Current transformers - Circutor

Current transformers - Circutor Current transformers - Circutor

Electrical measurement and controlMeasurement Transformersand Shunts

M7serie MC-1Measurement Transformers and ShuntsSingle-phase Efficient current <strong>transformers</strong> ............................................................................... M7-7serie MC-3Three-phase Efficient current <strong>transformers</strong> ................................................................................ M7-8TC seriesNarrow-profile current transformer. ...................................................................................... M7-9TCHTop-performance current transformer ................................................................................... M7-12TALarge-scale current transformer ....................................................................................... M7-14TPSplit-core current transformer ......................................................................................... M7-16STP seriesSamll Split-core <strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong> ................................................................................... M7-19TA 210High-accuracy wound primary current transformer ......................................................................... M7-19TM 45Wound primary current transformer. .................................................................................... M7-20TW 25Entrance bar current transformer. ...................................................................................... M7-21TC 020 / TC 420Narrow-profile current transformer with a built-in converter, with an output of 0...20 mA / 4...20 mA. .................................. M7-22TP 420Split-core current transformer with built-in converte. ....................................................................... M7-24TI 420Large-scale current transformer with built-in converter. ..................................................................... M7-26TCB 420Large-scale current transformer with built-in converter. ..................................................................... M7-27TCM 420<strong>Current</strong> transformer for DIN rails with built-in converter ..................................................................... M7-28SHShunt to measure DC in high amperages ................................................................................ M7-29VTVoltage <strong>transformers</strong> ................................................................................................ M7-31TE seriesTransformer used to increase the impedance ............................................................................ M7-32TSR Series<strong>Current</strong> adding <strong>transformers</strong>, fixed on .................................................................................. M7-32M7-2

Electrical measurement and controlMeasurement Transformers and ShuntsThe concern to measure the installation'sconsumption or any electrical parameterduring the energy management procedureshas arisen with the need to transformhigh currents into small currentsthat can be measured by electronic units.CIRCUTOR offers a solution with a vastrange of <strong>transformers</strong> with different featuresthat can cater for the main marketneeds.M.7DefinitionCIRCUTOR's current <strong>transformers</strong>have the following features:}}1. Insulation and separation of circuitsand measurement devices fromthe voltage lines.}}2. Prevention of alterations generatedby the transmission of high currents.}}3. Reduction of short-circuit currentsto admissible values in measurementdevices.}}4. Obtaining currents that are proportionalto those measured, so that theycan be transmitted to the appropriatedevices.Selecting a transformer1. Know the features of the work environmentor operating conditions (indoor,outdoor, maximum operating temperature,etc.)}}2. Know the features of the line whereit will be installed:Cable or busbar dimensions• xMeasurement margin of the currentbeing measured (maximum andminimum current)Overload (range andtime).• xNetwork voltage (low, medium or highvoltage)• xShort-circuit current}}Grid frequency3. Know the featuresof the associated instrument (accuracy,nominal current, consumption, etc.)}}4. Know the distance between thetransformer and instrument, as well asthe section of the cable used for theconnection.Transformer powerPower is a very important parameterthat must be taken into account. In atransformer, the primary current mustinduce the necessary power in the secondarycurrent in order to transmit it tothe measurement unit. Induced powermust be equal to or more than the linelosses plus the power consumed by themeasurement equipment, in order to ensurethat it can operate correctly.Line losses (P L) are expressed as thepower losses caused by heating duringthe transmission of current through thecircuit cabling resistance (R L) of the secondarytransformer, i.e., the resistanceof the cable between the transformerand the unit.P L= R L·I 2Where: R Lis inversely proportional to thediameter's square and is proportional tothe cabling length ( one way+return).M7-3

Measurement Transformers and ShuntsExample: Power losses between a transformer and measurement equipment(line distance = 10 m).I p P1 P2S1I SImpedanceof the lineConnection diagramR LS2}}In a secondary transformer 5 A (.../5):• xCable lengthL cable= 2·I = 2·10=20 m (one way + return)• xCable sections cable= 1 mm 2• xResistance of the lineR line= ρ·L/s = 0.0172·20/1 = 0.35 Ωρ = 0.0172 Ω·mm 2 /m• xLine lossesP line= R line·I 2 = 0.35·5 2 = 8.62 V·A}}In a secondary transformer 1 A (.../1):P line= 0.35·1 2 = 0.35 V·A (25 times greater)Standard consumption of CIRCUTOR's equipmentLength of the secondary lineGraph with the secondary line lossesUnitsMoving iron instrumentsMoving coil instrumentsAnalogue watt-metersMaximum demand indicatorsDigital instrumentsEnergy metersRecording instrumentsStandard consumption0.3...15 V·A0.5 V·A0.2...2.5 V·A2.5...5.0 V·A0.5...1.0 V·A1.0...1.5 V·A2.0...5.0 V·ATransformer accuracyCIRCUTOR's <strong>transformers</strong> have beendesigned and manufactured in compliancewith the IEC 44-1 Standard, whichestablishes the range between 25 and100% of the nominal power, where theaccuracy.Type± % Error for % I nOffset ± for % I nMinutesCentiradians5 20 100 120 5 20 100 120 5 20 100 1200,1 0,40 0,20 0,10 0,10 15 8 5 5 0,45 0,24 0,15 0,150,2 0,75 0,35 0,20 0,20 30 15 10 10 0,90 0,45 0,30 0,300,5 1,50 0,75 0,50 0,50 90 45 30 30 2,70 1,35 0,90 0,901,0 3,00 1,50 1,00 1,00 180 90 60 60 5,40 2,70 1,80 1,80Type± % Error for % I nOffset ± for % I nMinutesCentiradians1 5 20 100 120 1 5 20 100 120 1 5 20 100 1200.2 S 0,75 0,35 0,20 0,20 0,20 30 15 10 10 10 0,90 0,45 0,30 0,30 0,300.5 S 1,50 0,75 0,50 0,50 0,50 90 45 30 30 30 2,70 1,35 0,90 0,90 0,90Accuracy class± % Error for % I n50% I n120% I n3 3 35 5 5No phase errorM7-4

