The Entrepreneurial Zones Catalog

The Entrepreneurial Zones Catalog The Entrepreneurial Zones Catalog

FOURTH EDITION OF THECATALOGUE OF ENTREPRENEUR ZONESIN OSIJEK-BARANYA COUNTYPUBLISHER:OSIJEK-BARANYA COUNTYCOORDINATOR:Development Agency ofOsijek-Baranya CountyAUTHOR:Igor TonkovićASSOCIATES:Ivana BagarićStela BerečićGRAPHIC DESIGN:Antun KatalenićPHOTOS, VIDEO, EDITING:ZOOM VIDEO multimedia ValpovoAERIAL PHOTOS:Foto “Anita” ValpovoKrešimir Lendić (Free Zone Osijek)Zaim Saljiji (Bizovac)DVD AUTHORING:Željko TajzSOUND RECORDING:Goran Đurković - MashTEXT READ BY:Marija StanićIvan Biuklija (english)COPY EDITOR:Marija Stanić, prof.TRANSLATED BY:Jasna VukovićPRINTED BY:“Kromopak” d.o.o. ValpovoNUMBER OF COPIES:500ENTREPRENEUR ZONES -CENTRES OF ECONOMICDEVELOPMENTDear Sirs and Madams,In 2005 Osijek-Baranya County initiatedthe project of publication of <strong>Catalog</strong>ue ofEntrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-BaranyaCounty, the first such form of catalogisationof entrepreneur zones in the Republic ofCroatia. It was followed by three editionsof <strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> inOsijek-Baranya County, each supplementedwith new contents and a series of usefulinformation and facts.It is very easy to find out the number ofzones in our County, land price or utilitycontribution rate, infrastructure level ornumber of entrepreneurs and employeesworking in a zone because the <strong>Catalog</strong>uecontains all such information.As we witness a lot of positive day-to-day changes in business operationsof entrepreneur zones (increase in number of zones, infrastructurelevel and steady rise of the number of entrepreneurs and employees), itwas necessary to update the information and data and to publish new,fourth edition of the <strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-BaranyaCounty.Wishing to remain a reliable partner to each prospective investor and toimprove the level of information, the new <strong>Catalog</strong>ue is additionally adjustedto the entrepreneurs needs, by the addition of a new map of the Countyshowing all zones, a DVD, photos and new information.It is my great pleasure and pride to present you with the fourth edition of the<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County. I hope we willcontinue with our join efforts to furnish the zones, to open new work placesand to enable faster and general development of Osijek–Baranya County.County PrefectKrešimir Bubalo5<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County

Beli ManastirBUSINESS ZONE<strong>The</strong> town of Beli Manastir implements the business zone project atthree locations: at the south-eastern entry to the town, next to themain road Osijek – Hungarian border (Mohach), at the area of thesugar mill, and in the Bela Bartok Street.DETAILED INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT:• City government BeliManastirPHONE: 031/710-225e-mail:• <strong>Entrepreneurial</strong> CentreBeli Manastir d.o.o.PHONE: 031/710-211e-mail: info@pcbm.hr6<strong>The</strong> part located at the sugar mill (Business Zone North)has been implementing as a separate project of the starchmill and covers the area of 218,230 sq.m.• One plot with a known investor has been formed and fullyequipped with infrastructure• Current number of employees: 150A part of the zone is located in the area of Osječka street(Business Zone South) and covers the area of 201,345 sq.m.• Average plot area: approx. 2,800 sq.m.• Plot includes 35 construction plots• Opening price per 1 sq.m. is kn 0.00• Communal rate per cu.m. is kn 0.00• Communal infrastructure is completely built• Under concluded contracts, investments projects of 5entrepreneurs are in progress in the zone• Under concluded contracts, number of employees will be146 upon completion of investment projectsA part of the zone is located in the area of Bela Bartokstreet (Business Zone West) and covers the area of 184,422sq.m.• Average plot area: approx. 2,600 sq.m.• Plot includes 45 construction plots• Opening price per 1 sq.m. is kn 0.00• Communal rate per cu.m. is kn 0.00• Under concluded contracts, investments projects of 31entrepreneurs are in progress in the zone• Under concluded contracts, number of employeeswill be 338 upon completion of investment projects• Activities to be performed in the zone are: foodprocessing, metal manufacturing, chemical industry,plastics production, maintenance and businessservices• <strong>The</strong> zone has the following infrastructure built:- a part of the road- water supply- sewage system- electricity supply- gas supply- phone networkSPECIAL BENEFITS:<strong>The</strong> town enables all entrepreneursto buy building plots with right ofconstruction, without any communalrates to be paid during the first yearupon completion of construction andto become the owners of built premiseswithout any charges. Entrepreneursare exempted from payment of watersupply and sewage connection charges.7<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County

