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Fourth GradeA Day in the Lives of ……….Kristy and Nick were best friends. They had lived next door to each other all their lives.However, as they got older they began to drift apart from one another. Let’s follow them for aday and see if we can find out why.Kristy woke up at 7:00 A.M. and got dressed for school. She sat down with her family andate a grapefruit, toast, egg, and a glass of milk for breakfast. She brushed her teeth, grabbedher book bag and bike helmet, and rode off to school. She had quit stopping for Nick because hewas never really on time.Nick rolled out of bed at 7:45 A.M., threw on his clothes, and grabbed a Pop Tart to eat inthe car as his mom drove him to school.At lunch, Nick and Kristy sat together. Kristy emptied her lunch bag and began eating hertuna sandwich, apple, and yogurt. Nick began munching on his chips, bologna sandwich, andchocolate pudding while drinking a can of cola. Kristy had a glass of milk with her lunch.After school, Kristy went straight to soccer practice while Nick went home and watchedtelevision.For dinner that night, Kristy’s family ate tacos with rice and beans, lettuce, tomatoes, andcheese. Nick’s family had hot dogs and French fries.After dinner the two friends got together to do their homework. When they finished,Kristy went home to shower and got ready for bed. She was in bed by 9:00 P.M. so she would bewell-rested for school tomorrow. Nick played video games until 10:30 P.M. and then got ready forbed

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