Medical Staff Bylaws - Arkansas Children's Hospital

Medical Staff Bylaws - Arkansas Children's Hospital

Medical Staff Bylaws - Arkansas Children's Hospital


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and for the granting of clinical privileges for the ensuing period, and will transmit its recommendations,in writing, to the Credentialing Committee. Where non-reappointment or a change in requested clinicalprivileges is recommended, the reason for the recommendation will be documented and therecommendation presented to the Board of Directors or its Executive Committee. (Refer to the Role ofthe Credentialing Committee of the Board of Directors for reappointment applications which must betaken to the Board of Directors or its Executive Committee.)7.6 Leave of AbsenceA member of the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Staff</strong>, who has been granted membership and privileges, must obtain avoluntary leave of absence (not to exceed one year) for reasons such as medical (See LicensedIndependent Practitioner <strong>Medical</strong> Leave of Absence Policy) or non-medical reasons such as study,military service, locum tenens status, or other valid causes, by submitting written notice, approved by therespective service chief, to the MSEC. Non-medical leaves of absence must be obtained if the leaveexceeds 90 days. A leave of absence will be reported to the Board of Directors upon receipt of suchrequest and recommendation of the MSEC.If there is a temporary interruption in the ability of the physician to carry out his/her privileges (e.g.extended acute illness, critical medical event, change in medical status) not requiring a <strong>Medical</strong> Leave ofAbsence, refer to Licensed Independent Practitioner <strong>Medical</strong> Leave of Absence Policy.7.6.1 While on a leave of absence, <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Staff</strong> membership and privileges are suspended.7.6.2 If, during the Leave of Absence, the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Staff</strong> member’s 2-year reappointment is due,the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Staff</strong> member shall complete the reappointment process or be considered to have voluntarilyresigned.7.6.3 Termination of Leave of Absence: At the end of the leave of absence, or at any earliertime, the staff member may request reinstatement of his/her privileges and prerogatives by submitting awritten request to the MSEC.A. If the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Staff</strong> member has completed/maintained the reappointment process,the <strong>Medical</strong> Director or Chief of <strong>Staff</strong> may approve immediate reinstatement onbehalf of the MSEC.B. Failure to request reinstatement or provide the requested summary of activities,without sufficient cause, shall be considered a voluntary resignation of <strong>Medical</strong><strong>Staff</strong> membership and clinical privileges upon expiration of the leave of absenceexpired and the lapse of reappointment.C. If the leave of absence was for medical reasons, see Licensed IndependentPractitioner <strong>Medical</strong> Leave of Absence Policy.7.7 Resignations: Resignation from the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Staff</strong>, and the reason for such, shall be submitted inwriting to the respective service chief and the MSEC. The MSEC will forward a communication to theBoard of Directors in relationship to the resignation.18

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