Donji MiholjacINDUSTRIAL ZONE JANJEVCI<strong>The</strong> Zone Janjevci Donji Miholjac is situated next to themain road Osijek – Slatina.BUSINESS ZONE LANIK<strong>The</strong> Zone Lanik is located at the entry to DonjiMiholjac from Republic of Hungary.DETAILED INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT:• <strong>Entrepreneurial</strong> Centre DonjiMiholjac d.o.o.PHONE: 031/630-944e-mail:mpc.miholjac@gmail.comWEB:• <strong>The</strong> zone has been expanded and has the area of 1,260,000sq.m., with built part of 610,000 sq.m. and the area of650,000 sq.m., is to be built• 34 building plots have been formed so far• Another 41 building plots are planned to be formed in thezone• <strong>The</strong> average surface area of a plot is 10,000 sq.m.• Opening price of 1 sq.m. is EUR 3.00• <strong>The</strong> communal charge rate is kn 10.00/cu.m. dependingon the size of premises• 28 entrepreneurs either run their activities in the zone orbuild their premises• Activities performed in the zone are: food processing,metal manufacturing, wood processing, chemical industry(plastics and polyester production), trading, service andbusiness activities• 742 employees currently work in the zone• <strong>The</strong> zone has all required infrastructure and facilities:- road- water supply- sewage system- electricity supply (about 2,000 kW installed)- gas supply (1,000 cu.m./h)- phone network• Total area: 60,000 sq.m.• 22 building plots• Another 16 business plots are available for sale• Average plot area is approx. 2,000 sq.m.• Opening price of 1 sq.m. is 3.00 EUR• <strong>The</strong> communal charge rate is kn 10.00/cu.m.depending on the size of premises• 3 entrepreneurs run their activities in the zone• Activities performed are business services(forwarding), customs clearance, catering• 30 employees currently work in the zone• <strong>The</strong> zone is furnished with requiredinfrastructure and facilities:- road- water supply (20 cu.m./s)- sewage system- electricity supply(about 200 kW installed)- gas supply (50 cu.m./h)- phone networkSPECIAL BENEFITS:<strong>The</strong> town enables new entrepreneurs topurchase building plots at deferred payment,at lower communal rate and utility rates, taxdeductions.1011<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County

ĐakovoINDUSTRIAL ZONE<strong>The</strong> Zone has been under construction during last ten years.Construction has been implemented stepwise. It is located at thesouthern part of Đakovo, between ring road and P. Preradović Street.ENTREPRENEURZONE ŠIROKO POLJE<strong>The</strong> Zone Široko Polje is located in the suburb areaŠiroko Polje, along the state road D7 (Osijek –Đakovo), some 10 kms from the town of Đakovo.DETAILED INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT:• City government of ĐakovoPHONE: 031/840-440031/840-441e-mail: poglavarstvo-djakovo@os.htnet.hrWEB: www.djakovo.hr12• Total area: approx. 640,000 sq.m. with already built partof 200,000 sq.m.• 90 building plots are foreseen in the zone, 30 plots havebeen already built up• Average plot area: approx. 7,100 sq.m.• Opening price per 1 sq.m. is kn 50.00• Communal rate per cu.m. is kn 15.00• 90 entrepreneurs are foreseen to run their activities and26 entrepreneurs currently run their activities in the zone• Activities performed are: textile industry, woodprocessing, construction industry, trading, construction,catering, and business services• 816 employees currently work in the zone• <strong>The</strong> built-up part of the zone is furnished with requiredinfrastructure and facilities:- road- water supply (20 cu.m./s)- sewage system- gas supply (100 m bar)- electricity supply (KTS 10(20)/0.4)- phone• Complete infrastructure and facilities is being built in thepart of the zone being under construction• Total area: 193,900 sq.m.• 25 building plots are foreseen in the zone• Average plot size: approx. 7,500 sq.m.• Opening price per 1 sq.m. is kn 50.00• Communal rate per cu.m. is kn 15.00• 28 entrepreneurs are foreseen to run theiractivities and 3 entrepreneurs currently runtheir activities in the zone• Activities performed are: production, woodprocessing, trading, services and businessservices• 30 employees currently work in the zone• Construction of communalinfrastructure is under preparation:- road- water supply- sewage system- gas supply- electricity supply- phoneSPECIAL BENEFITS:<strong>The</strong> town enables new entrepreneurs topurchase building plots at deferred payment,lower communal rate and utility rates and taxdeductions.13<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County

