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BibliographyAlix-Garcia, J. M., E. N. Shapiro and K. R. E. Sims. 2010.“The Impact of Payment for Ecosystem Services on Deforestationin Mexico: Preliminary Lessons for REDD.”Draft paper, University of Wisconsin, Madison.Andam, K. S., P. J. Ferraro, K. R. E. Sims, A. Healy, andMargaret B. Holland. 2010. “Protected Areas ReducedPoverty in Costa Rica and Thailand.” Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences 107(22): 9996–10001.Antmann, Pedro. 2009. “Reducing Technical and Non-Technical Losses in the Power Sector.” BackgroundPaper, Energy Unit, World Bank, Washington, DC.Bhatia, B., and M. Gulati. 2004. “Reforming the Power Sector.Controlling Electricity Theft and Improving Revenue.”Public Policy Journal (Note 272).Capoor, Karan, and Philippe Ambrosi. 2009. “State andTrends of the Carbon Market 2009.” Carbon FinanceUnit Report, World Bank, Washington, DC.Chomitz, K. M. 2007. At Loggerheads? Agricultural Expansion,Poverty Reduction, and Environment in the TropicalForests. Washington, DC: World Bank.Clarke, L., J. Edmonds, V. Krey, R. Richels, S. Rose, andM. Tavoni. 2009. “International Climate Policy Architectures:Overview of the EMF 22 International Scenarios.”Energy Economics 31(Supplement 2): S64–S81.De Gouvello, C., F.B. Dayo, and M. Thioye. 2008. Low-Carbon Energy Projects for Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Unveiling the Potential, Addressing theBarriers. Washington, DC: World Jager, D., and M. Rathmann. 2008. Policy InstrumentDesign to Reduce Financing Costs in RenewableEnergy Technology Projects. Utrecht, the Netherlands:Ecofys.Deichmann, U., C. Meisner, S. Murray, and D. Wheeler.2010. “The Economics of Renewable Energy Expansionin Rural Sub-Saharan Africa.” World Bank Policy ResearchWorking Paper No. 5193, Washington, DC.dos Santos, M. A., L. P. Rosa, B. Sikar, E. Sikar, and E. O.dos Santos. 2006. “Gross Greenhouse Gas Fluxes fromHydro-Power Reservoir Compared to Thermo-PowerPlants.” Energy Policy 34(4): 481–8.EEPC (Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation). 2009. Reporton Distribution of CFLs in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa:Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation.ESMAP (Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme).2009. “Large-Scale Residential EnergyEfficiency Programs Based on Compact FluorescentLamps.” http://, S., and A. Cabraal. 2006. “Power Purchase Agreementsfor Small Power Producers.” ESMAP KnowledgeExchange Series, No. 7, Washington, DC.FTA (Federal Transit Administration). 2003. “Bus RapidTransit. Volume 1: Case Studies in Bus Rapid Transit.”Transit Cooperative Research Program Report 90.Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.GEF (Global Environment Fund). 2009. “Future StrategicPositioning of the GEF.” GEF/R.5/7/Rev.1. 2006a. “Post-Implementation Impact Assessment:World Bank GEF Energy Efficiency Projects SynthesisReport.” GEF Report, Washington, DC.______. 2006b. Thailand Promotion of Electrical EnergyEfficiency Project. Washington, DC: World Bank.______. 2004a. “Solar Photovoltaics in Africa—Experienceswith Financing and Delivery Models: Lessons for theFuture.” UNDP/World Bank Monitoring and EvaluationReport Series, Issue 2, Washington, DC.______. 2004b. “Climate Change Program Study.” GEF,Washington, DC. 2003. “Reducing the Long-Term Costs of LowGreenhouse Gas-Emitting Energy Technologies.” Evaluation Office. 2010. “OPS4: Progress toward Impact.”Fourth Overall Performance Study of the GEF,World Bank, Washington, DC.______. 2009. “Assessing the Potential for ExperimentalEvaluation of Intervention Effects: The Case ofthe Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Approaches toEcosysytem Management Project.” Impact EvaluationInformation Document No. 15, Washington, DC.______. 2008. “Conceptual Framework: The Catalytic Roleof the GEF: How Is It Measured and Evaluated? Evaluationof the GEF Catalytic Role.” GEF Evaluation OfficePaper No. 18, Washington, DC.Gilbert, A. 2008. “Bus Rapid Transit: Is Transmilenio a MiracleCure?” Transport Reviews 28: 439–67.Greenpeace. 2006. “Eating Up the Amazon.” | Climate Change and the World Bank Group

