Y20859 310404 GE GreatLink ins.indd - Great Eastern Life

Y20859 310404 GE GreatLink ins.indd - Great Eastern Life

Y20859 310404 GE GreatLink ins.indd - Great Eastern Life

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CEO’S MESSA<strong>GE</strong>Dear Valued PolicyholderFor the fi rst fi ve months of 2013, stock markets around the world performed well. Somemarkets even surpassed the highs set before the 2008 fi nancial crisis. However, towardsthe end of May, markets started to experience a correction and most major equity marketsended June in the red. Investors were concerned that the US will begin winding back itsbond-buying stimulus programme, more commonly known as “Quantitative Easing”.This and other potential risks such as China’s liquidity crunch are likely to cause somevolatility in the markets in the near term. On the positive side, risks from the eurozone have receded and global economies are generally expected to be on a path ofslower but more stable growth. Our fund managers will continue to be vigilant, closelymonitoring the developments in the market and making the necessary adjustments totheir investment portfolios.I take this opportunity to share with you that <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Eastern</strong> has recently set up the Live<strong>Great</strong> Advisory Council on health and wellness. The Council will provide best-in-classadvice and help us identify health and wellness trends as well as develop programmesfor our customers in their journey to better health.This Live <strong>Great</strong> Advisory Council is a signifi cant step in helping us fulfi ll our vision to bea LIFE company, and help our customers live healthier, better and longer.Yours faithfullyDr Khoo Kah SiangCEO (Singapore)<strong>Great</strong> <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Assurance Co. Ltd.For disclaimers, please refer to page 4.CEO’s Message1

INVESTMENT OUTLOOKInvestment OutlookMany of the risks that spooked investors last year have abated. The euro zone,while yet to regain health, has now a lesser likelihood that some of its memberswill default on their debts. The euro zone crisis seems to have faded into thebackground. Instead, investors are keeping a close watch on the developmentsin the world’s three other largest economies. Let us take a closer look at them.US - World’s Largest EconomySince the start of the 3 rd round of Quantitative Easing by the US Federal Reserve(Fed) in September last year, investment markets have soared. Then in May thisyear, when the Fed hinted that it is likely to ease up on its stimulus programme,investors panicked and took fl ight when faced with the prospect of the end ofcheap liquidity. Stock and bond markets around the world corrected sharply inresponse.The irony is that the reason for the Fed wanting to scale back quantitative easingis because there are clear signs that the US economy is improving. Consumerspending is holding up and housing market is recovering. There is also a steadydrop in the unemployment rate. The steady pace of hiring points to the increasingstrength of the labour market and the economy.In perspective, the intended tapering of quantitative easing is a positivedevelopment. It shows that the US economy is healthy enough to recover on itsown two feet, without the Fed injecting more liquidity into the system. However,investors fi nd that diffi cult to swallow as they have been riding high on a marketrally fuelled by easy money.Investment OutlookHow investment markets will pan out in the next few months will depend verymuch on the timing and manner in which the Fed weans investors off easymoney. There could be short term volatility as jittery and overleveraged investorsover-react.China – World’s No. 2 EconomyTo safeguard its fi nancial system over the longer term, China is curbing credit inits shadow banking system. In the process, this is threatening to destabilise theeconomy at least in the short term. Growth is thus curtailed as businesses arefi nding it increasingly diffi cult to get loans.2

INVESTMENT OUTLOOKGiven that China is a key trading partner and market for many countries, thiscredit squeeze will not only dampen China’s growth but adversely affect theglobal economy. Investors concerned with this impact sent global stock pricestumbling in June, especially in Asia.While seen as the worst liquidity squeeze in a decade, it is deemed as anecessity by the Chinese government to avoid a repeat of the banking crisisthat happened in 2008 in the US. By clamping down on credit, China is preparedto embrace slower growth in exchange for more sustainable expansion. Chinais targeting 7% 1 annual growth over the next decade as opposed to more than10% annual growth that was registered in previous years. Over the longer term,a more sustainable growth rate without the ill effects of a frenetic pace will bebenefi cial to China’s economic health.Japan – World’s Third Largest EconomyIn a bid to revive his country’s stagnant economy, Prime Minister Abe has putin place a series of aggressive economic policies to spur economic and wagegrowth.After a decade of stagnation, Japan’s economy is showing some signs of life.Recent mid year data signals an improvement in economic activity. Factoryoutput grew the most since 2011 2 and retail sales climbed. The economy mayhave been stirred up by “Abenomics” – Prime Minister Abe’s policy of monetaryeasing and big fi scal spending plus economic reforms.On the investment front, the Japanese stock market rose sharply this year butstumbled in June. The fall was in part due to some scepticism about Abenomicsas well as some head-winds from China and US.It will become more evident in the coming months whether Abenomics is theright medicine for Japan. The current increasing levels of consumer spendingand factory activity bode well for Japan’s longer term recovery.Investment Outlook3

INVESTMENT OUTLOOKInvestment StrategyBond prices came under downward pressure as investors braced themselvesfor US monetary tightening. While prices may appear attractive, investors shouldalso consider the higher potential risk. The Fed has clearly sent its intention toeventually pare down its purchasing of bonds, a move that may likely lead to arise in interest rates and corresponding drop in bond prices. That said, the Fedhas also gone to great lengths to assure investors that there will be a signifi cantlag between the end of quantitative easing and the start of interest rate hikes,with possibly a year’s gap or even longer if necessary.Stocks have historically delivered more attractive longer term returns comparedto bonds. However, expect returns from stocks to be more modest, in line with aglobal economy still in the early stages of fundamental recovery from the globalfi nancial crisis and the European debt crisis.The World Bank forecast that the world economy will expand by 2.2%, 3% and3.3% in 2013, 2014 and 2015 respectively. Whilst emerging countries are notgrowing as quickly as before, they will still lead global growth. Projected growthfor emerging countries is 5.1% this year and will strengthen to 5.6% and 5.7%in 2014 and 2015.If US and China’s efforts to re-balance their economies do not rock themarkets excessively, the recent price correction for stocks may well pose asan opportunity to acquire attractively valued investments that may slowly andsteadily appreciate in value in an environment of real and sustainable economicgrowth.1Source: “China set to embrace slower GDP growth”, 2 July 2013, The Straits Times2Source: “Factory data points to stronger Japanese economy”, 29 June 2013, The Straits TimesInvestment OutlookDisclaimer: The report is accurate at time of writing on 5 July 2013. Pastperformance is not necessarily indicative of future performances. Any opinion orview presented is subject to change without notice. The document is intendedfor information purposes only, and is not intended as an offer or solicitation forthe purchase or sale of any fi nancial <strong>ins</strong>trument.The information provided may contain projections or other forward lookingstatements regarding future events or future fi nancial performance of countries,markets or companies, and such prediction or forecast is not necessarilyindicative of the future or likely performance of the fund.4

ANNOUNCEMENT<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global EmergingMarkets Equity FundWe are pleased to announce that <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Emerging Markets EquityFund (“the Fund”) will start to accept CPF-OA monies for subscription from 26September 2013. The Fund invests all or substantially into the Fidelity Funds -Emerging Markets Fund (A-SGD) managed by FIL Fund Management Limited.The Fund provides you direct access to tap the vast growth opportunitiesthese emerging markets represent to reap potentially higher returns. Emergingmarkets are well supported by several structural growth drivers which includefavorable demographics, the rise of the consumer society and lower debtburdens. Many emerging markets have rich natural resources and likely tobenefi t from sustainable global demand for raw materials. Such positive trendscan lead to potential upside.The information provided may contain projections or other forward lookingstatements regarding the future events or future fi nancial performance ofcountries, markets or companies, and such prediction or forecast is notnecessary indicative of the future or likely performance of the Fund. You shouldread the product summary and the Product Highlights Sheet before decidingwhether to invest in the Fund.5

Fund FactsheetFund Factsheet Disclaimer6This disclaimer applies to the fund factsheets that follow.DISCLAIMER: This factsheet is compiled by <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>Life</strong>. The information presented isfor informational use only. A product summary and a Product Highlights Sheet in relation tothe Fund may be obtained through <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Assurance Co Ltd, its <strong>Life</strong> Planners orany of its appointed distributors. Potential investors should read the product summary and theProduct Highlights Sheet before deciding whether to invest in the Fund. Returns on the unitsof the Fund are not guaranteed. The value of the units in the Fund and the income accruing tothe units, if any, may fall or rise. The fees and charges payable through deduction of premiumor cancellation of units are excluded in the calculation of fund returns. Past returns, and anyother economic or market predictions, projections or forecasts, are not necessarily indicativeof future or likely performance.

GREATLINK LIFESTYLE PORTFOLIOS report as at 30 June 2013INVESTMENT OBJECTIVEThe investment objectives of the 5 <strong>Life</strong>style Portfolios areto achieve medium to long term capital appreciation for theinvestor. The investment policies for the <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>styleSecure Portfolio, <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>style Steady Portfolio,<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>style Balanced Portfolio, and <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong><strong>Life</strong>style Progressive Portfolio are to invest the assets ofeach of these <strong>Life</strong>style Portfolios in equities and bonds inthe proportion of approximately 20:80, 40:60, 60:40, 80:20respectively. The investment policy for <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>styleDynamic Portfolio is to invest the assets only in equities(or in one or more different mutual fund(s) and unit trust(s)refl ecting an underlying investment in equities). A separateportfolio account is maintained for each <strong>Life</strong>style Portfoliowhich is invested in accordance with the investmentobjective applicable to the <strong>Life</strong>style Portfolio to which suchportfolio relates.FUND FACTSInception Date 25 March 2002Fund ManagerLion Global Investors LtdCurrency of Fund Singapore DollarValuation Frequency DailyBid–Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee Dynamic 1.55% p.a. ^Progressive 1.41% p.a. ^Balanced 1.25% p.a. ^Steady 1.10% p.a. ^Secure 0.92% p.a. ^^ These are weighted average fund management charge whichcould be used as an indicative fund management charge for the<strong>Life</strong>style FundsEach individual <strong>Life</strong>style Fund is invested in some of theunderlying <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Funds as shown in the table below.However, the asset proportion may vary, depending onmarket conditions.GREATLINK LIFESTYLE PORTFOLIOS (ASSET ALLOCATION)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Constituent Funds Secure Steady Balanced Progressive Dynamic<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Stable Bond Fund 20% 10% 5% 0% 0%<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond Fund 60% 50% 35% 20% 0%<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Enhancer Fund 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund * 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%Source: <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>Life</strong>* w.e.f. 1st July 2013, asset allocation to the <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund will be ceased, and the allocation will be added onto the<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Enhancer Fund* Proceeds of <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund is being held in cash pending transition to the replacement fund<strong>Life</strong>style PortfoliosFor disclaimer, please refer to page 6. 7

GREATLINK LIFESTYLE PORTFOLIOS report as at 30 June 2013DYNAMICFUND FACTSPORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSOffer Price S$ 1.131Bid Price S$ 1.075Fund SizeS$ 22.11 milCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OARisk Category Higher Risk /Broadly Diversifi edBenchmarkComposite of UnderlyingFunds’ BenchmarksPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTION<strong>Life</strong>style PortfoliosPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years(annualised)10 years 10 years(annualised)Since InceptionSince Inception(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>style Dynamic Portfolio -1.83 4.47 11.98 15.22 4.84 -7.80 -1.61 35.39 3.08 13.16 1.10Benchmark -0.44 7.11 15.61 26.98 8.29 9.37 1.81 75.13 5.76 48.96 3.60Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.8For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.

GREATLINK LIFESTYLE PORTFOLIOS report as at 30 June 2013PROGRESSIVEFUND FACTSPORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSOffer Price S$ 1.353Bid Price S$ 1.286Fund SizeS$ 59.95 milCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OARisk Category Higher Risk /Broadly Diversifi edBenchmarkComposite of UnderlyingFunds’ BenchmarksPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years(annualised)10 years 10 years(annualised)Since InceptionSince Inception(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>style Progressive Portfolio -2.06 2.88 8.80 13.91 4.44 3.38 0.67 48.33 4.02 35.37 2.72Benchmark -0.58 5.42 12.30 23.07 7.16 14.66 2.77 75.70 5.80 59.51 4.23Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.<strong>Life</strong>style PortfoliosFor disclaimer, please refer to page 6. 9

GREATLINK LIFESTYLE PORTFOLIOS report as at 30 June 2013BALANCEDFUND FACTSPORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSOffer Price S$ 1.382Bid Price S$ 1.313Fund SizeS$ 374.72 milCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OA & SARisk Category Medium to High Risk /Broadly Diversifi edBenchmarkComposite of UnderlyingFunds’ BenchmarksPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTION<strong>Life</strong>style PortfoliosPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years(annualised)10 years 10 years(annualised)Since InceptionSince Inception(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>style Balanced Portfolio -2.01 1.63 6.23 12.22 3.92 8.15 1.58 43.34 3.67 38.21 2.91Benchmark -0.67 3.82 9.10 18.47 5.81 15.29 2.89 60.45 4.84 54.27 3.92Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.10For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.

GREATLINK LIFESTYLE PORTFOLIOS report as at 30 June 2013STEADYFUND FACTSPORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSOffer Price S$ 1.393Bid Price S$ 1.324Fund SizeS$ 29.30 milCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OA & SARisk Category Medium to High Risk /Broadly Diversifi edBenchmarkComposite of UnderlyingFunds’ BenchmarksPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years(annualised)10 years 10 years(annualised)Since InceptionSince Inception(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>style Steady Portfolio -2.07 0.30 3.68 10.43 3.36 14.14 2.68 36.49 3.16 39.37 2.99Benchmark -0.76 2.23 5.96 13.85 4.42 15.11 2.86 45.00 3.79 47.37 3.50Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.<strong>Life</strong>style PortfoliosFor disclaimer, please refer to page 6.11

GREATLINK LIFESTYLE PORTFOLIOS report as at 30 June 2013SECUREFUND FACTSPORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSOffer Price S$ 1.517Bid Price S$ 1.442Fund SizeS$ 55.39 milCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OA & SARisk Category Medium to High Risk /Broadly Diversifi edBenchmarkComposite of UnderlyingFunds’ BenchmarksPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTION<strong>Life</strong>style PortfoliosPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years(annualised)10 years 10 years(annualised)Since InceptionSince Inception(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>style Secure Portfolio -1.97 -0.83 1.48 8.58 2.78 22.10 4.07 41.93 3.56 51.79 3.77Benchmark -0.78 0.72 2.92 9.22 2.98 16.74 3.14 40.07 3.43 48.86 3.59Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.12For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.

GREATLINK GLOBAL SUPREME FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 1 July 1999Offer Price S$ 1.367Bid Price S$ 1.299Fund SizeS$ 345.21 milFund ManagerSub Manager (Equity)Lion Global Investors LtdCapital International,Acadian AssetManagement, INTECHSub Manager (F.I.) PIMCO, BrandywineBid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.35% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of Fund Singapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OA & SARisk Category Medium to High Risk /Broadly Diversifi edBenchmark50% MSCI World Net &50% Citigroup World GovBond Index (unhedged)FUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to maximize total returns in SingaporeDollar terms over the longer term by investing in a balancedbut diversifi ed portfolio of equities and debt securities of themajor stock markets and bond markets around the world. TheFund shall invest in a broad mix of global equities and bonds ina wide range of industries and companies in various countries.The allocation for each asset class will be actively managedand altered constantly in such a way that seeks to maximizethe overall risk-adjusted performance of the Fund.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years(annualised)10 years 10 years(annualised)Since InceptionSince Inception(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Supreme Fund 0.08 4.34 6.56 17.88 5.64 14.15 2.68 33.09 2.90 36.74 2.26Benchmark 1.05 5.10 6.65 15.61 4.95 9.96 1.92 32.72 2.87 38.58 2.36Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.Balanced FundsFor disclaimer, please refer to page 6.13

GREATLINK GLOBAL OPTIMUM FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 23 May 2001Offer Price S$ 1.037Bid Price S$ 0.986Fund SizeS$ 36.26 milFund ManagerLion Global Investors LtdSub Manager (Equity) AllianceBernstein(Singapore) Ltd.Sub Manager (F.I.) Loomis, Sayles &Company, L.P.Bid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.35% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of Fund Singapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OA & SARisk Category Medium to High Risk /Broadly Diversifi edBenchmark40% MSCI World, net& 60% Citigroup WorldGovernment Bond Index(unhedged) ^FUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to provide long-term total return inexcess of the custom benchmark while managing the overallrisk of the portfolio. (40% MSCI World (unhedged) and 60%Citigroup Global Govt Bond Index (unhedged).PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONBalanced Funds14^ Benchmark: 40% MSCI World, gross & 60% Citigroup World Government Bond Index, unhedged from launch till 14 May 2007, 40% MSCIWorld, net & 60% Citigroup World Government Bond Index, unhedged wef 15 May 2007For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.PERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years 10 years 10 years Since Inception Since Inception(annualised)(annualised)(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Optimum Fund 0.00 2.60 3.90 5.91 1.93 -2.86 -0.58 1.65 0.16 3.90 0.32Benchmark 0.68 3.65 4.36 12.10 3.88 10.04 1.93 30.37 2.69 37.10 2.64Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.

GREATLINK LION GLOBAL FLEXI FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 24 July 2007Offer Price S$ 0.844Bid Price S$ 0.802Fund SizeS$ 5.89 mil(Underlying Fund Size) S$ 8.2 milUnderlying FundLionGlobal Flexi FundFund ManagerLion Global Investors LtdBid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.35% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of Fund Singapore DollarCPFIS IncludedN.A.Risk Category Medium to High Risk /Broadly Diversifi edBenchmark 12-months SIBID + 2.5%FUND OBJECTIVEThe investment objective of the Fund is to achieve absolutereturns over the medium to long term. The Managers willinvest the assets of the Fund in a diversifi ed portfolio ofequities, money market securities, asset-backed securities,equity-related securities (including, but not limited to,preference shares, real estate investment trusts, depositedreceipts), fi xed income <strong>ins</strong>truments, other debt-related<strong>ins</strong>truments such as collateralized debt obligations. There isno target sector, industry or geography. A portion of the assetof the Fund may be invested in other collective investmentschemes. The Managers may also invest up to 10% ofthe assets of the Fund in hedge funds or fund of hedgefunds that are domiciled either in Singapore or outside ofSingapore. The Managers may invest the assets of the Fundin fi nancial derivative <strong>ins</strong>truments. This Fund invests all orsubstantially into the LionGlobal Flexi Fund managed by LionGlobal Investors Limited.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGS *PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years(annualised)Since InceptionSince Inception(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Global Flexi Fund -3.49 -0.87 5.53 1.26 0.42 -6.31 -1.29 -15.58 -2.81Benchmark 0.69 1.38 2.81 8.85 2.87 16.01 3.01 20.82 3.24Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.Balanced Funds* Information relates to LionGlobal Flexi FundFor disclaimer, please refer to page 6.15

GREATLINK LION ASIAN BALANCED FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 1 February 2008Offer Price S$ 0.972Bid Price S$ 0.924Fund SizeS$ 68.72 millionUnderlying Funds(Underlying Fund Size)LionGlobal Asia Pacific Fund ^(S$ 26.3 million)LionGlobal SingaporeFixed Income Investment(S$ 188.5 million)Fund ManagerLion Global Investors LtdBid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.35% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of Fund Singapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OA & SARisk Category Medium to High Risk /Narrowly FocusedBenchmark50% MSCI All CountriesAsia Pacifi c ex JapanIndex (Net) + 50% JPMorgan SingaporeGovernment Bond IndexFUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to provide long-term total returnsconsistently in excess of the custom benchmark whilemanaging the overall risk of the portfolio by investing into theequity markets of Asia Pacifi c (ex Japan) as well as primarilyin bonds and other debt securities denominated in SingaporeDollars, through LionGlobal Asia Pacifi c Fund and LionGlobalSingapore Fixed Income Investment respectively.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGS *PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONBalanced Funds16^ w.e.f. 1 st July 2013 the Equity portion of the fund will be managed by Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Ltd* Information refers to LionGlobal Asia Pacifi c Fund and LionGlobal Singapore Fixed Income InvestmentFor disclaimer, please refer to page 6.PERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years(annualised)Since InceptionSince Inception(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Asian Balanced Fund -4.55 -3.55 2.21 0.33 0.11 4.29 0.84 -2.74 -0.51Benchmark -4.31 -3.02 3.56 9.81 3.17 17.71 3.32 9.84 1.75Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.

GREATLINK GLOBAL EQUITY FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 1 August 2000Offer Price S$ 0.669Bid Price S$ 0.636Fund SizeFund ManagerS$ 47.94 milGoldman Sachs(Singapore) Pte. Ltd. *Bid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.60% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of Fund Singapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OA ^Risk Category Higher Risk /Broadly Diversifi edBenchmarkMSCI World Index, NetFUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to seek long-term capital appreciationby investing primarily in a diversifi ed portfolio of commonstocks globally.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTION* w.e.f. 1 June 2011, Goldman Sachs (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. has been elevated to Fund Manager for this fund^ We are unable to accept new CPF monies for the fund w.e.f. 22 December 2010For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.PERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years 10 years 10 years Since Inception Since Inception(annualised)(annualised)(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Fund 3.25 13.37 17.34 30.86 9.38 0.16 0.03 18.44 1.71 -33.05 -3.06Benchmark 2.89 12.58 18.72 33.59 10.14 6.66 1.30 44.96 3.78 -0.05 0.00Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.Global Equity17

GREATLINK GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 25 March 2002Offer Price S$ 0.963Bid Price S$ 0.915Fund SizeS$ 93.28 mil(Underlying Fund Size)Fund ManagerS$ 5.2 bnAberdeen AssetManagement Asia Ltd(“Aberdeen”)Bid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.60% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of Fund Singapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OARisk Category Higher Risk /Broadly Diversifi edBenchmarkMSCI World Indexwith Gross DividendsReinvested ^FUND OBJECTIVEThis Fund invests all or substantially all into the SGD classof the Aberdeen Global Opportunities Fund managed byAberdeen Asset Management Asia Limited. The AberdeenGlobal Opportunities Fund aims to provide long-termtotal return from an internationally diversifi ed portfolio ofsecurities through investing all or substantially all of itsassets in the Aberdeen Global – World Equity Fund*, a subfundof Luxembourg-registered Aberdeen Global, which willinvest at least two-thirds of its assets in equities or equityrelatedsecurities. The country of domicile of the underlyingfund is Singapore. The base currency of the underlying fundis Singapore dollars.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGS *PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONGlobal Equity18* Information relates to Aberdeen Global Opportunities Fund^ Benchmark: MSCI World Index with Net Dividends Reinvested from launch till 22 Nov 2010, MSCI World Index, gross dividends reinvestedw.e.f. 23 Nov 2010For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.PERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years 10 years 10 years Since Inception Since Inception(annualised)(annualised)(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund -0.22 6.64 13.38 29.06 8.87 -0.76 -0.15 17.76 1.65 -3.68 -0.33Benchmark 3.10 12.95 19.41 35.66 10.70 8.30 1.61 47.20 3.94 25.22 2.02Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.

GREATLINK GLOBAL GROWTH TRENDS PORTFOLIO report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 15 August 2001Offer Price S$ 0.911Bid Price S$ 0.866Fund SizeS$ 14.58 mil(Underlying Fund Size) US$ 721 milUnderlying FundLuxembourg GlobalGrowth Trends PortfolioFund ManagerAllianceBernstein(Singapore) Ltd.Bid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.60% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of Fund Singapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OARisk Category Higher Risk /Broadly Diversifi edBenchmarkMSCI World Index withNet Dividends ReinvestedFUND OBJECTIVEThe investment objective of the Fund is to seek long-termgrowth of capital by investing principally in a global portfolioof equity securities. This Fund invests all or substantiallyinto Luxembourg-registered AllianceBernstein GlobalGrowth Trends (“GGTP”), managed by AllianceBernsteinL.P. (the “Investment Manager”). The country of domicileof the underlying fund is Luxembourg. AB Global GrowthTrends currently consists of four sub-portfolios: Technology,Consumer, Industrial Cyclicals and Financials.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGS *PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years 10 years 10 years Since Inception Since Inception(annualised)(annualised)(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Growth Trends 1.64 9.07 12.91 17.34 5.48 -24.83 -5.55 -3.02 -0.31 -8.84 -0.78Benchmark 2.89 12.58 18.72 33.59 10.14 6.66 1.30 44.96 3.78 22.98 1.76Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.Global Equity* Information refers to AllianceBernstein – Global Growth Trends Portfolio (“Luxembourg GGTP”)For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.19

GREATLINK GLOBAL EQUITY ALPHA FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 25 March 2002Offer Price S$ 0.785Bid Price S$ 0.746Fund SizeS$ 84.42 mil(Underlying Fund Size)Fund ManagerUSD 888.0 milSchroder InvestmentManagement Ltd(“Schroders”)Bid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.60% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of Fund Singapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OARisk Category Higher Risk /Broadly Diversifi edBenchmarkMSCI World Index with NetDividends Reinvested ^FUND OBJECTIVEThis Fund invests all or substantially into the USD share classof the Schroder International Selection Fund Global EquityAlpha 2 managed by Schroder Investment ManagementLimited. The fund objective of Schroder InternationalSelection Fund Global Equity Alpha is to provide capitalgrowth primarily through investment in equity and equityrelated securities of companies worldwide. In order toachieve the objective, Schroder Investment ManagementLimited will invest in a select portfolio of securities, whichit believes offer the best potential for future growth. Thecountry of domicile of the underlying fund is Luxembourg.The base currency of the underlying fund is US Dollar.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGS *PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONGlobal Equity20* Information relates to Schroder International Selection Fund – Global Equity Alpha^ Benchmark: MSCI World Index, gross dividends reinvested from launch till 14 May 2007, MSCI World Index, net dividends reinvestedw.e.f. 15 May 2007For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.PERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years 10 years 10 years Since Inception Since Inception(annualised)(annualised)(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 4.19 12.35 18.60 18.98 5.96 -19.96 -4.35 -6.63 -0.68 -21.47 -2.12Benchmark 2.89 12.58 18.72 33.59 10.14 6.66 1.30 47.98 4.00 26.71 2.12Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.