NašiceINDUSTRIAL ZONE<strong>The</strong> Industrial Zone is located in the north part of the townof Našice, next to the ring road, at the address OdvojakV.Lisinskog. Construction of the zone has begun earlier andsome entrepreneurs have been running their activities in thezone for several years.DETAILED INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT:• City government of thetown NašicePHONE: 031/618-170e-mail:davorin.dvorzak@nasice.hr14• Total area: approx. 680,000 sq.m.• 48 building plots are foreseen in the zone• Average plot size: approx. 3,200 sq.m.• <strong>The</strong> zone has several plots having area appropriate forconstruction of larger premises, as well as plots appropriatefor smaller premises• Opening price is kn 52.00/sq.m.• Communal rate per cu.m. is from kn 6.00 to kn 12.00/cu.m.• 8 entrepreneurs currently run their activities in the zone• Activities performed are: metal manufacturing, woodprocessing, structural carpentry, trading, services andbusiness services• Some 300 employees currently work in the zone• <strong>The</strong> zone is furnished with communalinfrastructure:- sewage system- water supply (0.02 cu.m./s)- electricity supply (1,600 kW installed)- road- gas supply ( 620 cu.m./h)- phoneSPECIAL BENEFITS:<strong>The</strong> town enables new entrepreneurs tobuilt their premises in phases, at lowercommunal rate and charges. Possibility toget a concrete vehicle connection path free ofcharge.15<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County

OsijekFREE ZONEFree Zone Osijek d.o.o. was founded in 1997 by the Osijek–BaranyaCounty, Luka Tranzit, Saponia and Airport Osijek and they have beengranted a concession for the period of 25 years for operations underseparate Free <strong>Zones</strong> Act. <strong>The</strong> Zone is currently in majority ownershipof Osijek–Baranya County (96 %), upon recapitalisation made lastyear by contribution of land into share capital of the company.Free Zone Osijek involves the following areas:I approx. 350,000 sq.m. (west part of Luka Tranzit and MIO)II approx. 1,000,000 sq.m. (area of Saponia, Niveta and AirportKlisa).DETAILED INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT:• Free Zone OsijekPHONE: 031/586-027031/586-029e-mail: szo@szo.hrWEB: www.szo.hrFre Zone Ltd. owns 130,059 sq.m.(Luka Tranzit) withcomplete infrastructure. Land is available for sales, theright of construction for maximum time period can beobtained or premises can be leased as needed by users.Free Zone Osijek has excellent geographical position.• <strong>The</strong>re are four countries (within 50 km) of this Europeanregion (Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina andCroatia)• Two important European road corridors Vc (north/south)and X (east/west) meet in this area• Four largest cities in this region of Europe (Budapest,Belgrade, Sarajevo and Zagreb) are located at 250 km fromthe area• In traffic terms, the zone is connected with railway, riverport, airport, it is located in the vicinity of ring-roads linkedto the highway and it is equipped with full communalinfrastructure, and only 5 km from the centre of OsijekDimensions of business premises and building plotsare from 2,000 to 10,000 sq.m. as preferred by potentialinvestors.Rental fee for business premises and right of constructiondepends on the type of project and on importance of anactivity for achievement of the goals of zone.Communal fee amounts to kn 90/cu.m. Potential investmentcan received significant support if it is a productionproject being important in terms of employment and newtechnology.Zone has more than 250 signed contracts on carrying outof business activities, some 40 active users per month and 5production enterprises. About 1,000 employees work everyday in production enterprises in the zone.<strong>The</strong> main activities in the zone are food production, textileproduction, metal processing and service activities andproduction of mineral products.Free Zone Osijek is number one in Republic ofCroatia in terms of total investments totallingover kn 400 mil. of direct investments, i.e. 20 %of total investments in 13 zones being active inRepublic of Croatia.Efficiency of Free Zone Osijek is shown by thefact that this free zone is the best in terms of useof tax benefits. In the period 2001 – 2005, thiszone accounted for 66.37 % of total benefitsused in the Republic of Croatia.<strong>The</strong> largest such project is located in the FreeZone Osijek which is the first textile clusterconnecting 5,000 workers in the whole countryand some 2,000 in the region of Slavonia andBaranya.SPECIAL BENEFITS:Free zone Osijek provides its users withthe following benefits:• Conducting business and investmentsin the zone are exempted from VATpayment till the date of joining EU• Free flow of goods, simpler importand export without any special bankguarantees,with exemption from paymentcustom duty• No time-limit for retention of goods andthe entire transaction can be done within thezone without too many paper works• Profit tax for operations in the zone amountsto 50 % of the legal rate in Republic of Croatia1617<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County

