Medical Staff Bylaws - Arkansas Children's Hospital

Medical Staff Bylaws - Arkansas Children's Hospital

Medical Staff Bylaws - Arkansas Children's Hospital


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otherwise established by these <strong>Bylaws</strong> and need not be conducted according to procedures applicablewith respect to such hearings; rather, this hearing will be conducted solely pursuant to the procedures setout in this Section 10.14.11. Before the hearing, the Affiliated <strong>Staff</strong> member shall be informed of thegeneral nature of the circumstances giving rise to the proposed action, and at the hearing, the Affiliated<strong>Staff</strong> member may present information relevant thereto. A record of the findings of such hearing shallbe made. A report of the findings and recommendations shall be made by the chief to the Affiliated<strong>Staff</strong> member and the MSEC. Within ten (10) business days of receipt of the report, the Affiliated <strong>Staff</strong>member may appeal the findings and recommendations by submitting to the Board of Directors a writtenstatement detailing the factual and procedural matters with which the Affiliated <strong>Staff</strong> member disagrees.This appeal shall not constitute the same type of "appeal" as is otherwise established by these <strong>Bylaws</strong>and need not be conducted according to the procedures applicable with respect to such appeals; rather,this appeal will be conducted solely pursuant to the procedures set out in this Section 10.14.11. TheBoard of Directors shall consider the report and the Affiliated <strong>Staff</strong> member's written statement, if any,and act thereon. The action of the Board of Directors shall be final.51

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