Medical Staff Bylaws - Arkansas Children's Hospital

Medical Staff Bylaws - Arkansas Children's Hospital

Medical Staff Bylaws - Arkansas Children's Hospital


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ARTICLE 6: AFFILIATED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL STAFF6.1 Nature of Affiliated Health Professional <strong>Staff</strong>6.1.1 Affiliated Health Professional <strong>Staff</strong> are non-Physicians who hold advanced degrees andprovide patient services independently.6.1.2 This non-Physician category includes, but is not limited to: Advanced Practice Nurses,Physician’s Assistants, and Licensed Clinical Psychologists, Doctoral Pharmacologists and Optometrists.6.1.3 Affiliated Health Personnel may render patient services within the confines of ACH andits clinics in accordance with the clinical privileges they have been granted. While carrying out activitiesat ACH, Affiliated Health Personnel will follow the <strong>Bylaws</strong>/Rules and Regulations of the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Staff</strong>and policies and procedures of the hospital.6.2 Conditions of Appointment6.2.1 Conditions of appointment and membership for the Affiliated Health Professional <strong>Staff</strong>shall be as outlined in <strong>Bylaws</strong> of the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Staff</strong>.6.2.2 Appointments to the Affiliated Health Professional staff confer on the appointee onlysuch clinical privileges as have been granted by the Board of Directors. Members of the AffiliatedHealth Professional <strong>Staff</strong> do not have admitting privileges, cannot serve as clinical attending forinpatients, nor can they be granted privileges outside the scope of their license.6.2.3 Affiliated <strong>Staff</strong> may practice independently in clinic settings consistent with theirprivileges and within the scope of their licenses. A member of the medical staff is required to beavailable (although not required to be physically present in the clinic). Documentation of clinic notesand orders do not require co-signature.6.2.4 Acceptance of membership in the Affiliated Health Professional <strong>Staff</strong> shall constitute thestaff member’s agreement that he/she will abide by the <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Staff</strong> <strong>Bylaws</strong>, Rules and Regulations, theapplicable policies and procedures of <strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Children's</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>, and the Code of Conduct of<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Children's</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>.6.2.5 Members of the Affiliated Health Professional <strong>Staff</strong> may attend meetings of the general<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Staff</strong>, but without vote.6.2.6 The member may be appointed by the Chief of <strong>Staff</strong> to serve on committees of the<strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Staff</strong>. Such appointment by the Chief of <strong>Staff</strong> confers the right to vote on such matterspresented to that committee.10

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