OsijekWAREHOUSE AND SERVICE ZONEThis zone is the largest entrepreneur zone in Osijek-Baranya County. It is located southward from the ringroad, next to road Osijek – Đakovo.18• Total area: approx. 600,000 sq.m. with already built partof 550,000 sq.m.; the fourth stage, involving 50,000 sq.m., isunder construction• This stage involves 8 new building plots• Average plot area: approx. 2,500 sq.m.• Realized price per 1 sq.m. is kn 184.61• Communal rate per cu.m. is kn 90.00• About 100 entrepreneurs run their activities in the zone• Activities performed are: business, trading, services, goodswarehousing, processing activities, handicraft activities, etc.• 1,700 employees currently work in the zone• <strong>The</strong> zone is furnished with all required infrastructure andfacilities:- road- water supply- sewage system- electricity supply- gas supply- phone systemSPECIAL BENEFITS:<strong>The</strong> town enables new entrepreneurs to purchase buildinglots and pay communal rates at deferred payment.DETAILED INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT:• City government of the Town ofOsijek, Department of Economyand environment protectionPHONE: 031/229-279031/229-198e-mail:sasa.lamza@osijek.hrzvonimir.prgomet@osijek.hrWEB: www.osijek.hr19<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County

ValpovoSMALL ENTERPRISE ZONE<strong>The</strong> zone is located in the southeast part of the town, at the entranceto the town from direction of Osijek, in D. Sutarića street.BUSINESS ZONE<strong>The</strong> zone is situated in the southern part of the town, atthe entrance to the town from direction of Bizovac. It isintended for service and business purposes.DETAILED INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT:• City government ValpovoPHONE: 031/656-206e-mail: mail@valpovo.hrdjuro.glavas@valpovo.hrWEB: www.valpovo.hrwww.valpoc.hr20• Total area: 70,000 sq.m.• 43 building plots• Average plot area: approx. 1,627 sq.m. Several plots canbe integrated into one plot• Opening price per 1 sq.m. is kn 16.00• Communal contribution per cu.m. is kn 20.00• 17 entrepreneurs run their activities in the zone• Activities performed in the zone are: food processing,metal manufacturing, wood processing, chemical industry,paper packaging production, trading, services and businessservices• About 205 employees currently work in the zone• <strong>The</strong> zone has all required infrastructure and facilities:- road- water supply (53 cu.m./h)- sewage system- electricity supply (630 kW)- gas supply- phone networkSPECIAL BENEFITS:<strong>The</strong> town enables new entrepreneurs to buy building plotsat deferred payment, at lower communal rates and utilityrates and land sales at favourable prices.• Total area: 56,000 sq.m.• 12 building plots• Average plot area is approx. 4,666 sq.m.Several plots can be integrated into one plot• <strong>The</strong>re are 5 available building plots• Opening price per 1 sq.m. is kn 250.00• Communal contribution per cu.m. is kn26.00• 4 entrepreneurs run their activities with 65employees• Activities to be performed in the zone are:trading, catering, maintenance and businessservices• <strong>The</strong> zone has all required infrastructureand facilities:- road- water supply (54 cu.m/h)- sewage system- electricity supply (630 kW)- gas supply- phone network21<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County

Bizovac<strong>The</strong>SMALL ENTERPRISEZONE SAJMIŠTEzone Sajmište is situated in Bizovac, Kralj Tomislav Street,next to main road D2.• Total area 39,834 sq.m.• 18 building plots are foreseen in the zone• Average plot area: approx. 2,200 sq.m.• Opening price per 1 sq.m. is kn 12.00• <strong>The</strong> investors are exempted from communal rate• 11 entrepreneurs work in the zone employing 29 workers• Activities performed in the zone are: wood processing,textile industry, honey production and bottling, concreteproducts, service and sales of agricultural machines• <strong>The</strong> zone has all required infrastructure and facilities:- road- water supply- electricity supply- gas supply- phoneDETAILED INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT:• Communal governmentPHONE: 031/675-301,031/675-777e-mail: opcina-bizovac@os.t-com.hrzeljko.franjic@os.t-com.hr22SPECIAL BENEFITS:<strong>The</strong> investors are exempted from communal contribution andcommunal fee for the first 5 years. No tax is charged for thefirst 5 years.23<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County

