direct testimony of the capital expenditures, reliability, and - nyseg

direct testimony of the capital expenditures, reliability, and - nyseg direct testimony of the capital expenditures, reliability, and - nyseg


Case 09-E-____; Case 09-G-____ (NYSEG)DIRECT TESTIMONY OF THE CAPITAL EXPENDITURES,RELIABILITY, AND OPERATIONS PANEL12345678910111213141516171819202122Q. Will you please provide a short summary of the incremental O&M work related tothe dredging of Rainbow Falls?A. Yes. The Rainbow Falls project is located on the Ausable River in Keeseville,New York. A dive inspection of the canal intake and low level discharge gate inthe concrete dam shows a heavy buildup of river silt on the upstream side of theintake and dam. This buildup is beginning to impede the flow of water into theintake/power canal and discharge gate. The silt needs to be removed to maximizeoutput of the generating units and for reliable operation of the discharge gate. Tocomply with the project's FERC license and environmental concerns, the silt mustbe removed as it cannot be flushed downstream. The initial dredging will becompleted in August 2011 when the plant is out of service for the construction ofthe Rainbow Falls Fish Bypass and Trash Rack Project, at an estimated cost of$150,000. Silt removal will need to be repeated every 3-5 years at an estimatedcost of $50,000.Q. What is the incremental O&M work related to the clearing of debris in the roadculverts at Wayne Gates?A. A dive inspection to determine the condition of the concrete culverts found themto be nearly blocked with natural debris (stone, logs, branches and silt). During aheavy storm, the partial blockage could cause water to backup, overtop anddamage a newly constructed earthen berm. The initial cleaning of debris will bedone in 2010 at an estimated cost of $225,000. It will need to be repeated every3-5 years at an estimated cost of $25,000.29

Case 09-E-____; Case 09-G-____ (NYSEG)DIRECT TESTIMONY OF THE CAPITAL EXPENDITURES,RELIABILITY, AND OPERATIONS PANEL12345678910111213141516171819202122Q. What incremental O&M work is a result of new regulatory mandates for hydro?A. All seven (7) of NYSEG's hydroelectric plants must be operated and maintainedin accordance with FERC licenses and other State and Federal regulations. TheRainbow Falls project received a new 40-year license in August 2004 and theSaranac Project received a new 40-year license in January 2006. Both licensesinclude many new requirements regarding public recreation facilities and fishmanagement that will increase annual O&M costs by an estimated $108,000.Q. Would you briefly summarize the levels of capital investment you are supportingfor hydro facilities for the years 2010 through 2014?A. As shown in Exhibit __ (NYSEGCRO-2) the Company is seeking $2.1 million for2010; $2.1 million for 2011; $2.2 million for 2012; $2.3 million for 2013; and$2.3 million for 2014.Q. How is the Company's Hydro generation capital budget developed?A. The Hydro generation capital budget is prepared as a collaborative effort withcontributions from various subject matter experts within the Company. Projectsare initiated based on input from a number of internal and external entities. Forexample, projects are driven by regular inspections that identify areas of concernor that identify actions that are necessary to correct degradation in the system orin individual equipment performance. A project may also replace infrastructurethat has reached end-of-life, or implement a system upgrade or modification toimprove plant efficiency and reliability. In addition, many Hydro generationprojects are the result of regulatory mandates imposed by FERC, the United30

Case 09-E-____; Case 09-G-____ (NYSEG)DIRECT TESTIMONY OF THE CAPITAL EXPENDITURES,RELIABILITY, AND OPERATIONS PANEL12345678910111213141516171819202122Q. What incremental O&M work is a result <strong>of</strong> new regulatory m<strong>and</strong>ates for hydro?A. All seven (7) <strong>of</strong> NYSEG's hydroelectric plants must be operated <strong>and</strong> maintainedin accordance with FERC licenses <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r State <strong>and</strong> Federal regulations. TheRainbow Falls project received a new 40-year license in August 2004 <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>Saranac Project received a new 40-year license in January 2006. Both licensesinclude many new requirements regarding public recreation facilities <strong>and</strong> fishmanagement that will increase annual O&M costs by an estimated $108,000.Q. Would you briefly summarize <strong>the</strong> levels <strong>of</strong> <strong>capital</strong> investment you are supportingfor hydro facilities for <strong>the</strong> years 2010 through 2014?A. As shown in Exhibit __ (NYSEGCRO-2) <strong>the</strong> Company is seeking $2.1 million for2010; $2.1 million for 2011; $2.2 million for 2012; $2.3 million for 2013; <strong>and</strong>$2.3 million for 2014.Q. How is <strong>the</strong> Company's Hydro generation <strong>capital</strong> budget developed?A. The Hydro generation <strong>capital</strong> budget is prepared as a collaborative effort withcontributions from various subject matter experts within <strong>the</strong> Company. Projectsare initiated based on input from a number <strong>of</strong> internal <strong>and</strong> external entities. Forexample, projects are driven by regular inspections that identify areas <strong>of</strong> concernor that identify actions that are necessary to correct degradation in <strong>the</strong> system orin individual equipment performance. A project may also replace infrastructurethat has reached end-<strong>of</strong>-life, or implement a system upgrade or modification toimprove plant efficiency <strong>and</strong> <strong>reliability</strong>. In addition, many Hydro generationprojects are <strong>the</strong> result <strong>of</strong> regulatory m<strong>and</strong>ates imposed by FERC, <strong>the</strong> United30

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