GREATLINK EUROPEAN EQUITY FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 10 July 2000Offer Price S$ 0.789Bid Price S$ 0.750Fund SizeS$ 16.19 mil(Underlying Fund Size) S$ 114.9 milUnderlying FundCapital International Fund– European Equity FundFund Manager Capital International, Sàrl #Bid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.60% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of Fund Singapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OA ^Risk Category Higher Risk /Narrowly FocusedBenchmarkMSCI Europe Index, withNet Dividends ReinvestedFUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to achieve long term capital growththrough investment in stocks in the European markets. ThisFund shall invest substantially into the CIF - European EquityFund managed by Capital International Sàrl. The country ofdomicile of the underlying fund is Luxembourg. The portfolioof the Fund will be broadly diversifi ed with no specifi cindustry or sectoral emphasis.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGS *PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTION* Information relates to Capital International Fund – European Equity Fund#w.e.f. 1 June 2011, Capital International Sàrl has been elevated to Fund Manager for this fund^ We are unable to accept new CPF monies for the fund w.e.f. 22 December 2010For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.PERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years 10 years 10 years Since Inception Since Inception(annualised)(annualised)(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> European Equity Fund 1.76 8.07 23.15 24.38 7.54 -11.03 -2.31 25.84 2.32 -21.05 -1.81Benchmark 1.71 6.09 19.00 22.67 7.05 -12.78 -2.70 48.46 4.03 0.91 0.07Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.Global Equity21

GREATLINK GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 15 January 2001Offer Price S$ 0.475Bid Price S$ 0.452Fund SizeS$ 48.44 milFund ManagerSub ManagerLion Global Investors LtdWellington InternationalManagement CompanyPte LtdBid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.60% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of Fund Singapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OARisk Category Higher Risk /Narrowly FocusedBenchmarkMSCI AC World IT Free,Net #FUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to achieve long-term capital growththrough investment in global technology stocks. The Fundoffers exposure to the rapidly growing adoption of technologyacross economies worldwide. Specifi cally, it aims to achievehigh returns by investing in technology companies as well asin a range of industries where the growth opportunities havebeen impacted by technological developments.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONGlobal Equity22PERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years 10 years 10 years Since Inception Since Inception(annualised)(annualised)(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Technology Fund 2.26 11.06 11.06 40.37 11.97 21.18 3.92 21.18 1.94 -52.42 -5.79Benchmark 2.64 8.70 9.60 29.58 9.02 19.68 3.66 39.93 3.42 -32.79 -3.14Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.# Benchmark: MSCI World IT Index from launch till 28 Feb 2003, MSCI AC World IT Gross index wef 1 Mar 2003 & MSCI AC World IT Free,Net Index w.e.f. 1 Nov 06For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.

GREATLINK GLOBAL REAL ESTATE SECURITIES FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 8 June 2005Offer Price S$ 0.851Bid Price S$ 0.809Fund SizeS$ 120.06 milFund ManagerSub ManagerLion Global Investors LtdPramerica InvestmentManagementBid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.60% p.aValuation Frequency DailyCurrency of FundSingapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OARisk Category Higher Risk /Narrowly FocusedBenchmark7th Dividend DistributedS&P Citigroup BMI WorldProperty Index, Net TotalReturn Index17 Sep 12 – 4% per unitFUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to seek to provide investors withmedium to long term capital appreciation and to makeregular income distributions by investing globally in (a)equity securities of companies that derive a substantial partof their revenue from the ownership, management and/ordevelopment of real estate and (b) Real Estate InvestmentTrusts (REITs) listed or traded in a regulated market.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years(annualised)Since InceptionSince Inception(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Real Estate Securities Fund -1.58 6.45 13.91 37.43 11.18 16.25 3.06 13.65 1.60Benchmark -1.72 6.64 14.81 40.73 12.06 14.62 2.77 14.54 1.70Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.Global EquityFor disclaimer, please refer to page 6.23

GREATLINK PAN ASIA FUND ^ report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 10 July 2000Offer Price S$ 0.872Bid Price S$ 0.829Fund SizeS$ 21.15 milFund ManagerLion Global Investors LtdBid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.50% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of Fund Singapore DollarCPFIS Included CPFIS – OA *Risk Category Higher Risk /Narrowly FocusedBenchmarkMSCI AC Asia Pacifi cIndex #FUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to achieve long term capital growththrough investment in securities quoted on Asian stockmarkets including but not limited to Singapore, Malaysia,Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan,China, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and the Indiansub continent. The Fund is broadly diversifi ed with nospecifi c industry or sectoral emphasis.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONAsian Equity24* w.e.f. 1 st July 2013 the fund will not accept new CPF monies^ <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Pan Asia Fund is managed as a Standalone Fund by Lion Global Investors Ltd with effect from 1 May 2008#MSCI AC Asia Pacifi c Index from inception till 31 Oct 2001, MSCI AC Asia Pacifi c (Free) Index w.e.f. 1 Nov 2001 (subsequently named MSCIAC Asia Pacifi c Index on 30 Jan 2004)For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.PERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years 10 years 10 years Since Inception Since Inception(annualised)(annualised)(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Pan Asia Fund -0.72 5.34 11.57 6.15 2.01 -17.02 -3.66 31.17 2.75 -12.74 -1.04Benchmark -0.87 6.18 14.46 13.76 4.39 1.08 0.22 74.07 5.70 5.26 0.40Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.

GREATLINK ENHANCER FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 26 April 1996Offer Price S$ 2.070Bid Price S$ 1.967Fund SizeS$ 471.84 milFund Manager Lion Global Investors Ltd *Bid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.50% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of Fund Singapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS - OARisk Category Higher Risk /Narrowly FocusedBenchmarkMSCI All Countries AsiaPacifi c ex Japan, NetFUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to achieve long term capital appreciationby investing primarily in the equity markets of the AsianPacifi c region. The Fund shall invest in the Singapore marketas well as most markets in the Asia Pacifi c region, includingAustralia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, NewZealand, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years 10 years 10 years Since Inception Since Inception(annualised)(annualised)(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Enhancer Fund -5.66 -3.48 6.09 -1.85 -0.62 -6.38 -1.31 125.57 8.47 107.05 4.33Benchmark -5.55 -2.19 9.55 12.26 3.93 8.64 1.67 137.10 9.02 73.77 3.27Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.Asian Equity* w.e.f. 1 st July 2013 the fund will be managed by Aberdeen Asset Management Asia LtdFor disclaimer, please refer to page 6.25

GREATLINK FAR EAST EX JAPAN EQUITIES FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 25 March 2002Offer Price S$ 1.787Bid Price S$ 1.698Fund SizeS$ 52.58 milFund ManagerLion Global Investors LtdBid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.50% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of Fund Singapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OA ^Risk Category Higher Risk /Narrowly FocusedBenchmarkMSCI AC Far East ExJapan Index, NetFUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to maximize capital growth throughinvesting primarily in equities of companies based in China,Hong Kong, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines,Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and also in other Asia Pacifi cregions except Japan.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONAsian EquityPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years 10 years 10 years Since Inception Since Inception(annualised)(annualised)(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Far East Ex Japan Equities Fund -4.07 -3.74 4.88 -0.53 -0.18 -2.97 -0.60 107.83 7.59 78.74 5.29Benchmark -3.14 -1.88 9.20 11.62 3.73 11.99 2.29 137.43 9.03 104.25 6.54Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.26^ w.e.f. 1 st July 2013 the fund will not accept new CPF moniesFor disclaimer, please refer to page 6.

GREATLINK ASEAN GROWTH FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 26 April 1996Offer Price S$ 2.982Bid Price S$ 2.833Fund SizeS$ 285.83 milFund ManagerLion Global Investors LtdBid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.50% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of Fund Singapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OA ^Risk Category Higher Risk /Narrowly FocusedBenchmarkMSCI AC South East AsiaIndex (Net) #FUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to achieve long term capitalappreciation by investing in equities in the economies of theASEAN region.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTION#Composite of MSCI Singapore/Malaysia/Philippines/Thailand and Indonesia (Net) from launch till 28 February 2011, MSCI AC South East AsiaIndex (Net) with effect from 1 March 2011. Both are computed based on market capitalization and their returns mirror each other^ w.e.f. 1 st July 2013 the fund will not accept new CPF moniesFor disclaimer, please refer to page 6.PERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years 10 years 10 years Since Inception Since Inception(annualised)(annualised)(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund -0.56 7.68 15.44 28.48 8.71 29.07 5.24 215.83 12.19 198.21 6.57Benchmark -2.05 5.53 14.55 32.36 9.79 50.25 8.48 243.55 13.14 53.32 2.52Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.Asian Equity27

GREATLINK LION JAPAN GROWTH FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 9 Jan 2007Offer Price S$ 0.691Bid Price S$ 0.657Fund SizeS$ 5.95 mil(Underlying Fund Size) S$ 61.8 milUnderlying FundLionGlobal Japan GrowthFundFund ManagerLion Global Investors LtdBid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.50% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of FundSingapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OARisk Category Higher Risk /Narrowly FocusedBenchmarkTOPIX with net dividendsreinvested, in SGD termsFUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund aims to provide long-term capital growth ofassets of the Fund by investing primarily in quoted or listedsecurities in any Recognized Stock Exchange or OTC marketin Japan. The investment strategy is to invest the majority ofthe deposited property in mid to small market capitalizationcompanies. There is no target industry or sector for theinvestment of the Fund. This Fund invests all or substantiallyinto the LionGlobal Japan Growth Fund managed by LionGlobal Investors Limited.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGS *PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONAsian EquityPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years(annualised)Since InceptionSince Inception(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Japan Growth Fund 4.78 20.77 19.89 19.02 5.98 -8.50 -1.76 -30.84 -5.54Benchmark 6.03 19.18 18.41 9.05 2.93 -14.44 -3.07 -33.21 -6.04Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.28* Information relates to LionGlobal Japan Growth FundFor disclaimer, please refer to page 6.

GREATLINK CHINA GROWTH FUND^ report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 9 Jan 2007Offer Price S$ 0.942Bid Price S$ 0.895Fund SizeS$ 145.07 milFund ManagerLion Global Investors LtdBid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.5 % p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of FundSingapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS - OARisk Category Higher Risk /Narrowly FocusedBenchmarkMSCI Golden DragonIndex with net dividendsreinvested, in SGD termsFUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund aims for medium to long-term capital growthof assets of the Fund by investing primarily in equity andequity-linked Authorised Investments of companies withassets in or earnings derived from the People’s Republic ofChina, Hong Kong S.A.R. and Taiwan. The assets of the Fundmay also be held in cash or invested in non-China relatedinvestments in emerging and developed markets, primarilyin equities investments. The Fund will not target any specifi cindustry or sector.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years(annualised)Since InceptionSince Inception(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> China Growth Fund -2.61 -3.45 6.29 -4.38 -1.48 -6.09 -1.25 -5.79 -0.92Benchmark -1.73 -1.64 10.67 4.88 1.60 3.90 0.77 2.70 0.41Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.Asian Equity^ <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion China Growth Fund is renamed as <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> China Growth Fund and managed as a Standalone Fund w.e.f. 1 May 2008For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.29

GREATLINK LION INDIA FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 9 Jan 2007Offer Price S$ 0.872Bid Price S$ 0.829Fund SizeS$ 81.81 milUnderlying Fund Size) S$ 144.6 milUnderlying FundLionGlobal India FundFund ManagerLion Global Investors LtdBid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.50% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of FundSingapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OA ^Risk Category Higher Risk /Narrowly FocusedBenchmarkMSCI India with netdividends reinvested, inSGD termsFUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund aims for medium to long-term capital appreciationby investing in Indian equities and equity-related <strong>ins</strong>truments.The Fund, denominated in S$, will not target any specifi cindustry or sector. This Fund invests all or substantially intothe LionGlobal India Fund managed by Lion Global InvestorsLimited.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGS *PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONAsian Equity30* Information relates to LionGlobal India Fund^ w.e.f. 1 st July 2013 the fund will not accept new CPF moniesFor disclaimer, please refer to page 6.PERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years(annualised)Since InceptionSince Inception(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion India Fund -3.72 -3.49 -0.87 5.53 1.26 0.42 -6.31 -15.58 -2.81Benchmark 0.23 0.72 1.39 2.82 8.86 2.87 16.03 20.84 3.24Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.

GREATLINK SINGAPORE EQUITIES FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 25 March 2002Offer Price S$ 2.025Bid Price S$ 1.924Fund SizeS$ 124.89 milFund Manager Lion Global Investors Ltd *Bid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.50% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of FundSingapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OARisk Category Higher Risk /Narrowly FocusedBenchmarkMSCI Singapore FreeIndex, NetFUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to maximize capital growth throughinvesting primarily in Singapore equities.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years 10 years 10 years Since Inception Since Inception(annualised)(annualised)(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Singapore Equities Fund -4.23 0.05 9.26 8.09 2.63 8.76 1.69 143.54 9.31 102.53 6.46Benchmark -4.28 0.11 10.23 16.54 5.23 18.03 3.37 178.75 10.80 126.88 7.54Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.Asian Equity* w.e.f. 1 st July 2013 the fund will be managed by Aberdeen Asset Management Asia LtdFor disclaimer, please refer to page 6.31

GREATLINK LION VIETNAM FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 1 February 2008Offer Price S$ 0.458Bid Price S$ 0.436Fund SizeS$ 9.90 milUnderlying FundLionGlobal Vietnam FundUnderlying Fund Size S$ 77.7 milFund ManagerLion Global Investors LtdBid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.50% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of FundSingapore DollarCPFIS IncludedN.A.Risk Category Higher Risk /Narrowly FocusedBenchmark #FTSE Vietnam IndexFUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund aims to achieve medium to long-term capitalappreciation by investing in Vietnam. The Fund will investin companies listed in Vietnam and other companies listedelsewhere that have operations in, or derive part of theirrevenue from Vietnam and the Indo-China region. The Fundmay also invest in short-term fi xed income <strong>ins</strong>truments listedor traded on recognized markets within the Indo-China region.This Fund invests all or substantially into the LionGlobalVietnam Fund managed by Lion Global Investors Limited.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGS *PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years(annualised)Since InceptionSince Inception(annualised)Asian Equity32<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Vietnam Fund -5.42 10.38 2.83 -21.30 -7.67 -24.57 -5.48 -54.11 -13.41Benchmark -7.77 9.16 -3.54 -32.77 -12.40 -22.57 -4.99 -66.70 -18.38Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.#Benchmark was changed from Vietnam Stock Index to FTSE Vietnam Index w.e.f. 1 May 2012* Information relates to LionGlobal Vietnam FundFor disclaimer, please refer to page 6.

GREATLINK CASH FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 26 April 1996Offer Price S$ 1.309Bid Price S$ 1.244Fund SizeS$ 72.29 milFund ManagerLion Global Investors LtdBid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 0.30% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of FundSingapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS-OA & CPFIS-SA ^Risk Category Lower Risk /Broadly Diversifi edBenchmark1 mth SIBIDFUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to generate a return comparable to S$time deposits.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualized)5 years 5 years(annualized)10 years 10 years(annualized)Since InceptionSince Inception(annualized)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Cash Fund 0.08 0.24 0.57 1.30 0.43 3.49 0.69 13.61 1.28 30.95 1.58Benchmark 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.20 0.07 0.76 0.15 9.83 0.94 28.93 1.49Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.Important Note: The <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Cash Fund is recommended to be used as a short term holdingfund and not as a form of long term investment as the <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Cash Fund may not yield returnsthat are higher than the prevailing CPF interest rates.Non-Equity^ We are unable to accept new CPF monies for the fund w.e.f. 1 May 2013For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.33

GREATLINK STABLE BOND FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 25 March 2002Offer Price S$ 1.316Bid Price S$ 1.251Fund SizeS$ 65.09 mil(Underlying Fund Size) S$ 307.70 milUnderlying FundDWS Lion Bond FundFund ManagerDeutsche AssetManagement (Asia) Ltd #Bid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 0.50% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of FundSingapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS – OA & SARisk Category Low to Medium Risk ^ /Broadly Diversifi edBenchmark6 Months SIBOR less12.5bpFUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund invests all or substantially into DWS Lion BondFund, managed by Deutsche Asset Management (Asia)Limited. The investment objective of the Underlying Fund isto achieve an attractive return by investing in assets whichare in the Managers’ opinion, equivalent to or better thansingle A quality investment grade bonds of Singapore andmajor bond markets such as the G7 countries, Australia, NewZealand, Hong Kong and South Korea. The G7 countries areU.S.A., U.K., Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. Thecountry of domicile of the Underlying Fund is Singapore.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGS *PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONNon-EquityPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualised)5 years 5 years 10 years 10 years Since Inception Since Inception(annualised)(annualised)(annualised)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Stable Bond Fund -0.32 0.40 1.96 6.29 2.05 15.83 2.98 24.73 2.23 31.68 2.47Benchmark 0.08 0.15 0.31 1.11 0.37 2.75 0.54 13.60 1.28 14.75 1.23Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.* Information relates to DWS Lion Bond Fund^ The fund was reclassifi ed from Low Risk to Low to Medium Risk w.e.f. 3 April 2007, to better refl ect the nature of the underlying assets.There is no change to the fund objective and investment strategies of the fund#w.e.f. 1 June 2011, Deutsche Asset Management (Asia) Ltd has been elevated to Fund Manager for this fund34For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.

GREATLINK GLOBAL BOND FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 15 January 2002Offer Price S$ 1.495Bid Price S$ 1.421Fund SizeS$ 246.80 milFund ManagerLion Global Investors LtdSub ManagerPIMCOBid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 0.85% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of FundSingapore DollarCPFIS IncludedCPFIS - OA & SARisk CategoryLow to Medium Risk/Broadly Diversifi edBenchmarkBarclays Global AggregateBond Index 50% Hedgedinto SGDFUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to achieve excess return relative tothe index while minimizing volatility of return relative to theindex (Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Index, 50% hedgedinto Singapore Dollars).PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGSPORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 3 years(annualized)5 years 5 years(annualized)10 years 10 years(annualized)Since InceptionSince Inception(annualized)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond Fund -2.60 -3.07 -1.93 6.68 2.18 27.67 5.01 31.09 2.74 49.58 3.58Benchmark -1.20 -1.20 -0.22 5.73 1.88 19.44 3.62 27.85 2.49 46.89 3.41Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.Non-EquityFor disclaimer, please refer to page 6.35

GREATLINK GLOBAL EMERGING MARKETS EQUITY FUND report as at 30 June 2013FUND FACTSInception Date 23 January 2013Offer Price S$ 0.986Bid Price S$ 0.937Fund SizeS$ 0.98 mil(Underlying Fund Size)Fund ManagerUSD 2.86 bnFIL Fund ManagementLimited (“Fidelity”)Bid-Offer Spread 5%Fund Management Fee 1.60% p.a.Valuation Frequency DailyCurrency of FundSingapore DollarCPFIS IncludedN.A.Risk Category Higher Risk /Narrowly FocusedBenchmarkMSCI Emerging MarketsFree Net of LuxembourgTax IndexFUND OBJECTIVEThe Fund invests principally in areas experiencing rapideconomic growth including countries in Latin America,Emerging Asia, Africa, <strong>Eastern</strong> Europe (including Russia) andthe Middle East.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTINGS *PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE SINCE INCEPTIONPERFORMANCE ON BID–BID BASIS (%)3 mths Since InceptionNon-Equity<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund -1.68 -1.37Benchmark -6.03 -8.41Source: Morningstar. Performance fi gures are calculated on a bid-bid basis, with all dividends anddistributions reinvested, taking into account all charges which would have been payable upon suchreinvestment.* Information relates to Fidelity Funds – Emerging Market Fund A-USD36For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.

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GREATLINK CHOICE (AUG 2013) FUND report as at 30 June 2013INVESTMENT OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to seek to provide policyholders with:1. Annual payouts of 4.90% of the Initial Unit Price per Unitheld by each policyholder as at each policy anniversary;and2. 100% of the Initial Unit Price per Unit held on maturity.“Policy Anniversary” falls on 31 Aug 2007, 31 Aug 2008,31 Aug 2009, 31 Aug 2010, 31 Aug 2011, 31 Aug 2012 andthe Maturity Date (or if such date does not fall on a BusinessDay, the next Business Day).“Maturity” falls on 31 Aug 2013 (or if such date does not fallon a Business Day, the next Business Day).FUND INFORMATIONCapital raised less all charges deducted is invested in notes(the “Signum Notes”) issued by Signum Platinum Limited(“SPL”), which are rated at a minimum rating of “AA” byStandard & Poor’s on the Inception Date. The tranche in thereference portfolio which SPL has exposure has an initialloss protection level of 11.00% of the initial referenceportfolio amount on the Inception Date.FUND FACTSInception Date 31 Aug 2006Investment Tenure7 YearsFund ManagerLion Global Investors LimitedInitial Management Fee 5.00% of Single Premiumdeducted upfrontAnnual Management Fee 0.896% of the OriginalPrincipal Amount less any parredemptions, deducted at thebeginning of each policy yearfrom value of the FundCurrency of FundSingapore DollarValuation frequencyLast Business Day of eachmonthDealing Deadline2 p.m, 5 Business Days priorto the Next Valuation DateMinimum holding amount $1,000Minimum realization amount In multiples of 1,000 unitsFund Size$0.46milBenchmark Index*7-year Singapore swap rate(mid rate) taken on the startof the initial offer period on 6Jul 2006, i.e. 3.9%Fund Price $1.0296 th Annual Payout 31 Aug 12 - $0.049 per unit* The benchmark index has been changed from “12-Month SingaporeDollar Fixed Deposit Rate” to “7-Year Singapore Swap Rate (mid rate)taken on the start of the initial offer period on 6 Jul 2006”.BOND COLLATERALSRating (S&P/Moody’s) of Issuers of BondCollateralsEffective Date Rating as atEffective DateAs at30 June 2013Stone Tower CLO V Ltd. 31 Aug 06 AAA / Aaa AA+ / AaaEmporia 2006-2A A1 20 Nov 08 AAA / Aaa AAA / AaaMonument Park 2003-1A A1 15 Dec 08 AAA / Aaa AaaWave 2007-1X A1 15 Dec 08 AAA / Aaa CaSLMA 2002-A A2 25 Jun 09 AAA / Aaa AA / Aaa *-UPDATES ON GREATLINK CHOICE (AUG 2013) AS AT 30 JUNE 2013OthersNo. of Credit Events (cumulative) 15No. of Substitutions (cumulative) 83Cumulative (Loss)/Gain -8.06%Loss Protection (or Subordination) Level 2.94%Tranche RatingInitialAACurrentCCFund Price $1.029Note: Cumulative (Loss)/Gain and Loss Protection (or Subordination) Level is expressed as a percentage of initial reference portfolio amount.38

OthersGREATLINK CHOICE (AUG 2013) FUND report as at 30 June 2013DETAILS OF EVENTSCREDIT EVENTDate Reference Entity Exposure Loss7 Sep 08 Fannie Mae 0.67% 0.469%15 Sep 08 Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. 1.00% 0.70%7 Oct 08 Landsbanki Islands HF 0.83% 0.581%9 Oct 08 Kaupthing Bank HF 1.00% 0.70%6 Jan 09 Lyondell Chemical Co. 0.83% 0.581%18 Mar 09 Abitibi-Consolidated Inc. 1.00% 0.70%31 Mar 09 Idearc Inc. 1.00% 0.70%28 Apr 09 Bank TuranAlem 0.50% 0.35%28 May 09 Visteon Corporation 0.83% 0.581%1 Nov 09 CIT Group Inc. 0.83% 0.581%24 Dec 09 AIFUL Corporation 0.83% 0.581%26 Mar 10 Ambac Assurance Corporation 0.83% 0.581%23 Nov 11 The PMI Group Inc. 0.83% 0.581%29 Nov 11 AMR Corporation 0.42% 0.294%14 May 12 Residential Capital LLC 0.83% 0.581%As at 30 June 2013(cumulative)8.56%SUBSTITUTIONDate Entity Removed / Downsized Entity Added / Upsized Loss Protection(or Subordination)Gain/(Loss)As at 31 December 20120.50%(cumulative)Jan – Jun 2013 – – –As at 31 June 2013(cumulative)0.50%39

GREATLINK CHOICE (AUG 2013) FUND report as at 30 June 2013REFERENCE ENTITIES AS AT 30 JUNE 2013Others40No. Reference Entity Seniority S&P Industry Country1 ABU DHABI NATIONAL ENERGY COMPANY PJSC Senior Utilities UAE2 ACOM CO., LTD. Senior Financial intermediaries Japan3 AGILE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LTD Senior Building & Development China4 ALLTEL CORP Senior Telecommunications USA5 AMERICAN AXLE & MANUFACTURING, INC Senior Automotive USA6 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GROUP, INC Senior Insurance USA7 ARVINMERITOR, INC. Senior Automotive USA8 ASSURED GURANTY CORP Senior Insurance USA9 AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND BANKING Subordinated Financial intermediaries AustraliaGROUP LIMITED10 AVIS BUD<strong>GE</strong>T GROUP, INC. Senior Equipment leasing USA11 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC. Senior Conglomerates USA12 BHP BILLITON LIMITED Senior Nonferrous metals/minerals Australia13 BRUNSWICK CORPORATION Senior Leisure goods/activities/movies USA14 CAPITAL ONE BANK Senior Financial intermediaries USA15 CATHAY FINANCIAL HOLDING CO., LTD. Senior Insurance Taiwan16 CHAODA MODERN AGRICULTURE (HOLDINGS) Senior Farming/agriculture ChinaLIMITED17 CIBA HOLDING AG Senior Chemicals & plastics Switzerland18 CNOOC LIMITED Senior Oil & gas China19 COMPUTER SCIENCES CORPORATION Senior Business equipment & services USA20 CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC. Senior Air transport USA21 COUNTRY GARDEN Senior REITs and REOCs China22 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. Senior Financial intermediaries USA23 DEXIA CREDIT LOCAL Senior Financial intermediaries France24 DP WORLD LTD Senior Surface Transport UAE25 FINANCIAL SECURITY ASSURANCE INC. Senior Insurance USA26 FIRST DATA CORPORATION Senior Business equipment & services USA27 FORD MOTOR COMPANY Senior Automotive USA28 FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. Senior Electronics/electrical USA29 GANNETT CO., INC. Senior Publishing USA30 GMAC LLC Senior Automotive USA31 GPT RE LIMITED AS RESPONSIBLE ENTITY OF Senior REITs and REOCs AustraliaTHE <strong>GE</strong>NERAL PROPERTY TRUST32 GREENTOWN CHINA HOLDINGS LTD Senior Building & Development China33 HANNOVER RUECKVERSICHERUNG AG Subordinated Insurance Germany34 HARRAH'S OPERATING COMPANY INC. Senior Lodging & casinos USA35 HOPSON DEVELOPMENT HOLDINGS LIMITED Senior Building & Development China36 HSBC FINANCE CORPORATION Senior Financial intermediaries USA37 HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LIMITED Senior Conglomerates Hong Kong38 INTELSAT, LTD. Senior Telecommunications USA39 ISTAR FINANCIAL INC Senior REITs and REOCs USA40 JETBLUE AIRWAYS CORPORATION Senior Air transport USA41 K. HOVNANIAN ENTERPRISES, INC. Senior Building & Development USA