Cret ViljevskiČrnkovciENTREPRENEUR ZONE<strong>The</strong> zone is located in the communality of Viljevo, at the county roadViljevo –Kapelna, in Kralja Tomislava 9 street.• Total area: 36,000 sq.m.• 6 building plots available• Average plot area is from 7,500 sq.m.• Opening price per 1 sq.m. is kn 2.50• Communal contribution per 1 cu.m. is kn 2.50 or fullexemption• 3 entrepreneurs works in the zone• 2 building plots are available for sale• Activities that will be performed in the zone are: foodprocessing (meat and fruit processing) and bio-gasproduction• <strong>The</strong> zone is furnished with communal infrastructure:- road- power supply (3.6 kW)- phoneSPECIAL BENEFITS:<strong>The</strong> communality enables new entrepreneurs to buybuilding plots at deferred payment, possibility thatinvestors are exempted from communal contribution,utility rates and taxes.ENTREPRENEUR ZONE<strong>The</strong> zone is located in the village of Črnkovci in the municipality ofMarijanci. It is situated in the village, close to the main road Osijek –Slatina.• Total area: 588,723 sq.m.• 16 building plots are foreseen in the zone• Plot area is from 2,500 sq.m. to 316,000 sq.m.• Opening price per 1 sq.m. is EUR 1.00• Municipal rate per cu.m. is kn 5.00• 4 entrepreneurs work in the zone• Activities performed in the zone are: plasticsprocessing, wood processing, medicinal herbsprocessing and knits making• Current number of employees in the zone: 70• Contact area is furnished with infrastructureInfrastructure in other areas will follow theproject developmentSPECIAL BENEFITS:<strong>The</strong> municipality enables new entrepreneurs tobuy building plots at deferred payment.DETAILED INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT:• Municipal governmentPHONE: 031/644-400e-mail: opcina-viljevo@os.t-com.hrWEB: www.viljevo.hrDETAILED INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT:• Municipal governmentPHONE: 031/643-100e-mail:opcina.marijanci.opc.vijece@os.htnet.hrĐurđenovacCRAFTS AND SMALLBUSINESS ZONE<strong>The</strong> municipality of Đurđenovac implements threeentrepreneur zones, two of which in preparationphase. Entrepreneur zone of crafts and small businessis located in the western part of Đurđenovac, close torailroad Osijek – Zagreb.• Total area: 29,000 sq.m. with already built part of 14,270sq.m.• 25 building plots are planned in the zone• Another 14 plots available for sale• Average plot area: approx. 1,150 sq.m.• Opening price per 1 sq.m. is kn 153.00• Communal rate per cu.m. is kn 1.00• 5 entrepreneurs work in the zone• Activities performed in the zone are: wood processing,transportation and catering, utility services,hunting-tourism activities• Current number of employees in the zone: 8• <strong>The</strong> zone has all required infrastructure and facilities:- road- water supply- sewage system- electricity supply- gas supply (under construction)SPECIAL BENEFITS:<strong>The</strong> community enables new entrepreneurs to buy buildinglots at deferred payment and lower communal contribution.DETAILED INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT:• Municipal governmentPHONE: 031/602-018e-mail:opcina-djurdjenovac@po.t-com.hrWEB: www.djurdjenovac.hr2425<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County

