final guide historical records collection rogue river national forest

final guide historical records collection rogue river national forest final guide historical records collection rogue river national forest


I-341972ROGUR RIVER NATIONAL FOREST“Plan of Action to Minimize Storm Damage [to roads], Butte Falls RD,”Medford, Oregon.-Six-page report, with maps.I-351977CH2M-HILL, INC.“Design Rationale for Reinforced Sack Concrete Wall,”prepared for Kabil Developments Corporation, Medford, Oregon.-Engineering design report for the “stacked-sack” reinforcing walls that were used onthe Applegate RD’s new Squaw Creek Road; includes somewhat dramatic view ofone of the highest such walls on that road. (20+ pages)I-362004CHARLRES J. ANDERSON“Roads Analysis for the Rogue River – Siskiyou National Forest,” Medford,Oregon.-Comprehensive and lengthy document analyzing the current and project needs forroad construction, maintenance, and other aspects of transportation management.I-371906GIFFORD PINCHOT“Forest Reserve Order #36: Trails,” Washington, D.C.-Photocopy of the Forester’s April 5, 1906 memo to all “Forest Officers in Charge,”regarding proper location and construction of forest trails and administrative cabins.I-ØVariousROGUE RIVER NATIONAL FORESTHolding file of unaccessioned items relating to transportation issues andForest Service administrative buildings.-Includes selected official correspondence (“pink sheets”); 2004 newspaper article onthe consolidation of the Butte Falls RD back into its original (CCC) buildings.116

J. CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPSThis file contains various documents and files concerning the activities of the CivilianConservation Corps and the Emergency Relief Administration on the Rogue River NationalForest, 1933-1942. A few items relate to the Job Corps, Youth Conservation Corps,Young Adult Conservation Corps activities of the 1960s-1970s and "Jobs in the Woods"program of the 1990s. * See also Item M-3.J-11934U.S. FOREST SERVICE"Forest News Reporting - A Handbook for Forest Officers and E.C.W. CampReports," Office of Public Relations, North Pacific Region, Portland, Oregon. (20p)-Gives advice on writing news releases, handling interviews, etc.J-21934-38ROGUE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST"CCC Personnel Records and Correspondence," Medford, Oregon.-Personnel rosters; also, letters between Forest Supervisor, the "Camp South Fork"Supervisor, and the Camp's Army Commandant, dealing with administrativedifficulties and personality conflicts at that 3-C camp.J-31934-42ROGUE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST"Camp Programs - Fourth through Nineteenth Periods," CCC-Plans, Medford,Oregon. (approximately 0.3 linear feet)-Correspondence and data sheets pertaining to CCC work projects. (Some of thismaterial is duplicated in volume 2 of the Forest history.) Most files include a Forestmap showing locations of various CCC activities. The 1936 (6th period) filementions E.R.A. work on the Ashland Canyon firebreak. Several buildings atCarberry Camp are shown on diagrams, with rooms identified and dimensions given.Proposals for a "Mt. Ashland winter sports area" are discussed here as early as 1938.*Relevant current file designations: 1800.117

I-341972ROGUR RIVER NATIONAL FOREST“Plan of Action to Minimize Storm Damage [to roads], Butte Falls RD,”Medford, Oregon.-Six-page report, with maps.I-351977CH2M-HILL, INC.“Design Rationale for Reinforced Sack Concrete Wall,”prepared for Kabil Developments Corporation, Medford, Oregon.-Engineering design report for the “stacked-sack” reinforcing walls that were used onthe Applegate RD’s new Squaw Creek Road; includes somewhat dramatic view ofone of the highest such walls on that road. (20+ pages)I-362004CHARLRES J. ANDERSON“Roads Analysis for the Rogue River – Siskiyou National Forest,” Medford,Oregon.-Comprehensive and lengthy document analyzing the current and project needs forroad construction, maintenance, and other aspects of transportation management.I-371906GIFFORD PINCHOT“Forest Reserve Order #36: Trails,” Washington, D.C.-Photocopy of the Forester’s April 5, 1906 memo to all “Forest Officers in Charge,”regarding proper location and construction of <strong>forest</strong> trails and administrative cabins.I-ØVariousROGUE RIVER NATIONAL FORESTHolding file of unaccessioned items relating to transportation issues andForest Service administrative buildings.-Includes selected official correspondence (“pink sheets”); 2004 newspaper article onthe consolidation of the Butte Falls RD back into its original (CCC) buildings.116

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