GREATLINK CHOICE (AUG 2013) FUND report as at 30 June 2013No. Reference Entity Seniority S&P Industry Country42 KAZKOMMERTSBANK Senior Financial intermediaries Kazakhstan43 KELDA GROUP LTD^ Senior Utilities United Kingdom44 KONINKLIJKE KPN N.V. Senior Telecommunications Netherlands45 KOREA ELECTRIC POWER CORPORATION Senior Utilities South Korea46 KT CORPORATION Senior Telecommunications South Korea47 LENNAR CORPORATION Senior Building & Development USA48 LIZ CLAIBORNE INC Senior Clothing/textiles USA49 LOUISIANA-PACIFIC CORPORATION Senior Forest products USA50 MACQUARIE BANK LIMITED Subordinated Financial intermediaries Australia51 MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD Senior Financial intermediaries Malaysia52 MALAYSIA Senior Sovereign Malaysia53 MBIA INC. Senior Insurance USA54 MEDIACOM COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Senior Cable & satellite television USA55 MERITA<strong>GE</strong> HOMES CORPORATION Senior Building & Development USA56 MERRILL LYNCH & CO., INC Senior Brokers, Dealers & Investment USAhouses57 MGIC INVESTMENT CORPORATION Subordinated Insurance USA58 MORGAN STANLEY Senior Brokers, Dealers & Investment USAhouses59 NEXT PLC Senior Retailers (except food & drug) United Kingdom60 NORBORD INC Senior Forest products Canada61 NORSKE SKOGINDUSTRIER ASA Senior Forest products Norway62 ORIX CORPORATION Senior Equipment leasing Japan63 PHH CORPORATION Senior Business equipment & services USA64 POSCO Senior Steel South Korea65 PROMISE CO., LTD. Senior Financial intermediaries Japan66 PUBLIC BANK BHD Subordinated Financial intermediaries Malaysia67 QANTAS AIRWAYS LIMITED Senior Air transport Australia68 R.R. DONNELLEY & SONS COMPANY Senior Publishing USA69 RADIAN GROUP INC Senior Insurance USA70 REALOGY CORP Senior Building & Development USA71 RIO TINTO LIMITED Senior Nonferrous metals/minerals Australia72 RITE AID CORPORATION Senior Food/drug retailers USA73 ROAD KING INFRASTRUCTURE LTD Senior Building & Development Hong Kong74 RUSSIAN FEDERATION Senior Sovereign Russia75 SABRE HOLDINGS CORPORATION Senior Business equipment & services USA76 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Senior Electronics/electrical South Korea77 SERVICEMASTER COMPANY (THE) Senior Ecological Services & USAEquipment78 SHANGHAI REAL ESTATE LTD Senior Building & Development China79 SHIMAO PROPERTY HOLDING LTD Senior Building & Development China80 SHINHAN BANK Subordinated Financial intermediaries South Korea81 SK TELECOM CO., LTD. Senior Telecommunications South Korea82 SLM CORPORATION Senior Financial intermediaries USA83 SONY CORPORATION Senior Electronics/electrical Japan84 SPRINT NEXTEL CORPORATION Senior Telecommunications USAOthers41

GREATLINK CHOICE (AUG 2013) FUND report as at 30 June 2013OthersNo. Reference Entity Seniority S&P Industry Country85 SUMITOMO MITSUI BANKING CORPORATION Subordinated Financial intermediaries Japan86 SWIRE PACIFIC LIMITED Senior Building & Development Hong Kong87 TELECOM CORPORATION OF NEW ZEALAND Senior Telecommunications New ZealandLIMITED88 TELEFONOS DE MEXICO, SOCIEDAD ANONIMA Senior Telecommunications MexicoDE CAPITAL VARIABLE89 TELSTRA CORPORATION LIMITED Senior Telecommunications Australia90 THE BANK OF TOKYO-MITSUBISHI UFJ, LTD. Subordinated Financial intermediaries Japan91 THE BEAR STEARNS COMPANIES INC. Senior Brokers, Dealers & Investment USAhouses92 THE MCCLATCHY COMPANY Senior Publishing USA93 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY Senior Chemicals & plastics USA94 TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CORPORATION Senior Automotive USA95 UNITED MEXICAN STATES Senior Sovereign Mexico96 UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AMERICA), INC. Senior Equipment leasing USA97 UPM-KYMMENE OYJ Senior Forest products Finland98 VNESHTORGBANK Senior Financial intermediaries Russia99 WESFARMERS LIMITED Senior Food/drug retailers Australia100 WESTFIELD MANA<strong>GE</strong>MENT LTD ASSenior REITs and REOCs AustraliaRESPONSIBLE ENTITY OF THE WESTFIELD TRUST101 WOOLWORTHS LTD Senior Food/drug retailers Australia102 WOORI BANK Subordinated Financial intermediaries South Korea103 WYNDHAM WORLDWIDE CORPORATION Senior Lodging & casinos USA104 XL CAPITAL LTD Senior Insurance Bermuda105 YORKSHIRE WATER SERVICES FINANCE PLC ^ Senior Utilities United Kingdom106 FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGA<strong>GE</strong> ASSOCIATION(FANNIE MAE)SeniorU.S. Agency (ExplicitlyGuaranteed)107 LEHMAN BROTHERS HOLDINGS INC Senior Brokers, Dealers & Investment USAhouses108 LANDSBANKI ISLANDS HF Senior Financial intermediaries Iceland109 KAUPTHING BANKI HF. Senior Financial intermediaries Iceland110 LYONDELL CHEMICAL COMPANY Senior Chemicals & plastics USA111 IDEARC INC. Senior Publishing USA112 ABITIBI-CONSOLIDATED INC. Senior Forest products Canada113 JSC BANK TURANALEM Senior Financial intermediaries Kazakhstan114 VISTEON CORPORATION Senior Automotive USA115 CIT GROUP INC. Senior Financial intermediaries USA116 AIFUL CORPORATION Senior Financial intermediaries Japan117 AMBAC ASSURANCE CORPORATION Senior Insurance USA118 THE PMI GROUP INC Senior Insurance USA119 RESIDENTIAL CAPITAL LLC Senior Financial intermediaries USA120 AMR CORPORATION Senior Air transport USADefaulted Reference EntitiesUSA42

OthersGREATLINK CHOICE (AUG 2013) FUND report as at 30 June 2013^Kelda Group Ltd was previously known as Kelda Group plc. A split Succession Event had takenplace, whereby Yorkshire Water Services Finance plc and Kelda Group Ltd would each be Successorsto Kelda Group plc. Post the Succession Event, the portfolio’s original holding for Kelda Group plcwas split equally (in terms of notional amount) into Kelda Group Ltd and Yorkshire Water ServicesFinance plc.Footnotes:1. Policyholders will have to hold their investments in the <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Choice for the entire policyterm of 7 years before they are eligible to receive the total payouts projected and 100% of theirprincipal invested at maturity. If policyholders realise their units before the fund matures, therealisation of units will be based on the prevailing net asset value which can vary according tomarket fl uctuations and may be less than the initial offer price of the units.The annual payouts and return of principal invested are provided for by debt securities andderivative transactions employed as part of the investment approach of the funds and notbacked by a guarantee. Policyholders may lose part or all of their investment in the funds in theevent there is a downgrade of the debt securities, default by the issuers of the debt securities,a default of the swap counterparty to the derivative transactions, an early redemption of theNote, or credit events/trading actions resulting in cumulative losses that exceed the initialloss protection level (as defi ned in the portfolio credit default swap agreement). As such, noguarantee is given that policyholders will receive their principal invested at maturity or thepayouts at each policy anniversary.2. No refund of the management fees will be made to policyholders who realise their units before thefund matures. The management fees will not affect the annual payouts and maturity benefi t.3. During the policy term of the Fund, the Fund Manager may, where the Fund Manager considersit to be in the interest of policyholders, substitute existing Reference Entities with new ReferenceEntities (each such substitution, a “Replacement”). Replacements may give rise to trading lossesor trading ga<strong>ins</strong>, which shall be adjusted aga<strong>ins</strong>t the loss protection level.4. The default risk, liquidation risk, foreign currency risk, and early redemption risk on the Collateralwill be borne by Goldman Sachs International (“GSI”) under the obligation of a Total Return Swapbetween SPL and GSI. GSI will have the right to effect Collateral Substitution subject to suchCollateral has to be rated at least “AAA” by S&P or “Aaa” by Moody’s. Any capital ga<strong>ins</strong>/losses inproceeds and expenses incurred following a Collateral substitution will be borne by GSI, Similarlyfor Collateral amortization and Collateral maturity.For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.43

OthersGREATLINK CHOICE (DEC 2013) FUND report as at 30 June 2013INVESTMENT OBJECTIVEThe Fund objective is to seek to provide policyholders with:1. Annual payouts of 4.60% of the Initial Unit Price per Unitheld by each policyholder as at each policy anniversary;and2. 100% of the Initial Unit Price per Unit held on maturity.“Policy Anniversary” falls on 31 Dec 2007, 31 Dec 2008,31 Dec 2009, 31 Dec 2010, 31 Dec 2011, 31 Dec 2012 andthe Maturity Date (or if such date does not fall on a BusinessDay, the next Business Day).“Maturity” falls on 31 Dec 2013 (or if such date does notfall on a Business Day, the next Business Day).FUND INFORMATIONCapital raised less all charges deducted is invested in notes(the “Signum Notes”) issued by Signum Platinum Limited(“SPL”), which are rated at a minimum rating of “AA” byStandard & Poor’s on the Inception Date. The tranche in thereference portfolio which SPL has exposure has an initialloss protection level of 11.00% of the initial referenceportfolio amount on the Inception Date.FUND FACTSInception Date 31 Dec 2006Investment Tenure7 YearsFund ManagerLion Global Investors LimitedInitial Management Fee 5.00% of Single Premiumdeducted upfrontAnnual Management Fee 0.458% of the OriginalPrincipal Amount less any parredemptions, deducted at thebeginning of each policy yearfrom value of the FundCurrency of FundSingapore DollarValuation frequencyLast Business Day of eachmonthDealing Deadline2 p.m, 5 Business Days priorto the Next Valuation DateMinimum holding amount $1,000Minimum realization amount In multiples of 1,000 unitsFund Size$ 0.02 milBenchmark Index7-year Singapore swap rate(mid rate) taken on the startof the initial offer period on 1November 2006, i.e. 3.465%Fund Price $0.6186 th Annual Payout 31 Dec 12 - $0.046 per unitCOLLATERALThe Collateral was held in cash since 30 October 2009.UPDATES TO GREATLINK CHOICE (DEC 2013) FUND AS AT 30 JUNE 2013No. of Credit Events (cumulative) 18No. of Substitutions (cumulative) 81Cumulative (Loss)/Gain -11.477%Loss Protection (or Subordination) Level 0%Tranche Incurred Loss* 21.357%Tranche RatingInitialAACurrentDFund Price $0.618Note: Cumulative (Loss)/Gain and Loss Protection (or Subordination) Level is expressed as a percentage of initial reference portfolio amount.* As cumulative loss exceeds the initial loss protection level, subsequent annual payout and maturity payment are consequently affected.This tranche incurred loss shows the percentage reduction in annual payout and maturity payment. It is computed based on actualexposure to the respective reference entities (dollar amount). The exposure percentages shown in the table below are rounded.44

OthersGREATLINK CHOICE (DEC 2013) FUND report as at 30 June 2013DETAILS OF EVENTSCREDIT EVENTDate Reference Entity Exposure Loss15 Sep 08 Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. 0.86% 0.602%26 Sep 08 Washington Mutual Inc. 0.86% 0.602%7 Oct 08 Glitnir Banki HF 0.86% 0.602%7 Oct 08 Landsbanki Islands HF 0.86% 0.602%9 Oct 08 Kaupthing Bank HF 0.86% 0.602%8 Dec 08 Tribune Co. 0.86% 0.602%18 Mar 09 Abitibi-Consolidated Inc. 0.86% 0.602%31 Mar 09 Idearc Inc. 1.03% 0.721%28 Apr 09 Bank TuranAlem 0.77% 0.539%15 May 09 R.H. Donnelley Corporation 1.03% 0.721%28 May 09 Visteon Corporation 0.86% 0.602%1 Nov 09 CIT Group Inc. 1.03% 0.721%1 Dec 09 Financial Guaranty Insurance Company 0.86% 0.602%24 Dec 09 AIFUL Corporation 0.86% 0.602%8 Nov 10 AMBAC Financial Group Inc. 1.03% 0.721%23 Nov 11 The PMI Group Inc. 0.86% 0.602%29 Nov 11 AMR Corporation 1.03% 0.721%14 May 12 Residential Capital, LLC 1.03% 0.721%As at 30 June 2013(cumulative)11.49%SUBSTITUTIONDate Entity Removed / Downsized Entity Added /UpsizedLoss Protection(or Subordination)Gain/(Loss)0.01%As at 31 December 2012(cumulative)Jan – Jun 2013 – – –As at 31 June 20130.01%(cumulative)45

GREATLINK CHOICE (DEC 2013) FUND report as at 30 June 2013REFERENCE ENTITIES AS AT 30 JUNE 2013Others46No. Reference Entity Seniority S&P Industry Country1 AGILE PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED Senior Building & Development China2 AMP GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED Senior Insurance Australia3 AROMATICS (THAILAND) PUBLIC CO LTD Senior Chemicals & plastics Thailand4 ARVINMERITOR, INC. Senior Automotive USA5 ASSURED GUARANTY CORP. Senior Insurance USA6 AUTOZONE, INC. Senior Retailers (except food & drug) USA7 AVIS BUD<strong>GE</strong>T GROUP, INC. Senior Equipment leasing USA8 BEAZER HOMES USA, INC. Senior Building & Development USA9 BHP BILLITON LIMITED Senior Nonferrous metals/minerals Australia10 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC Senior Telecommunications United KingdomLIMITED COMPANY11 BRUNSWICK CORPORATION Senior Leisure goods/activities/movies USA12 CAPITAL ONE BANK - SENIOR Senior Financial intermediaries USA13 CATHAY FINANCIAL HOLDING CO., LTD. Senior Insurance Taiwan14 CHAODA MODERN AGRICULTURE (HOLDINGS) Senior Food products ChinaLTD15 CITADEL FINANCE LTD. Senior Brokers, Dealers & Investment USAhouses16 CITIGROUP INC. - SENIOR Senior Financial intermediaries USA17 CNOOC LIMITED Senior Oil & gas China18 COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA - Senior Financial intermediaries AustraliaSENIOR19 COMPUTER SCIENCES CORPORATION Senior Business equipment & services USA20 CONTINENTAL AG Senior Automotive Germany21 COUNTRY GARDEN HOLDINGS COMPANY Senior REITs and REOCs ChinaLIMITED22 COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC Senior Financial intermediaries USA23 DEVELOPERS DIVERSIFIED REALTYSenior REITs and REOCs USACORPORATION24 DILLARD'S, INC. Subordinated Retailers (except food & drug) USA25 DUKE REALTY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Senior REITs and REOCs USA26 ERP OPERATING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Senior REITs and REOCs USA27 EXPERIAN FINANCE PLC Senior Retailers (except food & drug) United Kingdom28 FINANCIAL SECURITY ASSURANCE INC. Senior Insurance USA29 FIRST DATA CORPORATION Senior Business equipment & services USA30 FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR INC. Senior Electronics/electrical USA31 GANNETT CO., INC Senior Publishing USA32 GMAC LLC Senior Automotive USA33 GPT RE LIMITED AS RESPONSIBLE ENTITY OF Senior REITs and REOCs AustraliaTHE <strong>GE</strong>NERAL PROPERTY TRUST34 GREENTOWN CHINA HOLDINGS LTD Senior Building & Development China35 HANNOVER RUECKVERSICHERUNG AG - Subordinated Insurance GermanySUBORDINATED36 HARRAH'S OPERATING COMPANY, INC. Senior Lodging & casinos USA37 HCP INC Senior REITs and REOCs USA

GREATLINK CHOICE (DEC 2013) FUND report as at 30 June 2013No. Reference Entity Seniority S&P Industry Country38 HOPSON DEVELOPMENT HOLDINGS LIMITED Senior Building & Development China39 HSBC FINANCE CORPORATION Senior Financial intermediaries USA40 HUTCHISON WHAMPOA LIMITED Senior Conglomerates Hong Kong41 ICELAND (REPUBLIC OF) Senior Sovereign Iceland42 ISTAR FINANCIAL INC Senior REITs and REOCs USA43 JETBLUE AIRWAYS CORPORATION Senior Air transport USA44 JSC VNESHTORGBANK Senior Financial intermediaries Russia45 K. HOVNANIAN ENTERPRISES INC. Senior Building & Development USA46 KAZKOMMERTSBANK Senior Financial intermediaries Kazakhstan47 KB HOME - SUBORDINATED Subordinated Building & Development USA48 KELDA GROUP LTD^ Senior Utilities United Kingdom49 KONINKLIJKE KPN NV Senior Telecommunications Netherlands50 KOREA ELECTRIC POWER CORPORATION Senior Utilities South Korea51 KT CORPORATION Senior Telecommunications South Korea52 MACQUARIE BANK LIMITED - SUBORDINATED Subordinated Financial intermediaries Australia53 MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD - SENIOR Senior Financial intermediaries Malaysia54 MALAYSIA Senior Sovereign Malaysia55 MBIA INC. Senior Insurance USA56 MEDIACOM LLC Senior Cable & satellite television USA57 MERITA<strong>GE</strong> HOMES CORPORATION Senior Building & Development USA58 MERRILL LYNCH & CO., INC. Senior Brokers, Dealers & Investment USAhouses59 MGIC INVESTMENT CORPORATION Senior Insurance USA60 MORGAN STANLEY Senior Brokers, Dealers & Investment USAhouses61 NOBLE GROUP LIMITED Senior Conglomerates Hong Kong62 NORBORD INC. Senior Forest products Canada63 NORSKE SKOGINDUSTRIER ASA Senior Forest products Norway64 OMNICARE, INC. - SUBORDINATED Subordinated Health care USA65 OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY GAZPROM Senior Oil & gas Russia66 ORIX CORPORATION Senior Equipment leasing Japan67 PHH CORPORATION Senior Business equipment & services USA68 POSCO Senior Steel South Korea69 PROLOGIS Senior REITs and REOCs USA70 QATAR (STATE OF) Senior Sovereign Qatar71 R.R. DONNELLEY & SONS COMPANY Senior Publishing USA72 RADIAN GROUP INC. Senior Insurance USA73 REALOGY CORPORATION Senior Building & Development USA74 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Senior Sovereign South Africa75 RIO TINTO LIMITED Senior Nonferrous metals/minerals Australia76 ROAD KING INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED Senior Building & Development Hong Kong77 SERVICEMASTER CO. (THE) Senior Retailers (except food & drug) USA78 SHIMAO PROPERTY HOLDINGS LTD. Senior Building & Development Hong Kong79 SHINHAN BANK - SUBORDINATED Subordinated Financial intermediaries South Korea80 SLM CORPORATION Senior Financial intermediaries USA81 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES CO. Senior Air transport USAOthers47

OthersGREATLINK CHOICE (DEC 2013) FUND report as at 30 June 2013No. SLM CORPORATION Senior Financial intermediaries USA82 SUMITOMO MITSUI BANKING CORPORATION - Subordinated Financial intermediaries JapanSUBORDINATED83 TELECOM CORPORATION OF NEW ZEALAND Senior Telecommunications New ZealandLIMITED84 TELEFONAKTIEBOLA<strong>GE</strong>T L M ERICSSON Senior Telecommunications Sweden85 TELSTRA CORPORATION LIMITED Senior Telecommunications Australia86 TEMASEK HOLDINGS (PRIVATE) LIMITED Senior Sovereign Singapore87 THE BANK OF TOKYO-MITSUBISHI UFJ, LTD. - Subordinated Financial intermediaries JapanSUBORDINATED88 THE BEAR STEARNS COMPANIES INC. Senior Brokers, Dealers & Investment USAhouses89 THE MCCLATCHY COMPANY Senior Publishing USA90 THE WESTERN UNION COMPANY Senior Business equipment & services USA91 TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CORPORATION Senior Automotive USA92 TRW AUTOMOTIVE INC. Senior Automotive USA93 VORNADO REALTY L.P. Senior REITs and REOCs USA94 WESTFIELD TRUST, WESTFIELD MANA<strong>GE</strong>MENT Senior Building & Development AustraliaLIMITED, TRUSTEE95 WOOLWORTHS LTD Senior Food/drug retailers Australia96 WOORI BANK - SUBORDINATED Subordinated Financial intermediaries South Korea97 XL CAPITAL LTD Senior Insurance Bermuda98 YORKSHIRE WATER SERVICES FINANCE PLC^ Senior Utilities United Kingdom99 LEHMAN BROTHERS HOLDINGS INC. Senior Brokers, Dealers & Investment USAhouses100 WASHINGTON MUTUAL, INC. – SENIOR Senior Financial intermediaries USA101 GLITNIR BANKI HF. Senior Financial intermediaries Iceland102 LANDSBANKI ISLANDS HF Senior Financial intermediaries Iceland103 KAUPTHING BANK HF Senior Financial intermediaries Iceland104 TRIBUNE CO. Senior Publishing USA105 ABITIBI-CONSOLIDATED INC. Senior Forest products Canada106 IDEARC INC Senior Publishing USA107 JSC BANK TURANALEM Senior Financial intermediaries Kazakhstan108 R.H. DONNELLEY CORPORATION Senior Publishing USA109 VISTEON CORPORATION Senior Automotive USA110 CIT GROUP INC Senior Financial intermediaries USA111 FINANCIAL GUARANTY INSURANCE COMPANY Senior Insurance USA-- NO R112 AIFUL CORPORATION Senior Financial intermediaries Japan113 AMBAC FINANCIAL GROUP INC Senior Insurance USA114 THE PMI GROUP, INC Senior Insurance USA115 RESIDENTIAL CAPITAL, LLC Senior Financial intermediaries USA116 AMR CORPORATION Senior Air transport USADefaulted Reference Entities48

OthersGREATLINK CHOICE (DEC 2013) FUND report as at 30 June 2013^ Kelda Group Ltd was previously known as Kelda Group plc. A split Succession Event had takenplace, whereby Yorkshire Water Services Finance plc and Kelda Group Ltd would each be Successorsto Kelda Group plc. Post the Succession Event, the portfolio’s original holding for Kelda Group plcwas split equally (in terms of notional amount) into Kelda Group Ltd and Yorkshire Water ServicesFinance plc.Footnotes:1. Policyholders will have to hold their investments in the <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Choice for the entire policy termof 7 years before they are eligible to receive the total payouts projected and 100% of their principalinvested at maturity. If policyholders realise their units before the fund matures, the realisation of unitswill be based on the prevailing unit price which can vary according to market fluctuations and may beless than the initial offer price of the units.The annual payouts and return of principal invested are provided for by debt securities and derivativetransactions employed as part of the investment approach of the funds and not backed by a guarantee.Policyholders may lose part or all of their investment in the funds in the event there is a downgrade ofthe debt securities, default by the issuers of the debt securities, a default of the swap counterparty tothe derivative transactions, an early redemption of the Note, or credit events/trading actions resultingin cumulative losses that exceed the initial loss protection level (as defined in the portfolio creditdefault swap agreement). As such, no guarantee is given that policyholders will receive their principalinvested at maturity or the payouts at each policy anniversary.2. No refund of the management fees will be made to policyholders who realise their units before thefund matures. The management fees will not affect the annual payouts and maturity benefit.3. During the policy term of the Fund, the Fund Manager may, where the Fund Manager considers it tobe in the interest of policyholders, substitute existing Reference Entities with new Reference Entities(each such substitution, a “Replacement”). Replacements may give rise to trading losses or tradingga<strong>ins</strong>, which shall be adjusted aga<strong>ins</strong>t the loss protection level.4. The default risk, liquidation risk, foreign currency risk, and early redemption risk on the Collateral willbe borne by Goldman Sachs International (“GSI”) under the obligation of a Total Return Swap betweenSPL and GSI. GSI will have the right to effect Collateral Substitution subject to such Collateral has to berated at least “AAA” by S&P or “Aaa” by Moody’s. Any capital ga<strong>ins</strong>/losses in proceeds and expensesincurred following a Collateral substitution will be borne by GSI, Similarly for Collateral amortizationand Collateral maturity.For disclaimer, please refer to page 6. 49

GREATLINK LIFESTYLE DYNAMIC PORTFOLIO report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsFunds<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 6,278,928 28.41<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 5,798,885 26.23<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund * 5,531,519 25.02<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Enhancer Fund 4,495,690 20.3422,105,022 100.00Top 10 Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssets<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 6,278,928 28.40<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 5,798,885 26.23<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund * 5,531,519 25.02Keppel Corporation Ltd 275,769 1.25HSBC Holdings PLC 261,781 1.18Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd 242,834 1.10AIA Group Ltd 203,491 0.92Jardine Strategic Holdings Ltd 158,356 0.72Rio Tinto PLC 156,376 0.71DBS Group Holdings Ltd 152,557 0.69Top 10 Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssets<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 5,427,624 28.12<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 4,781,376 24.77Keppel Corporation Ltd 316,811 1.64United Overseas Bank Ltd 280,616 1.45DBS Group Holdings Ltd 238,506 1.24Kasikornbank PCL 189,189 0.98Singapore Telecommunications Ltd 181,836 0.94Australia & New Zealand Banking Group 174,423 0.90BHP Billiton Ltd 173,930 0.90Astra International TBK PT 173,209 0.90* The proceeds of <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund are being held in cash pending transition to replacement fund.Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Style Dynamic Portfolio 1.70% 1.70% 60.21% 51.90%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivatives - 0.00ii) Net gain on derivative realised 3,806iii) Net loss on outstanding derivatives (8,493)Funds InformationBorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 1,161,350Redemptions 1,055,692Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.50

GREATLINK LIFESTYLE PROGRESSIVE PORTFOLIO report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsFunds<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond Fund 12,028,316 20.06<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 13,406,047 22.37<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 12,531,639 20.90<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund * 12,438,553 20.75<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Enhancer Fund 9,543,863 15.9259,948,418 100.00Top 10 Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssets<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 13,406,047 22.36<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 12,531,639 20.90<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund * 12,438,553 20.75US Treasury N/B 1.625 15/08/2022 997,501 1.66US Treasury N/B 2.1250 15/08/2021 751,121 1.25Government National Mortgage A 3.000 611,183 1.029/15/2041Keppel Corporation Ltd 585,428 0.98HSBC Holdings PLC 555,732 0.93Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd 515,511 0.86US Treasury N/B 0.250 31/03/2014 451,495 0.75* The proceeds of <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund are being held in cash pending transition to replacement fund.Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Style Progressive Portfolio 1.55% 1.53% 62.42% 51.76%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivativesForward Foreign Exchange Contracts (48,475) (0.08)Futures 9,792 0.02Spot Foreign Exchange Contracts 1 0.00Top 10 Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssets<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 11,274,840 21.56<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 10,020,686 19.17Keppel Corporation Ltd 680,652 1.30United Overseas Bank Ltd 614,213 1.17DBS Group Holdings Ltd 522,044 1.00Government National Mortgage A 3.000 435,683 0.839/15/2041TSY Infl IX N/B 0.125 15/1/2022 425,452 0.81Kasikornbank PCL 414,097 0.79Singapore Telecommunications Ltd 398,005 0.76Astra International TBK PT 379,122 0.73ii) Net loss on derivative realised (352,176)iii) Net gain on outstanding derivatives 41,011BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 3,069,789Redemptions 1,539,327Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.Funds Information51