KoškaSMALL ENTERPRISE ZONESmall enterprise zone is located in the communality of Koška. <strong>The</strong>entrepreneur zone is located in the settlement of Koška, 500 m fromPodravska main road toward the county road Koška – Valpovo.• Surface area: 52,277 sq.m.• 9 building plots is foreseen in the zone• Plot area: approx. 2,600 sq.m.• Opening price depends per one sq.m. is kn 11.28• Communal rate per cu.m. is kn 5.00• 2 entrepreneurs run their activities in the zone• Activities performed in the zone are: processing ofagriculture products and manufacture of wooden barrels• 4 employees currently work in the zone• <strong>The</strong> zone has built infrastructure:- road- electricity supply (160 kW installed power)- gas supply- phone network- water supply (38.2 cu.m./h)SPECIAL BENEFITS:<strong>The</strong> communality enables new entrepreneurs to buybuilding plots at deferred payment and at lowercommunal rates and utility charges.DETAILED INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT:• Municipal governmentPHONE: 031/681-604e-mail:opcina-koska@os.htnet.hrWEB: www.koska.hrENTREPRENEUR ZONEWEST (ZAPAD)Entrepreneural zone WEST covers the area between direction ofKapelska ad Vilajska street, west to Risnjačka street, along thewest Osijek beltway (State road D7).• Total area: approx. 18,100 sq.m.• 5 building plots are foreseen in the zone• Average plot area: approx. 3,584 sq.m.• Opening price per 1 sq.m. is kn 373.88 (realized price)• Communal rate per cu.m. is kn 90.00• Activities planned to be performed are: business, trading,services, processing, crafts activities and goods warehousing• <strong>The</strong> zone is furnished with the complete infrastructureSPECIAL BENEFITS:<strong>The</strong> town enables new entrepreneurs to purchase buildingplots and deferred payment of communal contribution.OsijekSemeljciENTREPRENEUR ZONE<strong>The</strong> zone is situated at the exit from Semeljci, next to the road to Đakovo,at location Berak, in K. Tomislava b.b. street.• Total area: 86,673 sq.m., 55,143 sq.m. have been built up• 10 building plots are planned in the zone• Average plot area is from 17,334 sq.m.• Opening price per 1 sq.m. is kn 10.00• Communal contribution per cu.m. is kn 5.00• 10 entrepreneurs run their activities in the zone• Activities performed in the zone are: sorghum products,warehousing, and processing of various agriculturalproducts, production of concrete products, trading, salesof petroleum and petroleum products.• 150 employees currently work in the zone• <strong>The</strong> zone has been furnished with infrastructure:- road- water supply- electricity supply (430 kW)- gas supply- phone networkSPECIAL BENEFITS:<strong>The</strong> communality enables new entrepreneurs to buybuilding plots at deferred payment, lower communalcontributions and rates.DETAILED INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT:• Municipal governmentPHONE: 031/856-310e-mail:opcina.semeljci@os.t-com.hrENTREPRENEUR ZONE TENJA<strong>The</strong> new zone, having the surface area of 56,000 sq.m. is located atthe entrance to the settlement of Tenja, next to the road Osijek –Tenja. 27 building plots are planned in the zone.• Average plot area: from 1,000 to 2,000 sq.m.• Opening price per 1 sq.m. is EUR 10.00• Communal contribution per cu.m. is kn 45.00• Activities planned to be performed are: production,business activities and trading – tourist trade• Complete infrastructure is under constructionSPECIAL BENEFITS:<strong>The</strong> town enables new entrepreneurs to purchasebuilding plots at deferred payment, as well as otherbenefits relating to the areas of special state concern.DETAILED INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT:• City government of the Town ofOsijek, Department of Economyand environment protectionPHONE: 031/229-279031/,zvonimir.prgomet@osijek.hrWEB: www.osijek.hr2627<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County

Petrijevci<strong>The</strong>SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZEENTERPRISE ZONEzone is situated next to the main road Slatina – Osijekat the entrance to Petrijevci, in Jelengradska street.DETAILED INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT:• Municipal governmentPetrijevciPHONE: 031/395-620e-mail:opcina-petrijevci@os.htnet.hrWEB: www.petrijevci.hr28• Total area: 57,035 sq.m., fully been built up• 35 building plots are planned in the zone• Average plot area: approx. 1,200 sq.m.• Opening price per 1 sq.m. is kn 8.00• Communal rate per cu.m. is kn 33.00• 10 entrepreneurs run their activities in the zone• Activities performed are: food processing, metalmanufacturing, structural carpentry, trading activities• 246 employees currently work in the zone• <strong>The</strong> zone has been partially furnished withinfrastructure and facilities:- road- water supply- electricity supply(with sufficient installed power)- gas supply- phone networkSPECIAL BENEFITS:<strong>The</strong> municipality enables new entrepreneurs to buybuilding plots at deferred payment, lower communalcontribution and charges, deferred tax assessment, lowland and infrastructure price.29<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County<strong>Catalog</strong>ue of Entrepreneur <strong>Zones</strong> in Osijek-Baranya County