Measurement Transformers and ShuntsTransformer saturationA transformer will become saturatedwhen its primary current or load areabove the nominal values.The linearity of the current transformationbetween the primary and secondarydecreases, so that the error can bequite high. The saturation of the transformeris inversely proportional to theload. (See Fig.1)In the case of current <strong>transformers</strong>,they are saturated by overloads in orderto make sure that the equipment isnot damaged from the secondary. TheF sparameter (Safety Factor) showsthe number of primary current transmissionsthe transformer is capable oftransferring to the measurement equipmentbefore it is saturated.ApplicationsFig.1, Graph I p/ I sConverting a high nominal current to alower current so that it can be measuredby the unit.Here are some examples of applicationsthat use CIRCUTOR's <strong>transformers</strong>:}}Applications with TC + CVMk2 <strong>transformers</strong>:The busbar or cable can be disconnectedto insert the transformer.}}Applications with TP + CVM Mini<strong>transformers</strong>:The busbar or cable can not be disconnectedto insert the transformer.}}Applications with shunts + MK-DC:To measure electrical parameters in aDC installation.M7-5

Measurement Transformers and ShuntsSELECTING A MEASUREMENT TRANSFORMERProduct selection tableMeasurement Wound primary Bar entrance Split core With converter PageMC1150 ... 1500 Aac 7MC363 ... 250Aac 8TC40 ... 4 000 A ac 9TCH100 ... 4 000 A ac 12TA750 ... 5 000 A ac 14TP100 ... 5 000 A ac 17TA 2105 ... 400 A ac 18TM 455 ... 50 A ac 19TW 25100 ... 300 A ac 21TC 02050 ... 1 500 A ac 0...20 mA 21TC 4205 ... 1 500 A ac 4...20 mA 21TP 4205 ... 4 000 A ac 4...20 mA 23TI 4202.5 ... 1 500 A ac 4...20 mA 26TCB 4202.5 ... 1 500 A ac 4...20 mA 26TCM 4202.5 ... 300 A ac 4...20 mA 27SHUNTS1 ... 15 000 A dc 28M7-6

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong>serie MC-1Single-phase Efficient current <strong>transformers</strong>Description}}Transformer range from 150 to 1,500 A}}Secondary 250 mA}}Three ranges in the same transformer.}}Compatible with the MC product range fromCIRCUTOR.FeaturesFrequencyIsolation voltage50 / 60 Hz3 kV acAplicationIn installations that allow the power supply tobe stopped to install <strong>transformers</strong>.Very useful to install in places where theexact nominal current range is not known.Each transformer has 3 ratio ranges by changinga connection cable and the chosen ratioin the measuring device.DimensionsThermal short-circuit current, I th60 I nDynamic current, I dyn2,5 I thHighest current in the material0,72 kV acThermal classB (130 ºC)Type of encapsulationVO self-extinguishing plasticSafety factor F S5Secondary sealable terminalsyesSecondary terminals IP 20Fixing on DIN railMC1-20 and MC1-30StandardIEC 60044-1ConnectionMC1-20 MC1 - 30 MC1-55131Ø922323220604624305930709861,5Ø5523535,534MC1-20 MC1-30 MC1-5550381 COM COM COM2 150 250 5003 200 400 10004 250 500 1500ReferencesMC1 single-phase Efficient TransformersA máx. Ranges Class 0,5 Power Measurement Internal diameter Type Code250 150/200/250 0,25 VA 1 phase 20 mm MC1-20-150/200/250 M73113500 250/400/500 0,25 VA 1 phase 30 mm MC1-30-250/400/500 M731141500 500/1000/1500 0,25 VA 1 phase 55 mm MC1-55-500/1000/1500 M73115M7-7

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong>serie MC-3Three-phase Efficient current <strong>transformers</strong>Description<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong> specially designed to beinstalled above a switch}}Transformer range from 63 to 250 A}}Secondary 250 mA}}Compatible with the MC product range fromCIRCUTOR.FeaturesFrequsIsolation voltageThermal short-circuit current, I th50 / 60 Hz3 kVac60 I nDynamic current, I dyn2,5 I thApplicationInstallation in confined spaces, utilizing thespace above the circuit breakers and earthleakage protectionIn installations that allow the power supply tobe shut down for the installation of <strong>transformers</strong>.Highest current in the material0,72 kVacClase 0,5Thermal classB (130 ºC)Type of encapsulationVO self-extinguishing plasticSafety factor F S5Secondary sealable terminalsyesSecondary terminals IP 20StandardIEC 60044-1DimensionsConnectionsMC3-63 MC3 -125 MC3-250Ø 7,118,5 18,531,7Ø 14,628 284135,5 35,559,2∅26,0NL33P13P2L22P12P2L11P11P2CO M1S12S13S1ReferencesMC3 three-phase Efficient Transformers,A max. Class 0,5 Power Measurement Internal diameter Type Code63 0,1 VA 3 phases 7,1 mm MC3-63 M73121125 0,1 VA 3 phases 14,6 mm MC3-125 M73122250 0,1 VA 3 phases 26 mm MC3-250 M73123M7-8

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong>TC seriesNarrow-profile current transformerDescription}}Type: bar entrance}}Types: from 40 to 4000 A}}Internal diameter: from 20.3 to 63 mm, dependingon the type}}Busbar dimensions: from 25 x 5 mm to 30x 100 mm}}Transformer certificate sheet is attached}}DIN rail fixing accessory (Types TC5 andTC6)}}Secondary coding types .../5 A (on demand.../1 A. TC12 not availabla)ApplicationConverting a high nominal current to a lowercurrent so that it can be measured by the unit.FeaturesFrequency50 / 60 HzIsolation voltage3 kV acThermal short-circuit current, I th60 I nDynamic current, I dyn2.5 I thHighest current in the material0.72 kV acThermal classB (130 ºC)Working temperature -5 ... 40 ºCType of encapsulationVO self-extinguishing plasticSafety factor F S5Secondary sealable terminalsYesSecondary terminals IP 20Fixing on DIN railTC5 and TC6StandardsIEC 44-1, BS2627In installations where the electrical supplycan be interrupted to install <strong>transformers</strong>.M7-9

