Introduction to Group Theory for Physicists - Stony Brook Astronomy

Introduction to Group Theory for Physicists - Stony Brook Astronomy Introduction to Group Theory for Physicists - Stony Brook Astronomy
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6 CONTENTS4 SO(2N), the D n series 494.1 The Defining Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494.2 The Cartan Genera<strong>to</strong>rs H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504.3 The Weights µ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514.4 The Raising and Lowering Opera<strong>to</strong>rs E ± . . . . . . . . . . . 514.5 The Roots α . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524.6 The Fundamental Weights ⃗q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534.7 The Cartan Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535 SO(2N+1), the B n series 555.1 The Cartan Genera<strong>to</strong>rs H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555.2 The Weights µ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565.3 The Raising and Lowering Opera<strong>to</strong>rs E ± . . . . . . . . . . . 565.4 The Roots α . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575.5 The Fundamental Weights ⃗q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575.6 The Cartan Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586 Spinor Representations 596.1 The Dirac <strong>Group</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606.2 Spinor Irreps on SO(2N+1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606.3 Spinor Irreps on SO(2N+2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636.4 Reality of the Spinor Irrep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646.5 Embedding SU(N) in<strong>to</strong> SO(2N) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667 Sp(2N), the C n series 677.1 The Cartan Genera<strong>to</strong>rs H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687.2 The Weights µ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697.3 The Raising and Lowering Opera<strong>to</strong>rs E ± . . . . . . . . . . . 697.4 The Roots α . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707.5 The Fundamental Weights q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717.6 The Cartan Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 718 Young Tableaux 738.1 Invariant Tensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768.2 Dimensions of Irreps of SU(N) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778.3 Dimensions of Irreps of SO(2N) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 798.4 Dimensions of Irreps of SO(2N+1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818.5 Dimensions of Irreps of Sp(2N) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 838.6 Branching Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

CONTENTS 79 The Gauge <strong>Group</strong> SU(5) as a simple GUT 859.1 The Representation of the Standard Model . . . . . . . . . . 859.2 SU(5) Unification of SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) . . . . . . . . . . 879.3 Anomalies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 929.4 Physical Consequences of using SU(5) as a GUT <strong>Theory</strong> . . . 9210 Geometrical Proprieties of <strong>Group</strong>s and Other Nice Features 9510.1 Covering <strong>Group</strong>s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9510.2 Invariant Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98A Table of <strong>Group</strong>s 103

Chapter 1Finite <strong>Group</strong>sA finite group is a group with finite number of elements, which is called theorder of the group. A group G is a set of elements, g ∈ G, which under someoperation rules follows the common proprieties1. Closure: g 1 and g 2 ∈ G, then g 1 g 2 ∈ G.2. Associativity: g 1 (g 2 g 3 ) = (g 1 g 2 )g 3 .3. Inverse element: <strong>for</strong> every g ∈ G there is an inverse g −1 ∈ G, andg −1 g = gg −1 = e.4. Identity Element: every groups contains e ∈ G, and eg = ge = g.1.1 Subgroups and DefinitionsA subgroup H of a group G is a set of elements of G that <strong>for</strong> any giveng 1 , g 2 ∈ H and the multiplication g 1 g 2 ∈ H, G, one has again the previousfour group proprieties. For example, S 3 has Z 3 as a subgroup 1 . The trivialsubgroups are the identity e and the group G.CosetsThe right coset of the subgroup H in G is a set of elements <strong>for</strong>med by theaction of H on the left of a element of g ∈ G, i.e. Hg. The left coset is gH.If each coset has [H] elements 2 and <strong>for</strong> two cosets of the same group one hasgH 1 = gH 2 , then H 1 = H 2 , meaning that cosets do not overlap.1 These groups will be defined on the text, and they are quickly summarized on tableA.1, in the end of this notes.2 [G] is the notation <strong>for</strong> number of elements (order) of the group G.9

10 CHAPTER 1. FINITE GROUPSLagrange’s TheoremThe order of the coset H, [H] is a divisor of [G],[G] = [H] × n cosets ,where n cosets is the number of cosets on G.For example, the permutation group S 3 has order N! = 3! = 6, consequentlyit can only have subgroups of order 1, 2, 3 and 6. Another directconsequence is that groups of prime order have no proper (non-trivial) subgroups,i.e. prime groups only have the trivial H = e and H = H subgroups.Invariant or Normal or Self-conjugated Subgroup 3If <strong>for</strong> every element of the group, g ∈ G, one has the equality gH = Hg,i.e. the right coset is equal <strong>to</strong> the left coset, the subgroup is invariant. Thetrivial e and G are invariant subgroups of every group.If H is a invariant coset of a group, we can see the coset-space as a group,regarding each coset as a element of the space. The coset space G/H, whichis the sets of cosets, is a fac<strong>to</strong>r group given by the fac<strong>to</strong>r of G by H.Conjugate ClassesClasses are the set of elements (not necessary a subgroup) of a group G tha<strong>to</strong>bey g −1 Sg = S, <strong>for</strong> all g ∈ G. The term gSg −1 is the conjugate of S. Fora finite group, the number of classes of a group is equal <strong>to</strong> the number ofirreducible representations (irreps). For example, the conjugate classes ofS 3 are [e, (a 1 , a 2 ), (a 3 , a 4 , a 5 )].An invariant subgroup is composed of the union of all (entire) classes ofG. Conversely, a subgroup of entire classes is an invariant of the group.Equivalence RelationsThe equivalence relations between two sets (which can be classes) are givenby1. Reflexivity: a ∼ a.2. Symmetry: if a ∼ b, then b ∼ a.3. Transitivity: if a ∼ c and b ∼ c, then a ∼ b.3 We shall use the term invariant in this text.

1.1. SUBGROUPS AND DEFINITIONS 11Quotient <strong>Group</strong>A quotient group is a group obtained by identifying elements of a larger groupusing an equivalence relation. The resulting quotient is written G/N 4 , whereG is the original group and N is the invariant subgroup.The set of cosets G/H can be endowed with a group structure by asuitable definition of two cosets, (g 1 H)(g 2 H) = g 1 g 2 H, where g 1 g 2 is a newcoset. A group G is a direct product of its subgroups A and B written asG = A × B if1. All elements of A commute <strong>to</strong> B.2. Every element of G can be written in a unique way as g = ab witha ∈ A, b ∈ B.3. Both A and B are invariant subgroups of G.Center of a <strong>Group</strong> Z(G)The center of a group G is the set of elements of G that commutes with allelements of this group. The center can be trivial consisting only of e or G.The center <strong>for</strong>ms an abelian 5 invariant subgroup and the whole group G isabelian only if Z(G) = G.For example, <strong>for</strong> the Lie group SU(N), the center is isomorphic <strong>to</strong> thecyclic group Z n , i.e. the largest group of commuting elements of SU(N) is≃ Z n . For instance, <strong>for</strong> SU(3), the center is the three matrices 3 × 3, withdiag(1, 1, 1), diag(e 2πi3 , e 2πi3 , e 2πi3 ) and diag(e 4πi3 , e 4πi3 , e 4πi3 ), which clearly is aphase and has determinant equals <strong>to</strong> one. On the another hand, the centerof U(N) is an abelian invariant subgroup and <strong>for</strong> this reason the unitarygroup is not semi-simple 6 .Concerning finite groups, the center is isomorphic <strong>to</strong> the trivial group<strong>for</strong> S n , N ≥ 3 and A n , N ≥ 4.Centralizer of an Element of a <strong>Group</strong> c G (a)The centralizer of a, c G (a) is a new subgroup in G <strong>for</strong>med by ga = ag, i.e.the set of elements of G which commutes with a.4 This is pronounced G mod N.5 An abelian group is one which the multiplication law is commutative g 1g 2 = g 2g 1.6 We will see that semi-simple Lie groups are direct sum of simple Lie algebras, i.e.non-abelian Lie algebras.

12 CHAPTER 1. FINITE GROUPSAn element a of G lies in the center Z(G) of G if and only if its conjugacyclass has only one element, a itself. The centralizer is the largest subgroupof G having a as it center and the order of the centralizer is related <strong>to</strong> G by[G] = [c G (a)] × [class(a)].Commuta<strong>to</strong>r Subgroup C(G)The commuta<strong>to</strong>r group is the group generated from all commuta<strong>to</strong>rs of thegroup. For elements g 1 and g 2 of a group G, the commuta<strong>to</strong>r is defined as[g 1 , g 2 ] = g −11 g−1 2 g 1g 2 .This commuta<strong>to</strong>r is equal <strong>to</strong> the identity element e if g 1 g 2 = g 2 g 1 , thatis, if g 1 and g 2 commute. However, in general, g 1 g 2 = g 2 g 1 [g 1 , g 2 ].From g 1 g 2 g1 −1 g−1 2 one <strong>for</strong>ms finite products and generates an invariantsubgroup, where the invariance can be proved by inserting a unit ong(g 1 g 2 g1 −1 g−1 2 )g−1 = g ′ g ′−1 .The commuta<strong>to</strong>r group is the smallest invariant subgroup of G such thatG/C(G) is abelian, which means that the large the commuta<strong>to</strong>r subgroupis, the ”less abelian” the group is. For example, the commuta<strong>to</strong>r subgroupof S n is A n .1.2 RepresentationsA representation is a mapping D(g) of G on<strong>to</strong> a set, respecting the followingrules:1. D(e) = 1 is the identity opera<strong>to</strong>r.2. D(g 1 )D(g 2 ) = D(g 1 g 2 ).The dimension of a representation is the dimension of the space on whereit acts. A representation is faithful when <strong>for</strong> D(g 1 ) ≠ D(g 2 ), g 1 ≠ g 2 , <strong>for</strong> allg 1 , g 2 .The Schur’s LemmasConcerning <strong>to</strong> representation theory of groups, the Schur’s Lemma are1. If D 1 (g)A = AD 2 (g) or A −1 D 1 (g)A = D 2 (g), ∀g ∈ G, where D 1 (g)and D 2 are inequivalent irreps, then A = 0.

1.2. REPRESENTATIONS 132. If D(g)A = AD(g) or A −1 D(g)A = D(g), ∀g ∈ G, where D(g) is afinite dimensional irrep, then A ∝ I. In other words, any matrix Acommutes with all matrices D(g) if it is proportional <strong>to</strong> the unitarymatrix. One consequence is that the <strong>for</strong>m of the basis of an irrep isunique, ∀g ∈ G.Unitary RepresentationA representation is unitary if all matrices D(g) are unitary. Every representationof a compact finite group is equivalent <strong>to</strong> a unitary representation,D † = D −1 .Proof. Let D(g) be a representation of a finite group G. ConstructingS = ∑ g∈GD(g) † D(g),it can be diagonalized with non-negative eigenvalues S = U −1 dU, with d diagonal.One then makes x = S 1/2 = U −1√ dU, from this, one defines the unitaryD ′ (g) = xD(g)x −1 . Finally, one has D ′ (g) † D ′ (g) = x −1 D(g) † SD(g)x −1 =S.Reducible and Irreducible RepresentationA representation is reducible if it has an invariant subspace, which meansthat an action of a D(g) on any vec<strong>to</strong>r in the subspace is still a subspace,<strong>for</strong> example by using a projec<strong>to</strong>r on the regular representation (such asP D(g) = P, ∀g). An irrep is a representation that has no nontrivial invariantsubspaces.Every representation of a finite group is completely reducible and it isequivalent <strong>to</strong> the block diagonal <strong>for</strong>m. For this reason, any representationof a finite or semi-simple group can breaks up in<strong>to</strong> a direct sum of irreps.One can always construct a new representation by a trans<strong>for</strong>mationD(g) → D ′ (g) = A −1 D(g)A, (1.2.1)where D(g) and D ′ (g) are equivalent representations, only differing by choiceof basis. This new representation can be made diagonal, with blocks representingits irreps. The criterium of diagonalization of a matrix D(g) is thatit commutes <strong>to</strong> D(g) † .

14 CHAPTER 1. FINITE GROUPSCharactersThe character of a representation of a group G is given by the trace ofthis representation. The application of the theory of characters is given byorthogonality relation <strong>for</strong> groups,∑gD i (g −1 ) ν µD j (g) σ ρ = δµδ σ νδ ρ ij [G], (1.2.2)n iwhere n i is the dimension of the representation D i (g). An alternative wayof writing (1.2.2) is∑gD ∗i (g) ν µD j (g) σ ρ = δµδ σ νδ ρ ij [G]. (1.2.3)n iThe character on this representation is given byχ i (g) = D i (g) µ µ, (1.2.4)and using back (1.2.2), δ σ µδ ρ ν = δ ij δ ij = δ ii = n i , one can check that charactersof irreps are orthonormal1[G]∑χ i (g)χ j∗ (g) = δ ij . (1.2.5)gBecause of the cyclic propriety of the trace, χ is the same <strong>for</strong> all equivalentrepresentations, given by (1.2.1). The character is also the same <strong>for</strong> conjugateelements tr [D(hgh −1 )] = tr [D(h)D(g)D(h) −1 ] = tr D(g). There<strong>for</strong>e,we just proved the statement that the number of irreps is equal <strong>to</strong> thenumber of conjugate classes.For finite groups, one can construct a character table of a group:1. The number of irreps are equal <strong>to</strong> the number of conjugacy classes,there<strong>for</strong>e, one can label the table by the irreps D 1 (g), D 2 (g), ... andthe conjugacy classes of elements of this group.2. In the case of an abelian groups, all irreps are one-dimensional andfrom Schur’s theorem, all matrices are diagonal. If the representationis greater than one-dimensional, the representation is reducible.3. To complete the columns, one can use the that (from the orthogonallyrelation), [G] = ∑ c n c, where the sum is over all classes c and n c isthe dimension of the classes.

1.2. REPRESENTATIONS 15Regular RepresentationsThe Caley’s theorem says that there is an isomorphism between the groupG and a subgroup of the symmetric group S [G] . The [G] × [G] permutationmatrices D(g) <strong>for</strong>m a representation of the group, the regular representation.The dimension of the regular representation is the order of the group.Thisrepresentation can be decomposed on N blocks 7 ,D reg = D p ⊗ ... ⊗ D p . (1.2.6)Each irrep appears in the regular representation a number times equal <strong>to</strong> itsdimension, e.g. if the dimension of a D p 1is 2, then D reg has the two blocksD p 1⊗ D p 1.One can take the trace in each block <strong>to</strong> find the character of the regularrepresentationχ reg (g) = a 1 χ p + a 2 χ p ... (1.2.7)=p∑ap χ p (g), (1.2.8)giving the important result,χ reg (g) = [G], if g = e;χ reg (g) = 0, otherwise.There<strong>for</strong>e, it is possible <strong>to</strong> decompose (1.2.6) asD reg = ∑ ⊕a p D p , (1.2.9)where a p is giving by (1.2.8), thusa p = 1 ∑χ reg (g)χ p (g −1 ). (1.2.10)[G]gOne consequence of the orthogonality relation is that the order of thegroup G is the sum of the square of all irreps (or classes) of this group,[G] = ∑ pn 2 p, (1.2.11)where n p is the dimension of the of each irrep. The number of one-dimensionalirreps of a finite group is equal <strong>to</strong> the order of G/[C(G)], where C(G) is thecommuta<strong>to</strong>r subgroup.7 The index p denotes irreps.

16 CHAPTER 1. FINITE GROUPS1.3 Reality of Irreducible RepresentationsFor compact groups, irreps can be classified in<strong>to</strong> real, pseudo-real and complexusing the equivalence equation (1.2.1), with the following definitions:1. An irrep D(g) is real if <strong>for</strong> some S, D(g) can be made real by SD(g)S −1 =D(g) real . In this case S is symmetric. The criterium using characteris that ∑ g χ(g2 ) = [G],2. An irrep is pseudoreal if on making SD(g)S −1 = D(g) complex , theequivalent D(g) complex is complex. In this case, S is anti-symmetric.The character criterion is ∑ g χ(g2 ) = 0.3. An irrep is complex if one cannot find a D(g) ′ which is equivalent <strong>to</strong>D(g). The character criterium them gives ∑ g χ(g2 ) = −[G]Example: C 3For the cyclic group C 3 = (e, a, a 2 ), a 3 = e, one representations is given bye = 1, a = e 2πi3 , a 2 = e 4πi3 . Calculating the characters,∑χ(g 2 ) = χ(1) + χ(e 4πi8πi3 ) + χ(e 3 ) = 0gthus the representation is pseudo-real.1.4 Trans<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>Group</strong>sThe trans<strong>for</strong>mation groups are the groups that describe symmetries of objects.For example, in a quantum mechanics system, a trans<strong>for</strong>mation takesthe Hilbert space in<strong>to</strong> an equivalent one. For each group element g, thereis a unitary D(g) that maps the Hilbert space in<strong>to</strong> an equivalent representationand these unitary opera<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>for</strong>m a representation of the symmetricgroup <strong>for</strong> the Hilbert space (and the new states have the same eigenvalue,[H, D(g)] = 0). Again here, the dimension of a representation is the dimensionof the space on which it acts.Permutation <strong>Group</strong>s, S nAny element of a permutation (or symmetric) group S n can be written interms of cycles where a cycle is a cyclic permutation of a subset. Permutationsare even or odd if they contain even or odd numbers of two-cycles.

1.4. TRANSFORMATION GROUPS 17For example, S 3 is the permutation on 3 objects, [e, a 1 = (1, 2, 3), a 2 =(3, 2, 1), a 3 = (1, 2), a 4 = (2, 3), a 5 = (3, 1)], and (123) → (12)(23) is even.The order of S n is N!. There is a simple N-dimensional representation ofS n called the defining representation, where permuted objects are the basisof a N vec<strong>to</strong>r space. Permutation groups appears on the relation of thespecial orthogonal groups asS n =SO(n + 1).SO(n)Dihedral <strong>Group</strong>, D 2nThe dihedral group is the group symmetry of a regular polygon, and thegroup has two basic trans<strong>for</strong>mations (called isometries), rotation , withdet=1,( cos2πkg k = nand reflection, with det= -1,σ =sin 2πkn( −1 00 1−sin 2πkncos 2πknThe dihedral group is non-abelian 8 if N > 2. A polyhedra in according<strong>to</strong> its dimension is categorized on table 1.1. The trans<strong>for</strong>mation groups actson vertices, half of vertices and cross-lines of symmetrical objects.).Dimension Objectd=0 Pointd=1 Lined=2 D 2Nd=3 Polyhedrad=4 Poly<strong>to</strong>pes),Table 1.1: Geometric objects related <strong>to</strong> their dimensions.8 For non-abelian groups, at least some of the representations must be in a matrix <strong>for</strong>m,since only matrices can reproduce non-abelian multiplication law.