ZONES IN IMPLEMENTATION STAGEZONES IN IMPLEMENTATION STAGENo.LocalGovernmentUnitZone NameArea(Sq.m.)TotalValuePastInvestmentsNumber OfEntrepreneursNumber OfEmployeesLandPrice(kn/sq.m.)MunicipalRate(kn/cu.m.)No.LocalGovernment UnitZone NamePhysicalPlansSCOPE OF FACILITIES AVAILABLE IN ZONESProjectDocumentsLotDivisionPerformedWaterSupplySystemSewageSystemRoalPhoneNetworkGasSupplyElectricitySupply1.-3.BELIMANASTIRBusiness Zone(North, South, West)601,997 18,000,000.00 13,824,708.0037(Contracts)634(Contracts)WithoutFessWithoutFess1.-3. BELI MANASTIRBusiness Zone(North, South, West)PPUG General Design• • • • • • •4. BELIŠĆE Business Zone 65,000 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 14 118 22.20 15.004. BELIŠĆE Business Zone PPUG General Design• • • • • • •5. BELIŠĆEEntrepreneur ZoneMarketplace3,000 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 18 40 7,400.00 25.005. BELIŠĆEEntrepreneur ZoneMarketplacePPUG General Design• • • • • • •6.DONJIMIHOLJACIndustrial ZoneJanjevci1,260,000 30,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 28 742 3.00 EUR 10.006. DONJI MIHOLJACIndustrial ZoneJanjevciPPUG General Design Par• • • • • •7.DONJIMIHOLJACBusiness ZoneLanik60,000 7,760,000.00 3,000,000.00 3 30 3.00 EUR 10.007. DONJI MIHOLJACBusiness ZoneLanikPPUG General Design• • • • • • •8. ĐAKOVO Industrial Zone 640,000 6,550,000.00 3,680,000.00 26 816 50.00 15.008. ĐAKOVO Industrial Zone GUP General Design Partially• • • • • •9. ĐAKOVOBusiness ZoneŠiroko Polje193,900 16,400,000.00 68,800.00 3 30 50.00 15.009. ĐAKOVOBusiness ZoneŠiroko PoljeUPU Concept•10. NAŠICE Industrial Zone 680,000 22,000,000.00 16,000,000.00 8 300 52.006.00(12.00)10. NAŠICE Industrial Zone PPUG General Design• • • • • • •11. OSIJEKWarehouse andService Zone600,000 101 1,700 184.61 90.0011. OSIJEKWarehouse and ServiceZonePPUG General Design• • • • • • •12. VALPOVOSmallEnterprise Zone70,000 14,600,000.00 14,000,000.00 17 205 16.00 20.0012. VALPOVOSmallEnterprise ZonePPUGDPUGeneral Design• • • • • • •13. VALPOVO Business Zone 56,000 4,800,000.00 4,500,000.00 4 65 250.00 26.0013. VALPOVO Business ZonePPUGDPUGeneral Design Partially• • • • • •14. BizovacSmallEnterprise ZoneSajmište39,834 3,091,920.00 3,091,920.00 11 29 12.00 0.0014. BizovacSmallEnterprise ZoneSajmištePPUO General Design• • • • • •15. ĐurđenovacCraft and SmallBusiness Zone29,000 4,178,175.00 1,943,700.00 5 8 153.00 1.0015. ĐurđenovacCraft and Small BusinessZonePPUOPUPBuiltDocumentationPartially• • • •16. KoškaSmallEnterprise Zone52,277 4,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2 4 11.28 5.0016. KoškaSmallEnterprise ZonePPUO General Design• • • • • •17. MarijanciEntrepreneur ZoneČrnkovci588,723 2,500,000.00 500,000.00 4 70 1.00 EUR 5.0017. MarijanciEntrepreneur ZoneČrnkovciPPUO Building permits Partially• • • • •18. PetrijevciSmall andMedium-sizeEnterprise Zone57,035 5,773,526.00 3,389,584.00 10 246 8.00 33.0019. Semeljci Entrepreneur Zone 86,673 25,614,508.00 17,558,594.00 10 150 10.00 5.0018. PetrijevciSmall andMedium-size EnterpriseZone19. Semeljci Entrepreneur ZonePPUO General Design• • • • • •PPUODPUGeneral Design Partially• • • • •20. ViljevoEntrepreneur ZoneCret Viljevski36,000 1,220,000.00 750,000.00 3 2 2.50 2.5020. ViljevoEntrepreneur ZoneCret ViljevskiPPUO General Design Partially• • •21. OSIJEKFree ZoneOsijek1,350,000 400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00 6 1,000DependingonProgramme90.0021. OSIJEKFree ZoneOsijek • • • • • • •TOTAL 6,469,439 578,488,129.00 508,307,306.00 310 6,189• = yesKEY: PPUG-Physical Plan of Urban Development; PPUO-Physical Plan of Municipality Development; GUP-General Urban Development Plan;UPU-Urban Development Plan; DPU-Detailed Urban Development Plan; PUP-Detailed Plan.