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong>TC seriesNarrow-profile current transformerReferencesType TC 4 TC 5 TC 5,2 TC 6,2 TC 6Busbar(mm)AV·A30 x 1020 x 1025 x 525 x 520 x 1225 x 1030 x 1030 x 10 40 x 10ClassClassClassClassClassCodeCodeCodeCode0,5 1 3 0,5 1 3 0,5 1 3 0,5 1 3 0,5 1 340/5 - - 1,5 M7031150/5 - - 1 M703D5 - - 3 M7031260/5 - - 1,25 M703D6 - 1,25 3,5 M7031375/5 - - 1,25 M703D7 - 2 3,5 M70314100/5 - 2 3 M703D8 1,5 2,5 3,75 M70315 - 1 1,5 M70321 1,75 3,75 7,5 M70341125/5 - 2,5 2,75 M703D9 1,75 3,5 5 M70316 - 1,5 2 M70322 3,75 7,5 10 M70342150/5 1,5 2,5 4 M703DA 2,5 3,5 5 M70317 1 2 2,5 M70323 5 7,5 10 M70343 1 5 7,5 M70331200/5 2,5 5 6 M703DB 3,75 5 5 M70318 2,5 3 3,5 M70324 7,5 10 10 M70344 3,5 5 7,5 M70332250/5 5 7,5 7,5 M70319 3,5 3,75 5 M70325 7,5 10 15 M70345 5 7,5 10 M70333300/5 3,5 3,75 5 M70326 10 10 15 M70346 5 7,5 10 M70334400/5 3,5 5 7,5 M70327 10 10 15 M70347 5 7,5 10 M70335500/5 5 7,5 10 M70328 15 15 20 M70348 7,5 10 15 M70336600/5 5 7,5 10 M70329 15 20 25 M70349 7,5 10 15 M70337750/5 10 15 20 M70338800/5 10 15 20 M70339CodeType TC 8 TC 8.3 TC 10 TC 12Busbar(mm)AV·A60 x 12 40 x 1050 x 5060 x 3080 x 303 x 100 x 10ClassClassClassClassCodeCodeCode0,5 1 3 0,5 1 3 0,5 1 3 0,5 1 3100/5 5 5 5 M703BA150/5 5 7,5 10 M703BC200/5 1 2,5 5 M7036C 15 20 25 M703B2 1 2,5 5 M7037F250/5 10 15 20 M703B1300/5 2,5 5 7,5 M7036B 15 20 25 M703B3 2,5 5 7,5 M7037D400/5 5 7,5 10 M70361 15 20 25 M703B4 2,5 5 7,5 M7037G500/5 7,5 10 15 M70362 15 20 25 M703B5 5 7,5 10 M7037B600/5 10 15 20 M70363 15 20 25 M703B6 7,5 10 15 M7037C750/5 15 20 25 M70364 20 25 30 M703B7800/5 15 20 30 M70365 25 30 35 M703B8 7,5 10 15 M70372 10 15 20 M7038B1 000/5 15 20 30 M70366 25 30 35 M703B9 10 15 20 M70373 10 15 20 M703811 200/5 15 20 30 M70367 10 15 20 M70374 10 15 20 M703821 250/5 M7036A 10 15 20 M7037E 10 15 20 M7038D1 500/5 15 20 30 M70368 15 20 25 M70375 15 20 30 M703831 600/5 15 20 30 M70369 15 20 25 M70376 15 20 30 M703842 000/5 15 20 25 M70377 15 20 30 M703852 500/5 15 20 30 M70378 20 30 40 M703863 000/5 15 20 30 M70379 30 40 60 M703873 200/5 30 40 60 M7038C4 000/5 35 40 60 M70388CodeM7-10

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong>TC seriesNarrow-profile current transformerDimensionsdimensions(mm)TC 4 TC 5TCH 5TC 5.2TCH 5.2TC 6.2TCH6.2TC 6TCH 6TC 8TCH 8TC 10TCH 10a 46 58 58 64 64 84,5 108b 70 70 70 80,5 80,5 102 130c 29 29 29 34 34 46 61d 21 20,3 22 26 28,5 44 63e 43,5 45 45 60,5 60,5 69 ---f 30 32 32 44 44 50 50g 56 59 59 71 71 78 78h 5,5 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 6,6 6,6i 45,5 48 48 60 60 64 64j 31,6 39 39 46 46 62 86k 30,5 25,6 30,6 30,6 40,6 60,6 80,6l 30,5 15,6 15,6 30,6 25,2 30,6 50,8TC 12 seriesM7-11

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong>TCHTop-performance current transformerDescriptionFeatures}}Narrow-profile}}Types: from 100 to 4000 A}}Internal diameter: from 26 to 63 mm, dependingon the type}}Busbar dimensions: from 30 x 10 mm to30 x 100 mm}}Transformer certificate sheet is attachedApplicationFrequency50 / 60 HzIsolation voltage3 kV acThermal short-circuit current, I th60 I nDynamic current, I dyn2.5 I thHighest current in the material0.72 kV acThermal class B 130 ºCWorking temperature -5 ... 40 ºCType of encapsulationVO self-extinguishing plasticSafety factor FS 5/10Secondary sealable terminalsYesConverting a high nominal current to a lowercurrent so that it can be measured by the unit.In installations where the electrical supplycan be interrupted to install <strong>transformers</strong> anda high accuracy is required.ReferencesType TCH 6.2 TCH 6Busbar(mm)30 x 10 40 x 10Dimensions (mm)cAbaV·Aabc816444ClassClassCode0.2S 0,2 0.5S 0.2S 0,2 0.5S50/5 0,5 M7044B60/5 0,5 M7044C100/5 1 1,5 2,5 M70441125/5 1 1,5 2,5 M70441816444Code150/5 2,5 3,5 3,5 M70443 1 1,25 1,5 M70431200/5 3,5 5 5 M70444 1,25 1,5 2 M70432250/5 5 5 5 M70445 1,5 1,75 2,25 M70433300/5 5 5 5 M70446 1,75 2 2,5 M70434400/5 7,5 7,5 7,5 M70447 1 5 5 M70435500/5 5 7,5 7,5 M70436600/5 5 7,5 7,5 M70437750/5 7,5 10 10 M70438800/5 7,5 10 10 M70439M7-12