18 CHAPTER 1. FINITE GROUPSCyclic <strong>Group</strong>s, Z nA cyclic group is a group that can be generated by a single element, g(called the genera<strong>to</strong>r of the group), such that when written multiplicatively,every element of the group is a power of g. For example, <strong>for</strong> the group Z 3 ,described on section 1.3, the regular representation is⎛D(e) = ⎝1 0 00 1 00 0 1⎞⎛⎠ , D(a) = ⎝0 0 11 0 00 1 0⎞⎛⎠ , D(a 2 ) = ⎝0 1 00 0 11 0 0One can see that <strong>for</strong> both, this above representation and the regularrepresentation of Z n , they can be made cyclic by the multiplication of thegenera<strong>to</strong>r.Another example is the parity opera<strong>to</strong>r on quantum mechanics [e, p],where p 2 = 1. This group is Z 2 and has two irreps, the trivial D(p) = 1and one in which D(e) = 1, D(p) = −1. On one-dimensional potentialsthat are symmetric on x = 0, their eigenvalues are either symmetric or antisymmetricunder x → −x, corresponding <strong>to</strong> those two irreps respectively.⎞⎠ .Alternating <strong>Group</strong>s, A nThe alternating group is the group of even permutations of a finite set. Itis the commuta<strong>to</strong>r subgroup of S n such that S n /A n = S 2 = C 2 .

Chapter 2Lie <strong>Group</strong>sA Lie <strong>Group</strong> is a group which is also a manifold, thus there is a smallneighborhood around the identity which looks like a piece of R N , whereN is the dimension of the group. The coordinate unit vec<strong>to</strong>r T a are theelements of the Lie algebra and an arbitrary element g close <strong>to</strong> the identitycan be always expanded in<strong>to</strong> these coordinates as in (2.1.1). A Lie groupcan have several disconnected pieces and the Lie algebra specifies only theconnected pieces containing the identity.2.1 Lie AlgebrasIn compact 1 Lie Algebras, that are the interest here, the number of genera<strong>to</strong>rsT a is finite and the structure constant on the (2.1.2) are real andantisymmetric. Any infinitesimal group element g close <strong>to</strong> the identity canbe written asg(a) = 1 + ia a T a + O(a 2 ), (2.1.1)where the multiplication of two group elements g(a), g(b),[T a , T b ] = if abc T c , (2.1.2)1 In general, a set is compact if every infinite subset of it contains a sequence whichconverges <strong>to</strong> an element of the same set. A closed group, whose parameters vary over afinite range, is compact, every continuous function defined on a compact set is bounded.It defines a connected algebras, <strong>for</strong> example SO(4) is compact but SO(3,1) is not, or <strong>for</strong>instance, a region of finite extension in an euclidian space is compact. The integral of acontinuous function over the compact group is well defined and every representation of acompact group is equivalent <strong>to</strong> a unitary representation.19

20 CHAPTER 2. LIE GROUPSis given by the non-abelian genera<strong>to</strong>rs commutation relation. All the fourproprieties defined <strong>for</strong> finite groups verify <strong>for</strong> this continuous definition ofelements of groups. For instance, the closure is proved by makinge iλa 1 Ta e iλb 2 T b= e iλc 3 Tc = e i(λa 1 Ta+λb 2 T b+ 1 2 [λa 1 Taλb 2 T b]) .U(N)Lie algebraSO(N)Lie algebra<strong>Group</strong> of all N × N unitary matrices.Set of N 2 − 1 hermitians N × N-matrices.<strong>Group</strong> of all N × N orthogonal matrices.Set of 2N 2 ± N complex antisymmetric N × N matrices.Table 2.1: Distinction among the elements of the group and the elements ofthe representation (the genera<strong>to</strong>rs), <strong>for</strong> Lie groups.Semi-Simple Lie AlgebraIf one of the genera<strong>to</strong>rs of the algebra commutes with all the others, itgenerates an independent continuous abelian group ψ → e iθ ψ, called U(1).If the algebra contains this elements it is semi-simple. This is the case ofalgebras without abelian invariant subalgebras, but constructed by puttingsimple algebras <strong>to</strong>gether. Invariant subalgebras (as defined be<strong>for</strong>e) are setsof genera<strong>to</strong>rs that goes in<strong>to</strong> themselves under commutation. A mathematicalway of expressing it is by means of ideals. A normal/invariant subgroup isgenerated by an invariant subalgebra, or ideal, I, where <strong>for</strong> any element ofthe algebra, L, [I, L] ⊂ I. A semi-simple group has no abelian ideals.Non semi-simple AlgebraSemi-simple AlgebraSimple AlgebraContains ideals I where [I, L] ⊂ IAll ideals I are non-abelian [I, L] ≠ 0 ⊂ INo Ideals, only trivial invariant subalgebra.Table 2.2: Definition algebras in terms of ideals.A generic element of U(1) is e iθ and any irrep is a 1 × 1 complex matrix,which is a complex number. The representation is determined by a chargeq, with the group element g = e iθ represented by e iqθ . In a lagrangian withU(1) symmetry, each term on the lagrangian must have the charges add up<strong>to</strong> zero.

2.1. LIE ALGEBRAS 21Every complex semi-simple Lie algebra has precisely one compact real<strong>for</strong>m. In semi-simple Lie algebras every representation of finite degrees isfully reducible. The necessary and sufficient condition <strong>for</strong> a algebra <strong>to</strong> besemi-simple is that the Killing metric is non-singular, (2.4.4), g αβ ≠ 0, has an inverse g αβ g βν = δ αν . If g αβ is negative definite, the algebra iscompact, thus it can be rescaled in a suitable basis g αβ = −δ αβ .Non Semi-Simple Lie AlgebraA non semi-simple Lie algebra A is a direct sum of a solvable Lie algebra(P) and a semi-simple Lie algebra (S). The definition of solvable Lie algebrais giving by the relation of commutation of the genera<strong>to</strong>rs,[A, A] = A 1[A 1 , A 1 ] = A K ,where if at some point one finds [A n , A n ] = A n+1 = 0, the algebra is solvable.Example: The Poincare <strong>Group</strong>Recalling the genera<strong>to</strong>rs of the Poincare group SO(1,3), one has the semisimple(simple + abelian) and the solvable:....[M, M] = M, Simple,[P, P ] = 0, Abelian,Simple Lie Algebra[M, P ] = P, Solvable sec<strong>to</strong>r.A simple Lie algebra contains no deals (it cannot be divided in<strong>to</strong> two mutuallycommuting sets). It has no nontrivial invariant subalgebras.The genera<strong>to</strong>rs are split in<strong>to</strong> a set {H}, which commutes <strong>to</strong> each other,and the rest, {E}, which are the generalized raising and lowering opera<strong>to</strong>rs.The classification of the algebra is specified by the number of simple roots,whose lengths and scalar products are restricted and can be summarized bythe Cartan matrix and the Dynkin diagrams.

22 CHAPTER 2. LIE GROUPSFor simple compact Lie groups, the Lie algebra gives an unique simplyconnected group and any other connected group with same algebra must bea quotient of this group over a discrete identification map. For instance,the Lie algebra of rotations SU(2) and the group SO(3) have the same Liealgebra but they differ by 2π, which is represented in SU(2) by diag (-1,1) 2 .The condition that a Lie Algebra is compact and simple restricts it <strong>to</strong> 4infinity families (A n , B n , C n , D n ) and 5 exceptions (G 5 , F 4 , E 6 , E 7 , E 8 ). Thefamilies are based on the following trans<strong>for</strong>mations:Unitary Trans<strong>for</strong>mations of N-dimensional vec<strong>to</strong>rs For η, ξ, N-vec<strong>to</strong>rs,with linear trans<strong>for</strong>mations η a → U ab η b and ξ a → U ab ξ b , this subgrouppreserves the unitarity of these trans<strong>for</strong>mations, i.e. preserves η ∗ aξ a .The pure phase trans<strong>for</strong>mation ξ a e iα ξ a is removed <strong>to</strong> <strong>for</strong>m SU(N),consisting of all N × N hermitian matrices satisfying det(U)=1. TheN 2 − 1 genera<strong>to</strong>rs of the group are the N × N matrices T a under thecondition tr[T a ] = 0.Orthogonal Trans<strong>for</strong>mations of 2N-dimensional vec<strong>to</strong>rs The subgroupof orthogonal 2N × 2N trans<strong>for</strong>mations that preserves the symmetricinner product: η a E ab ξ b with E ab = δ ab , which is the rotation group in2N dimensions, SO(n) (we will use n = 2N and n = 2N + 1). Thereis an independent rotation <strong>to</strong> each plane in n dimensions, thus thenumber of genera<strong>to</strong>rs are n(n−1)2, or 2N 2 ± N.Symplectic Trans<strong>for</strong>mations of N-dimensional vec<strong>to</strong>rs The subgroupof unitary N × N trans<strong>for</strong>mations where <strong>for</strong> N even, it preserves theantisymmetric inner product η a E ab ξ b , whereE ab =( 0 1−1 0The elements of the matrix are N 2 × N 2blocks, defining the symplecticgroup Sp(n), with n(n+1)2or 2N 2 + N genera<strong>to</strong>rs.).2.2 RepresentationsMatrices associated with elements of a group are a representation of thisgroup. Every group has a representation that is singlet or trivial, in which2 SO(3)/SU(2) ≃ Z 2.

2.2. REPRESENTATIONS 23<strong>Group</strong> Number of genera<strong>to</strong>rs Rule <strong>for</strong> DimensionSU(2) 3SU(3) 8SU(4) 15 N → N 2 − 1SU(5) 24SU(6) 35SO(3) 3SO(5) 10 2N + 1 → 2N 2 + NSO(4) 6SO(6) 15 2N → 2N 2 − NSO(10) 45Sp(2) 3Sp(4) 10 2N → 2N 2 + NSp(6) 21Table 2.3: Number of genera<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>for</strong> the compact and simple families on theLie Algebra.D(g) is the 1×1 matrix <strong>for</strong> each g and T a = 0. The invariance of a lagrangianunder a symmetry is equivalent <strong>to</strong> the requirement that the lagrangian trans<strong>for</strong>msunder the singlet representation.If the Lie algebra is semi-simple, the matrices of the representation, T a r ,are traceless and the trace of two genera<strong>to</strong>r matrices are positive definitegiven bytr [T a r , T b r ] = D ab .Choosing a basis <strong>for</strong> T a which has D ab ∝ I <strong>for</strong> one representation meansthat <strong>for</strong> all representations one hastr [T a r , T b r ] = αδ ab . (2.2.1)From the commutation relations (2.1.2), one can write the anti-symmetricstructure constant asf abc = −i [ ]C(r) tr [Tr a , Tr b ]Trc , (2.2.2)where C(r) is the quadratic Casimir opera<strong>to</strong>r, defined on section 2.7. Foreach irrep r of G, there will be a conjugate representation ¯r given byT ā r = −(T a r ) ∗ = −(T a r ) T , (2.2.3)

24 CHAPTER 2. LIE GROUPSif ¯r ∼ r then Trā = UTr a U † and the representation is real or pseudo-real, ifthere is no such equivalence, the representation is complex.The two most important irreducible representations are the fundamentaland the adjoint representations:Fundamental In SU(N) the basic irrep is the N-dimensional complex vec<strong>to</strong>r,and <strong>for</strong> N > 2, this irrep is complex. In SO(N) it is real and inSp(N) it is pseudo-real.Adjoint It is the representation of the genera<strong>to</strong>rs, [r] = [G], and the representation’smatrices are given by the structure constants (T a ) bc = −f a bcwhere ([T b G , T c G ]) ae = if bcd (T d G ) ae. Since the structure constants arereal and anti-symmetric, this irrep is always real.2.3 The Defining RepresentationA subset of commuting hermitian genera<strong>to</strong>rs which is as large as possible iscalled the Cartan subalgebra, and it is always unique. The basis are calleddefining (fundamental) representation and are given by the colum -vec<strong>to</strong>rs(1, 0, 0, .., 0) N , etc. In an irrep, D, there will be a number of hermitiangenera<strong>to</strong>rs, H i <strong>for</strong> i = 1 <strong>to</strong> k, where k is the rank of the algebra, that arethe Cartan Genera<strong>to</strong>rs:H i = H † i ,[H i , H j ] = 0. (2.3.1)The Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>rs commute with every other genera<strong>to</strong>r and <strong>for</strong>ma linear space. One can choose a basis satisfying the normalization (from(2.2.1)),tr (H i H j ) = λδ ij ,<strong>for</strong> i, j = 1 <strong>to</strong> N − 1. For the group SU(N) λ = 1 2. The states of therepresentation D can be written asH i |µ, x, D〉 = µ i |µ, x, D〉, (2.3.2)where µ i are the weights. The number of weights the fundamental representionis equal <strong>to</strong> the number of vec<strong>to</strong>rs on the fundamental representation,but their dimension is the dimension of the rank. For example on SU(3),

2.4. THE ADJOINT REPRESENTATION 25one has 3 orthogonal vec<strong>to</strong>rs (v 1 = (1, 0, 0), <strong>for</strong> instance) on the fundamentalrepresentation and 3 weights (µ 1 = ( 1 2 , 12 √ ), <strong>for</strong> instance).3The contraction of a fundamental and an anti-fundamental field <strong>for</strong>m assinglet is ¯N ⊗ N = (N 2 − 1) ⊕ 1.2.4 The Adjoint RepresentationThe adjoint representation of the algebra is given by the structure constants,which are always real,[X a , X b ] = if bcd X c . (2.4.1)[X a , [X b , X c ]] = if bcd [X a , X d ] = −f bcd f ade X e .If there are N genera<strong>to</strong>rs, then we find a N × N matrix representationin the adjoint representation. From the Jacobi identity,[X a [X b , X c ]] + [X b [X c , X a ]] + [X c [X a , X b ]] = 0, (2.4.2)one has similar relation <strong>for</strong> the structure constants,f bcd f ade + f abd f cde + f cad f bde = 0.Defining a set of matrices T a asit is possible <strong>to</strong> recover (2.1.2):[T a ] bc ≡ −if abc ,[T a , T b ] = if bcd T c .The states of the adjoint representation correspond <strong>to</strong> the genera<strong>to</strong>rs|X a 〉. A convenient scalar product is:〈X a |X b 〉 = λ −1 tr (X † aX b ).The action of a genera<strong>to</strong>r in a state is:X a |X b 〉 = |X c 〉〈X c |X a |X b 〉= |X c 〉[T a ] cb= if abc |X c 〉= |if abc X c 〉= |[X a , X b ]〉.

26 CHAPTER 2. LIE GROUPSThe Killing FormThe Killing <strong>for</strong>m is the scalar product of the algebra, defined in terms of theadjoint representation. Applying it <strong>to</strong> the genera<strong>to</strong>rs themselves, it gives themetric g αβ of the Cartan matrices. The anti-symmetrical structure constantsf αβγ = f γ′αβ g γ ′ γ have the Killing metric given byg γ ′ γ = f pγ ′f p γ (2.4.3)= tr T adjγT adj ′ γ , (2.4.4)recalling (Tαadj ) γ β = f γ βα, the trace is independent of the choice of basis.Application on FieldsA good way of seeing the direct application of this theory on fields is, <strong>for</strong>example, the covariant derivative acting on a field in the adjoint representation:(D µ φ) a = ∂ µ φ a − igA b µ(t a G) bc φ c ,= ∂ µ φ a + gf abc A b µφ c ,and the vec<strong>to</strong>r field trans<strong>for</strong>mation isA a µ → A a µ + 1 g (D µ) a .2.5 The RootsThe roots are weights (states) of the adjoint representation, in the same waythey were defined <strong>to</strong> the Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>rs, (2.3.2), where from (2.3.1), wesee thatH i |H j 〉 = |[H i , H j ]〉 = 0.There<strong>for</strong>e, all states in the adjoint representation with zero weight vec<strong>to</strong>rsare Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>rs (and they are orthonormal). The other states havenon-zero weight vec<strong>to</strong>rs α,H i |E α 〉 = α i E α . (2.5.1)

2.5. THE ROOTS 27The non-zero roots uniquely specify the corresponding states, E α , and theyare the non-hermitian raising/lowering opera<strong>to</strong>rs:[H i , E α ] = α i E α , (2.5.2)[H i , E † α] = −α i E † α, (2.5.3)E † α = E −α , (2.5.4)[E α , E −α ] = −αH, (2.5.5)where we can set the normalization (in the same fashion as (2.4.3)) as〈E α |E β 〉 = λ −1 Tr (E † αE β ) = δ αβ .From (2.5.5), <strong>for</strong> any weight µ of a representation D, setting H = E 3 ,one hasE 3 |µ, x, D〉 = αµ |µ, x, D〉, (2.5.6)|α| 2which are always integers or half-integers and it is the origin of the MasterFormula. From this equation, we can see that all roots are non-degenerated,2 α.µ = −p + q, (2.5.7)α2 where p is the number of times the opera<strong>to</strong>r E α may raise the state and q,the number of times the opera<strong>to</strong>r E −α may lower it.Roots αThe roots can be directly calculated from the the weights of the Cartangenera<strong>to</strong>rs by ±α ij = µ i ± µ j .Positive RootsWhen labeling roots in either negative or the positive, one can set the wholeraising/lowering algebra. It is convention, <strong>for</strong> instance one can set <strong>for</strong> SU(N)the positive root <strong>to</strong> be the first non-vanishing entry when it is positive.One can define an ordering of roots in the way that if µ > ν than µ − νis positive, and from this finde the highest weight of the irrep. In the adjointrepresentation, positive roots correspond <strong>to</strong> raising opera<strong>to</strong>rs and negative<strong>to</strong> lowering opera<strong>to</strong>rs.