No.LocalGovernment UnitZONES IN PREPARATION STAGEZone Name Physical Plans1.-3. BELIŠĆE Business Zone II, III, IV PPUG 4. BELIŠĆE Business Zone Gajić PPUG5. BELIŠĆEBusiness Zone Mačkovica PPUG6. BELIŠĆE Business Zone CrnicePPUGSCOPE OF FACILITIESAVAILABLE IN ZONESProjectDocumentsLotDivisionPerformed7. OSIJEK Business Zone Zapad PPUG Building licence YES ● ● ● ● ● ●8. OSIJEK Business Zone Tenja PPUG Building licence NO ● ● ● ● ● ● 9. OSIJEKOsijek-Nemetin PPUG Location permit 11. VALPOVO Industrial Zone PPUG DPU - under construction NO 12. Antunovac Business Zone Antunovac PPUO DPU YES 10. VALPOVO Economic - business Zone K-VI PPUG DPU YES ● ● ● 13. Bilje Entrepreneur Zone Bilje PPUO Building licence Partially ● ● Amendments tothe14. Bizovac SlatinaPPUOUrban Plan 15. Čeminac Business Zone Čeminac PPUO Building licence NO ● 16. Čepin Entrepreneur Zone Vinogradi PPUO Preliminary design YES ● 17. Drenje Airport18. Drenje Drenje Ciglana19. Darda Craft, small and medium entrepreneur Zone PPUO Building licence YES20. Donja Motičina TopolinkaPPUO21. Draž Strmen Topolje PPUO Preliminary design NO22. Draž Balađije i Guntište DuboševicaPPUO Preliminary design NO23. Đurđenovac Industry and service Zone PPUO Preliminary design NO24. Đurđenovac Business Zone Đurđenovac PPUO Preliminary design Partially 25. Erdut Bijelo Brdo PPUO Building licence YES26. Erdut Prkos PPUO 27. Ernestinovo Business Zone 1 PPUO DUP YES ● ● ● ●28. Ernestinovo Business Zone 2 PPUO29. Feričanci Dračica 1 PPUO DPU YES ● ● ● ● ● ●30. Feričanci Dračica 2 PPUO 31. Gorjani Municipal Production-Business Zone PPUO JagodnjakPPUOamendments32. Jagodnjak (unofficial name) UPU33.KneževiVinogradiBusiness - entrepreneur and recreation Zone PPUO Building licenceBusiness ZonePPUOamendments34. Levanjska Varoš PUR Veliko polje PURWater SupplySystemSewageSystemRoadPhoneNetworkGasSupplyElectricitySupplyPartially ● ● ●Tourist-health resort-recreation Business PPUOamendments35. Levanjska Varoš Zone Breznica36. Levanjska Varoš Tourist-recreation Zone Vračica PPUO37. Magadenovac Entrepreneur Zone Beničanci PPUO Conceptual projects 38. Marijanci Entrepreneur Zone Marijanci PPUO NO 39. Petlovac Entrepreneur Zone Petlovac PPUO Preliminary design40. Petlovac Entrepreneur Zone B.P. Selo PPUO Preliminary design 41. Petrijevci Petrijevci 2 PPUO NO42. Petrijevci Satnica 1 PPUO Under construction NO 43. Petrijevci Satnica 2 PPUO NO Feasibility study44. Podgorač Entrepreneur Zone Podgorač PPUO NO Legend: DPU-Under construction 45. Podravska Moslavina Business-economic Zone PPUO 46. Popovac Entrepreneur Zone Kneževo PPUO Preliminary design NO <strong>Zones</strong> in 48. Satnica Đakovačka Zone 1 PPUO implementation 49. Satnica Đakovačka Zone 2 PPUO stagePPUOamendmentsUnder construction UPU50. Strizivojna Svinjarevo 51. Trnava Trnava Under construction NO 53. VladislavciEntrepreneurZone Vladislavci PPUO NO 54. Vuka Entrepreneur-business ZonePPUOUnder construction NO<strong>Zones</strong> in ● KEY: PPUG-Physical Plan of Urban Development; PPUO-Physical Plan of Municipality Development; PUR-general preparationdevelopment plan; UPU-Urban Development Plan; DPU-detaljni plan uređenja; DUP-Detailed Urban Development Plan. 47. Punitovci Business Zone Josipovac Punitovački PPUO UPU YES ● ● ● ● ● ● 52. Viškovci Entrepreneur Zone Viškovci PPUO Location permit NO ● ● ● ●KEY: ● = YES; ● = Under construction stage Photos Video OF ENTREPRENEURZONES IN OSIJEK-BARANYA COUNTYPresentation of the zonesPODUZETNIČKE ZONEOSJEČKO-BARANJSKEŽUPANIJEENTREPRENEUR ZONESIN OSIJEK-BARANYACOUNTYPresentation of the companies<strong>Catalog</strong>ue in the PDF formatCroatian and English languageDVD radi pod Windows operativnim sustavom ● DVD runs with Windows operating system

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