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong>TCH seriesTop-performance current transformerReferencesType TCH 8 TCH 10 TCH 12Busbar (mm) 60 x 12Dimensions (mm)bcaa bcAV·A10284,55050 x 5060 x 3080 x 30ClassClassClassCodeCode0.2S 0,2 0.5S 0.2S 0,2 0.5S 0.2S 0,2 0.5S130108503 x 100 x 10600/5 5 10 10 M70463750/5 7,5 10 10 M70464800/5 7,5 10 10 M704651 000/5 10 15 15 M70466 7,5 10 10 M704731 200/5 10 15 15 M70467 10 10 10 M70474 10 15 15 M704831 250/5 10 15 15 M7046A 10 10 10 M7047C 10 15 15 M7048C1 500/5 10 15 15 M70468 10 10 15 M70475 10 15 15 M704831 600/5 10 15 15 M70469 10 10 15 M70476 10 15 15 M704842 000/5 10 10 15 M70477 10 15 15 M704852 500/5 10 10 15 M70478 15 20 20 M704863 000/5 10 10 15 M70479 20 25 25 M704874 000/5 25 30 30 M7048815012950CodeDimensionsdimensions(mm)TC 5TCH 5TC 5.2TCH 5.2TC 6.2TCH6.2TC 6TCH 6TC 8TCH 8TC 10TCH 10a 58 58 64 64 84,5 108b 70 70 80,5 80,5 102 130c 29 29 34 34 46 61d 20,3 22 26 28,5 44 63e 45 45 60,5 66,5 69 ---f 32 32 44 44 50 50g 59 59 71 71,2 78 78h 5,6 5,6 5,6 5,6 6,6 6,6i 48 48 60 60 64 64j 39 39 46 46 62 86k 25,6 30,6 20,6 40,6 60,6 80,6l 15,6 15,6 30,6 25,2 30,6 50,8TCH 12 seriesM7-13

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong>TALarge-scale current transformerDescriptionFeatures}}Types: from 750 to 5000 A}}Busbar dimensions: from 20 x 100 mm to60 x 125 mm}}Transformer certificate sheet is attachedApplicationConverting a high nominal current to a lowercurrent so that it can be measured by the unit.In installations where the electrical supplycan be interrupted to install <strong>transformers</strong>.Frequency50 / 60 HzIsolation voltage3 kV acThermal short-circuit current, I th60 I nDynamic current, I dyn2.5 I thHighest current in the material0.72 kV acThermal class 105 ºCType of encapsulationVO self-extinguishing plasticSafety factor < 5Secondary sealable terminalsYesStandardsIEC 44-1, UNE 21 088-1, UL 94, VDE 0414M7-14

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong>TA seriesLarge-scale current transformerReferencesType TA 400 TA 500 TA 600Busbar(mm)Dimensions b (mm)ca abcAV·A100 x 20 mm 100 x 30 mm 125 x 60 mm1659559ClassClassClassCodeCode0,5 1 3 0,5 1 3 0,5 1 3750/5 15 20 30 [*] M70594800/5 15 20 30 [*] M705951 000/5 15 20 30 [*] M70596 15 20 30 [*] M705B11 200/5 15 20 30 [*] M705971 500/5 15 30 40 [*] M70598 15 30 40 [*] M705A4 15 20 30 [*] M705B32 000/5 20 40 50 [*] M70599 20 40 50 [*] M705A6 15 20 30 [*] M705B52 500/5 20 40 50 [*] M705A7 20 30 40 [*] M705B63 000/5 20 45 60 [*] M705A8 30 40 60 [*] M705B74 000/5 35 50 70 [*] M705A9 35 50 70 [*] M705B85 000/5 40 60 80 [*] M705B91851156319612462CodeDimensionsTA 400 seriesTA 500 seriesTA 600 seriesM7-15

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong>TPSplit-core current transformerDescription}}The most important features of these<strong>transformers</strong> are that they are "disassemblable".In other words, the whole installationdoes not have to be disassembled.}}Types: from 100 to 5000 A}}Busbar dimensions: from 20 x 30 mm to80 x 160 mm}}Transformer certificate sheet is attachedFeaturesFrequencyIsolation voltage50 / 60 Hz3 kV acThermal short-circuit current, I th60 I nApplicationConverting a high nominal current to a lowercurrent so that it can be measured by the unit.They have a split core and can be installedwith no need to interrupt the installation'spower supply.Dynamic current, I dyn2.5 I thHighest current in the material0.72 kV acThermal classB (120 ºC)Working temperature -5 ... 40 ºCTransformer ratio Depending on the type (.../5 or .../1 A)Type of encapsulationSelf-extinguishing VO plastic (UL 94VO)Secondary sealable terminalsYesStandardsIEC 44-1, UNE 21 088-1, UL 94, VDE 0414Dimensionsdimensions(mm)TP-23 TP-58 TP-88 TP-812 TP-816a 20 50 80 80 80b 30 80 80 120 160c 51 78 108 108 120d 89 114 144 144 184e 110 145 145 185 245f 34 32 32 32 52g 47 32 32 32 47h 40 32 32 32 52i 32 32 32 32 38Note: All types have fixing centering units, except for TP-23M7-16

