
ux-design-for-startups-marcin-treder ux-design-for-startups-marcin-treder

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Remembering about the C-P-S triangle is the firstsmart thing you can do while designing. The secondthing is to actually discuss your strategy with potentialcustomers.Let me share the single most important thing thatI’ve learnt about customer development: you won’tmeet your customers in the reflection on your screen.You have to get out of the building and really talk topeople. It doesn’t matter if you reach them by Skype(you might get out metaphorically) or in- person - theimportant thing is to transcend the boundaries of yourego.Don’t try to hack it, or your design will be lost.If I’m asked to give one piece of design advice, it’salways: Root your design in the actual knowledgeabout your customers and execute mercilessly basedon this. Don’t daydream, don’t say “my mom wouldn’tget it”, or “well I would use it!” - reach out to yourcustomers and ask them what their thoughts are.Back up your design assumptions with knowledge to34Get to know your users

minimize the risk of failure.When we started to negotiate our founding deal withour investors at UXPin, their first piece of advice was:“Pack your stuff and go to San Francisco to talk toyour customers!” (We’re lucky to have wise investors,who were successful as entrepreneurs). We didn’t needmuch persuasion – a 14-hour flight and we were wherethe majority of our clients are – the USA.And yes, it wasn’t easy to break our comfortablehabits and start to have three meetings a day foraround 2 weeks, instead of dilly-dallying in front of acomputer for the whole day... but we did it. We put ourintroversive natures aside and fought for the sake of thepeople who trust us - our users.We needed to know what they think about us, howthey work, what they really need... there’s no otherway to learn that than getting out of a building,approaching the users and asking the right questions.When we got back home, we continued talking toGet to know your users35

Remembering about the C-P-S triangle is the firstsmart thing you can do while <strong>design</strong>ing. The secondthing is to actually discuss your strategy with potentialcustomers.Let me share the single most important thing thatI’ve learnt about customer development: you won’tmeet your customers in the reflection on your screen.You have to get out of the building and really talk topeople. It doesn’t matter if you reach them by Skype(you might get out metaphorically) or in- person - theimportant thing is to transcend the boundaries of yourego.Don’t try to hack it, or your <strong>design</strong> will be lost.If I’m asked to give one piece of <strong>design</strong> advice, it’salways: Root your <strong>design</strong> in the actual knowledgeabout your customers and execute mercilessly basedon this. Don’t daydream, don’t say “my mom wouldn’tget it”, or “well I would use it!” - reach out to yourcustomers and ask them what their thoughts are.Back up your <strong>design</strong> assumptions with knowledge to34Get to know your users

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