Sustainable Wells: Role of Well Rehabilitation and ... - Ohiowater.org

Sustainable Wells: Role of Well Rehabilitation and ... - Ohiowater.org

Sustainable Wells: Role of Well Rehabilitation and ... - Ohiowater.org

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<strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong><strong>Well</strong>s</strong>:Advances in Asset Managementfor Water <strong><strong>Well</strong>s</strong>Stuart Smith, CGWPAllen Comeskey, CPGOhio Section AWWAColumbus, Ohio, September 23, 2010© 2010 All rights reserved

Quickly addressing:• Developing <strong>and</strong> implementing a wellmaintenanceplan based on diagnostics,<strong>and</strong> why you should do it• The purpose <strong>and</strong> value <strong>of</strong> pre- <strong>and</strong> postcleaningperformance testing• How to anticipate <strong>and</strong> avoid wellperformance <strong>and</strong> water quality problems• Potential economic benefits• How regulatory agencies can promote anAM ethic in groundwater-source supplies.

“From dust you come <strong>and</strong> todust you shall return…”Some kid’sAcura inMichiganJust like any othersystem operating in theenvironment: <strong><strong>Well</strong>s</strong>deteriorate over time

Out <strong>of</strong> sight, out <strong>of</strong>mind….<strong>Well</strong> faults arefrequently hidden• TD = 193 m (> 600 ft)below what‟s visible• Problems hidden:• Pumps clay in therainy season• Excessive nitrates

Yet much is happening down there:• <strong><strong>Well</strong>s</strong> clog <strong>and</strong>corrode:• Clogging reducescapacity totransmit water• Corrosion canmean wastedownhole• Don‟t f<strong>org</strong>et waterquality changes

Operated for a longtime untended:Clogging, impactson water quality

Pump cannot pump water well

Corrosion pump damage

Q/s14710131619222528313437Performance history:<strong>Well</strong> 1 specific capacity history4035302520151050Original SC @ 1100 gpmBegin wellcleaning periodSC @ 400-800 gpmSpecific capacity =Flow rate/unit drawdownYearsAttemptbig fix

<strong>Well</strong> efficiency <strong>and</strong> totalsystem optimization• Big drops in specific capacity (SC inprevious chart) = drop in wellefficiency (Ew – theoretical :observed pumping drawdown)• Drop in SC <strong>and</strong> Ew = higher systemhead = pump works harder• More kWh per unit water pumped =degraded wire : water ratio

Trend Analysis: gal per kWh$80 per MG @$0.09 per kWhDifferent well, data,<strong>and</strong> scale: samemessage – costsmore to pump water700 gal/kwh$241 per MG @$0.09 per kWh

The stakes: Energy Use <strong>of</strong> PumpsAccording to studies by the USDepartment <strong>of</strong> Energy:• Nearly 25% <strong>of</strong> electricity dem<strong>and</strong>comes from industrial motor systems• Over 50% <strong>of</strong> pump life cycle costsresult from energy <strong>and</strong> maintenanceexpense• Energy savings <strong>of</strong> 20% or more arepossible with systems optimizationwww.pumpsmatter.<strong>org</strong>

Finding places that fit theregulatory requirements … Then: endless horizonNow: strugglingto find acreageFilm Board <strong>of</strong> Canada

Best to keep what you have inYou’re kiddingme right, hon?I need 300 ftisolation radiusfor a new well?We‟recleaningthe wellsno matterwhat itcostsgood shapeNo, seriously,you do! Itdoesn’t matter ifyour wells are1200 ft deep. Ican’t tell youwhy that is.

Asset management: A processdefinitions:• "a process for maintaining a desired level<strong>of</strong> customer service at the bestappropriate cost." (US EPA)• “a planning process to reduce cost, <strong>and</strong>increase efficiency <strong>and</strong> reliability whileachieving service performance <strong>and</strong>business goals.” (more generalized)

Asset Management: A Process Move from reactive to proactivemaintenance Know the costs <strong>and</strong> benefits <strong>of</strong>rehabilitation vs replacement Look at lifecycle costs for critical assets Deploy resources based on asset conditions Develop <strong>and</strong> validate capital improvementplanList: US EPA

Count the cost: Can you affordto skip the PM?• Can you afford to do without that wellduring high-dem<strong>and</strong> season?• New pump every 5 years?• Backwash filters twice as <strong>of</strong>ten?• R<strong>and</strong>om coliform positives?• You can afford to site <strong>and</strong> develop newwells? L<strong>and</strong>, engineering, hydrogeology,construction …

Attitude adjustment:Friends don‟t let friendsRun to failure (neglect):“go <strong>and</strong> sin no more…”Jesus (2 nd from L) with womancaught in the act <strong>of</strong> adultery <strong>and</strong> herself-righteous accusers (quote aimedat all present…) story from BibleIf your systemhas a history <strong>of</strong>„run to failure‟ –Repent! Start alife <strong>of</strong>maintenance.