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong>TP seriesSplit-core current transformerReferencesType TP -23 TP -58 TP -88Busbar (mm) 20 x 30 mm 50 x 80 mm 80 x 80 mmDimensions (mm)cb a110145145a bc89581145014450V·AClassClassClassA0,5 1 3Code0,5 1 3Code0,5 1 3Code100/5 - - 1,5 [*] M70111150/5 - - 2 [*] M70112200/5 - 1,5 2,5 [*] M70113250/5 - 2 4 [*] M70114 1 2 4 [*] M70121 - 2 4 [*] M70131300/5 1,5 4 6 [*] M70115 1,5 3 6 [*] M70122 1,5 3 6 [*] M70132400/5 2,5 6 10 [*] M70116 1,5 3 10 [*] M70123 1,5 3 10 [*] M70133500/5 2,5 5 15 [*] M70124 2,5 5 15 [*] M70134600/5 2,5 5 17,5 [*] M70125 2,5 5 17,5 [*] M70135700/5 2,5 - - [c] M7012C750/5 3 6 18 [*] M70126 3 6 18 [*] M70136800/5 3 7 18 [*] M70127 3 7 18 [*] M701371 000/5 5 10 20 [*] M70128 5 10 20 [*] M70138Type TP -812 TP -816Busbar (mm) 80 x 120 mm 80 x 160 mmDimensions (mm)cAbaV·Aabc18514450ClassClassCode0,5 1 3 0,5 1 3500/5 - 4 12 [*] M70141600/5 - 5 14 [*] M70142750/5 2,5 6 17 [*] M70143800/5 3 7 18 [*] M701441 000/5 5 9 20 [*] M70145 10 15 20 [*] M701511 200/5 6 11 24 [*] M701461 250/5 7 15 28 [*] M70147 8 - - [c] M7015A1 500/5 8 17 30 [*] M70148 15 20 25 [*] M701521 600/5 8 - - [c] M70149 8 - - [c] M7015B2 000/5 15 20 25 [*] M701532 500/5 10 17 25 [*] M7014A 15 20 25 [*] M701543 000/5 20 25 30 [*] M701554 000/5 20 25 30 [*] M701565 000/5 20 25 30 [*] M7015724518470CodeM7-17

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong>STPSplit-core current transformerDescriptionSplit-core current <strong>transformers</strong> of small dimensionshelps to save time to electrical installatorsduring the mounting process. Thistype of current transformer helps to measurein panels where there is not enough spaceto place an standard CT. Moreover, thanks toits split-core it’s possible to measure currentwithout disconnecting the power supply.Primary ranges goes from 100 A up to 300 Awith a maximum diametre of 23 mm.FeaturesMain featuresPrimary current (depending on the model)Secundary current100-125-150-200-250-300 A/1 AApplicationWhen it’s necessary to make a temporarymeasure in an electrical facility, it’s very importantto save time during installation process.STP current <strong>transformers</strong> allows tomesure energy being used with <strong>Circutor</strong>power analyzers or energy meters withoutpower supply disconnection.Split-core allows to measure in small sizepanels and helps to provide a solution withless space.I minFrecuencyIsolation voltageHighest voltage for the caseAdmisible overload0,01 x I n50 / 60 Hz0,72 kV3 kV 1 minute1.2 times x I nWorking temperature -20 ºC ... +55 ºCSF 2,5Protection levelBipolar 6.5 V pType of encapsulationCAT III 600 V ACOutput terminals2 x M3 with terminal coverStandardsIEC-60044-1, IEC-61010-1DimensionsReferencesType A Class V·A internal (mm) CodeSTP-30 100/1 3 1 23,4 x 24 M73303001125/1 3 1 23,4 x 24 M73304001150/1 3 1 23,4 x 24 M73305001200/1 1 0,5 23,4 x 24 M73306001250/1 1 1 23,4 x 24 M73307001300/1 1 1,5 23,4 x 24 M73308001(mm)M7-18

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong>TA 210High-accuracy wound primary currenttransformerDescription}}Types: from 5 to 400 A}}Wound primaryApplicationReferencesConverting a high nominal current to a lower current so that it can bemeasured by the unit.In installations where the nominal current is not too high or where thecurrent requested from the secondary power transformer does not exceed10 V·A.FeaturesFrequency50 / 60 HzIsolation voltage3 kV acThermal short-circuit current, I th60 I nDynamic current, I dyn2.5 I thHighest current in the material0.72 kV acThermal class A 105 ºCType of encapsulationVO self-extinguishing plasticSafety factor F s

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong>TM 45Wound primary current transformerDescriptionFeatures}}Types: from 1 to 40 A}}Wound primary}}Assembly on DIN rail}}Transformer certificate sheet is attachedFrequencyIsolation voltageThermal short-circuit current, I thDynamic current, I dyn50 / 60 Hz3 kV ac60 I n2.5 I thApplicationConverting a high nominal current to a lowercurrent so that it can be measured by theunit.In installations where the nominal current isnot too high or a transformer has to be installedon the DIN rail.Highest current in the material0.72 kV acThermal classA (105 ºC)Type of encapsulationVO self-extinguishing plasticSafety factor F s

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong>TW 25Entrance bar current transformerDescription}}Types: from 100 to 300 A}}Entrance bar}}Assembly for DIN railFeaturesFrequencyIsolation voltageThermal short-circuit current, I th50 / 60 Hz3 kV ac60 I nDynamic current, I dyn2.5 I thApplicationConverting a high nominal current to a lowercurrent so that it can be measured by the unit.In installations where the nominal current isnot too high or a transformer has to be installedon the DIN rail.Highest current in the material0.72 kV acThermal classA (105 ºC)Type of encapsulationVO self-extinguishing plasticSafety factor F s

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong> with converterTC 020 / TC 420Narrow-profile current transformer witha built-in converter, with an output of0...20 mA / 4...20 mADescriptionTC 020 Series}}Self-powered: does not need an auxiliarypower supply.FeaturesFrequencyIsolation voltageThermal short-circuit current, I th50 / 60 Hz3 kV ac60 I n}}Primary current: from 50 to 1500 A ac, dependingon the type}}Secondary current: 0..20 mA}}Internal diameter: from 28 to 44 mm, dependingon the type}}Busbar dimensions: from 40 x 10 mm to60 x 12 mmTC 420 series}}Needs an output power supply of7.5...36 V dc}}Primary current: from 5 to 1500 A ac, dependingon the type}}Secondary current: 4..20 mA}}Internal diameter: from 20 to 44 mm, dependingon the type}}Busbar dimensions: from 25 x 5 mm to 60x 12 mmDynamic current, I dyn2.5 I thHighest current in the material0.72 kV acThermal classB (130 ºC)Type of encapsulationVO self-extinguishing plasticSafety factor F s< 5Secondary sealable terminalsYesStandardsIEC 44-1, B5 2627Connection(-) (+)ApplicationUsed in power lines to obtain a current proportionalto the primary current rated at 0..20mA / 4...20 mA in the secondaryExternalsupply9...24 V dc=4...20 mALoadM7-22

