
ux-design-for-startups-marcin-treder ux-design-for-startups-marcin-treder

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important to have a product with tons of advancedfeatures, rather than something highly usable buttechnically limited.No wonder my ‘usability specialist’ position was astruggle. But the real suffering was felt among users –this is how it was at the dawn of the age of technology.You might have witnessed its rise. The time whenengineers started to really rule the world. The Woz(Apple), Bill Gates (Microsoft) and Bill Joy (SunMicrosystems), were among the first stars of that age.Photo by Ismael Villafranco14The age of user experience design

Internet startups that survived the dotcom bubbleof 2000 were run by tech bright minds. Think ofGoogle’s Larry Page and Sergey Brin, eBay’s PierreMorad Omidyar, Max Levchin and Luke Nosek ofPayPal, David Filo from Yahoo – these guys knowhow to code. And in even more contemporary timesdevelopers struck again: Jack Dorsey (Twitter) andMark Zuckerberg (Facebook) shaped the social mediawith their tech expertise.But then, suddenly, the age of technology ended.Fierce competition among similar (at least when itcomes to technology) products forced executives tolook for more vivid differentiation. Technology becameeasier and cheaper than ever. The world started to lookfor a new idol. Luckily for all of us this can be found inuser experience design.To make an app that can be launched has never beenso easy. To succeed in a highly competitive market fullof consumers with cognitive overload and an extremelyshort attention span ... that’s another story. I shiftedfrom usability to the much larger concept of UXThe age of user experience design15

Internet <strong>startups</strong> that survived the dotcom bubbleof 2000 were run by tech bright minds. Think ofGoogle’s Larry Page and Sergey Brin, eBay’s PierreMorad Omidyar, Max Levchin and Luke Nosek ofPayPal, David Filo from Yahoo – these guys knowhow to code. And in even more contemporary timesdevelopers struck again: Jack Dorsey (Twitter) andMark Zuckerberg (Facebook) shaped the social mediawith their tech expertise.But then, suddenly, the age of technology ended.Fierce competition among similar (at least when itcomes to technology) products <strong>for</strong>ced executives tolook <strong>for</strong> more vivid differentiation. Technology becameeasier and cheaper than ever. The world started to look<strong>for</strong> a new idol. Luckily <strong>for</strong> all of us this can be found inuser experience <strong>design</strong>.To make an app that can be launched has never beenso easy. To succeed in a highly competitive market fullof consumers with cognitive overload and an extremelyshort attention span ... that’s another story. I shiftedfrom usability to the much larger concept of UXThe age of user experience <strong>design</strong>15

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