28 CHAPTER 2. LIE GROUPSSimple Roots ⃗αSome of the roots can be built out of others, and simple roots are the positiveroots that cannot be written as a sum of other positive roots. A positiveroot is called a simple root if it raises weights by a minimal amount. Everypositive root can be written as a positive sum of simple roots. If a weight isannihilated by the genera<strong>to</strong>r of all the simple roots, it is the highest weight,ν, of an irreducible representation. From the geometry of the simple roots,it is possible <strong>to</strong> construct the whole algebra,• If ⃗α and ⃗ β are simple roots, then ⃗α − ⃗ β is not a root (the difference oftwo roots is not a root).• The angles between roots are π 2 ≤ θ < π.• The simple roots are linear independent and complete.Fundamental Weights ⃗qEvery algebra has k (rank of the algebra) fundamental weights that are abasis orthogonal <strong>to</strong> the simple roots α, and they can be constructed fromthe master <strong>for</strong>mula, (2.5.7), with a metric g ij , (2.4.4), <strong>to</strong> be defined,2 qI i gij α J jα J j gij α J j= δ IJ , (2.5.8)If we use of the Killing metric defined on (??), <strong>for</strong> SU(N), the relationbecomes2 qj α k|α k | 2 = δjk . (2.5.9)All irreps can be written in terms of the fundamental weight and thehighest weight asν HW =k∑a i q i = a 1 q 1 + a 2 q 2 + ... + a N q k , (2.5.10)i=1where a i are the Dynkin coefficients, a i = q i − p i .

2.5. THE ROOTS 29The Master FormulaWe have already seen the role of the master <strong>for</strong>mula on equations (2.5.6)and (2.5.7), now let us derive it properly. Supposing that the highest stateis j, there is some non-negative integer p such that (E + ) p |µ, x, D〉 ≠ 0, withweight µ + pα, and which (E + ) p+1 |µ, x, D〉 = 0. The <strong>for</strong>mer is the higheststate of the algebra.The value of E 3 is thenα(µ + pα)α 2 = αµ + p = j. (2.5.11)α2 On another hand, there is a non-negative integer q such that (E − ) q |µ, x, D〉 ≠0, with weight µ − qα, being the lowest state, with (E − ) q+1 |µ, x, D〉 = 0.The value of E 3 is thenα.(µ − qα)α 2= α.µ − q = −j. (2.5.12)α2 Adding (9.2.2) and (9.3.4) one has the <strong>for</strong>mulation of the master <strong>for</strong>mula,as in (2.5.7),α.µα 2= −1 (p − q).2Subtracting (9.2.2) from (9.3.4) one have the important relationp + q = 2j. (2.5.13)Construction of Irreps of SU(3) from the Highest Weight ν 3It is possible <strong>to</strong> construct all representations of an irrep of any Lie algebrarepresented by its highest weight. One needs only <strong>to</strong> know a basis <strong>for</strong> thefundamental weights and their orthogonal simple roots of the group and <strong>to</strong>make use of the theory of lowering and raising opera<strong>to</strong>rs. Let us show anexample of a irrep of SU(3) with highest weight ν = q 1 + 2q 2 , where q 1 , q 2are the fundamental weight of SU(3).Recalling from table 3.4, the simple roots and the fundamental weightsof SU(3), the highest weight of the irrep we are going <strong>to</strong> construct isν = q 1 + 2q 2 = ( 3 2 , − 12 √ 3 ).3 Exercise proposed by Prof. Nieuwenhuizen [?] .

30 CHAPTER 2. LIE GROUPSFrom the master <strong>for</strong>mula, (2.5.7), <strong>for</strong> each of the two simple roots (wherewe consider them normalized |α 1 | 2 = 1 = |α 2 | 2 ),2α i ν = 1 2 q,where p = 0 since this is the highest weight. Calculating <strong>for</strong> the both simpleroots,α 1 ν = q 1 = 1,The first vec<strong>to</strong>rs are thenα 2 ν = q 2 = 2.|ν〉, |ν − α 1 〉, |ν − α 2 〉, |ν − 2α 2 〉.We now lower, in the same fashion, |ν − α 1 〉, with E −α2 , and |ν − α 2 〉,|ν − 2α 2 〉 with E −α1 ,2α 2 (ν − α 1 ) = q 12 = 3,giving 3 more vec<strong>to</strong>rs, |ν − α 1 − α 2 〉, |ν − α 1 − 2α 2 〉, |ν − α 1 − 3α 2 〉.2α 1 (ν − α 2 ) = q 21 = 2,giving 2 more vec<strong>to</strong>rs, but only one new, |ν − α 1 − 2α 2 〉.2α 1 (ν − 2α 2 ) = q 211 = 2,giving two more new vec<strong>to</strong>rs, |ν − 2α 1 − 2α 2 〉, ν − 3α 1 − 2α 2 〉.The weights will sum up 15, which is exact the dimension of this irrepon SU(3).2.6 The Cartan Matrix and Dynkin DiagramsThe Cartan matrices represent directly the proprieties of the algebra of eachLie family and are constructed from the master <strong>for</strong>mula, (2.5.7), multiplyingall simple roots α i among themselves,A ij = 2 αi α j|α i | 2 . (2.6.1)The off-diagonal elements can only be 0, -1, -2 and -3. If all roots havethe same length, A is symmetric, and if A ij ≠ 0 then A ji ≠ 0. The rowsof the Cartan matrix are the Dynkin coefficients (labels) of the simple root,and are directly used on the constructed of the algebra.

2.6. THE CARTAN MATRIX AND DYNKIN DIAGRAMS 31The Dynkin diagram is a diagram of the algebra of the groups in termsof angles and size of the roots. Multiplying the master <strong>for</strong>mula by itself,and using the Schwartz inequality 4 , we can define the angles between theproduct of two simple roots ascos θ 12 = α 1α 2|α1 2||α1 1 | = 1 √n1 n 2 ,4with the limited possibilities on n 1 n 2 < 4. The conditions <strong>for</strong> the two rootsare then1. n 1 = n 2 = 0, θ = π 2, the two roots are orthogonal and there is norestriction of length. A ij = 0, the roots are not connected.2. n 1 = n 2 = 1, θ = π 3 , and |α 1| = |α 2 |. A ij = −1, the roots have thesame length.3. n 1 = 2, n 2 = 1, θ = π 4 , |α 2| = √ 2|α 1 |. A ij = −2, the roots have value2 and 1.4. n 1 = 3, n 2 = 1, θ = π 6 , |α 2| = √ 3|α 1 |. A ij = −3, the highest root hasvalue 3.Summarizing, the rules <strong>to</strong> construct the Dynkin diagram <strong>for</strong> some Liealgebra are the following:1. For every simple root, one writes a circle.2. Connect the circles by the number of lines given by A ij of (2.6.1). Twocircle are joined with one line if θ = π 3 , two lines if θ = π 4, and threelines if θ = π 6 .3. For a semi-simple algebra the diagram will have disjoint pieces, <strong>for</strong>example, SO(4) ≃ SU(2) × SU(2), which is not simple, is giving bytwo disconnected circles.4. When the length are unequal, one can either write an arrow pointing<strong>to</strong> the root of smaller length, or write all small roots as a black dot.From the Dynkin diagrams it is possible <strong>to</strong> check if two groups are locallyisomorphic and the sequence <strong>for</strong> compact and simple Lie groups is4 The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality states that <strong>for</strong> all vec<strong>to</strong>rs x and y of an inner productspace, |〈x, y〉| 2 ≤ 〈x, x〉 · 〈y, y〉.

32 CHAPTER 2. LIE GROUPS<strong>Group</strong>sSO(3) ≃ SU(2)≃USp(2)SO(4) ≃SU(2)×SU(2)SO(5)≃USp(4)SO(6)≃ SU(4)Dynkin Diagram◦◦ ◦◦ = ◦◦ − ◦ − ◦Table 2.4: Local isomorphism among the Cartan families.A regular subalgebra is obtained by deleting points from the Dynkindiagram. For example, SU(2) ⊕ SU(4) ⊂ SU(6) and its six dimensions givea regular representation of the regular subalgebra of SU(2) (1,2) and SU(4)(4,1). The non-regular subalgebra SU(3) ⊕ SU(2) gives an irrep (3,2).There is a symmetric invariant bilinear <strong>for</strong>m <strong>for</strong> the adjoint representation2.7 Casimir Opera<strong>to</strong>rsSU(N) ⊂ SO(N 2 − 1). (2.6.2)If the Lie algebra is semi-simple, then the metric (2.4.4) has determinantnon-zero (detg αβ ≠ 0). In this case, an irrep R has the Casimir opera<strong>to</strong>rdefined as˜C 2 (R) = g αβ T R α T R β , (2.7.1)where T R are the chosen genera<strong>to</strong>rs and the metric has the compactnessconditiong αβ = f q αβ f p pq ≤ 0,and the commutation relation of the Casimir opera<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> all other genera<strong>to</strong>rsis zero,Proof.[ ˜C 2 (R), T R a ] = 0.[g αβ T α T β , T γ ] = g αβ T α [T β , T γ ] + g αβ [T α , T γ ]T β= fγ αδ (Tα R Tδ k + T δ k T α R )= 0.

2.7. CASIMIR OPERATORS 33Using the Schur’s lemma on (2.7.1), it is clear that since ˜C 2 (R) commutes<strong>to</strong> all other genera<strong>to</strong>rs, it must be proportional <strong>to</strong> the identity,˜C 2 (R) = C 2 (R)I,where C 2 (R) is the Quadratic Casimir Invariant of each irrep, which is aninvariant of the algebra. It has a meaning only <strong>for</strong> representations, not asan element of the Lie algebra, since the product (2.7.1) are not defined <strong>for</strong>the algebra itself, but only <strong>for</strong> the representations.For compact groups, the Killing <strong>for</strong>m is just the Kronecker delta, <strong>for</strong>example on SU(2), the Casimir invariant is then simply the sum of thesquare of the genera<strong>to</strong>rs L x , L y , L z of the algebra, i.e., the Casimir invariantis given by L 2 = L 2 x + L 2 y + L 2 z. The Casimir eigenvalue in a irrep is justL 2 = l(l + 1). For example <strong>for</strong> the adjoint irrep,f acd f bcd = C 2 (G)δ ab ,a symmetric invariant two-indice tensor δ αβ = δ βα is unique up rescaling(Tγ adj ) β α, there<strong>for</strong>e it is possible <strong>to</strong> write tr Tα R Tβ R = δR αβ = δ αβT (R).To compute explicitly T(R), one starts with any Lie algebra tr T α T β =T (R)g αβ , and the Casimir opera<strong>to</strong>rs can be found from knowing the dimensionof the irrep R and the group G,C 2 (R) × dim R = dim G × T (R), or, (2.7.2)∑T a (R) 2 = C 2 (R) × 1 d(R)×d(R) . (2.7.3)aFor the fundamental representation of SU(N), C 2 (R) = N 2 −12N. For theadjoint representation C 2 (G) = C(G) = N. For the spinorial representationof SO(2N), C 2 (G) = 2 N−4 . The number of genera<strong>to</strong>rs required <strong>to</strong> give acomplete set of these invariants is equal <strong>to</strong> the rank.Harish-Chandra HomomorphismThe center of the algebra of the semi-simple Lie algebra is a polynomial algebra.The degrees of the generated algebra are the degree of the fundamentalinvariants. The number of invariants on each family is shown on table 2.5.Example: The fundamental irrep 3 of SU(3)For the irrep 3 of SU(3), one has the genera<strong>to</strong>rs given byT a (3) = λ a2 ,

34 CHAPTER 2. LIE GROUPSA n I 2 , I 3 , ..., I n+1B n I 2 , I 4 , ..., I 2nC n I 2 , I 4 , ..., I 2nD n I 2 , I 4 , ..., I 2n−2Table 2.5: Order of the independent invariants <strong>for</strong> the four Lie families.and the dimension of the group is N 2 − 1 = 8 resultingtr ∑ a( λ a2 )2 = ∑ a12 δaa = 1 2 × 8 → 3C 2(3),the quadratic Casimir invariant is thenC 2 (3) = 4 3 .Example: The adjoint irrep 8 of SU(3)Now one haswhere− ∑ aT a (8) = if abc ,f abc f dbc = C 2 (8)δ ad .The quadratic Casimir invariant is given by8C 2 (8) = f 2 abc = 6(1 + 6 4 + 2324 ) = 24,C 2 (8) = 3.2.8 *Weyl <strong>Group</strong>For every root m there is a state with −m: large algebras have reflectionsymmetries and the group generated by those reflections are the Weyl group.This group maps weights <strong>to</strong> weights.

2.9. *COMPACT AND NON-COMPACT GENERATORS 352.9 *Compact and Non-Compact Genera<strong>to</strong>rsThe number of compact genera<strong>to</strong>rs less the number of non-compact is therank of the Lie Algebra, which is the maximum number of commuting genera<strong>to</strong>rs.On table 2.6 the Cartan series are separated in terms of their compactand non-compact genera<strong>to</strong>rs, which is given by the following algebra.[C, C] = C,[C, NC] = NC,[NC, NC] = C.A n , SU(N+1) N compact T i where [T i , T j ] = ɛ ijk T k .A n , SL(N,C) SL(N,R), non-compact: all genera<strong>to</strong>rs of SU(N) times i.SU(p,q), non-compact, ∑ pi=1 (xi ) ∗ x i = ∑ Nj=p+1 (xj ) ∗ x j .B n , SO(2N+1,C)SO(2N+1,R), real, compact.SO(p,q,R), non-compact, ∑ pi=1 (x i) 2 = ∑ Nj=p+1 (xj ) 2 .D n , SO(2N,C)SO(2N,R), real, compact.SO(p,q), p+1=2N, non-compact.Examples: Anti-deSitter superalgebra, SO(4,1), SO(2,N) ∗ ,deSitter superalgebra SO(3,2), SO(N).Table 2.6: The Lie groups in terms of the compact and non-compact genera<strong>to</strong>rs.Example of non-compact groups are SU(p,q) (which preserves the <strong>for</strong>mx † 1 p,q y) and SL(N,R), which is the group of N ×N real matrices with unitarydeterminant. One can go from compact groups <strong>to</strong> non-compact versions byjudiciously multiplying some of the genera<strong>to</strong>rs by i (or equivalently, letting

36 CHAPTER 2. LIE GROUPSsome genera<strong>to</strong>rs become pure imaginary). The general procedure <strong>for</strong> associatinga non-compact algebra with a compact one is first <strong>to</strong> find the maximalsubalgebra and then multiply the remaining non-compact genera<strong>to</strong>rs by i.2.10 *Exceptional Lie <strong>Group</strong>sThe process of constructing the algebra <strong>for</strong> the five Cartan exceptionalgroups G 2 , F 4 , E 6 , E 7 , E 8 , consists basically on the following method:1. Choose an easy subgroup H of G and a simple representation of thisH. This should be the Maximal Regular subgroup, i.e. an algebrawhich has the same rank thus we can write the Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>rsof the group as a linear combination of the Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>rs of thesubgroup, and there is no large subalgebra containing it except thegroup itself.2. Decompose the representation R in<strong>to</strong> irreps R i of H, and how it actsin R i . An irrep of an algebra becomes a representation of the subalgebrawhen its is embedded by a homomorphism that preserves thecommutation relations.3. Construct the Lie algebra of G starting with the Lie algebra of H andR i of H.For example, mainly from (2.6.2) one can find the following: E 6 has amaximal regular subalgebra in SU(6) ⊗ SU(2), E 7 has a maximal subalgebrain SU(8), and and E 8 has a maximal regular subalgebra in SO(16).The lowest dimensional irrep of E 8 is the adjoint irrep with 24-dimensionalgenera<strong>to</strong>rs, which can be used on the above process.As a remark, be<strong>for</strong>e these exceptional families, the first groups are actuallylocally isomorphic <strong>to</strong> the four Lie families, E 5 ≃ SO(10), E 4 ≃SU(3) × SU(2), and E 3 ≃ SU(2) × SU(2).