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong> with converterTC 020 / TC 420 seriesNarrow-profile current transformer witha built-in converter, with an output of0...20 mA / 4...20 mAReferencesType TC 420 TC 020TC 5,420 TC 6,420 TC 8,420 TC 6 020A TC 8,020Ainner Ø (mm) 20 28 44 28 44Busbar (mm) 25 x 5 40 x 10 60 x 12 40 x 10 60 x 12Dimensions (mm)cbaabc70583280,56444A Output 4...20 mA, external power supply 7.5...36 Vdc Output 0...20 mA5 [1] M7211210 [1] M7211320 [1] M7211450 [1] M72131 [1] M72031100 [1] M72132 [1] M72032200 [1] M72134 [1] M72034300 [1] M72136 [1] M72036Code500 [1] M72151 [1] M720511 000 [1] M72152 [1] M720521 500 [1] M72153 [1] M72053For greater currents, use: transformer + converter10284,55080,56444Code10284,550DimensionsTC 5,420 seriesTC 6 020 A / TC 6 420 A seriesTC 8,020 A / TC 8,420 A seriesM7-23

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong> with converterTP 420Split-core current transformerwith built-in converterDescription}}Needs a power supply output of 10 to28 V dc}}Primary current: from 5 to 4000 A ac, dependingon the type}}Secondary current 4...20 mA}}Internal diameter from 20 to 80 mm, dependingon the type}}Busbar dimensions from 20 x 30 mm to80 x 160 mm, depending on the typeApplicationUsed in power lines to obtain a current proportionalto the primary current rated at4...20 mA in the secondaryRecommended in scenarios where the processsignal must be proportional to the currentof an automated system or PLC and theinstallation's power supply can not be interruptedto install a closed entrance bar transformer.FeaturesMeasurement circuitFrequency50 / 60 Hz (linear)Secondary current4...20 mA dcAccuracy class ±1.5% reading (between 5... 110 % I n)Overloads (at room temperature)1.5 I npermanentHighest current in the material0.72 kV acOperating temperature -10°...+50 °CStandardsIEC 44-1, UNE 21 088-1, IEC 664, VDE 0110, VDE 0414, UL 94, IEC 1010-1, EN 61010-1ConnectionGraphExternalsupply9...24 V dc(-) (+)=Load4...20 mAΩMAXIMUM LOAD RESISTANCE900800700600500400300200100010 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28A·VM7-24

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong> with converterTP 420 seriesSplit-core current transformerwith built-in converterReferencesType TP - 42023inner Ø (mm)BusbarDimensions (mm)bcaabcTP - 42058TP - 42088TP - 420812TP -42081620 x 30 50 x 80 80 x 80 80 x 120 80 x 1601108958A 10...28 V dc power supply output 4...20 mA1451145014514450Code Code Code Code Code5 [*] M7021110 [*] M7021220 [*] M7021350 [*] M70214100 [*] M70215 [*] M70221 [*] M70231200 [*] M70216250 [*] M70217 [*] M70222 [*] M70232 [2] M70241500 [*] M70218 [*] M70223 [2] M70233 [2] M70242 [2] M70251750 [*] M70224 [2] M70234 [2] M70243 [2] M702521 000 [2] M70235 [2] M70244 [2] M702531 500 [2] M70236 [2] M70245 [2] M702542 000 [2] M702553 000 [2] M702564 000 [2] M70257For greater currents, use: transformer + converter1851445024518470Dimensionsdimensions(mm)TP - 23 TP - 58 TP - 88 TP - 812 TP - 816a 20 50 80 80 80b 30 80 80 120 160c 51 78 108 108 120d 89 114 144 144 184e 110 145 145 185 245f 34 32 32 32 52g 47 32 32 32 47h 40 32 32 32 52i 32 32 32 32 38Note: All types have fixing centering units, except for TP-23M7-25

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong> with converterTI 420Large-scale current transformerwith built-in converterDescription}}Needs an output power supply of 10...28 V dc}}Primary current: from 2.5 to 1500 A ac, depending on the type}}Secondary current: 4..20 mA}}Internal diameter: from 35 to 105 mm, depending on the type}}Busbar dimensions: from 35 to 105 mm, depending on the typeApplicationUsed in power lines to obtain a current proportional to the primary currentrated at 4...20 mA in the secondaryDimensionsGraphΩConnectionDimensions (mm)TI-420-35 TI-420-70 TI-420-105a 100 130 170b 79 110 146c 26 32 38d 48,5 66 94e 35 70 105MAXIMUM LOAD RESISTANCE900800700600500400300200100010 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28Externalsupply9...24 V dc(-) (+)=4...20 mAA·VFeaturesMeasurement circuitFrequencySecondary intensityAccuracy classOverloads (at room temperature)Highest current in the material50 / 60 Hz (linear)4...20 mA dc±1.5% reading (between5... 110 % I n)1.5 I npermanent0.72 kV ACOperating temperature -10°...+50 °CStandardsIEC 44-1, UNE 21 088-1, IEC 664, VDE0110,VDE0414, UL 94, IEC 1010-1, EN 61010-1Referencesinner Ø (mm)BusbarType TI-420 35 TI-420 70 TI-420 105Dimensions (mm)cbaabc35 70 10579100331101303314617033A 10...28 V dc power supply output 4...20 mACode Code Code2,5 [1] M708115 [1] M7081210 [1] M7081320 [1] M7081450 [1] M70815100 [1] M70816 [1] M70821250 [1] M70817 [1] M70822 [1] M70831500 [1] M70823 [1] M70832750 [1] M70824 [1] M708331 000 [1] M708341 500 [1] M70835For greater currents, use: transformer + converterLoadM7-26