GREATLINK LIFESTYLE BALANCED PORTFOLIO report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsFunds<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond Fund 130,323,103 34.78<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 64,550,950 17.23<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 58,820,900 15.69<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund * 60,402,976 16.12<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Enhancer Fund 41,751,765 11.14<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Stable Bond Fund 18,869,961 5.04374,719,655 100.00Top 10 Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssets<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 64,550,950 17.23<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund * 60,402,976 16.12<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 58,820,901 15.70<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Stable Bond Fund 18,869,961 5.04US Treasury N/B 1.625 15/08/2022 10,807,618 2.88US Treasury N/B 2.1250 15/08/2021 8,138,168 2.17Government National Mortgage A 3.000 6,621,977 1.779/15/2041US Treasury N/B 0.250 31/03/2014 4,891,806 1.31FNCL 3 8/12 3.000 4,568,734 1.22Bundesschatzanw 0.750 13/09/2013 4,183,802 1.12Top 10 Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssets<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 59,289,903 16.07<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 51,947,904 14.08<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Stable Bond Fund 19,353,845 5.25Government National Mortgage A 3.000 5,182,826 1.409/15/2041TSY Infl IX N/B 0.125 15/1/2022 5,061,122 1.37Fannie Mae 3.000 25/4/2042 4,384,980 1.19United States Of America 4.500 15/08/2039 3,770,648 1.02United Overseas Bank Ltd 3,265,274 0.88US Treasury N/B 2.000 15/11/2021 3,250,674 0.88FMS Wertmanagement 2.250 14/07/2014 2,808,606 0.76* The proceeds of <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund are being held in cash pending transition to replacement fund.The <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>style Balanced Portfolio invested more than 30% of its assets in the <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond Fund. The following are the top 10 holdingsin the <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond:Funds InformationTop 10 Holdings of Underlying Fundas at 30 June 2013Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsUS Treasury N/B 1.625 15/08/2022 20,470,076 8.29US Treasury N/B 2.1250 15/08/2021 15,414,028 6.25Government National Mortgage A 3.000 12,542,298 5.089/15/2041US Treasury N/B 0.250 31/03/2014 9,265,284 3.75FNCL 3 8/12 3.000 8,653,373 3.51Bundesschatzanw 0.750 13/09/2013 7,924,294 3.21TSY Infl IX N/B 0.125 15/1/2022 7,028,753 2.85United States Of America 4.500 15/08/2039 5,915,161 2.40BTPS 5.500 01/09/2022 5,324,889 2.16FMS Wertmanagement 2.250 14/07/2014 5,051,318 2.05Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fundas at 30 June 2012Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsGovernment National Mortgage A 3.000 9,215,371 3.739/15/2041TSY Infl IX N/B 0.125 15/1/2022 8,998,974 3.64Fannie Mae 3.000 25/4/2042 7,796,754 3.16United States Of America 4.500 15/08/2039 6,704,435 2.72US Treasury N/B 2.000 15/11/2021 5,779,890 2.34FMS Wertmanagement 2.250 14/07/2014 4,993,867 2.02United States Of America 1.125 15/01/2021 4,757,515 1.93Bear Stearns Cos LLC 6.400 02/10/2017 4,680,007 1.90Federal Republic Of Germany 5.6254,322,614 1.7504/01/2028Commonwealth Of Australia 4.75015/06/20164,228,806 1.7152

Funds InformationGREATLINK LIFESTYLE BALANCED PORTFOLIO report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Style Balanced Portfolio 1.37% 1.36% 63.18% 50.51%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivativesForward Foreign Exchange Contracts (525,210) (0.14)Futures 106,090 0.03Spot Foreign Exchange Contracts 10 0.00ii) Net loss on derivative realised (3,867,745)iii) Net gain on outstanding derivatives 558,527BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 3,534,245Redemptions 13,683,830Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.53

GREATLINK LIFESTYLE STEADY PORTFOLIO report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsFunds<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond Fund 14,603,767 49.84<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 3,366,790 11.49<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 3,054,811 10.43<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund * 3,438,499 11.73<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Enhancer Fund 1,896,606 6.47<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Stable Bond Fund 2,941,071 10.0429,301,544 100.00Top 10 Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssets<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund * 3,438,499 11.73<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 3,366,790 11.49<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 3,054,811 10.43<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Stable Bond Fund 2,941,071 10.04US Treasury N/B 1.625 15/08/2022 1,211,082 4.13US Treasury N/B 2.1250 15/08/2021 911,948 3.11Government National Mortgage A 3.000 742,047 2.539/15/2041US Treasury N/B 0.250 31/03/2014 548,167 1.87FNCL 3 8/12 3.000 511,964 1.75Bundesschatzanw 0.750 13/09/2013 468,829 1.60Top 10 Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssets<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 3,069,924 10.46<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Stable Bond Fund 2,995,689 10.21<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 2,676,591 9.12Government National Mortgage A 3.000 576,671 1.979/15/2041TSY Infl IX N/B 0.125 15/1/2022 563,129 1.92Fannie Mae 3.000 25/4/2042 487,898 1.66United States Of America 4.500 15/08/2039 419,544 1.43US Treasury N/B 2.000 15/11/2021 361,688 1.23FMS Wertmanagement 2.250 14/07/2014 312,501 1.07United States Of America 1.125 15/01/2021 297,711 1.01* The proceeds of <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund are being held in cash pending transition to replacement fund.The <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>style Steady Portfolio invested more than 30% of its assets in the <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond Fund. The following are the top 10 holdings inthe <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond:Funds InformationTop 10 Holdings of Underlying Fundas at 30 June 2013Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsUS Treasury N/B 1.625 15/08/2022 20,470,076 8.29US Treasury N/B 2.1250 15/08/2021 15,414,028 6.25Government National Mortgage A 3.000 12,542,298 5.089/15/2041US Treasury N/B 0.250 31/03/2014 9,265,284 3.75FNCL 3 8/12 3.000 8,653,373 3.51Bundesschatzanw 0.750 13/09/2013 7,924,294 3.21TSY Infl IX N/B 0.125 15/1/2022 7,028,753 2.85United States Of America 4.500 15/08/2039 5,915,161 2.40BTPS 5.500 01/09/2022 5,324,889 2.16FMS Wertmanagement 2.250 14/07/2014 5,051,318 2.05Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fundas at 30 June 2012Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsGovernment National Mortgage A 3.000 9,215,371 3.739/15/2041TSY Infl IX N/B 0.125 15/1/2022 8,998,974 3.64Fannie Mae 3.000 25/4/2042 7,796,754 3.16United States Of America 4.500 15/08/2039 6,704,435 2.72US Treasury N/B 2.000 15/11/2021 5,779,890 2.34FMS Wertmanagement 2.250 14/07/2014 4,993,867 2.02United States Of America 1.125 15/01/2021 4,757,515 1.93Bear Stearns Cos LLC 6.400 02/10/2017 4,680,007 1.90Federal Republic Of Germany 5.6254,322,614 1.7504/01/2028Commonwealth Of Australia 4.75015/06/20164,228,806 1.7154

Funds InformationGREATLINK LIFESTYLE STEADY PORTFOLIO report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Style Steady Portfolio 1.19% 1.17% 63.95% 49.26%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong>or losses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend andother distributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivativesForward Foreign Exchange Contracts (58,854) (0.20)Futures 11,888 0.04Spot Foreign Exchange Contracts 1 0.00ii) Net loss on derivative realised (435,757)iii) Net gain on outstanding derivatives 67,701BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 982,912Redemptions 1,830,507Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.55

GREATLINK LIFESTYLE SECURE PORTFOLIO report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsFunds<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond Fund 32,534,522 58.74<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 3,213,799 5.80<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 3,010,290 5.43<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund * 3,457,087 6.24<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Enhancer Fund 2,019,152 3.65<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Stable Bond Fund 11,155,722 20.1455,390,572 100.00Top 10 Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssets<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Stable Bond Fund 11,155,722 20.14<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund * 3,457,087 6.24<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 3,213,799 5.80<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 3,010,290 5.43US Treasury N/B 1.625 15/08/2022 2,698,069 4.87US Treasury N/B 2.1250 15/08/2021 2,031,654 3.67Government National Mortgage A 3.000 1,653,144 2.989/15/2041US Treasury N/B 0.250 31/03/2014 1,221,215 2.20FNCL 3 8/12 3.000 1,140,562 2.06Bundesschatzanw 0.750 13/09/2013 1,044,466 1.89Top 10 Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssets<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Stable Bond Fund 11,544,043 20.08<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund 2,952,337 5.14<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund 2,653,450 4.62Government National Mortgage A 3.000 1,307,478 2.279/15/2041TSY Infl IX N/B 0.125 15/1/2022 1,276,775 2.22Fannie Mae 3.000 25/4/2042 1,106,204 1.92United States Of America 4.500 15/08/2039 951,226 1.65US Treasury N/B 2.000 15/11/2021 820,051 1.43FMS Wertmanagement 2.250 14/07/2014 708,530 1.23United States Of America 1.125 15/01/2021 674,997 1.17* The proceeds of <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund are being held in cash pending transition to replacement fund.The <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>style Secure Portfolio invested more than 30% of its assets in the <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond Fund. The following are the top 10 holdings inthe <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond:Funds InformationTop 10 Holdings of Underlying Fundas at 30 June 2013Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsUS Treasury N/B 1.625 15/08/2022 20,470,076 8.29US Treasury N/B 2.1250 15/08/2021 15,414,028 6.25Government National Mortgage A 3.000 12,542,298 5.089/15/2041US Treasury N/B 0.250 31/03/2014 9,265,284 3.75FNCL 3 8/12 3.000 8,653,373 3.51Bundesschatzanw 0.750 13/09/2013 7,924,294 3.21TSY Infl IX N/B 0.125 15/1/2022 7,028,753 2.85United States Of America 4.5005,915,161 2.4015/08/2039BTPS 5.500 01/09/2022 5,324,889 2.16FMS Wertmanagement 2.250 14/07/2014 5,051,318 2.05Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fundas at 30 June 2012Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsGovernment National Mortgage A 3.000 9,215,371 3.739/15/2041TSY Infl IX N/B 0.125 15/1/2022 8,998,974 3.64Fannie Mae 3.000 25/4/2042 7,796,754 3.16United States Of America 4.500 15/08/2039 6,704,435 2.72US Treasury N/B 2.000 15/11/2021 5,779,890 2.34FMS Wertmanagement 2.250 14/07/2014 4,993,867 2.02United States Of America 1.125 15/01/2021 4,757,515 1.93Bear Stearns Cos LLC 6.400 02/10/2017 4,680,007 1.90Federal Republic Of Germany 5.6254,322,614 1.7504/01/2028Commonwealth Of Australia 4.75015/06/20164,228,806 1.7156

Funds InformationGREATLINK LIFESTYLE SECURE PORTFOLIO report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Style Secure Portfolio 1.02% 1.00% 63.28% 46.89%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivativesForward Foreign Exchange Contracts (131,116) (0.24)Futures 26,485 0.05Spot Foreign Exchange Contracts 3 0.00ii) Net loss on derivative realised (972,823)iii) Net gain on outstanding derivatives 157,276BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 3,978,879Redemptions 9,561,954Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.57

GREATLINK CASH FUND report as at 30 June 2013Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsTemasek Financial Zero Coupon3,980,000 5.5114/12/2013Bank East Asia 1.100 06/09/2013 3,812,945 5.27CapitaLand Ltd 2.100 15/11/2016 3,245,938 4.49Housing & Development 3.455 15/07/2013 3,003,066 4.15Petronas Sukuk 4.250 12/08/2014 2,804,625 3.88Goodpack Ltd 4.000 19/07/2013 2,753,515 3.81SP Powerassets Ltd 5.000 22/10/2013 2,568,039 3.55Mapletree Treasury Svcs 4.600 20/08/2013 2,260,152 3.13Street Square 3.020 05/05/2014 2,014,180 2.79Citydev Nahdah Pte Ltd 3.565 15/12/2013 2,012,952 2.78Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsCayman Islands 1,480,052 2.05China 2,500,548 3.46Hong Kong 3,812,945 5.27Korea, Republic Of 8,033,485 11.11Malaysia 2,804,625 3.88Singapore 22,160,967 30.66United Kingdom 2,000,078 2.77Others ** 28,521,409 39.45Accrued interest receivable on fi xed Income 974,658 1.35securitiesTotal 72,288,767 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsHutchison Whamp Intl Ltd 6.500 13/02/2013 3,791,666 3.26Ascott Capital Pte Ltd 4.380 14/08/2012 3,761,906 3.24Housing & Development Brd 1.5503,259,246 2.8126/10/2012Citydev Nahdah Pte Ltd 3.565 15/12/2013 2,037,586 1.75Maybank Kim Eng Holdings 1.70 21/6/2013 2,001,388 1.72SP Powerassets Ltd 5.000 22/10/2013 1,992,828 1.72Bank Of China/Hong Kong 1.5501,752,214 1.5123/11/2012Mapletree Treasury Svcs 4.600 20/08/2013 1,544,597 1.33Export-Import Bk Korea 1.450 10/24/2012 1,503,269 1.29Kookmin Bank 1.70 10/15/2012 1,503,236 1.29Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsConsumer, Cyclical 3,526,571 4.88Energy 4,126,322 5.71Financial 22,145,296 30.63Government 5,258,158 7.27Industrial 2,753,515 3.81Utilities 4,982,838 6.89Others ** 28,521,409 39.46Accrued interest receivable on fi xed Income 974,658 1.35securitiesTotal 72,288,767 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assetsFunds InformationAllocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsFixed Income Securities (Including accrued 43,767,358 60.55interest on fi xed Income securities)Derivatives (189,555) (0.26)Embedded Derivatives 7,225,937 10.00Cash and cash equivalents 22,134,649 30.62Other net liabilities (649,622) (0.91)Total 72,288,767 100.00Credit Rating of Debt Securities Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 (by S&P or equivalent) S$ AssetsAAA 5,258,158 7.27AA+ 1,331,802 1.84AA- 2,568,039 3.55A+ 3,736,496 5.17A 6,778,131 9.38A- 4,284,677 5.93Not Rated 18,835,397 26.06Accrued interest receivable on fi xed Income 974,658 1.35securities43,767,358 60.55Investments By Maturity Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsUp to 30 Days 9,756,846 13.49More than 30 Days to 3 Months 9,583,612 13.26More than 3 Months to 6 Months 4,580,991 6.34More than 6 Months to 1 Year 12,728,204 17.61More than 1 Year 6,143,047 8.50Accrued interest receivable on fi xed Income 974,658 1.35securities43,767,358 60.5558

Funds InformationGREATLINK CASH FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Cash Fund 0.32% 0.32% 38.43% 41.27%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivativesForward Foreign Exchange Contracts (189,555) (0.26)ii) Net loss on derivative realised (514,005)iii) Net loss on outstanding derivatives (270,869)Investments in Collective Investment SchemesNot applicable.BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 2,038,410Redemptions 34,853,156Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.59

Funds InformationGREATLINK ASEAN GROWTH FUND report as at 30 June 2013Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsUnited Overseas Bank Ltd 15,517,929 5.43DBS Group Holdings Ltd 14,234,069 4.98Singapore Telecommunications Ltd 12,188,410 4.26Keppel Corporation Ltd 11,996,400 4.20Kasikornbank PCL 9,917,824 3.47Malayan Banking Bhd 9,646,004 3.37Astra International TBK PT 7,946,011 2.78Tenaga Nasional Bhd 7,612,026 2.66Perusahaan Gas Negara Persero TBK PT 7,393,758 2.59Advanced Info Service PCL 7,225,863 2.53Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsIndonesia 53,848,664 18.84Malaysia 71,086,936 24.87Philippines 12,660,846 4.43Singapore 97,811,684 34.22Thailand 42,625,523 14.91Others ** 7,792,525 2.73Total 285,826,178 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsEquities 278,033,653 97.27Derivatives (570,366) (0.20)Cash and cash equivalents 5,433,866 1.90Other net assets 2,929,025 1.03Total 285,826,178 100.00Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsUnited Overseas Bank Ltd 19,413,230 5.65DBS Group Holdings Ltd 16,500,057 4.80Keppel Corporation Ltd 15,671,860 4.56Kasikornbank PCL 13,088,226 3.81Singapore Telecommunications Ltd 12,579,600 3.66Astra International TBK PT 11,982,775 3.49UMW Holdings Bhd 10,302,760 3.00Malayan Banking Bhd 9,886,325 2.88Philippine LNG Distribution 8,352,116 2.43CIMB Group Holdings Bhd 8,306,824 2.42Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsEnergy 14,682,561 5.14Basic Materials 6,127,860 2.14Communications 40,655,490 14.22Consumer, Cyclical 23,982,541 8.39Consumer, Non-Cyclical 24,191,621 8.46Diversifi ed 15,447,861 5.41Financial 118,608,937 41.50Industrial 19,330,999 6.76Utilities 15,005,783 5.25Others ** 7,792,525 2.73Total 285,826,178 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assetsCredit Rating of Debt Securities Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsNot applicable.60

Funds InformationGREATLINK ASEAN GROWTH FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund 1.53% 1.52% 30.70% 37.22%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivativesForward Foreign Exchange Contracts (107,951) (0.04)Spot Foreign Exchange Contracts (462,415) (0.16)ii) Net gain on derivative realised 41,997iii) Net loss on outstanding derivatives (569,273)Investments in Collective Investment SchemesNot applicable.BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 6,357,292Redemptions 115,580,692Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.61

Funds InformationGREATLINK ENHANCER FUND report as at 30 June 2013Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsKeppel Corporation Ltd 28,943,200 6.13HSBC Holdings PLC 27,475,052 5.82Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd 25,486,541 5.40AIA Group Ltd 21,357,301 4.53Jardine Strategic Holdings Ltd 16,620,183 3.52Rio Tinto Ltd 16,412,311 3.48DBS Group Holdings Ltd 16,011,500 3.39QBE Insurance Group Ltd 15,311,224 3.24Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 14,807,337 3.14Commonwealth Bank Of Australia 14,646,815 3.10Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsAustralia 101,367,004 21.48Hong Kong 84,452,697 17.90Korea, Republic Of 53,112,750 11.26Singapore 81,104,543 17.19Taiwan, Province Of China 15,889,403 3.37United Kingdom 40,155,179 8.51United States 4,124,321 0.87Others** 91,636,611 19.42Total 471,842,508 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsAustralia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 18,590,844 4.23BHP Billiton Ltd 18,538,290 4.22Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd 18,341,870 4.17National Australia Bank Ltd 15,109,514 3.44Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 14,618,944 3.33Company LtdWesfarmers Ltd 13,241,823 3.01CNOOC Ltd 10,711,519 2.44Telstra Corporation Ltd 10,625,671 2.42Rio Tinto Ltd 9,724,454 2.21Keppel Corporation Ltd 9,622,080 2.19Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsBasic Materials 45,307,505 9.60Communications 16,386,437 3.47Consumer, Cyclical 38,865,387 8.24Consumer, Non-Cyclical 18,235,053 3.87Diversifi ed 57,770,057 12.24Financial 144,911,728 30.71Technology 47,615,728 10.09Others** 102,750,613 21.78Total 471,842,508 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assetsAllocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsEquities 380,205,897 80.58Cash and cash equivalents 14,414,003 3.05Other net assets 77,222,608 16.37Total 471,842,508 100.00Credit Rating of Debt Securities Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsNot applicable.62

Funds InformationGREATLINK ENHANCER FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Enhancer Fund 1.53% 1.52% 133.63% 82.41%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivatives - 0.00ii) Net gain on derivative realised 333,753iii) Net loss on outstanding derivatives (792)Investments in Collective Investment SchemesNot applicable.BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 17,802,742Redemptions 10,201,092Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.63

GREATLINK GLOBAL SUPREME FUND report as at 30 June 2013Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsJapan 0.800 02/09/2022 12,759,990 3.70US Treasury N/B 3.125 15/05/2021 9,672,213 2.80US Treasury N/B 2.000 15/11/2021 8,601,886 2.49US Treasury N/B 8.125 15/08/2021 7,552,435 2.19US Treasury N/B 1.625 15/11/2022 6,394,284 1.85Treasury 2.250 07/03/2014 4,942,014 1.43US Treasury N/B 4.500 15/08/2039 4,853,465 1.41Exxon Mobil Corporation 3,426,497 0.99BTPS 5.000 01/08/2039 3,241,941 0.94Mexican Bonos 8.500 31/05/2029 3,020,398 0.87Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsAustralia 20,355,168 5.90Canada 4,335,337 1.26France 6,625,894 1.92Germany 14,294,890 4.14Hong Kong 5,015,165 1.45Italy 5,148,937 1.49Japan 28,524,927 8.26Korea, Republic Of 3,664,643 1.06Mexico 7,453,852 2.16Netherlands 5,868,992 1.70Switzerland 5,698,614 1.65United Kingdom 27,921,774 8.09United States 169,419,232 49.08Accrued interest receivable on fi xed Income 1,449,347 0.42securitiesOthers** 39,430,441 11.42Total 345,207,213 100.00Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsUS Treasury N/B 2.000 15/11/2021 10,114,808 2.95United States Of America 3.125 11/15/2041 9,942,650 2.90Buoni Poliennali Del Tes 5.5 1/9/2022 8,228,354 2.40US Treasury N/B 8.125 15/08/2021 8,158,444 2.38US Treasury N/B 4.500 15/08/2039 5,501,075 1.61TSY Infl IX N/B 0.125 15/1/2022 5,181,228 1.51Mexican Bonos 8.500 31/05/2029 5,009,616 1.46United Kingdom 4.500 07/03/2013 4,148,796 1.21US Treasury N/B 1.375 28/02/2019 4,010,528 1.17Fosse Master Issuer PLC Floating 18/10/2054 3,792,156 1.11Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsBasic Materials 8,092,977 2.35Communications 18,686,323 5.41Consumer, Cyclical 22,791,510 6.60Consumer, Non-Cyclical 36,767,477 10.65Energy 19,852,031 5.75Financial 68,444,523 19.83Government 131,216,587 38.01Industrial 19,760,445 5.72Technology 9,020,705 2.61Accrued interest receivable on fi xed Income 1,449,347 0.42securitiesOthers** 9,125,288 2.65Total 345,207,213 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assets** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsEquities 177,163,092 51.32Fixed Income Securities (Including accrued 162,307,326 47.02interest on fi xed Income securities)Derivatives 304,871 0.09Cash and cash equivalents 13,180,235 3.82Other net liabilities (7,748,311) (2.25)Total 345,207,213 100.00Funds Information64Credit Rating of Debt Securities Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 (by S&P or equivalent) S$ AssetsAAA 18,355,208 5.32AA+ 5,031,311 1.46AA 3,827,457 1.11AA- 5,414,306 1.57A+ 2,513,410 0.73A 4,915,517 1.42A- 13,383,265 3.88BBB+ 1,730,619 0.50BBB 1,662,474 0.48BBB- 2,154,358 0.62BB 1,198,415 0.35Not Rated 100,671,639 29.16Accrued interest receivable on fi xed Income 1,449,347 0.42securities162,307,326 47.02

Funds InformationGREATLINK GLOBAL SUPREME FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Supreme Fund 1.40% 1.39% 103.41% 136.59%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivativesForward Foreign Exchange Contracts 348,468 0.10Futures (44,211) (0.01)Rights 614 0.00ii) Net loss on derivative realised (4,671,368)iii) Net gain on outstanding derivatives 1,378,651Investments in Collective Investment SchemesNot applicable.BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 1,603,430Redemptions 14,018,786Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.65

Funds InformationGREATLINK PAN ASIA FUND report as at 30 June 2013Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsSamsung Electronics Co. Ltd 739,216 3.49Toyota Motor Corporation 650,078 3.07Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing643,523 3.04Co. LtdBHP Billiton Ltd 628,549 2.97Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 442,450 2.09Commonwealth Bank Of Australia 437,710 2.07AIA Group Ltd 415,758 1.97iShares MSCI Taiwan ETF 396,593 1.87Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. 379,758 1.80Hyundai Motor Company 361,118 1.71Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsAustralia 3,405,568 16.10Hong Kong 3,504,972 16.57India 1,119,029 5.29Indonesia 298,674 1.41Japan 7,663,692 36.23Korea, Republic Of 2,432,884 11.50Singapore 440,680 2.08Taiwan, Province Of China 1,221,560 5.78Thailand 308,440 1.46United States 396,593 1.88Others ** 360,707 1.70Total 21,152,799 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsSamsung Electronics Co. Ltd 559,236 2.72Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd 552,682 2.69BHP Billiton Ltd 546,343 2.66National Australia Bank Ltd 454,844 2.21Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing413,549 2.01Co. LtdWesfarmers Ltd 400,259 1.95Telstra Corporation Ltd 341,377 1.66CNOOC Ltd 334,499 1.63Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. 319,274 1.55China M<strong>ins</strong>heng Banking Corporation Ltd 311,345 1.52Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsBasic Materials 1,442,396 6.82Communications 1,818,540 8.60Consumer, Cyclical 3,801,337 17.97Consumer, Non-Cyclical 1,965,253 9.29Diversifi ed 277,195 1.31Energy 847,620 4.01Financial 5,364,122 25.36Funds 396,593 1.87Industrial 2,590,765 12.25Technology 2,368,406 11.20Others ** 280,572 1.32Total 21,152,799 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assetsAllocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsEquities 20,996,405 99.26Derivatives 19 0.00Cash and cash equivalents 160,562 0.76Other net liabilities (4,187) (0.02)Total 21,152,799 100.00Credit Rating of Debt Securities Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsNot applicable.66

Funds InformationGREATLINK PAN ASIA FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Pan Asia Fund 1.54% 1.53% 81.32% 101.49%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivativesSpot Foreign Exchange Contracts 19 0.00ii) Net loss on derivative realised (2,542)iii) Net gain on outstanding derivatives 21Investments in Collective Investment SchemesNot applicable.BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 234,094Redemptions 1,816,384Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.67