Chapter 3SU(N), the A n seriesSU(N) is the group of N × N unitary matrices, U † U = 1 with det U = 1.The rank of SU(N) is N − 1 and the number of genera<strong>to</strong>rs is N 2 − 1. Thetraceless constraint tr(α α T α ) = 0 is what gives the determinant a unitaryvalue.Proof. Any element of the group can be represented asand can be diagonalized byNow, taking the determinant,U(α) → e iαTUαT U −1 = D,det U(α) = det (e iD )= e i tr D= e i tr αT .= 1.3.1 The Defining RepresentationSU(N) has N objects φ i , i = 1, ..., N that trans<strong>for</strong>m under φ i → φ ′i = Uj iφj .The complex conjugate trans<strong>for</strong>ms as φ ∗i → φ ′∗i = (Uj i)∗ φ ∗j = (U † ) j i φ∗j .37

38 CHAPTER 3. SU(N), THE A N SERIESThere are higher representations, <strong>for</strong> example, the tensor φ ijk , trans<strong>for</strong>mas they were equal <strong>to</strong> multiplication of the vec<strong>to</strong>rs, φ i φ j φ k ,φ ijk → U i l U j m(U † ) n k φlm n .The trace is always a singlet and it can be separated by setting theupper index equals <strong>to</strong> the lower index, φ ijj→ Ul iφlm m , and subtracting itfrom the original tensor. In this way, the tensor φ ijkcan be decomposed in<strong>to</strong>sets containing 1 2 N 2 (N + 1) − N symmetric traceless and 1 2 N 2 (N − 1) − Nanti-symmetric traceless components. More examples can be seen on table3.1.Element Dimension Description Dimension on SU(5)φ i N Defining Irrep 5φ ij N 2 N ⊗ N Defining 25φ i j N 2 − 1 N ⊗ ¯N − U(1), Adjoint irrep 24φ ijφ ijφ ijφ ijkφ ijkφ ikN(N+1)2Symmetric 15N(N−1)2Anti-symmetric 10kN 3 N ⊗ N ⊗ N, Defining 12512 N 2 (N + 1) − N Symmetric traceless 7012 N 2 (N − 1) − N Anti-symmetric traceless 45k2N Trace 10Table 3.1: The decomposition of SU(N) in<strong>to</strong> its irreps.3.2 The Cartan Genera<strong>to</strong>rs HThe Cartan-Weyl basis <strong>for</strong> the group SU(N) are the maximally commutativebasis of N − 1 genera<strong>to</strong>rs, N − 1, given can given by the following basis ofmatrices, which are a generalization of the Gell-Mann matrices:⎛H I = 1 2 ⎜⎝1 0 0 0 00 −1 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 ...⎞⎟⎠N×N

3.3. THE WEIGHTS µ 39...H II = 12 √ 3⎛⎜⎝⎛H III = √ 124⎜⎝⎛H N−1 1= √ 2N(N − 1)⎜⎝1 0 0 0 00 1 0 0 00 0 −2 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 ...1 0 0 0 00 1 0 0 00 0 1 0 00 0 0 −3 00 0 0 0 ...⎞⎟⎠⎞⎟⎠N×NN×N1 0 0 0 00 1 0 0 00 0 1 0 00 0 0 1 00 0 0 ... −(N − 1)⎞⎟⎠N×N3.3 The Weights µThe weights of the defining representation, from the Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>rs, areN-vec<strong>to</strong>rs with N − 1-entries each, given byµ I = ( 1 2 , 12 √ 3 , 11√ , ..., √ ),24 2N(N − 1)µ II = (− 1 2 , 12 √ 3 , 11√ , ..., √ ),24 2N(N − 1)µ III = (0, − 1 √3,...µ N = (0, 0, 0, ...,1√24, ...,1√2N(N − 1)),−(N − 1)√2N(N − 1)),3.4 The Roots αThe roots are the weights of the genera<strong>to</strong>rs that are not Cartan. There areN(N −1) roots on SU(N) and <strong>to</strong>gether with N weights, they give N 2 , whichis one plus the number of <strong>to</strong>tal genera<strong>to</strong>rs (given by N 2 − 1). The roots onSU(N) are generated by the commutation between these genera<strong>to</strong>rs,[H, E α ] = α i E α ,

40 CHAPTER 3. SU(N), THE A N SERIES[H, E αij ] = (µ i − µ j )E αij ,The Positive Roots± α ij = µ i − µ j j. (3.4.1)The positive roots are given by the first non-vanishing positive entry. Thereare N(N−1)2positive roots on SU(N).The Simple Roots ⃗αSimple roots are positive roots that cannot be constructed by others. Thenumber of simple roots is the equal <strong>to</strong> the rank k of the algebra, wherek = N − 1 in the case of SU(N). In resume, <strong>to</strong> find the simple roots, onecalculates all possible roots by⃗α ij = µ i − µ j , (3.4.2)= µ i − µ i+1 → α 12 , α 23 , .., α N−1,N , (3.4.3)finds the positives roots, and then check which are not the sum of others(<strong>to</strong>talizing N − 1 simple roots).When associating roots and fundamental weights <strong>to</strong> the Dynkin diagrams,we see that the fundamental highest weights are the first weight ofthe defining representation and its complex conjugate (last weight). Thesymmetric product of two vec<strong>to</strong>rs (2-fold) gives two HW (2,0,0...), the symmetricproduct of three vec<strong>to</strong>rs (3-fold) gives (3,0,0,0..), etc. The 3-foldanti-symmetric product contains a rep that is the sum of 3 HW, (0,0,1,0...),the two-fold anti-symmetric (0,1,0,...). To illustrate them, the highest weight<strong>for</strong> some representations <strong>for</strong> SU(6) are shown on table The Fundamental Weights ⃗qThe k = N − 1 fundamental weights of a Lie algebra are given by theirorthogonality <strong>to</strong> the simple roots, relation that can be checked with themaster <strong>for</strong>mula (2.5.7),2 αI ⃗q J|α| 2 = δIJ . (3.5.1)For SU(N), one can also write the fundamental weights in a basis doingq i = µ i − µ i+1

3.6. THE KILLING METRIC 41RepresentationFundamentalAnti-fundamental2-fold Symmetric2-fold Anti-symmetricAdjointHW on the Dynkin Diagram◦ − ◦ − ◦ − ◦1 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0◦ − ◦ − ◦ − ◦0 - 0 - 0 - 0 -1◦ − ◦ − ◦ − ◦2 - 0 - 0 - 0 -0◦ − ◦ − ◦ − ◦0 - 1 - 0 - 0 - 0◦ − ◦ − ◦ − ◦1 - 1 - 0 - 0 - 0Table 3.2: The highest weight of all irreps of SU(6).resulting onq 1 = µ 1 − µ 2 , q 2 = µ 2 − µ 3 , q 3 = µ 3 − µ 4 ....q I = (1, 0, 0, 0...0),q II = (− 1 √32 , , 0, 0...0),√6√3 24q III = (0, −3 , 6 , 0...0),...3.6 The Killing MetricThe Killing metric <strong>for</strong> SU(N) is3.7 The Cartan Matrixg ij = tr H i H j ,= 1 2 δ ij.The Cartan matrix, calculated from the equation 2.6.1, from last chapter,A ij = 2 αi α j|α i | 2 .

42 CHAPTER 3. SU(N), THE A N SERIEShas the <strong>for</strong>m following <strong>for</strong>m on SU(N):⎛⎞2 −1 0 ... 0 0 0−1 2 −1 ... 0 0 0A =0 −1 2 ... −1 0 0⎜ 0 0 −1 ... 2 −1 0.⎟⎝ 0 0 0 ... −1 2 −1 ⎠0 0 0 ... 0 −1 23.8 SU(2)In the special unitary subgroup of two dimensions, any element can be writtenas( ) a −bg =,b awhere |a 2 | + |b 2 | = 1. The elements of the group are represented by e λaTa ,with T a antihermitian and given by the Pauli matrices,T a = 1 2 σ a.Since in SU(2) the structure constant ɛ ij carries only two indices, itsuffices <strong>to</strong> consider only tensors with upper indices, symmetrized. As aconsequence, we are going <strong>to</strong> see that SU(2) only has real and pseudo realrepresentations.The Defining RepresentationThe Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>r is given by the maximal hermitian commutating basis,composed only of H, since the rank is 1. Recalling the traditional algebrafrom Quantum Mechanics, <strong>for</strong> the vec<strong>to</strong>rs that spam the fundamental definingrepresentation, (1,0) and (0,1), and making H = J 3 , we have[J 3 , J ± ] = ±J ± ,H = J 3 = 1 2 σ 3.The Weights µThe eigenvalue of H are the weights( ( 1 1• H, µ0)0)I 1 = 1 2 .= 1 2

3.9. SU(3) 43( 0• H = −1)1 2( 01), µ II1 = − 1 2 .The Raising/ Lowering Opera<strong>to</strong>rsThe Raising/ Lowering Opera<strong>to</strong>rs are given byE + = J 1 + iJ 2 = 1 2 (σ 1 + iσ 2 ),E − = J 1 − iJ 2 = 1 2 (σ 1 − iσ 2 ).Extending these results, we see that <strong>for</strong> each non-zero pair of root vec<strong>to</strong>r±α, there is a SU(2) subalgebra with genera<strong>to</strong>rsE ± ≡ |α| −1 E ±α ,E 3 ≡ |α| −2 αH.The genera<strong>to</strong>rs, the weights and the simple root of the defining (fundamental)representation are shown on table 3.3.Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>r H12 σ 3Raising opera<strong>to</strong>r E + 1 2 (σ 1 + iσ 2 )Lowering opera<strong>to</strong>r E − 1 2 (σ 1 − iσ 2 )Weight I µ I 1 2Weight II µ II − 1 2Simple Root I ⃗α 12 1Fundamental Weight I ⃗q 1Table 3.3: The genera<strong>to</strong>rs, weights, simple root and fundamental weight ofthe defining representation of SU(2).3.9 SU(3)The elements of SU(3) are given by e baTa , with b a real and T a traceless andantihermitian that can be constructed from the original Gell-Mann matrices,λ a ,T a = 1 2 λ a.

44 CHAPTER 3. SU(N), THE A N SERIESFrom these matrices one has three compact genera<strong>to</strong>rs, which are thosefrom SU(2) plus five extra non-compact genera<strong>to</strong>rs. The number of compactgenera<strong>to</strong>rs less the number of non-compact is the rank of the Lie Algebra,k, which is the maximum number of commuting genera<strong>to</strong>rs. In this casek = 3 − 1 = 2, giving the two Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>rs⎛H 1 = 1 ⎝2⎛H 2 = 12 √ ⎝31 0 00 −1 00 0 01 0 00 1 00 0 −2⎞⎠ = 1 2 λ 3⎞⎠ = 12 √ 3 λ 8The other N 2 − 1 − k = 6 genera<strong>to</strong>rs of SU(3), are⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛σ i 00 0 10 0 −iλ 1,2,3 = ⎝ 0 ⎠ , λ 4 = ⎝ 0 0 0 ⎠ λ 5 = ⎝ 0 0 00 0 01 0 0−i 0 0⎛λ 6 = ⎝0 0 00 0 10 1 0⎞⎛⎠ , λ 7 = ⎝0 0 00 0 −i0 −i 0⎞⎠ , λ 8 = 12 √ 3⎛⎝⎞⎠1 0 00 1 00 0 −2The Defining Representation⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞1 0 0The vec<strong>to</strong>rs ⎝0⎠,⎝1⎠ and ⎝0⎠ are the basis of the defining representation.0 0 1The Weights µThe eigenvalues of the Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>rs on the defining representation givethe threes weights of this algebra,µ I = ( 1 2 , 12 √ 3 ),µ II = (− 1 2 , 12 √ 3 ),µ III = (0, − 1 √3).⎞⎠

3.9. SU(3) 45The Raising/ Lowering Opera<strong>to</strong>rsThe raising/ lowering opera<strong>to</strong>rs of SU(3) areThe Roots α⎛Eα I = i(λ 1 + iλ 2 ) = ⎝E IIα = i(λ 4 + iλ 5 ) =E IIIα = i(λ 6 + iλ 7 ) =⎛⎝⎛⎝E−α I = i(λ 1 − iλ 2 ) = ⎝E II−α = i(λ 4 − iλ 5 ) =E III−α = i(λ 6 − iλ 7 ) =⎛⎛⎝⎛⎝0 1 00 0 00 0 00 0 10 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 10 0 00 0 01 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 01 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 0The roots are the weight (states) of the adjoint representation. The firstgenera<strong>to</strong>r can be written as[H 1 , E α I ] = E I α,⎞⎠ ,⎞⎠ ,⎞⎠ ,⎞⎠ ,⎞⎠ ,⎞⎠[H 2 , E α I ] = 0,concluding that the roots is α I + = (1, 0), and the root of (E I α) † = E I −α is justthe same vec<strong>to</strong>r with opposite sign, α I − = (−1, 0) . For the second genera<strong>to</strong>rand its complex conjugate,[H 1 , E α II ] = 1 2 EII α ,

46 CHAPTER 3. SU(N), THE A N SERIES[H 2 , E α II ] =√32 EII α ,thus the root are ±α II = ±( 1 √2 , 32). For the third genera<strong>to</strong>r, the roots are±α III = ±(− 1 √2 . 32 ).The Simple Roots ⃗αThe simple roots of SU(3) are those that cannot be constructed by summingany two positive roots,The Fundamental Weights ⃗q⃗α I = ( 1 2 , √32 )⃗α II = ( 1 2 , − √32 ).The two fundamental weights on SU(3) represent the 3 and ¯3 irreps. Byapplying (3.5.1) one gets ( 1 2 , 12 √ ) and ( 1 3 2 , − 12 √ ). 3The Cartan MatrixFrom (2.6.1), the product of the two simple roots are given bycos θ 11 = 2⃗α 1 ⃗α 1 = −2,cos θ 12 = 2⃗α 1 ⃗α 2 = −1,cos θ 22 = 2⃗α 2 ⃗α 2 = −2.A SU(3) =( 2 −1−1 2The group SU(3) has an important role on phenomenology of elementaryparticles. For instances one can represents mesons (quark and anti-quark)as 3 ⊗ ¯3 = 8 ⊕ 1, ψ a ⊗ ψ b = (ψ a ¯ψb − 1 3 δb aψ c ¯ψc ) + 1 3 δb aψ c ¯ψc , and baryons (3quarks) as 3 ⊗ 3 ⊗ 3 = 10 ⊕ 8 ⊕ 8 ⊕ 1, ψ a ⊗ ψ b = 1 2 (ψ (aψ b) + ψ [a ψ b] ).Example 2 : Working out in another Representation of SU(3)Let us suppose another (natural) way of choosing H j and E ±α , given by2 Exercise proposed by Prof. Nieuwenhuizen.).

3.9. SU(3) 471Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>rs H 3 , H 8 2 λ 3, 1 2 λ 81Raising opera<strong>to</strong>r E +αi , i = 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 72 (λ i + λ j )1Lowering opera<strong>to</strong>r E −αi , i = 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 72 (λ i − λ j )Weight I µ I ( 1 2 , 12 √ ) 3Weight II µ II (− 1 2 , 12 √ ) 3Weight III µ III (0, √ −13)Simple Root I ⃗α I ( 1 √2 , 32 )Simple Root II ⃗α II ( 1 √2 , − 32 )Fundamental Weight I q I ( 1 2 , 12 √ ) 3Fundamental Weight II q II ( 1 2 , − 12 √ ) 3Table 3.4: The genera<strong>to</strong>rs, weights, simple roots and fundamental weightsof the defining representation of SU(3).⎛H 1 = 1 ⎝2⎛E α = ⎝0 1 00 0 00 0 0with E −α = (E α ) † .giving by1 0 00 −1 00 0 0⎞⎞⎠ , E β = ⎝and the six roots are given by⎛⎠ , H 2 = 1 ⎝2⎛0 0 10 0 00 0 0⎞0 0 00 1 00 0 −1⎛⎠ , E γ = ⎝⎞⎠ ,0 0 00 0 10 0 0⎞⎠ ,The weights of the defining representation are thenµ I = ( 1 2 , 0),µ II = (− 1 2 , 1 2 ),µ III = (0, − 1 2 ).α = (1, − 1 2 ),β = ( 1 2 , 1 2 ),γ = (− 1 2 , 1),

48 CHAPTER 3. SU(N), THE A N SERIESand their negative values. The positive roots are given by the roots withfirst entry non-negative,α = (1, − 1 2 ),β = ( 1 2 , 1 2 ),−γ = ( 1 2 , −1).The quantity of simple roots are given by the rank of the algebra, in thiscase, k = 2, from (3.4.3), one hasα 12 = α − β = ( 1 2 , 1),α 23 = β − (−γ) = (0, − 3 2 ).The fundamental highest weights q j is given by using the Killing metricg ij = tr (H i H j ),2 αI i gij q J jα I i gij α I i= 2 αJ µ Iα J2 = δIJ ,givingq I = ( 1 2 , 0) and qII = (0, − 1 2 ).

Chapter 4SO(2N), the D n seriesSO(2N) is the group of matrices O that are orthogonal: O T O = 1 and havedet O = 1. The group is generated by the imaginary antisymmetric 2N ×2Nmatrices, which only 2N 2 −N are independent (which is exactly the numberof genera<strong>to</strong>rs, table 2.3). The explicitly difference <strong>to</strong> the group SU(N) is thatthere the group was represented by both upper and lower indices, however,on SO(2N), this distinction of indices has no meaning. The rank of SO(2N)is N = n.4.1 The Defining RepresentationThe defining representation is the 2N vec<strong>to</strong>rs ⃗v = {v i , i = 1..., 2N} whichtrans<strong>for</strong>ms as v i → v ′i = O ij v j . Possible representations <strong>for</strong> the tensorsare the (2N) 2 objects given by T ij , the (2N) 3 given by T ijk → T ′ijk =O il O jm O kn T lmn , etc. It is possible <strong>to</strong> decompose any tensor in<strong>to</strong> symmetricaland antisymmetrical subsets, <strong>for</strong> example <strong>for</strong> T ij , one has 1 2N(N + 1)and 1 2N(N − 1), respectively:S → S ij = 1 2 (T ij + T ji ) (4.1.1)A → A ij = 1 2 (T ij − T ji ). (4.1.2)Giving the symmetrical tensor T ij and considering its trace as T = δ ij T ij49

50 CHAPTER 4. SO(2N), THE D N SERIESthenT → δ ij T ′ij = δ il O ij O jm T lm ,= (O T ) li δ ij O jm T lm ,= (O T ) lj O jm T lm ,= δ lm T lm ,= T,which means that the trace trans<strong>for</strong>ms <strong>to</strong> itself (singlet). There<strong>for</strong>e, itis possible <strong>to</strong> subtract it from the original tensor, <strong>for</strong>ming the tracelessQ ij = T ij − 1 N δij T which are 1 2N(N + 1) − 1 elements trans<strong>for</strong>ming amongthemselves.To summarize it, given two vec<strong>to</strong>rs v and w, their product can be decomposein<strong>to</strong> a symmetric traceless, a trace and an anti-symmetric tensor:N ⊗ N = [ 1 2 N(N + 1) − 1] ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 N(N − 1). (4.1.3)2For example, <strong>for</strong> SO(3), 3 ⊗ 3 = 5 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 3.4.2 The Cartan Genera<strong>to</strong>rs HFor the group SO(2N), the N Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>rs can be represented genericallyby the 2N × 2N following matrices[H m ] jk = −i(δ j,2m−1 δ k,2m − δ k,2m−1 δ j,2m ), (4.2.1)⎛H 1 = −i⎜⎝⎛H 2 = −i⎜⎝0 1 0 0 0−1 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 1 0 00 −1 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0⎞⎟⎠⎞⎟⎠2N×2N2N×2N,,

4.3. THE WEIGHTS µ 51...⎛H N = −i⎜⎝0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 10 0 0 −1 0⎞⎟⎠2N×2N.4.3 The Weights µThe 2N weights of the defining representation, <strong>for</strong> the previous Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>rs,are ± the unit vec<strong>to</strong>r e k with components [e k ] m = δ km ,µ 1 = (1, 0, 0, ..., 0) N ,µ 2 = (−1, 0, 0, ..., 0),µ 3 = (0, 1, 0, ..., 0),µ 4 = (0, −1, 0, ..., 0),...µ 2N−1 = (0, 0, 0, ..., 1),µ 2N = (0, 0, 0, ..., −1).4.4 The Raising and Lowering Opera<strong>to</strong>rs E ±In the group SO(2N), the raising and lowering opera<strong>to</strong>rs are given by acollection of 2N 2 − 2N opera<strong>to</strong>rs represented byE α = E ηη′IJ , (4.4.1)where η = ±1, η ′ = ±1 (giving four possibilities), and IJ = 1, ..., N. Theseopera<strong>to</strong>rs can be explicitly written asE ηη′12 = 1 2⎛⎜⎝E ηη′N−1,N = 1 20 0 1 iη ′ 00 0 iη −ηη ′ 0−1 −iη ′ 0 0 0−iη ηη ′ 0 0 00 0 0 0 0⎛⎜⎝0 0 0 0 00 0 0 1 iη ′0 0 0 iη −ηη ′0 −1 −iη ′ 0 00 −iη ηη ′ 0 0⎞⎟⎠2N×2N⎞⎟⎠.2N×2N.

