a locker in September.BAG YSGOL : SCHOOL BAGA SCHOOL BAG, PREFERABLY A ROOMY RUCK-SACK, IS AN ESSENTIALREQUIREMENT FOR ALL PUPILS.During breaks <strong>and</strong> assemblies the bag must be left either in the pupils’ lockers or on thedesignated racks. Pupils must bring a bag <strong>and</strong> appropriate equipment to School everyday,unless informed otherwise.37

ADRAN ADDYSG GORFFOROL/PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENTRISK ASSESSMENTWhilst every possible care is taken in the prevention <strong>of</strong> accidents during sporting activitiesin Ysgol Bro Gwaun we would ask all parents / guardians to support us in this aim. Whilstnot compulsory, it is advisable for pupils to wear protective articles, especially in teamgames.For sporting activities on grass all pupils should wear appropriate studded footwear.In rugby, scrumcaps, gum shields, shoulder pads <strong>and</strong> for ‘front row’ forward players shinpads are recommended. Similarly shin pads are recommended for football.In hockey, shin pads <strong>and</strong> gum shields are strongly recommended, to lessen the risk <strong>of</strong>injury.Ysgol Bro Gwaun supplies the major items <strong>of</strong> protective equipment. However, personalitems such as gum shields <strong>and</strong> shin pads etc. need to be supplied by parents / guardians,especially for those pupils that play inter-school level.Thank you for your assistance in this matter.Break <strong>and</strong> LunchtimeIn order to minimize the risk <strong>of</strong> serious injury during break <strong>and</strong> lunchtime, pupils areinstructed not to play roughly with each other, <strong>and</strong> not to play contact sports. Whilst it isnatural <strong>and</strong> desirable that pupils play football/touch rugby <strong>and</strong> other similar gamestogether, they must avoid inappropriate <strong>and</strong> over-physical contact during these activities,at break <strong>and</strong> lunchtime.38

EXAMINATION RESULTS 2009-10As Governors, we are extremely pleased with this year’s examination results, which haveimproved in important areas this year again. We are proud <strong>of</strong> the pupils’ achievements, interms <strong>of</strong> their results <strong>and</strong> their extra-curricular activities. We are especially proud <strong>of</strong> theSchool’s outst<strong>and</strong>ing GCE A Level results, which are the best in the County this year. Theydemonstrate all <strong>subjects</strong>’ strengths at this level, <strong>and</strong> enable our pupils to attend the bestUniversities in Wales <strong>and</strong> Britain.YEARS 12 & 13:a) G.C.E. “A” Level: Year 13There were 50 c<strong>and</strong>idates <strong>and</strong> 133 subject entries. The pass rate at grades A*-E was97.7% <strong>and</strong> the pass rate at grades A*-C was 82%.Overall 2 pupils (4%) achieved 4 passes at A Level (A* to E); with a further 31 pupils (62%)gaining 3 passes, 13 pupils (26%) achieved 2 passes <strong>and</strong> 3 pupils (6%) gained 1 pass.5 entries (3.8%) produced the new A* grade, with 41 entries (31%) gaining an A grade.Overall 71 entries (57.1%) produced grades in the range A* to B).The average (UCAS) points score per “A” Level c<strong>and</strong>idate, was 247.SUBJECTGRADESA* A B C D E N UArt & Design 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0Photography 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0Biology 0 3 2 2 0 0 0 0Chemistry 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0Design & Technology 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1English Lit 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 0Geography 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 0History 0 3 2 5 0 0 0 0ICT 0 1 9 9 2 0 0 1Music 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0Maths 3 9 1 0 0 0 0 0Physics 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 0Religious Studies 1 6 4 1 1 0 0 0French 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0Cymraeg 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0Welsh (2nd Lang) 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0P. E. 0 2 1 3 1 1 0 1Applied Business 0 0 2 0 5 0 0 0Health & Social Care 0 1 0 5 2 0 0 0TOTALS 5 37 31 36 19 2 0 339

