What Works for Women and Girls

What Works for Women and Girls

What Works for Women and Girls


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Innes, C, S Charalambous, M Felix, K Fielding, A Grant, <strong>and</strong> G Churchyard. 2010. “Effectiveness of IsoniazidPreventive Therapy in Reducing Mortality in Patients on ART.” Paper 102 presented at 17 TH Conference onRetroviruses <strong>and</strong> Opportunistic Infections. San Francisco, USA. February 18.Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences (IOM, NAS). Committee on the Prevention of HIV Infectionamong Injecting Drug Users in High-risk Countries. 2007. Preventing HIV Infection among Injecting DrugUsers in High Risk Countries: An Assessment of the Evidence. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=11731.Institute of Medicine (IOM). 2005. Scaling Up Treatment <strong>for</strong> the AIDS P<strong>and</strong>emic: Challenges <strong>and</strong> Opportunities.Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences.Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences (IOM, NAS). 2001. No Time to Lose: Getting More from HIVPrevention, edited by M. Ruiz, A. Gable, E. Kaplan, M. Stoto, H. Fineberg <strong>and</strong> J. Trussell. Washington, DC:National Academy Press.Institute of Migration (IOM), Counter Trafficking Unit. 2001. Return <strong>and</strong> Reintegration Project, Situation Report.Pristina, Kosovo: IOM.Interact Worldwide, International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Global AIDS Alliance, Population Action International,IPPF, <strong>and</strong> Friends of the Global Fund Africa. 2008. “Guidelines <strong>for</strong> Integrating Sexual <strong>and</strong> ReproductiveHealth into the HIV/AIDS Component Country Coordinated Proposals to be Submitted to the Global Fundto Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis <strong>and</strong> Malaria: Round 8 <strong>and</strong> Beyond.” http://www.globalaidsalliance.org/page/-/PDFs/Round_8_GFATM_SRH-HIV_Proposal_Guidelines.pdf.Interagency Gender Working Group: Gender <strong>and</strong> HIV/AIDS Task Force. ND. “Gender Based Violence <strong>and</strong> HIV/AIDS: Key Issues <strong>and</strong> Promising Approaches.” Washington, DC: IGWG.International AIDS Society (IAS). 2010. Willing We End the HIV Epidemic The Impact of HIV Treatment on HIVPrevention <strong>and</strong> Implications <strong>for</strong> the Replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB <strong>and</strong> Malaria.International Center <strong>for</strong> Research on <strong>Women</strong>. 2006. In<strong>for</strong>mation Bulletin: Reducing HIV/AIDS Stigma,Discrimination <strong>and</strong> Gender-Based Violence among Health Care Providers in Andhra Pradesh, India. Washington,DC: ICRW. www.icrw.org.International Community of <strong>Women</strong> Living with HIV <strong>and</strong> AIDS (ICW). 2009. The Forced <strong>and</strong> Coerced Sterilizationof HIV Positive <strong>Women</strong> in Namibia. London, UK: ICW. www.icrw.org.International Community of <strong>Women</strong> Living with HIV <strong>and</strong> AIDS (ICW). 2008. Addressing the Needs of HIV Positive<strong>Women</strong> <strong>for</strong> Safe Abortion Care. London, UK: ICW. www.icrw.org.International Community of <strong>Women</strong> Living with HIV <strong>and</strong> AIDS (ICW). 2006. Trialling of the Monitoring ToolFulfilling Reproductive Rights <strong>for</strong> <strong>Women</strong> Affected by HIV. A Tool <strong>for</strong> Monitoring Achievement of the MillenniumDevelopment Goals in Bostwana Project Report. London, UK: ICW. www.icrw.org.International Community of <strong>Women</strong> Living with HIV <strong>and</strong> AIDS (ICW). 2004. “HIV-Positive Young <strong>Women</strong>.”ICW Vision Paper 1. London, UK: ICW.International Community of <strong>Women</strong> Living with HIV <strong>and</strong> AIDS. 2006. Fulfilling Reproductive Rights <strong>for</strong> <strong>Women</strong>Affected by HIV: A Tool <strong>for</strong> Monitoring Achievement of Millennium Development Goals (Prepared by IPAS, ThePacific Institute <strong>for</strong> <strong>Women</strong>’s Health <strong>and</strong> ICW) in Botswana. London, UK. www.icw.orgInternational Gay <strong>and</strong> Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC). 2007. Off the Map: How HIV/AIDSProgramming is Failing Same-Sex Practicing People in Africa. New York, NY: IGLRH. www.iglhrc.org.WHAT WORKS FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS449

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