52 CHAPTER 4. SO(2N), THE D N SERIES4.5 The Roots αThe 2N 2 − 2N roots are given by the N-size positive roots such as ±e j ± e k ,<strong>for</strong> k ≠ j,α 1 = (1, 1, 0, ..., 0) N ,α 2 = (−1, 1, 0, ..., 0),α 3 = (0, 1, 1, 0, ..., 0),α 4 = (0, −1, 1, 0, ..., 0),α 5 = (1, 0, 1, ..., 0),α 6 = (−1, 0, 1, ..., 0),...α 2N 2−2N = (0, 0, −0, ..., −1, −1),Positive RootsThe positive roots on SO(2N) are defined by the roots with first positivenon-vanishing entry, α = (0, 0, .., 0, +1, 0...), i.e. e j ± e k <strong>for</strong> j < k.Simple Roots ⃗αThe N simple roots are given by N − 1 vec<strong>to</strong>rs e j − e j+1 , j = 1...N − 1 andone e N−1 + e N ,⃗α 1 = (1, −1, 0, ..., 0),⃗α 2 = (0, −1, −1, ..., 0),...⃗α N−1 = (0, 0, .., 1, −1),⃗α N = (0, 0, ..., 1, 1).

4.6. THE FUNDAMENTAL WEIGHTS ⃗ Q 534.6 The Fundamental Weights ⃗qThe N fundamental weights of SO(2N) are⃗q 1 = (1, 0, 0, ..., 0),⃗q 2 = (1, 1, 0, ..., 0),⃗q 3 = (1, 1, 1, ..., 0),...⃗q N−1 = 1 (1, 1, 1, ..., −1),2⃗q N = 1 (1, 1, 1, ..., 1),2where the last two are the spinor representation and the conjugate spinorrepresentation. The complex representation is characterized by charge conjugation,so all weights change sign.4.7 The Cartan MatrixThe Cartan Matrix in SO(2N) is given by (2.6.1),⎛A =⎜⎝2 −1 0 0 ... 0 0 0−1 2 −1 0 ... 0 0 00 −1 2 −1 ... 2 0 00 0 −1 2 ... 2 −1 −10 0 0 −1 ... −1 2 00 0 0 0 ... −1 0 2⎞.⎟⎠


Chapter 5SO(2N+1), the B n seriesThe algebra of SO(2N+1) is the same as SO(2N) with an extra dimension.The group is generated by the imaginary antisymmetric 2N × 2N matrices,which only 2N 2 + N are independent (which is exactly the number ofgenera<strong>to</strong>rs, table 2.3).5.1 The Cartan Genera<strong>to</strong>rs HThe defining representation is 2N + 1-dimensional, there<strong>for</strong>e the N Cartangenera<strong>to</strong>rs are given by the following (2N +1)×(2N +1) matrices, where onejust adds zeros on the last collum and row of the previous SO(2N) Cartangenera<strong>to</strong>rs. The ranking of SO(2N+1) is N.⎛H 1 = −i⎜⎝⎛H 2 = −i⎜⎝0 1 0 0 0−1 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 1 0 00 −1 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 055⎞⎟⎠⎞⎟⎠2N+1×2N+12N+1×2N+1,,

56 CHAPTER 5. SO(2N+1), THE B N SERIES...⎛H N = −i⎜⎝0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 1 00 0 −1 0 00 0 0 0 0⎞⎟⎠2N+1×2N+1,5.2 The Weights µThe 2N + 1 weights of SO(2N+1) are the N-sized vec<strong>to</strong>rs from SO(2N) plusan extra vec<strong>to</strong>r with zero entries, all them given byµ 1 = (1, 0, 0, ..., 0) N ,µ 2 = (−1, 0, 0, ..., 0),...µ 2N = (0, 0, ..., 0, −1),µ 2N+1 = (0, 0, ..., 0, 0).5.3 The Raising and Lowering Opera<strong>to</strong>rs E ±The raising and lowering opera<strong>to</strong>rs are the same as in SO(2N), E α = E ηη′IJ ,equation (4.4.1), where η = ±1, η ′ = ±1, I, J = 1, ..., N, plus N moreopera<strong>to</strong>rs respecting[E η I , Eη′ J ] = −Eηη′ IJ .These new 1 2 (2N + 1)2N opera<strong>to</strong>rs Eη Iare given by⎛⎞0 0 0 0 1E η 1 = √ 10 0 0 0 iη2⎜ 0 0 0 0 0⎟⎝ 0 0 0 0 0 ⎠−1 iη 0 0 0...⎛E η N = √ 12⎜⎝0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 iη0 0 −1 iη 0⎞⎟⎠2N+1×2N+12N+1×2N+1..

5.4. THE ROOTS α 575.4 The Roots αThe roots of SO(2N+1) are the same of SO(2N) plus 2N vec<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>for</strong> the newraising/lowering opera<strong>to</strong>rs, given by ±e j ,Positive Rootsα IJηη′ = (..., ±1, ...0, ±1, 0...) N ,andα Iη = (..., η J , ...).Again, the positive roots on SO(2N+1) are the same as on SO(2N), definedby the left entry, plus a new positive root e j ,Simple Roots ⃗αα 1 i = (0, 0, 1, ..., ±1, 0, ..., 0).The N simple roots of SO(2N+1) are given by e j − e j+1 <strong>for</strong> j = 1, ..., n − 1and e N (the last one is different from the SO(2N) case, since e N−1 + e N isnot simple simple here).⃗α 1 = (1, −1, 0, ..., 0),⃗α 2 = (0, 1, −1, ..., 0),...⃗α N−1 = (0, 0, .., 1, −1),⃗α N = (0, 0, 0, ..., 1).5.5 The Fundamental Weights ⃗qThe N fundamental weights of SO(2N+1) are⃗q 1 = (1, 0, 0, ..., 0) N ,⃗q 2 = (1, 1, 0, ..., 0),...⃗q N−1 = (1, 1, 1..., 1, 0),⃗q N = 1 (1, 1, 1..., 1),2where the last is the self-conjugated spinor representation.

58 CHAPTER 5. SO(2N+1), THE B N SERIES5.6 The Cartan MatrixThe Cartan matrices is different from SO(2N) and identifies this family, B n ,⎛A =⎜⎝2 −1 0 0 ... 0 0 0−2 2 −1 0 ... 0 0 00 −1 2 −1 ... 2 0 00 0 −1 2 ... 2 −1 00 0 0 −1 ... −1 2 −20 0 0 0 ... 0 −1 2⎞.⎟⎠

Chapter 6Spinor RepresentationsSpinor representations are irreps of the orthogonal group, SO(2N+2) andSO(2N+1). One can write these genera<strong>to</strong>rs in a basis <strong>for</strong>med of gammamatricesγ i , respecting the Clif<strong>for</strong>d Algebra, {γ i , γ j } = 2δ ij . The hermitiangenera<strong>to</strong>rs of the rotational group will be then the matrices <strong>for</strong>med by M ij =14i [γ i, γ j ] = σ ij .A way of visualizing it is that, <strong>for</strong> groups SO(2N+2), one has the spinor(S) irrep, σ ij = {γ ij , ..., −iγ ij } and the conjugate ( ¯S) irrep, ¯σ ij = {γ ij , ..., iγ ij }.Anexample <strong>for</strong> SO(4=2.1+1) is constructed on table 6.1. For groups SO(2N+1),the spinor is its conjugate, so the representation is always real.Spinor (S)Complex ( ¯S)Representation | 1 2 〉 ⊗ | 1 2 〉 | 1 2 〉 ⊗ | − 1 2 〉Cartan Genera<strong>to</strong>rs H S 1 = σ 3 ⊗ σ 3 H C 2 = −σ 3 ⊗ σ 3Ladder Genera<strong>to</strong>rs E S 1 = σ 1 ⊗ 1 E C 2 = σ 2 ⊗ 1Table 6.1: Example of spinor representation <strong>for</strong> SO(4), an euclidian spaceof dimension 4. This representation is pseudo-real, which is not a surprisesince SO(4) ≃ SU(2) ⊗ SU(2) and SU(2) is pseudo-real.59

60 CHAPTER 6. SPINOR REPRESENTATIONS6.1 The Dirac <strong>Group</strong>The Dirac matrices (composed from the Pauli matrices) <strong>for</strong>m a group. Forinstance, let us consider an euclidian four-dimensional space. We can writethe Dirac matrices as γ 4 = iγ 0 . The Dirac group is then of order 2 N+1 = 32and the elements of this group are G = +I, −I, ±γ µ , γ µν , γ µνρ , γ 1234 . Thereare 17 classes, given by the orthogonality relation, (1.2.5),32 =17∑( dim R i ) 2 = 16 × 1 2 + 4 2 ,where 16 are one-dimensional irreps that do not satisfy the Clif<strong>for</strong>d Algebragiven by (6.1.1), i.e. only the four-dimensional irrep does so. Other examplesare shown on table (6.2).γ µ γ ν + γ ν γ µ = η µν . (6.1.1)6.2 Spinor Irreps on SO(2N+1)In the 2N + 1 dimension of the defining representation that we have justconstructed last chapter, we had the fundamental weights <strong>for</strong> j = 1, ..., N −1given by⃗q j =and Nth-fundamental weight was⃗q = 1 2j∑e k , (6.2.1)k=1N∑e k . (6.2.2)k=1The last is the spinor irrep and by Weyl reflections in the roots e j , itgives the set of weights12 (±e1 , ±e 2 , ..., ±e N ),where all of them are uniquely equivalent by rotation <strong>to</strong> the highest weight ofsome 2 N -dimensional representation. This representation is a tensor produc<strong>to</strong>f N 2-dimensional spaces, where any arbitrary matrix can be built as a

6.2. SPINOR IRREPS ON SO(2N+1) 61Euclidian, d=2Elements {+I, −I, ±γ 1 , ±γ 2 , ±γ 3 γ 2 }Classes 5Order [G] 8Orthogonality 8 = ∑5 Ri 2 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 22Clif<strong>for</strong>d Algebra 1IC +C − σ 2RealityrealEuclidian, d= 3Elements {+I, −I, ±γ 1 , ±γ 2 , ±γ 3 , ±γ 1 γ 2 , ±γ 3 γ 2 , ±γ 3 γ 1 , −γ 123 , +γ 123 }Classes 10Order [G] 16Orthogonality 16 = ∑10 Ri 2 = 16 × 1 + 22 + 2 2Clif<strong>for</strong>d Algebra 2No solutionC +C − σ 2Realitypseudo-realEuclidian and Minkowski, d=4Elements {+I, −I, ±γ µ , ±γ µ γ ν , ±γ µ γ nu γ ρ , ±γ 1 γ 2 γ 3 γ 4 }Classes 17Order [G] 32Orthogonality 32 = ∑10 Ri 2 = 16 × 1 + 42Clif<strong>for</strong>d Algebra 1Reality Euclidian: pseudo-real, Minkowskian: real (Majorana)Table 6.2: The Dirac group <strong>for</strong> dimensions 2, 3 and 4 (euclidian andminkowskian).

62 CHAPTER 6. SPINOR REPRESENTATIONStensor product of Pauli matrices, i.e. the set of states which <strong>for</strong>ms thespinors irrep is a 2N-dimensional spaces given by| ± 1 2 〉 1 ⊗ | ± 1 2 〉 2 ... ⊗ | ± 1 2 〉 N.In this notation, the Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>rs areH i = 1 2 σi 3,generalized as the following hermitian genera<strong>to</strong>rsM 2k−1,2N+1 = 1 2 σ1 3...σ k−13 σ k 1, (6.2.3)M 2k,2N+1 = 1 2 σ1 3...σ k−13 σ k 2. (6.2.4)All other genera<strong>to</strong>rs can be constructed from the relationM ab = −i[M a,2N+1 , M b,2N+1 ],<strong>for</strong> a, b ≠ 2N − 1. The lowering and raising opera<strong>to</strong>rs are clearlyE ± e 1 = 1 2 σe1 ± ,E ± e 2 = 1 2 ⊗ σe1 3 ⊗ σ e2± ,E ± e 3 = 1 2 ⊗ σe1 3 ⊗ σ e23 ⊗ σ e3± ,...E ± = 1 e j 2 σe1 3 ⊗ ... ⊗ σ3 ej−1 ⊗ σ± ej .and because we can only raise the state in this representation once, E 2 e j = 0.The γ-matrices of the Clif<strong>for</strong>d algebra are generically given by 2 N × 2 Nmatricesγ 2k−1 = 1 ⊗ 1 ⊗ ... ⊗ 1⊗σ 1 ⊗σ 3 ⊗ σ 3 ⊗ ... ⊗ σ 3 ,γ 2k = 1 ⊗ 1 ⊗ ... ⊗ 1⊗σ 2 ⊗σ 3 ⊗ σ 3 ⊗ ... ⊗ σ 3 ,where 1 appears k − 1 times and σ 3 appears N − k times. Explicitly they

6.3. SPINOR IRREPS ON SO(2N+2) 63areγ 1 = σ 1 ⊗ σ 3 ...σ 3 ,γ 2 = σ 2 ⊗ σ 3 ...σ 3 ,γ 3 = 1 ⊗ σ 1 ⊗ σ 3 ...σ 3 ,γ 4 = 1 ⊗ σ 2 ⊗ σ 3 ...σ 3 ,...γ 2N−1 = 1 ⊗ ...1 ⊗ σ 1γ 2N = 1 ⊗ ...1 ⊗ σ 2γ 2N+1 = σ 3 ⊗ ... ⊗ σ 36.3 Spinor Irreps on SO(2N+2)For SO(2N+2), besides the fundamental weights given by (6.2.1) we havetwo more fundamental weights⃗q N = 1 2 (e1 + e 2 + ... + e N − e N+1 ) → S,⃗q N+1 = 1 2 (e1 + e 2 + ... + e N + e N+1 ) → ¯S.In this case one has one more hermitian Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>r <strong>for</strong> each of twospinor irreps (spinor and complex conjugate of spinor) from the SO(2N+1)case. There<strong>for</strong>e the genera<strong>to</strong>rs of SO(2N+2) are the the previous genera<strong>to</strong>rsof SO(2N+1) plus <strong>for</strong> each of the two complex spinor representation:H N+1 = 1 2 σ1 3...σ N+13 → S,H N+1 = 1 2 σ1 3...σ N+13 → ¯S.The genera<strong>to</strong>rs of the group are functions of γ-matrices, in the same

64 CHAPTER 6. SPINOR REPRESENTATIONSfashion as (6.2.4). Explicitly the 2 N × 2 N matrices areγ 1 = σ 1 ⊗ σ 3 ...σ 3 ,γ 2 = σ 2 ⊗ σ 3 ...σ 3 ,γ 3 = 1 ⊗ σ 1 ⊗ σ 3 ...σ 3 ,γ 4 = 1 ⊗ σ 2 ⊗ σ 3 ...σ 3 ,...γ 2N−1 = 1 ⊗ ...1 ⊗ σ 1γ 2N = 1 ⊗ ...1 ⊗ σ 2Notice that there is a non-trivial matrix that anticommutes <strong>to</strong> all others,he γ 5 from field theory, in a generalized dimension:γ F IV E = (−1) N γ 1 γ 2 ...γ 2N (6.3.1)= σ 3 ⊗ σ 3 ⊗ ... ⊗ σ 3 , (N-times). (6.3.2)The projection in<strong>to</strong> left-handed and right-handed spinors cut the numberof components in<strong>to</strong> half, thus the 2-irrep spinor of SO(2N) has dimension2 N−1 . For example, SO(10) has 2 N−1 = 2 4 = 16 dimensions.6.4 Reality of the Spinor IrrepWe have already talked about reality of representations <strong>for</strong> finite groups,on section 1.3. Here, again, <strong>to</strong> test the reality conditions of the spinorrepresentation, M ij , one needs <strong>to</strong> find a matrix C that makes a similaritytrans<strong>for</strong>mation M ij ′ = CM ijC −1 , <strong>for</strong> 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 2N, 2N + 1. The matrixC has the <strong>for</strong>mC = ∏ σ 2 ⊗ ∏ σ 1 ,odd evenand we call it the charge conjugate C −1 σ ∗ ij C = −σ ij, which means thatcharges e iθ iσ i will be charge conjugated by this operation. We resumethese proprieties on table 6.3 and the classification of reality <strong>for</strong> the groupsSO(2N+2) and SO(2N+1) can be seen at table 6.4. The reality propriety ofspinors can also be analyzed from (6.3.2),C −1 γ F IV E C = (−1) N γ F IV E . (6.4.1)

6.4. REALITY OF THE SPINOR IRREP 65(M ij ) ∗ = CM ij C −1 Hermitian T α satisfies M ijC T = (−1) N(N+1)2 CReal symmetric C = C T ,Pseudo-realanti-symmetric C = −C T(M ij ) ∗ ≠ CM ij C −1 No M ij solutions, S interchanges <strong>to</strong> ¯S2n + 2, n even: complex irrep, S, ¯S.Table 6.3: The definition <strong>for</strong> reality of spinor irrep <strong>for</strong> the orthogonal group.SO(2 + 8k)SO(3 + 8k)SO(4 + 8k)SO(5 + 8k)SO(6 + 8k)SO(7 + 8k)SO(8 + 8k)SO(9 + 8k)SO(10 + 8k)complexpseudorealpseudorealpseudorealcomplexrealrealrealcomplexTable 6.4: The classification of reality of spinor irrep <strong>for</strong> the orthogonalgroup.