) G.C.E. “AS” Level: Year 12 & 13SUBJECTGRADESA B C D E N UArt & Design 2 1 4 1 1 0 1Photography 1 2 3 2 0 0 2Biology 1 0 3 2 8 0 4Chemistry 0 0 0 1 0 0 2D&T 0 1 1 0 0 0 4English Lit 1 0 1 2 0 0 0French 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Geography 2 1 1 4 4 0 2History 8 3 3 0 0 0 0ICT 5 8 2 11 3 0 2Mathematics 3 1 3 2 1 0 0Further Mathematics 1 0 1 0 0 0 0Music 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Physics 0 0 1 2 0 0 3Religious Studies 5 3 1 0 0 0 0Cymraeg 0 0 2 0 0 0 0Welsh (2nd Lang) 0 1 2 1 0 0 0P. E. 1 0 3 2 5 0 7Applied Business 0 2 1 2 0 0 0Health & Social Care 0 0 2 1 3 0 2TOTALS 30 23 34 33 25 0 29c) G.C.S.E.: Years 12 & 13: Nov. 2009 & June 201023 c<strong>and</strong>idates made 34 subject entries over these 2 periods.SUBJECTGRADESA* A B C D E F G U XEnglish 0 0 0 1 11 2 0 2 0 0Mathematics 0 0 0 4 8 4 0 0 0 2TOTALS 0 0 0 5 19 6 0 2 0 2YEAR 11:a) Entry Level Certificate: March 2010.25 pupils made 34 entries.40

SUBJECT 3 2 1 FMathematics 2 4 0 0English 1 5 4 0Religious Education 3 4 3 0Design Technology 0 0 1 0Lifeskills 3 4 0 0TOTALS 9 17 8 0G.C.S.E.: June 2010.There were 102 pupils in Year 11, 97 <strong>of</strong> whom sat at least 1 subject at GCSE (95.1%)There were 980 subject entries.637 grades at A* to C were achieved (64.9% <strong>of</strong> the 980 entries).178 grades were A* or A (18.2%).60 pupils achieved 5 or more grades at A* to C (58.8% <strong>of</strong> the 102 pupils).87 pupils achieved 1 or more grades at A* to C (85.3% <strong>of</strong> the 102 pupils).97 pupils achieved 5 or more grades at A* to G (95.1% <strong>of</strong> the 102 pupils).All pupils who sat GCSE, achieved 1 or more grades at A* to G (100%).41

SUBJECTGRADESA* A B C D E F G UArt 5 4 1 8 9 5 6 4 3Child Development 0 1 0 4 1 4 0 2 1D&T(Food) 1 4 5 2 3 0 1 0 0D&T(Res Mat) 1 2 3 6 4 3 3 1 0D&T(Textiles) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0English 2 1 19 34 15 18 4 3 0English Lit. 1 2 15 33 15 10 5 2 0Geography 2 7 9 5 0 3 2 0 0History 3 14 5 6 6 3 2 1 0ICT 11 12 12 13 2 0 0 0 0Maths 1 7 19 25 12 10 10 10 2Music 1 2 3 0 0 2 0 0 0PE 5 8 4 6 9 3 1 0 0Science 1 2 8 24 11 14 7 2 0Science Additional 1 2 13 19 14 10 7 3 0Biology 2 6 7 9 4 0 0 0 0Chemistry 0 3 9 10 6 0 0 0 0Physics 4 6 9 8 1 0 0 0 0MFL (French) 0 3 6 13 5 2 1 0 0Cymraeg 0 0 4 11 11 3 0 0 0Welsh Lit. 0 2 1 8 4 0 0 0 0Welsh(2nd Lang) 8 17 3 24 3 3 0 0 0RE (SC)# 6 18 17 19 8 10 3 3 2ICT (SC)# 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0PE(SC)# 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 1Number at each Grade 55 123 172 287 143 105 53 33 9# Indicates a subject in which a Half Course was followed at GCSE. In calculating theoverall totals a grade from these courses is given half the value <strong>of</strong> a grade in the other(full) <strong>subjects</strong>.GCSE Subjects taken through the medium <strong>of</strong> Welsh.The results given here are included in the overall statistics given above.SUBJECTGRADESA* A B C D E F G UReligious Studies 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 042

