
ux-design-for-startups-marcin-treder ux-design-for-startups-marcin-treder

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Skype as a research toolWhat if your customers live far away from you andyou can’t visit them every couple of weeks? You mightdo your start-up thing from a remote forgotten land,like, say, Poland (oh yes, that’s where we’re based).It shouldn’t stop you from doing a decent amount ofguerrilla style user research. Make no compromiseswhen it comes to your product’s user experience.Just use Skype. People are more willing to talkvia Skype than have a coffee with a stranger. Theawkwardness is kept to a bare minimum and theinteraction feels somehow safer. You can stop it at anytime, easily postpone, follow-up, etc.Secondly, there’s no distance barrier. It makes theresearch even cheaper and eliminates any possibleexcuse for not having a conversation with a client.Finally, you can easily record the conversation withyour user and even see their screen using the “screenshare” option.46Get to know your users

Could it be easier? Don’t think so – I’ve done Skyperesearch dozens of times and I have only positiveexperiences. Try it!Systematic surveysWhen you have all your guerrilla research methodsin place, it’s time for creating a systematic way ofgathering large amounts of feedback. This is animportant addition, which is much closer to properresearch methods than guerrilla style usability testingand customer interviews.Why? First of all, systematic surveys are, well,systematic. You can see how any changes made in aproduct affect the survey answers of your users. Everygathered reply is placed in a specific place in time. It’songoing, unstoppable research.What’s more, you have a chance to reach out to astatistical representation of your target group. You caneasily gather dozens of results and sum them up usingstatistical analysis.Get to know your users47

Skype as a research toolWhat if your customers live far away from you andyou can’t visit them every couple of weeks? You mightdo your start-up thing from a remote <strong>for</strong>gotten land,like, say, Poland (oh yes, that’s where we’re based).It shouldn’t stop you from doing a decent amount ofguerrilla style user research. Make no compromiseswhen it comes to your product’s user experience.Just use Skype. People are more willing to talkvia Skype than have a coffee with a stranger. Theawkwardness is kept to a bare minimum and theinteraction feels somehow safer. You can stop it at anytime, easily postpone, follow-up, etc.Secondly, there’s no distance barrier. It makes theresearch even cheaper and eliminates any possibleexcuse <strong>for</strong> not having a conversation with a client.Finally, you can easily record the conversation withyour user and even see their screen using the “screenshare” option.46Get to know your users

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