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong> with converterTCB 420Large-scale current transformerwith built-in converterDescription}}Built-in internal output power supply}}Needs an auxiliary power supply of 230 V ac}}Primary current: from 2.5 to 1500 A ac, depending on the type}}Secondary current: 4..20 mA}}Internal diameter / Busbar dimensions: from 35 to 105 mmApplicationUsed in power lines to obtain a current proportional to the primary currentrated at 4...20 mA in the secondaryFeaturesFrequencyHighest current in the materialOverloads (at room temperature)50 / 60 Hz0.72 kV ac1.5 I npermanentClassAccuracy class±1.5% I nOperating temperature -10°... +50 °CStandardsIEC 44-1, UNE 21 088-1, IEC 664, VDE0110,VDE0414, UL 94, IEC 1010-1, EN 61010-1DimensionsGraphTCB - 42035TCB - 42070TCB - 420105a 166 196 236b 79 110 146c 26 32 38d 48,5 66 94e 35 70 105ReferencesTypeinner Ø (mm)BusbarDimensions (mm)bcaa bcATCB - 42035TCB - 42070TCB - 42010535 70 10579166332,5 [*] M710115 [*] M7101211019633146236internal power supply output 4...20 mA(230 V ac auxiliary power supply)Code Code CodeΩMAXIMUM LOAD RESISTANCE900800700600500400300200100010 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28A·V10 [*] M7101320 [*] M7101450 [*] M71015100 [*] M71016 [1] M71021250 [*] M71017 [*] M71022 [1] M71031500 [*] M71023 [*] M71032750 [*] M71024 [1] M710331 000 [1] M710341 500 [*] M71035For higher currents, use: transformer + converterM7-27

Measurement Transformers and Shunts<strong>Current</strong> <strong>transformers</strong> with converterTCM 420<strong>Current</strong> transformer for DIN railswith built-in converterDescription}}Built-in internal output power supply}}Needs an auxiliary power supply of 230 V ac}}Primary current: from 2.5 to 300 A ac, depending on the type}}Secondary current: 4..20 mA}}Internal diameter: from 25 to 35 mm, depending on the type}}Busbar dimensions: from 25 to 35 mm, depending on the typeApplicationUsed in power lines to obtain a current proportional to the primary currentrated at 4...20 mA in the secondaryFeaturesFrequencyHighest current in the materialOverloads (at room temperature)Accuracy class50 / 60 Hz0.72 kV ac1.5 I npermanent±1.5% I nOperating temperature -10°...+50 °CStandardsIEC 44-1, UNE 21 088-1, IEC 664, VDE0110,VDE0414, UL 94, IEC 1010-1, EN 61010-1ReferencesDimensionsTypeTCM -42025 (*)TCM -42035 (*)TCM 25 seriesTCM 35 seriesinner Ø (mm)Busbar25 35Dimensions (mm)cbaabc8770708710570Ainternal power supply output 4...20 mA(230 V ac auxiliary power supply)CodeCode2,5 [*] M71041GraphΩMAXIMUM LOAD RESISTANCE900800700600500400300200100010 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28A·V5 [*] M7104210 [*] M7104320 [*] M7104450 [*] M71045100 [*] M71046 [2] M71054200 [*] M71047 [*] M71055300 [2] M71056For greater currents, use: transformer + converterM7-28

Measurement Transformers and ShuntsShuntsSHShunt to measure DC in high amperagesDescription}}Shunt for the measurement of DC, from 1 A dc to 15000 A dc, dependingon the type}}Accuracy class: 0.5}}All types are supplied with 1.5 m long cables, with a sectionof 1.5 m 2}}The standard output voltage is .../60 mV, but there are other types ofoutputs on demand, see coding table.ApplicationUsed in DC electrical lines to obtain a voltage signal that is proportionalto the current through the shuntFeaturesVoltage dropAccuracy classOverloads Permanent 1.2 I nDuring 5 s.../60 mV or.../150 mV0.5 from 0 to 120% I nOperating temperature -25...+60 ºCBuild featuresStandardsDIN 43703, IEC 51, VDE 410, BS 8910 I n, when 10 A ≤ I n≤ 500 A5 I n, when 600 A ≤ I n≤ 2 000A2 I n, when 2 500 A ≤ I nManganin rodsBrass terminalsDimensionsVoltagedrop mV (1)Scope A (1)Fig. a1 a2 b1 b2 b3 c1 c2 e h60150Weight(kg)N.ocurrent joints DIN 933Hexagonalscrew<strong>Current</strong> jointsDIN 125WasherDIN 934 Nut1-1 , 5-2,5-4-6-10-15-25 190 28 20 - - 8 - 78 - 0,15 2 x 1 M5 x 12 5,3 -30-40-60-100-150 100 33 20 - - 8 - 80 - 0,13 2 x 1 M8 x 16 8,4 -25030 150,54 2 x 1 M12 x 40 13 M12145 55- 10 10 105 30400-600 40 20 0,78 2 x 1 M16 x 45 17 M161000 - 1200 260 30 -1,49 2 x 1 M20 x 50 21 M2010 10 115 301500 165 65 90 21 48 1,95 2 x 2 M16 x 45 17 M162500 120 30 60 10 10 115 30 3 2 x 2 M20 x 50 21 M201-1 , 5-2 ,5-4-6-10-15-25 190 25 20 - - 8 - 78 - 0,18 2 x 1 M5 x 12 5,3 -40-60-100-150 225 33 25 - - 8 - 205 - 1,14 2 x 1 M8 x 16 8,4 -25030 150,80 2 x 1 M12 x 40 13 M12270 55- 10 10 230 50400-600 240 20 1,38 2 x 1 M16 x 45 17 M161000 290 65 70 35 - 10 10 240 60 2,55 2 x 1 M20 x 50 21 M20Voltage jointsTwo M5Screws x 8DIN 84 andTwo 5.3 DIN433 washers(1) All shunts are supplied with connection cables that are 1.5m long and have a section of 1.5 mm 2 ∅.Insulating slot in SHB typesfig 1: from 1 to 150 A fig 2: from 200 to 1200 A fig 3: from 1500 to 2500 AM7-29