YEAR 9: May 2010.The figures are the percentages <strong>of</strong> Year 9 pupils achieving the various National Curriculumlevels in 2010.There were 96 pupils eligible for Key Stage 3 assessment English, Welsh First Language,Mathematics <strong>and</strong> Science.There were 13 pupils eligible for assessment in Welsh 1 St Language.Core Subjects.N%D%NO1%NO2%NO3%1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%EP%EL%English School 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.2 32.3 37.5 19.8 5.2 0.0 0.0 62.5Wales 0.4 0.2 . . . 0.4 1.4 5.9 20.6 38.9 24.0 7.3 0.4 - 70.6WelshFirstLanguageSchool 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 76.9 23.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 100Wales 0.1 - . . . 0.1 0.4 5.3 18.9 39.9 27.0 7.8 0.3 0.0 75.1MathsSchool 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.3 27.1 29.2 29.2 7.3 0.0 0.0 65.6Wales 0.4 0.2 . . . 0.4 1.2 6.2 17.8 29.8 27.0 15.41.2 0.1 73.5ScienceSchool 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3 16.7 33.3 33.3 8.3 0.0 0.0 75.0Wales 0.5 0.2 . . . 0.3 0.6 4.5 18.0 37.1 27.8 10.50.1 - 75.6N Pupils who have failed to register a level for reasons other than absence.D Pupils who have been disapplied under sections 113-116 <strong>of</strong> the 2002 Education Act.NO1 National Curriculum Outcome 1NO2 National Curriculum Outcome 2NO3 National Curriculum Outcome 3(NB NO1, NO2 & NO3 have replaced Level W in previous years)EP Exceptional PerformanceEL % achieving the expected level (L5+)Percentage <strong>of</strong> Pupils Obtaining Level 5 or Above.Boys Girls All PupilsEnglish 59.6 65.9 62.5Welsh First Language 100 100 100Mathematics 63.5 68.2 65.6Science 71.2 79.6 75.0Core Subject Indicator (National) 56.7 66.2 61.3THE SCHOOL’S COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE IN 2010.Please see SSSP, APPENDIX43

THE SCHOOL’S COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE IN 2010.Targets 2009 – 10, for Summer 2011.YEAR 8 – 114 pupils.Core Indicator English Welsh Maths Science1st Lang51% 49% 88% 62% 60%YEAR 10 – 107 pupils.Core Indicator5 GCSEsA* - C5 A* - G 1 A* - G<strong>and</strong>/or1 CoEA51% 71% 97% 100%Core Indicator – at least grade C in Welsh (1 st Lang) or English, Mathematics <strong>and</strong> Scienceas a combination.AttendanceThe number <strong>of</strong> school sessions in the academic year 2008/09, up to 22.5.09 was 3067 to 11 pupils; % <strong>of</strong> sessions missed: School Pembs. WalesUnauthorised absences 0.93% 1.4 1.7All absences 8.8% 8.9 9.0(Average)The number <strong>of</strong> school sessions in the academic year 2009/10, up to 21.05.10 was 3067 to 11 pupils; % <strong>of</strong> sessions missed: School Pembs. WalesUnauthorised absences 0.9% 1.5 1.6All absences 9.4% 9.3 8.9(Average)THE DESTINATIONS OF LEAVERS: 2010Destination Yr. 11 pupils Year 12 pupils Year 13 pupilsReturned to school 53 41 4Entered Further Education College 30 10 7Entered Higher Education 24Entered Training Schemes 7 5 2Entered Employment 1 2 10Unable to enter Education, 3 1Employment or TrainingMoved away 1 1NEET 5 4 1044

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