66 CHAPTER 6. SPINOR REPRESENTATIONS6.5 Embedding SU(N) in<strong>to</strong> SO(2N)The group SO(2N) leaves ∑ Nj=1 (x′ j x j +y j ′ y j) invariant. The group U(N) consistson the subset of those trans<strong>for</strong>mations in SO(2N) that leaves invariantalso ∑ Nj=1 (x′ j y j − y j ′ x j).The defining representation of SO(2N), a vec<strong>to</strong>r representation of dimension2N, decomposes upon restriction <strong>to</strong> U(N) <strong>to</strong> N, ¯N:2N → N ⊕ ¯N.The adjoint representation of SO(2N) which has dimension N(2N − 1)trans<strong>for</strong>ms under restriction <strong>to</strong> U(N) as2N ⊗ A 2N → (N ⊕ ¯N) ⊗ A (N ⊕ ¯N),where ⊗ A is the anti-symmetric product, meaning that SO(2N) decomposeon U(N) asN(2N − 1) → N 2 − 1(adjoint) ⊕ 1 ⊕N(N − 1)2( N(N − 1)) ∗.⊕2The embedding of SU(N) in<strong>to</strong> SU(2N) in terms of irreps D i is shown ontable 6.5.SO(2n+2)SO(4n)D 2n+1 = ∑ nj=0 [2j + 1] D2n = ∑ nj=0 [2j]D 2n = ∑ nj=0 [2j] D2n−1 = ∑ n−1j=0[2j + 1]Table 6.5: The embedding of SU(N) on the spinor representation of SO(2N).

Chapter 7Sp(2N), the C n seriesThe symplectic groups, Sp(2N), are <strong>for</strong>med by matrices M that trans<strong>for</strong>msaswhereΩ =Ω = MΩM T (7.0.1)MΩ + ΩM T = 0, (7.0.2)( 0 1−1 0The rank of Sp(2N) is N and it has 2N 2 + N genera<strong>to</strong>rs. The subgroupUSp(2N) is a simple and compact group <strong>for</strong>med by the intersectionof SU(2N) and Sp(2N,C), i.e. the compact <strong>for</strong>m of Sp(2N),).USp(2N) = SU(N) ∪ Sp(2N).From SU(N) we au<strong>to</strong>matically get the additional condition <strong>to</strong> (7.0.2)condition M † M = −M. The general <strong>for</strong>m of M of USp(2N) is composed bythe algebra of S(N),M ij = A i ⊗ I +3∑iS j ⊗ σ j .j=1If A i is real, M is anti-symmetric, otherwise, if S j is real, M is symmetric.The number of non-compact genera<strong>to</strong>rs minus the number of compactgenera<strong>to</strong>r equal <strong>to</strong> the rank of the Lie algebra, there<strong>for</strong>e we can decomposeit asM = (A ⊗ I + S 2 ⊗ iσ 2 ) + (S 1 ⊗ iσ 1 + S 3 ⊗ iσ 3 ).67

68 CHAPTER 7. SP(2N), THE C N SERIES7.1 The Cartan Genera<strong>to</strong>rs HThe first N-1 genera<strong>to</strong>rs are the same Cartan subalgebra of SU(N) in thefirst block and its complex conjugate on the second (charge conjugation, soall weights change sign),⎛H 1 = 1 2⎜⎝1 ...−10−110⎞,⎟⎠2N×2N⎛H 2 = 1 2⎜⎝1 ...1−20−1−120⎞,⎟⎠2N×2N...H N−1 =⎛1√ 2N(N − 1) ⎜⎝1 ...11−(N − 1)−1−1−1(N − 1)⎞,⎟⎠2N×2NThe Nth Cartan genera<strong>to</strong>r is given byH N =1√2N(N − 1)( 1 00 −1)2N×2N.

7.2. THE WEIGHTS µ 697.2 The Weights µThe 2N weights of the defining representation of USp(2N) areµ 1 =µ 2 =µ 3 =...(12 , 12 √ 3 , 1((µ N−1 =√24, ...,− 1 2 , 12 √ 3 , 1√24, ...,0, − 22 √ 12 , 1√ , ..., 24(0, 0, ..., 0,1 1√ , √),2(N − 1)N 2N1√2(N − 1)N,1√2(N − 1)N,)N − 1√ , ... ,2(N − 2)(N − 1)(µ N N − 1 1= 0, 0, ..., 0, −√ , √),2N(N − 1) 2Nµ N+1 = −µ 1 ,...µ 2N = −µ N .1√2N),1√2N),7.3 The Raising and Lowering Opera<strong>to</strong>rs E ±For j < k, one construct the raising opera<strong>to</strong>rs of USp(2N),E 1,2 =E 1,3 =E 2,3 =⎛⎜⎝⎛⎜⎝⎛⎜⎝1 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 −1 00 1 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 −1 00 0 0 00 1 0 00 0 −1 00 0 0 0⎞⎟⎠⎞⎟⎠⎞⎟⎠ ,2N×2N2N×2N,,

70 CHAPTER 7. SP(2N), THE C N SERIES......E 1,2+N =E 1,3+N =E 2,3+N =⎛⎜⎝⎛⎜⎝⎛⎜⎝0 0 1 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 10 0 1 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 10 0 0 00 0 0 0⎞⎟⎠⎞⎟⎠⎞⎟⎠2N×2N2N×2N2N×2N,,,The lowering opera<strong>to</strong>rs are given by (E ij ) † = −Eij − . The commutationrelation[H I , E α ] = α I E α ,[H I , E α ] = (H I,jj − H I,kk )E jk ,shows that E α are eigenvalues of the H matrices.7.4 The Roots αThe roots from the raising and lowering opera<strong>to</strong>rs are give by α j,k = µ j −µ kand α j,k+N = µ j + µ k ,Positive Roots±(µ i − µ j ), 1 ≤ i < j ≤ N,±(µ i + µ j ), 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N.The positive roots are defined as the first positive entry from the rightµ i − µ j , i < j,µ i + µ j , ∀ i , j .

7.5. THE FUNDAMENTAL WEIGHTS Q 71Simple RootsThe N simple roots of USp(2N) are given byα 1 = (1, 0, 0, ..., 0),α 2 = ( 1 √32 , , 0, ..., 0),2...N − 2Nα N−1 = (0, ..., 0, −√ , √ ),2(N − 2)(N − 1) 2N(N − 1)√2(N − 2) 2α N = (0, ..., 0, −√ ,2N(N − 1) N ).7.5 The Fundamental Weights qThe N fundamental weights areq 1 = ( 1 2 , 12 √ 3 , ..., 1√ ),2N...√N − 1q N−1 = (0, 0, ..., 0,2N , N √ − 1 ),2Nq N = (0, 0, ..., 0,√N2 ).7.6 The Cartan MatrixThe Cartan matrices identifies the family C n ,⎛A =⎜⎝2 −1 0 0 ... 0 0 0−1 2 −1 0 ... 0 0 00 −1 2 −1 ... 0 0 00 0 −1 2 ... 2 −1 00 0 0 −1 ... −1 2 −10 0 0 0 ... 0 −2 2⎞.⎟⎠


Chapter 8Young TableauxOn the Young tableaux theory, each tableau represents a specific process ofsymmetrization and anti-symmetrization of a tensor v 12...n in which index ncan take any integer value 1 <strong>to</strong> N.For instance, lets us recall the defining representation of SU(N), composedof N-dimensional vec<strong>to</strong>rs v µ (it represents the usual vec<strong>to</strong>rs |µ〉, µ =1, ..., N). The tensor product is u µ ⊗ v ν , with N 2 components, isδ(u µ v ν ) = T ν µ ′uµ′ v ν + u µ T µ ν ′ v ν′ .This tensor product <strong>for</strong>ms irreps, i.e the. u µ ⊗ v ν is reducible in<strong>to</strong> irreps,and in the case that the representations are identical, the product space canbe separated in<strong>to</strong> two parts, a symmetric and antisymmetric part,u µ ⊗ v ν = 1 2 (uµ v ν + u µ v ν ) ⊕ 1 2 (uµ v ν − u ν v µ ). (8.0.1)The decomposition of the fundamental representation specifies how asubgroup H is embedded in the general group G, and since all representationsmay be built up as products of the fundamental representation, oncewe know the fundamental representation decomposition, we know all therepresentation decompositions.The Young tableaux are then the box-tensors with N indices, where firs<strong>to</strong>ne symmetrizes indices in each row, and second one antisymmetrizes allindices in the collums. For example, we can construct the Young diagrams,from (8.0.1), <strong>for</strong> the tensorial product u µ v ν → µ ⊗ ν asµ ⊗ ν = µ ν +µν = t µν + t νµ73

74 CHAPTER 8. YOUNG TABLEAUXAnother example, <strong>for</strong> N > 2, we have the tensor t µρν = v µ ⊗ u ρ ⊗ h ν ,and one writest µνρ −→ ( µ ⊗ ν ) ⊗ ρ =( µ ν ⊕µν ) ⊗ ρ =µ ν ρ ⊕µ ρν⊕µ νρ⊕µνρwhere, <strong>for</strong> example,t µρν −→ν ρµ → (t µνρ + t µρν ) − (t νµρ + t νρµ ).A third example, <strong>for</strong> N > 4, one can have a tensor of the <strong>for</strong>m t µνργη ,which will be generalized asµ ⊗ ν ⊗ ρ ⊗ γ ⊗ η = ⊕ ... ⊕Direct Products of two IrrepsThe <strong>for</strong>mal calculation of the direct product of two (or more) irreps is givenby the following rules:1. On the second tensor in the tensorial multiplication, add <strong>to</strong> all boxesof the first row a indices, add <strong>to</strong> all boxes of the second row b indices,a aetc. For example, b .2. The process of multiplication is made adding one box of index a eachtime <strong>to</strong> the others boxes, in all allowed ways, until ceasing these boxes.Then adding one box of index b each time <strong>to</strong> all, etc. Never put morethan one a or b in the same column. Align the number of a’s ≤ numberof b’s (at any position, number of a above and right must be equal orsmaller than of b, which must be equal or smaller than c, etc). Forexample, a a b is not allowed.

753. If two tableaux of the same shape are produced, they are counted asdifferent only if the labels are different.4. Cancel columns with N boxes since they are the trivial representation.5. Check the dimension of the products <strong>to</strong> the dimension of the initialtensors.Example v µν ⊗ u ρ b b ⊗ a = b b a +b baExample u ρ ⊗ v µνThe last one of this product is <strong>for</strong>bidden:b ⊗ a a = b a a +b aa +baaExample v µ ⊗ u ν ρThe first three of this product are <strong>for</strong>bidden:c ⊗= c a b +ab = ( c a +c ba +ca ) ⊗ bc ba +cabExample v µν ⊗ u ρ λc c ⊗ab = ( c a +c ca) ⊗ b

76 CHAPTER 8. YOUNG TABLEAUX=c ab +c cab<strong>Group</strong> Symmetric tensors, DimensionSU(N) v µν 1 2N(N + 1)SO(N) v µν − 1 N δµν 1 2N(N + 1) − 1USp(2N) v µν 1 2(2N)(2N + 1)<strong>Group</strong> Anti-symmetric tensors, DimensionSU(N) v µν 1 2N(N − 1)SO(N) v µν 1 2N(N − 1)USp(2N) v µν − Ω µν (Ω ρσ 1v ρσ )2(2N)(2N − 1)Table 8.1: Symmetric and anti-symmetric representations of the Lie families.8.1 Invariant TensorsA invariant tensor is a scalar (with indices) in an irreps of G, such thatif one trans<strong>for</strong>ms the tensor, according <strong>to</strong> the indices, the invariant tensordoes not change, also called singlet. The trace is usually a singlet, as we hadproved at section 4.1.Invariant Tensor <strong>Group</strong>δ µνSO(2N),SU(N)Ω µνSp(2N)(γ µ ) α βSO(2N+1)(σ µ ) AḂ SO(2N)e µ i−µ nSO(N), Sp(N), SU(N)Table 8.2: The invariant tensors <strong>for</strong> the Lie families.

8.2. DIMENSIONS OF IRREPS OF SU(N) 77For SO(2N), one can write the symmetric tensor t µν as u (µ v ν) − 1 N δµν uv,where it was subtracted the trace, with dimension 1 2N(N + 1) − 1. Forthe antisymmetric part, the trace is not subtracted and the dimension is12N(N − 1). For the symplectic group Sp(2N), one writes an antisymmetricvec<strong>to</strong>r as u µ v ν − u ν u µ − 2 N Ωµν uv, which dimension is 1 2(2N)(2N − 1).For example, the multiplication in SU(5) of ¯5 and 10 is given by thetensor t ijk = φ kη ij . We separate out the trace φ k η kj which trans<strong>for</strong>ms as 5and we get ¯5 ⊗ 10 = 5 ⊕ 45.Another example the multiplication of 10 and 10, T ijmnh, taking the traceand separate it out, T ijmijis ¯5, and the traceless, T ijmnj is ¯45. There<strong>for</strong>e10 ⊗ 10 = ¯5 ⊕ ¯45 ⊕ 55. ¯A third example is <strong>for</strong> Usp(4), where one can decompose the tensorproduct of two vec<strong>to</strong>rs asu µ v ν = uµ v ν + u ν u µ2+ [u µ v ν − u ν v µ − 1 4 Ωνµ (Ω ρσ u ρ v σ )],where the last part is the trace. The tableaux representation is⊗ = + + •.8.2 Dimensions of Irreps of SU(N)The general <strong>for</strong>mula <strong>to</strong> calculate the dimension of irreps of SU(N) is givenby Dimension = Fac<strong>to</strong>rs/Hooks, where fac<strong>to</strong>rs are the terms inside theboxes and hook is the product of number of boxes in each hook. The dimensionsof the simplest representations aredim( ) = N, fundamental representation of v µ ,dim(dim(dim( ⊗ ) = + = N 2) = 1 2N(N + 1), symmetric representation,)= 1 2N(N − 1), anti-symmetric representation,dim( ⊗ ⊗ ) = +2 + = N 3 ,dim ( ) =( N + 23)=N(N + 1)(N + 2),3!

78 CHAPTER 8. YOUNG TABLEAUX( Ndim ( ) =3)=N(N − 1)(N − 2),3!dim() = N 3 − N(N+1)(N+2)3!− N(N−1)(N−2)3!= 2N 33− 2N 3 .For example, <strong>for</strong> SU(3), one has dim ( ) = 3, represented by v µ ,and dim ( × ) = 3 2 , represented by u µν . For SU(6), dim ( ) = 6,represented by w µ .The adjoint representation is the one with N − 1 boxes on first columnand only one box on second collumn. The complex conjugate of a irrep canbe found by replacing the j-column element by the N − j, and reading fromright. For example, <strong>for</strong> SU(3), one hasFor SU(4), one has( ) ∗ = ( ).• ( ) ∗ = ,• ( ) ∗ = ,• ( ) ∗ = ,• ( ) ∗ = ,The Tensor Representation <strong>for</strong> SU(N)The relation between the Young tableaux, the tensors of the group SU(N)and the fundamental weight is given by

8.3. DIMENSIONS OF IRREPS OF SO(2N) 79µ −→ v µ , µ = 1, ..., N, ⃗q 1 = µ 112 −→ v µν = −v νµ , ⃗q 2 = µ 1 + µ 2 .123 −→ v µνρ , ⃗q 3 = µ 1 + µ 2 + µ 3 ....−→ ⃗q N−1 = µ 1 + ... + µ N−1 = () ∗−→ For N boxes, this is a scalar.When it comes <strong>to</strong> the complex representation, the highest weight of∗ is the lowest weight of ,( ) ∗ = −µ N ,= µ 1 + ... + µ N−1 ,= q N−1 .If the highest weight of two representations are v i , v 2 , the highest weight ofthe product of these representations are v 1 + v 2 .8.3 Dimensions of Irreps of SO(2N)To count the dimension of a irrep on SO(2N), we write the Young tableauand fill it with the values of r i , λ i (number of box in the i row, countingfrom N-1, N-2,...), λ i (number of boxes <strong>for</strong>ming a column on the i row), andR i (sum of r i and λ i ), as shown on table 8.3.

80 CHAPTER 8. YOUNG TABLEAUXr i (rows) λ i (columns) R i = r i + λ iN-1 +2 N-1 +2N-2 +2 N-2 +2... +2 ... +21 +1 20 0 0Table 8.3: Calculation of the dimension of irreps on SO(2N).The dimension of the tensors (without spinors) is then calculated by multiplyingall possible sums of R i , multiplying all possible differences betweenthem and dividing by all possible sums of r i times and their differences,dimension =∏ Sums (Ri + R j )∏ Sums (ri + r j )∏ Differences (Ri − R j )∏ Differences (ri − r j ) .For spinors one just needs <strong>to</strong> make R i = r i + λ i + 1 2 .Example: SO(6)Let us calculate an irrep on SO(6). For instance, the multiplication of twovec<strong>to</strong>rs can be written asv µ ⊗ t ν = v µ t ν + v ν t µ − 2 N gµν vt. (8.3.1)Considering first of all the symmetrical part, one has the table 8.4.r i (rows) λ i (columns) R i = r i + λ i2 2 41 0 10 0 0Table 8.4: Example of counting dimensions <strong>for</strong> a symmetric irrep on SO(6).dimension =5.4.1 × × 1 × 2.1 = 20.

