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something to smile about? - Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC

something to smile about? - Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC


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Norbert Mayer, BMW: “Commercialpaper offers a high-grade offlexibility and a very deep market.Having direct contact with theinves<strong>to</strong>r is part of BMW’s fundingstrategy. Bank loans are notimportant <strong>to</strong> us.”Bank ECP Issuance from 1 Jan 2002 <strong>to</strong> 1 March 2004The ratings game“The decrease [in the market] has beendue <strong>to</strong> three fac<strong>to</strong>rs,” says Steve Huntley,head of money markets at Bank ofAmerica. “Firstly, issuers ‘terming out’commercial paper balances in the longtermdebt market; secondly, decreasingneeds for working capital management;and thirdly ratings downgrades.”Commercial paper is only issued bylarge corporates with high credit ratings– BMW has short-term debt ratingsof A-1 from S&P and P-1 from Moodys –the best short-term rating it offers.Large multinationals with an A1-P1rating, such as BMW, often use both theEuropean and US commercial papermarket. That gives them access <strong>to</strong> apotential inves<strong>to</strong>r base of $6 <strong>to</strong> 7 billionin short-term debt in this year’s market.“The only risk for corporates raisingmoney in the short-term debt marketsis if the market closes,” says Achour. “Inthe past there have been some corporateswho have relied <strong>to</strong>o heavily on theshort-term finance markets. They havethen been faced with liquidity problemswhen downgraded because themarket had closed on them.”Withers agrees: “An A2-P2 issuer canstill get $2-3 billion in the US marketsbut once a company starts a ratingsslide the availability of funds dries up[inves<strong>to</strong>rs will start backing out] and itslides in<strong>to</strong> bank financing at moreexpensive borrowing rates.”In 2002 Tyco lost a reported $400 millionafter losing the confidence ofinstitutional inves<strong>to</strong>rs in itscommercial paper programme.Amid inves<strong>to</strong>r concerns <strong>about</strong>accounting at the firm, the conglomeratehad <strong>to</strong> draw on a backup line ofcredit from its banks <strong>to</strong> come up withthe cash it needed. The move <strong>to</strong> replacecheap commercial paper with the moreexpensive bank line cost Tyco <strong>about</strong>$400 million in additional after-taxannual borrowing expenses, slicing<strong>about</strong> five cents per share from firstquarterearnings, which were expected<strong>to</strong> come in at 80 cents per share. According<strong>to</strong> Withers, the ratings slide beganlong before Tyco’s accounting troubles.In January 2001. “There were a few surprisesfrom Californian utilitiesfollowed by downgrades in the telecomsand au<strong>to</strong>motive sec<strong>to</strong>rs.”Prominent US issuers ofcommercial paper programmes downgradedin 2003 would be <strong>to</strong>o numerous<strong>to</strong> mention, but they include Cargill,Eastman Chemical, Carnival andSchering-Plough.“In the corporate bond market if youlose one notch rating you will still haveaccess <strong>to</strong> the inves<strong>to</strong>rs, but in the commercialpaper market you could end upRank Programme Dealers USD Eqv (at issue) m Trade %Share1 Deutsche Bank 10,153.29 1,507 13.412 Citigroup 9,192.56 1,330 12.153 Barclays Capital 7,583.72 1,274 10.024 UBS 7,262.38 1,141 9.605 JP Morgan 5,188.88 918 6.866 Goldman Sachs & Co 5,185.36 820 6.857 Royal Bank of Scotland 5,020.43 759 6.638 ING 3,410.30 800 4.519 Credit Suisse First Bos<strong>to</strong>n 2,381.00 516 3.1510 Lehman Brothers 2,343.23 465 3.10Total 75,686.62 2,102 100.00Source: DealogicTHE CF GUIDE TOSHORT-TERM DEBT»Operating term loans: used forworking capital management <strong>to</strong> coverinven<strong>to</strong>ries, monthly expenses, interest onoutstanding loans, rent, utilities, leases.»Revolving lines of credit: a creditfacility which allows the borrower, withina credit limit and for a set period, <strong>to</strong>borrow or repay debt as required.»Revolving loan: a loan where theborrower decides the number and timingof withdrawals against the bank loan; anymoney repaid may be re-used at a futuredate. (A line of credit where the cus<strong>to</strong>merpays a commitment fee and is then allowed<strong>to</strong> take and repay funds at will. It is usuallyused for operating purposes, fluctuatingeach month depending on revenues andexpenditures.)»Commercial paper: used bycorporates <strong>to</strong> issue short-term IOUs forshort-term financing – lasting up <strong>to</strong> 270days or just one day only. Commercialpaper invariably doesn’t require anyguarantees and is the cheapest source ofdebt financing. Rates are typically belowlonger-term bonds and loans from banks,largely because it is less risky <strong>to</strong> lendmoney for such a (relatively) short timeperiod in which it is so much easier <strong>to</strong>predict the fortunes of the company.being completely cut off, especially onnon-domestic programmes,” saysAchour.“The majority of short-durations arepooled vehicles, generally rated AAA,and we have <strong>to</strong> invest a largepercentage of our cash in higher ratednot lower rated vehicles,” says WayneBowers, the direc<strong>to</strong>r of global fixedincome at Northern Trust GlobalInves<strong>to</strong>rs (NTGI). “If you look at the costclientmandate we manage, one of therequirements is the ‘preservation ofprinciple’. If you have money held inthe short-term the last thing you wantis <strong>to</strong> suffer a fall in your investment. Thelevel of risk on duration and the riskperspective is very limited.”Not all domestic markets are as strictas the US market. “TheEuropean market is more forgiving,”says JC Perrig, Bank of America’s headcorporatefinancemag.com March 2004 cf 35

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