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disagreed with Krug. I believed that onlymethodologically valid research may lead tomeaningful results (no wonder, I’m kind of a statisticsnerd). When I started my own company I quickly relearntKrug’s old wisdom though. Whether the resultsof a study are meaningful or not depends on yourdefinition of meaningful. And you should always doresearch that can be most economically valid - createthe biggest value for the least amount of money.Of course, the methodology of Guerrilla User Testingisn’t right. You can’t extrapolate the results achievedby one, two, or even ten people on the whole targetedpopulation, but it doesn’t make it meaningless. Itjust makes it meaningful in a different way. Judge itsmeaning by the results it brings to your company andyou’ll see the benefits in a brighter light than the flaws.Quick & dirty research is an amazing way to exploreyour product. You’ll find out more possible problemsthat you ever bad-dreamed of. An additionalperspective on your project is a lever that may becrucial for the whole endeavor. Each time we make a38Get to know your users

quick usability study (usually on around 7 subjects) welearn so much about our own mistakes, which is justoverwhelming. And bear in mind that two of UXPinfounders are experienced UX Designers.Each tested person increases the probability of yoursuccess, so I strongly encourage you to make it yourroutine. After all, it’s free and all you’re risking is acouple of hours.How to do Guerrilla UserTesting.Reach out to your users (or any approximation of thetarget group)Think where you can find your users. Local Starbucks?Walmart? Perhaps a park? It all depends on yourtarget group. In our case, it’s easy - since UXPinprovides tools for UX Designers, we just invite localUX Designers to visit us in our office (it’s a smallGet to know your users39

disagreed with Krug. I believed that onlymethodologically valid research may lead tomeaningful results (no wonder, I’m kind of a statisticsnerd). When I started my own company I quickly relearntKrug’s old wisdom though. Whether the resultsof a study are meaningful or not depends on yourdefinition of meaningful. And you should always doresearch that can be most economically valid - createthe biggest value <strong>for</strong> the least amount of money.Of course, the methodology of Guerrilla User Testingisn’t right. You can’t extrapolate the results achievedby one, two, or even ten people on the whole targetedpopulation, but it doesn’t make it meaningless. Itjust makes it meaningful in a different way. Judge itsmeaning by the results it brings to your company andyou’ll see the benefits in a brighter light than the flaws.Quick & dirty research is an amazing way to exploreyour product. You’ll find out more possible problemsthat you ever bad-dreamed of. An additionalperspective on your project is a lever that may becrucial <strong>for</strong> the whole endeavor. Each time we make a38Get to know your users

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