Measurement Transformers and ShuntsShuntsSH seriesShunt to measure DC in high amperagesReferencesRatio Type Code Type Code Type CodeSH SHB SHP1 A / 60 mV - SHB 1 M71221 -1.5 A / 60 mV - SHB 1.5 M71222 -2.5 A / 60 mV - SHB 2.5 M71223 -4 A / 60 mV - SHB 4 M71224 -5 A / 60 mV - SHB 5 M71225 -6 A / 60 mV - SHB 6 M71226 -10 A / 60 mV - SHB 10 M71227 -15 A / 60 mV - SHB 15 M71228 -25 A / 60 mV - SHB 25 M71229 -30 A / 60 mV SH 30 M71231 SHB 30 M7122A SHP 30 M7121140 A / 60 mV SH 40 M71232 SHB 40 M7122B SHP 40 M7121250 A / 60 mV SH 50 M71233 SHB 50 M7122C SHP 50 M7121360 A / 60 mV SH 60 M71234 SHB 60 M7122D SHP 60 M7121475 A / 60 mV - - SHP 75 M7121580 A / 60 mV SH 80 M71235 SHB 80 M7122E -100 A / 60 mV SH 100 M71236 SHB 100 M7122F SHP 100 M71216150 A / 60 mV SH 150 M71237200 A / 60 mV SH 200 M71238250 A / 60 mV SH 250 M71239300 A / 60 mV SH 300 M7123A400 A / 60 mV SH 400 M7123B500 A / 60 mV SH 500 M7123C600 A / 60 mV SH 600 M7123D750 A / 60 mV SH 750 M7123E800 A / 60 mV SH 800 M7123F1000 A / 60 mV SH 1 000 M7123G1200 A / 60 mV SH 1 200 M7123H1500 A / 60 mV SH 1 500 M7123J2000 A / 60 mV SH 2 000 M7123K2500 A / 60 mV SH 2 500 M7123L3000 A / 60 mV SH 3 000 M7123M4000 A / 60 mV SH 4 000 M7123N5000 A / 60 mV SH 5 000 M7123P6000 A / 60 mV SH 6 000 M7123Q7500 A / 60 mV SH 7 500 M7123R8000 A / 60 mV SH 8 000 M7123S10000 A / 60 mV SH 10 000 M7123T12500 A / 60 mV SH 12 500 M7123UCoding tableShuntsM 7 X X X X 0 0 XCodeInputInternalCodeStandard .../60 mV 0.../50 mV 1.../100 mV 2.../150 mV 3.../200 mV 4.../300 mV 5.../400 mV 615 000 A / 60 mV SH 15 000 M7123V18 000 A / 60 mV SH 18 000 M7123Z20 000 A / 60 mV SH 20 000 M7123OM7-30

Measurement Transformers and ShuntsVoltage <strong>transformers</strong>VTVoltage <strong>transformers</strong>Description}}Accuracy class 1}}Power 25 V·AApplicationUsed in AC electricity lines to obtain a lowervoltage in the secondary than in the primary,so that it can be measured by electronicequipmentReferencesV Type Code230 / 110 V VT2311 M72311380 / 230 V VT3823 M72352400 / 110 V VT4011 M72321400 / 230 V VT4023 M72322440 / 110 V VT4411 M72331440 / 230 V VT4423 M72332480 / 110 V VT4811 M72341480 / 230 V VT4823 M72342700 / 230 V VT7023 M72382M7-31

Measurement Transformers and ShuntsTransformers used to increase the impedanceTE seriesTransformer used to increase the impedanceDescription}}Accuracy class 1}}Power 15 V·AApplicationFor applications where the measurement unit can not be installed nearthe measurement transformer and, as a consequence, the distancebetween both is longer. The problem lies in the fact that increasingthe distance increases the number of losses caused by the overheatingof the cable and in some cases the unit might not take readingsaccurately. With this unit at the transformer's output and another unitat the input of the measurement device we can increase the distancebetween both without so many power losses.References<strong>Current</strong> ratio Type Code5 / 0.1 A TE - 5 / 0.1 M70911<strong>Current</strong> adding <strong>transformers</strong>TSR Series<strong>Current</strong> adding <strong>transformers</strong>, fixed ona DIN railDescription}}Accuracy class 0.5}}Power 15 V·A}}The <strong>transformers</strong> added must have the same ratio}}No input must be without a connection}}Transformer certificate sheet is attachedReferencesN. o of inputs Type CodeApplicationUsed to add the current to various AC electrical lines to obtain acommon output current that is proportional to the sum of all currents.The current of various lines can be measured in a singleunit.2 x 5 A TSR-2 M707013 x 5 A TSR-3 M707024 x 5 A TSR-4 M707035 x 5 A TSR-5 M70704M7-32

Measurement Transformers and ShuntsRelation between products and accessoriesPA-TC / WG TET TP - 58 TET TP - 88 / 812 TET TP - 816 PS - 24Terminal coverAccessory usedto install thetransformer ona DIN railProtector for TP <strong>transformers</strong> (outdoors)Power supply unitM79951 P19921 M79972 M79973 M79974 M60415TA- - - - -TC- - - -TCH- - -TP- - - -TC 020- - - -TC 420- - -TI 420- - - - -TP 420- -M7-33

Measurement Transformers and Shunts+ information: central@circutor.eswww.circutor.comDiseñado por: dpto. Comunicación - CIRCUTOR, SACIRCUTOR, SA - Vial Sant Jordi, s/n08232 Viladecavalls (Barcelona) SpainTel. (+34) 93 745 29 00 - Fax: (+34) 93 745 29 14central@circutor.comCIRCUTOR, SA reserves the right to change the content of this catalogue without prior warning

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