Compare & Contrast

Compare & Contrast

Compare & Contrast


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Student Name: _________________________________________ Grade: 4 th gradeTeacher’s Name: _______________________________________ Lesson 2 <strong>Compare</strong>/<strong>Contrast</strong>School: _______________________________________________ScaleCriteria 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point TotalFocus &OrganizationWriting stays focused on thetopic and the material iseffectively and accuratelyorganized in acompare/contrast patternWriting stays focused on thetopic and the material isaccurately organized in acompare/contrast patternWriting stays somewhatfocused on the topic and theorganizes the material into acompare/contrast pattern butvaries the pattern throughoutWriting is not focused onthe topic and the materialis not organized into apattern that compares andcontrastMechanicsAll sentences are completeusing correct capitalization,punctuation, and spellingSentences are complete butcontain 1 - 3 errors incapitalization, punctuation,and spellingMost sentences are completebut contain4 - 6 errors in capitalization,punctuation, and spellingFew, if any, sentences arecomplete with 7 or moreerrors in capitalization,punctuation, and spellingSupportProvides well-developedand accurate support(examples, details, reasons)for criteria being examinedProvides accurate support(examples, details, reasons)for criteria being examinedProvides some support(examples, details, reasons)for criteria being examinedProvides little, if any,support (examples,details, reasons) forcriteria being examinedOpeningWriting creatively beginswith an interesting lead thatthoroughly identifies thetwo objects being comparedand contrastedWriting begins with anappropriate opening leadthat accurately identifies thetwo children beingcompared and contrastedWriting begins with anopening lead that identifiesthe two objects beingcompared and contrastedWriting begins with anopening lead that does notfully identify the twoobjects being comparedand contrastedConclusionWriting constructs athorough ending to thewriting that follow logicallyfrom the opening leadWriting constructs anappropriate ending thatfollows logically from theopening leadWriting constructs a closingthat somewhat followslogically from the openinglead…it may not be fullyexplainedWriting constructs aclosing that does notfollow logically from theopening lead

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