The Challenge of Low-Carbon Development - World Bank Internet ...

The Challenge of Low-Carbon Development - World Bank Internet ...

The Challenge of Low-Carbon Development - World Bank Internet ...


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Figure 1.3WBG Investments in RenewableEnergy 2003–08: EvaluationCoverage (by $ commitments)Figure 1.5WBG Investments in UrbanTransport 2003–08: EvaluationCoverage (by $ commitments)Solar CSPOff-grid solarBiomassLandfill gasGeothermalWindOtherUrban roadsand trafficmanagementTraditionalpublictransportLargehydropowerSmallhydropowerSource: IEG.Note: Black = detailed analysis with portfolio review.; grey = partialcoverage/discussion <strong>of</strong> key issues; pattern = no explicit coverage.CSP = concentrated solar power; WBG = <strong>World</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> Group.Bus lanes/BRTsUrban rail,light and heavySource: IEG.Note: Black = detailed analysis with portfolio review; grey = noexplicit coverage. BRT = bus rapid transit; WBG = <strong>World</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> Group.Figure 1.4End userenergyefficiencyWBG Investments in <strong>Low</strong>-<strong>Carbon</strong>Energy Efficiency 2003–08:Evaluation Coverage (by $commitments)Combined heatand power—district heatingEnergyefficiencyinvestments viafinancialintermediariesfinance to retard deforestation): establishment <strong>of</strong> protectedand indigenous areas; pilots <strong>of</strong> payment for environmentalservices projects, including Bio<strong>Carbon</strong> Fund projects;and attempts to foster sustainable agriculture at the forestfrontier. Omitted are large plantation projects, which canbe carbon sequestering, and community forest projects.<strong>The</strong> latter, though concerned with impoverished populationsand important natural resources, have in general hadinadequate monitoring components and hence are difficultto evaluate.Supply-sideenergyefficiencyCFLT&D lossreductionSource: IEG.Note: Black = detailed analysis with portfolio review; grey = partialcoverage/discussion <strong>of</strong> key issues. Note that Phase I <strong>of</strong> this seriesdiscussed district heating and end user energy efficiency in detail.CFL = compact fluorescent light bulb; T&D = transmission anddistribution.<strong>The</strong> coverage <strong>of</strong> forestry is the most selective <strong>of</strong> the sectors.<strong>The</strong> focus is on three types <strong>of</strong> activities with strong implicationsfor REDD (an initiative that seeks to harness carbon<strong>The</strong> evaluation also looks at WBG experiencein coal power, technology transfer, andcarbon finance.In addition to sectoral discussions, the evaluation addressesthree areas <strong>of</strong> intense current interest. Two are cross cutting:the experience <strong>of</strong> the WBG in technology transfer and theexperience <strong>of</strong> the WBG’s carbon funds, both as institutionalinnovations and as financial instruments. <strong>The</strong> third is anexamination <strong>of</strong> the WBG’s controversial role in supportingcoal-fired power plants. This will illuminate some <strong>of</strong>the general issues regarding the WBG’s role in other highcarbonsectors such as cement and steel production.10 | Climate Change and the <strong>World</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> Group

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