Funds InformationGREATLINK GLOBAL EQUITY FUND report as at 30 June 2013Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsExxon Mobil Corporation 1,450,721 3.03International Business Machines1,142,844 2.38CorporationO'Reilly Automotive Inc. 1,032,561 2.15Lyondellbasell Industries NV 830,459 1.73Swiss Re AG 772,641 1.61Prudential Financial Inc. 712,927 1.49Pfi zer Inc. 706,558 1.47Biogen Idec Inc. 689,442 1.44Marathon Petroleum Corporation 669,902 1.40TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation 662,135 1.38Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsAustralia 722,283 1.51Denmark 591,151 1.23France 1,001,752 2.09Japan 6,253,363 13.04Netherlands 729,050 1.52Norway 1,253,673 2.62Spain 2,709,173 5.65Switzerland 2,835,206 5.91United Kingdom 3,072,823 6.41United States 26,276,176 54.81Others ** 2,498,145 5.21Total 47,942,795 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsOracle Corporation 1,142,902 2.67Apple Computer Inc. 1,086,782 2.54Lorillard Inc. 940,409 2.19Conocophillips 812,938 1.90Humana Inc. 809,921 1.89Novo-Nordisk A/S 713,749 1.67Microsoft Corporation 673,267 1.57Exxon Mobil Corporation 657,338 1.53DirecTV 657,167 1.53Google Inc. 643,713 1.50Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsBasic Materials 1,447,070 3.02Communications 4,174,250 8.71Consumer, Cyclical 6,994,256 14.59Consumer, Non-Cyclical 11,684,520 24.37Energy 3,944,861 8.23Financial 9,478,428 19.77Industrial 5,089,734 10.61Technology 3,063,479 6.39Utilities 827,601 1.73Others ** 1,238,596 2.58Total 47,942,795 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assetsAllocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsEquities 46,831,908 97.68Derivatives (12,987) (0.03)Cash and cash equivalents 1,269,636 2.65Other net liabilities (145,762) (0.30)Total 47,942,795 100.00Credit Rating of Debt Securities Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsNot applicable.68

Funds InformationGREATLINK GLOBAL EQUITY FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Fund 1.67% 1.65% 206.65% 188.45%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivativesFutures (12,987) (0.03)ii) Net gain on derivative realised 50,686iii) Net loss on outstanding derivatives (89,808)Investments in Collective Investment SchemesNot applicable.BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 479,952Redemptions 2,171,073Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.69

GREATLINK GLOBAL OPTIMUM FUND report as at 30 June 2013Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsAlliancebernstein - Global Equity Blend 15,376,361 42.41Portfolio Unit TrustJapan 1.300 20/03/2019 1,842,947 5.08Deutschland Rep 3.250 04/01/2020 929,015 2.56Japan 2.100 20/12/2030 927,624 2.56Japan Fin Corp Muni Ent 1.900 22/06/2018 828,295 2.28Deutschland Rep 4.2500 04/07/2017 794,473 2.19Deutschland Rep 4.0000 04/01/2037 736,841 2.03Netherlands 1.750 15/07/2023 660,760 1.82France (Govt Of) 3 25/4/2022 616,765 1.70Treasury 4.000 07/03/2022 469,611 1.30Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013^ US$ AssetsAllianceBernstein Global Equity Blend PortfolioRoche Holding AG 7,804,407 1.95Apple Inc. 6,606,171 1.65Danaher Corporation 5,294,627 1.32British American Tobacco PLC 5,152,867 1.29Visa Inc. (Class A) 5,093,626 1.27Wells Fargo & Company 5,053,377 1.26Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. 5,021,219 1.26Partners Group Holding AG 4,819,077 1.21Anheuser-Busch InBev NV 4,372,800 1.09Cie Financiere Richemont SA 4,322,318 1.08Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsAlliancebernstein - Global Equity Blend 13,983,486 37.53Portfolio Unit TrustJapan 1.300 20/03/2019 1,664,891 4.47Quebec Prov 1.600 09/05/2013 1,204,484 3.23Japan 2.100 20/12/2030 1,088,004 2.92Japan Fin Corp Muni Ent 1.900 22/06/2018 1,043,229 2.80Bundesobligation 1.250 14/10/2016 1,003,250 2.69Canadian Government 3.000 01/12/2015 863,638 2.32France (Govt Of) 3 25/4/2022 710,718 1.91US Treasury N/B 2.2500 31/3/2016 525,470 1.41Ontario (ProvInce Of) 2.950 05/02/2015 508,186 1.36Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2012^ US$ AssetsAllianceBernstein Global Equity Blend PortfolioApple Inc. 6,885,562 1.89BP PLC 6,160,978 1.69British American Tobacco PLC 5,401,304 1.48JPMorgan Chase & Company 4,975,342 1.37Pfi zer Inc. 4,857,676 1.33Wells Fargo & Company 4,626,550 1.27Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. 4,487,975 1.23AstraZeneca PLC 4,229,568 1.16Anheuser-Busch InBev NV 4,027,843 1.11Danaher Corporation 3,838,174 1.05Funds InformationAllocation By Country Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsAustralia 570,310 1.57Belgium 887,589 2.45Canada 1,937,310 5.34France 616,765 1.70Germany 2,712,561 7.48Japan 4,043,345 11.15Luxembourg 15,376,361 42.41Malaysia 442,193 1.22Mexico 741,757 2.05Netherlands 741,193 2.04Norway 504,367 1.40United Kingdom 1,487,759 4.10United States 3,540,412 9.76Accrued interest receivable on fi xed Income 152,657 0.42securitiesOthers** 2,505,936 6.91Total 36,260,515 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsAsset Backed Securities 723,943 2.00Communications 624,005 1.72Energy 390,695 1.08Financial 2,311,779 6.38Government 15,345,021 42.32Unit Trust - Equity 15,376,361 42.40Accrued interest receivable on fi xed Income 152,657 0.42securitiesOthers** 1,336,054 3.68Total 36,260,515 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assets70

Funds InformationGREATLINK GLOBAL OPTIMUM FUND report as at 30 June 2013Allocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsEquities 15,376,361 42.41Fixed Income Securities (Including accrued 20,503,140 56.54interest on fi xed Income securities)Derivatives 12,055 0.03Cash and cash equivalents 440,493 1.22Other net liabilities (71,534) (0.20)Total 36,260,515 100.00Credit Rating of Debt Securities Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 (by S&P or equivalent) S$ AssetsAAA 2,454,478 6.77AA+ 567,486 1.56AA 429,318 1.18AA- 1,113,386 3.07A+ 1,057,193 2.92A 838,718 2.31A- 1,322,381 3.65BBB+ 597,788 1.65BBB 887,086 2.45BBB- 231,901 0.64Not Rated 10,850,748 29.92Accrued interest receivable on fi xed Income 152,657 0.42securities20,503,140 56.5471

GREATLINK GLOBAL OPTIMUM FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Optimum Fund * 1.40% 1.40% 43.56% 49.99%Underlying Fund ratio # ^ 0.77% 0.78% 45.45% 31.67%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.* The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund - AllianceBernstein Global Equity Blend Portfolio, which accounts for 40% of investments in <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global OptimumFund have been included to compute the fi nal ratio.#The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are computed for period from 1 September 2012 to 28 February 2013. The ratios for period 1 January 2013 to 30 June2013 are not available. The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are based on unaudited accounts.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivativesForward Foreign Exchange Contracts 12,055 0.03ii) Net gain on derivative realised 39,291iii) Net gain on outstanding derivatives 6,404Investments in Collective Investment SchemesMarket Value% of NetS$ AssetsAllianceBernstein Global Equity Blend Portfolio 15,376,361 42.41BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 218,315Redemptions 1,726,097Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.Funds Information^ Source: AllianceBerstein (Singapore) Ltd72

Funds InformationGREATLINK GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY FUND report as at 30 June 2013Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsApple Computer Inc. 3,121,090 6.44Intel Corporation 2,684,773 5.54Cisco Systems Inc. 2,161,966 4.46Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd 2,161,013 4.46Visa Inc. 1,758,529 3.63Juniper Networks Inc. 1,668,808 3.45Yahoo! Inc. 1,531,364 3.16Ebay Inc. 1,484,120 3.06EMC Corporation 1,381,329 2.85Taiwan Semiconductor ManufacturingCo. Ltd1,371,597 2.83Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsHong Kong 648,039 1.34Japan 2,070,670 4.28Korea, Republic Of 2,646,099 5.46Taiwan, Province Of China 2,882,864 5.95United States 39,069,170 80.66Others** 1,121,292 2.31Total 48,438,134 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assetsAllocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsEquities 47,316,842 97.69Embedded Derivatives 533,978 1.10Cash and cash equivalents 865,918 1.79Other net liabilities (278,604) (0.58)Total 48,438,134 100.00Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsApple Computer Inc. 8,062,458 16.95Oracle Corporation 2,304,504 4.85Qualcomm Inc. 1,877,440 3.95Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd 1,657,782 3.49Equinix Inc. 1,577,619 3.32Ebay Inc. 1,377,288 2.90Amazon.Com Inc. 1,332,105 2.80Alliance Data Systems Corporation 1,293,066 2.72Visa Inc. 1,261,059 2.65Accenture PLC 1,205,239 2.53Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsCommunications 16,038,502 33.11Consumer, Cyclical 918,510 1.90Consumer, Non-Cyclical 3,679,465 7.60Financial 1,758,529 3.63Industrial 2,234,755 4.61Technology 22,592,720 46.64Others** 1,215,653 2.51Total 48,438,134 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assetsCredit Rating of Debt Securities Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsNot applicable.73

Funds InformationGREATLINK GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Technology Fund 1.67% 1.65% 97.16% 102.09%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivatives - 0.00ii) Net gain on derivative realised 22,654iii) Net gain on outstanding derivatives 77,022Investments in Collective Investment SchemesNot applicable.BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 388,527Redemptions 2,787,262Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.74

GREATLINK GLOBAL BOND FUND report as at 30 June 2013Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsUS Treasury N/B 1.625 15/08/2022 20,470,076 8.29US Treasury N/B 2.125 15/08/2021 15,414,028 6.25Government National Mortgage A 3.000 12,542,298 5.089/15/2041US Treasury N/B 0.250 31/03/20214 9,265,284 3.75FNCL 3 8/12 3.000 8,653,373 3.51Bundesschatzanw 0.7500 13/09/2013 7,924,294 3.21TSY Infl IX N/B 0.125 15/1/2022 7,028,753 2.85US Treasury N/B 4.500 15/08/2039 5,915,161 2.40BTPS 5.500 01/09/2022 5,324,889 2.16FMS Wertmanagement 2.250 14/07/2014 5,051,318 2.05Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsGovernment National Mortgage A 3.000 9,215,371 3.739/15/2041TSY Infl IX N/B 0.125 15/1/2022 8,998,974 3.64Fannie Mae 3.000 25/4/2042 7,796,754 3.16United States Of America 4.500 15/08/2039 6,704,435 2.72US Treasury N/B 2.000 15/11/2021 5,779,890 2.34FMS Wertmanagement 2.250 14/07/2014 4,993,867 2.02United States Of America 1.1254,757,515 1.9315/01/2021Bear Stearns Cos LLC 6.400 02/10/2017 4,680,007 1.90Federal Republic Of Germany 5.625 04/01/2028 4,322,614 1.75Commonwealth Of Australia 4.750 15/06/2016 4,228,806 1.71Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsAustralia 16,681,299 6.76Germany 21,320,179 8.64Italy 6,956,622 2.82Luxembourg 3,464,294 1.40Netherlands 3,337,319 1.35United Kingdom 21,798,794 8.83United States 161,074,066 65.27Accrued interest receivable on fi xed Income 1,909,995 0.77securitiesOthers** 10,252,726 4.16Total 246,795,294 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsAsset Backed Securities 4,883,680 1.98Consumer, Cyclical 3,057,429 1.24Energy 4,520,905 1.83Financial 83,218,190 33.72Government 149,398,918 60.54Accrued interest receivable on fi xed Income 1,909,995 0.77securitiesOthers** (193,823) (0.08)Total 246,795,294 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assetsAllocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsFixed Income Securities (Including accrued 249,260,298 101.00interest on fi xed Income securities)Derivatives (793,676) (0.32)Cash and cash equivalents 46,745,571 18.94Other net liabilities (48,416,899) (19.62)Total 246,795,294 100.00Credit Rating of Debt Securities Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 (by S&P or equivalent) S$ AssetsAAA 29,393,042 11.91AA+ 78,816 0.03AA 6,647,462 2.69AA- 4,796,673 1.95A+ 3,338,519 1.35A 13,012,050 5.27A- 13,722,763 5.56BBB+ 1,391,898 0.57BBB 6,462,806 2.62BBB- 4,273,672 1.73B- 209,603 0.09CCC 642,337 0.26Not Rated 163,380,662 66.20Accrued interest receivable on fi xed Income 1,909,995 0.77securities249,260,298 101.00Funds Information75

Funds InformationGREATLINK GLOBAL BOND FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond Fund 0.89% 0.88% 71.24% 51.20%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivativesForward Foreign Exchange Contracts (994,600) (0.40)Futures 200,905 0.08Spot Foreign Exchange Contracts 19 0.00ii) Net loss on derivative realised (7,393,293)iii) Net gain on outstanding derivatives 1,233,298Investments in Collective Investment SchemesNot applicable.BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 13,194,687Redemptions 12,075,065Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.76

Funds InformationGREATLINK FAR EAST EX JAPAN EQUITIES FUND report as at 30 June 2013Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsSamsung Electronics Co. Ltd 3,071,619 5.84Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 2,203,011 4.19Co. LtdAIA Group Ltd 2,164,737 4.12Tencent Holdings Ltd 2,163,780 4.11Malayan Banking Bhd 1,677,807 3.19BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd 1,669,155 3.17LG Household & Health Care Ltd 1,616,759 3.07Haitong Securities Co. Ltd 1,516,162 2.88Korea Electric Power Corporation 1,352,874 2.57China Construction Bank Corporation 1,348,031 2.56Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsHong Kong 18,775,488 35.71Indonesia 1,766,978 3.36Korea, Republic Of 10,111,625 19.23Malaysia 2,971,711 5.65Singapore 6,187,045 11.77Taiwan, Province Of China 8,721,219 16.58Thailand 1,585,084 3.01Others** 2,464,503 4.69Total 52,583,653 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsEquities 50,637,039 96.30Derivatives (91) 0.00Cash and cash equivalents 2,306,829 4.39Other net liabilities (360,124) (0.69)Total 52,583,653 100.00Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsSamsung Electronics Co. Ltd 3,528,100 6.52China Construction Bank Corporation 2,290,822 4.24Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 2,205,593 4.08Co. LtdChina Mobile Hong Kong Ltd 1,910,036 3.53CNOOC Ltd 1,901,364 3.52Hyundai Motor Company 1,516,950 2.80Li & Fung Ltd 1,452,186 2.68Keppel Corporation Ltd 1,425,836 2.64BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd 1,397,149 2.58AIA Group Ltd 1,352,009 2.50Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsBasic Materials 1,219,773 2.32Communications 8,667,813 16.48Consumer, Cyclical 2,797,066 5.32Consumer, Non-Cyclical 2,338,167 4.45Diversifi ed 1,091,475 2.08Energy 2,356,463 4.48Financial 17,523,147 33.32Funds 893,848 1.70Industrial 3,714,096 7.06Technology 7,467,615 14.20Utilities 2,567,576 4.88Others** 1,946,614 3.71Total 52,583,653 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assetsCredit Rating of Debt Securities Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsNot applicable.77

Funds InformationGREATLINK FAR EAST EX JAPAN EQUITIES FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Far East Ex Japan Equities Fund 1.54% 1.53% 81.51% 116.43%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivativesForward Foreign Exchange Contracts (91) 0.00ii) Net loss on derivative realised (299)iii) Net loss on outstanding derivatives (91)Investments in Collective Investment SchemesNot applicable.BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 1,597,016Redemptions 5,334,024Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.78

Funds InformationGREATLINK SINGAPORE EQUITIES FUND report as at 30 June 2013Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsJardine Strategic Holdings Ltd 13,489,512 10.80City Developments Ltd 10,625,100 8.51Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd 8,731,960 6.99Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd 8,730,000 6.99Keppel Corporation Ltd 8,257,600 6.61United Overseas Bank Ltd 8,027,074 6.43Singapore Telecommunications Ltd 7,856,680 6.29DBS Group Holdings Ltd 7,688,000 6.16Raffl es Medical Group Ltd 5,611,180 4.49Venture Corporation Ltd 4,740,780 3.80Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsSingapore 119,797,430 95.92Others** 5,090,765 4.08Total 124,888,195 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assetsAllocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsEquities 119,797,430 95.92Cash and cash equivalents 5,299,134 4.24Other net liabilities (208,369) (0.16)Total 124,888,195 100.00Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsUnited Overseas Bank Ltd 14,296,975 12.58DBS Group Holdings Ltd 13,779,581 12.12Singapore Telecommunications Ltd 13,407,273 11.80Keppel Corporation Ltd 9,386,668 8.26CapitaLand Ltd 5,857,151 5.15Genting International PLC 5,408,760 4.76Hutchison Port Holdings Trust 4,311,856 3.79Golden Agri-Resources Ltd 3,618,000 3.18Singapore Exchange Ltd 3,609,320 3.18Wilmar International Ltd 3,303,150 2.91Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsCommunications 9,357,880 7.49Consumer, Cyclical 18,606,360 14.90Consumer, Non-Cyclical 6,001,780 4.81Diversifi ed 21,747,112 17.41Financial 38,461,790 30.80Industrial 24,476,798 19.60Others** 6,236,475 4.99Total 124,888,195 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assetsCredit Rating of Debt Securities Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsNot applicable.79

Funds InformationGREATLINK SINGAPORE EQUITIES FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Singapore Equities Fund 1.53% 1.52% 76.24% 38.59%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivatives - 0.00ii) Net gain on derivative realised 126,190iii) Net loss on outstanding derivatives (4,563)Investments in Collective Investment SchemesNot applicable.BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 9,286,148Redemptions 5,871,725Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.80

Funds InformationGREATLINK GLOBAL REAL ESTATE SECURITIES FUND report as at 30 June 2013Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsSimon Property Group Inc. 5,932,988 4.94Mitsubishi Estate Co. Ltd 4,855,686 4.04Mitsui Fudosan Co. Ltd 4,059,594 3.38Public Storage Inc. 3,485,263 2.90Prologis Inc. 3,259,406 2.71Health Care Reit Inc. 2,905,954 2.42Ventas Inc. 2,849,645 2.37Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd 2,553,426 2.13Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd 2,408,288 2.01Westfi eld Group 2,304,131 1.92Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsSimon Property Group Inc. 5,605,520 5.57Ventas Inc. 3,059,204 3.04Mitsubishi Estate Co. Ltd 2,859,167 2.84Westfi eld Group 2,666,973 2.65Mitsui Fudosan Co. Ltd 2,647,753 2.63Public Storage Inc. 2,409,849 2.39Prologis Inc. 2,172,561 2.16Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd 2,116,579 2.10Host Marriott Corporation 2,090,092 2.08Equity Residential 1,885,120 1.87Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsAustralia 9,763,444 8.13Canada 1,416,368 1.18France 1,402,514 1.17Germany 1,229,380 1.02Hong Kong 9,041,960 7.53Japan 20,005,184 16.66Netherlands 3,592,330 2.99Singapore 6,863,758 5.72United Kingdom 4,863,881 4.05United States 58,465,594 48.70Others** 3,417,368 2.85Total 120,061,781 100.00Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsConsumer, Cyclical 2,016,832 1.68Financial 116,329,008 96.89Others** 1,715,941 1.43Total 120,061,781 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assets** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsEquities 119,459,870 99.50Derivatives 17 0.00Cash and cash equivalents 755,443 0.63Other net liabilities (153,549) (0.13)Total 120,061,781 100.00Credit Rating of Debt Securities Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsNot applicable.81

Funds InformationGREATLINK GLOBAL REAL ESTATE SECURITIES FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Real Estate Securities Fund 1.65% 1.63% 54.73% 51.15%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivativesForeign Exchange Contracts 11 0.00Spot Foreign Exchange Contracts 6 0.00ii) Net loss on derivative realised (3,996)iii) Net gain on outstanding derivatives -Investments in Collective Investment SchemesNot applicable.BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 5,002,978Redemptions 3,960,849Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.82

Funds InformationGREATLINK CHINA GROWTH FUND report as at 30 June 2013Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2013 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 11,701,580 8.07Co. LtdChina Construction Bank Corporation 8,204,503 5.66AIA Group Ltd 7,828,504 5.40Industrial & Commercial Bank Of China Ltd 6,013,381 4.15China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd 5,125,810 3.53Tencent Holdings Ltd 4,834,929 3.33Hutchison Whampoa Ltd 4,747,212 3.27China Mobile Hong Kong Ltd 4,675,460 3.22Wharf Holdings Ltd 3,710,150 2.56MGM China Holdings Ltd 3,690,803 2.54Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsHong Kong 96,543,786 66.54Taiwan, Province Of China 43,633,034 30.08Others** 4,896,334 3.38Total 145,073,154 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsEquities 140,856,451 97.09Derivatives 35 0.00Cash and cash equivalents 3,793,113 2.62Other net assets 423,555 0.29Total 145,073,154 100.00Top Ten Holdings as at 30 June 2012 Market ValueS$% of NetAssetsTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 8,816,012 6.02Co. LtdChina Mobile Hong Kong Ltd 8,193,776 5.60CNOOC Ltd 7,851,928 5.36AIA Group Ltd 7,046,546 4.81Hon Hai Precision Industry 6,188,599 4.23BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd 5,424,792 3.70Tencent Holdings Ltd 5,344,409 3.65Ping An 4,564,635 3.12China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd 4,558,438 3.11Industrial & Commercial Bank Of China Ltd 4,483,574 3.06Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsBasic Materials 2,830,237 1.95Communications 14,033,455 9.67Consumer, Cyclical 11,076,203 7.64Consumer, Non-Cyclical 3,531,250 2.43Diversifi ed 8,457,361 5.83Energy 8,651,493 5.96Financial 53,992,690 37.22Industrial 12,766,486 8.80Technology 21,002,109 14.48Utilities 4,515,167 3.11Others** 4,216,703 2.91Total 145,073,154 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assetsCredit Rating of Debt Securities Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 S$ AssetsNot applicable.83

Funds InformationGREATLINK CHINA GROWTH FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> China Growth Fund 1.55% 1.53% 141.50% 133.63%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to Derivatives Market Value % of NetS$ Assetsi) Market value of derivativesSpot Foreign Exchange Contracts 35 0.00ii) Net gain on derivative realised -iii) Net loss on outstanding derivatives (976)Investments in Collective Investment SchemesNot applicable.BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 2,617,673Redemptions 8,589,603Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.84

GREATLINK EUROPEAN EQUITY FUND report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsUnit TrustCIF European Equity Fund Class B EUR - 16,175,118 99.94SingaporeOther net assets 10,260 0.0616,185,378 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fundas at 30 June 2013 ^Market ValueEur €% of NetAssetsSampo OYJ 2,350,170 3.37Prudential PLC 2,220,180 3.18Roche Holding Genus 1,992,197 2.85Bayer AG 1,759,938 2.52Gemalto NV 1,752,356 2.51Pernod Ricard SA 1,649,704 2.36SES SA Fdr CL A 1,632,048 2.34Imperial Tobacco Group PLC 1,607,473 2.30BNP Paribas 1,596,813 2.29UBS AG Namen 1,385,948 1.99Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ Eur € AssetsDenmark 1,187,676 1.70Finland 2,350,170 3.37France 11,645,731 16.68Germany 8,451,284 12.11Netherlands 6,589,806 9.44Norway 938,668 1.35Spain 1,563,514 2.24Sweden 1,832,098 2.62Switzerland 11,894,271 17.04United Kingdom 18,815,597 26.96United States 873,181 1.25Others** 3,660,474 5.24Total 69,802,470 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2012 ^ Eur € AssetsPernod Ricard SA 1,933,851 3.12Sampo OYJ 1,772,374 2.86Prudential Plc 1,736,662 2.80Imperial Tobacco Group PLC 1,506,113 2.43Bayer AG 1,422,680 2.30Roche Holding AG 1,381,907 2.23SES SA Fdr CL A 1,357,439 2.19BG Group PLC 1,349,629 2.18Fugro NV 1,296,776 2.09Danone SA 1,179,497 1.90Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ Eur € AssetsConsumer Discretionary 12,246,234 17.54Consumer Staples 7,064,274 10.12Energy 4,210,989 6.03Financials 17,166,401 24.59Health Care 7,726,871 11.07Industrials 6,705,604 9.61Information Technology 3,195,229 4.58Materials 6,802,114 9.74Telecommunication Services 2,726,480 3.91Others** 1,958,274 2.81Total 69,802,470 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assets.** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ Eur € AssetsEquities 68,109,711 97.57Cash and cash equivalents 1,692,759 2.43Total 69,802,470 100.00Credit Rating of Debt Securitiesof Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ Eur € AssetsNot applicable.Funds Information85

Funds InformationGREATLINK EUROPEAN EQUITY FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> European Equity Fund * 1.66% 1.59% 24.50% 30.20%Underlying Fund # ^ 1.79% 1.74% 24.50% 30.20%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.* The expense ratio of the underlying fund is included to compute the fi nal ratio.#The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are based on unaudited draft accounts.Exposure to Derivatives ^(Underlying Fund)NilBorrowings ^Not applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 769,112Redemptions 1,238,693Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fund ^Nil.^ Source: Capital International, Inc.86

GREATLINK GLOBAL GROWTH TRENDS PORTFOLIO report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsUnit TrustAllianceBernstein-Global Growth Trends 14,594,752 100.12Portfolio - SingaporeOther net liabilities (17,148) (0.12)14,577,604 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ US$ AssetsRoche Holding AG 21,769,266 3.02Danaher Corporation 19,182,995 2.66British American Tobacco PLC 18,669,382 2.59Visa Inc. 18,454,749 2.56Apple Inc. 17,858,843 2.47Partners Group Holding AG 17,460,029 2.42Anheuser-Busch InBev NV 15,843,120 2.19Walt Disney Co. (The) 15,431,810 2.14Boeing Co. (The) 15,311,034 2.12Google Inc. 14,675,770 2.03Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ US$ AssetsBelgium 20,402,367 2.83China 26,349,327 3.65France 32,990,036 4.57Hong Kong 20,755,001 2.88India 19,592,850 2.71Indonesia 11,638,481 1.61Japan 23,437,732 3.25South Korea 9,259,600 1.28Switzerland 72,008,432 9.97United Kingdom 69,773,005 9.67United States 355,791,163 49.28Others** 59,946,227 8.30Total 721,944,221 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2012 ^ US$ AssetsApple Inc. 29,711,340 3.80British American Tobacco PLC 23,306,737 2.98Anheuser-Busch InBev NV 17,380,223 2.22Danaher Corporation 16,561,800 2.12Nestle SA 15,990,829 2.05Walt Disney Co. (The) 14,625,378 1.87Visa Inc. 14,327,556 1.83QUALCOMM, Inc. 13,379,371 1.71Google Inc. 13,310,489 1.70Oracle Corporation 13,253,274 1.69Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ US$ AssetsConsumer Discretionary 110,779,366 15.34Consumer Staples 88,460,764 12.25Energy 59,172,494 8.20Financials 121,992,785 16.90Health Care 76,214,902 10.56Industrials 87,623,643 12.14Information Technology 124,239,424 17.21Materials 27,606,699 3.82Others** 25,854,144 3.58Total 721,944,221 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assets.** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ US$ AssetsEquities 696,090,077 96.42Other net assets 25,854,144 3.58Total 721,944,221 100.00Credit Rating of Debt Securities ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ US$ AssetsNot applicable.Funds Information87