Weaknesses <strong>of</strong> A.M./O&M/RCM processes etc. for wells …• Largely hidden• Complex environment• Uncontrolled conditions• Signs <strong>of</strong> deteriorationare subtle• Deterioration longbefore symptoms start

Keys to well A.M./maintenance:It‟s like weather forecasting,based on data <strong>and</strong> trends• Diagnostic information from tests tellsyou how the well is performing• Water quality testing (physicochemical,microbial) detectsdeteriorating effects• Have data records? Plot trends• Long data history? Better trends• Know what was done in the past toinform the present <strong>and</strong> future.

Methods <strong>of</strong> well rehabilitation:• Numerous• Many new since 1990• Much improvementin chemistry <strong>and</strong>force application• Learn the new ways• Update your specs

Materials• Smooth <strong>and</strong> bestsuitedto becorrosion-resistant• Don‟t be afraid <strong>of</strong>newer options• Test!

Pre-cleaning well testing• Document precleaningcondition• Calculate well <strong>and</strong>aquifer loss• Compare pumpinghead to pump curve

Post-cleaning testing• Repeat tests at sameflow rates <strong>and</strong> samemethods• Calculate same values• Document changesafterwards• Repeat periodically evenif no well cleaning isneeded

The step test: A quick, valuable test• The step test:– Ideally 5 flow-rate (Q)steps well chosen– <strong>Well</strong> is stressed– Measure pressure at Q– Steps run to stability• Before AND after rehab• Analyze – not just pumpguys filling out a form• Gives you a pump curve+ well/aquifer loss.

Charting specificcapacity to analyze

1/Q/s0. well 6 step testing 2003Comparison well charts0. 100 200 300 400 500 600gpm6/6/03 post-cleaning pre-cleaning Apr 1983 original

Now what do we do?• After rehabilitation – do not stop <strong>and</strong>put the file away!• If you don‟t have one, start an assetmanagement plan that includes thewells• Make it practical, effective, <strong>and</strong>updatable• Make it institutional: Not “Martha‟sPet Project”

The Need for Records<strong>and</strong> Databases1. <strong>Well</strong>field actions happen at longintervals2. No one lasts forever – help thenext person3. Spot trends <strong>and</strong> plan for actionsbefore the crisis happens4. Help your advisors help you

Then, use the information!• You do not have to guess <strong>and</strong> work inthe dark• Knowing your costs, hydrologic factorssuch as specific capacity, waterquality, power usage• Keeping good records to do this• Know your benefits as well as costs

Small system? Can‟t affordthis Star Trek stuff?1. You can‟t afford the alternatives2. We mostly work with small systems3. You can do it: It need not be complicated

Better documented<strong>and</strong> maintainedsystems have fewerregulatory issuesDistrict‟s systemsso wellmaintained,havenothing to do…zzzzzzz

Regulatory roles:• U.S. EPA very activein encouraging A.M.• CUPSS initiative• Ohio EPA likewiseencouraging A.M.<strong>and</strong> P.M.• More on wells… butthey listen to us

For further information:• GAO report: Water Infrastructure –Comprehensive Asset Management has Potentialto Help Utilities Better identify Needs <strong>and</strong> PlanFuture Investments• USEPA CUPPS web site (asset managementplanning for small systems) Search: “Check UpProgram for Small Systems (CUPSS)”• Variety <strong>of</strong> AWWA Bookstore items• National Ground Water Association• Our 2009 book <strong>Sustainable</strong> <strong><strong>Well</strong>s</strong>… (CRC Press)• We have a course on well M&R (AM, PM …)

Questions?I‟ve gotsometime…Nowpublished!CRC Press

Thanks for your attentionwww.groundwaterscience.comContacts: 419.358.0528stuart@groundwaterscience.com

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