What Works for Women and Girls

What Works for Women and Girls

What Works for Women and Girls


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4. HIV <strong>and</strong> AIDS programmes are disrupted during raids <strong>and</strong> other policing mechanisms.Studies found that HIV prevention ef<strong>for</strong>ts are disrupted during raids <strong>and</strong> that carryingcondoms is used to prosecute sex workers.Gap noted in a meta-analysis of articles <strong>and</strong> reports of sex workers from 10 countries onfour continents (Ditmore, 2008); <strong>and</strong> China (Lau et al., 2007a).4B. Prevention <strong>for</strong> Key Affected Populations: <strong>Women</strong>Drug Users <strong>and</strong> Female Partners of Male IDUs“It has been known sincethe early 1990s that HIV amongIDU can be effectively [<strong>and</strong>]safely…controlled by the early<strong>and</strong> vigorous implementationof a comprehensive packageof strategies known as ‘harmreduction.’ This package consistsof education, needle syringeprogrammes, drug treatment<strong>and</strong> the community developmentof drug users…No country thathas started harm reduction hasever regretted doing so <strong>and</strong> thenterminated their programmes”(Wodak <strong>and</strong> McLeod, 2008:S81; S83; S88).Approximately 16 million people in 148 countries areinjecting drug users (IDUs). The largest numbers are inChina, the United States <strong>and</strong> Russia, with HIV prevalenceamong IDUs at 12% in China, 16% in the United States <strong>and</strong>37% in Russia. Worldwide, about three million people whoare IDUs are also HIV-positive (Mathers et al., 2008).Though precise data on women who are injecting drugusers are rarely available, women are estimated to representabout 20% of drug users in Eastern Europe, Central Asia <strong>and</strong>Latin America, 17–40% in various provinces of China <strong>and</strong>10% in some Asian countries (UNODC, 2004; UNODC,2005 cited in Pinkham <strong>and</strong> Malinowska-Sempruch, 2008;Ralon et al., 2008).Female IDUs Risk Acquiring HIV from NeedleSharing <strong>and</strong> Unsafe SexThere are two major sets of HIV-related risk behavior associatedwith IDUs: needle sharing, especially borrowing used<strong>and</strong> contaminated needles from someone else (one of themost direct transmission pathways of HIV transmission),<strong>and</strong> unsafe sex (Choi et al., 2006). Yet country progress reports <strong>for</strong> UNGASS found that only30 out of 145 low- <strong>and</strong> middle-income countries reported on HIV knowledge <strong>and</strong> behavior,condom use, HIV testing, safe injecting practices or access to prevention services <strong>for</strong> IDUs.Median coverage of IDUs with any type of prevention <strong>and</strong> care services was only 24% <strong>and</strong>three quarters of countries had prevention services <strong>for</strong> less than half of the IDUs (Degenhardtet al., 2008).Despite the limited research on female IDUs <strong>and</strong> HIV-related behavior, there is evidencethat the high HIV risk in female IDUs is associated both with injecting <strong>and</strong> sexual risk taking(Burrows, 2004). A study of 2,512 male <strong>and</strong> 672 female IDUs surveyed in 10 sites in developingcountries found that females were more likely to engage in risk behaviors in the context90 CHAPTER 4 PREVENTION FOR KEY AFFECTED POPULATIONS

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