Funds InformationGREATLINK GLOBAL GROWTH TRENDS PORTFOLIO report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Growth Trends Portfolio * 1.69% 1.68% 58.49% 31.93%Underlying Fund # ^ 0.77% 0.78% 58.49% 31.93%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.* The expense ratio of the underlying fund is included to compute the fi nal ratio.#The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are computed for period from 1 September 2012 to 28 February 2013. The ratios for period 1 January 2013 to 30 June2013 are not available. The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are based on unaudited draft accounts.Exposure to Derivatives ^(Underlying Fund)NilBorrowings ^Not applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 437,590Redemptions 1,082,487Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fund ^Nil.^ Source: AllianceBerstein (Singapore) Ltd88

GREATLINK GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsUnit TrustAberdeen Global Opportunities Fund - 93,244,478 99.95SingaporeOther net assets 38,399 0.0593,282,877 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsRoche Holdings AG 173,208,524 4.14Vodafone Group PLC 158,215,960 3.78Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 153,878,753 3.68Co. LtdBritish American Tobacco PLC 148,244,817 3.55Philip Morris International Inc. 143,645,961 3.44Royal Dutch Shell PLC 135,607,637 3.24Novartis AG 132,781,988 3.18Standard Chartered PLC 128,173,840 3.07Tenaris ADR 127,662,896 3.05Zurich Insurance Group AG 125,943,715 3.01Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsAustralia 118,808,312 2.84Brazil 196,829,587 4.71Canada 171,198,766 4.10France 43,769,646 1.05Hong Kong 239,579,108 5.73Italy 214,976,538 5.14Japan 253,862,632 6.07Mexico 77,981,823 1.87South Africa 41,738,683 1.00South Korea 112,361,883 2.69Sweden 183,327,756 4.38Switzerland 531,682,514 12.72Taiwan 158,023,868 3.78United Kingdom 606,690,526 14.51United States 1,101,199,250 26.34Others** 128,346,236 3.07Total 4,180,377,128 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2012 ^ S$ AssetsVodafone Group PLC 146,286,597 4.13Roche Holdings AG 140,808,744 3.98Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 134,955,388 3.81Co. LtdJohnson & Johnson 127,034,243 3.59British American Tobacco PLC 123,193,570 3.48Philip Morris International Inc. 120,935,894 3.42Standard Chartered PLC 109,637,824 3.10Royal Dutch Shell PLC 104,819,670 2.96Novartis AG 103,207,362 2.92Tenaris ADR 100,058,185 2.83Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsConsumer Discretionary 46,805,803 1.12Consumer Staples 699,689,678 16.74Energy 655,143,420 15.67Financials 763,817,300 18.27Health Care 537,912,662 12.87Industrials 338,645,676 8.10Information Technology 449,011,679 10.74Materials 353,559,223 8.46Telecommunication Services 199,954,643 4.78Utilities 81,504,786 1.95Others** 54,332,258 1.30Total 4,180,377,128 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assets.** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsEquities 4,126,044,870 98.70Cash and cash equivalents 54,332,258 1.30Total 4,180,377,128 100.00Credit Rating of Debt Securities ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsNot applicable.Funds Information89

Funds InformationGREATLINK GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund * 1.84% 1.83% 7.34% 4.76%Underlying Fund # ^ 1.72% 1.73% 7.34% 4.76%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.* The expense ratio of the underlying fund is included to compute the fi nal ratio.#The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are computed for period from 1 October 2012 to 31 March 2013. The ratios for period 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013are not available. The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are based on unaudited draft accounts.Exposure to Derivatives ^(Underlying Fund)Nil.Borrowings ^Not applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 563,650Redemptions 1,756,419Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fund ^Nil.^ Source: Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Ltd90

GREATLINK GLOBAL EQUITY ALPHA FUND report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsUnit TrustSchroders ISF Global Equity Alpha Fund - 84,373,514 99.95SingaporeOther net assets 46,382 0.0584,419,896 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ US$ AssetsMicrosoft Corporation 23,265,296 2.62Roche Holding AG 19,979,739 2.25Coca-Cola Company 19,269,348 2.17Diageo PLC 18,736,555 2.11Occidental Petroleum Corporation 18,292,561 2.06Idea Cellular Ltd 18,114,963 2.04JP Morgan Chase & Company 17,670,969 1.99San Miguel Corporation 17,049,377 1.92US Bancorp 16,871,779 1.90Mondelez International Inc. 16,871,779 1.90Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ US$ AssetsCanada 40,492,270 4.56France 66,421,531 7.48Germany 36,762,719 4.14Hong Kong 28,238,031 3.18India 18,114,963 2.04Israel 15,806,193 1.78Japan 63,313,572 7.13Netherlands 13,852,619 1.56Russian Federation 11,188,654 1.26South Korea 15,007,004 1.69Switzerland 46,086,597 5.19United Kingdom 67,575,916 7.61United States 434,137,520 48.89Others** 30,990,793 3.49Total 887,988,382 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2012 ^ US$ AssetsApple Inc. 25,377,549 3.46Pfi zer Inc. 19,289,871 2.63Google Inc. 18,996,489 2.59Kraft Foods Inc. 18,263,034 2.49Roche Holding AG 17,749,615 2.42Nestle SA 16,209,359 2.21GlaxoSmithKline 15,769,286 2.15Dollar General Corporation 15,329,213 2.09Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corporation 14,815,794 2.02Home Depot Inc./The 14,742,449 2.01Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ US$ AssetsConsumer Discretionary 123,252,788 13.88Consumer Staples 99,277,101 11.18Energy 73,880,633 8.32Financials 158,949,921 17.90Health Care 108,778,577 12.25Industrials 119,434,437 13.45Information Technology 82,938,115 9.34Materials 52,036,119 5.86Telecommunication services 18,114,963 2.04Utilities 25,130,071 2.83Others** 26,195,657 2.95Total 887,988,382 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assets.** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ US$ AssetsEquities 861,792,725 97.05Cash and cash equivalents 26,195,657 2.95Total 887,988,382 100.00Credit Rating of Debt Securities ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ US$ AssetsNot applicable.Funds Information91

Funds InformationGREATLINK GLOBAL EQUITY ALPHA FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund * 1.92% 1.90% 69.18% 83.21%Underlying Fund # ^ 1.30% 1.30% 69.18% 83.21%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.* The expense ratio of the underlying fund is included to compute the fi nal ratio.#The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are based on audited accounts.Exposure to Derivatives ^(Underlying Fund)NilBorrowings ^Not applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 605,460Redemptions 1,813,486Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fund ^Nil.^ Source: Schroders Investment Management Ltd92

GREATLINK STABLE BOND FUND report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsUnit TrustDeutsche Lion Bond Fund Class A - 64,955,633 99.79SingaporeOther net assets 136,790 0.2165,092,423 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsHK Land Treasury SG 3.65% 05/10/2015 11,848,795 3.85United Overseas Bank Limited Series EMTN 11,672,450 3.79Var 11/07/2022Singapore Press Holdings Limited MTN 11,264,304 3.662.81% 02/03/2015Danga Capital Berhad 2.615% 11/08/2015 10,144,746 3.30Winmall Limited 4.69% 27/04/2014 7,660,875 2.49Lloyds TSB Bank Plc Series EMTN 3.5% 7,642,834 2.4817/09/2014DBS Bank Limited Singapore Series MTN 7,507,623 2.4421/02/2022Morgan Stanley EMTN 3.8% 29/01/2016 7,191,278 2.34ANZ National International Limited Series 7,137,654 2.32EMTN 2.95% 27/07/2015CMT MTN Pte Limited MTN 2.85%01/09/20147,071,089 2.30Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2012 ^ S$ AssetsSingapore Press Holdings Limited MTN 11,400,466 3.842.81% 02/03/2015Hang Seng Bank Limited FRN 05/07/2017 10,150,697 3.42HSBC Singapore Series MTN 1.6%8,802,988 2.9607/10/2013Danga Capital Berhad 2.615% 11/08/2015 8,128,922 2.74Winmall Limited 4.69% 27/04/2014 7,888,215 2.65Lloyds TSB Bank Plc Series EMTN 3.5% 7,581,558 2.5517/09/2014CMT MTN Pte Limited MTN 2.85% 01/09/2014 7,121,832 2.40Standard Chartered Bank EMTN 2.22% 7,100,004 2.3905/07/2013United Overseas Land Limited MTN 2.5% 7,096,038 2.3901/07/2014Overseas Union Enterprise Limited MTN3.95% 29/09/20157,085,062 2.38Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsAustralia 9,934,419 3.23Cayman Islands 10,004,294 3.25China 6,432,110 2.09<strong>Great</strong> Britain 24,411,493 7.93Malaysia 15,180,324 4.93New Zealand 12,245,924 3.98Singapore 146,225,385 47.53South Korea 30,870,995 10.03United States of America 12,262,311 3.99Accrued interest receivable on fi xed income 2,727,824 0.89securitiesOthers** 37,362,065 12.15Total 307,657,144 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsFixed Income Securities (Include accrued 276,987,032 90.03interest on fi xed income securities)Other net assets 30,670,112 9.97Total 307,657,144 100.00Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsBanks 94,429,760 30.69Brewery 6,119,624 1.99Diversifi ed Resources 5,718,493 1.86Finance 46,406,378 15.08Government 6,617,905 2.15Industrials 5,138,934 1.67Investment 6,381,429 2.07Printing/Publishing 11,264,304 3.66Real Estate 50,044,727 16.27Shipbuilding 5,136,397 1.67Transport 9,869,389 3.21Miscellaneous 12,144,146 3.95Accrued interest receivable on fi xed income 2,727,824 0.89securitiesOthers** 45,657,834 14.84Total 307,657,144 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assets.Funds Information93

GREATLINK STABLE BOND FUND report as at 30 June 2013Credit Rating of Debt Securities ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsAaa 10,823,047 3.52AA (by S&P) 7,660,875 2.49Aa3 23,863,544 7.76Aa2 22,146,323 7.20A3 25,133,585 8.17A2 45,107,317 14.66A1 24,317,986 7.90A (by S&P) 3,478,020 1.13Baa2 5,071,033 1.64Baa1 7,191,278 2.34BBB+ (by S&P) 6,119,624 1.99Not Rated 93,346,576 30.34Accrued interest receivable on fi xed income 2,727,824 0.89securities276,987,032 90.03Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Stable Bond Fund * 0.69% 0.62% 42.44% 28.96%Underlying Fund # ^ 0.67% 0.62% 42.44% 28.96%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.* The expense ratio of the underlying fund is included to compute the fi nal ratio.#The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are based on unaudited draft accounts.Exposure to Derivatives ^ Market Value % of Net(Underlying Fund) S$ Assetsi) Market value of derivative contracts (880,700) (0.29)ii) Net loss on derivative realised (624,203)iii) Net loss on outstanding derivatives (880,700)Borrowings ^Not applicable.Funds InformationTotal amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 10,363,525Redemptions 3,955,246Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fund ^Nil.^ Source: Deutsche Asset Management (Asia) Ltd94

Funds InformationGREATLINK LION JAPAN GROWTH FUND report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsUnit TrustLionGlobal Japan Growth Fund - Singapore 5,901,048 99.14Other net assets 51,074 0.865,952,122 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsDenso Corporation 3,894,722 6.27Mazda Motor Corporation 2,186,606 3.52Orix Corporation 2,130,739 3.43Sony Corporation 1,514,231 2.44Omron Corporation 1,454,374 2.34Toshiba Corporation 1,367,443 2.20Tadano Ltd 1,343,745 2.16Pigeon Corporation 1,338,128 2.16Nitto Denko Corporation 1,333,838 2.15Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd 1,322,398 2.13Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsJapan 57,712,807 92.95Others** 4,374,822 7.05Total 62,087,629 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsEquities 57,712,807 92.95Derivatives (13,534) (0.02)Cash and cash equivalents 4,388,356 7.07Total 62,087,629 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2012 ^ S$ AssetsDenso Corporation 1,872,708 5.17ITOCHU Corporation 1,194,129 3.30The Bank Of Yokohama Ltd 1,116,321 3.08Pigeon Corporation 1,008,455 2.79Koito Manufacturing Co. Ltd 966,651 2.67Orix JREIT Corporation 888,114 2.45Bridgestone Corporation 821,261 2.27Mitsui & Co. Ltd 784,711 2.17FANUC Corporation 781,291 2.16Chiba Bank Ltd 772,464 2.13Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsBasic Materials 5,506,554 8.87Consumer, Cyclical 16,307,271 26.26Consumer, Non-cyclical 7,219,053 11.63Financial 9,938,180 16.01Industrial 10,984,598 17.69Technology 6,784,209 10.93Others** 5,347,764 8.61Total 62,087,629 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assets.Credit Rating of Debt Securities ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsNot applicable.95

Funds InformationGREATLINK LION JAPAN GROWTH FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Japan Growth Fund * 1.82% 1.82% 42.00% 23.00%Underlying Fund # ^ 1.90% 1.91% 42.00% 23.00%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.* The expense ratio of the underlying fund is included to compute the fi nal ratio.#The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are based on unaudited draft accounts.Exposure to Derivatives ^ Market Value % of Net(Underlying Fund) S$ Assetsi) Market value of derivative contracts (13,534) (0.02)ii) Net loss on derivative realised (67,134)iii) Net loss on outstanding derivatives (13,534)Borrowings ^Not applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 1,605,897Redemptions 1,071,328Related-Party TransactionsThe <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Japan Growth Fund invests 100% of its net assets value in LionGlobal Japan Growth Fund, which is managed By Lion Global InvestorsLimited, a related company of The <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Assurance Company Limited.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fund ^Nil.^ Source: Lion Global Investors Ltd96

Funds InformationGREATLINK LION INDIA FUND report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsUnit TrustLionGlobal India Fund - Singapore 81,777,509 99.96Other net assets 29,496 0.0481,807,005 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsHousing Development Finance Corporation 11,562,499 8.00LtdHDFC Bank Ltd 10,654,360 7.37ITC Ltd 10,332,617 7.15Infosys Technology Ltd 9,311,360 6.44Reliance Industries Ltd 9,177,434 6.35ICICI Bank Ltd 6,833,453 4.73Tata Consultancy Services Ltd 6,488,659 4.49Idea Cellular Ltd 6,082,718 4.21HCL Technologies Ltd 5,774,687 3.99Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd 5,381,071 3.72Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsIndia 131,157,507 90.70Others** 13,446,259 9.30Total 144,603,766 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Classof Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsEquities 131,157,507 90.70Cash and cash equivalents 13,446,259 9.30Total 144,603,766 100.00Credit Rating of Debt Securities ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsNot applicable.Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2012 ^ S$ AssetsHDFC Bank Ltd 14,902,195 8.01Infosys Technology Ltd 13,234,197 7.11Larsen & Toubro Ltd 12,835,069 6.90ITC Ltd 12,731,022 6.84Tata Consultancy Services Ltd 9,028,284 4.85Coal India Ltd 9,015,070 4.84Reliance Industries Ltd 8,906,088 4.78Housing Development Finance Corporation 8,131,187 4.37LtdICICI Bank Ltd 7,643,416 4.11Tata Motors Ltd 7,246,760 3.89Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsBasic Materials 2,407,476 1.67Communications 6,082,718 4.21Consumer, Cyclical 10,010,446 6.92Consumer, Non-Cyclical 25,786,401 17.83Energy 15,772,380 10.91Financial 37,154,627 25.69Industrial 4,948,771 3.42Technology 24,383,028 16.86Utilities 4,611,660 3.19Others** 13,446,259 9.30Total 144,603,766 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assets.97

Funds InformationGREATLINK LION INDIA FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion India Fund * 1.81% 1.75% 70.00% 72.00%Underlying Fund # ^ 1.72% 1.68% 70.00% 72.00%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.* The expense ratio of the underlying fund is included to compute the fi nal ratio.#The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are computed for period from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013. The ratios for period 1 January 2012 to 30 June 2013 arenot available. The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are based on unaudited draft accounts.Exposure to Derivatives(Underlying Fund)Nil.Borrowings ^Not applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 1,831,999Redemptions 8,727,144Related-Party TransactionsThe <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion India Fund invests 100% of its net assets value in LionGlobal India Fund, which is managed by Lion Global Investors Limited, a relatedcompany of The <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Assurance Company Limited.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fund ^Nil.^ Source: Lion Global Investors Ltd98

GREATLINK LION GLOBAL FLEXI FUND report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsUnit TrustLionGlobal Flexi Fund - Singapore 5,878,522 99.88Other net assets 7,162 0.125,885,684 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsLionGlobal Asia Bond Fund 1,406,984 18.85LionGlobal Emerging Markets Bond Fund 329,411 4.41Dah Sing Bank Limited Series EMTN256,151 3.434.875% due 09/02/2022PCCW HKT Capital No4 Limited 5.75% due255,875 3.4317/04/2022Singapore Government Bond 2.75% due255,210 3.4201/07/2023DBS Bank Limited Singapore 4.7%252,139 3.38PerpetualMapletree Logistics Trust Var Perpetual 251,461 3.37LGlobal Funds - Asia High Dividend Equity 247,317 3.31Ezion Holdings Limited Series MTN 4.7%245,429 3.29due 22/05/2019SM Investments Corporation 4.25% due17/10/2019243,489 3.26Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsAustralia 249,071 3.34China 222,460 2.98Hong Kong 1,053,628 14.11Indonesia 267,084 3.58Luxembourg 247,317 3.31Malaysia 204,545 2.74Philippines 686,730 9.20Singapore 3,660,523 49.03Taiwan 300,252 4.02Thailand 77,613 1.04Accrued interest receivable on fi xed income 28,161 0.38securitiesOthers** 467,831 6.27Total 7,465,215 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2012 ^ S$ AssetsLionGlobal Asia Bond Fund 982,740 10.91LionGlobal SGD Money Market Fund 686,336 7.62Government Of Singapore 2.25% Due427,252 4.7401/06/2021Lionglobal Emerging Markets Fund 304,533 3.38STATS ChipPac Ltd 7.5% Due 12/08/2015 271,095 3.01Hyundai Capital America 4% Due263,575 2.9308/06/2017CFS Retail Property Trust Convertible259,250 2.885.075% Due 21/08/2014Banyan Tree Holdings Ltd 6.25% Due254,394 2.8227/08/2013PCCW HKT Capital No4 Ltd 5.75% Due 253,408 2.8117/04/2022Pertamina 4.875% Due 03/05/2022 252,965 2.81Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsBasic Materials 89,711 1.20Communications 754,255 10.10Consumer, Cyclical 292,680 3.92Consumer, Non-cyclical 134,087 1.80Energy 332,437 4.45Financial 1,706,373 22.86Funds 2,055,120 27.53Industrial 1,273,579 17.06Sovereign 255,210 3.42Technology 171,005 2.29Accrued interest receivable on fi xed income 28,161 0.38securitiesOthers** 372,597 4.99Total 7,465,215 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsEquities 1,899,837 25.45Fixed Income Securities (including accrued 3,137,661 42.03interest on fi xed income securities)Funds 2,055,120 27.53Derivatives (755,245) (10.12)Cash and cash equivalents 1,127,842 15.11Total 7,465,215 100.00Funds Information99

GREATLINK LION GLOBAL FLEXI FUND report as at 30 June 2013Credit Rating of Debt Securities ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsB1 228,928 3.07Baa1 256,151 3.43Baa3 469,609 6.29Not Rated 2,154,812 28.86Accrued interest receivable on debt28,161 0.38securities3,137,661 42.03Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Global Flexi Fund * 2.38% 2.44% 76.00% 57.00%Underlying Fund # ^ 2.26% 2.33% 76.00% 57.00%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.* The expense ratio of the underlying fund is included to compute the fi nal ratio.#The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are based on unaudited draft accounts.Exposure to Derivatives ^ Market Value % of Net(Underlying Fund) S$ Assetsi) Market value of derivative (755,245) (10.12)ii) Net loss on derivative realised (34,845)iii) Net loss on outstanding derivatives (760,375)Borrowings ^Not applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 223,941Redemptions 296,191Related-Party TransactionsThe <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Global Flexi Fund invests 100% of its net assets value in LionGlobal Flexi Fund, which is managed by Lion Global Investors Limited, arelated company of The <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Assurance Company Limited.Funds InformationAny material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fund ^Nil.^ Source: Lion Global Investors Ltd100

GREATLINK LION ASIAN BALANCED FUND report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsUnit TrustLionGlobal Singapore Fixed Income 34,317,206 49.94Investment (Class A Units) - SingaporeOther net assets * 34,402,009 50.0668,719,215 100.00* Includes proceeds of LionGlobal Asia Pacifi c Fund being held in cashpending transition to replacement fund.Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsLionGlobal Asia Pacifi c FundNot applicable.LionGlobal Singapore Fixed Income Investment (Class A Units)Government of Singapore 3.25% due 19,491,735 10.3701/09/2020Government of Singapore 3.5% due 18,820,189 10.0101/03/2027Government of Singapore 3% due13,610,901 7.2401/09/2024Government of Singapore 2.25% due 10,009,352 5.3301/06/2021DBS Capital Funding II Var Perpetual 4,546,414 2.42(15/06/2018)Housing & Development Board MTN 2% due 4,527,888 2.4103/11/2017Government of Singapore 2.875% due 4,498,563 2.3901/09/2030Government of Singapore 3.125% due 4,283,921 2.2801/09/2022SP PowerAssets Ltd EMTN 4.19% due 4,242,188 2.2618/08/2015SembCorp Financial Services MTN 5% due21/04/20143,852,298 2.05Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2012 ^ S$ AssetsLionGlobal Asia Pacifi c FundBHP Billiton Ltd 2,745,296 4.25Australia And New Zealand Banking2,739,005 4.24Group LtdSamsung Electronics Co. Ltd 2,672,642 4.14National Australia Bank Ltd 2,223,050 3.44Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 2,120,271 3.28Co. LtdWesfarmers Ltd 1,952,884 3.02CNOOC Ltd 1,581,955 2.45Telstra Corporation Ltd 1,555,775 2.41Rio Tinto Ltd 1,420,985 2.20Keppel Corporation Ltd 1,406,990 2.18LionGlobal Singapore Fixed Income Investment (Class A Units)Government of Singapore 3.25% due 24,827,930 9.6401/09/2020Government of Singapore 3% due15,362,460 5.9601/09/2024Government of Singapore 3.5% due 15,179,040 5.8901/03/2027Government of Singapore 2.5% due 14,565,829 5.6501/06/2019Government of Singapore 3.125% due 13,184,318 5.1201/09/2022Government of Singapore 2.25% due 10,681,306 4.1501/06/2021Government of Singapore 2.875% due 4,907,299 1.9001/09/2030Housing & Development Board MTN 2% 4,644,190 1.80due 03/11/2017SP PowerAssets Ltd EMTN 4.19% due 4,318,765 1.6818/08/2015SembCorp Financial Services MTN 5% due21/04/20143,932,712 1.53Funds Information101

GREATLINK LION ASIAN BALANCED FUND report as at 30 June 2013Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsLionGlobal Singapore Fixed IncomeInvestment (Class A Units)<strong>Great</strong> Britain 1,509,342 0.80Hong Kong 7,467,099 3.97India 244,000 0.13Malaysia 3,303,565 1.76Russia 758,289 0.40Singapore 173,656,050 92.40Accrued interest receivable on fi xed 1,625,470 0.86income securitiesOthers** (628,770) (0.32)Total 187,935,045 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsLionGlobal Singapore Fixed IncomeInvestment (Class A Units)Consumer, Cyclical 4,594,487 2.44Financial (including real estate) 83,959,216 44.67Industrial 14,254,957 7.59Sovereign/Statutory Board 74,545,947 39.67Utilities 4,501,923 2.40Accrued interest receivable on debt1,625,470 0.86securitiesOthers** 4,453,045 2.37Total 187,935,045 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsLionGlobal Singapore Fixed IncomeInvestment (Class A Units)Fixed Income Securities (including accrued 188,563,815 100.33interest on fi xed income securities)Derivatives (78,685) (0.04)Cash and Cash Equivalent (550,085) (0.29)Total 187,935,045 100.00Funds InformationCredit Rating of Debt Securities ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsLionGlobal Singapore Fixed IncomeInvestment (Class A Units)Aaa 58,711,295 31.24Aa2 3,498,379 1.86Aa3 5,796,252 3.08A1 8,498,729 4.52A2 3,316,745 1.77A3 8,893,704 4.73Baa1 1,780,307 0.95Baa2 247,824 0.13Not Rated 96,195,110 51.19Accrued interest receivable on fi xed 1,625,470 0.86income securities188,563,815 100.33102

GREATLINK LION ASIAN BALANCED FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Asian Balanced Fund * 1.53% 1.47% 47.00% 48.00%Underlying Fund - LionGlobal Asia Pacifi c 1.70% 1.82% 51.00% 51.00%Fund # ^Underlying Fund - LionGlobal SingaporeFixed Income Investment (Class A Units) # ^0.63% 0.64% 30.00% 45.00%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.* The expense and turnover ratios of the two underlying funds based on 50% of investments into each underlying fund are included to compute the fi nal ratio.#The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund - LionGlobal Singapore Fixed Income Investment (Class A Units) are computed for period from 1 July 2012 to 30 June2013. The ratios for period 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013 are not available. The expense and turnover ratios of the two underlying fund are based on unaudited draft accounts.Exposure to Derivatives ^ Market Value % of Net(Underlying Fund) S$ AssetsLionGlobal Asia Pacifi c FundNilLionGlobal Singapore Fixed Income Investment Class Ai) Market value of derivative contracts (78,685) (0.04)ii) Net gain on derivative realised -iii) Net gain on outstanding derivatives -Borrowings ^Not applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 1,573,563Redemptions 5,810,040Related-Party TransactionsAs of 30 June 2013, the <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Asian Balanced Fund invests 0.00% and 49.94% of its net assets value in LionGlobal Asia Pacifi c Fund andLionGlobal Singapore Fixed Income Investment (Class A Units) respectively. These underlying funds are managed By Lion Global Investors Limited, arelated company of The <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Assurance Company Limited.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fund ^Nil.^ Source: Lion Global Investors LtdFunds Information103

