direct testimony of the capital expenditures, reliability, and - nyseg

direct testimony of the capital expenditures, reliability, and - nyseg direct testimony of the capital expenditures, reliability, and - nyseg


Case 09-E-____; Case 09-G-____ (NYSEG)DIRECT TESTIMONY OF THE CAPITAL EXPENDITURES,RELIABILITY, AND OPERATIONS PANEL12345678910111213141516171819202122inch) bar spacing for the protection of aquatic resources. We have 20 years tocomplete the installation at all of the Saranac plants (one every five years startingin 2010). The first project will be done at Cadyville. We are also required by theFERC license to consult with the USFWS and NYSDEC to develop the trash rackplan and submit the plan to FERC for approval. Cadyville, like all of the Saranachydro plants, currently is raked by hand. The Saranac plants are normally notstaffed. As a result, personnel must be dispatched to and from the various plantsto clean the racks. This is very difficult work, especially in the winter monthswhen weather conditions are harsh. With the newly mandated narrower rackspacing, the station racks will plug up more often. To effectively contend withthis issue and to maximize energy production, this project includes the installationof a mechanized rack raking system. The project design and plan developmentbegan in 2008 and continues in 2009. In late 2009, after we receive FERCapproval of the plan, we will conduct the bidding and order the long leadequipment. Construction will occur in 2010, with a total estimated project cost of$591,000.COMMON CAPITALQ. Will the Panel please summarize the Company's Common Capital forecast,including the allocation of Common Capital to the electric and gas divisions?A. The Company's Common Capital includes forecasted expenditures for GeneralEquipment, Fleet, Information Technology, and Facilities including Security.These expenditures are typically for projects that provide benefits to both the35

Case 09-E-____; Case 09-G-____ (NYSEG)DIRECT TESTIMONY OF THE CAPITAL EXPENDITURES,RELIABILITY, AND OPERATIONS PANEL12345678910111213141516171819202122electric and gas operations of the Company. Common Capital expenditures aregenerally allocated 79% to electric capital and 21% to gas capital. Exhibit __(NYSEGCRO-8) is a summary of 2010 Common Capital proposed expenditures.Q. How was the capital forecast for General Equipment developed?A. The Company's General Equipment capital forecast is developed based onGeneral Equipment needs identified by all areas of the Company.Q. What General Equipment expenditures are planned?A. The investment identified in the Company's Exhibit __ (NYSEGCRO-8) forGeneral Equipment is a total forecast for expenditures needed to provide the toolsand work equipment that are necessary to support the effective construction andmaintenance of the Company's facilities and work processes.Q. What is the Mobile Radio Project?A. The forecast spend for the Mobile Radio Project reflects the cost to complete thereplacement of the NYSEG radio system with a 150 MHz digital hybrid privateland mobile radio system to comply with Federal Communications Commission("FCC") requirements and to avoid failure of the current obsolete system. Thesystem includes mobile radios for 1,500 vehicles, 300 portable radios, and 57dispatch consoles. Additionally, it includes: the development of 51 tower siteswith radio equipment, antennas, shelters, utilities and generators; systemconnectivity by procuring leased lines and microwave installations; and theacquisition and licensing of the required frequencies. The capital forecast for theMobile Radio Project is shown in Exhibit __ (NYSEGCRO-8).36

Case 09-E-____; Case 09-G-____ (NYSEG)DIRECT TESTIMONY OF THE CAPITAL EXPENDITURES,RELIABILITY, AND OPERATIONS PANEL12345678910111213141516171819202122electric <strong>and</strong> gas operations <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Company. Common Capital <strong>expenditures</strong> aregenerally allocated 79% to electric <strong>capital</strong> <strong>and</strong> 21% to gas <strong>capital</strong>. Exhibit __(NYSEGCRO-8) is a summary <strong>of</strong> 2010 Common Capital proposed <strong>expenditures</strong>.Q. How was <strong>the</strong> <strong>capital</strong> forecast for General Equipment developed?A. The Company's General Equipment <strong>capital</strong> forecast is developed based onGeneral Equipment needs identified by all areas <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Company.Q. What General Equipment <strong>expenditures</strong> are planned?A. The investment identified in <strong>the</strong> Company's Exhibit __ (NYSEGCRO-8) forGeneral Equipment is a total forecast for <strong>expenditures</strong> needed to provide <strong>the</strong> tools<strong>and</strong> work equipment that are necessary to support <strong>the</strong> effective construction <strong>and</strong>maintenance <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Company's facilities <strong>and</strong> work processes.Q. What is <strong>the</strong> Mobile Radio Project?A. The forecast spend for <strong>the</strong> Mobile Radio Project reflects <strong>the</strong> cost to complete <strong>the</strong>replacement <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> NYSEG radio system with a 150 MHz digital hybrid privatel<strong>and</strong> mobile radio system to comply with Federal Communications Commission("FCC") requirements <strong>and</strong> to avoid failure <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> current obsolete system. Thesystem includes mobile radios for 1,500 vehicles, 300 portable radios, <strong>and</strong> 57dispatch consoles. Additionally, it includes: <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> 51 tower siteswith radio equipment, antennas, shelters, utilities <strong>and</strong> generators; systemconnectivity by procuring leased lines <strong>and</strong> microwave installations; <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>acquisition <strong>and</strong> licensing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> required frequencies. The <strong>capital</strong> forecast for <strong>the</strong>Mobile Radio Project is shown in Exhibit __ (NYSEGCRO-8).36

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