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BibliographyAlix-Garcia, J. M., E. N. Shapiro and K. R. E. Sims. 2010.“<strong>The</strong> Impact <strong>of</strong> Payment for Ecosystem Services on Deforestationin Mexico: Preliminary Lessons for REDD.”Draft paper, University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin, Madison.Andam, K. S., P. J. Ferraro, K. R. E. Sims, A. Healy, andMargaret B. Holland. 2010. “Protected Areas ReducedPoverty in Costa Rica and Thailand.” Proceedings <strong>of</strong> theNational Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences 107(22): 9996–10001.Antmann, Pedro. 2009. “Reducing Technical and Non-Technical Losses in the Power Sector.” BackgroundPaper, Energy Unit, <strong>World</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>, Washington, DC.Bhatia, B., and M. Gulati. 2004. “Reforming the Power Sector.Controlling Electricity <strong>The</strong>ft and Improving Revenue.”Public Policy Journal (Note 272).Capoor, Karan, and Philippe Ambrosi. 2009. “State andTrends <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Carbon</strong> Market 2009.” <strong>Carbon</strong> FinanceUnit Report, <strong>World</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>, Washington, DC.Chomitz, K. M. 2007. At Loggerheads? Agricultural Expansion,Poverty Reduction, and Environment in the TropicalForests. Washington, DC: <strong>World</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>.Clarke, L., J. Edmonds, V. Krey, R. Richels, S. Rose, andM. Tavoni. 2009. “International Climate Policy Architectures:Overview <strong>of</strong> the EMF 22 International Scenarios.”Energy Economics 31(Supplement 2): S64–S81.De Gouvello, C., F.B. Dayo, and M. Thioye. 2008. <strong>Low</strong>-<strong>Carbon</strong> Energy Projects for <strong>Development</strong> in Sub-Saharan Africa: Unveiling the Potential, Addressing theBarriers. Washington, DC: <strong>World</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>.de Jager, D., and M. Rathmann. 2008. Policy InstrumentDesign to Reduce Financing Costs in RenewableEnergy Technology Projects. Utrecht, the Netherlands:Ec<strong>of</strong>ys.Deichmann, U., C. Meisner, S. Murray, and D. Wheeler.2010. “<strong>The</strong> Economics <strong>of</strong> Renewable Energy Expansionin Rural Sub-Saharan Africa.” <strong>World</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> Policy ResearchWorking Paper No. 5193, Washington, DC.dos Santos, M. A., L. P. Rosa, B. Sikar, E. Sikar, and E. O.dos Santos. 2006. “Gross Greenhouse Gas Fluxes fromHydro-Power Reservoir Compared to <strong>The</strong>rmo-PowerPlants.” Energy Policy 34(4): 481–8.EEPC (Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation). 2009. Reporton Distribution <strong>of</strong> CFLs in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa:Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation.ESMAP (Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme).2009. “Large-Scale Residential EnergyEfficiency Programs Based on Compact FluorescentLamps.” http://, S., and A. Cabraal. 2006. “Power Purchase Agreementsfor Small Power Producers.” ESMAP KnowledgeExchange Series, No. 7, Washington, DC.FTA (Federal Transit Administration). 2003. “Bus RapidTransit. Volume 1: Case Studies in Bus Rapid Transit.”Transit Cooperative Research Program Report 90.Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.GEF (Global Environment Fund). 2009. “Future StrategicPositioning <strong>of</strong> the GEF.” GEF/R.5/7/Rev.1. 2006a. “Post-Implementation Impact Assessment:<strong>World</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> GEF Energy Efficiency Projects SynthesisReport.” GEF Report, Washington, DC.______. 2006b. Thailand Promotion <strong>of</strong> Electrical EnergyEfficiency Project. Washington, DC: <strong>World</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>.______. 2004a. “Solar Photovoltaics in Africa—Experienceswith Financing and Delivery Models: Lessons for theFuture.” UNDP/<strong>World</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> Monitoring and EvaluationReport Series, Issue 2, Washington, DC.______. 2004b. “Climate Change Program Study.” GEF,Washington, DC. 2003. “Reducing the Long-Term Costs <strong>of</strong> <strong>Low</strong>Greenhouse Gas-Emitting Energy Technologies.” Evaluation Office. 2010. “OPS4: Progress toward Impact.”Fourth Overall Performance Study <strong>of</strong> the GEF,<strong>World</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>, Washington, DC.______. 2009. “Assessing the Potential for ExperimentalEvaluation <strong>of</strong> Intervention Effects: <strong>The</strong> Case <strong>of</strong>the Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Approaches toEcosysytem Management Project.” Impact EvaluationInformation Document No. 15, Washington, DC.______. 2008. “Conceptual Framework: <strong>The</strong> Catalytic Role<strong>of</strong> the GEF: How Is It Measured and Evaluated? Evaluation<strong>of</strong> the GEF Catalytic Role.” GEF Evaluation OfficePaper No. 18, Washington, DC.Gilbert, A. 2008. “Bus Rapid Transit: Is Transmilenio a MiracleCure?” Transport Reviews 28: 439–67.Greenpeace. 2006. “Eating Up the Amazon.” | Climate Change and the <strong>World</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> Group

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