
ux-design-for-startups-marcin-treder ux-design-for-startups-marcin-treder

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valid conclusion?Make sure that you know what your design issupposed to do (choose one main thing to start with),choose one metric that can tell you if people succeedand measure it. The numbers don’t look too good?Try to figure out what’s going wrong (classic usabilitytesting might come in handy) and correct it. It’s almostalways that easy.Measurement is a habit that you need to grow and intime you’ll get better and better at choosing the rightthings and ways to measure them. Your startup willflourish.In our story, the particularly talented designer,didn’t measure and didn’t optimise his designs. Nowonder there was no bacon at the table. He remainedunsuccessful because he forgot about one ingredientof our magical mixture of user experience design - thenumbers - a measurement of user behaviour. That’s theeasiest way to fail.84growth and design hacking

You don’t want to copy his approach. Especially whenyour business is at stake.To measure or not to measure?Big players measure a lot. Every step a user takes, everytiny business occurrence, cash flow... no doubt theygather powerful data and it costs them a lot. Dozensof analysts are using every working hour to measureeverything that’s measurable.I assume, as an entrepreneur, you can’t afford an armyof analysts. I’m pretty sure you have a lot of thingsworth measuring, but not nearly enough people andtime to measure them.Don’t worry. That’s not the problem.Measuring too many things is paralysing for just aboutany company and it’s a death walk for a startup. Youmeasure to validate decisions and decrease the risk ofgrowth and design hacking85

valid conclusion?Make sure that you know what your <strong>design</strong> issupposed to do (choose one main thing to start with),choose one metric that can tell you if people succeedand measure it. The numbers don’t look too good?Try to figure out what’s going wrong (classic usabilitytesting might come in handy) and correct it. It’s almostalways that easy.Measurement is a habit that you need to grow and intime you’ll get better and better at choosing the rightthings and ways to measure them. Your startup willflourish.In our story, the particularly talented <strong>design</strong>er,didn’t measure and didn’t optimise his <strong>design</strong>s. Nowonder there was no bacon at the table. He remainedunsuccessful because he <strong>for</strong>got about one ingredientof our magical mixture of user experience <strong>design</strong> - thenumbers - a measurement of user behaviour. That’s theeasiest way to fail.84growth and <strong>design</strong> hacking

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