final guide historical records collection rogue river national forest

final guide historical records collection rogue river national forest final guide historical records collection rogue river national forest


23.1 – SLIDE: “Rustic drift fence; CCC work” (for cattle way) of cull logs;July 1937.24 - Crater Lake National Park/Rogue River National Forest boundarymarker, concrete obelisk with bronze plaque (erected ca. 1920?);ca. 1968.24.1 - RRNF, Forest boundary sign; ac. 1930s.25 - Long Prairie Camp "line shack" (built ca. 1925); 1977.25.1 - Long Prairie Camp "Tool Shed"; 1979.26 thru 27 - Blister Rust Control Project, Ribes eradication work; ca. 1936(2 views).27.1 - Blister Rust Control Project, Ribes eradication work; ca. 1936(RRNF neg.).28 - Pruning and thinning sugar pine (CCC/K-V project) near UnionCreek; 1941 ( © SOHS neg. 13494).29 thru 34 - Huckleberry Mountain - Christmas tree cutting project; ca. 1940(6 views).35 - Mammoth Sugar Pine, entrance sign; ca. 1938.35.1 - Mammoth Sugar Pine, "Large Sugar Pine" sign; ca. late 1930s.35.2 - Mammoth Sugar Pine being measured by Supervisor Janouch; a. 1940s.35.3 – SLIDE: Mammoth Sugar Pine, “Entrance sign at Sugar Pine Park”;rustic entry sign on Crater Lake Highway; Oct. 1939.35.4 – SLIDE: Mammoth Sugar Pine, rustic directional sign by CCC; 1937.36 thru 38 - Woodruff Meadows Forest Camp; ca. 1936 (3 views).39 - Union Creek Forest Camp, view of timber stand; 1923.40 - Union Creek Forest Camp, building fire in camp stove; 1927(dup.).41 - Union Creek Forest Camp, area reserved for Boy Scout use;ca. 1927.42 thru 44 - Union Creek Forest Camp, view of proposed picnic area;ca. 1934 (3 views).45 - Union Creek Forest Camp, experimental plot - burning debris;ca. 1934 (dup.).46 - Union Creek Forest Camp, entrance sign (new development donein 1935); 1936.47 - Union Creek Forest Camp, entrance sign (second sign); 1936.48 thru 51 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen (exterior); 1936(4 views) ( © SOHS neg. #13498).51.1 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen (exterior); 1969.52 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen (interior); 1936.52.1 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen; 1936.52.2 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen (interior); 1969.52.3 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen (detail); 1993.52.4 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen; 1993.52.5 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen; 1993.53 thru 55 - Union Creek Forest Camp, bark-covered privy; 1935 (3 views).56 - Union Creek Forest Camp, bark-covered registry booth/toiletbuilding; 1936.224

