Shodhan of Vishadravyas. Dr. V.A. Dole. M. D. - Techno Ayurveda

Shodhan of Vishadravyas. Dr. V.A. Dole. M. D. - Techno Ayurveda

Shodhan of Vishadravyas. Dr. V.A. Dole. M. D. - Techno Ayurveda


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<strong>Shodhan</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Vishadravyas</strong>.Pr<strong>of</strong>. <strong>Dr</strong>. V.A. <strong>Dole</strong>. . M. D.Joint Director centre for postgraduatestudiesH. O. D. RasashastraTilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Pune 411011.1

Specific learning objectives.• Meaning and definitions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Shodhan</strong> andVisha.• Types Visha.• Nature <strong>of</strong> poisonous substances.• Nature <strong>of</strong> <strong>Shodhan</strong> processes.• Possible mode <strong>of</strong> actions.• Can these S. O. P. s be fixed with specificmarkers?2

Meaning and definitions• <strong>Shodhan</strong> is not purifiction.• Group <strong>of</strong> processes performed over rawmaterial to mask or reduce harmfulproperties.• Use <strong>of</strong> organic liquids and heat.• Etimology <strong>of</strong> the word Visha & definition.• The terms are relative.• Poison & Toxin.3

Properties <strong>of</strong> Visha.• Ashukaritva, Sukshma, Vyavayi,Laghutva areimportant• .• Organic substances <strong>of</strong> opposite attributes areselected for <strong>Shodhan</strong>.• Optimum reduction in poisonous properties isachieved.• Trial & error method.4

<strong>Shodhan</strong> - Copper.• Copper as a Poison.• Traditionally –Samanya& Vishesh• Are both really required?• Processes involved.• Possible effects.5

<strong>Shodhan</strong>- Copper sulphate.• Physical purification- Nirmalikaran.• Treatment with various organic liquids.The ‘raktavarga’.• Precipitates proteins. Irritant. Emetic• Possible effects.6

<strong>Shodhan</strong>-Arsenical compounds.• Somal- Arsenic oxide.• Boiling with bitter gourd.• Hartal – Arsenic trisulphide.• Boling with Calcium hydroxide, or otherorganic liquids.• Manahshila-Arsenicdisulphide.Chronicaccumulation.• Intimate mixing with Ginger.7

Possible mode <strong>of</strong> action.• Dilution, Physical removal <strong>of</strong> poisonousmatter, conversion in to nonpoisonousmatter etc.• Effectively reducing bioavailabiliy <strong>of</strong> theactive principle.• Trial & error method.8

<strong>Shodhan</strong>-Lead.• Not mentioned as poison as such.• Effects <strong>of</strong> unprocessed lead arementioned.• As per Modern medicine symptoms <strong>of</strong> leadpoisoning manifest after many days.• <strong>Shodhan</strong> process involves melting Lead inopen air & resolidifying in organic liquids,repeatedly.• Documentary pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> effects <strong>of</strong> <strong>Shodhan</strong>?9

<strong>Shodhan</strong>- Mercury.• Like Lead bad effects <strong>of</strong> unprocessedMercury are mentioned extensively.• First five <strong>of</strong> the ‘Ashta-sanskarssanskars reallymeant for purification, especially the ‘Patan.’• It is strongly believed that it can avoid badeffects.• Many processes.• No visible changes in appearance.10

<strong>Shodhan</strong>-Plant products.• Main attributes <strong>of</strong> poisonous plantproducts.• Contain lot <strong>of</strong> alkaloids.• <strong>Shodhan</strong> processes consist <strong>of</strong> boilingand/or immersing in organic liquids.• Removal or dilution <strong>of</strong> poisons by diffusionor conversion.11

<strong>Shodhan</strong>-Bhallataka• Semicarpus anacardium. . Fruit.• Contain tarry oily substance made up <strong>of</strong>irritating constituents like Cardol,semicarpol,Bhilavanol etc.• <strong>Shodhan</strong> consists <strong>of</strong> breaking the nuts andgrinding with pieces <strong>of</strong> bricks.• Absorption <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fending oily matter. 12

<strong>Shodhan</strong>-Vishtinduk• Strychnous nux vomica.• Contains Strychnine, Brusine, loganine asmain poisonous matter.• Immersion in Cows’ milk, removal <strong>of</strong>external covering and kernel.• Denaturing the poisonous alkaloids. 13

<strong>Shodhan</strong>-Vatsanabh.• Aconitum ferox. Roots• Contains Aconitine, PsudoaconitineBnzylamine, Nepilline etc• First stimulate & then depress Myocardium.• Boiling in Cows’ milk, followed by immersionin Cows’ urine.• Reduces bioavailability by denaturing thecontents.14

<strong>Shodhan</strong>- Jaipal.• Croton tiglium. Seeds.• Contains Pale yellow coloured, bitter tasting oil.• Strong intestinal irritant and inflammatory agentToxalbumin• Soaking in water to remove tough outer covering& Kernel between the cotyledons.• Boiling in Cows’ milk• Triturating with Lemon juice. 15

<strong>Shodhan</strong>a- Dhattur• Dhatura metel. Seeds.• Contains Atropine, Hyoscine Hyoscymineetc.• Boiling in Cows’ milk.• Denaturing <strong>of</strong> the active principle.16

<strong>Shodhan</strong>-Bhanga.• Cannabis indica. Leaves and seeds.• Contains THC ( Tetrahydroxy canabinol )• Soaking in water, drying, Boiling indecoction <strong>of</strong> Acacia arabica i. e. Babbul,Intimately mixing with Cows’ milk.• Reduces bioavailability by changing nature<strong>of</strong> the poisonous matter. 17

<strong>Shodhan</strong>- Ahifena.• Papaver somniferum.Unripe fruit issuperficially incised. Juice oozes out andgets dried.• Morphine and phenathrie are two maintypes <strong>of</strong> alkaloids. Total alkaloids morethan 200.• Nirmalikaran in water. Bhavana withGinger juice.18

Coclusions.• <strong>Shodhan</strong> is not Purification.• Group <strong>of</strong> processes performed overpoisonous matter so as to reduce harmfuleffects.• Use <strong>of</strong> various organic liquids.• Mode <strong>of</strong> actions by Dilution, Diffusion,Conversion.• Must be used cautiously, properly, in awell indicated condition under supervision<strong>of</strong> physician19

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