GREATLINK LION VIETNAM FUND report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsUnit TrustLionGlobal Vietnam Fund - Singapore 9,867,828 99.67Other net assets 32,601 0.339,900,429 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsVingroup Joint Stock Company 11,388,002 14.44Masan Group 9,150,969 11.60Hoa Phat Group Joint Stock Company 8,904,030 11.29Petrovietnam Fertilizer & Chemicals Joint 6,148,620 7.80Stock CompanyJoint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign 5,442,735 6.90Trade of VietnamHoang Anh Gia Lai Group Joint Stock Company 5,229,017 6.63Petrovietnam Drilling & Well Services Joint 5,193,237 6.58Stock CompanyDanang Rubber Joint Stock Company 3,813,549 4.84Petrovietnam Low Pressure Gas Joint Stock 2,926,202 3.71CompanyKinh Do Corporation 2,476,554 3.14Allocation By Country ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsVietnam 75,263,623 95.43Others** 3,605,307 4.57Total 78,868,930 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsEquities 75,263,623 95.43Derivatives (80) 0.00Cash and cash equivalents 3,605,387 4.57Total 78,868,930 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2012 ^ S$ AssetsVingroup Joint Stock Company 7,871,764 12.45Masan Group 6,760,365 10.70Joint Stock Company Bank For Foreign 4,710,247 7.45Trade Of VietnamVietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank For 4,357,638 6.89Industry And TradeSacombank 3,695,468 5.85Baoviet Holdings 3,288,381 5.20Hoa Phat Group Joint Stock Company 3,242,895 5.13Hoang Anh Gia Lai Group Joint Stock Company 3,128,989 4.95Petrovietnam Fertilizer & Chemicals Joint 2,591,009 4.10Stock CompanyPetrovietnam Drilling And Well ServicesJoint Stock Company2,574,988 4.07Allocation By Industry of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsBasic Materials 17,591,501 22.30Consumer, Cyclical 3,813,549 4.84Consumer, Non-Cyclical 13,984,360 17.73Energy 5,193,237 6.59Financial 26,605,909 33.73Industrial 2,542,882 3.22Technology 1,747,780 2.22Utilities 3,784,405 4.80Others** 3,605,307 4.57Total 78,868,930 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assets.Funds InformationCredit Rating of Debt Securities ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsNot applicable.104

Funds InformationGREATLINK LION VIETNAM FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Vietnam Fund * 1.83% 1.94% 28.00% 8.00%Underlying Fund # 1.81% 1.93% 28.00% 8.00%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.* The expense ratio of the underlying fund is included to compute the fi nal ratio.#The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are based on unaudited draft accounts.Exposure to Derivatives^ Market Value % of Net(Underlying Fund) S$ Assetsi) Market value of derivative contracts (80) -ii) Net loss on derivative realised (123,999)iii) Net loss on outstanding derivatives (80)Borrowings ^Not applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 1,608,559Redemptions 422,142Related-Party TransactionsThe <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Vietnam Fund invests 100% of its net assets value in LionGlobal Vietnam Fund, which is managed by Lion Global Investors Limited, arelated company of The <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Assurance Company Limited.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fund ^Nil.^ Source: Lion Global Investors Ltd105

GREATLINK GLOBAL EMERGING MARKETS EQUITY FUND report as at 30 June 2013Investments in Collective InvestmentSchemesMarket ValueS$% of NetAssetsUnit TrustFidelity Emerging Markets Fund - Singapore 971,526 99.70Other net assets 2,970 0.30974,496 100.00Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsSamsung Electronics Co. Ltd 273,109,376 6.59Naspers Ltd (N) 162,390,128 3.92SABMiller PLC 128,118,083 3.09Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 118,028,254 2.85Co. LtdSurgutneftegas (Pref'd) 112,518,410 2.72Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero TBK PT 107,199,353 2.59Copa Holdings (A) 91,719,050 2.21Turkiye Halk Bankasi AS 88,812,809 2.14AIA Group Ltd 80,226,749 1.94Nigerian Breweries PLC 78,831,745 1.90Top 10 Holdings of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2012 ^ S$ AssetsNot applicable.Funds Information106Allocation By Country Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsBrazil 137,692,318 3.33China 608,553,983 14.69Colombia 73,332,041 1.77Cyprus 55,218,618 1.33Hong Kong 228,942,524 5.53India 123,878,152 2.99Indonesia 143,686,267 3.47Korea 534,116,097 12.9Malaysia 71,685,070 1.73Mexico 107,023,739 2.58Nigeria 195,193,148 4.71Panama 91,719,051 2.22Peru 49,003,767 1.18Philippines 110,662,280 2.67Russia 293,930,383 7.1South Africa 458,969,243 11.08Taiwan 241,219,468 5.83Thailand 104,788,287 2.53Turkey 88,812,809 2.15UK 146,318,891 3.53USA 70,675,455 1.71Others** 205,982,426 4.97Total 4,141,404,017 100.00** Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class of Underlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsCommon Stock 3,633,327,765 87.73American Depositary Receipts 336,704,374 8.13Preferred Stock 132,937,046 3.21Open Ended Fund 10,984 0.00Subscription Issues 4,481 0.00Cash and cash equivalents 38,419,367 0.93Total 4,141,404,017 100.00Credit Rating of Debt Securities ofUnderlying Fund Market Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsNot applicable.Allocation By Industry Market Value % of Netof Underlying Fund as at 30 June 2013 ^ S$ AssetsConsumer Discretionary 550,457,182 13.29Consumer Staples 723,082,306 17.46Energy 187,132,220 4.52Financials 1,099,427,407 26.55Healthcare 125,760,743 3.04Industrials 183,429,215 4.43Information Technology 827,847,951 19.99Materials 67,704,445 1.63Telecommunication Services 175,747,312 4.24Utilities 162,384,884 3.92Others** 38,430,352 0.93Total 4,141,404,017 100.00** Includes any other industries and net current assets.

Funds InformationGREATLINK GLOBAL EMERGING MARKETS EQUITY FUND report as at 30 June 2013Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund * 2.09% N.A. 117.10% N.A.Underlying Fund # 1.94% N.A. 117.10% N.A.Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.* The expense ratio of the underlying fund is included to compute the fi nal ratio.#The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are computed for period from 1 May 2012 to 30 April 2013. The ratios for period 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013 are notavailable. The expense and turnover ratios of the underlying fund are based on audited accounts..Exposure to Derivatives ^ Market Value % of Net(Underlying Fund) S$ Assetsi) Market value of derivative contractsForward foreign exchange contracts 1,851,724 0.04ii) Net loss on derivative realised (2,999,143)iii) Net loss on outstanding derivatives (15,508)Borrowings ^Not applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions 1,007,114Redemptions 11,459Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fund ^Nil.^ Source: Fidelity Worldwide Investment107

GREATLINK CHOICE (AUG 2013) FUND report as at 30 June 2013Top 10 HoldingsMarket Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013S$AssetsSignum Platinum I Ltd 4.900 31/08/2013 442,933 96.05Allocation by Country Market Value % of NetS$ AssetsSingapore 442,933 96.05Others* 18,225 3.95Total 461,158 100.00* Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class Market Value % of NetS$ AssetsStructured Products 442,933 96.05Other net assets 18,225 3.95Total 461,158 100.00Top 10 HoldingsMarket Value % of Netas at 30 June 2012S$AssetsSignum Platinum I Ltd 0.000 31/08/2013 350,332 95.04Allocation By Industry Market Value % of NetS$ AssetsFinancial 442,933 96.05Others* 18,225 3.95Total 461,158 100.00* Includes any other industries and net current assets.Credit Rating of Debt Securities Market Value % of Net(by S&P or equivalent) S$ AssetsStructured ProductsNot Rated 442,933 96.05Investments By Maturity Market Value % of NetS$ AssetsStructured ProductsUp to 5 years 442,933 96.05Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Choice (Aug 2013) Fund 1.65% 2.03% 0.00% 0.00%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to DerivativesNot applicable.Investments in Collective Investment SchemesNot applicable.BorrowingsNot applicable.Funds InformationTotal amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions -Redemptions -Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.108

GREATLINK CHOICE (DEC 2013) FUND report as at 30 June 2013Top 10 HoldingsMarket Value % of Netas at 30 June 2013S$AssetsSignum Platinum II Ltd 0.000 31/12/2013 22,807 97.10Allocation by Country Market Value % of NetS$ AssetsSingapore 22,807 97.10Others* 682 2.90Total 23,489 100.00* Includes any other countries and net current assets.Allocation By Asset Class Market Value % of NetS$ AssetsStructured Products 22,807 97.10Other net assets 682 2.90Total 23,489 100.00Top 10 HoldingsMarket Value % of Netas at 30 June 2012S$AssetsSignum Platinum II Ltd 0.000 31/12/2013 8,816 91.00Allocation By Industry Market Value % of NetS$ AssetsFinancial 22,807 97.10Others* 682 2.90Total 23,489 100.00* Includes any other industries and net current assets.Credit Rating of Debt Securities Market Value % of Net(by S&P or equivalent) S$ AssetsStructured ProductsNot Rated 22,807 97.10Investments By Maturity Market Value % of NetS$ AssetsStructured ProductsUp to 5 years 22,807 97.10Expense/Turnover RatiosExpense RatioTurnover Ratio30 June 2013 30 June 2012 30 June 2013 30 June 2012<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Choice (Dec 2013) Fund 1.67% 2.33% 0.00% 0.00%Note: The expense ratio does not include (where applicable) charges for <strong>ins</strong>urance coverage, brokerage and other transaction costs, performance fees, foreign exchange ga<strong>ins</strong> orlosses, front or back end loads arising from the purchase or sale of collective investment schemes, tax deducted at source or arising out of income received, dividend and otherdistributions paid to unit holders and is calculated for the preceding 12 months.Exposure to DerivativesNot applicable.Investments in Collective Investment SchemesNot applicable.BorrowingsNot applicable.Total amount of Subscriptions and Redemptions for the period ended 30 June 2013S$Subscriptions -Redemptions -Related-Party TransactionsNot applicable.Any material information that will adversely impact the valuation of the fundNil.Funds Information109

SOFT DOLLAR COMMISSIONS report as at 30 June 2013Funds managed by Lion Global Investors LtdThe soft dollar commissions from various brokers for the period were utilised on research and advisoryservices, economic and political analyses, portfolio analyses, market analyses, data and quotationanalyses and computer hardware and software used for and in support of the investment process offund managers. Goods and services received were for the benefi t of the scheme and there was nochurning of trades.These brokers also execute trades for other funds managed by the managers.Thetrades are conducted on best available terms and in accordance with best practices.Fund managed by AllianceBernstein (Singapore) Ltd**During the period ended June 30, 2013, the Investment Manager received and entered into soft-dollarcommissions/ arrangements with brokers relating to Portfolios of the Fund that invest in equity securities,in respect of which certain goods and services used to support the investment decision making processwere received. The soft commission arrangements were entered into on the basis that the execution oftransactions on behalf of the Fund will be consistent with best execution standards and brokerage rates willnot be in excess of customary <strong>ins</strong>titutional full-service brokerage rates. The goods and services receivedinclude specialist industry, company and consumer research, portfolio and market analysis and computersoftware used for the delivery of such services. The nature of the goods and services received is such that thebenefits provided under the arrangement must be those which assist in the provision of investment servicesto the Fund and may contribute to an improvement in the Fund’s performance. For the avoidance of doubt,such goods and services do not include travel, accommodations, entertainment, general administrativegoods or services, general office equipment or premises, membership fees, employees’ salaries or directmoney payments.** AllianceBernstein (Singapore) Ltd has confi rmed that their Investment Professionals are strictly prohibitedfrom engaging in any portfolio or market manipulative practices, including, but not limited to churning of trade.The Investment Manager will not enter into unnecessary trades in order to qualify for soft-dollar commissions/arrangements.Soft Dollar CommissionsFund managed by Deutsche Asset Management (Asia) LtdSoft dollar commissions are benefi ts accorded to Manager by their brokers, usually in the form ofresearch, advisory, analysis and data services, computer hardware or software used for and/or <strong>ins</strong>upport of the investment process.The Manager’s policy on soft dollar commissions is as follows:- the goods and services received would assist in the provision of investment services and advicesor related services to the unit trust;- transactions are executed on the best available terms; and- the Manager does not engage in unnecessary trades in order to qualify for soft dollarcommissions.Soft dollar commissions were received from the Manager’s panel of soft dollar brokers whichexecuted transactions for the unit trust and other funds managed by the Managers.110

SOFT DOLLAR COMMISSIONS report as at 30 June 2013Fund managed by Schroders Investment Management (Singapore) LtdEach Investment Manager may enter into soft commission arrangements only where there is adirect and identifi able benefi t to the clients of the Investment Manager, including the relevant Sub-Fund, and where the Investment Manager is satisfi ed that the transactions generating the softcommissions are made in good faith, in strict compliance with applicable regulatory requirementsand in the best interests of the relevant Sub-Fund. Any such arrangements must be made by theInvestment Manager on terms commensurate with best market practice.Insert the whole Paragraph:Fund managed by Fidelity Worldwide InvestmentThe Investment Manager and any of its Connected Persons may effect transactions by or throughthe agency of another person with whom the Investment Manager and any of its Connected Personshave an arrangement under which that party will from time to time provide to or procure for theInvestment Manager and any of its Connected Persons goods, services or other benefi ts (such asresearch and advisory services), the nature of which is such that their provision can reasonablybe expected to benefi t the Fund as a whole and may contribute to an improvement in the Fund’sperformance and that of the Investment Manager or any of its Connected Persons in providingservices to the Fund and for which no direct payment is made but <strong>ins</strong>tead the Investment Managerand any of its Connected Persons undertake to place business with that party. For the avoidanceof doubt, such goods and services do not include travel, accommodation, entertainment, generaladministrative goods or services, general offi ce equipment or premises, membership fees, employeesalaries or direct money payments.The Investment Manager and any Connected Person shall not retain the benefi t of any cashcommission rebate (being cash commission repayment made by a broker or dealer to the InvestmentManager and/or any Connected Person) paid or payable from any such broker or dealer in respect ofany business placed with such broker or dealer by the Investment Manager or any Connected Personfor or on behalf of the Fund. Any such cash commission rebate received from any such broker ordealer shall be held by the Investment Manager and any Connected Person for the account of theFund. Brokerage rates will not be excessive of customary brokerage rates. All transactions will bedone with best execution.The Investment Manager confi rms that the trades were executed in accordance with the InvestmentManager’s best execution policy and there was no churning of trades.Fund managed by Capital International, Inc.Nil.Fund managed by Aberdeen Asset Management Asia LtdNil.Fund managed by Goldman Sachs (Singapore) Pte LtdNil.Soft Dollar Commissions111

CAPITAL ACCOUNT (unaudited) for the period ended 30 June 2013<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> CashFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>ASEAN GrowthFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Enhancer Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Global SupremeFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> PanAsia Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>EuropeanEquity FundS$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$Value of Fund atbeginning of the period104,900,904 371,103,966 481,313,534 342,519,381 21,533,185 15,381,108Amount paid to the Fundfor creation of units2,038,410 6,357,292 17,802,742 1,603,430 234,094 769,112Amount paid by the Fundfor redemption of units(34,853,156) (115,580,692) (10,201,092) (14,018,786) (1,816,385) (1,238,693)Net cash into/(out of) theFund(32,814,746) (109,223,400) 7,601,650 (12,415,356) (1,582,291) (469,581)Investment IncomeInterest 1,346,309 1,286 - 2,964,873 - -Dividends - 6,646,784 7,129,498 2,629,807 295,367 -Other income - 211,280 - 104,745 - 12,4101,346,309 6,859,350 7,129,498 5,699,425 295,367 12,410Fund ExpensesManagement fees (137,173) (2,934,328) (3,716,370) (2,395,532) (168,629) -Custody fees (5,316) (23,158) (29,326) (25,814) (1,668) (1,824)Other expenses - (589) (16,659) - (91) -(142,489) (2,958,075) (3,762,355) (2,421,346) (170,388) (1,824)Net income/(loss) 1,203,820 3,901,275 3,367,143 3,278,079 124,979 10,586Net ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) oninvestmentsRealised ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) frominvestments sold(437,445) 17,804,171 25,726,470 10,230,008 914,931 569,655Unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) in value ofinvestments151,260 3,295,732 (45,192,898) 5,175,798 179,424 696,790Capital AccountNet ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) on foreignexchangeNet ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) in fairvalue on derivatives69,849 108,644 (960,438) 214,211 (400) (1,035)(784,875) (527,276) 332,961 (3,292,717) (2,521) (2,145)(1,001,211) 20,681,271 (20,093,905) 12,327,300 1,091,434 1,263,265Less: Income Tax - (636,934) (345,914) (502,191) (14,508) -Less: Distribution - - - - - -Value of Fund atend of the period72,288,767 285,826,178 471,842,508 345,207,213 21,152,799 16,185,378112

CAPITAL ACCOUNT (unaudited) for the period ended 30 June 2013<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Global EquityFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>GlobalOptimum Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>GlobalTechnologyFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Global GrowthTrends Portfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Global BondFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>GlobalOpportunitiesFundS$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$Value of Fund atbeginning of the period43,752,041 36,786,536 45,716,013 13,952,832 253,553,622 88,630,178Amount paid to the Fundfor creation of units479,952 218,315 388,527 437,590 13,194,687 563,650Amount paid by the Fundfor redemption of units(2,171,073) (1,726,097) (2,787,262) (1,082,487) (12,075,065) (1,756,419)Net cash into/(out of) theFund(1,691,121) (1,507,782) (2,398,735) (644,897) 1,119,622 (1,192,769)Investment IncomeInterest - 304,913 - - 3,285,980 -Dividends 740,658 - 245,282 - - -Other income 86,160 6,186 2,177 - 64,570 -826,818 311,099 247,459 - 3,350,550 -Fund ExpensesManagement fees (387,782) (195,518) (394,489) (65,592) (1,079,600) (46,453)Custody fees (3,821) (2,202) (3,110) (1,602) (14,845) (9,717)Other expenses (152) - - - - (532)(391,755) (197,720) (397,599) (67,194) (1,094,445) (56,702)Net income/(loss) 435,063 113,379 (150,140) (67,194) 2,256,105 (56,702)Net ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) oninvestmentsRealised ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) frominvestments sold4,327,663 (165,465) 3,388,166 104,350 (30,803) 387,049Unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) in value ofinvestments1,173,516 980,636 1,802,647 1,232,513 (4,168,187) 5,515,076Net ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) on foreignexchangeNet ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) in fairvalue on derivatives103,620 7,517 40,835 - 224,930 121(39,122) 45,694 99,676 - (6,159,995) -5,565,677 868,382 5,331,324 1,336,863 (10,134,055) 5,902,246Less: Income Tax (118,865) - (60,328) - - (76)Less: Distribution - - - - - -Value of Fund atend of the period47,942,795 36,260,515 48,438,134 14,577,604 246,795,294 93,282,877Capital Account113

CAPITAL ACCOUNT (unaudited) for the period ended 30 June 2013<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> FarEast Ex JapanEquities Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>SingaporeEquities Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Global EquityAlpha Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Stable BondFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>GlobalReal EstateSecurities Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> LionJapan GrowthFundS$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$Value of Fund atbeginning of the period58,312,638 121,540,390 76,331,647 58,459,936 111,931,559 4,508,223Amount paid to the Fundfor creation of units1,597,016 9,286,148 605,460 10,363,525 5,002,978 1,605,897Amount paid by the Fundfor redemption of units(5,334,024) (5,871,725) (1,813,486) (3,955,246) (3,960,849) (1,071,328)Net cash into/(out of) theFund(3,737,008) 3,414,423 (1,208,026) 6,408,279 1,042,129 534,569Investment IncomeInterest 3 - - - - -Dividends 789,254 1,674,518 - - 376,117 -Other income 8,567 232,071 64 - 1,687,527 2,483797,824 1,906,589 64 - 2,063,644 2,483Fund ExpensesManagement fees (433,931) (943,378) (243,726) (135) (972,533) -Custody fees (4,200) (7,445) (8,993) (6,583) (7,737) (555)Other expenses (263) (648) - - (316) -(438,394) (951,471) (252,719) (6,718) (980,586) (555)Net income/(loss) 359,430 955,118 (252,655) (6,718) 1,083,058 1,928Net ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) oninvestmentsRealised ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) frominvestments sold2,098,490 2,581,766 (477,897) 407,534 3,606,557 (296,017)Unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) in value ofinvestments(4,354,653) (3,700,339) 10,029,510 (176,608) 2,777,871 1,203,419Capital AccountNet ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) on foreignexchangeNet ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) in fairvalue on derivatives(44,527) (24,790) 1,719 - 4,778 -(390) 121,627 (4,402) - (3,996) -(2,301,080) (1,021,736) 9,548,930 230,926 6,385,210 907,402Less: Income Tax (50,327) - - - (380,175) -Less: Distribution - - - - - -Value of Fund atend of the period52,583,653 124,888,195 84,419,896 65,092,423 120,061,781 5,952,122114

CAPITAL ACCOUNT (unaudited) for the period ended 30 June 2013<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>China GrowthFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> LionIndia Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> LionGlobal FlexiFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> LionAsian BalancedFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> LionVietnam Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>GlobalEmergingMarketsEquity FundS$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$Value of Fund atbeginning of the period156,148,807 92,362,492 6,003,985 75,416,966 7,954,924 -Amount paid to the Fundfor creation of units2,617,673 1,831,999 223,941 1,573,563 1,608,559 1,007,114Amount paid by the Fundfor redemption of units(8,589,603) (8,727,144) (296,191) (5,810,040) (422,142) (11,459)Net cash into/(out of) theFund(5,971,930) (6,895,145) (72,250) (4,236,477) 1,186,417 995,655Investment IncomeInterest - - - - - -Dividends 2,241,449 - - - - -Other income 24,888 - - 1,000 - -2,266,337 - - 1,000 - -Fund ExpensesManagement fees (1,176,143) (31,467) (3,002) (80,226) (96) (959)Custody fees (13,484) (9,903) (659) (7,948) (1,055) (54)Other expenses (20) - - - - -(1,189,647) (41,370) (3,661) (88,174) (1,151) (1,013)Net income/(loss) 1,076,690 (41,370) (3,661) (87,174) (1,151) (1,013)Net ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) oninvestmentsRealised ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) frominvestments sold3,773,781 (2,174,356) (49,935) (3,599,324) (58,131) (332)Unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) in value ofinvestments(9,882,535) (1,444,616) 7,545 1,225,224 818,370 (19,814)Net ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) on foreignexchangeNet ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) in fairvalue on derivatives(55,598) - - - - -(976) - - - - -(6,165,328) (3,618,972) (42,390) (2,374,100) 760,239 (20,146)Less: Income Tax (15,085) - - - - -Less: Distribution - - - - - -Value of Fund atend of the period145,073,154 81,807,005 5,885,684 68,719,215 9,900,429 974,496Capital Account115

CAPITAL ACCOUNT (unaudited) for the period ended 30 June 2013<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong><strong>Life</strong>StyleSecurePortfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong><strong>Life</strong>StyleSteadyPortfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong><strong>Life</strong>StyleBalancedPortfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong><strong>Life</strong>StyleProgressivePortfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong><strong>Life</strong>StyleDynamicPortfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Choice (Aug2013) Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Choice (Dec2013) FundValue of Fund atbeginning of theperiodAmount paid to theFundfor creation of unitsAmount paid by theFundfor redemption of unitsNet cash into/(out of)the FundS$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$61,340,041 30,041,016 378,638,744 56,807,344 21,047,497 419,041 18,0693,978,879 982,912 3,534,245 3,069,789 1,161,350 - -(9,561,954) (1,830,507) (13,683,830) (1,539,327) (1,055,692) - -(5,583,075) (847,595) (10,149,585) 1,530,461 105,658 - -Investment IncomeInterest 433,196 194,455 1,735,409 160,195 19 10,886 584Dividends 92,430 90,245 1,712,760 366,997 167,006 - -Other income 10,483 5,781 68,531 10,238 3,154 - -536,109 290,481 3,516,700 537,430 170,179 10,886 584Fund ExpensesManagement fees (195,875) (116,513) (1,578,568) (268,998) (99,017) - (280)Custody fees (4,082) (2,184) (29,102) (4,824) (1,896) - -Other expenses (95) (92) (1,938) (433) (203) - (1,371)(200,052) (118,789) (1,609,608) (274,255) (101,116) - (1,651)Net income/(loss) 336,057 171,692 1,907,092 263,175 69,063 10,886 (1,067)Net ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) oninvestmentsRealised ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses)from investments soldUnrealised appreciation/(depreciation) in value ofinvestments338,030 281,647 5,211,157 1,100,316 503,734 - -(243,980) 19,772 2,506,112 591,847 404,260 31,231 6,487Capital AccountNet ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) onforeign exchangeNet ga<strong>ins</strong>/(losses) in fairvalue on derivatives26,620 10,523 52,756 (4,550) (7,405) - -(815,704) (368,216) (3,312,286) (311,818) (4,990) - -(695,034) (56,274) 4,457,739 1,375,795 895,599 31,231 6,487Less: Income Tax (7,417) (7,295) (134,335) (28,357) (12,795) - -Less: Distribution - - - - - - -Value of Fund atend of the period55,390,572 29,301,544 374,719,655 59,948,418 22,105,022 461,158 23,489116

STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (unaudited) as at 30 June 2013<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Cash Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>ASEAN GrowthFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Enhancer Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>GlobalSupreme Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> PanAsia Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>EuropeanEquity FundS$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOEquities - 278,033,653 380,205,897 177,163,092 20,996,405 16,175,118Fixed income securities 42,792,700 - - 160,857,979 - -Structured products - - - - - -Value of Investments 42,792,700 278,033,653 380,205,897 338,021,071 20,996,405 16,175,118CURRENT ASSETSFixed deposits 18,491,863 - - 532,686 - -Cash at bank 3,642,786 5,433,866 14,414,003 6,052,389 160,562 -Short term <strong>ins</strong>truments - - - 6,595,160 - -Accrued interest 974,658 - - 1,449,347 - -Dividend receivable - 182,351 1,967,344 243,820 64,641 -Due from brokers - 89,425,328 77,145,719 9,754,085 140,992 65,291Financial derivatives at fairvalue10,879 - - 1,898,524 19 -Embedded derivatives atfair value7,225,937 - - - - -Other assets - - - - - 5,645Total Assets 73,138,823 373,075,198 473,732,963 364,547,082 21,362,619 16,246,054CURRENT LIABILITIESDue to brokers 568,131 85,163,546 - 16,419,980 123,682 60,676Financial derivativesat fair value200,434 570,366 - 1,593,653 - -Other liabilities 81,491 1,515,108 1,890,455 1,326,236 86,138 -Value of fund at end ofthe period72,288,767 285,826,178 471,842,508 345,207,213 21,152,799 16,185,378Units in issue 58,110,096 100,885,769 239,879,461 265,661,432 25,509,283 21,571,208Net Asset Valueper Unit1.244 2.833 1.967 1.299 0.829 0.750Assets and Liabilities117

STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (unaudited) as at 30 June 2013<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Global EquityFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>GlobalOptimum Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>GlobalTechnologyFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Global GrowthTrendsPortfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Global BondFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>GlobalOpportunitiesFundS$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOEquities 46,831,908 15,376,361 47,316,842 14,594,752 - 93,244,478Fixed income securities - 20,350,483 - - 247,350,303 -Structured products - - - - - -Value of Investments 46,831,908 35,726,844 47,316,842 14,594,752 247,350,303 93,244,478CURRENT ASSETSFixed deposits - - - - 1,048,884 -Cash at bank 1,269,636 440,493 865,918 36,765 2,447,669 26,989Short term <strong>ins</strong>truments - - - - 43,249,018 -Accrued interest - 152,657 - - 1,909,995 -Dividend receivable 45,632 - 7,783 - - -Due from brokers 7,221 278,187 273,770 33,272 32,754,194 216,433Financial derivatives at fairvalue- 50,679 - - 1,784,316 -Embedded derivatives atfair value- - 533,978 - - -Other assets - - - - - -Total Assets 48,154,397 36,648,860 48,998,291 14,664,789 330,544,379 93,487,900CURRENT LIABILITIESAssets and LiabilitiesDue to brokers - 231,675 360,901 52,406 80,621,173 175,666Financial derivativesat fair value12,987 38,624 - - 2,577,992 -Other liabilities 198,615 118,046 199,256 34,779 549,920 29,357Value of fund at end ofthe period47,942,795 36,260,515 48,438,134 14,577,604 246,795,294 93,282,877Units in issue 75,369,558 36,777,342 107,062,549 16,826,316 173,706,801 101,971,793Net Asset Valueper Unit0.636 0.986 0.452 0.866 1.421 0.915118

STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (unaudited) as at 30 June 2013INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> FarEast Ex JapanEquities Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>SingaporeEquities Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Global EquityAlpha Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Stable BondFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>GlobalReal EstateSecuritiesFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> LionJapan GrowthFundS$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$Equities 50,637,039 119,797,430 84,373,514 - 119,459,870 5,901,048Fixed income securities - - - 64,955,633 - -Structured products - - - - - -Value of Investments 50,637,039 119,797,430 84,373,514 64,955,633 119,459,870 5,901,048CURRENT ASSETSFixed deposits - - - - - -Cash at bank 2,306,829 5,299,134 138,099 3,819 755,443 -Short term <strong>ins</strong>truments - - - - - -Accrued interest - - - - - -Dividend receivable 226,771 43,008 - - 336,659 -Due from brokers 420,281 239,170 201,386 267,289 552,626 100,576Financial derivatives at fairvalue- - - - 17 -Embedded derivatives atfair value- - - - - -Other assets - - 80 - - 1,026Total Assets 53,590,920 125,378,742 84,713,079 65,226,741 121,104,615 6,002,650CURRENT LIABILITIESDue to brokers 792,016 - 161,919 130,745 535,723 50,528Financial derivativesat fair value91 - - - - -Other liabilities 215,160 490,547 131,264 3,573 507,111 -Value of fund at end ofthe period52,583,653 124,888,195 84,419,896 65,092,423 120,061,781 5,952,122Units in issue 30,967,478 64,907,539 113,123,896 52,026,754 148,343,845 9,063,498Net Asset Valueper Unit1.698 1.924 0.746 1.251 0.809 0.657Assets and Liabilities119

STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (unaudited) as at 30 June 2013INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>China GrowthFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Lion IndiaFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Lion GlobalFlexi Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> LionAsian BalancedFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> LionVietnam Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>GlobalEmergingMarketsEquity FundS$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$Equities 140,856,451 81,777,509 5,878,522 34,317,206 9,867,828 971,526Fixed income securities - - - - - -Structured products - - - - - -Value of Investments 140,856,451 81,777,509 5,878,522 34,317,206 9,867,828 971,526CURRENT ASSETSFixed deposits - - - - - -Cash at bank 3,793,113 21,783 1,991 - 647 953Short term <strong>ins</strong>truments - - - - -Accrued interest - - - - - -Dividend receivable 1,341,473 - - - - -Due from brokers 6,499 325,757 17,769 34,526,273 82,502 10,849Financial derivatives at fairvalue35 - - - - -Embedded derivatives atfair value- - - - - -Other assets - - - - - -Total Assets 145,997,571 82,125,049 5,898,282 68,843,479 9,950,977 983,328CURRENT LIABILITIESAssets and LiabilitiesDue to brokers 341,854 297,481 10,723 123,632 49,930 8,555Financial derivativesat fair value- - - - - -Other liabilities 582,563 20,563 1,875 632 618 277Value of fund at end ofthe period145,073,154 81,807,005 5,885,684 68,719,215 9,900,429 974,496Units in issue 162,026,775 98,673,340 7,335,602 74,377,206 22,702,932 1,040,534Net Asset Valueper Unit0.895 0.829 0.802 0.924 0.436 0.937120

STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (unaudited) as at 30 June 2013<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong><strong>Life</strong>StyleSecurePortfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong><strong>Life</strong>StyleSteadyPortfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong><strong>Life</strong>StyleBalancedPortfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong><strong>Life</strong>StyleProgressivePortfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong><strong>Life</strong>StyleDynamicPortfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Choice (Aug2013) Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong>Choice (Dec2013) FundINVESTMENTPORTFOLIOS$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$ S$Equities 7,848,125 7,946,802 156,956,110 33,615,630 15,694,624 - -Fixed income securities 43,739,966 17,571,499 149,446,488 12,055,366 - - -Structured products - - - - - 442,933 22,807Value of Investments 51,588,091 25,518,301 306,402,598 45,670,996 15,694,624 442,933 22,807CURRENT ASSETSFixed deposits 138,272 62,066 553,875 51,121 - - -Cash at bank 3,847,948 3,647,418 63,086,948 12,873,776 5,680,158 - -Short term <strong>ins</strong>truments 5,701,430 2,559,200 22,838,143 2,107,872 - - -Accrued interest 251,791 113,021 1,008,595 93,089 - 18,225 682Dividend receivable 8,419 7,908 174,084 39,793 18,745 - -Due from brokers 4,708,494 2,275,453 24,490,171 3,217,785 763,442 - -Financial derivatives atfair value235,223 105,584 942,229 86,964 - - -Embedded derivatives atfair value- - - - - - -Other assets 3 4 55 11 5 - -Total Assets 66,479,671 34,288,955 419,496,698 64,141,407 22,156,974 461,158 23,489CURRENT LIABILITIESDue to brokers 10,662,359 4,788,752 42,845,222 3,978,599 22,947 - -Financial derivativesat fair value339,851 152,549 1,361,338 125,646 - - -Other liabilities 86,889 46,110 570,483 88,744 29,005 - -Value of fund at end ofthe period55,390,572 29,301,544 374,719,655 59,948,418 22,105,022 461,158 23,489Units in issue 38,421,951 22,137,671 285,483,942 46,604,607 20,563,561 448,000 38,000Net Asset Valueper Unit1.442 1.324 1.313 1.286 1.075 1.029 0.618Assets and Liabilities121

NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTSNotes to the Accounts1 <strong>GE</strong>NERALThe <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Funds comprise:Direct Funds<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Cash Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Enhancer Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Supreme Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Pan Asia Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Optimum Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Technology Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Far East Ex Japan Equities Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Singapore Equities Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Real Estate Securities Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Choice (Aug 2013) Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Choice (Dec 2013) Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> China Growth FundFeeder Funds<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> European Equity Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Growth Trends Portfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Opportunities Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Stable Bond Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Japan Growth Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion India Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Global Flexi Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Asian Balanced Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion Vietnam Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund #Fund of Funds (<strong>Life</strong>Style Portfolios) ^<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Style Secure Portfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Style Steady Portfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Style Balanced Portfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Style Progressive Portfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>Style Dynamic Portfolio#The financial statement of <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Emerging Markets Fund cover the period from 23 January 2013 (date ofinception) to 30 June 2013.^ The <strong>Life</strong>Style Portfolios invest in existing <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Funds, namely <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond Fund, <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global OpportunitiesFund, <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Alpha Fund, <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund, <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Enhancer Fund and <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> StableBond Fund.2 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIESa. Basis of accountingThe financial statements are expressed in Singapore dollars, and are prepared in accordance with the historical costconvention, except for investments and derivatives which are carried at fair value.b. Recognition of income and expensesDividend income is recognised when the shareholders’ right to receive payment is established. Interest income is recognisedusing the effective interest method.Expenses are recognised on an accrual basis.122

NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTSc. InvestmentsAll purchases of investments are recognised on their trade dates, i.e., the date the commitment exists to purchase theinvestments. The investments are initially recorded at fair value (or cost representing fair value on trade date) which wouldinclude transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition of the investments. After initial recognition, the unrealisedga<strong>ins</strong> or losses on remeasurement to fair value are taken to the capital account. Fair value is determined by using open marketvaluation at the year-end date. The closing price has been adopted for all investments except for quoted equity investments.For equity investments traded on exchanges, fair value is derived from the last traded price on the respective exchange.Certain investments have been valued using valuation techniques based on assumptions that are supported by pricesfrom observable current market transactions. The valuation of these investments have either been provided by brokers orcounterparties or valued using internal models.d. Realised ga<strong>ins</strong>/losses from sale of investmentsAll sales of investments are recognised on their trade dates i.e., the date the fund commits to sell the investments.Realised ga<strong>ins</strong>/losses from sale of investments are taken to the Capital Account.e. Foreign currency transactionsForeign currency transactions are translated into Singapore dollars at exchange rates prevailing at the transaction dates andforeign currency monetary assets and liabilities are translated at the approximate rates ruling at year end. Differences onexchange are included in the Capital Account.f. Derivative financial <strong>ins</strong>trumentsAll derivatives including embedded derivatives are carried at fair value. All fair value changes on derivatives are taken to theCapital Account. The closing price has been adopted for the valuation of derivatives.3 DERIVATIVESThe <strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Funds enter into derivative contracts for the purposes of hedging foreign currency and interest risk exposures,and efficient portfolio management. The derivative contracts traded include foreign exchange forward contracts and futures.Notional AmountFair ValueAssetFair Value(Liability)S$ S$ S$Forward foreign exchange contracts<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Cash Fund 16,782,614 10,879 (200,434)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund 15,757,623 - (107,951)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Supreme Fund 144,699,089 1,772,997 (1,424,529)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Optimum Fund 3,276,218 50,679 (38,624)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond Fund 465,389,799 1,384,412 (2,379,012)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Real Estate Securities Fund 2,235 11 -Futures purchased<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Supreme Fund 43 124,614 (168,825)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond Fund 43 399,885 (198,980)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Equity Fund 9 - (12,987)Spot foreign exchange contracts<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEAN Growth Fund 42,323,283 - (462,415)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Supreme Fund 165,149 298 (298)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Pan Asia Fund 62,464 19 -<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Bond Fund 5,544 19 -<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Far East Ex Japan Equities Fund 300,796 - (91)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Real Estate Securities Fund 4,439 6 -<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> China Growth Fund 114,462 35 -Rights purchased<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global Supreme Fund 307 614 -4 MANA<strong>GE</strong>MENT FEESManagement fees are payable to The <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Eastern</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Assurance Company Limited and its related company, Lion GlobalInvestors Limited.5 DISTRIBUTION TO POLICY HOLDERSThere are no distribution of dividend to policyholders for the period ended 30 June 2013.Notes to the Accounts123

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GREATLINK FUNDS SUMMARY as at 30 June 2013Fund Name Investment Objectives Risk Category Launch Date CurrentFund SizeNON-EQUITY<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Cash Fund To generate a return comparable to S$ time deposits. Lower Risk / BroadlyDiversifi ed<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> StableBond Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> GlobalBond FundASIAN EQUITY<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Pan AsiaFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> EnhancerFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Far East exJapan Equities Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ASEANGrowth Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion JapanGrowth Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> ChinaGrowth Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion IndiaFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> SingaporeEquities Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> LionVietnam FundOTHERS<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Choice(Aug 2013)<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Choice(Dec 2013)To achieve an attractive return by investing in single A and above qualityinvestment grade bonds of Singapore and major bond markets such as the G7countries, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and South Korea. The G7 countriesare Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK and US.To achieve excess return relative to the index while minimising volatility of returnrelative to the index.To achieve long-term capital growth through investment in securities quoted onAsian stockmarkets including but not limited to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand,Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, China, South Korea, Australia,New Zealand and the Indian sub continent.To achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in the equitymarkets of the Asia Pacifi c Region.To maximise capital growth through investing primarily in equities of companiesbased in China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines,Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand, and also in other Asia Pacifi c regions exceptJapan.To achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing in equities in theeconomies of the ASEAN region.To provide long-term capital growth of assets of the Fund by investing primarilyin quoted or listed securities in any Recognised Stock Exchange or OTC marketin Japan.To achieve medium to long-term capital growth of assets of the Fund by investingprimarily in equity and equity-linked securities of companies with assets in orearnings derived from the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong S.A.R. andTaiwan.To achieve medium to long-term capital appreciation by investing in Indianequities and equity related <strong>ins</strong>truments.Low to Medium Risk/ Broadly Diversifi edLow to Medium Risk/ Broadly Diversifi edHigher Risk /Narrowly FocusedHigher Risk /Narrowly FocusedHigher Risk /Narrowly FocusedHigher Risk /Narrowly FocusedHigher Risk /Narrowly FocusedHigher Risk /Narrowly FocusedHigher Risk /Narrowly FocusedTo maximise capital growth through investing primarily in Singapore equities. Higher Risk /Narrowly FocusedTo achieve medium to long-term capital appreciation by investing in Vietnam.The Fund will invest in companies listed in Vietnam and other companies listedelsewhere that have operations in, or derive part of their revenue from Vietnamand the Indo-China region. The Fund may also invest in short-term fi xed income<strong>ins</strong>truments listed or traded on recognised markets within the Indo-China region.The Fund objective is to seek to provide policyholders with (1) Annual payoutsof 4.90% of the Initial Unit Price per Unit held by each policyholder as at eachpolicy anniversary; and(2) 100% of the Initial Unit Price per Unit held on maturity.The Fund objective is to seek to provide policyholders with (1) Annual payoutsof 4.60% of the Initial Unit Price per Unit held by each policyholder as at eachpolicy anniversary; and(2) 100% of the Initial Unit Price per Unit held on maturity.For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.Higher Risk /Narrowly FocusedMgmt Fee Investment Philosophy Benchmark Index Performance bid-bid basis Fund3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years Since Since Managerinception inception(Total return) (Annualised)26-Apr-96 $72.29 mil 0.30% p.a. Top-down & Bottom-up approach 1 Month SIBID 0.08 0.24 0.57 0.43 0.69 1.28 30.95 1.58 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd25-Mar-02 $65.09 mil 0.50% p.a. Fundamental & Technical analysis 6 Months SIBOR Less12.5bps15-Jan-02 $246.80 mil 0.85% p.a. Top-down & Bottom-up approach Barclays Global AggregateBond Index, 50% Hedgedinto SGD10-Jul-00 $21.15 mil 1.50% p.a. Top-down & Bottom-up approach MSCI AC Asia Pacifi cIndex26-Apr-96 $471.84 mil 1.50% p.a. Top-down & Bottom-up approach MSCI All Country AsiaPacifi c ex Japan with NetDividends Reinvested25-Mar-02 $52.58 mil 1.50% p.a. Top-down & Bottom-up approach MSCI AC Far East Freeex Japan Index with NetDividends Reinvested26-Apr-96 $285.83 mil 1.50% p.a. Top-down & Bottom-up approach MSCI AC South East AsiaIndex with Net DividendsReinvested9-Jan-07 $5.95 mil 1.50% p.a. Bottom-up approach TOPIX with NetDividends Reinvested, inSGD terms9-Jan-07 $145.07 mil 1.50% p.a. Bottom-up approach MSCI Golden DragonIndex with Net DividendsReinvested, in SGDterms9-Jan-07 $81.81 mil 1.50% p.a. Bottom-up approach MSCI India with NetDividends Reinvested, inSGD terms25-Mar-02 $124.89 mil 1.50% p.a. Bottom-up approach MSCI Singapore FreeIndex with Net DividendsReinvested-0.32 0.40 1.96 2.05 2.98 2.23 31.68 2.47 Deutsche AssetManagement(Asia) Ltd-2.60 -3.07 -1.93 2.18 5.01 2.74 49.58 3.58 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd-0.72 5.34 11.57 2.01 -3.66 2.75 -12.74 -1.04 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd-5.66 -3.48 6.09 -0.62 -1.31 8.47 107.05 4.33 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd-4.07 -3.74 4.88 -0.18 -0.60 7.59 78.74 5.29 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd-0.56 7.68 15.44 8.71 5.24 12.19 198.21 6.57 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd4.78 20.77 19.89 5.98 -1.76 - -30.84 -5.54 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd-2.61 -3.45 6.29 -1.48 -1.25 - -5.79 -0.92 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd-4.60 -4.38 5.34 -8.97 -0.10 - -12.74 -2.08 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd-4.23 0.05 9.26 2.63 1.69 9.31 102.53 6.46 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd1-Feb-08 $9.90 mil 1.50% p.a. Bottom-up approach FTSE Vietnam Index -5.42 10.38 2.83 -7.67 -5.48 - -54.11 -13.41 Lion GlobalInvestors LtdN.A. 31-Aug-06 $461.16 k Initial ManagementFee of 5% of SPdeducted upfront &Annual ManagementFee of 0.896%p.a. deducted fromfund valueN.A. 31-Dec-06 $23.50 k Initial ManagementFee of 5% of SPdeducted upfront &Annual ManagementFee of 0.458%p.a. deducted fromfund valueRigorous research process supplementedby effective risk control systems thatincorporates both quantitative andqualitative screening. Emphasis is on initialname selection for reference portfolios.Portfolio is diversifi ed across sectors.Rigorous research process supplementedby effective risk control systems thatincorporates both quantitative andqualitative screening. Emphasis is on initialname selection for reference portfolios.Portfolio is diversifi ed across sectors.7-year Singapore swaprate (mid rate) taken onthe start of the initialoffer period on 6 Jul2006 i.e 3.90%.7-year Singapore swaprate (mid rate) taken onthe start of the initialoffer period on 1 Nov2006 i.e 3.465%.- - - - - - - - Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd- - - - - - - - Lion GlobalInvestors LtdSub-Manager--PIMCO-----------

GREATLINK FUNDS SUMMARY as at 30 June 2013Fund Name Investment Objectives Risk Category Launch Date CurrentFund SizeGREATLINK LIFESTYLE PORTFOLIOS<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>style To achieve medium to long term capital appreciation for the investorDynamic Portfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>style To achieve medium to long term capital appreciation for the investorProgressive Portfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>styleBalanced Portfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>styleSteady Portfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> <strong>Life</strong>styleSecure PortfolioBALANCED<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> GlobalSupreme Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> GlobalOptimum Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion GlobalFlexi Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Lion AsianBalanced FundGLOBAL EQUITY<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> GlobalEquity Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> GlobalOpportunities Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> GlobalGrowth TrendsPortfolio<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> GlobalEquity Alpha Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> EuropeanEquity Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> GlobalTechnology Fund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> Global RealEstate SecuritiesFund<strong><strong>Great</strong>Link</strong> GlobalEmerging MarketsEquity FundTo achieve medium to long term capital appreciation for the investorTo achieve medium to long term capital appreciation for the investorTo achieve medium to long term capital appreciation for the investorTo maximise total returns in S$ terms over the longer term by investing in abalanced but diversifi ed portfolio of equities and debt securities of the majorstock & bond markets around the world.To provide long-term total return in excess of the custom benchmark whilemanaging the overall risk of the portfolio.To achieve absolute returns over the medium to long term by investing theassets of the fund in a diversifi ed portfolio of equities, money market securities,asset-backed securities, equity-related securities (including, but not limitedto, preference shares, real estate investment trusts, deposited receipts), fi xedincome <strong>ins</strong>truments, other debt-related <strong>ins</strong>truments such as collateralised debtobligations, and fi nancial derivative <strong>ins</strong>truments (“FDIs”).The Managers may alsoinvest up to 10% of the assets of the Fund in hedge funds or fund of hedge fundsthat are domiciled either in Singapore or outside of Singapore.To provide long-term total returns consistently in excess of the custom benchmarkwhile managing the overall risk of the portfolio by investing into the equity marketsof Asia Pacifi c (ex Japan) as well as primarily in bonds and other debt securitiesdenominated in Singapore Dollars.To seek long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in a diversifi edportfolio of common stocks globally.To provide long-term total return from an internationally diversifi ed portfolio ofsecurities through investing all or substantially all of its assets in the AberdeenGlobal - World Equity Fund, which will invest at least two-thirds of its assets inequities or equity-related securities“To maximise long-term growth of capital by investing principally in a globalportfolio of equity securities. The Portfolio currently consists of four sub portfolios: Technology, Consumer, Industrial Cyclicals and Financials.”To provide capital growth primarily through investment in equity securities andequity related securities of company worldwideTo achieve long-term capital growth through investment in stocks in the Europeanmarkets.To achieve long-term capital growth through investment in global technologystocks.To provide investors with medium to long term capital appreciation and to makeregular income distributions by investing globally in (a) equities securities ofcompanies that derive a substantial part of their revenue from the ownership,management and/or development of real estate and (b) Real Estate InvestmentTrusts (REITS) listed or traded in a regulated market.To achieve long-term capital growth through investment principally in areasexperiencing rapid economic growth which include countries in Latin America,Emerging Asia, Africa, <strong>Eastern</strong> Europe (including Russia) and the Middle East.For disclaimer, please refer to page 6.Mgmt Fee Investment Philosophy Benchmark Index Performance bid-bid basis Fund Manager Sub-Manager3 mths 6 mths 1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years SinceinceptionSinceinception(Total return) (Annualised)Higher Risk / Broadly 25-Mar-02 $22.11 mil 1.55% p.a. To invest all or substantially in global, Asia Composite of Underlying -1.83 4.47 11.98 4.84 -1.61 3.08 13.16 1.10 Lion GlobalDiversifi edPacifi c ex-Japan and ASEAN equities Funds' BenchmarksInvestors LtdHigher Risk / Broadly 25-Mar-02 $59.95 mil 1.41% p.a. To invest approximately 80% of its assets Composite of Underlying -2.06 2.88 8.80 4.44 0.67 4.02 35.37 2.72 Lion GlobalDiversifi edin global, Asia Pacifi c ex-Japan and ASEAN Funds' BenchmarksInvestors Ltdequities and 20% in global bondsMedium to High Risk 25-Mar-02 $374.72 mil 1.25% p.a. To invest approximately 60% of its assets Composite of Underlying -2.01 1.63 6.23 3.92 1.58 3.67 38.21 2.91 Lion Global/ Broadly Diversifi edin global, Asia Pacifi c ex-Japan and ASEAN Funds' BenchmarksInvestors Ltdequities and 40% in global bonds and shortMedium to High Risk/ Broadly Diversifi edMedium to High Risk/ Broadly Diversifi edMedium to High Risk/ Broadly Diversifi edMedium to High Risk/ Broadly Diversifi edMedium to High Risk/ Broadly Diversifi edMedium to High Risk/ Narrowly FocusedHigher Risk / BroadlyDiversifi edHigher Risk / BroadlyDiversifi edHigher Risk / BroadlyDiversifi edHigher Risk / BroadlyDiversifi edHigher Risk /Narrowly FocusedHigher Risk /Narrowly FocusedHigher Risk /Narrowly FocusedHigher Risk /Narrowly Focusedduration bonds25-Mar-02 $29.30 mil 1.10% p.a. To invest approximately 40% of its assetsin global, Asia Pacifi c ex-Japan and ASEANequities and 60% in global bonds and shortduration bonds25-Mar-02 $55.39 mil 0.92% p.a. To invest approximately 20% of its assetsin global, Asia Pacifi c ex-Japan and ASEANequities and 80% in global bonds and shortduration bonds1-Jul-99 $345.21 mil 1.35% p.a. To invest approximately 50% of its assets inglobal equities and 50% in global bonds23-May-01 $36.26 mil 1.35% p.a. To invest approximately 40% of its assets inglobal equities and 60% in global bondsComposite of UnderlyingFunds' BenchmarksComposite of UnderlyingFunds' Benchmarks50% MSCI World Net &50% Citigrp World GovBond Index (unhedged)40% MSCI WorldNet & 60% CitigroupWorld Govt Bond Index(unhedged)24-Jul-07 $5.89 mil 1.35% p.a. Top-down & Bottom-up approach 12-months SingaporeInterbank Bid Rate(SIBID) + 2.5%1-Feb-08 $68.72 mil 1.35% p.a. Top-down & Bottom-up approach 50% MSCI All CountriesAsia Pacifi c ex JapanIndex (Net) + 50% JPMorgan SingaporeGovernment Bond Index1-Aug-00 $47.94 mil 1.60% p.a. Quantitative valuation via use of country/currency and stock selection modelsMSCI World Indexwith Net DividendsReinvested25-Mar-02 $93.28 mil 1.60% p.a. Bottom-up approach MSCI World Indexwith Gross DividendsReinvested15-Aug-01 $14.58 mil 1.60% p.a. Bottom-Up growth driven approach MSCI World Indexwith Net DividendsReinvested25-Mar-02 $84.42 mil 1.60% p.a. Bottom-up approach MSCI World Indexwith Net Dividends10-Jul-00 $16.19 mil 1.60% p.a. Bottom-up multi-manager platformapproachReinvestedMSCI Europe Index,with Net DividendsReinvested15-Jan-01 $48.44 mil 1.60% p.a. Bottom-up approach, growth bias MSCI AC World IT Freewith Net DividendsReinvested8-Jun-05 $120.06 mil 1.60% p.a. Top-down & Bottom-up approach S&P Citigroup BMI WorldProperty Index with NetDividends Reinvested23-Jan-13 $0.98 mil 1.60% p.a. Bottom-up approach MSCI Emerging MarketsFree Net of LuxembourgTax Index-2.07 0.30 3.68 3.36 2.68 3.16 39.37 2.99 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd-1.97 -0.83 1.48 2.78 4.07 3.56 51.79 3.77 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd0.08 4.34 6.56 5.64 2.68 2.90 36.74 2.26 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd0.00 2.60 3.90 1.93 -0.58 0.16 3.90 0.32 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd-3.49 -0.87 5.53 0.42 -1.29 - -15.58 -2.81 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd-4.55 -3.55 2.21 0.11 0.84 - -2.74 -0.51 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd3.25 13.37 17.34 9.38 0.03 1.71 -33.05 -3.06 Goldman Sachs(Singapore)Pte. Ltd.-0.22 6.64 13.38 8.87 -0.15 1.65 -3.68 -0.33 Aberdeen AssetManagementAsia Ltd1.64 9.07 12.91 5.48 -5.55 -0.31 -8.84 -0.78 AllianceBernstein(Singapore) Ltd4.19 12.35 18.60 5.96 -4.35 -0.68 -21.47 -2.12 SchroderInvestmentManagement Ltd1.76 8.07 23.15 7.54 -2.31 2.32 -21.05 -1.81 CapitalInternational, Inc2.26 11.06 11.06 11.97 3.92 1.94 -52.42 -5.79 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd-1.58 6.45 13.91 11.18 3.06 - 13.65 1.60 Lion GlobalInvestors Ltd-1.68 - - - - - -1.37 - FIL FundManagementLimited-----PIMCO &Brandywine (FixedIncome) / CapitalInt’l, Acadian AssetMgm't, INTECH(Equity)Loomis, Sayles(Fixed Income) /AllianceBernstein(Equity)-------Wellington Int’lMgmtPramericaInvestment Mgmt

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