8.4. DIMENSIONS OF IRREPS OF SO(2N+1) 81r i (rows) λ i (columns) R i = r i + λ i2 1 31 1 20 0 0Table 8.5: Example of counting dimensions <strong>for</strong> an anti-symmetric irrep onSO(6).We then consider the anti-symmetric part, as shown on table 8.5.dimension =5.3.1 × × 1 × 2.1 = 15.The dimension of the tensorial product given by (8.3.1) is clearly 20+15+1,where this last part is the trace. Now, let us consider the the dimension ofspinor representation on SO(6), placing a dot inside the tableaux, as ontable 8.6.r i (rows) λ i (columns) R i = r i + λ i2 . 1 3 1 21 0 1 1 20 012Table 8.6: Example of counting dimensions <strong>for</strong> a irrep on SO(6) with spinorrepresentation.dimension =5.4.2 × × 1 × 2.1 = 20.8.4 Dimensions of Irreps of SO(2N+1)Already including spinors (R i = r i + λ i + 1 2) one can count the dimensionsof the irreps with the following rules of table 8.7.The dimension <strong>for</strong> the tensor are then again the multiplication of sumsand differences of R i over the multiplication of sum and differences of r i ,dimension =∏ Sums (Ri + R j )∏ Sums (ri + r j )∏ Differences (Ri − R j )∏ Differences (ri − r j )

82 CHAPTER 8. YOUNG TABLEAUXr 2 (rows) λ i + 1 2 (columns) R i = r i + λ iN+ 1 2+2 N+ 1 2 +2... +1 ... 111202Table 8.7: Calculation of the dimension of irreps on SO(2N+1).Example: SO(5)First of all, considering a representation of a symmetric tensor v µ withoutspinor, one has the the table 8.8.r i (rows) λ i (columns) R i = r i + λ i3521211202Table 8.8: Example of counting dimensions <strong>for</strong> a irrep on SO(5).The dimension is obviously 5,dimension =5/2.1/2 × 3.23/2.1/1 × 2.1 = 5.Now let us count the spinor representation, writing the tensor as(v µν = 16 v µν − 1 5 (γµν ) α β (γµ ) β) , (8.4.1)the dimension is given by table 8.9.r i (rows) λ i (columns) R i = r i + λ i3 . 1 1 23212121Table 8.9: Example of counting dimensions <strong>for</strong> a spinor irrep on SO(5).dim = = 16.

8.5. DIMENSIONS OF IRREPS OF SP(2N) 838.5 Dimensions of Irreps of Sp(2N)The calculation of the dimension of irreps of Sp(2N) is slightly different fromthe previous process <strong>for</strong> the orthogonal group. Again one needs <strong>to</strong> fill ther i , λ i and R i , as it is shown on table 8.10.r 2 (rows) λ i + 1 2 (columns) R i = r i + λ iN +2 N +2... +2 ...+21 0 1Table 8.10: Example of counting dimensions <strong>for</strong> a irrep on Sp(2N).The dimension <strong>for</strong> the tensors is then given by the multiplication of allsums of R i , all differences of R i and (this is different) the multiplication ofall R i , all over the double fac<strong>to</strong>rial on (2N − 1)!!.∏ Sums (Ri + R j ) ∏ Differences (R i + R j ) ∏ R idimension =1!3!...(2N − 1)!!It is useful <strong>to</strong> check the local isomorphism of USp(4) ≃ SO(5), which isclearly seen by their Young tableaux, table 8.11.TableauDimension410516Table 8.11: Young tableaux from the local isomorphism SU(5) ≃ USp(4).8.6 Branching RulesRestricted representation is a construction that <strong>for</strong>ms a representation ofa subgroup from a representation of the whole group. The rules <strong>for</strong> de-

84 CHAPTER 8. YOUNG TABLEAUXcomposing the restriction of an irreducible representation in<strong>to</strong> irreduciblerepresentations of the subgroup are called branching rules. In the case ofSU(N) groups, one can decompose it asSU(N) → SU(M) × SU(N − M) × U(1),where the first two are represented by the diagonal matrix( )SU(M) 0,0 SU(N − M)and the extra U(1) is embedded as( diag1M00 diag − 1M−N).The splitting in the Dynkin diagram is obtained by deleting one node,the one that connects SU(M) <strong>to</strong> SU(N-M). For example, <strong>for</strong>the fundamental representation isSU(8) → SU(4) × SU(4) × U(1),N ≃ M ⊕ N−M .

Chapter 9The Gauge <strong>Group</strong> SU(5) as asimple GUTThe idea of the Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) is <strong>to</strong> embed the StandardModel (SM) gauge groups in<strong>to</strong> a large group G and try <strong>to</strong> interpret theadditional resultant symmetries. Currently the most interesting candidates<strong>for</strong> G are SU(5), SO(10), E 6 and the semi-simple SU(3) × SU(3) × SU(3).Since the SM group is rank 4, all G must be at least rank N − 1 = 4 andthey also must comport complex representations. The SU(5) grand unifiedmodel of Georgi and Glashow is the simplest and one of the first attemptsin which the SM gauge groups SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) are combined in<strong>to</strong>a single gauge group, SU(5). The Georgi-Glashow model combines lep<strong>to</strong>nsand quarks in<strong>to</strong> single irreducible representations, there<strong>for</strong>e they might haveinteractions that do not conserve the baryon number, still conserving thedifference between the baryon and the lep<strong>to</strong>n number (B-L). This allows thepossibility of pro<strong>to</strong>n decay whose rate may be predicted from the dynamicsof the model. Experimentally, however, the non-observed pro<strong>to</strong>n decayresults on contradictions of this simple model, still allowing however supersymmetricextensions of it. In this paper I tried <strong>to</strong> be very explicit in thederivations of SU(5) as a simple GUT.9.1 The Representation of the Standard ModelThe current theory of the electroweak and strong interactions is based on thegroup SU(3) × SU(2) × U Y (1), hence<strong>for</strong>th called the Standard Model of Elementaryparticles. This theory states that there is a spontaneous symmetrybreaking (SSB) at around 100 GeV, breaking SU(2) × U Y (1) → U EM (1) via85

86 CHAPTER 9. THE GAUGE GROUP SU(5) AS A SIMPLE GUTthe Higgs mechanism. In the SM, the three generations of quarks are threeidentical copies of SU(3) triplet and the right-handed (RH) antiparticles (orleft-handed (LH) particles) are SU(2) doublet. The remaining particles aresinglet under both symmetries. For the first generation, the RH antiparticlesSU(2) doublet are 12 ( ) ( )¯ψ† = , ū¯d¯l † ē= .¯ν eThe representation of the RH antiparticle creation opera<strong>to</strong>rs can be seenin table 9.1. For the LH particle creation one just takes the complex conjugateof RH, where <strong>for</strong> SU(2), ¯2 = 2, since SU(2) is pseudo-real. Theresultant opera<strong>to</strong>rs are shown in table 9.2.Creation Op. Dim on SU(3) Dim on SU(2) Y of U(1) Representationu † 2Triplet Singlet3u † : (3, 1) 2/3d † Triplet Singlet − 1 3d † : (3, 1) −1/3e † Singlet Singlet −1 e † : (1, 1) −1¯ψ † Triplet Doublet − 1 6¯ψ † : (¯3, 2) −1/61¯l† Singlet Doublet2¯l† : (1, 2) 1/2Table 9.1: The representations of the right-handed antiparticle creation opera<strong>to</strong>rsof the standard model, SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1). ”Dim” stands <strong>for</strong>dimension, Y is the hypercharge of the U(1) genera<strong>to</strong>rs S.The full SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) RH representation of the creation opera<strong>to</strong>rsis thenu † ⊕ d † ⊕ e † ⊕ ¯ψ † ⊕ ¯l † = (9.1.1)(3, 1) 2/3 ⊕ (3, 1) −1/3 ⊕ (1, 1) −1 ⊕ (¯3, 2) −1/6 ⊕ (1, 2) 1/2 . (9.1.2)The full SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) LH representation of the creation opera<strong>to</strong>rsis thenū † ⊕ ¯d † ⊕ ē † ⊕ ψ † ⊕ l † = (9.1.3)(¯3, 1) −2/3 ⊕ (¯3, 1) 1/3 ⊕ (1, 1) 1 ⊕ (3, 2) 1/6 ⊕ (1, 2) −1/2 . (9.1.4)1 RH neutrinos weren’t experimentally observed. It is possible <strong>to</strong> have only LH neutrinoswithout RH neutrinos if we could introduce a tiny Majorana coupling <strong>for</strong> the LHneutrinos.2 For the antiparticle of the electron, the positron, <strong>for</strong> convenience we write in this texte + = ē.

9.2. SU(5) UNIFICATION OF SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) 87Creation Op. Dim on SU(3) Dim on SU(2) Y of U(1) Representationū † Triplet Singlet − 2 3ū † : (¯3, 1) −2/3¯d † 1Triplet Singlet ¯d † : (¯3, 1) 1/3ē † Singlet Singlet 1 ē † : (1, 1) 1ψ † 1Triplet Doublet6¯ψ † : (3, 2) 1/6l † Singlet Doublet − 1 2l † : (1, 2) −1/23Table 9.2: The representations of the left-handed particle creation opera<strong>to</strong>rsof the standard model, SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1). ”Dim” stands <strong>for</strong> dimension,Y is the hypercharge of the U(1) genera<strong>to</strong>rs S.The standard similar way of writing the representations of (LH) matteras representations of SU(3) × SU(2) in the SM is(u, d) : (3, 2); (ν e , e − ) : (1, 2); (u c , d c ) : (¯3, 2); (e + ) : (1, 1). (9.1.5)9.2 SU(5) Unification of SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1)The breaking of SU(5) in<strong>to</strong> SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) can be done in the samefashion as the breaking of SU(3) in<strong>to</strong> SU(2) × U(1). The SU(5) breakingoccurs when a scalar field (such as the Higgs field) trans<strong>for</strong>ming in its adjoint(dimension N 2 −1 = 5 2 −1 = 24) acquires a vacuum expectation value (VEV)proportional <strong>to</strong> the hypercharge genera<strong>to</strong>r,⎛S = Y 2 = ⎜⎝− 1 3− 1 3− 1 31212⎞⎟⎠ . (9.2.1)These 24 gauge bosons are the double than the usual 12. The additionalgauge bosons are called X and Y and they violate the baryon and lep<strong>to</strong>nnumber and carry both flavor and color. As a consequence, the pro<strong>to</strong>n candecay in<strong>to</strong> a positron and a neutral pion 3 , with a lifetimes given byτ p ∼ 1α 2 su(5)MX4m 5 .p3 As we see on the last section of the text, no such decay was observed.

88 CHAPTER 9. THE GAUGE GROUP SU(5) AS A SIMPLE GUTThe SU(5) is then spontaneously broken <strong>to</strong> subgroups of SU(5) plusU(1) (the abelian group representing the phase from (9.2.1)). This SSB canbe represented as ¯5⊕10⊕1 <strong>to</strong> LH particles and 5⊕¯10⊕1 <strong>to</strong> RH antiparticles,as we will prove in the following sections.Unbroken SU(5)The fundamental representation of SU(5), let us say the vec<strong>to</strong>rial representation|ɛ 1 ɛ 2 ɛ 3 ɛ 4 ɛ 5 〉, has dimension N=5 4 . The group is complex havingan anti-fundamental representation (complex conjugate representation) ¯5.The embedding of the standard gauge groups in SU(5) consists in findinga SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) subgroup of SU(5). We first look <strong>to</strong> 5 and try <strong>to</strong>fit a 5-dimensional subset of (9.1.2) on it (and the left-handed (9.1.4) on ¯5).There is two possibilities on (9.1.2) that sum up 5 dimensions:and(3, 1) −1/3 ⊕ (1, 2) 1/2 , (9.2.2)(3, 1) 2/3 ⊕ (1, 2) 1/2 .The second one is not allowed because S, the genera<strong>to</strong>r of U(1), willnot be traceless 5 , there<strong>for</strong>e this group can not be embed in SU(5) in thiscase. To verify it just do 2 3 × 3 + 1 2× 2 ≠ 0 (not traceless), differently of− 1 3 × 3 + 1 2 × 2 = 0 (traceless).The first possibility, (9.2.2) is allowed and represents the embedding.The SU(3) genera<strong>to</strong>rs, T a , act on the first indices of the fundamental rep ofSU(5) |ɛ 1 ɛ 2 ɛ 3 00〉 and the SU(2) genera<strong>to</strong>rs, R a , act on the last two |000ɛ 4 ɛ 5 〉.The U(1) genera<strong>to</strong>r, S, obviously commutes with the other genera<strong>to</strong>rs. Theembedding of the first RH subset of fermions on SU(5) is then characterizedby the traceless genera<strong>to</strong>rs( ) ( ) ( )Ta 0 0 0 −I, 30I0 0 0 R a 02,5×5,5×55×55×5.5×5In the same logic, the embedding of the LH subset of fermions on SU(5)is characterized by the traceless genera<strong>to</strong>rs( ) ( ) (Ta 0 0 0I), 300 0 0 R a 0 − I 2.5×54 See construction of the Lie groups on reference [?].5 All genera<strong>to</strong>rs of SU(N) are traceless <strong>for</strong> definition and construction.

9.2. SU(5) UNIFICATION OF SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) 89ψ i 5 → (3, 1) −1/3 ⊕ (1, 2) 1/2 u c , ¯l(e c , ν c e)ψ i ¯5 → (¯3, 1) 1/3 ⊕ (1, 2) −1/2 d c , l(e, ν e )Table 9.3: The SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) embedding on the fundamental representationof SU(5). The index c indicates charge conjugation.A possible representation of the LH ¯5, rewriting |ɛ 1 ɛ 2 ɛ 3 ɛ 4 ɛ 5 〉 6 is 7⎛d c ⎞redd c ( )blue⎜ d c dcgreen ⎟ = 3,⎝ e ⎠ l 2 5ν eand as the RH, given by 5,⎛⎜⎝u c redu c blueu c greenē¯ν e⎞c⎟⎠c( ) uc= 3¯l2The next representation on SU(5) we will use is the antisymmetric intwo indices, 10 and its conjugate 10. ¯ The remaining ten-dimensional par<strong>to</strong>f (9.1.2) and (9.1.4) fits respectively on ¯10 and 10. To see how it happens,we observe that ¯10 = ¯5 ⊗ A ¯5 so we can multiply the 5-dimensional subsetson table 9.3 <strong>to</strong> <strong>for</strong>m these representations. For instance, the LH particles(9.1.4) subset <strong>for</strong>ms[]](¯3, 1) 1 ⊕ (1, 2)3 −1 ⊗ A[(¯3, 1) 1 ⊕ (1, 2)23 −12= (6, 1) 2 ⊕ (−3, 1) 2 ⊕ (¯3, 2)33 −1 ⊕ (1, 3) −1 ⊕ (1, −2) −1 ,6= (3, 1) 2 ⊕ (¯3, 2)3 −1 ⊕ (1, 1) −1 .6where we have used 3 ⊗ 3 = ¯3 ⊕ 6 and 2 ⊗ 2 = 1 ⊕ 3 and ⊗ A is theantisymmetric product (the first of each part).Finally, all the remaining fermions trans<strong>for</strong>ming as a singlet (1) underSU(5) 8 . The final embedding of fermions of the standard model in<strong>to</strong> thegauge group SU(5) is shown on table 9.5.6 The index c indicates charge conjugation.7 Here we ignore the Cabibo type mixing.8 This is necessary because of the evidence <strong>for</strong> neutrino oscillations.5.

90 CHAPTER 9. THE GAUGE GROUP SU(5) AS A SIMPLE GUT10 → (3, 2) 1/6 ⊕ (¯3, 1) −2/3 q, u c , e c10 ¯ → (¯3, 2) −1/6 ⊕ (¯3, 1) 2/3 q, d c , eTable 9.4: The SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) embedding on the anti-symmetricrepresentation 10 of SU(5).SU(5) Decomposition Fermions Similar Notationψ i 5 → (3, 1) −1/3 ⊕ (1, 2) 1/2 u c , ¯l(e c , ν c e) (3,1,-1/3) + (1,2,1/2)ψ ij ¯10 → (¯3, 2) −1/6 ⊕ (¯3, 1) 2/3 u, d c , e (3,1,2/3) + (3,2,-1/6)+(1,1,1)• 1 → (1, 1) 0 ν cψ i ¯5 → (¯3, 1) 1/3 ⊕ (1, 2) −1/2 d c , l(e, ν e ) (¯3,1,1/3) + (1,2,-1/2)ψ ij 10 → (3, 2) 1/6 ⊕ (¯3, 1) −2/3 d, u c , e c (¯3,1,-2/3) + (3,2,1/6)+(1,1,1)• 1 → (1, 1) 0 ν cTable 9.5: The ¯5 ⊕ 10 ⊕ 1, LH particles, and 5 ⊕ ¯10 ⊕ 1, RH antiparticles,embedding of SM on SU(5).

9.2. SU(5) UNIFICATION OF SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) 91Breaking SU(5)The gauge bosons of the model are given by the adjoint 24 of SU(5), trans<strong>for</strong>mingas24 → (8, 1) 0 ⊕ (1, 3) 0 ⊕ (1, 1) 0 ⊕ (3, 2) −5/6 ⊕ (¯3, 2) 5/6 , (9.2.3)described in detail in table 9.6.SM GB Add. SU(3) Add. SU(2) Identification(8, 1) 0 (8,1,0) X - - G α β(1, 3) 0 (1,3,0) X - - W ± , W 0(1, 1) 0 (1,1,0) X - - B(3, 2) −5/6 (3,2,-5/6) - Triplet Doublet(¯3, 2) 5/6 (¯3,2,5/6) - Triplet DoubletA τ α = (X α , Y α )A α τ = (X α , Y α ) TTable 9.6: The gauge bosons of SM fitting on the adjoint representation ofSU(5). SM stands <strong>for</strong> standard model, ”Add” stands <strong>for</strong> additional, andGB <strong>for</strong> gauge boson.As we already mentioned, the fermions have <strong>to</strong> acquire mass in SU(5)by a SSB, which also must happen in the GUT theory. For making this<strong>to</strong> happen, the product of the representations containing the fermions andantifermions (table 9.5), must contain a component which trans<strong>for</strong>ms as theSU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) Higgs field, represented by (1, 2) 1/2 and (1, 2) −1/2 .It is easy <strong>to</strong> understand it because the particles and antiparticles of thefermions appears in both 5, 10 ¯ <strong>for</strong> RH (and 10, ¯5 <strong>for</strong> LH).First, <strong>for</strong> the RH antiparticles, the product of these representations are¯10 ⊗ 5 = ⊗ = ⊕ = ¯5 ⊕ ¯45From (9.2.2) we see that 5 contains (1, 2) 1/2 , it is also contained on 45,there<strong>for</strong>e both representations can give mass <strong>to</strong> d, ē. For the LH particles,the product of these representations are10 ⊗ 10 = ⊗ = ⊕ ⊕ = 50 ⊕ 45 ⊕ 5.Again 5 and 45 contains (1, 2) −1/2 , giving mass <strong>to</strong> u, however 50 doesnot contain (1, 2) −1/2 .