57 and 58 - Union Creek Forest Camp, rustic-style picnic table and campstove; 1936 (2 views).59 thru 62 - Union Creek Forest Camp, rustic-style stove of native rock;1936 (4 views).62.1 - Union Creek Forest Camp, rustic-style stove of native rock;ca.1980s.62.2 - Union Creek Forest Camp, close-up of cast-iron "shield" dooron stove; ca. 1980s.63 thru 66 - Union Creek Forest Camp, split-log picnic tables (4 views)(RRNF negs.).67 - Union Creek Forest Camp, picnic area - general view; ca. 1936.68 - Union Creek Forest Camp, foot-bridge across Union Creek;1936.69 - Union Creek Forest Camp, second foot-bridge; 1936.70 - Union Creek Forest Camp, ski area clearing; 1935.71 - Union Creek Forest Camp, view of ski run clearing; 1935.72 thru 75 - Union Creek Forest Camp, ski shelter and massive stonefireplace; 1936 (4 views).75.1 - Union Creek Forest Camp, ski shelter; 1983.76 - Union Creek Forest Camp, stone walkway to Natural Bridge,damaged by flood; 1943.77 - Union Creek Forest Camp, CCC work camp; ca. 1936 (dup.).77.1 – SLIDE: Union Creek Ranger District/Crater Lake NP, “boundary sign”;ca. 1940(?).78 - Crater Creek Camp, showing camper, tent and stove; 1924.79 - McKie Shelter (built c. 1935); ca. 1970.79.1 - Bessie Shelter (built 1942); ca. 1973.79.2 - Lucky Camp Shelter (built late 1930s - early 1940s); ca. 1940.79.3 - Stuart Falls Shelter, CCC era; ca. 1967.79.3.1 and 79.3.2 - Stuart Falls - CCC style picnic tables (2 views); 1967.80 - Huckleberry Forest Camp, organizing CCC hunt for lostcamper; ca. 1938.80.1 – SLIDE: Huckleberry City, Ranger Appleby at campers’ registry“booth”; 1949.81 - "Barrel stave" culvert .82 - Rabbit Ears Viewpoint, rustic sign, ca. 1938.83 - Hugh Rankin & Dist. Ranger(?) at upper Rogue River area campground,shows "camping information" sigh; c.1930.83.1 - H.Rankin & Dist. Ranger(?) at upper Rogue River area campground; ca.1930.Y-2 Non-Forest Service Structures, Projects and Activities1 - John Miller Homestead, entryman (?) and log cabin (originallybuilt as chicken coop); ca. 1910.2 - John Miller Homestead, log-and-shake barn; ca. 1910.2.1 - Store at Prospect, Oregon; cars en route to Crater Lake ( © SOHS ).225

23.1 – SLIDE: “Rustic drift fence; CCC work” (for cattle way) of cull logs;July 1937.24 - Crater Lake National Park/Rogue River National Forest boundarymarker, concrete obelisk with bronze plaque (erected ca. 1920?);ca. 1968.24.1 - RRNF, Forest boundary sign; ac. 1930s.25 - Long Prairie Camp "line shack" (built ca. 1925); 1977.25.1 - Long Prairie Camp "Tool Shed"; 1979.26 thru 27 - Blister Rust Control Project, Ribes eradication work; ca. 1936(2 views).27.1 - Blister Rust Control Project, Ribes eradication work; ca. 1936(RRNF neg.).28 - Pruning and thinning sugar pine (CCC/K-V project) near UnionCreek; 1941 ( © SOHS neg. 13494).29 thru 34 - Huckleberry Mountain - Christmas tree cutting project; ca. 1940(6 views).35 - Mammoth Sugar Pine, entrance sign; ca. 1938.35.1 - Mammoth Sugar Pine, "Large Sugar Pine" sign; ca. late 1930s.35.2 - Mammoth Sugar Pine being measured by Supervisor Janouch; a. 1940s.35.3 – SLIDE: Mammoth Sugar Pine, “Entrance sign at Sugar Pine Park”;rustic entry sign on Crater Lake Highway; Oct. 1939.35.4 – SLIDE: Mammoth Sugar Pine, rustic directional sign by CCC; 1937.36 thru 38 - Woodruff Meadows Forest Camp; ca. 1936 (3 views).39 - Union Creek Forest Camp, view of timber stand; 1923.40 - Union Creek Forest Camp, building fire in camp stove; 1927(dup.).41 - Union Creek Forest Camp, area reserved for Boy Scout use;ca. 1927.42 thru 44 - Union Creek Forest Camp, view of proposed picnic area;ca. 1934 (3 views).45 - Union Creek Forest Camp, experimental plot - burning debris;ca. 1934 (dup.).46 - Union Creek Forest Camp, entrance sign (new development donein 1935); 1936.47 - Union Creek Forest Camp, entrance sign (second sign); 1936.48 thru 51 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen (exterior); 1936(4 views) ( © SOHS neg. #13498).51.1 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen (exterior); 1969.52 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen (interior); 1936.52.1 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen; 1936.52.2 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen (interior); 1969.52.3 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen (detail); 1993.52.4 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen; 1993.52.5 - Union Creek Forest Camp, community kitchen; 1993.53 thru 55 - Union Creek Forest Camp, bark-covered privy; 1935 (3 views).56 - Union Creek Forest Camp, bark-covered registry booth/toiletbuilding; 1936.224

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