92 CHAPTER 9. THE GAUGE GROUP SU(5) AS A SIMPLE GUT9.3 AnomaliesIf the creation genera<strong>to</strong>r <strong>for</strong> all the right hand opera<strong>to</strong>rs of spin-1/2 particlestrans<strong>for</strong>m according <strong>to</strong> a representation generated by Ta R , we nee <strong>to</strong> have[]tr {TR, a TR}T b Rc = 0. (9.3.1)In fact it is true <strong>for</strong> all simple Lie algebra with exception of SU(N)<strong>for</strong> N ≤ 3. There<strong>for</strong>e, the anomaly in any representation of SU(N) isproportional <strong>to</strong>[]D abc = tr {TR, a TR}T b Rc = 1 2 A(R)dabc , (9.3.2)where2d abc L c = {L a , L b }. (9.3.3)A(R) is independent of the genera<strong>to</strong>rs allowing us <strong>to</strong> choose one genera<strong>to</strong>rand calculate it. In our case it is useful <strong>to</strong> use the genera<strong>to</strong>r as thecharge opera<strong>to</strong>rQ = R 3 + S, (9.3.4)and looking at (9.2.1), one hasA(¯5)A(10) = tr Q3 (ψ i )tr Q 3 (ψ ii = −1. (9.3.5))It is clear now that the fermions in these representations have theiranomalies canceledA(¯5) + A(10) = 0. (9.3.6)9.4 Physical Consequences of using SU(5) as a GUT<strong>Theory</strong>• The charge of the quarks can be deduced from the fact that thereare three color states and from the fact that the charge opera<strong>to</strong>rs is(9.3.4), Q = R 3 + S = I 3 + Y 2, and it must be traceless. The multiple<strong>to</strong>f the 5 representation givesQ(ν e ) + Q(ē) + 3Q(d) = 0 → Q(d) = − 1 3 Q(ē),which gives an answer <strong>to</strong> the charge quantization, not explained n theSM.

9.4. PHYSICAL CONSEQUENCES OF USING SU(5) AS A GUT THEORY93• The Weinberg angle,sin 2 (θ W ) = g′2g 2 + g ′2 ,g, g ′ the coupling constants of gauge bosons in the electroweak theory,cannot be calculated on SM (it is a free parameter). In SU(5) GUT,however, the Weinberg angle is accurately predicted, giving sin 2 θ W ∼0.21.• If a group is simple then its GUT has only one coupling constant be<strong>for</strong>eSSB. The three coupling constants of the SM are energy dependent andin SU(5) they unit at ∼ 10 15 GeV. However, a supersymmetric SU(5)is needed <strong>to</strong> get an exact unification in a single point. Rememberthat in the SM the strong, weak and electromagnetic fine structureconstants are not related in any fundamental way.• No pro<strong>to</strong>n decay was observed, which is a contradiction <strong>to</strong> its lifetimeestimated in SU(5), (9.2.2). In a supersymmetric SU(5) the pro<strong>to</strong>nlifetime is longer, being apparently experimentally consistent.• Finally, it is actually clear that the SU(5) might be incomplete whenone considers the fact that neutrinos were observed <strong>to</strong> carry smallmasses and there might exist extra RH Majorana neutrinos. As we justlearned, it is not possible <strong>to</strong> introduce RH neutrinos trivially in thissimple model. One solution is going <strong>to</strong> the next (complex) gauge groupSO(10), where the spinor representation can accommodate sixteen LHfields, or even <strong>to</strong> E 6 , which motivates string theories.


Chapter 10Geometrical Proprieties of<strong>Group</strong>s and Other NiceFeatures10.1 Covering <strong>Group</strong>sIn defining representations of continuous groups, we require the matrixelements of the representation <strong>to</strong> be continuous functions on the groupmanifold. Among the continuous functions which are multi-valued thereare possibility of multiply valued representations. A representation of agroup G will be called an m-valued representation if m-different operationsD 1 (R), .., D m (R) are associated with each elements of the group and allthese operations must be retained if the group is continuous. For all possibleclosed curves of the manifold, looking <strong>to</strong> the values of some functionalong these curves, if on returning <strong>to</strong> the initial point we find m-differentvalues of the function, we say that the function is m-valued. A group issimple connected if every continuous function on the group is single valued,and it is m-connected if there are m closed curves which cannot be de<strong>for</strong>medin<strong>to</strong> one another, i.e. m-valued continuous functions can exist, some of theirreps of the manifold are m-valued.For example, <strong>for</strong> the rotation group em two-dimensions, a function f(θ) =e iaθ is single valued if a is integer, t-valued if a is rational and multi-valuedif a is irrational. The difficult related <strong>to</strong> multiply valued function and irrepsis overcome by considering universal covering group.A covering group of a <strong>to</strong>pological group H is a covering space G of Hsuch that G is a <strong>to</strong>pological group and the covering map f : G → H is a95

96CHAPTER 10. GEOMETRICAL PROPRIETIES OF GROUPS AND OTHER NICE FEATURcontinuous group homomorphism. The group H always contains a discreteinvariant subgroup N such thatG ≃ H/N.From last example, the functions e iaθ will be single valued on H. Every irrepof G, single or multi-valued, is single valued on H (and then all definitionsof multiplication and the orthogonality theorems hold).A double covering group is a <strong>to</strong>pological double cover in which H has twoin G, and includes, <strong>for</strong> instance, the orthogonal group. If G is a coveringgroup of H then they are locally isomorphic 1 .A universal covering group is always simple connected, any closed curvein this group can be shrunk or contracted <strong>to</strong> a point. If the group is alreadysimple connect, its universal covering group is itself. The universal cover isalways unique and always exist.It easy <strong>to</strong> see that the rotation group SO(3) has as a universal cover thegroup SU(2) 2 which is isomorphic <strong>to</strong> the group <strong>to</strong> Sp(2). The group SO(N)has a double cover which is the spin group Spin(N) and <strong>for</strong> N ≥ 3, the spingroup is the universal cover of SO(N). A closed curve contractible <strong>to</strong> a pointhas components in spinor representation that are single valued (a closedcurve that is not contractible <strong>to</strong> a point can be defined as double-valued).For N ≥ 2 the universal cover of the special linear group SL(N, R) is nota matrix group, i.e. it has no faithful finite-dimensional representations.Besides the fact that Sl(2,C) is simple connected, the group Gl(2,C) is notsimple connect, and one can see it remembering that Gl(2,C) = U(1)Sl(2,C),where the unitary group, which is only a phase, is infinitely connected.For instance, the annulus and the <strong>to</strong>rus are infinity connected. Thesphere (N > 1) is simple connected. The simple circumference S 1 is infiniteconnected. The N-euclidian space is simple connected even when removingsome single points from space.If one can set up a 1-1 continuous correspondence between the points oftwo spaces, then they have the same connectivity. For example, S N , N ≥2, ∑ Ni=1 x2 i = 1, is simple connected since can use stereographic projection <strong>to</strong>set a 1-1 correspondence with the (N − 1)-dimension euclidian space.1 The Lie algebra are isomorphic but the groups are locally isomorphic: the proprietiesof the groups are globally different but locally isomorphic.2 Any 2 × 2 hermitian traceless matrix can be written as X = ⃗x⃗σ. For any element Uof SU(2), X ′ = UXU † is hermitian and traceless so X ′ = ⃗x ′ ⃗σ and tr X 2 = tr X 2 . Thus⃗x rotate in<strong>to</strong> ⃗x ′ and we can associate a rotation <strong>to</strong> any U. Since U and −U are associated<strong>to</strong> the same rotation, this gives a double covering of SO(3) by SU(2).

10.1. COVERING GROUPS 97Example: Addition <strong>Group</strong> <strong>for</strong> S 1 and RLet us construct the sum of the infinitely connected group S 1 and the lineR, which is simple connected,• R: −∞ < x < ∞.• S 1 : e 2πix with 0 ≤ θ < 1.The map is in the <strong>for</strong>m R → S 1 , which means x → e 2πiθ , which is the groupU(1). From this example, we resume covering group relation on table 10.1.H → GH/N ≃ GThe kernel N lies in the center of H and its a invariant subgroup.Table 10.1: Diagram <strong>for</strong> covering groups.A trivial example is the case of SU(2), which center is diag(1,-1), this isexactly Z 2 .Example: SU(2) ≃ S 3The elements of SU(2) are given by g,g = e i 2 ω iσ j= cos( ω 2 ) + iω 2 sinω 2 ,with proprieties g † g = 1 and det g = 1. All points at ω = 2π has <strong>to</strong> beidentified. The surface of B 3 is a S 2 . One wraps it and the point in thebot<strong>to</strong>m is identified as the superficies ω = 2π.IsomorphismIt is a 1-1 mapping f of one group on<strong>to</strong> another, G 1 → G 2 , preserving themultiplication law. It has the same multiplication table. For example, everyfinite group is isomorphic <strong>to</strong> a permutation group. A relation of locallyisomorphic groups is shown on table 10.2.

98CHAPTER 10. GEOMETRICAL PROPRIETIES OF GROUPS AND OTHER NICE FEATURSU(2) ≃ SO(3)SU(1, 1) ≃ SO(2, 1)SU(2) × SU(2) ≃ SO(4)Sl(2, C) ≃ SO(3, 1)SU(2) × Sl(2, 2) ≃ SO(4) ∗USP (4) ≃ SO(5)USP (2, 2) ≃ SO(4, 1)Sp(4, R) ≃ SO(3, 2)SU(4) ≃ SO(6)SU(4) ∗ ≃ SO(5, 1)SU(2, 3) ∗ ≃ SO(4, 2) (AdS/CFT)Sl(4, R) ≃ SO(3, 3)Sl(3, 1) ≃ SO(6)Table 10.2: Table of covering groups <strong>for</strong> the Lie groups.HomomorphismIt is a 1-1 mapping f <strong>to</strong> the same point, G → G ′ , preserving the metricstructure. The image f(G) <strong>for</strong>ms a subgroup of G ′ , the kernel K <strong>for</strong>ms asubgroup of G.The first isomorphism theorem says that any homomorphism f(G) withkernel K is isomorphic <strong>to</strong> G/K. The kernel of a homorphism is an invariantsubgroup.10.2 Invariant Integration<strong>Group</strong>s can be seen as curved manifolds and the Haar measure is a way <strong>to</strong>assign an invariant volume <strong>to</strong> subsets of locally compact <strong>to</strong>pological groupsand define an integral <strong>for</strong> functions on these groups. It possible <strong>to</strong> have ameasure when∑g∈Gf(g) = ∑ gand the left measure is then∫∫f(α) µL (α)d α =f(g ◦ g),f(β ◦ α) µL (α)dα. (10.2.1)

10.2. INVARIANT INTEGRATION 99We want <strong>to</strong> associate <strong>to</strong> a set of elements in the neighborhood of aelement A a volume (measure) τ A such that the measure of the elementsobtained from these elements by left translation with B is the same, dτ A =dτ BA .The generalization of this <strong>for</strong> continuous groups is giving by writing theelements as g(α) = e αµ T µ. Clearly g(α)g(β) = g(α ◦ β), which is the groupcomposition law and it is exactly (10.2.1). In this representation, the unitaryelement e is g(0). The invariant integration has also the propriety of internaltranslation invariance,∫ ∫f(x)dx = f(x − q)dx.The right invariant measure is given by∫∫f(α)µ R (α)dα = f(−β ◦ α)µ R (α)dα.g∈µFor compact, <strong>for</strong> infinite and <strong>for</strong> discrete groups, µ L = µ R , the leftmeasure is equivalent <strong>to</strong> the right. A pragmatic way of finding the measureof a group is defining a density function ρ(a) such thatdτ A = ρ(A)dA = ρ(BA)dAB = dτ BA .Isomorphic groups always have the same density function. In the neighborhoodof the identity, we can makedB = J(B)dA,where J(B) is the jacobian, i.e. the left measure can be defined as thedeterminant of the matrix of all changes (the jacobian).Trivial ExamplesFor the group g ′ = a + g, one defines the function φ(a, b) = a + b. Thejacobian is given by∂φ(a, b)∣ = 1.∂a a=0Then J(b) = 1, ρ(b) = 1 and the measure is ∫ dbf(b).For the group g ′ = ag, one defines the function φ(a, b) = ab and∂φ(a, b)∣ = b.∂a a=1Then J(b) = b, ρ(b) = 1 b and the measure is ∫ 1b dbf(b).

100CHAPTER 10. GEOMETRICAL PROPRIETIES OF GROUPS AND OTHER NICE FEATUA Pathological Example 3For the group given by the representation element(eα 1 αg(α) =20 1).one has, from g(β)g(α) = g(β ◦ α),(eβ 1 βg(α)g(β) =20 1) (eα 1 α.20 1)=(eα 1 +β 1 e β1 α 2 + β 20 1).Writing asψ 1 (β, α) = β 1 + α 1 ,ψ 2 (β, α) = e β1 α 2 + β 2 ,we have(eψ i ψ 20 1).The left measure is then given bythe right measure is given by∂ψ 1,2 (β, α)∂α 2 ∣ ∣∣α2=1,α 1 =0 = eβ1 → µ L (β) = e β1 ,∂ψ 1,2 (β, α)∂α 1 ∣ ∣∣α2=0,α 1 =1 = 1 → µ R(β) = 1.There<strong>for</strong>e we see that these two measures are different <strong>for</strong> this non semisimplespace.Theorem: The left measure is equal <strong>to</strong> the right measure if the structureconstant of the Lie algebra has trace equal <strong>to</strong> zero f µα µ = 0.3 Exercise proposed by Prof. van Nieuwenhuizen.

10.2. INVARIANT INTEGRATION 101Invariant measure in Lie <strong>Group</strong>sIn SU(2) (also Sl(2,R), Sl(2,C) or Gl(2,R)), one haswhereg = a 0 + a k i σ k = e i ωi σ i2 ,σ 2 0 + ∑ σ 2 k = 1.The Haar measure can then be written as∫f(α)µ L (α)d 1 αd 2 αd 3 α.


Appendix ATable of <strong>Group</strong>s<strong>Group</strong> Name Dim Def irrep SectionS n Symmetric group N, finite 1.4Z n , C n Cyclic group N, finite 1.4A n Alternating group N, finite 1.4D 2N Dihedral group 2N, finite 1.4U(N) Unitary group N, Infinite 3SU(N) Special Unitary group N, Infinite 3SO(2N) Special Orthogonal group 2N, Infinite 4Sp(2N) Symplectic group 2N, Infinite 7GL(N,C) General Linear group N, Infinite 10.1SL(N,C) Special Linear group N, Infinite 10.1Table A.1: Summary of groups.103


List of Tables1.1 Geometric objects related <strong>to</strong> their dimensions. . . . . . . . . . 172.1 Distinction among the elements of the group and the elementsof the representation (the genera<strong>to</strong>rs), <strong>for</strong> Lie groups. . . . . . 202.2 Definition algebras in terms of ideals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202.3 Number of genera<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>for</strong> the compact and simple families onthe Lie Algebra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232.4 Local isomorphism among the Cartan families. . . . . . . . . 322.5 Order of the independent invariants <strong>for</strong> the four Lie families. 342.6 The Lie groups in terms of the compact and non-compactgenera<strong>to</strong>rs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353.1 The decomposition of SU(N) in<strong>to</strong> its irreps. . . . . . . . . . . 383.2 The highest weight of all irreps of SU(6). . . . . . . . . . . . 413.3 The genera<strong>to</strong>rs, weights, simple root and fundamental weigh<strong>to</strong>f the defining representation of SU(2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433.4 The genera<strong>to</strong>rs, weights, simple roots and fundamental weightsof the defining representation of SU(3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476.1 Example of spinor representation <strong>for</strong> SO(4), an euclidian spaceof dimension 4. This representation is pseudo-real, which isnot a surprise since SO(4) ≃ SU(2) ⊗ SU(2) and SU(2) ispseudo-real. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596.2 The Dirac group <strong>for</strong> dimensions 2, 3 and 4 (euclidian andminkowskian). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616.3 The definition <strong>for</strong> reality of spinor irrep <strong>for</strong> the orthogonalgroup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656.4 The classification of reality of spinor irrep <strong>for</strong> the orthogonalgroup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65105

106 LIST OF TABLES6.5 The embedding of SU(N) on the spinor representation ofSO(2N). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668.1 Symmetric and anti-symmetric representations of the Lie families.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 768.2 The invariant tensors <strong>for</strong> the Lie families. . . . . . . . . . . . 768.3 Calculation of the dimension of irreps on SO(2N). . . . . . . 808.4 Example of counting dimensions <strong>for</strong> a symmetric irrep on SO(6). 808.5 Example of counting dimensions <strong>for</strong> an anti-symmetric irrepon SO(6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818.6 Example of counting dimensions <strong>for</strong> a irrep on SO(6) withspinor representation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818.7 Calculation of the dimension of irreps on SO(2N+1). . . . . . 828.8 Example of counting dimensions <strong>for</strong> a irrep on SO(5). . . . . 828.9 Example of counting dimensions <strong>for</strong> a spinor irrep on SO(5). 828.10 Example of counting dimensions <strong>for</strong> a irrep on Sp(2N). . . . . 838.11 Young tableaux from the local isomorphism SU(5) ≃ USp(4). 839.1 The representations of the right-handed antiparticle creationopera<strong>to</strong>rs of the standard model, SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1).”Dim” stands <strong>for</strong> dimension, Y is the hypercharge of the U(1)genera<strong>to</strong>rs S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869.2 The representations of the left-handed particle creation opera<strong>to</strong>rsof the standard model, SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1). ”Dim”stands <strong>for</strong> dimension, Y is the hypercharge of the U(1) genera<strong>to</strong>rsS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 879.3 The SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) embedding on the fundamentalrepresentation of SU(5). The index c indicates charge conjugation.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899.4 The SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) embedding on the anti-symmetricrepresentation 10 of SU(5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909.5 The ¯5 ⊕ 10 ⊕ 1, LH particles, and 5 ⊕ ¯10 ⊕ 1, RH antiparticles,embedding of SM on SU(5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909.6 The gauge bosons of SM fitting on the adjoint representationof SU(5). SM stands <strong>for</strong> standard model, ”Add” stands <strong>for</strong>additional, and GB <strong>for</strong> gauge boson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9110.1 Diagram <strong>for</strong> covering groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9710.2 Table of covering groups <strong>for</strong> the Lie groups. . . . . . . . . . . 98A.1 Summary of groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

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IndexCoset, 9Lagrange theorem, 10Subgroup, 9108

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